HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-05-02, Page 4ortvmcs The Newest, Best and Largest Assortment of Per- fumes and Toilet Waters in town. If you want something good we can please you. BROWNING'S Drug Store •The Exeter Times The regulations governing the new postal agreement on newspapers Passing between Canada the United Staten, have 'been received by Post- master Christie. They require that require that postage to the amount of one cent fur each four ounces or fraction thereof be paid on all news- papers goin; into the United States. This will mean that all subscribers of Canadian Palters living on the American Side Will have to spay addi- tional postage on their papers amounting to about 1 cent per copy. Exeter people who arc sending the 'fillies" to friends in the United States should call at this office and make the ►tecoesary arrangements for the continuation of the paper. The new regulations take effect on 'May 8th next. THAMES ROAD Add Thames [toad. Miss Mary Monteith itis zone to the house of Mrs. Thos. McCurdy for the summer .months. Mrs. Chas. llarris and family are at present the igucsts •of 'Mrs. F. It. elatuilton. of Cromarty. Rev. C. Fletcher is in Chatham this week. attending the meeting of the Synod. Sacrament services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday next. Preparatory service. on Fri- day afternoon will be conducted by Rev. 'Mr. bmith, of Hensel!. On Saturday afternoon, The Teach- ers' Training Course examinations will be held tit the Manse. (Too late for la,t week) Miss \falters of Exeter was Abe guest of Miss '1'etut McUouald on Sundae. 'Mrs. David Duncan. accompanied by her daughters, Joanna and _Nellie and • her son, Grant, left on Mon- day for their new home near Grand Coulee. Sask. We wish then/ a safe and Pleasant journey. 'Miss Maggie Ellerington returned to Toronto on Tuesday, to resume her duties as nurse in that city. ''lass Florence punkin entertained n number of her friends from Exe- ter, on Alonday evening. Mr. AlcLeau, teacher of Lumley School has sufficiently recovered te- covercd from his recent illness, ns to be able to take charge of his school again. Let tau mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my 1)r. ,Shoop's Restorative, and my Book •oft either Dyspepsia the Heart or the kidneys. Address ole', Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis. Troubles of the Stomach, Ilcart and Mr. George Button has purchased a grocery store at :Ripley and in- tends to start i,usiuesa b)' [the let h of May. Mr. Earnest Geiser called upon friends in Crediton one :fay last week. Miss Tillie Mason. of Parkhill,. is spending a few days [with her Sig- ler of this place. Mr. Simon Bwt•itser Bold his cat- tle this r%tek for which ,he received a large sum. Miss Mabel Elsie, of Grand !lend, Is enoa;ed for ltbis week as dining - room waiter at elle Hotel. \lr. George Kellerman. of Dash - treed, is busy sewing lux seed roun9 our bur.; able week. Mr. Chas. Lochner end his d:tuh ter Lina fished friends in tliensall one day last :week. Alr. lfos:trt1, our eminent school teacher is on the sick list this week. After a long visit with friends and relatives in Parkhill Mr. Donald Alatlers has 1eturttcd home. WINCIIELS1:.1 .\1r. and Mrs. G. W. Meda and non Bruce have returned ilouto from vis- iting friends in Listowel. While on their way they called 'on Mr. and Mrs. Phos. Wheeler, of tieaforth, and sorry to say found them in ,very Poor health. Mr. Wheeler Bias just recovered from a severe attack of pneutflonia and was still ill with Pleurisy. We hope to ;[near of his speedy recovery. •M. A. Turnbull, 'has purchased another working horse tfrom Mr. rr. '1'. Hand/cord of !Exeter. Miss 5. Sweet. of Exeter, is busy sewing in our /burg. There roust be Home 'attraction lin Centralia for Les. Anyway he goes down there every Sunday evening. Mr. John Bell, of Exeter, J uilt one hundred rolls of ,woven ,wire fence for Mr. John Dclbridge one day last oveek, uud is satisfactory. as John is certainly proud of his fence. WANTED.