HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-05-16, Page 8+4-4-+++++++++++4-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4,4
++++++i++++++++++++-ke••')++'i"i' ++
Hay' 3 011 heard about our New Spring Wall Papers.
1Ve arc told that they are the most artistic in
tt►.e n W1 a are proud of them. While the
Styles sari Shavings are extra fine the prices are easy
to reach.
the roll for eery neat
5t B.-drootil and Kittbeu
Papers. good dear colors,
bottles ra►tlte price NIR pa.
peer. Per roll 5c.
in, the roll ler a lovely
lUllef 'unite t.f (lilt scroll
14tl(I ttot al • If. et pm pet 1a.
suitable for dining teems
anti p-trlorr. fielders
sante price. Per toll 10c
20 and 25c.
7cthe roll fora lovely lot
of Glimmer and (,fold
finished papers, suitable
for any rootn. Border
sante price as paper.
Per roll 5c.
the roll for our beauty
collection of papers.
They are certainly money
savers. (food enough fur
auy row.
for the daintiest lot of flue papers we
have ever shown. We would like to
show you through oar new papers -You'll be interested.
the yard for our new
Shadow . St i ipe tweed
Dress Suiting;. These
goods cove in H lovely
rich shade of 1.glit gtey
with shadow str ipee of
green. Illative, leue and
Black. These ate copies
of the latest New York
fad and they ate certain-
ly very pretty.
The waist end for the
3.50 new Dresden silks,
lovely floral efCecte in
blues. mauves and pinks
1,00The yard for >. lovely
I, UU Black French "Peau
de Soie" Silk. Color and
quality guaranteed. If
this silk cuts or crockles
with ordinary wear we
will replace it.
Dressy young men want "King"
Hats. They have a st yle all their
own. Wo sell t hctn tend we have
never sold as much solid satisfaction
as the King Bats. A new lot just
opened. the shapes ate correct --Ask
for a King Hat, take none other.
Inc BEI Vel
We sell Steel ` Biggs
Field Seeds. We have
told thea. for 17 years and
have never sold a bad lot
yet -Pretty good record
aint it. Buy your Manges
and Turnip seed from us.
You have our guarantee
for quality backed by ye
good old firm of Ateel
Royal Giant Sugar Beet ut
in packages; J nbo Sweed
Turnip in packages; Good
Luck Turnip in packages;
Evans Ontario Turnip in
packages; Sutton$ Cham-
pion Turnip, hulk, Mam-
moth Long Red Mengel;
Giant Yellow Intermed-
iate Mange!; Improved
White Carrot.
T. A. STW-/-PT
'+++++•i + ++++++ •+++++++++"i 4++'i'•'i"!"! +++++++++'t'
•i 11 b; b: X k; I E R ' L• I. DI[ k: S MAY 16th (90T
Market Report. -The following la
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
rected up to May 16th.. 1907.
77c. per bushel.
Oats. 38c. to 419c. per t►ttshe1•
Peas, 70 cent' t►cr bushel.
Barley. 46 to 47 cents per bushel.
Shorts, $22 per ton.
Flqur, 52.10 per cwt. -
I1ran. $20 a con.
flay $10 to $11.
Feed Flour. $1.25 per cwt.
Deana. $1.30 t►cr bushel.
Clover a:e1'4. $S to $10 per bushel.
Butter. IS cents aper puutt,ct.
Potatoes, 75c. to 90c. per bag.
Dried Apples, Cc. per pound.
11-3K+1. Id neater pier dozen.
Hogs, dressed $8.50.
110A1. liveweight $tj..5.
Coal, $7 :t ion.
Onions Large. 120 cents a bushel.
Special Values In
�. . - =f•.'"�?r�R' -mr -. fir'
Repairing a Specialty.
Call and Inspect Oiir Stock.
ft. Mr6hll.
is an art and the man
P'UG h T••-..
•••••.•• ..at****•
S. Fitton. issuer of tuarriage li-
censes, also complete line of need•
ding rings always on hand.
Mips+ Wilmot -and d11aucbc Snaith
are visiting .friends in London.
The Exeter !land boys are staking
excellent progress %with the new se-
lections recent 1)' secured.
Mrs. James Ilouthrolt, jr., of Hen -
Balt, V:18 1110 V110s:1 of Mts. Colinas.
a few days during the past week.
Mr. (folly, of New hamburg. D.
