Exeter Times, 1907-05-09, Page 1samosa THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR -No 1765 niter ••N••••••NN4• ••••••N••••••••••• ••NN•••••••••••••••••••• •N•••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. New TW6C 6oatsaufl Smart 6rdvdllctt6 Ralmoats Correct Garments that appeal at once to Stylish Dressers New Tweed Coats Our new Spring Coats are the height of fashion, in all the New Grey • Tweeds. Very smartly tailored and quite mannish in effect. The Box coat or the three quarter length $8 to $I2. Stylish Rain Coats Made up in Light Gray Tweeds and Gray, Fawn and Olive Cravenette. Very stylish with the new velvet or stitched down collars, and fancy buttons, $4 to $to. Fancy Belts and Collars Here is a dream of beauty. We have the finest showing of Ladies Belts and l:olars to be found in town. Nice Embroidered Wash Belts and Collars from 20c to 50c Silk Belts and Collars from 25c to 50c Kid Belts in Black, White. Green and Brown 25c to 50c Turnovers, Lace and Applique Collars in a big variety Extraordinary Values In Dress Goods Our Dress Goods Department this year has been a v ery busy corner of our store. We take special pride in showing them and can give you some very extra val- ues in Fancy Light Check Tweeds, Fancy Tweed Coat- ings, Broadcloths, Venetians, San Toy, Lustres,l,Cash- meres, Voiles and Eoliennes. Don't forget our big choice when buying your spring or Summer Dress. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. ••••N••••N•N••••N••••• NN•NN•••••••••• •••••••••••••N•••• •••NN•NN••••NN•••••• • 4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++4•+++++% ++% +++++++++++++1•++14++144-1++++++++++++++++++++++++++' t. 4. T. HAWKINS & SON xt -t' Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. z. T .. 4 •� ++++++++•;-.;•++++•::•i•+++• i..:.+ +++++++++4 +++•1•4•++++++++++t 1. +++++++++++•: -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++•1•+++++ :- Nothing Succeeds Like Success They are coming our way BPcanse we sell the Best and Cheapest. Hardware in town. SEEDS We handle both of 1 Field and S Garden Beds a From the old reliable J. A. Bruce & Co. • 4 + PAINTS •t Get the Sherwin-Williams Paints that cover the earth. It goes farther, wears longer, and •;: looks better than any other paints, and that is why we sell them. We aro fluooru tor Bu1ucss! And to make trade with you we offer the high- est Grade of Perfumery, Soaps, Tooth Brushes Hair Tonics, Almond Creams, Skin Foods, Tooth Paste, Cold Remedies and Flavoring Extracts, also Stationery etc. Our prices are right. Try us. The PURITY MFG. CO , Can. Bnflding. FOR RALE. -1n Farquhar. acre of lend, with brick house containing 6 rooms, a good cellar and frame Kit- chen also large brlok blacksmith and carpenter shop. On this plop - (arty is a goad well and stable. This la a goat stand for a blacksmith. Geed trade the entire/ year. For terms and particulars apply to J. E, bleNIoo1. Farquhar. Ontario. J NOTICE The Council has extended the time for the excavation of, water tanks and the cement work for the same up to Monday May 13th. nt. 7 p. to. No tender will be accepted aftlr this hour. !'lana and specificationat clerk's office. JOSEPH SENiOR, CI(�rk. HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT Et EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 9th 1907, Culture of Tomatoes. (Contributed.) The use of our garden tomato for culinary purposes dates back only about one hundred years. Many now living remember when the to.. mato was ;grown as a curiosity more than as an article of food. It is a native of South America but.. its botanical construction is each that it may be clitnated in far northern region Last