Exeter Times, 1907-05-02, Page 5tILLRD ay A LOSIis?SR
A Chicago chef has just died from blood poisoning
following upon a nip from a lobster. Taut-Buk applied
immediately atter that trivial accident would have saved
Ibat maws lite ! Zsn-Buk is just ss fatal to poison sal
Anne germs, as these are fatal to us, and a little more
so; because, while we sometimes get germs into our
system and still live, when those germs get Zam•Buk they
wee up the ghost without a struggle. One of Ent •land s
binding smalysts has proved this. Write to us for his
import. Meanwhile, when you sustain a cut, a burn, a
bruise, a scratch, or auy injury, just apply Zan -Buk. Two
processes right away -clean** the sore, thus preventing
THE EX 1' _ER_TIMES, MAY 2nd 1tk7
blood poison and suppuration, and eomsenoes to heal.
Incidentally it takes out soreness. Borenew is not neces-
sary to Nature's healing processes. See free sample offer
in adjoining column. All stores and druggists sell at
fifty mita a box. Nothing like it.
Magistrate Perry, of Goldfields, B.C., believes in mak-
ing a good thing known, and we do not blame him either.
Writing of Zam-Buk, he says: "After a very fair trial
I have proved lam Butt momently satisfactory. In my
case it cured a skin rash of five years' standing which no
doctor had been able to do any good for. I would cer.
tainly encourage any person to keep Zam•Buk in his
home.' Ho is quite right. Every home needs it. Is it
in your home? If not, why not? All stores and drug-
gists sell at 50 cents a box.
Teat ZasoMe►k at Our Mngases.
We appreciate the position taken by the man or woman
who says to us : " If your preparation is what you claim,
you should have no objection to letting us try it before
spending money on it." To every pet son taking this view
we say, " We agree !" Send us one cent stamp (to pay
return postage) and name and date of this paper, and we
will mail you a free trial btu of Zam•Buk.
ome Needs am-Buk
Popular Goods for Now and
the ResI of the Season
Favored Worsteds
These worsteds are in blues and
fancy mixtures,excel in quality,beauty
and finish anything of eir kind we
have ever shown. We are offering
some beautiful
Summer Suits for $io 1
and upwards.
If a pant hunter pantless
Is panting for pants
He panteth pantless
Until he implants himself into
one of those fashionable pants ordered,
A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can
not suit, we have yet to know of it.
We have left one Dinner Set, gilted brown pattern, 01 pieces
reg. price was $11.00, now $7.50; one White Tea Set, 44 piece reg.
$2.75, now $1.85; one Green Tea Set, 44 pieces, reg. price $3.75,
now $2.50. We have a very large stock of Pitchers and Bowls in
plain white and clover leaf gilt Bowls at 5c up to 15c. Pitchers
front Sc up to 35c.
Large stock of men's and boy's Overalls and Smocks, Duck
Shirts and boy's Tweed Knickers at05c each for the Knickers.
Call and see our Dress Goods before buying, we have some ele-
gant patterns in Grey Tweeds
11. MILLS, WOOD1-11=1M.
Short, stiff, hard, steal wire stays make a "hingelike"
joint at every lateral wire on the Dation fence.
These "Hinge -stays" give our fence a greater degree of
elasticity -enable it to withstand greater strain. They act
like, and redly are. bungee -make our tenon awing or spring
back into shape after receiving a heavy blow,orthe unusual
p reasure caused by a furious bull or other animal endeavoring to
push his waythrongh to freedom. Catalogue tells more about
this "twice as strong"fenoe.
The Owen Senn Wire Fence Ce-. United,
Owen Sound, Ont.
W. NEIL, Agent.
A Blended Flour
(of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat)
BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one.
The famous Bread and Pastry slaking
qualities of Ontario fall wheat—are combined
with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength
and nutriment.
BLENDED FLOURS are not only the
best for all home baking --they are also the
bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other
Try it, and you will use no other.
This is the sift
of a
((Matic in Ontario"
Leek fort
DIt. P. J. MriCPE, MEMBER (1N•
Ins and Surgnona. Successor to Ur.
