Exeter Times, 1907-05-16, Page 5• 1 4 THE EJC1✓TER TIMES, MAY 16th 1907 For all disorders of stomach and liver, Blleans an a' sound.safe and sure remedy. They strengthen the bodily functions in Nature's own way. being compounded from Nature's own herbal extracts. Women the world over find them $ boon. Finest household remedy. All druggists and store+, f•ec. a box, or from Bilran Co., Toronto. C for•$?.5U. ILEANS F O R i��ousNEss. Popular Goods for Now and the Rest of the Season Favored Worsteds 1 These worsteds are in blues and, TROUSERS AND WASK YES I S FOR SUMMER lanes lnixtures,excel in qualtty,beattty! If a pant hunter pantless and finish anything of their kind we Is panting for pants have ever shown. We are offering He pantethtiIhe replan pantless some beautiful I Until implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered Summer Suits for $10 lat J. 1i. NOLTZMANN'S and upwards. A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can not suit, we have yet to know of it. tINO•NO•N•N1Ne•••eeeeee •4N•••/H••••••N•••••N•••: CROOKERY 2 1 \Ve have left one Dinner Set, gilted brown pattern, 91 pieces reg. price was $11.00, now $7.50; one White Tea Set, 44 piece reg. $2.75, now $1.85; one Green Tea Set, 41 pieces, reg. price $3.75, now $2.50. We have a very large stock of Pitchers and Bowls in plain white and clover leaf gilt Bowls at 5c up to 15c. Pitchers front 8c up to 35c. • Large stock of men's and boy's Overalls and Smocks, Duck Shirts and boy's Tweed Knickers at 135c each.for the Knickers. Call and see our Dress (mods before buying, we have some ele- gant patterns in Grey Tweeds f. MILLS, - WOOD1-if1M• d•••NNO•NNN••d•N••• sf+••N••••1)NAeN••eNOee•ee IN - t � `• it r) #'I li 'm \ tr r ~' • Ir :lw•f <,- mom alrA,J =1 �„ �I 2g7:45:PrIfMklitiTiMPrilL-.:,:- --- b 11, ciyr ;1e f� 'email IMl riMS THIS If THE SHEET MtTAL AO1 The wandering tramp who steals a night's lodging in your straw stack may prove a very costly visitor if he should forget to put out the match after lighting his pipe. if fire in straw stack gets a good start the barn and contents are doomed -unless pro- tected with Galt Steel Siding and Galt "Sure -grip" Steel Shingles. Then it will be fireproof as well as storm and lightning proof. Your cattle and produce confined in the barn will be absolutely safe and secure. It's certainly true economyto buy Galt Steel Siding. It costs but little and will last a life time. Secures for you the most favorable insurance rate. Choice of cold rolled. painted or galvanized steel, la • multiplicity el handsome. original designs. Free illustrated catalogue on request: THE GALT ART METAL CO., Limited,' GALT, ONTARIO. alt Steel Sidin: Crediton D". 1'. .1. `rcCt'E, ME..\IIUU.It ON- TARIO COLLEGE PHYSIC'. ass and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. 11. A. Ilaiyt. Orediton. Ont. ,Mr. Alonzo Ifod„iie, who was con- fined to his house for several day's .with a very %light attack of /small- pox last week returned to work and wilt be pleased 'to see his many friends again. Although the attack was light Mr. 11od1ens remained un- der quarantine until completely free from the disease. Mr. Fred Young alae had the rnis- fortune to have his 4')c .injured e.nme months ago k spending a couple of weeks 111 '10101110 Iitwinr� the eye tree ted by a si.eciele.it of 11191 riy1. The eeat Ler the Hast week lets not been very favorable for our brick end til•' nnerchanl+. Mr. 11.irri of Parkhill, 1114 taken 11p a po-etiotl :le veinier' a it li his brother fired of this place. Mr. Francis Clarke our geneal liar, nee. maker gave the interior of his shop a fresh coal of Vent. Mr. Clarke has one 01 the most up-to- dltr shops in 1Ins section of the country. NIT'. henry Moir •.r., i+ lin con- fined to his toren thton,;h ilitt•'R4. Mr. C. Kuhn ',+ ,•lvet in,! n Litelr•ti on his f 1rm occupied by .