—and at ,once ' a good blacksmith. There is an excellent opening here for tt geed I.tnan. Building and everything complete. A liberal patronage as promised ,for the right party. Confer 'with any one ill Winchelsea for particulars. Mrs. Fenton Brown, of 1'etrolia, was here last •west: ,visiting her mother Mr. Wtn. Coward. Mrs. Andrew Turnbull left Friday for Woodstock. for n few days visit. 'Miss Visa 11e11, of Fariuhar. was the guest of Vera Coward . a few days last week. Several from hero -attended the party tit Wm. Clark's last Friday evening. It was a very pleasant gathering and an enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. W. J. 1Gourly, of Alberta; for- merly of this vection passed through here one day last week in his new auto. 11e visited his Rister, Mrs. \1 m. Francis, then gout; on ,to 6t. Ma rys. LONDON 1(OAl) 6017Th. Miss ltetta Esscry spent Sunday with her friend Miss Rhoda Ker- slake. Mr. Chas. Kerslake is suffering from an ulcerated eye. \lis. ,llary IiorneY spent the Mast week visiting .her I;ran(ifathcr Mr. John Kerslake. 8. S. NO. 4, STEPHEN. The following is a correct relent of the standing of the pupils of S. 5. No. 4, Stephen, for !the month of April. Names are in order of meth Sr. IV.—Nellie Amy, Sybilla Morlock, Ethel Kestle, '.\tannic Kestle, Beulah Smith, 'Merner Either, Herbert Wein harry Schwartz, Gladys Kestle. Jr. IV.—Lorne 'Morlock, Clarence Eilber Oscar Cornish. Arva Ilrokettshire, Mabel Coxtvortl, Leonard Schroeder Otto Brown, Millie Schwartz, Alvin Cornish, Clinton drown, Gordon Cor - Kidneys are met('ly symptoms of a j lush, Emerson Schroeder, Mervyn steeper ailul'ut. Don't tuakc the ltrokenshirc, Mildred Kluutpp, Her - common error of treating syu11oms beet Kraft. Jr. 111.—Lulu Kestle, only. Symptom treatment is treat.- Emerson Ito.• zter, iia Either, Laving ing the result of your ailment, ;old Smith. Clara Wein. Edna Amy. Jr. not the cense. \Veek stomach nerves 11.—Clinton liorlock, Mervyn Cox- -the inside t.:rves—means stomach swarth, Eddie Cornish, Joseph Bro- weakness, always. And tine heart, kenshire, Emerson Wein, Joseph mut kidneys as Nell. have their oat►• Schwartz. Annie Rubin: Pt. 1.— trolling or inside nerves, and you Olive Cornish. inevitably have weak vital organs. M. C. .lemnis0). Teacher. Mere iY Whore 1)r. Shoop's ltrstora • the bee made its fame. No other FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS remedy eke! claims to trent the "in- As (Ito ASO WkL,.-Tama RIt.IKDy.—Mn Side nerves." Also for bloating, bit. Winslow'seoothing Syrup has been used for over et by i0usness, led breath or complexion, a:.� ea tsetbll.ion wof ith perfect *awe,. their use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write children tears ile teething, with perfect*aece•. 1 it ttoothe/I the child, fattens the grime, allays all for my free !took now 1)r. Shoop's , pale, cares wind colla and Is the beet rerned Itrslarelill. .old by W. S. lluwcy, or Diarrhea'. It IspleaaaalWtketaste. Bold cbents, a bottle. drugeiste In every part ells of e �Bee sure and take Mn Winslow', Bootkl5E Syrnpand ark toe no other Mad. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs A:t, ,lune 30th, IU06. Serial Number 1098. sn1r1;A Mr. and airs. Ezra ilrenner called upon friends 1n V..urich last Sunday. The \lasses Julia :eel Lizzie Mason And Mr. Sebe one, of Parkhill, celled upon their parents last Sundt!. Thomas aleC.4rin and John O'Brien visited friend: in Mt. Carmel last 1401141 y. • Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times eich day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; had blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood— Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed k for 60 years. .toe hlpnen! 