A. [faint. Credito'
the ttereroornq just the saute.
Mrs. A. Whitman,' and Miss E.
Mor tock who have been visiting with
their parents Mr. end Mrs. Matthew
Merlock, left On Mondry for the
(or tner's home in Benton Harbor.
1 Miss Cron,;. who was the IJnest of
Mics Crisis tiron,t the past few
uueeks left for ti•r home in Chealey
her Morelia- eke
Sirs. i:. /,wicker, is at present, t•iq-
i•in,' her sister, etre ililiman in
1 :`runt.
11r. James Clarke intends tnovin„
i• t0 the house formerly occupied by
les father Mr. J. Clarke.
Master Victor Kest Ie. nvho re.
We have jubat put in a
stock of Fresh Groceries,
Fruits, Candies and Canned
We also make first class bread.
Give us a call.
Levi S. Hamacher
Baker and Confectioner
I wish to announce to the public
that I have purchased Mr. Eidt's in-
terest in the Roller Mills and solicit
your patronage.
Vl e make a specialty of Family
Try Our Graham Flour.
All kinds of feed always cn hand.
Chopping Promptly attended to
Highest nice Paid for Wheat.
Prop. of Dashwood Roller Mills.
ceutly had his leg, broken is able
to be our. egret'.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarke left Mon -
;lay last for Islay. Alberta, where
Mr. Clarke a year n,to took up a
homestead. They will remain on the
farm a few years before rctntiuii;.
Mr. W. Clarke, of Granton, seas
in the either. on Sunday ,last.
Mr. Fred You're left on Monday
evcnin,z for Toronto, !where he in-
tends cansulting an eye specialist.
iIt will be remembered that some
time ;Igo 'Mr. Young met /with an
accideet which injured She sight of
his eyes. The improvement of his
sight is very slots' hence Jlr. Young's
visit to Toronto.
Mrs. R. lluxlable, of Hamilton 'who
has been visiting 'her tnother Mrs.
Finkbcitler for the east few weeks
returned to her lotto on Tuesday of
lhi.1 week. t
Mr. and Airs. Chas. 7,wicker spent
a few days this /week in London.
'Miss Beulah Beaver spent Sunday
Sunday the guest of Mrs. ,Mantle.
of Exeter. . .
Reports have been circulated
throughout the country that dif-
ferent people of our village ;were
down with smallpox. Such however
k not rho base ns 'hero in only and
case in our village and ,that in n
very mild form. Every precaution
has been taken in the ,matter. Our
schools were closed as were also the
churches on Sunday, and at (present
one may visit (Crediton with as touch
safety ns they could nt any other
1jci$-)- The misleading necounls in
the daily papers have no doubt given
ground for the Tr•leortq now in cir-
Miss Susie Schroeder itvho has been
in Zurich for the past few months,
spent Sunday and"r the parental)
roof. Miss Schroeder, as a trained
nurse, it highly recommended. and
her 'natty year of exl.rr-ienee Crla-
blos her to gaerform wit nsuccess nit
the work in that line.
.hiss Etta Ruby and Miss Florence.
Rhode left for London last ,n eek.
Miss Ethel. Plummer, of Detroit,
who has been visiting et '1r. Fred
Gwenra11 a heck or so. left last
Tuesday for Detroit again.
Miss Christie,' Stirs. I'•ft for for
Detroit last week.
Miss Sarah Ball. of Detroit, spent
a few days visiting at her mothers
here in this villa",.
In some palw'r' of last week it teas
'everted that there were front sixty
to eighty cases of smallpox in and
around I),lslnvord, but this is not
so by nny means. It will keep one
busy finding any Snore than nhout
three oases, and they are very light.
Outsiders need not he afraid .to o(nmo,
to t he tithes for there is no danger.
i'ilen get quick nnrl certain relief
from Dr. tlhoop's Magic Ointmtnt.
r►ot it is made n lone for files
and its action Sq )positive ;Ind certain.)
Itching. p
ainful, protrudinz or blind! i
piles rlieappear like magic by its
use. Large nickel -capped .dais Jere
50 cents. Sold by W. 8. rlowcy.