year totnatoes grew and ripened nicely in Edmonton, slut Last year was an exceptionally good year. They grow year after year in cold Montreal and the farmers sometimes dispose of then] as low as 10 and 15 cents a bushel. There are tnatly varieties of to- matoes, some are so small that they are called current tomatoes, they grow in clusters of 25 or 30 on a single branch. Others are .tike cherries aid cluster 8 to 12 on a stem, then others again are like plumbs. But the greatest excellency we first in our large, srnooth, red garden tomato. The cultivation of this plant in 1Iie 11, S. is simply% enormous. One seed house grew and sawed in one year 20.000 lbs. of seed, while 111 0,10 year the canning factories put up 250,000,000 3-1b. cans besides millions of gallon cans and hundreds of 4housands of bar- rels of pulp for catsups. The cul- ture is only 4n its infancy in Can- ada. The first thing 4o consider in this connection is the 'raising of plants. Manure hot beds are better ithan green houses with nrtificial heat. These hot beds tiro placed on a dry spot, lettere there will he no stand- ing tvater after the hardest show- ers. The beds should be laid out east and west, the north side of ithe frame being; 16 inches high. while the south side is but 10 inches high. First of all. lIowever, the earth should be removed to a depth of 10 inches, 2 feet tomer each way than the frame you have made. Tho us- ual size of Ilot beds are 6 feet wide by any length desired. The sash are made 3x0 'ft. Now build and pack the matured manure (before the frame is ],laced) ton height of about .3 feet, be sure to .have Oho manure well mixed if it is of dif- ferent (grades. This is very essen- tial to insure uniformity of ,hent in the growing of the plants. Now level the top and set your frame the 16 inch Bide 'to t he alorth. The frame should be CO constructed to easily 'knock down" to More away for next year. Now That your frame is made had sot till in the soil which should the carefully ,pre• pared and sifted. 'rich sandy .looms, or sandy clay loom. This should he mixed with finely pulverized well rotted mature and a little coal and wood ashes. This soil Tests direct- ly on the bed of manure. Now make the soil perfectly level and sow the Feed in drills 2 or 3 inches apart to ade th 1 t of 3•S of an inch, at thr. rate of 10 to 20 seeds to the inch and thin out to 1.4 to 1-2 inch 'apart. Another way is ito take n pieee of 2 by 4 scantling, long enough to reach across the bed and Press this into the ground edgewise, leaving an impression 3-S of nn inch deep and 2 inches wide. Scatter the seed in this channel and cover with soil. Make these rows ,0r channels 2 ins. apart. Seed should he. 'sown in this locality from the 1st to 10th of Apt. to be ready for !11e field by dune 1. The next letter swill be on "cold franeesel VIC1'OI UA 8110118 For Ladies are the test shoes made. We return you your money back, when worn out if they are not what we elate to you. A ticket goes with every pant. George Menson, ]loots awl Shoes, Exeter Ontnrio. k I It 1:'i'ON Cows. • cow. u0thl1 but cows to he seen on the stresl3 ,these days. Mrs. Chas. Irvine and her sister Mies Nancy Stinson were• t•isitine their :,,Int in Mitchell for a couple of days last twcek. The masons have started the %cork 0f hnildiet .1 elm Fulherland's new barn. I•:vcry111in.e t . I nosing greener since 1he! rain. Mr. ,i:nnes Weir and wife. ,were vieitiu; the latter's parents in the villa;e Saturday and eillnday. Telephone wort; is the order of the day. \losers. Jack Nixon. S. Mills and C. Carr ere digging the holes antl !witting poles. while A. ilretlhane and it. Iloskie are close F('eotl(is stre trll