431118 nt Red b1, e,i t. a .iesRi.h 11.ar. This produrrs e.a.tnpeil.n,. t'oY,,nous �uMtanree are Ihm 81».rb'd 1,,n aM brood eep the bowel open with Are.'. 1'111.. 7 ar a. . 0. Ater (b., Lowen, Mass. A.o naausaraetu Hee Of j1 NAM MOILtiers AG" CGRP. GIIIRIR Ilan ti We LSO se mental Ileo setlbh the Adel.s et all oar sad$Nae.. KII',1'EN Mite Mary .Mustard has taken a eeeitioti int the store of Balfour and Calde ell. Mr. G. ('ht-m•y has hired .with his iucle. Mr. .1. W. Forsythe, for /the summer menthe Mr. lisle, who bas purchased the 200 acre farm of 1). C. McLean, .s having it elou,hid for flax• M .hint a1act; regor has 40111= \Ve-41, w Imre he intends working a heinieteed. Ile tool: 1;it11 him acir- toed of Fou=rh"1d effects. 3li�+ 1,11 Bell, 01 near llensall, has farmed :1 maple rinss in the village. .101)11 McKay has gone to North 1).11:01, 11 hpr' he inl''nds practicing his profession a.:1 doctor. The new .cter1' of Messrs. 1t:1lfonr x1131 C.Ildivell 11:13 been a hnsy allot for the past few weeks. Th^ firm have lied 0 most successful opening and are to Ire congratulated on their hril'ht and roomy premise.. l•: i.1,1 V i LLi: I.Ittt t•iI le League 11 ill !lave a so- cial 'Mond ly !thy fill. Good pro - ermine. rnnsir11 led literary, after II hick refre•hnit•nts will b' served. Admission 150. All tire cordially- in- vited :I+ n ewe! time is exl,ectr.l. Miss i entric•' Wilcox\\ has return- ed eturned front Louden. Rev. Giffird, of Fullerton will preech nt Eiimvillc next Solidly ni;ht and t lke part in aloe l'toernnt on Mondry nizlit. THE EXBZ 2 B T1MES, MAY 2nd 1907. • ,, r nnu,n..uvammnnu!un.cse!mmlfl 'J S uM Vegetable Preparation fo� iongforAs- i Mutating atviBowe7sa Promote s Digcstion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opluln.Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Rapeef rksortlliilrpza A we& Serl - ,LlL Aleir Jots • •raise • /(f�6,e:ea- 1f jerjr vgattlierltr! Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- lion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions.Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of stss NEW YORK. CASTOR For Infanta and OWldr The Kind You N Always Bough Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTOR! Taen OOarPANT, war Teee e.► EXECUTOR'S SALE OF IiOitSF. AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. Good Breeding Horses. Mr. John Gill has been instructed THE COLONEL. to sell by Public Auction at tho resi- dence Monday, will leave ,Lis own stable of the late John �1uir on Bryanston, first Monday do May, \Villiatn Street, Exeter at 1 o'clock Bryanston, proceed 1I. Armitage'lot 11 P. m. on (Saturday May 18111 1907, con. 8, Londonto for noon ;. thence the following valuable property. to A. 'McWilliams' lot 7, con. 5, for CHATTELS. night, 7 haircloth chairs; 1 platform Tuesday to F. Fitzgerald's lot 4. con. 7, for noon; thence to his own stable for night. • Wednesday to Wm. Beattie's lot 12, con. 13 for noon; thence by way of Birr to 1'. Ferguson's lot 17, con. 15, tor night. Thursday to C. Walden's lot 11, con. 16, for noon; thence to Geo. Itathburn's lot 20, con. 12, Biddulph rocker ; 3 fancy rockers ; 1 hair. cloth lounge; 1 center table ; .1 small parlor table; 2 bamboo easels; ,laoe curtains and poles; jtlinds and fix- ings; carpets; pair arch curtains; pictures; 1 new Itaymond Sewing Machine; 2 lounges; 1 secretary ; 1 sido-board; 4 dining chairs; salvor cruet ; silver pickle dish: etase berry bowl : silver butter dish; 1 dinner for night. set, china ; chine fruit (bowl anFriday to E. D. Perrin'. lot el, B. dishes; 1 dozen bread and butter 11. Biddulph, for noon; themes to It. elates; 1 china cheese dish : glasses; Easton's lot 2, eon. 15 for night. porridge set, 3 pieces; 1 Jardiniere Saturday by way of con. 14 to his stand; wool carpet : ,1 rug ; .books; 1 carpet sweeper ; 1 extension table and cloth; .1 kitchen table ; ,13 kit. chen chairs; 1 clock ; _ 1 cupboard; 1 . 