I). G. M. ot Masonic DistrictNo.
will visit the ExeterExeterLodg of
2.t ted.
One of our subseriher8 lit iug ill
Det roil . 1 his week led tag 50
cents; to pay Alae. postage oft laic pa -
pet•, although he novas not 1sillcd by
us. having Laid +til to Jan. 08.
why you should look over your eyc•
sight is -that Nature never offers tit
a new pair of eyes. The best of rea-
sons why, at the first sign of trouble
von should consult an •
for relief. We can add to your ap-
pearance as well. Examinations free.
on't delay. Make it the 7.hief busi-
ness of your day -TO -DAY
Optical goods in complete stock.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician
For $1.25
We are showing a
lovely waist. hmhroi-
del y at,d Lace Insertion
trimwlna. Short sleeves
For $..so
An excellent Waist
made of fide India" Lin-
en. P.•etty enmbroidery,
halt sleeves $1.50.
For $2.00
At this price we have
half a dozen different
s:,yles, trimmed with
flne val. insertion lace
and insertion. fill swish
embroidery and inset -
tion $2.00. -
For III •25. We have
the best white sklrta
ehowu. Made ot Ane
Lawnsdaale, trimmed
with swiss embroidery.
Other styles at $1.75
anti $21x1.
Gorset Govern
Special Value at lac;
Big, Values at 50c.
Eicellent Value at 75c.
GottOn Vests
14 idles and Children's
Cotton Vests with long
or short sleeves or
sleeveless at IOe, 124c,
15,e 20e.
L,on4 811k Gloves
Women's Silk Movie
in Black, White or
Cream. 23 in. long.
These are scarce goods.
Price $1.00, 81.25
Wash Dollars
Pretty styles at 20c.
Another line, a big sel-
ler 25c. Another spec-
ial line made of inser-
tion and t ihbon at 20c.
Wash Belts
WING to the backwardness of spring, house-cleaning
operations have been rather slow. Now tl.at the
weather is becoming warmer work will 111 )VO briskly.
We wish to draw your attention to the fact that we have a
large stock of house furnishing goods on hand
Liaoleums and Oil Cloths
English Linoleurnns 4 yards wide in floral and oil cloth patterns. Oil
Cloths In 1, 14 and 2 yards wide at prices that will sell thew.
Lace Curtains from 50c to $5.75. Bobbinet Rattled Curtain, Art Mustin
and White Scrim, Tapestry Curtains; new designs. Curtain poles, oak and
mahogany with wooden or brass trimmings.
Special line of all wool Carpets, Rugs sod ,Mata. Jap Matting at Inc, 254
In all the newest sty-, 35c per yard.
les, prettily embroider-
ed. Price 20c and tic.
geon. will be at the Commercial
Hotel. flours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p.
ram. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated. `disWie ct afre
te special selling age knownamine his
next visit .J11114. 8th.brated preparation of the
'1'1 -annual meeting of tilt Exeter
armors fittantion
Any %%ishin; to go with No. 0 District. .Methodist church, is bin
Company, any, lluron Regiment, to the held in Parkhill tIiia week.
camp .at London,r
[ o:n June tint to • At the Quarterly Board Meeting
15th should apply to Lieut.
Notice i4 ht 'Ashy 13iret) that ithe
council ha.1 instructed inc to pro-
ceed a saint any person or persons
I f-►,a►,e! ridieg bicycles on any nide-
W.10( W1t11111 the ►municipality.
W. J. Ilissett, Commissioner.
Notice is hereby (given that the
who has his clothing ' Court of Itewision of the Aatecs`mcnt
made to measure has ,Roll of the Village of Exeter for
1.907, will hold uta first me ting a
found the key' to that the Towel Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday
art. Each garment that the 28(1. thy of May at 7.30 o'clock,
P. 01.
we make for you has 1 30S. SENIOR, Municipal Clerk.
that air of individuality 1 Exeter. May I tth.. 1907.
so much sought after by
the fashionable man. COURT OF REVISION, TOWNSHIP
bl USli(ltNE.
Notice is hereby ziieii tlin t :a
TOM ars sura if Comfort, Colulrtfof ar the Revision
of theip s[ et mn ant
will hold it9 ,first tneetittt for 1907
at the 'lown.ship Bali. Elirnvillt•, on
too S1laitinpjs to hand Saturday June tat rat 111 o'clock in
Ow forenoon.
at prices away down Y. MORLEY, Clerk.
