HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-05-09, Page 8t. 411.4 -i -+++4-4-:-+++++++++44+41.444++++++++++-11.11...H.444.444 +•i••1• :•++4-+d•++++++i••i••: •► :..t.>ri••l•+may}+++++i+++++'t"t'♦ STEWART's Have) esti heard a1ot.tt our New Spring Wall Papers. \\'c arc told that they are the most artistic in to►v D. We arc proud of them. While the Styles and Shavings are extra fine the prices are easy to reach. the roll for very neat Xt 15the Bedroom and Kitehn' c. Pager's. weed c'ear colors, m lee (let s bsnte price ns pa- npet F. Per roll 5c. x IOC the roll for a lovely veiny. el` a It scion 0101 finial 1 ff• ct• papel6, suital•te for dieing Iov►us and parlors. Borders sante price. Per toll Ilk• 7cthe roll fora lovely lot of Glimmer and Gold finished papers, suitable for any room. Border same price as paper. Per roll 5c. I5cthe roll for our beauty collection of papers. They are certainly money savers. Good enough for any room. fur the lotezip we 20 and 25c. have ever showndaintiest. of fi would like to show you through our new papers -You'll be interested. 60cthe yard for our new Shadow Stripe tweed Dress Suitings. These goods come in a lovely rich shade of light grey with shadow stripes of green, mauve, blue and I3Iack. These are copies of the latest New York fad and they are certain- ly very pretty. The waist end for the 3.50 new Dresden silks. lovely floral effects in blues. mauves and pinks iiVThe yard for a lovely I.0 Black French "Peau de Soie" Silk. Color and quality guaranteed. If this silk cute or crackles with ordinary wear we will replace it. Dressy young (len want "King" Hats. They have a Ryle all their own. 1Ve sell them and we have never sold as [Dutch solid satisfaction as the King Hats. A new lot just opened. the shapes are correct -Ask for a King Hat, tate rote other. mC REST Y21 We sell Steel Briggs Field Seeds. We have Fold then/ for 17 years and have never sold a bad lot yet -Pretty good record aint it. Buy your Mengel and Turnip seed from us. You have our guarantee for quality backed by ye good old firru of Steel Briggs. Royal Giant Sugar Beet 1n packages; Juwbo $weed Turnip in packages; Good Luck Turnip in packages; Evans Ontario Turnip in packages; Suttons Cham- pion Turnip, bulk, Mam- moth Long Red Mengel; Giant Yellow Intermed- iate Mengel; Improved White Carrot. S• .A• STMW L PT +++++++44-1-1•444-1-4•+-1-4-e++++++++++4444+444-1-444. 1++++++++++++++++++ +++++++.4.++++++++4-4-4-44+44 N PIX . I 'tt I. M ti MAY nth 1807 Market Report. -The following to the report of Exeter markets. Dor- rectcd up to May 9t11., 1907. Wheat. 70 cents a bushel. Oasts 38 cents per bushel. Peas, 70 cents per bushel. Harley. 44 to 44 coats per bushel. Shorts, $22 per ton. Flour. 42.10 per ewt. llran. 820 a ton. [lay $10 to 811. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel. Rutter, 20 c:•nIs t,ter pound. Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. Dried Apoles, 6c. per pound. l Jg4.. 10 cents per dozen. Boas. dressed $8.00. Hors. livrweight, $6.10. Coal. $7 a ton. Onions Large. 120 cents a bushel. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS• 1 • S. Fitton. issuer of marriage li- Ce►tses, also complete line of wed- ding rings always on hand. Dr. Malloy is (moving his 'calico to Itis residence on Andrew street. Mr. Richard Welsh returned home from the {west Saturday evening. Don't fail t o see t he long haired lady at Ilowey's flreigstore• this week only. Mr. Enoch Follock 'has sold his property on the Lake [load to Mr. W. \V. Wolper. Atr. 1). McInnis loft last week for Lumsden. Sask., where his large farm) is located. Mr. ltobt. Pickard left Monday night for Frobisher. Matt., to look after his interests :there. Mr. Thos. llaudford left for Win- nipeg Tuesday morning to be away for a couple of month. Mrs. .Innaes Pickard Etas sold her property on the Routh side of 7iu- ron street to Mr. Elijah dory. CALVES FOIL 4A1.1•:. -Geo Chap- man. of Atwood. will be at. field's hotel, Exeter North, on Tuesday. May I4th, with .a nuuther of good calves. Mr. Richard Terry• who teceettlY S Rattnerhis farm in , tner, 'hnsta rtte 'to. to ?1ragreed to cancel the lease. nerd we understand will work the farm himself. \irs. 3. 