11, KESTLE Prop. 6 lamps; 1 range ; •quantity dishes: Bryanston, P. 0., Ont. quantity tins; rag carpet; tubs ; 1 • wringer ; 1 washer ; 1 lawn mower ; LUL'FNESS 1 clothes rack ; 1 boiler ; quantity of No. (11,418), V. dry wood ; .1 old stove; 1 chest ; 1 This celebrated Stalliool•nXXIVwill stand whatnot: 4 bedroom sets; 1 knittinz for marcs as follows:—Monday. Apl. machine. complete: quantity ;Peen 29th, John llorney's for noon; Ness wood; 25 belle; .1 extension ladder; Armstrongs for night. Tuesday J -o 1 atop ladder and other articles. septi Hawkiva' for noon; b. ltout- REAL ESTATE ley's for night. On Wednesday J. Kclland's Blanchard for noon; Oli- ver llarris' for night. Thursday to James Scott's Thames !toad, for noon then '.Vest to his own stable till Fri - noon. Friday 110011 Joseph Atkin- son'm for night. Saturday to Wil- liam 1(illslnal4'a for Moon; then to his 01111 stable dor night where Lc will remain till Monday morning. 1'1t1DE UV GLASSNICK. Pride of Glassnick will stand for snares as follows :—Tuesday, to Mich. own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morn- ing. There will offered on day of Rale (if not sold previously) that fine brick residence on William Street to;ether with land attached and also brick stable. Well eituatc(1 and every oonvcnicnce. Tenders will be received by the trndersietied up to May 17th .IIW)7, for the Exeter Woollen Mill prop- erty, East of !Main Street, and the residence. connected therewith. Tenderer must accompany •his offer gel Fletcher'.. Usbor,ne for eight. with marked cheque for 10 per cent. Wednesday, to his own stable ro- of his bid nvhich will bo returned if ,uaining until Thursday morning.offer not accepted. If not sold by Thursday, to John illorney's, .Us• tender property will be offered on borne for noon, and return to his (toy of sale. !stable all day Jsrid.` ay. 'hturday. TERMS OF SALE. to John 'Mint's, South Thames *toad. CL►tlt1s—(sh. noon; then to his ov 'stable where Ileal Estate -10 per cent. of pure he will remail[ fulfil the following chase money at time of sale. !tai-' Tuesday mrning. once in thirty (lays, I GEO. MAIt'oL'IN JOHN WESTLAKE, For farther particulars apply 10 a Prop. Manager. 1111;h Speck man, il:xecutor John ; Muir Est. G1adr*i ii & Stanbury, f "Silt 1:Vf:L1 N" No. 10,918. Solicitors. Sir Evelyn is a grand big, stylish -- , horse of great weight and substance. i Monday Farluhar for night. Tuos- l.et me send you free, for Catarrh 'day Hugh )terry's lot 1 Aoou. 10 Us. Pelt to prove its merit, a trial size ' borne for toop • W n Brtwk's Lot 3 box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh remedy. con. 10 Illanshard for night. Wed - It is a snow nubile creamy, healing i neeelty 1o1111 Iloopers Illansittrd for antiseptic beim. Containing touch' noon; Thos. llollingsbt.ad for night. beeline ingredients ns Oil Eucalip- Thursday John Ilrag,;'s Itlanshard, Wm. 'I'hytnol, Menthol, etc., it gives for noon; EpbriIIi llewett'.s Ander- instant and lasting relief to catarrh :Son for night. friday A. 1'. Spar - of the nose mtof throat. lt. • the foe DODO • o ,t s 05111 his .table. free lied ;all ser for yourself •what JOHN HANNA, ,JOHN O'IBRIEN this p10p:oration can and will ac- Proprietor Manager. complish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis. Large jots 511c. Sold by W. 1. Howey. Spring Ailments Pimples, boils, eczema and other enlptions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, fits of biliousness, indigestion and headache, are some of them. They are all radically and perma- nently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine thoroughly cleansee the blood and restores healthy functional activity to the whole system. It makes people well. " I have used two bottles of hood's Sar- saparilla this spring and have• got a great deal of relief out of therm. I have been troubled with biliousness, but [food's has completely cured me." I). J. CAao00Rs, 342 Antoine Street, Montreal, gine. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold everywhere. 100 doses one dollar. MARRIED \VILLiS—\Vi1.L18 — In Exeter, en Tueeeley, April 30th toy the tltev. A. II. Going. Mr. !Ed \\'illi. to 'Miss Lizzie Willi.. BORN MCNiCOL—ill Farquhar, April 30th the %lite of David McNicul, of :t Ano• Ili-:DI)1':N—In Crediton, on April 21 to M r. .111(1 Mrs. Geo. Iledrlerl, n Aon• ['het the people of (hiterio rely 1111e a1t 1 i1,I jIIr^+ r ., ntr- sid014.erathhlt' 11rper tion' pt of theirfoflourris o• (ley a fart that firm wool(' care to deny. It is egn:llly 1 rue (het the loss of the hotel. 114:11 ket has been the cause of the Iliversinn of money from Ontario anti 1)nl:etin industries to lento up the Fuelling West. There :tie toeley in Ont,lio throes - axle of farmers who trots Iese wheal 1h.it fou111 1Is. :eel then gr unable bee else th • lite, of Feta :Intl shot 1+ hal telvence rl fi not *12 or `Ia a tor. •(0 (he ,eltncnt phenont- enel Blotto of twenty or Aeenty- lwn. In spite of Ihe apparently sub - Notice to Creditors. In the tuattcu of the estate of John Muir, of the Village of Exeter. in the County of Huron, •gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to ft. S. 0., 1897, chapter 129. that all creditors and others havin; claims against the estate of the said John Muir, who died on or about the 17th day of April. .1907, are required on or before the 26th day of May, 1907, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, of the Village of Exetci, 80- licitors for the Executor, of the said deceased, their christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts atid the nature of the securities, is any held by theta. And further take notice that after such last tnentioaed date tho said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the de• ceased amort; the parties entitled thereto having ,o;ard only to Lite claims of which they shall then have notice, and 'that tho said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whoso claim notion shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBU1tY Solicitors for slid Executor Dated at Exeter this 1st day of 'May, 1907. Auction Sale , The regular monthly auction will be hold at the METROPOLITAN HOTEL EXETER —on— FRIDAY, MAY 3rd, 1007. %% hen the following will be offered sale: Horses -1 general purpose brood mare with foal to Lord Howatson; 1 farmers driver 3 years old; 1 driver 4 years old. Cattle—Four cows, three due to calve in May and one at time of sale. Pigs—Two brood Sows. • Implements— 1 Maxwell binder; 1 new buggy, 1 top buggy nearly new. TERMS --6 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent off for cash. Part of Park lot E original lot 18. consisting of 2 acres of (land with orchard, a two storey brick house. all newly finished in tho lat• est style. good even, good furnace concealed wiring, etc. This is a choice property and must be sold as the proprietor is going West. Farm for sate consisting of lot Township of !lay. consisting of 100 acres all seeded down, well adapted for grazing Purposes. Terms and particulars made known on day of sale. THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer. stantial showing made toy our prov- ince its the production of ;this our most valuable of grains, when view- ed comparatively the output is lim- ited and so 'far from satisfactory that millers can only run from eight to ten hours n day. Notwithstand- ing the free advertising of tho Wes- tern wheat lands, ,western flour could never have gained the foot- hold it has in the •Ontario market if it had not been systematically ad- vertised and was a "strong" flour rich iu gluten. Thus it has won considerable