HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-05-02, Page 3IP" HEALTH CONJUNCTIVITIS. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation c:f Ute coujutictiva, or mucous membrane covering the front surface of the eye- ball and lining the lids. It may be of any degree of severity and duo to many causes, varying tro:u the mildest form of irritation up through mitnkeyo to the most violent inflamma- `°'♦ ibn, resulting sometimes, through ex- tension to the deeper structures, in de- struction of the eye. In the simple form of acute conjunc- tivitis the eyes are bloodshot, the mein- brane lining the 1i<:; is red. the edge.s ef the lids are re.hlcned and swollen, and there is a sticky, more or less yel- low, secretion, which quickly dries and gu►ne the lids together. The eyes burn and smart, and are very sensitive to the light; there is often a feeling as if a hair or a grain o: sand wero in the eye. Bacteria of some sort are almost al- ways to be found on mtcrosooplcal ex- anninatiota of the secretion, but it does not follow that oonjanncttvttis necessar- 11, results from contagion. Bacteria are almost always present in the folds of the conjunctiva and nw•alt a lowered re- sistance of the membranes, resulting per- haps from dazzling light, Irritation from dust or •cinders, or eye -strain, in order in take on renewed growth and excite the membrane to disease. Recurring attacks of conjunctivitis, ac- tompanied perhaps with an occasional sty, almost surely result from eye -strain, and aro to be prevented only by the Wearing of proper glosses. A mild attack of acute conjunctivitis w'III usually get well of itself in the tourse of a few days, but if neglected it might go on to a more severe form r'1 inflammation, cawing suffering and serious inconvenience, and it may Le even endangering the sight. The subject of this trouble should stay lir n room, not dark. but with the light dimmed gh little; and if he is obliged in go nut, lif should wear colored glasses while Iho inflammation lasts. The eyes should never be bandaged. The utmost cleanliness should be ob- served. The eves should be bathed sev- eral times daily in boiled water con- taining n little table salt or in a so- lution of toric acid. If the lids are hot And swollen. much relief may be ob- tained by the application of small squnres of linen kept while not in use on a lump of lee and frequently changed when they begin to grow warm. This treatment will usually suffice for the ordinary case of conjunctivitis, but if a cure does not lake place in a day or two, the physician should be con- sulted, for delays in eye troubles may be dangerous.—Youth's Companion. NASAL DOUCHE FOR CIiiLDREN 11 mothers would Insist that their daughters, and sons, too, use a nasal douche with salt and water every morn- ing before going to school, or every night before retiring, much of the head- ache that is now causing suffering would be eliminated. This cleansing of the nasal passage is simple and, atter the children learn how to inial« most '..f them like the sensation, for it Ls sooth- Ing, and will relieve n cold In the head almost immediately. This wash for the nose and throat should not be too strong of salt, for that stings and isesometimes unpleasant. To a tumblerful of luke- warm water add n quarter of a table- spoonful of salt, and c'1►en It has dis- solved pour the solution into a deep saucer. let the child bury its nose in the bath, and inhale, first through one nos- tril and then through the other. This treatment will help slight catarrhal af- fections and cure colds. But if the ca- tarrh has been allowed to get into the system the hest plan Ls to go to a Wry - Melon ic,r advice. for catarrh of the sto- mach generally follmvs that In the herd, and then indigestion, beskles headaches, annoy the sufferer. ASTI IMA. It is pretty certain That nttecks of in - dig. tion cause attacks of asthma in Idose sidled to them. So all asthma - lice ought to avoid cheese, pickles, cel- ery, sardines. pastry. porter, pork. and such fruits as nuts. Between the attacks one cnn only try and live quietly and without ninth excitement. As to eti- mnte, the sick person. whether a child ee' an adult, ehoul,l live, 11 possible. away from fogs, dust, and smoke. BRUISES. A Food household remedy for a bra's, Is a piece of beefsteak, which is band- aged with it handkerchief over the part that has acme to grief. A "black eye" with ut any wounds of the skin cnn re- ceive no better treatment than n good fresh piece of • raw gravy beet, In n piece of clean gauze, bandaged over :t A SLUGGISH LIVER. People who suffer with sluggish liver would derive benefit from lelnr.n-juice. 