Mr. W. R. Elliott, who rec.'s -10y
purchased the JO acre farm froth
Itobt. Wilson, took possession this
week. Mr. Wilson has purchased a
farm its Lobo tp., and will move
Air. W. It. Elliott last Monday
shipped a cat load of horses to James
Beattie. Saskatoon.
Mrs. Tennant, aged 78 years dial
at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
Fletcher out Saturday. the cause of
her ticath being infirmities of old
age. The deceased was born in Ire-
land and war an 01:1 and respected
settler of this section. Her husband
died a year ago last fall from the
results of injuries sustained by beim
thrown over a fence by an enraged
hull. The remains were interred in
the Catholic cemetery last Monday.
Death nil Saturday last claimed
Mr. Fitzlienry, father of Mrs. 1'.
Curtin. at the iltome of 'bir. Curtin
I here. The sleoeased was nearly 80
years of age. For +natty years he
liver! in Lucian, but years tigo he
went to Detroit !where lie continued
to reside. Mr. Curtin went to De-
troit a couple of 'weeks ago and
brought the aged gentleman to Cen•
trolin. The funeral tool: place Mon-
day morning, interment Being in the
Catholic cetnelcry.
Beare the The Kind You We AIeafs 8 St
elle FrauI. AlcNau3hton Itis re-
turned home from Wolveron, where
she was visiting her mother.
Miss Carry Sweitze.r visited at fuer
110(710 a few clays last week.
Don't forzet the't4th of :May cele-
bration in Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuart rind son
visited in Sl. Marys on Sunday last.
M r. Edgar Mills bas sl arted on his
summer route. ea egies•
Some of the ;tropic in 414(1 Villa,e
are complaining of bovine the ;+even
yea rs itch.
Miss Olive Stevens has returned
horse from Lucas.
Sidney 'Mills and eta Lord Carr
have eit axed with Mr. ferry Lor
the summer.
Miss Mabel Knox tv:1s the ;';*eat
of Miss Annie Sinclair on riunday.
Mr. Ted Mills intends moving into
his new house before the first of
Mist' Nettie Swallow is w'orkin4
tvith Mrs. Wesley Swcitzer.
11 r. Walter !fasten and Lila floe;
were the guests of Mrs. W. ,1. Wil-
son on Sunday last.
Mr. 'fusel ,Innes slid two youn;
ladies mad" a flyi1.g visit to the
village on Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Philip St. John visit-
ed in St. +Marys on Sunday.
For Infants and Children.
Bears the
Signature of
The Kirk ton Choral Society closes
its present Session by ?wing a Soi-
ree 014 the avenin„ of l\lay 7111. 1007.
Mr. 11irain Col'cl:uul it quite i11
'with pneumonia.
Al the tnceling
held in Aberdeen
hall on 'Monday evening of Inst week
; was decide:i to deepen the drain
east of the village on '(ho North nide
of the Fourth Line from Aberdeen
Hall to Balfour's.
M'grrs. Beattie & Carr oit Slon-
div shipped th it too trotting
horses Kittie Thompson rind Darcy
Eche to Saskatoon. where they -will
be entered in the races •1n ir: held
there on (hi,' telt It of May. Both
(11:•+e lenses can do :4 toile in 2.20
lleart Strenglh
Maas Strength. or Heart Weakneaq. means Nerve
Strength. or Nerve Weakness -nothing more. Po►
1lfinely, not one weak heart In a hundred Is, In K
sell, actually diseased. It Is almost aiways a
hidden tiny little nerve that really Is all at fault.
This obscure nerve -the (1aMlac. or Heart Nerve
s -simply needs, and must have, more power, more
Mabillty, more controlling, more governing
*,ngth. Without that the Heart must condnus
10 1W, and the stomach and kidneys also hams
there Mme controlling nerves.