1'. Clarke. of Winnipeg. who has been 'the ,nest for the pastl two months of her friend. 'Mrs. M. J. Hicks. of 'this city, left .this morn- ing for Los Angeles. no her return trip.-Itiverside, Cal. Daily y April 27th. The large flag. souvenir photos., etc.. gotten up by the children of the school here for Exeter. Eng. school was shipped Saturday so as to ar- rive before' the 24th. The flag for our school is expected to arrive in the course of n few days. oggiggogisaMMIIIIIM11111111111.111.111111 DIAMOND HALL DIAMONDS WATCH ES J EWELERY CUT GLASS CHINA SILVERWARE Repairing a Specialty. Call and Inspect Otwr Stock. ft. Mdr6bdll. JEWELER MADE TO 116 ThinKs 5. Unbeatable Values --lab- 'THE OLD RELIABLE +-- In Lace Curtains Spring Su,,;ngs, Pantings, Mats, Neck Ties, Etc THIS DEPARTMENT contains everything that ed from the low priced pretty Nottingham to est Swiss net Come and prove that our ualues are able. Few People Think A great many think they think, and a great many only think they think they think. Most people who come to Iiosvey's really think that's why we sell 90 touch D. C. Tooth Paste. They know that we are most of us only given two seta of teeth, The first lastsprobably twelve years and the second may last a lifetime if clean- ed daily with our U. C Tooth Paste. -Sold only by - W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician EXE r>yK - ONTARIO. It is rumored 4bat Lord Stratcona is about to be made a duke. Its is said the title oval be conferred on Victoria Day. Dr. John Watson, (ian 'elacLaren) the famous author of Bowie: Jlricr Dush, difd at ,Rurlin;ton, Iowa on 0hfonday morning. 10 'l he Ilth annual convention of the Women's Missionary Society. of the R the held in ) Exeter district will i a Methodist Church, Granton, on Tues- day May ,i ecrl 1preparledeford the d Y artent mi a cordial invitation is • xtcndei the public. ' The Exeter bait boys were out nn Monday night for the first time this year and entertained the citi- zens with several of the new sele- ctions recently secured by them. '!'heir ['laying shows a wonderful im- provement over last year. They formed in lino and marched ret far as the Metropolitan rand back 10 the Central, whet'. Ili•y heave an open Dir concert. 50c Pair An excellent curtain for the money, very neat design, pairand 3 yards long, Per e, $1.00 Pair Of Nottingham 1.et with open centre and' pretty border, � yards long. pair $1.25 Pair $1.75 Pair is need - the fin unbeat- Just the curtain for bedrooms, very dainty border with plain centre. button bole te Cgitch tl cd . 3 1 yards lona. $2.00 & $2.50 Pair A number of different styles to select at these prices, every design is an attractive ono, every Pair bio value. I'er r:eil 1"2.00, $2.50. $3.50 Pair le a neat Nottinghatu net with This curtain is tho finest we open work centre decorated with have ever shown. centro of po• small figured pattern, with very pular open work effect. with dainty border, 3j yards lona. 50 stylish scroll border. in. wide. Per pair $1.25. Special per pair $3.50. SNELL & ROW1 We are showing this week a very choice ral:ge in Spring Suitings, also some very pretty patterns in Pantings. In Ready Made Clothing we carry a very‘. full assortment iv Men's Youth's and Boys' sizes. You should see our new Spring Hats, they are very stylish indeed. A full line of up to date Neckwear. We invite your attention to our new Astoria Shoe in gents for spring. They have no equal for quality and price. Ladies' Waists, Gloves and Millinery Just to hand another lot of those Choice Waists you hear so much talk about. A few more pair of those long Gloves left, Black and White, in silk and lisle thread. Don't forget that we have a first class millinery in connection with our store in the person of ;Miss Morlock, Ilii. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUIT-Ng 000 101 -Beim. will be at the Commercial lintel. Hours 9.30 a. m. "to 4.30 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. next visit May 3rd. The brush you want is undoubt- .---t- edly in our stock. When it comes to Frank ford left Tuesday for Wirt- bristle goods we can say a whole lot, nipeg as we carry a very large and fine as - Mr. W. W. pini-, neete a business sortment. trip to Detroit last week. Miss Lillie 131atchford, of London is hoine owing to the illness of 'Mr. Geo.. Blatchford,sr. Mrs. W. 11. ltarvey and two child- ren bit this week for 'Crystal City Man., to join lir. 1b rvey. 'Mr. George itephnrn .and 1 Miss Aggie. of Centralia, visited t heir • sister Flora, here e>n Sunday. DRESSING WELL is an'rt and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality so much sought after by the fashionable man. You are sire of Comfort, Ease aed Elegance too Suitings to hand at prices away down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONNY to lean at lowest rates. North wont Limb to W.. Oaks. Mals Street. fleeter Mr. Alex. Martin. of Toronto, was the ;guest of his parents. Ileo. and Mrs. W. M. Martin. 01143 clay last week. Mr. Martin is in the eml• t.loY of the Canada Cycle 'Motor Com- pany and )eaves for Vancouver to take the position of manager of the company for 11'ritish Colombia. A number of 1olatirpm of 'Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Ilea mman met :at their home last Friday ev411I1( to /bid them farewell prior 'to t heir do - porton! for Regina. 'where they acill make their future .hotue. Their household ;coals worn shiptscd on Tuesday :and Mr. need Mrs. Ilean(ln are leaving this nrcek. The early risers on Saturday were somewhat surprised to see that a light mantle of snow had fallen dur- ing the night. Many coral stoves and furnaces that 11841 been allowed to die out were replenished and kind- led. Reports from several taarts of the province stated 'lhnt in mom! Places several inches dThd fatten. The two dogs advertised as lost in the Times last week, have been 'returned t o their owners. One of the animals was found sin Exeter and was handed over to its owner Thursday morning. awhile the other was located in it)ashwvnatt and sent in by the stage Saturday afternoon I. pays to advertise 141 'the •Titltcs., At the nimdin; 91p meeting of the directors of the Huron County Spring show :t hotelier! was found in the bands of the treasurer offer pay ing nil expense* :hod prizes. it was decided to hold n bigger and better show than ever next April . The directors also decided to hold a 11101r ing match in connection with the shoo' in October. Last week Ito ',reit lettere 'to our U. S, subscribers notifying them of the increased postal !tiles and ,1113 usto • *ar f01 l' 1 A Ix' C �{' till necessary it O char ;e $1.50 per year for the Times going to there. end we wish to thank those who have responded. \1e !rave received over fifty replies enclosing the amounts up. 4o .inn. 1st. Me, and ratan be ai case(( to hear front 'the remainder. 