favor. evhich has caused n decline in wheat growing from Glengarry to Essex, and the loss of millions of money to to Ontario during the last fifteen years, all owing to a misconception on the part of the consumer. That the Ontario imheat can be blended before griudine nvith just enough of its 'western rival to bring it up to the proper percentagu of gluten. w'hilc retaining the superior flavor and oolor of the Ontario grain is a fact which has a direct bear,- ing on the increase of the market for Ontario wheat. In floe Maritime Provinces the Ontario blended floor won popular favor, and the time 13 rapidly approaching when Ontario Moyle will give the preference to their hone -milled wheat combined with that of tbo West. An enlarged market for Ontario wltcfttt created by the demand for blended flours, means increase:icarn- ing powers for Ontario farms, and implies a weloome decrease in the Prices now paid by stockmen for feed. The use of the blended flour is, in fact, a matter of economic int• eortauce to everyone interested in the financial progress of old Ontario. FARM FO It SALE. Fine 150 acre farm on Thautes (toad, t'sborno Township. On 100 acres large two 'story frame 'rouse, two bank barns anal drive shed ; bush and orchard; well drained and fenc- ed; only two lend one-half miles from Exeter, and convenient to school and churches: soil. :lay loam with running stream at the rear of farm. On the fifty deres is 41 frame barn. it is also well drained moil fenced. Farm divided and Hell ina atoneat e parcels if desired. For till particu- lars np;tly 111 once to GLADMAN & STANIIURV ltarrieters Exeter Ont. BARGAINS IN ORGANS \Vt• 'teed the roots and you need the Organs. 1 !tell °igen, rosewood case, regular price *1)3, sale price $75 1 "'ate ',Igo Organ, Walnut case, regul.tr price $t), sale price 11175. 1 Doherty Organ. walnut case suitable for a church (been used for s short time) regular price 1100. sale price $50. O:11er Organs from $5 up. The Molsons Bank Established 1836. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• RESERVE FUND ••• •••• ••• 53,000.000.00 Assets Over $3300o,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted, Savings Bank Department $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager •••••••••••••••• ***ISM*** i••••••/,NNerneeoeeo 's Fa6ts That Point to Figures That a complete practical business education pays is an accepted fact. That The Western Business Ond Silo(!hand CO!!ege 110 Dundee Street:London Is the best place to obtain it, is a de- monstrated fact. That our professional staff, courses of study, methods of instruction. high standard for graduation. are unsur- passed, is an acknowledged fact. That now is a good time to enter is a present fact. For catalogue and special informa- tion address. W. CO Coo. CO Se R. President. I WANT A JOB I am not very tall in inches and weigh very little, but though I'm small, I'll work and serve you well. Beat of references.—C. H. Ward & Co. • Have a neat appearance, a quiet disposition, make no noise when I'm about, seen and not heard, as a well -made watch should be, "punctual". Need but a little room in your pocket, fitted in any case you de- sire. Wieb you'd give me the chance—just to let me show you. I am a Webb C. Ball Watch. Sold by C. N. WARD & CO. 374 Richmond St. LONDON, — CANADA. Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hair. Steel stone boats, boule- varding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the above goods. DRNTAL ----- DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Btanbury'.• Main street—EXWrElt, DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S. D. D: S. Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. ClirsiCs:—Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. MEDICAL - ~ IT W. BROWNINt4, M. D., M. 0 e P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un v.rrlty. offioe and reetdenenoe. Dominion Laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER . ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- elaae and Burgeons. Snooessor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Office Main street. Residence, east on Ilea street north of Poet Office, Ex eter ' Ontario. 1 DR8. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 304 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 1528, Long distance connection. dpeoial attention given diseases of women and ��aperggeerryy. Oxford or C. P. It. /Street Oars to Oelborae street take you almost to the door. No other city office. Spec/al Hospital and other arraogemente for patients from a distance. J LEWIS THOMAS e Civil Engineer & Architect (Late Department of Public Works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waterworks System 'Wharves, Bridges and Ite-enforced Concrete, Phone 222a London Ontario HONEY TO LOAN Wehaveunlimited private funds for Invest,- aloelppnnoflnteereiL or v(l)rtgegleperbyatlowea DICHBON 3c CARLING Exeter WILLIAM BROWN, PROF. DIP LOM A OF ROYAL INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS, ENGLAND. Organist of Trisitt Memorial Church, Exeter,. Piano, Organ, harmony and Theory of Music, Terms oa Application, Exeter, Ontario, AUCTIONEER 11. S. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer tor the County it won. Charges moderate, All communications. r need to B. 8. Phillips, lien sail, or orders left a et Office 8111 receive prompt attention. DICKSON dz CARLING, llarrieiers soltelto.li Notaries Ooovel_a.Oerw Bke s. one, Belchess for the Mohnen Mosey toLeaa ate lowest rates of %Weft OPFICBt—MAIN BTHEET. LIEN 's'It. a. flanges o. a. t. n. ottastsolp MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount aft private toads tet sal farm and village properties a1 lowrate GLADMAN & BTANBURY Barristers Botloitors, M tin 8t. Rueter S HARDY, AUCTION EER. for • the County of Huron. Al orders promptly attended to if left at the Times office or his store. FRANK BALLANTYNE LIcensed auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Perth. Sal attention stook Town ands village n to farm; perty sold by auction on moderate commissions. Orders may be left at the Timet: mJd61(S011 office or at reesdenee, Elimvslle.. Chas=es moderate, son I near the old market Main St. Exeter I 171/ :'sTRATFORD.. Wag established twenty years ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with ate patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known Commends' Colleges in the province. The demand upon us for commercial teachers and office aa.islants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students are enter. ing each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. +4-14 "M#+++4 FARM LABOURERS AND DOM- ESTICS. I have been appointed by the Dom- inion Government to pleee lmmie grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm labourers and dam- eslic servants in this vicinity. Any person' requiring such help should notify me by letter Matin; fully the kind of help required. when wanted and wages offered. The numbers 3rrivin� mt.) not be ,ufficient to supply all Jeep/esti but every effort Intending purchasers will do well to will be made to provide e►;h appli- see three bargains At once. sant with the help required. DONALD MaINNIB Canadian Government i.mploy men t Agent, Exeter, Ont. S. MARTIN & SON Peas Pay • Field peas brought 77 cents a bushel last year. The average price was 75 cents. There's good money in peas eve n at 65e. And you have the vines left for fodder or to plow under — bet- ter than stable manure or commercial fertil- iser. It paid to grow peas last year. This year it will pay as well, — demand keen, pea bugs vanished, — plant peas for profit. Get them in EARLY. Plant Plenty Now ,A Btrri8CR1IHF FOR THF TIMES. 440 r 1 4