Whalen. May 13th., 1bO7.
I 11L'GGIP.A Foil h ALF..
i If you tt;let :1 trice new buggy
Merchant Tailor. call and •.•.• W. G. iti,9.•tt. lit` al.
,o has Rt': t'` ';O0(1 Areolld 11:11111 huge
EXETER, -- ONTARIO. ale. 0n 11 d and 3 few 1e%w plows
for sale c e :a e.
W. J• of time+ Main Street church
'Iranian, or Sr.ret••llajor Hector. of
last Thursday evening, the .iot-
'1'lat: 11th annual convention ot the Iowini3 officers were elected. For
\\'autelt's 'liissionary liociely, o[ the Sexsmith. C. Aldwort1* and Wnt.
I':xetcr 1)islrict must feels its dire •1'} 11 eiloid
Methodist Church, Granton 011 Tues-
day. An excellent program was fur
ra islaed.
If you :are thinking of getting
tnarried don't forget that %wc save
the latest styles in wedding 'station-
ery. Vs i have recently :added a new
type face the latest for trcdditt, in-
vit:a t ionTrs
The 14o.tfortli ladies have organized
11 lawn hotvlitl,z club rind will .1101v
get an occasional opportunity to
meet 1 heir husbands (111rin; the
bowling sensc►n. \V I* don't 1Ite Exe-
ter ladies organize?
Ease and Elegance
The militia orders issued last Sat-
urday state that owing 10 the pres-
(Mee of smallpox in cert:sin parts of
the Dominion none but those ►who
are considered to he protected ,will
he allowed to Igo to camp.
Last Friday we were favored, or
vcrhaps we might say unfavorcd.
with a lively i1now stortn which
lasted. the best part of the day. The
weather• was so cold l' hat Teddy
Ilawden was almost tempted to bang
out laic ftkatisl:; sign.
United States publishers alio de-
cided tinder the new I3%%•s .t.o rchip
their newspapers in bulk by freight
or express into Canada. and 'then to
distribute by retail grill he disappoint-
ed. The Postmaster -General will
charge full rate on newspapers thus
Campbell's Vari11141$ Stains are
guaranteed 1►y the maker:. to give
perfect fi:it isfact ion for refinishing
Furniture, Floors :and Interior
Woodwork. Mr. W. J. Neaman la
authorized to refund purchase price
in every case adhere the ,roods fail 10
give perfect results.
An automobilist from London came
to grief here on Sunday ferning.
When he arrived in Exeter his male
chine was %working badly' and 'th:
racket it made going up the street
glee some fcnple the inapt es;sits11 that
n horse had run nway :and ,%vas kick -
ilio the dashboard all 1(1 ,piece`s.
.\[r. E. Fish Fiat', %vlio wag taken
DaIru ftssoGlatloll
Lyadoavitte. Vt ., U.S.A.
and can supply you with their world
wide fatuous preparations, the most
popular on the market.
tiorthoott : Exeter, tog. a a
and it. Gidley. W. B. llowey, Fin. Kow Kure 50c and $1.00 per tin
Trak : T. 11. 'McCallum, Pew Steward Bag Baltn•50c can
11. E. Huston. iter. $te•wo rd. The re- target Cure 50c can
port of last year showed every tic' American Horse Tonic 50c at pec:kage
partt»eot. its a propressivo state.
Mr. Alf. Waller Is being Joshed Un�e Used fllwaus In Favor
about the number of fisht
h L� c:tu3
last Thursday afternoon. \\'e know
that he caught in the neighborhood If you have never heard of these
of n hundred, but iAlf says the next preparations ask us about them. You
time he takes tan Isaak Walton trip will be interested.
he doesn't )aropos+e Ito tel! +anyone
which way he'll go, but twill take
the .back street up as Sar as It ba
school house that east to elle river,
to a spot where eve knows .there aro
more chub thou he can pull out its
a meek.