'Enke the juice of one lemon in half a tumbler of cold water w•tltu,ut sugar every morning fasting. 11E.111111111N. Nothing is better for heartburn Than n quarter of a tenspnonful of baking- /oda mired in n little sour milk, ant taking It will give instant relief. FOR HOARSi:NESS. If you ar' hoarse. lemon -juice squeoz- to onto s•°tt sugar ill it is like n syrup, and a few drops of glycerine added, !e. licwes the, hcarsevr•'aa al once. U She (superstitious) : "i should newer propose to a girl nn Friday --it's un- lucky f' Ile (cynical) : "Not nleays. 1 once knew a fellow w•ti6 die t; and the gh l refu.s.ed him." 'SCIENCE OF CHIROMANGY LEARNED PSVSIIOLOGIST DISCOURS- ES ON HAND -(READING. Reveals Age, Trng•erau enc and Crar- atter—Can't Predict Happenings in the Future. Dr. \'aschide. a most serious psycho- logist, of Paris, France, publishes in the diguilitd "Review of Philosophy" an elaborate study of chirowalcy, the nil Cr practice of foretelling the future of a person by inspecting the lines and lineaments of the hand. Ile gives re - :tills gained by leis scientific study un- fit test conditions. Dr. Vnschilde says the hand alone, the '. rist and betty being hidden, t~eveals the sex of the person ninety times out of n hundred. The hand alone reveals the age of the Nisei' with special exactness at ages which mark definite periods of organic development ----that is, in trying to de- termine a person's age from the hand chiromancers make fewer errors when the person is thirty years old than at teenty years, at forty and at sixty. At ages intermediate between these THEY MAKE MANY ERRORS. Vaschide finds that the face helps eh omancers In divining a person's a and intellectual pursuits. But the han alone gives them, and correctly, a knee ledge of the temperament and characte including the ruling passions and t slate of the moral conscience. Of fifteen persons with hysteria, to showed it In their hands; of twenty' -fl possessed by fleet ideas, fifteen display it in their hands. Of the claim that chlromancers cnn predict happenings in the future, the learned Investigator finds little proof. If there is any. he says, it is certain that the probability that a prophecy will he verified diminishes in proportion to the remoteness of the dale announced for the future happening. Prediction of death made by ch(ro- mancers which came under Vashlde's notice gave no scientific result."Such predictions are all chance." he snys, "save that 1 know of predictions el death which provoked mental and physical ills and brought death by sug- gestion." INDIGESTION CURED. fly Dr. Williams' Pink Pills After Six Doctors had Failed to be of Benefit. That gnawing pain In the stomach, sometimes shooting up into the chest, often producing a choking sensation in the throat; fierce pains around the heart; n feeling of drowsiness and a distaste for food—that's indigestion. its vic- tims are numbered by the thousands. To them life Is a burden. Dr Williams' Pink Pills have done more towards re- lieving this suffering than any other medicine. Often they have cured after all other help had failed, as in the case of Mr. Willis Herman, of Sl.Calharines, Ont., who says: --"I had been afflictedwith indigestion and stomach trouble for years. At tines my suffering was almost indescribable. Somelimes for whole days I was unable to touch food. 1 dieted and al different times was treat- ed by six doctors but they did not help roe; 1 only grew worse. For a time i was living it New York and while there consulted a specialist, but he was un- able to give are any relief. 1 then de- cided to try Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills, and in less than a month 1 felt some relief. I continued their use for a cou- ple of months longer and gained in weight; my appetite improved; the pains lett mend i now feel betier than I have at any time during the past twen- ly-five years. I will always gladly re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to other sufferers believing that they will surely do for others what they have done for mc." When you use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a blood builder and nerve -franc you are not experimenting. -they have been tried and proved successful {n thousands of cases. it is (heir power to actually make new, rich, red blond Ilial enables therm to cure such troubles as anaemia. Indigestion, rheumatism, kid- ney trouble, St. Vitus dunce, partial paralysis and those special ailments cf girlhood and wornanhood that cause eo much misery. For sale by all medicine dealers or by moil