This clearly explains why. as • medicine, Dr.
itboop's Restorative has In the past done e.0 musk
kr weak melanins Hearts. Pr. Shoop first ernest
ths ranee of all this painful, palpitating, suftocas•
When distress. Dr. Shoop'. Restorstivr{his
POrder Drewvictim-ts alone directed to then
Weak and wasting nerve centers. It halide:
M s rengthens: It offers real. genuine heart help
u you would have strong Hearts, MOW dL
seethe, strengthen then nares- meslakitsb
ONO a. Deeded, with
Dr. Shap':
Rostorati vo
In House Furnishings during April month.
We have some extra values in CARPETS,in Unions, Wools, Tapestry, etc. We hat.
just received a shipment of Tapestry Carpets in lawn, Green and Cardinal shade. Exquis-
ite patterns, new and up-to-date and have marked thein close to manufacture's prices.
All widths in Floral Zig! Ratternt.
See Our Stock of Linoleums, Oil Cloths, &c, .Ve handle Naiirr►'e t►eott'h Iadnoterunas
in the hest quality.
In this department we have great bargains
Lace Curtains New patterns at frons 2c toe our $1.011 and i$1.25 line. They are specials.
WINDOW SHADES—All Color's, plain, also trimmed with lace and insertion
WALL PAPERS—A large stock to -choose from l.t right pries.
some lines Regular 25c for 5c per double roll.
A_ Call
We are clearing out
1 C. ZWICKER, Crediton
and last year neon several rood
prizes. The animals will retuain at i
Saskatoon, and enter the races in
that erection during the coming tem -
Mr. ferry, of the St. Marys, Exe•
ter & Kirk ton fi't'lephouc Co. twill
canvass between Farquhar and Exe-
ter for subscribers for a new line
between those two 'points, and if
a sufficient 'mintier can Is' secured
a new line will be built.
Dr. Campbell was 'in 'Toronto last
week. Dr. `Moore was Supplying for
him. It is The intention of .Ur.
Moore to leave in a short tines for
Mr. W. J. Dourly, of Alberta, call-
ed out friends 'here last Nteek. Ile
was returnee; from .Detroit, where
he purchased a large 40 horse
power touring auto. lie intends re-
turning .home by nay of the United
States. making the entire distance
in his auto.
Mr. Melvin Robinson, nvho was tat -
tending the Stratford business col-
lege'• is home out a visit.
Miss Mena Robinson left {his week
tor Toronto to /resume her studies
at the Toronto 'business college.
Mrs. George Ilarrah is confined to
her bed thr.ouglt illness.
'Mr. W. 11. Marshall last eyeek bold
a heavy horse for u !good figure.
Mr. John Roadhouse, a former
resident of Kirk ton, died at his home
'tear Stratford. on Monday April 22
at the age of 44 years. The cause
of his death 'was consumption. The
remains were interred in Avonbank
cemetery. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown
and Mr. and Mrs. T. Roadhouse, at-
tended the funeral.
Miss Alice Gourley, who 'went ,west
some months udo 'was married on
Wednesday, April 3rd to Mr. James
Stewart, ,a prosperous farmer of
llighbluff Man. Mss Gourley is
a sister of Mrs. \Vui. Crery, of St.
Marys and Mrs. Francis, of Kirkton.
She was one of the Sabbath School
and League workers, ttnd was snuck
esteemed among the young people
who will swish her prosperity in her
now home.
TENDEItSaddrvwt.I to the undersigned an d en
Boned 'Tender for Dredging." will be received
up to and including vonday, say 6th, line7, for the
dredging required at the following places In the 'Pro-
vince of Ontario during the present year: Belle River
('henal I'w•arte, (:o,lerich, Kincardine fort Elgin,
fort Burwell, Point Edward. 1'ort Stanley, Rondeau,
River Thames, 11-iarton, Blind River, S)denhun
Beaverton Bronte, Bracebridge, amnion!, Owen
Bound, lllornbur), Toronto, V lloolshene, Wing.
field basin, Nlgger and Telegraph islands, Trenton
Harbor and 11ark Channel, Penetangtil bene, mid-
land, Hamilton, Colaurlt.
Comhined specification,. and font of tender can
be obtained at the 1*partruent of Public Works,
Ottawa. Tenders must Include the towing of the
plant to and font the work. Only dredges can he
employed whkh are registered in Canada at the
time of filing of tenders. Contractors must be ready
to begin work within thirty la). after the date the)
have been notifies of the acceptance of their tender.