One day during the past meek
three citizens %vent down the river
on a fishing expedition and remaine3
the "greater part of the day.. After
the day outing', to the surprise of BLENDED
their f'ieedsl 'th'ey returned with
only six fish, about three or four
inches long. As they visited one of
best fishing 81)ote on the Bauble the
ruusl)icion of on's of the men's %vires
was aroused, :and, asking him how
it %crag they met with such hard luck
the husband explained: '•Just ns
we were ;4:tting inter:`a:ted in the
game. one of the boys noticed as fox
cross: ,g the river. We surrounded
it. and on finding no chance of escape
the fox stood emotionless. I then
sneaked up and held it by liar fleet.%. No flour in the world is milled or
while Mr. -- stroked its silky maw! put up with more care than governs
and Mr. -- cut a lock of hair from everystep of the production of
its tail. Dad we not spent F0 such
titne telt', t he fox, I'm cure we could"STAR".
have caught more fish 1 ban the The result is that it turns out
three of us could carry."
Mr. Fredlla%vka4hatw had a thril-
the lightest. whitest, sweetest and
ling cxperieece one afternoon .last 1 most nutritious bread and rolls.
week, which literally made his stair
stal41 on end. Fred was (lrivin4 his
141:1111 ower 10 the (11:11141 i'ruu{: poser
houses for :1 103(1 of 811110:1 and at
Just arrived a large shipment of
one point of the testi was: :1 narrow
geese ee. loo narrow fors► alt► team
111 no best American corn.
paste, t1141it• oeirtc, HARVEY B[ZOS
u141 slide. 1lotdeves" 114` hinds :tat it l
te.i,iI t o ;et 111rotigh with 1 he, re- •
shalt 111at the horse neat -eel the in- EXETER
cliii' logit its footi;n and fell down
the bile t►ullinZ the other horse with
it. The animals rolled over heels
other in 1 heir dcsrl•tt1 trod acre t Mrs. E. A. ifollick and Miss Edna
•:ot ewli a11.41e41 11) 0 hen t lie .hot • visited in London Friday and Sal ur-
1(1111 wee re:INlyd. M r. Ii:twkslaatw. day of last nveek.
!teeiltg Ihat a fall %yam tinevitn10.41 CALVES FOR SALE. -Mr. Gcorae
jute{►ed front the. %%a ;oft jest os it Chapman. of Attwood. will sell a:
%%eta zni111: ores. One of the hnrsesl
1:lad of calves at l(e d'as h:.tel, }:x e
%tees ro 111 814 „9its 1 he h:1 mess North, on Saturday, May ::5th. dale
t Ital it „.„4rr:,dllcally cuing dal}; will commence at 12 u'cicck.
stroietled 811(1 11 wpm win, 801111' ,.f.
fort 111,11 it 11:19 released. A1te1• 1lte Ca1•(1s1 1110 nut. announcing lie! mar.,
:,10111;14 %dere 4011 en io their feel ria ;e 01 Miss Maytrte C. White.
:111 it%,delete of the damage /showed d811411t01• of M r. and M r-4. %V.
only 1 h 1 each of 1 he mai nn had \\'bite,, of Of law.+, 10 tit r. Robert: A.
i►cett erne 4.11, 111141 outside of n sh:ik• Sibbel1. of 011awa. The. *vcd(1111;
lit 4' 1p, the horsr•14 were 111111.1ur(•11. will take place o1 '1'1$08day June. 4th
'1"1,eat 1 ►„1'.•+ h►il" as '4 a1u1e(l its „Antal at the I)onminion Mit1ao41is1. Church
p o►ilion. Ottawa. A reception will be held at
the (tome of 4he bride's parr11ts asf•
Fire Inst Mousey destroyed an cold 3 lr,r the ceremoll�'.
and familiar Inndnd:ark :1t I)ovon, 2 The Anniversary actwiocq of the
1-2 miles Routh K►t Exeter, when. t}lo James Street Methodist 'church Bp•
old hotelway cAtnp►letrl)• daunted• � worth League were ',held Last Sun -
fire i4 r+uppost(`d 10 .have nri3itr• da and Monday On Sunday Rev. in 1 hr u ► er portion of ,the Y
huildin t. 811d when 1 he (lathes ,were G. ll• .McAllister, II. A., of Enulose
first noticed it rag (04 late 40 save preached two very interesting and
instructive sermons. The choir fur•
any portion of alba structure. The ,ogled excellent n)u.ic for the day•
hotel :west built ahr►ut rty..fi%'n ' d in the evening the matte member=
years zo by cl Mr. Walker
er .and an
td3s4 used for Hotile tinre :is as %tore. ;Pana a chorus which was greatly ape
1 ►reeiatc•d. On :.tondaY I•veninx
it we. afterwardsteonwertcd into n 1 :ttt(t old tea -meeting �%aP held in
country hotel and continued :►g .aucflt � tche lrir�emc'nt of for church, nchcre
until about. ten years sato. Sine°
'thea it hna iters run as :1 temper.- i the inner man .vas amply attended
nne• house. The buildil,' a as o%% net! to after which a programme tram
Nett in the body of the
by MatthewDell:ata(} and was ]t•:ta�''1 ;chore!►. Thechoir opened the
by Nelson McGee. The destruction
t nt o
earl pro.(ratn with an anthem. af•
w this old hotel building W Y ter which Rev. (;oin,t gave the
wipes out %%he,wa+ ne Dime`
Waite tlotri•I►in,' corner. 'Thr chairman'. addres.. Miss May Snell
1ar.te brick Mart, o0 sed by r;eo. sang :a very pleatenu Holo. Two cor
Webber is bring torn down and aril net .lcctiott. %%tern alivt'ra jby Ne r.