at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82.:i0 from the Dr. Wil- liams' \lode ine'Co., Brockville, Ont. Mr. Ghoul : "All my money cannot give me health, doctor." Dr. Bolus: : "No, perhaps not ; but it is of ine'lim- able value, nevertheless. It gives your physician great confidence." ir- ge d v - r, he n t•4 ed A Clenr healthy Skin. --Eruptions el the skin and the blotches which blemish beauty are the results of impure bleed caused by unhealthy nctien of the liver and kidneys. In correcting this un- healthy nctlfIn and restoring the organs to their normal condition, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leav- ing any trace. The weigh of the trnnsgroasor de- pends on whether he Is buying or sell- ing. A job on your hands Is better thnn two hi your mind. MAX NO. 17-17. NORTHERN ONFARIO MAN'S EXPERIENCE Travelled Fitly Mika Through Forest and Fen to Get Medicine. • The hardship; of pioneer life were forceful!). illustrated at the Dr. Slocum offices to -day ellen they received a let- ter front \lr. Hobert (anipbell, of Bar - AN INDIAN STATESMAN. Pcabhahankar D. Patten' WW visit England Trio Season. Among the visitors to England from India this seapson will be Prabhashanker D. Pattani, the most prominent states- man of the day in that part of India, which is known as the principality of Katlliewad. Ile holds the responsible post of Primo Minister in the Stales cf Bhavngar, which has often been clursed with Mysore as "the model Stutes" ef India. Among his principal achievements :n wick, Northern Ontario, Alr. Campbcil ollice have been successful measures of wrote that. requiring Psychine in his relief in coping with two famines, the family, he sent his son to u drug store Munching of the first external loan by an Indian State for other purposes than railway construction, and the ripening of the only port along the western coast of India, between Bombay and Kurra- chec. In some eoutrtries %•ork like this would have brought the doer a crop of decorations, but Aft.. Pattani has only the satisfaction of having gained the cent -Menet? of his Prince and the esteem and gratitude of the people who have benefited by the etiminislrntion. Mr. Pattani is a profound thinker on Indian prtbhems, and writes and speaks English with fluency and distinction. In hi., picturesque enshrine he will be a ;striking figure at official and'social en- tertainments thLs year. at Borne distance to obtain it. '1'heslore was out of it, presumably because the demand for it in that section of the country was larger than the dealers anticipated. Ile would take no substi- tute, aft( so travelled to the next drug- gist's, with the same experience. Four drug stores were visited, but the de- mands on their stock and the difficulty -f getting girds into that country in midwinter made it impossible to obtain it, and no substitute would be accepted, as Mr. Campbell knew there was no- thing could take the place of Psychine. After travelling over fifty smiles to ob- tain it he had to send his order to 'To- ronto to have it mailed to hien. People who have used Psychine consider no trouble too great to obtain it when needed. A prominent citizen of the west says: "1 suffered with pains In the hack and shoulders. I coughed so 1 could not rest. The doctor said my lungs were affected and he had come too late. I was as weak as a riled %Oben I started t•) take Psychine. In a fortnight I was back at work In the woods. "JOHN 11. WREN, "Reeve of \fission, 13. C." BACHELORS MUST PAY TAX. Hessian Parliament Ilas Passed a Law to That Effect. A tax on bachelors has been imposed by the Lower House of the Hessian Par - The bill provides, in view of the pre- vailing dearness of fond, rent, etc., for an annual gypplementary grunt to be given to pe sons In the employ of the State whose incomes do not exceed 8500 This tells a thrilling story, in a few words. Psychine, pronounced Sikcen, is per annum. The grant varies between a guaranteed euro for coughs, colds, la hie and Stk7. As the bill stands, how - grippe, bronchitis, catarrh of the head ever, bachelors who have only personal responsibilities are to receive one-half the grant. A clause In th('ssoriginal bill ordained that persons in the employ of the State, who neither are nor have been married, shall receive only half that amount; but an amendment was passed grant- ing the full sum to bachelor employes who maintain a home for parents, re- latives or adopted children. throat or stomach. chills, night sweats, pleurisy, pneumonia; steenglhens the stomach, aids digestion, restores run- down conditions, and is highly recom- mended, and in many cases cures con- sumption. At all druggists, 50e and 81, or Dr. T. A. Slocum's Limited, 179 King street west, Toronto. BRITISH NATION'S BILLS. Civil Service Estimates Run Away With Over 8150,000,000, Great Britain's Civil Service costs ore and more every year. For 1907, the estimate, according to Dot, official return issued the other day, is £30,107,- 034, an increase of £790.405 over 1906. While the Foreign Office vote remains fairly constant, the votes for all the Home Departments show an increase. That for the Board of Trade has in- creased from £178,000 in 1898 to £274,- 484 In 1907. Tho Hosie Ofiice.