iia, wire. \\'e are pleas<'(I to nolo .that' Mr. Hiram Copeland is still improving. Mr. \Vitt. Moore hag (deposed of One of his fancy drivers. nilly is a hustler. Mr. .loins Williams has purchased a new Challen.e separator flow the George While tai Co., of London. Mr. ,lobe Shipley, of the 10th con. 13 very low at the time of writing. Mr. Wm. il.Ixleworel. jr. is intend - in; going we41 in the early part of the mummer. The d• illi occurred 011 'Tuesday of 1"ns. Hazelwood. '1)0' decease 1 I!.te. been •1 sufferer for ,1 h( Last tee yea re wtith c0tt4tnnption and les (10.(11 1' it ,l towel), c:ed. For •0.110 time he woi ked with Mr. Hoy, tit \Voo(IhaIn, e4 clerk, but was come pellet to 21Ve ul) hie po•tiinn on 0c. count of ill11(45. The temaine stere brlri(4) on 1Vednee lay 41fternoon. 1►\'1; 1\'olt1:S AT EXET1?It. .1. C. Coiiin4 has opened up a branch of the Forest Dye 1Vorks in town. and L•:diea' Tailoring esteb- leihmeut. All Bork viarantecd. 11e can be found at Dr. P.ollin's former office on Mai(t Street. a few doors North of the post office. IIIC1(H' FORECASTS A reenter stern] period runs from the 10th t othe 15th, central on the 12th. On the 83m1 da(e ]loon is in conjunction %vitt. earth and sun. making %tris !hole :;torus period al- so a time. of ',treat seismic probabil- ity. notably -on •or nitlsiti ,1wo days of the 121 h. 1Ve will name ►4ulxlay, Monday and Tucegday, 4 h 12th, 13th and 14th as central dates of se- vere storm probabilities. Warm humid atmosphere, with low baro- meter and southerly winds. should Canso apprehension and watchfulness in the face of ,;alhering storm clouds at this lint'. 1n all ,reason, able probability severe, tornadie storms will ile reported during this period, front one or more localities. If the 'Stars period should have proven cold prior to this period in any part of this or other continents. such seet101)3 northward will have tlltseneonahle cold. with probable snow and sleet and frost, in 'the areas of west winds :Ind rising bar- ometer behind these storms. Such change to cooler will start in the northwest about 1Ite 131)1, said spr(vld progressively' east ward- sout'tenet Ward during the .14111 to 17th. STE1'iIEN COUNCIL The council of the township of Stephen CD11Vet0e(1 in t he Town Hall Crediton. on ',Monday, the. Gth day of May at 1 p. .m. All members were present. The nlinul(3 of 4he pre- vious meeting were read and adopt- ed. Sanders- Webb. -That the re- port of F. W. h'arucombe, P.L.S. as submitted lo the council of the township of !McGillivray and served oii the township of Stephen on Ail. 23rd, 1907, for outlet liability of the township on what is known gas an(Ix- tetugion of ''.Mud Creel: ])rain in the township of :McGillivrey.:be received as read by the clerk. Pursuant '0 notices forwarded by the clerk of the township of Stepcn to tall par- ties affected in ;this township. which .totiee is i►ereby approved of, the clerk is hereby instructed to draft a by. -law and serve the sante on all the parties interested in this muni- cipality. as provided by the tMunici- ,pal Drainage Act, Sec. 22. That this council meet ;at the Town Hall Crediton, on May ¢7th 1907 at 2 m• for the purpose of holding P Court of Revision to consider any ap peals that may be made against the assessment of the tpropoeed by-law Kellormante-Wucrth.- That the C'ullectot's Boll as filed with the Clerk on Apr!) Ill. bo accepted and that the Court •A. itotliaion for ap Peals against the said roll be held at the ']'own Hall, Crediton, on May 27111 at 10 o. m." -Carried. Kellerman-Witerth - 'flea the Prayer of the 1'otifion of Andrew Andrew hicks and forty olhers, :isk- ing that Public School section No. 1, be divider] into two sections, ,1n granted, nn(1 that a By. -Law be also drafted a)µ1 submitted rto the Coun• Cil for its npproval, dividing :the said section into two elections lin request- ed in the raid petition."