that rentable is n house and the \\'ill �eBerry" +who reccivee! {;t hent'ty
frame stable connect ed With Jho enchor'•. Mr. Wolter herding pang
a solo. Mr. .!larding has • rood
hotel. Year. n,to before ,lite rail- voiceendbig number was very plea.. entered Exeter told the London
'►Iligtrr gave � short
Road %wag extensively sist•ct by ..t ile ` illZ• Bet. MC for laic a3-Theor
travelling public the 'Devon Hotel 1 j►e a�vctti
was the last ptoppi,o pl1Ce 1s ors i)oor-step. During
Exeter wall Tenches! on the eey from i Iii•% t.eota Itowe. of London, Ran;
London. The nld building, rather ' several selections and the manner in
which she we, t►ppl3uded eho%we 1
dilapidated looking shrilly the twit (th►t her naarnb r+ %%t're %%c'll rrcriv^d
few years %wn4 the /Wile of many(
eociel gathering, end many residents itecitatiottn+ weld ;iv<'11 by Miss Olive
Hers and '~ties Ens McPherson. On
of Exeter Will rcce11 the exciting Tste day evenin; a social alta. held•
times than took place al .the hosetlery(.l,ltc proceed,•%t»c+ttt%tcd (0 about
ism the 60s nrxl 717s• _ 11110.00.
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Chemist and Druggist.
Crockery, a very full line. See those beautiful Chamber Setts, $2.75. $3.75
and $4.0O.
Use -
to London Forne weeks :t . o on ac-
count of hie illness' returned to
town last Thursday night to ,look
after the buildir►; ',c purposes aer-
ectin Z at the old tnarket site. Mr.
s• di has rented .a house North of
the creamery end wilt move his fam-
ily here shortly.
Mr. W. .1. Gourley. of Cal;ary,
and who is visit in; rel:ativee in Use
borne Township►, eXpects .I n fat`. .here
for the 24111. (111(1 ham promised to
lead the parade ►with lair massive (10
horse power automobile. After re.
turiiin; 10 (•algery, it is hist inlen•-
tion to make a frit► to New 'Zealand
where Mrs. Gourley ILIA relatives
Ther a several in Exeter :and vi-
cinity, who send the 'Times to rela-
tives and friends living in The U.
8. Horne of these papers ate paid up
to Jan. 07 only, and .those evhich are
not paid for in advance halt• been
taken off the lists. Kindly call in
and have them staid up so that ,%de
can forward tlean.
Representatives of 1)10 fit. Marys
ICirkton & Exeter Telep►hc>nr Co.
have ctlivasae4l the 'Thames Road
front Farquh:ar to sir.Net er for pub•
scribers to :a proposed line %winch the
conpally 'Mends building. They
have met with 'more t11uctess than
wag anticipated end it is expected
he cnl.at rust ion for the new liras
line %dill be commenced this rummer.
As a ;real many in Exeter and
vicinity ore interested in the cul•
tore of tomatoes, owing to 'the vs•
(a Id i!+ /tine lit of the Ca nein; factory
n ;rutlelran well versed in the raja -
in„ of tomatoes hes kindly conasent-
et' to write us a AOriest of articles
011 the care slid planting of them,
The erticles will be found on ,4hr
first pate anal nre well 'worth read-
ing by those fntereeted.