\1r. Short in Crediton East. Sev.'ral basin( .R clump's are re. ported in the near future. Particu- lars later. a w i 11'9 c � �.•w' h' k It 1• n 1 T t c .1 r. T. .. t I , show rooms completed 'rd tits 011 band a 1•tr,Ie and F1•t'ct collection of bo,rgi''' of the very Lest intLe4 and styles. second to norle end at ri.ht prices. f r u 'I tend ten eleven; 1 n to . buzay. it %%onld be well r, 0111 and interest Mr. Trewit):eC;.'. di.eplay. Mr. Torrence. Licer=e' imover tnr, was in the village the end of last week. A very busy man in town- .Our Barber. Mr. Frank Boyle and Clarence ,1)u - plant, of Centralia, visited in .t11e village on Sunday' last. Mr. C. Cal V391 and daughter of Morrison, is at j,reeent visiting at the home of Ilk brother etre .1. •C.tl- vas. Mr. Geo. Felber who had the in- tention of 'ravine for New Ontario on efondly inornine '.:19 suddenly overcome on Sunday last with an were; of pneumonia. mks Deihl Brown has taken a t'osition with \1i%9 Clara Fanner as drses-n :1ker. \ir. Wilbert McMurray, of \Vin- nipc.r is home 'for a few neck'.+ vis- it with his 'mother. 11iss Della Kende. of Ilrinslcy, ,way the 'u1•.1 of .'•1ISA Lulu Yoeirg over Sunday. Me`( Itestler. \lice still and Mr. C. Stock, were the ,tueste of •Mr. S. Rowe, of Exeter, en :madly'. :'Ir. C. Stook, our genial butcher 11.1s started hie meet wagon on the road. and cm 'furnish all customers with fresh ,teal. '111 • Cred:ion Si 114 hive errenied for ten eTtemee of b1.%eh11I for the .'1111 pith the \Vortman & \\'ird lean, of London. The \Vortnnan & Ward tears 14 the 1141041 erteelrilll orginiz.lti1'n in London and as the titers have the re.pulalion for teene the hest amateur term in \Veetenl Ontario. 1be -amen w ell be AV orth going to ere. The first game will start nt lir :1. m. and'th.' iflernonn gime at 2 o'clock. After 1114' Ir,nmt in the afternoon. there will Ire :t hunting Witch. nper1 to everybody, '¢9• 1 c m n t, i he 19 I 1 1 1 0 h. rhs ground.. 1 R 1 n d g 11 cent! for ladies end tie cents for g linemen. Grand Stand fret. Groceries and ZAMPliteK CURES A CASE WHICH FOR TWO YEARS HAD DEFIED Confecionery F:\'EIt1' ItEl1EUY TRIED A Farmer'3 Grateful '1'estiu101)'. No case of eczema. skin diwcase,,or ulceration. should be deep.ait'•.1 (of until Zaire -1111k has been 01111111'd - The nue of 'Mr. Francis J'euui't, of St. Anne's Olen.). is a powerful it lustratioi of %ant.ltuk'i efficacy. !le Says. -'•l suffered front eczema for We also make first class bread. two years, :tad tried a great number of remedies. None of )hent, however s(rtiled to do hila ally a,00d. '1'li ailment was mostly in toy ,less. and both these were pettedly raw bunt the knees down. A entail sample box of ZanielJuk alas given 'to 1114', and even so email .t quantity as that did ate a lit t le good. 1 .then DASII\VOOD - ONT. obtained a proper supply', and by •the time I bad used n few boxes 1 was THE completely' cured." Zam.11uk differs from ordinary salves and embrocations 911 contain- ERpurittof )no iron oil n, fat. It is contl- D Roafounded imal rich, fat. 3, herbal NWSessences, and is :iii ideal natural cont - DRS binatiott of power and purity. It is biehly antiseptic, and instantly kills I wish to announce to the public bacilli and disease germs, which set - that 1 have purchased Mr. Eidt's in- tlin; on to 'wounds and skin disease terest in the Roller Mills and solicit set up festering, ,blood poison, etc. your patronage. For cuts. burns, bruises, ulcers, ab- scesses. pimple's boils, skin eruptions, We make a specialty of Family scalp sores. spt'eadin; sores, chit - Flour. Eczema Again Over- come. We have juhst put in a stook of Fresh Groceries. Fruits. Candies and Canned Goods. BREAD Give us a call. Levi S. Hamacher Baker and Confectioner. Try Our Oraham Flour. All kinds of feed always cn