-CarrieJ. Webb -Sanders -- "That .11y.Lau3 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10 each having bent read the third time, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk awl the Seal of the Corporation nttach- (d thereto." -Carried. Kellermanu - \Vnerth - -"that Ily•Laty No. 1l thein; :a sly -Law to alter the boundaries nut divide ,the School section, No. 1, into Iwo sec- tions 'mein; been read the 3rd time be pa331(1 end aimed by 111e Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Cor- poration atteelied 1t.;'telo.''-Carri•'d• You hardly realize That it is med- icine when Inking Canter's Little Li- ver ]'ills; they are very small; no bad effects; all troubles from tor- pid liver are relieved by their use. CEN'1'IRA1.IA ,\hiss 1',inus:s Abbott, of Muskoka is the guest of her sister M lda Ahhotl. .'1isS Sharp ;;r.d Miss Jackson, of Exeter, welt. (11.• .,)gists of Miss AI - lie Wil mon and X1144 \]'taut•• las(ry, WI Sunday. Mrs. James II eidltld ie visili'l with her daughter Mrs. Will Fos- ter, of Toronto. J114. French. of Clinton, t'. the .guilt of her :..if -tet, Mrs. William Elliott. M r4. Irick. II,,lid fin d vi::ilr.I ft ien•ls i11 London <1 few (lays last ,week. Clarence Dupinn and ]'rank 110) 1e spent 81111(133' hitt. friends in Cre:li- t on. Will positively cure kick headache snit prevent its (('turn. Carter's Little Liver ]'ills. This is not talk but truth. One pill n dose. See ad- vertisement. Stnall pill. Smell dose. Small price. 8. 8.:N o. 4, 1 511011 N I•:, Following is ., rnrrert tep01 t 0f the alantin,; of the meets of S. et. No. 4, 1',hot tr.. for 1 h • mntit h April. be•t(1 neon teettl:,rity of :it. tet:(];fnee and e I :'I;ly ''x.atfiiiial t011s. 1'he n 11110 a1'p 11 •;n order •'1 merit. 1V -Frank hook. Plank llandfot(1, Willie t':v.ery. Cecil Skinner. Villa Keri) it;r, 11'illio 11•el,ber, Vella Da - vi'. Sr. 111. -Carrie 'May. Annie Locals. Miss Olive Gould ileft last even- ing for the .West. 'Miss Katie McDonald. of London is the 'guest of Minn Mal.cl Barrows Rev. Colin Fletcher. preached in the Coven Presbyterian Church last Sun- day. Messrs. %Veekee Bros. have placed a marble font in the Episcopal chutch at Hensen. Rev, Grant, who died in St. Marys last Saturday was`vell and favorably known to many in Exeter. The annual convention of the S. Huron .School Teachers wilt beheld at Exeter on IMay 22nd and 23rd. Miss Lizzie 1''erettsoll, of London, was %lei .guest of Mrs. Collins and Miss Ilonthron during :the past week Mr. A. D. it. Duncan, of the Sov- ereign hank staff, (Toronto, is visit- ine. friends around here. lie is on two 'reeks' holiday. Mr. henry Rumhor is this .week moving into the house he recently Purchased on the East side of Main Street, North of !the River. Mr. Nelson Taylor had one of his fingers badly injured on Wednesday by having it !come in contact with some machine at 'which he was tvorkina. Mrs. McMartin, of Barrie. who has been visiting relatives in Hensall and taking treatments in Exeter, was in town Tuesday bidding her friends fare- well prior to returning to her home in Barrie. Word was received there 'Monday of the death of Annie ,E• beloved wife of A. E. Davis. i former resi- dent of Exeter. Mrs. WIII. Davis, of Exeter North., attended 'the funeral which took place nt London yester- day. Mr. W. G. Bissell is laving the front of his store. buildin; next Ito the Central hotel replaced with large plate glass windows. He has had offers from several parties who wish to rent elle building. Our old friend, Mr. Chas Dorwood of Chicago, sprung (a surpriae on his many acquaintances here by quietly 4oing to t31. 