'Iritis will ire ,the last week we evert sent the paper to those alh0 have rhos 'paid in ad - :t vane4. Kindly' oblige by remitting 01104' Death on tiund:ty nh>rnin4 la+t ctme ns :a relief to Miss .fcluaic Quante. who has been a sufferer since childhood. The deceased wwus a daughter of ,Mrs. B.A. (Nance and was 22 years of age. Eger sinc(` in- fancy rhe has been subject to ep- ileptic convulsion*, the east oto corn- ing on her nbnnt :a month ago. Since then she lens confined to her bed and was in an unconscious con- dition until death came. The re- mains were interred in tate .Exeter cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. She leaves he -••Ica her another. three sisters. Lid'. of Harrow, 011ie. of Natemee :r ;I 1Wilverna, of Ailafa Craig. Mr. Santl. flutchinson and son and daughter, of London. Chris. llalsden. of Melbourne and Mra Erans and danjbter. of Ailsa Craig were among those who camp from a distance to attend the funeral. Acccording to the report of Gode- rich's assessor the 'population of the county town is over :4,500. Misses Nellie chid Fanny [latter. of London, spent last Sunday et •the home of their •parents. Exeter. Mrs. Wm. itandl, o[ Sarnia, .and Mrs. E. E. Trait. of Bradford, Pa; are the guests of Rev. and !Mrs. Go - bag. Fouad. -A slum of money. Owner can hove same by proving property. Apply Weekes tiros.. Granite and Marble Works. Messsrs. George flintier & Son will hold n sale of 20 cows and 10 steers and !wire , :It Cent relit'. on Saturday. May ►Int. The 1.0.0.F.. of Exeter and 4Cred• iton are making arrangement to hold an excnrniur► to Niagara 'Falls during the corning summer. Mr. Bert Muir. who was called here owing to the death of his (other left Saturday for Regina, where Ito is employed in 'the Post Office. Mr. F. G. .lenunetl, for some years cretary of the Canadian flunk of Commerce has been nude joint gen- eral manager of 4h1' Sovereign Bank of Canada. Now that the new postal regula- tions are in force. we will have to hire some one to lick the stamps to be placed on 'the papers for our t1. S. subscribers. The 'Venerable Archdeacon Rich- ardson, D.C.L., of tit. 'Johns preach- ed nt the snorninh tied ewe•ning ser- vices of the Trivil i Memo' i:11 church last Sunday. The hector. iter. D. W. Collin* officiated ut Ailsa Craig. Aside from being et ;:oat preacher Rev. Fear takes (^reat pride in. hor- ticulture and floriculture. One day last week he (lade us envious by telling las that he hied had a rem, barb pie, from plants in his 17arden. L:1*t Friday was Arbor• Day and the pupil* of the school .took advan- tage of the, afternoon to clean up the school ;rounds. Later sin the afternoon n mambo of 11:, children went to (he ,roosts to gather wild flowers. 1?pworth hea14ue Anniversary ter - vices of the James Street Church will he held on Sunday and Monday May 12th nisi 11th. Om Sunday ltcv. McAllister. of London, will preach and on Monday overlie); n tea will be held. Sccin; :ua suuhnuncenlcnt 1)) one or the daily pallets 1P,;arthug our r'n- tert'r'isiu; <lruggist, W. H. Cole, nve undertook to ask bin' about the matter. Ile a*k041 les to say nothr 0114 whatever about it until after June 5t11, on which date he extreects BRUSH58 Carefully selected from the stocks of the best foreign manufacturers. You will find it a pleasure to pick from our assortment of HAIR, CLOTH, BATH, HAT NAIL. ANI) TOOTH BRUSHES See our new Hair Brushes lac, 35c, and 60c. each. W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist. NTARIO. EXETER. - HouMB Darn' In reading advertisements of Var- nish Stain we runic,' one .man claim' - nig that hi* varnish stain .has i•i;t- meet el it. We ,:Mould think ,ihat, if a varnish stain )lad i'igment in it. it would ler n paint nor a stain. The maker, of Catnpbell's Varnish Stain come nut room re and ;auaram' tee that their Strain dg's not Con- tain any pigment. does riot reluire any stirring op clod will not obscure the ,train of the woad, over Which it is applied. Guess we'll buy Camp- bell's. W. .1. 