hand. dren's skin troubles. chafing' sores, etc., 'Lain -13th is unequalled. It also cures files. All diet ;gists anti stores nt 50c. a box, or from Zam4But: Co. Toronto, for price, G boxes for $2.50. Chopping Promptly attended•to "[ wonder how ton; wo wifl have •to wait for our train," remarked the Highest Price Paid for Wheat.little boy's mother at the dept. The little boy, whose eager eyes saw everything replied :"Put a pen- ny in that machine and you can find out, ntamul•I. It says:"Learn your exact tweielit for one cent." "And what points about New Mex- ico impressed you roost?" "The points of a cactus I inadver- tently sat down upon. " "Cabman! Cabman' Surely you're We were lead .to believe ithat +l1.•. going out of your way?" Chas. Guenther had been quarantin- 1 "Illess me mum, you giro mo quite cd with a case of smallpox, but 0111 4't turn! I'd fonzotton 931 about Monday a representative of the i 34'1• and was d.rivine back to the ata• Times called on 'him and found that bees." such was not 'the case. Ile eeeln.s to _ be in pretty igood ermine , (feeling IIENSALL husky and far from being a small- pox patient. Ilowever such eeports will be circulated end wo aro' pure 11 r. ltobt. \Icllordie, of jt.oudou, Charlie 'hasn't the smallpox nor never rwcastati%in 03. the village Iasi level,: visiting did. Miss Salona and 'Emus Tiernan The )lessen Eliza and Alio Bell have opened a dress making6bop have left for a trip to California. upstairs, next the Sovereign Bank. 1\1 r. \Vtu, henry, of 8l. Marys, 'Mr. Ezra Bender tend Jas. Gusman stent last week with friends trod spent Sunday in 'Exeter. relatives. Dl r. Wm. Ehlers Oast week had Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Blake. of Tor - 'Mr. Wm. root of ties residence painted.onto, spent last week in the village. which adds 'greatly to its appearance, Hiss Nesbitt, of New Turk, event. The young people of the :Lutheran last week with her parents Fera. Church held a special eserine p4( The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup - Wednesday evening to . make nr-per w03 dispensed in the Carmel rangemonts for theannual pionic ofchurch last Sunday. The prepare - the Sunday School Y. P. A. 'Moro tory services were held lust Friday • particulars next week. evening by Hew. Dr. *Stewart, of The Rev.:\fr. Guhn expects his ( Clinton. parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Guhn, from ll r. Mice, who was running the Germany the latter hart of 'this. Queen's hotel has 'gone to his for - week or firth of next. iter home at Clanelcboye. LI the 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ituby spent Sun- meantime the hotel is cloyed. day ):cat at Zurich. •Mr. John Kraft is on elle Hick list. ••••NNN••••NN•••N••• Mr. Nick Stirr, iA Luildini; 1.111 ad- dition to his stable. We would ask our corres- The death occurred on :Monday pondents to send in their bus.• last of Mr. 'Richard Adams, of the gets each week whether they 18th concession the cause of death are little or big. We are look- WM. EHLERS Prop. of Dashwood Roller Mille. Dashwood being consumption. Mr. Adams leis been a sufferer for 'several months and his death was not unexpected. lie leat•es besides n loving wife five child, en one brother end a number of sisters. The funeral 'took place place Wednesday afternoon after- noon interment being in tiro Exeter cemetery. LOCALS ing to the interesie of our subscribers in their partic- ular locality, (and want the news It het her it is little or touch. Sonuetinter you may rut have much news to send but don't keep that little until you have more. When news is scarce 1liar is the time your two or three little items, or even one, is specially ap. preciated by the reader in your section. Bend a big bud- get every week if you can, if Miss' Margate E. )frown, of the not, the small one will be