Several requests hat ' :1 sent
the Inspector of )'osto.(sem for thi,
district at London to t'otnblish a
rout.' between Exeter and Mitchell.
takie z in troch places as ]lay. Themcn
ltosd. 1'ar tuber, ltusscldale. Mother.
well. etc. Such n mail e -twice ie
LOST ON TUESDAY NIGHT, A much needed and it would elle
Conveyancer Accovits Celle ate GOLD) BROOCH CONSISTING OF if everyone interested would %w
Om, to loin at lowest rime. TWO SMALL BIRDS. FINDER to the Post Office Inereetor
mom, 'WILL PLEASE LEAVE AT TIMES London n•1:iso him to advertise
Rifle. Mali Street. Exeter OFFICE, tenders for this route.
Everythink about baking is easier
and success is more certain when
you use
Don't forget we handle all kinds of millinery.
•...tett. - -- -- - - ,�... --------•,�--.-- -_ 1
The 8overetfl
Bank of CanadOE
Notice is hereby given that a dividend of one and one half per
cent. (1 %%) for the current quarter, being at the rate of six pe
cent (6%) per annum on the capital stock of this bank, has been de
clared, and that the same will be payable at the Head office and at
the branches on and after Thursday, the 16th of May next.
The transfer hooks will be closed from the 1st to the I Sth of
May, both days inclusive.
By order of the Board.
General Manager
flousB Dc6orator Corn!
r (Hot and ColdWattf).
Mon Wrltlnp and Grainiap Exeter and Centralia
With R. Dinney last year. Esti-
mates furnished on application.
A Trial Solicited.
Exeter, Ontario
Residence, corner lames and An-
drew Street.
GUNION 8O$INS „COII[6EAffiliated with Whani IL C.
l nd i % id hal instruction,
Write for handsotne ;,'atalogue.
0E0. SPOTTON, Principal.
Will exchange for other grai
if desired.
Richard Seldon
Exeter, Centralia
• and Clandeboye
tonic is needed by many people ati
this season. Their systems need
strengthing and there is nothing hat•
ter than iron for that purpose.
of all kinds to suit different needs and
tastes. Some are of our own prepar-
ation. Others are thole of taenia
manufacturers. They are all good,
the sante as all our medicines and
drugs. We do not keep the poor
kinds, although our prices snip;ht
make it appear so.
Between all stations in C:uuada.
also to I)ctroit, Port Huron. Mich.
Buffalo, Niagara Falls Kied Susp.
Bridge. N. Y.
Good Goin,; Thursday pad Friday,
May 2.lyd. and 24th.
For full particulars and tickets call
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent
District Passenger Agent. 1 •►root•
W. S. Howey, Phan. B.
Chemist and Optician
Judge dolt held Division Court
here on Tuesday. The only contest-
ed (Xi se was ,that of A. (:us tttber '&
Co. of London 11,tainst L. ,Restos.
Messrs. Guenther & ('o. 0.11111141 1 hal
Mr. Ileettie gave +(hem an order
about n year ago dor a number of
bore° blankets which they ehit►►►rd
him last fall. 'Mr. ilea t t ie swore he
did not order the blankets and us
soon as he, found out %t ho had .hip•
pcd 'to him J'0 wrote Guenther & U0.
to that effect nt.d asked 1Ilene e%hat.
he should do ,' ith the •h!.tneets.
Guenther & Co. claird t h^y ilii
not receive this letter a nil r''nt pea t -
tie for the nceount. .ludttnent
was ,fiver) in (favor of Itrsttie div.
miasine the actiena a s it lr colt%. L.
I1. Uick,•on appeared for Guenther
& Co.. F. W. Gladmau dot ,11enttie.
ood Way
to be Stylish and Becomingly
Dressed and to have your Cloth-
ing as thoroughly made and as
carefully cut as possible k to come
here with your ideas.
First-class Workmen will turn
the materials which you choose
into pleasing, tasting realities.
Our experience is pretty good
assurance that you will be sorry
for nothing and prices are always
at the bottom notch.
W. J08N8
Merchant Tailor
MER. $1.:35.
The otter of of the Exeter Times and
the Toronto Weekly Globe and ('an -
ad* Fanner for $1.:15 is extended to
June 1. Over 15() of our suhscrihers
have taken advantage of thin liberal
offer weld we are anxious to increase
the nit►t►her to 250 before the tinct of
June. Any one who is now ta►kiag
the Times c*n get the: ()lobe by pay•
Mg us 35 cents.