'Marys and get - tin; married. The blushing bride was 'Mrs. Rebecca Otwell, of 8t. Marys and the ceremony wan per- formed by Iter. 11. A. Graham on Tuesday evening, April 80th. Mr. and Mrs. Dorwood M1vill live in Chi ca:;o, where Mr. Dorwood is employ- ed by the Pullman Car Co. The Times joins the tnany friends hero in exten(li(►; cougratnlalions. The regular monthly meeting of the Ministerial Association was held in the Trivitt Memorial church school room on the Oth inst. A resol- ution of congratulation was extended to the President, Rev. W. M. Martin, on his being appointed Moderator of the Hamilton and London Synod of the Presbyterian church. A very ex- cellent paper on church union was read by Rev. E. L. Smith, of Bengali The discussion which followed was opened by the Rev. D. W. Collins. in an exhaustive address and participat- ed in 1.7 the Revs. Messrs. Fear, Bean $t.00 per year in advance Spring Supplies LAWN MOWERS You will need one in a few days. We have then] from $3.50 to $8.00. See our $1.50 mower, it's good value. POULTRY NETTING 2 in, mesh front 18 in. to 72 in.; lc. per yard up. 1 In. mesh from 21 in. to 33 in.; 10e. per yard up. y Washing Machines from $5.00 to $1.00 Churns from from " • • Wringers ; • • • , .. $2.5o to $4,25 Ready Mixed Paint to, 15, 25 and 45c 40c and 75c Tins Varnish Stain in .... ...... 15, 25, 45 and 75c. Tins Murailo and Alabastine ....25c and 45c per package Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, Forks, Drain Spades and Cleaners Floor Lac in BEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE b+4•4•444. f 14'4-++++i•++++ I++++ I ++++++++•A•I-•3••I••f••1 +•I'•4' iOur Reduction Sale. Owing to the lateness of the spring we have decided to extend ot:r reduction sale and will give greater Bargains in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. :t • RO WE & ATKINSON The Largest Home Furnishers in the County, 4. "Undertaking in all its Branches. ++++++++++++++++4 *+++++.+++++++++++++++Ti'+ - UP - TO - DATE STORE wishes to let the people of Exeter and surrounding country know that they are prepared to give the best bargains in WALL PAPER From 5c per Roll to 25C . The latest Patterns and newest es t deet Rns picked from the latest samples. The busy house wife knows there is nothing brightens a home so much as new paper. The Up -To -Date. Store 18 prepared to give you the paper and the bargains. are the exceptlonals for the season. Ducks in white black and colors, French Delaino navy blue Prints. of Crediton, Geishler, of Zurich, and pinks, blues. in all the latest patterns. trNew Groceries arriving weekly. Urquhart, of Kippeu. The discussion Ask to see the pretty China when passing our way. brought out the possibility and de- sirability e- Fears wee union se all the churches. D• C O D 13 I_ E D 1 C 1 Fears were expressed by some that the chief difficulties would be foun'i more in the pews than in the pulpits EXETER NORTH. and colleges. tiut it was hoped that when intormat.ion is given to the peo- ple, there would be more unanimity there 8130. 511. T. .1. Merry. lien/tell, has sold the Clydesdale Mullion fair Matthew, to Mr. Cl,_sHackney, one of our leading borne kings. for which lie received a handsome Spm. This 110)411 ie lieely (0 make one of the leedine !Reeve of this County. Ile 14 c0►uin,t ((1111 1'(:11'4 old, with plenty of size 811(1 best of quality. 