wel- Ilurper hospital staff of nurses.. De- corned. Any of our correspon- trdt,arrived i4( town last evening dents who are in need of the to spend a several ,necks' vacation. required stationery, kindly let The wedding of .Mr. F',arik Sam- us know. well. formerly of Exeter to a Miss •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Strong, o[ Kingston, is announced for the latter part of Juno. Miss Strong is the only daughter of u military officer at Kingston. Mrs. (Dr.) McDonald, of Wiscon• sin, Mrs. Terry, of London, Carrie Abraham and Earnest Davis. of Lon- don, and Will. ,Davis, of Hamilton. were celled here tart Saturday ow- ing to the illness of their father Mr. Will. De%i'. Exeter .North. Word Iris ieen xece•ivcd h •re of then birth to .Mrs. Pal tcrson. nee Miser Anaeic McLond, )formerly of Exeter, of twine, t,ot)1 •girls, while ettroute from London .to Calgary. One of the children 'lied (hurtly after Filth, i,ut last reports /41 ted that 1 h mother end remainine child were getting along I4)den(IidlY• A committee eppnenled by the council at th.' tar•'� ez Mondey night to 1011/0 Tin ex.rrff'nation of the w•r.ter tank behind tho TOW 11 )tall and several water tanks around the town. which 'I10 reported in n bad condition met Titre -day swains and df,0:(1 .,l ilia the tank a 1 t he Town For Infante and Children. Haff will need repairs at once and th•tt some of the other .tanks will have to be put in better condition. in the menntime the tend^r9 for street w-atcrine will not be o1,enrd, but when necessary the I,ueincsa portion of the town w•i:1 be sprint:- led. `TU THE SHAREHOLDER'S OF' TIIF: i'he regular meeting of the Coun. EXETER SALT WORKS CO. co wag held Monday lVINC111:I,SI':A Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller, of Cromarty, spent Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Cham. 4:odboIt. Master John hunter 01141 sister, of F.den spent Sunday Willi Itobt. Ro1)- 11190rn. Mr. Thos. Coward awns in London Inst Thursday on Imminee4. Mr. harry Delbridre sort a valu- able colt last ,ween:. Miss Myrtle Francis, of PIu;town, was the guest of Miss Alme)Ia )fey• wood last week. Mr. ;o4(1 Mrs. Wm. Creery, of Bt. Marys, accompanied Mr. W. .1. ,Gour- ley up from tit. Marys in his auto - mobil' na llor•dey and spent Aho day witli Mrs. Creery's nester, Mee. Fran- cis. CASTOR IA lllo KM Yea Han Always Buell Bears the Signature of EXETER COIINCII. Gentlemen. - Please take notice that 11.e annual n1e('tine of the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works( Co. will be held I June 1 the Town Tuesday tin lit int o n,lia d 1, y 1!10;. nt 2.30 t'. m. T. i1. (`erten„, Secretary. BORN I 1t\' LEA -At Crnrnarty'. tinny 9th.. the wife of john Leary, or a daughter. • evening. All ne•mbere present. A petition wag presented by ,the rr'id•'t:19 :lion; )lain Street Jrom the htidge to the Thames Road nnk- in; to have Ihe street watered. The petition %en9 laid over a9 the number of nettles did not jeprement a suf- ficient proportion of t glroperty alonz the thoroughfare. A letter was rend from the \tiniR- ter of a11we 9 Mann; that a meeting would bre held in hi9 office at Oitaw•3 on \Vedneeday May 15th relative to the proposed map route � of the St. Marys J4' Wt stet a Ontario I Railway. James Creech asked permission to tone in '1 piece of 4(l unused atrcot adjoining hes properly. The request was „ranted. Mr. Creech to pay $1 a year rental for the property. A letter was received from the Secy. of the Teachers' AxSI,., ;It 1?xe- ter England, stating that a large) 11:1 , three largo picture;, tee .etch -I inge in two frames. and impressions of the ancient city seals. mounted 014(1 framed twee(' being sent .to '1110 schools at Ex( tor. C:scud:I. Exeter, TIi1 Australia, and. Exeter, 'Tasneenia. The 1,:tckage emit l0 Exeter Canada. is valued at £10. The followire. accounts were i,as9- ed. A. G. Dyer postage 95e.: j1.. 