>tote has increased in the same period from £119,- 793 to £198,735. The vole for the Secret Service Is 850,000. It has steadily increased since 1893 from £25,000. The vote for the maintenance of children in reformatory and induslrinl schools gives interesting comparisons between the three kingdoms. The amounts for the coming year are:— England and Wales. Scotland Ireland. £ 172,000 £58,400 £ 107,360 it will be observed that Ireland's share is quite out of proportion on the basis of population. Criminal prosecutions will cost the country an estimate amount eif £16.276 for England, £15,500 for Scotland, and £13,000 for Ireland. In the revenue Departments the up- ward tendency of recent years_is main- tained. For the coming year the esti- mates are: --Customs. £938,000; Inland Revenue, £2,299,300; Post Office, £17,- 367,751. Since 189R the total has increased by over £5.000,000. The nation is pledged In an expendl- hire of £2,100 to defray the est of n memorial to the late Marquis of Sails - bury. The cleaning and repainting of the British Museuni is estimated at £6,150. SUFFERING BABIES. Mothers cnn find sum relief for their uttering Lille ones in Baby's Oen Tab - cls. 'These Tablets aro n gentle taxn- ive that do not gripe the little one, and ire all the minor ills of babies and oung children. They are pleasant to ake, prompt in their notion, and un- ike "soothing" stuff., they never do limn. and the mother has the gunran- ce of a Government analyst that they 'main no drugs harmful to even the youngest baby. Tholisamis of mothers ive (heir 1i11he ones nothing else but )abys Own Tablets Wiron constipation. toninch trouble. Indigestinh. colds cr cornus b othter the baby, or when the rended teething lime comae. Mrs. Joe. tarsier. piessi,ville. Que., says: "My niy was a great sufferer from consli- nlien, but Ihnnks In Rally's Own 'rnb- cts the tremble has disappeared," The Wilds are sold by all druggisls or by nil at 23 cents a box from The Dr. \\ illianis' ..ledieine Co.., ilrockville, nt. g vi m p l to et. '1'IIE SCOTCiI JUROR. In Scotland in civil case jurymen It ten shillings n day- for their ser - cot, 01141 the litigtfnts must in midi. n• vide Ilei n with lunch. 11 Ivo cases are tried conseculively on one dry, and the same jurymen officlnle, they get len shillings for each case, says Chamber's Journal. Wit the inns! important difference between an Eng- lish and n Scotch jury is this: An English jury when returning their t•er- l1cl must be unanimous. rind 11 they fail to agree niter n certain length t.f Jere they are dismissed and the whole pro,eedings are begun again de novo before n fresh jury. This is a most ex - emotive mode of administering justice. in civil cases, In order to avoid this re. sill. the litigants sometimes agree to accept the verdict of n majority. In Seehand the jury ran atw•nys hive a ver. diet by It miller !ye in rivil engem after the lapse ( f three hntrN. The beech is 1e i often struek by 1 ghtning than nary Atter tree; 54 oaks are struck for one tared:.. The ilessian Government does not favor the amendment, as it will fleets - Miele enquiries into Iho private affairs of employes,. but it will probably ac- cept the situation it the Upper House agrees with the Lower House on the subject. It is staled that locally We preference thus shown to married over bachelor employes of fire Slate Is approved, and considered fully justified, as officials are manifesting an over -growing disinclina- tion to marriage. Fine muslin, dainty lin- gerie, iron easier, look better, Last longer if the laundress uses the only cold -water (no boiling) starch that really saves work 'and really won't stick. Try it. Get A HUMBUG ADVERTISEMENT. "I see Lacey advertises something cheap in (trees goods, papa." "It's a humbugging ad., daughter. I've known ninny women in my lime, and there's nothing cheap in dress goods." BETTER STILL. "Can you recemnlend this phono- graph?" queried the prospective pur- chaser. "1-cnn, but it isn't necessary," replied the dealer. "1t