'Chin is the only kind of horses that Mr. U(11y handles. Sir Mletllit'%t's sire et the champion (lydeetleie, Marcel - 1114 (11,111)), %winner 1,1 first and chain• pion plied) el Perth lliehl:an<t Soc.ie- li(4 ,,]tun and 'winner of 1111, corded Cntt(le) Clip 1tt0 t• 11'4 11 49. Al Ihr! (il:ln.nw 11 111ion MUM' lip wen first !i tis, wee chanipinn of the Shaw and winner of 1t.( 100 (:nip(:a chattels;o shield, ::n Ilial lie Iris dont! what no other hoist. has .•1er done. ile leas wen e large timidly, of other prizes et.antt'intashill:, and premiums (no r`unieruu•• Io n,enf ion 1(11(1 ie n0 doubt 11•, 11 "1 h0a•I• ]twat; et the !learnt (11s. 1:X1•:TI;1t NOIcTl1 VICTORIA DAY CMLEBRATI O N A Monster Demonstration will be held at BXE,TE�R Friday, May 24th 9 1907 Under the auspices of the Stephen and Usborne Agri- cultural Society. Arrangments are being made to make !this a Gala Day for EXETER. THE SPORTS will consist of ('alithurnpian and Trades Processions, Horse ]{acing, and Athletic; Sports. The London Newsboys' Band will play in the morning and at the afternoon sports. '411. :inti .31t . \\'tn. .1arrott, of FACTS REGARDING Ili`1ri'. J"i ank" Cocl r ane awli111litttlC THE LA SflLLE DEVELOPMENT G0. I,I,i1TE1) fnrmer'e parents. eon retuned home lea week after (No personal liiebility) Ml'JI ;Corte -Attie moa•41111 Mrent) Mrs. Capital Stock $soo,00o.00 4. .10111) Cochiet Ilillsgr(en. atr4. \na""'ii .1a11ott and dtr4.500000 shares. incorporated under the Ontario Min - 1;11..1011(4 visited last week eilh �tr�. .rohn omen n1(1 S1r. Richt. Par value $t.00 each. ing Companies Incorporation Act. erd .loll('. 1'31101 1I1,. Mead Office of Company, kE1 l' '1'11 l'. A.A(''. i1 ha411n►l111I(tilly SCE 3,11411dllat l REMEMBER: any dist urb;lnre of 4he even halnnee of healthelo carifu 1 rouble. No- (1) -WE PAY DIVIDENDS MONTHLY. The4e will be largely inclensed a. Hedy 0151 be leo careful to keep 1hi. nce \1'11.11 people to soon as negotiations are completed for several rich properties in Cn- balaup. h(�in McCurdy. Iladley May, Ac:a Skinner, keep this halanee tap. When people halt, Lander Lake, Montreal River and .lames Township. wee,. '4\'eller. Gen. Davi+, 'Ikons%: begin to lose lapped]%', or to get Ceitee .Ir. 111 -- Mary McCurdy. tired 'wily, the least imprndr•nce 1'.du.la(1 1:1.11' 1. Le,,;i Cna1*'., ,1111'' brings ort sicknes. •tw•(aknes% or .1.'- ltuntvt. Sr. 11. -Vern► Cosh,,, 1'r ed bili]►'. '1'll,. 4vslom needq 0 tonic, \1'(bbrr, 1,1(1.1 11ar(lin., Irene Fnrd. crmwr� it, :,tad ;.!mold not h,' 'I ,ii•'d Weslry C11h01 t. .11. 11. - '1 him, it 1 rind I10• h•'sl [tame of a hien ave skinner, 81nn nrd), Minnie hove :any knowlyd.•' is Ilnod's Sar- no). Coated1CC8, 1't. 11 -- sapa(ilia. What this medicine has noy Thvrnp.nn, !toy Webber, Verde done in keeping tap the even halenee Rieke. 11. ('t. 11.-Vernie !'incembe of health, give.e it the came distine- Carrie Thnnll,snn, Gorden Hunter, tion as a preventive that it enjoy,' !Darold ]]anter. Sr. rt. i.- Willi., aq a cure. Its early use has illus- Thornpson. Carrie Davi!. Jr. 1't. 1. trat<<i the wisdom of the old saying !terry Coates, Ea, l ytezee. Average that a Flitch in time saves nine. B. LAS�ELLE stteatdnnee r the month tree .N. Take 110cd's for appetite strength C. • J. W. IIOOARTII, Tesehetiihm and endurance, 152-154 Bay St. Toronto (2) -WE WILL BUY BACK YOUR SHARES at the price paid if you are not satisfi (3) -THIS OFFf:R ISed. ONLY HOOD FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER, as this allotment of treasury stock has been nearly taken up. after which time shares will be advanced to par. (I) -DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Remit. now by certified cheque or money order, either to the Company or the undersigned direct. Live Responsible Agents Wanted to handle stock in companies we underwrite. t Financial Agent. 1