11. Snell electric) ',ght $109.41; )sell telephone 50c.; Ili. Amus attendee; 1:. 11,11 $8.00; Snell & Rowe sup- plies cemetery $3.40; T. Hawkins & Son $2,05; Geo. Cudutore labor $2 ; :John Gillespie $2.00; Tho,. Creech Creech $2.75: Silas Handford $.9.55: It. Davis $3.50; \V. \Vrstcott $1.37; T. Webster $1.20; :Fred Gillespie $3.25 ; .11. Parsons 75c.: \Witt. Sweet 75c.: 11. Ruh/nor $8.75; AI[ Taylor $0.00 ; Thos. Sanders $1.50 ; :)'hos. Cookson $4.55; \V. J. Bisset t. $33; C. \\', Cross $27; .'Phos. Brock poste $1.20. Tenders were received for the building of the fence on .1 he newly opened portion of Victoria Street, the tender of Thornton Baker at 41 cents per rod was accepted. 'fenders were received for the con- struction for the new water .tanker. one at the corner of Victoria and Andrew streets, and the other at the station. Tyle following were the bids; L. hardy excaeatiu.; end .build- ing $980; T. Ifartnoll, excavating only $225 ; Taylor & Sanders exc:tva- titre $198; building $396; Thos. G. Creech excavating. and building $655; 1'. Ilawden building $374. The ten- ders of Sanders & Creech for $198 for excavatio. and P. Bee den $)74 for bnildine were .eccepled. The wort: is to commence nt once. The council instructed the com- missioner to enforce the by-law ,rc- spectin a the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks and take procerelines a;ainat anyone infringing. The several by -)awe, relative ;to the keepin, of hogs, running of covet WALL PAPER etc., were read the third .rei' and passed. The n4'xt tnectin; will be In great variety of patterns and colors. All the newest designs its held or, Tuesday, May 28tH, when prices from 5c to 30c per roil, with borders at the saint' price. a Court. of Revision will be held. SEEDS SEE A New Supply Just Arrived Giant Yellow Intermediate at !•_'}c. pe" lb. Bruce's White Seeding beet at 18e. ver lb. celebrated Steel Briggs' Jumbo Swede Ti'i'ltll) at 20c Ib. COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea Yes! Spring was a long time coaling, but its here. Next will conte the Hie -4 to bother you, but if you will get your screens and screen doors from us. you will not be bothered with the little pests. We have a large supply on hand. We also have a; lot of fence wire also hooks a n d staples. Everything in the Ifardware line kept by us. W. MOORE KIRKTON, -- ONTARIO. CATOrt. IA. Bsarethe The Kind You Hare Always Bough! Sherwin Williams Brand in all the leading shades, Buggy paint, Signature • Varnish, Aluminum and Gold Paint. Get the hest. of Field Seeds, All New This Year.' PAINTS HURON Royal Giant Sugar Beet 20c a pound. Giant Yellow Oval Mange' 15t a Ib. A sena; man named elow'.It .had Yellow Intermediate 12#c a pound. the tops of three of his finrers taken off by the jointer in the 1eurniture Have you tried Bon Ami for cleaning windows or Old Dutch Cleanser for factory at t3caforth, on Tuesday scouting. We have the. mornin; of last week. The well known grower of roses, B. %V F. BEAVERS, = Farquhar. Registrar Coats, of Goelericb, who recently received from En"land '.300 - roots, 150 different kinds two of each, has placed theta all in ,eenilal that the supply of milk will be ruf- soil and June /should see some of the ficicnt. The inspector and physician prettiest roses in this part of Canada were he s4( instructed to employ a dentist prettiest roses in this pirt of Can- ; if necessary, to repair the ,teeth of nein. the women inmates, and that 4\era. Mr. Geo. Nesbitt, of Moliiltop Nays l• sie and 'Mrs. Brown, two aged ghat in the aprin3 of 1892, many n women. be supplied with suitable this vicinity had not finished seen. rocking chairs. The county solicitor ins b)• the 24th of ',\fay and 'the is instructed to attend to the