Tenders will not be considered unless made on the
font supplied, and signet with the actual signatures
of tenderers.
An accepted cheque on a chartered hank, payable to
the order of the Honourable. the sinister of Public
Work*. for one thousand dnllnrs 1(1,0n1, 11411.1 ac.
company each tender as security deposit in connect-
ing with the dredging to he performed. The cheque
n111 t,ereturne' in rax of non-arreplanee of tender.
The itel.artment does not bind itself to accept the
lowest or any tender.
By Outer,
Deterttnent of Public works,
Ottawa. April 17, 1907
Newspspen inserting this ad+ertisement without
authority from the Itepattment will not be paid for
Sroopls of the C000dioo NEM Wesi
NI even numbered section otls f Dominion tanin
Awanitot.a, .askatchewan and Alberta, excepting
M and 26, not reserved, limy he homesteaded by
any Jerson who is the head of a family. or any male
over IS le n of age, to the extent of one-quarter
section ni 1611 area, more or lee.
Entry must be made personally at the local land
ofllre int the district in which the land is situate.
The homesteader is required to lerfomt the con-
ditions connected therewith under one of the follow.
Ing plans: -
tit At lest sic months residence upon and culti-
vation nt the land in each year for three )ears
(2) 11 the father tot mother. it the father Is de•
ceased) of the homesteader reside upon a faun In the
vicinity of the land enteral for, the regiuremen's as
to residence may 1e satisfied 1,) such person residing
with the father or mother.
153 If the settler has his permanent residence upon
fanning land owned by hint in 'he,irinity nfhi* ,
homestead, the requirements as to residence may
be• satisned by residenr a'iron the midland.
Six ruonib. notice in writing ,braid to (Oven to FERROL h nota tent mystery. The formula is freelypublished. It Is preuribectill
the Commtaionet of l•ontinion lands at Ottawa of is yM D
intention to apply for patent, the best Physicians. it is endorsed by the most eminent Medical jotirmtls, It is MA b
Cedar Posts
-We have a carload of Cedar Posts
at 23c. at Exeter
25c at Winchelsea
COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea
I have the agency for the following well known
binder twine, and as I intend sending in the orders
about the first of June it would be well to place •
your order with me at once.
The prices will be guaranteed.
i have on hand a large stock of "ARK BRAND" paints. All colors. Once
used, always used. The best (Writ on the market.
W. Moore Kirkton.
Field and
Garden Seeds
We handle only the best. Our Seeds are all new this spring.
not one pound of old seed in the place. Then we Guy from a re-
liable house and just the hast strains of seeds. Titan the price Is
as low as is consistent with reliable seeds. Do not snake the mis-
take of buying "cheap" seed and lose the whole crop.
All House Cleaning
Requisites on Hand
B. W. F. BEAVERS, = Farquhar.
There are many emulsions of Cod Liver Oil, all
more or less good, no doubt, and all very much alike,
the principal difference being in the quantity and
quality of the oil that enters into their composition,
and perhaps something in the method of manufacture.
on the other hand, while it is an emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, occupies a place entirely above a,ld beyond
the ordinary preparations above referred to.
The reason is, that FERROL combines with the oil
Iros and Phosphorus, which all other emulsions lack,
and without which iso emulsion is anywhere near
• perfect.
In FERROL the well-known virtues of Cod Liver
Oil as a flesh and weight producer, the unparalleled
qualities of Iron as a blood builder and purifier, as
well as the undoubted advantages of Phosphorus as a
Nene and Brain tonic, arc all not only combined and
retained, but wonderfully enhanced by the process of
No argument is necessary to prove the inestimable
value of such a preparation as FERROL In the
treatment of Coughs, Cplds, Bronchitis, Croup and
all Bronchial or Lung Troubles.
W. w. cont., pros:datnt hospitals, Sanitariums, Sic.
Deputy of the Minister of the interior.
N. B. -Unauthorised pobikatiort of this ads cross.
Met will nate saki for