1lvtmaat, Exeter Ont.. sciad it. Thr baseball meeting last Thurs• day evening avers attended by n manlier of enthusiasts. •'rt of last year's business d a small balance in the ll.mstiry after 111 account* had been paid. A re• solution was passel making the en- trance fee to '.layers no cont*. Tho following officers were elected for this year : lion•-L'res., Ileceve A. Q. Dottier, lion. Vice -Pres. N . Dyer Burdon : Pres. .1. 3. White ; Via. -P %V, J. Carling : 'Manager, R. Creech ; fleey, Oen. l'nwre II ; Treas. 11. Ilia• sett ; Captain to be appointed later. Plumber (Hot and ColdwYster). Sion Writing and Graining Cash for Butter and Eggs as well as Trade. CARLINC BROS. The Sovere1It Bank of Canada Notice is hereby given that a dividend of one and one half per cent. (1 %%) for the current quarter, being at the rate of six pe cent (6%) per annum, on the capital stock of this bank, has been de Glared, and that the same will be payable at the Head office and at the branches on and after Thursday, the 16th of May next. The transfer books will be closed from the rst to the 15th of May, both days inclusive. By order of the Board. D. M. STEWART, General Manager. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, H13NSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STAN/WRY, Solicitors With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence, corner James and An- drew Street. CLINTON BUSINESS CUEIEGE to Alnttste.t with t1'tngham it, t'.1 irtdtw(dual Instruction, Z Write for handsome :alaloKlae. Z t QE O. SPOTTON Principal. W IY F a Mr. John SouthcotI. of 1Grand Rend. visited friends in town a couple, slays of this week. If you trent a nice new Ilu.(tey call aid se0 W. G. ltissetl. ile al. so has some 'gout second band hug- gife on hand chid :a few 'new plows for sale cheap. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid of theMoils St. Jletta.- odist chortle was held in the base• meat of the church on Thursday. May 2nd. The following officers were elected: lion. fres.. Mts. John White: Prey.. Mrs. 1(0wvut41 ; 1st vice. Mrs. Neaman 1 2nd Vice, Mrs. Howey ; Secretary Mrs. .1. A. .M011- e • c 1ve roc ; Treas., Mrs. Lowell . ,h x ut Comm.. 'Mrs. :folios, Mrs. (toss. Mrs. 1)a a weir. The annual Provincial report on the operation of the Liquor License net was Peened Saturday. It points out that the license for dile Inst li- to snake a special trip to Local'. cens(' year were dee►('asrd by 145 as 31r. A. Q. llohier rcceireel word I tamps rest wl illi thr 'previous 5011). last week 1 hal 11154 11101)1V1.had 4)40(4 1 The rings for '4M same period itljlrrd Pn a street mails ay occident I crfnsed by $201,590.22. The total at Uelroil. 11 appeals Ilhnt Mrs. number or licenses (*sued was 2,4.18. 13r.wlas about i(1)01‘40 l0 4)oanet l'c';;; There weir 4,210 commitments for whobienr it htarle(1. h4)) 04•II(,� t1114" lady drunkenness (Inning the 3'8t, 1,021 violently to the graa1111t. )1r. Ito- y of theme h' int; in 'I'cronto aeae('•0rk bier left Friday .for Uctroil, et Mt county. a view of commencing a suit forPreparations for the t (111 of May damage* algailrat t hr rwl r4.