trans- ally twee an excellent cone. The t{cra of property owned by Thee. strew teas not heavy but ;the yield Strong, of Hensel! and Ed. )tilt, of w•aA zeal and the grain of exception- Exeter. The Inspector is instructed ally :rood quality. Thi1s is enoourn5e• to make bills of charges for !the merit for those who are frettin; maintenance of .Mrs. Robinson and about the lute seedin; time this her daughter charging 55.00 Per Year. week in each case, together with cost of medical attendance and other ex- eenaea in connection with these par- ties, and present such bill .to the proper parties for settlement. Iiy hone, for years a resident of (Goder- ich Tp., applied to he admitted to the Ilouse. His credit at tho fMol- son's bank is $743.33. This will be For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stornach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Relief Js sure. The only nerve medicine in Market. MIR, Lennie Ilolmes, d•lu;litcr of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Holmes, 8eaforth, has just graduated in the New Eng- transferred to the County. asvo land hospital, Boston, with highest tenders for bread were placed before Eng - honors. hcadiny her clisa for (ho the committee and that of tly. Ilart- three scar term, and has accepted 1 tiff was accepted. the position of head nurse in 'Otto Bart - same institution. She took 100 per 1 cent. on every paper except one, and on thnt she sot 95. Mira Holmes Is to be very hi;hly corieretulated on this exceptionally brilliant record. Palpitation of the !,cart, ner- vousness, tremblings, nervous head - eche, cold hands and feel, pain in the back and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills made specially for the blood nerves and complexion. , The )louse of Itefuze Committers met nt the House of dtefti;e and found all the departments cle:ut nn:I tidy. The reSi;nntion of the keeper wag considered, and the committer: decided to advertise all once for keeper and matron. so t}I:It applicu. Gone may be Iilaceid before (the coun- cil at ite .lune meetinz. The Inspec- tor was inetrncted to employ ,t m''t- chanic to put in a proper 'support in the new building where n settling appears, and to purchase cows so r Syoopls of the Collodion Noah Wesl IIONKNTRAi) RK(11.I.ATION$. Aei1' seen numsection numbered stion of Dominion Innds in •etamtr.l.1, m kalehewanand AI1.m,-ria, eseep.l(nif s and Al. not reserved, may be h'estea.krt 1.) any person who 1. the head of a family,nr any male mer 11-q ears of age, to the extent of oneuarter section of 161 acres, more or less. Entre oust 1.e made personally at the local Iind olltee for the district in which the {and 1s situate. The homesteader is require+' to perform the row dilion* connected therewith under one of the follow. Ing plan.:- (n At least six months' residence npr.n ar,.l sidle• ration of the land in each %ear for three y rare . (•') If the father (or mother, it the father is .le. onset) of the homesteader rrsid.e upon a farm in the %!r(nity of toe land enter4.1 for, the rerinremen's as to residence tong be sali.flet b) sueh person residing with the father or mother. COhe 1 t Bell hs. r ,. . er 9 his ser r u eat residence upon 1 t farming I land owned L% him in the resit n4' K m of his homestead, the mp,irement9 as to resi.ten.r may 1.e natisfle,t by resf.ten'•e upon the said land, 8(x months' notice in writing should 1.e ((seen to the Cnmmlwioner of l,om(n(on lands at ntta..% of intention to apply for Intent. w N' •O C al' nemity of 'he Minister of the interior. 