•t rail- ( celebration aro twin; kept up by way company• those ielferrsfeet. Tho 113,141:100%h. ow nn Mr. F. 1t. Holtby. the :; (Tel it 1413 (I- 1 eac•Ilrut prozr:aau (11 in eget of the Met chants Rink at the morninz the grand parade will Lucan and Granton, has been pro- { take place. Squire. hentborn. ns motevl to the 'management of rho+••.1oho [hill" will lead, followed by bank al St.'Thomas. Mr. lloltby1the marsh:ills are, of fiery steeds took a proudder:et tsars in the pub• � Reeve and enuncillors in carriage, lic nerd social life of t11 • 001141nel:ray. ( London Niwsboys' mind. Directors, As a Sabbath School mrd church lin (a1.1.i1.g. „, Moldicrs, 4sxetrr 11:tnd worker he will Is' specially missed. everts Commit Ire in carr in ze, 14ehnol lfoats of fric,sls ire Pleased to bear, children. Caiitl..ampian*, Teddy llaw. of his promotion. den's ).'0U ncd K:hzoo Band, .144(4 Dr. W. E. llrowninr. of ('alelo0ia, j Trades procession. The 'farad° will Minn., and :a former Exeter boy, in forth nt the 3fetinpolilan hotel amt sending u* •:a cheek 10 pay for his proceed down Mein street ns far as subscription In .inn. 1*4. 1909, stays the Mtn*ion ilouse, relurninz to be keeps busy nil the litne, having! the echnn!. n hero the raisin; of f he four nurses 01141 nn assistant doctor., fla r will take lilac.. The nfh"rnoon ile is at the bead of a large hoepi• sports will conmr.nce nt min o'clock til and has succeeded in wokine up Liberal prize* are offered for nil quite a nice reputation for it, draw. events. The Racine Cnmmitlen is ing from n large territory. Dr. arran;ing for several fast horses to iifsrry nrownin1 is nit!'him. be here. Sultablc furfflurc of fihl Oraos We have been one year in Exeter and take this opportunity of thanking our customers and friends for their liberal patronage and we hope to be able to merit a continuation of their patronage. Artistic Furniture We have the most Artistic and up-to-date Furniture that money can buy Everything is new, no old stock, and our prices are as low as the lowest. 20 per Cent Oft In the Undertaking Line. We carry a full stock c,f everything required is the business, and for every job of undertaking we will give 20 per cent of regular prices. Jas. Beverley Graduate of -the College of Embalming and a member of the Canadian Em- balmers Association. A Good Ways Corn! -AT- to be Stylish and Becomingly Exeter and Centralia Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as Warehouses carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. Will exchange for other grai if desired. Richard Seldon First-class Workmen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Exeter Our experience is pretty good assurance that you will be sorry for nothing and prices are always at the bottom notch W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Use---" B tLENDED LOUR F Everything about baking Pe easier and etICCes1 is more certain when you use - 1= , .1 : : 1 STAR FLOUR No flour in the world is milled or put up with more care than governs every step of the production of "STAR". The result is that it turns the lightest. whitest, se retest most nutritious breed and rolls. out and , and Clandeboye GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM HORSE !4IIOW, TORONTO. May tat to 4th. Tickets on Bair. at SINGLE FARE for round trip pins 50e. for admission coupon good going May 1st and at FARE AND ONE THIRD f•Ir round trip, plus 50c. for admission coupon; , goingMay 1 good y ¢nd, 3r 1 and 4th All tickets valid returning until May 0th. Low rates to Norfolk, Va ,Daily until Nov. :30th on account of the Jamestown Exposition. Choice of Routes. For full particulars and tickets call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Asset J. 0. McDONALD. District i'assenger Agent. 1 fret• THE TiMES AND WEEKLY GLOBE AND CANADA FAR- MER.. *1.35. The offer of of the Rueter Times and the Toronto Weekly Globe and Can- ada Farmer for 41.35 la extended to Just arrived a large shipment of June 1. Over 150 of nor inhecribere have taken advantage of this liberal offer and we are anslons to increase the nua.ber to 460 before the first of Jure. Any one who is now taking • the Tunes can get the Globe by pay ETER (ng us Ab cent*. best American corn. HARVEY BROS