5. H. -Unauthorized pnbli(ation of this advent.. meet will not be pakf for WHY NOT ()WN w CIham Cabinel The Greatest Kitchen Labor Saver Ever Invented! The preparation of even the rump. hest intuit is a task of 110 email size when you think of the number of Metes you take from kitchen do pan- try -the number of trips you make after things forgotten -first the salt -then the Npiee-then the flavoring tend leo on. COOKING would be robbed of all its drudgery if, you could keep your supplies and conking utensils close to hand -and within arm's reach. And (that is just ,what you CAN do if you have a CHAT- HAM KITCHEN CABINET -for the CHATHAM is Rhe Cabinet that has a place not only for every ingrtil- lent needed 'for a rneal, but for the utensils to rook it with 1as ;well. Now 1 will sell you 11 t CiIATHAM KITCHEN CABINET on My Liberal Time Payment Plan n 1 !an that I want to explain to you in detail. i want to pend to you my catalog of CHATHAM KITCHEN CABINETS -it's free for your name on :t postal -and it will give give you full descriptions of my Cabinets and quote prices that will interest you. The Ghatham Kltshen Gabinet is the most complete Kitchen Cab- inet in the market. It eR equeplxtl with Flour and Sugar bins .-with oompartnlents for supplies of all sorts -with racks for the display of your pretty china -with a complete set of handsomely japanned cane for e email groceries ns well as n [u11 net of Bpice Cans anal many other con- veniences that ase haven't room ,to d(e9crelrc here. The arrangernent of the ('IIA'Y- iA.1 19 /inch that 11 may Flit at I e c yv ) 1 (•390 while preparing a ramal -lade have every ingredient within reach of your hand. Not a step to Rake till you're ready to put itho meal ori the stove! Think of tho saving Ito your strength -surd tho saving in your time -time 'that you may have for fancy work -or music -or 'reads ing. And the,CHATHAM KITCHEN' CABINET not only saves your steps and )'our 'time, but lessens your lay bor in many other ways ns twelh You have no cluttered -up sink -NO disordered kitchen rwbon you have of CHATHAM -for you keep all tho clutter right in one place -the since covered table of your Cabinet-whiob takes but t1et rub of a damp cloth to clean! No\continual scrubbing of the sink Hide when you have at Chatham. 'Just a simple rub -off with a damp cloth and your table is Spic and span :Ind ready for use again. Now there are many other especial features of the CHATHAM KITi CLIEN CAi3INET that I haven't roornt o tell you about here. I want to send you my big Free catalogue -it will quote prieee and detailel) dc. iptions-and 1'11 send it to you; FREE, for your name and laddree)f on at postal. if you Wyant to simplify your house; work -if you twant to do away with needless toil Lind drudgery -if Y0 4( want always to have a neat, at t race tive kitchen, you should own iX CHATHAM KITCIIEN CABINET. Write for my catalogue today -iii will tell you how to nave time and strength -and quote prices that I know will interest you. Just send your name had address on a postal. and 1)o IT NO\\'. Address me 'personhlly. 'e MANSON CAMPBELL President. Manson Campbell Co., Dept. CHATHAM, - ONTARIO. RIS To prove ;maaneetI' nablr.aadbeyond may that catarrh of the nus.. and throat can 1 am tunllshtnl wee/4 through d tree Trial Ilnxra 4.1 l•'. Shoop', lit Ido this became 1 SIM .41 certain. that Catarrh Ctitre will hying actual subeata Nothing a ttalnly. 1• .n convincing ea a testof any artleIeof nyl, ttlne mer1R article must 0010.•.6 true meritenl, else the condemn. rathe-r than advance 1t. Dr. 8 C srrh (\,rp f s a snow• whltrl, htsling Yf Lalm, put up In 1.s1ut(ful nItkel p f 1 ',,o4'. Such sn.dhh,g fiesr,ts M o1 hymnl, Menthol. (•lr , aro inrorpo velvety. Bream ilke P. tmlatum. ten Phony frn,n rune If catarrh of t throat has exb,ndf••i to the stomach, then mean s a i.n 11.e Int. -malty, l)r. Sheep's Ptomaeh dl.tress. a lack of eenetal bloating. 1/etchers. h(Ilo/rsnees, had taste. surely earl) for Dr snoop's leetoestive. For unonmpllcrlyd catarrh only of the noossh� ILro•t nothing else, however, need be tras4 Dr. Shoop fp atarrh Curs