speaks for itself." Client (to mntilnlonial agent) : "You showed me this lady's photo last year and told me she was twenty-li'e; but after narking ingtuiries. I find elle is over thirty." Matrimonial Agent : "Well, you see. her father died lately, and that aged her very much." D0 NOT ALLOW ynnrsetf (n hoc ,me alarmed Wean,* you have lost your appetite and are losing Seth, but commence '.kin( •' Ferrovita the but Soak. 1t will build you up quiclrly. Give Holloway's Corn cure n trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without nny pain. \Vint it has done once it will do again: Money will do a great many things, bit it will not remove the freckle., from a mares conscience. The overage woman seems to think she is responsible for all her hu'hand's Jeys, but that all his sorrows are due to ever hear of atnn fein? Be there n \\'ill \Visitoln Points the \Vay.—Thr sick man pine; Inc relief, tut he dislikes sending fear the doctor, which means bottles of drugs niter consumed. Ile has not the resolutien to lend his stomach with compound, which smell villainously and !este worse. But if he have the will to deal himself with his liftmen!, wisdom will direct his attention to Parmrlre.s Vegr,'- tame Pills, %Oriole, ns n specific for in- th digestion and disorders of the digestive (011 orgnn,. have no (mini. 11 STOMACH INDIGESTION. Pe-ry-tea Strikes at the (toot of the Trouble. MR. S. 1. MASSEY. Mr. S. J. Massey, formerly a resident of Toronto, and a well-known business elan, writes from 247 Guy street, Mont- real, Quebec: "I wish to testify to the good results 1 have derived irons the use of Peruna. "Having been troubled for several years with catarrh of, the head, I de- cided to give Peruna a fair trial and I can truly say I have received great bene - Pt from its use. "- ' It evidently strikes at the very root of the trouble arid good results are soon noticeable. "1 have also found Peruna a very valuable remedy for stomach trouble and Indigestion. "I have no hesitancy whatever in re- commending Peruna as a reliable ca- tarrh remedy." There are several kinds of indigestion. The trouble may be due to sluggish- ness of the liver, derangements of the bowels, enlargement of the pancreas, or it may be due to the stomach itself. In nearly all case -i of stomach indi- gestion catarrh is the cause. The only permanent cure is to remove the ca- tarrh. Peruna has become well-known the world over as a remedy in such cases. Train stopping at a small roadside station. Irritable Old Gentleman : "What on earth do they stop at a station like this for?" Objectionable Passenger (alighting) : "To allow aro to get out 1" Irritable Old Gentleman : "Ah, I see it has its advantages, then." MOUN'T CLEMENS, MICHIGAN. Mount Clemens is famous throughout America as an all -the -year-round health resort, and thousands of people bear les- trmony to the benefits derived from Its mineral waters in cases of rheumatism end kindred diseases. For bilious and liter troubles, digestive troubles, nerv- cus disorders, general debility, etc„ the efficacy of its waters is wonderful. Sev- enty-five per cent. of rheumatics are cured and ninety per cent. benefitted. Write J. D. McDonald, District Passen- ger Agent, Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem. Toronto, for handsome descriptive booklet telling you all about it. Mistress: "1 should like to know Betty, why your latest young man keeps so silent when he Is with you in the kitchen?" Pretty Maid : "Oh, ma'am, as yit the poor teller is so bashful, ho docs nawlhin' but ate!" A SUPERIOR OFFICER. A Cunard liner was making its wry from tho docks when its passage was found to be Mucked by a barge. 'I'Iro second male was ordered to hail the craft and clear tiro way. Leaning over Ike rail of the monstrous vessel the officer looked down with 9 frown and de- manded tiro barge to more way. "Who are you?" cried Iho bnrgemnn. "1'm second male of this ship," replied the other, threateningly. "Oh, indeed," answered the man. "Well, 1 am captain of This vessel. Do not attempt to give orders to a superior officer 1. And e proceeded slowly to clear. 11 is an Officer of the f.nw of Health. —When called in to ntlend a disturb- nnce it searches out the hiding -place of pntn, and like a guardinn of the peace, lays hands upon it and snys. "1 nrrest yr u," Resistance Ls useless, ns the law of henittt imposes n sentence of perpetu- al hnnishment ori pain, and Dr. The- mes' !electric Oil was originated to enforce That sentence, "llenry " whispered Mrs. Smithers, et'aightening up in bed, "what'.; that noise in the library?" "\lust he history repealing itself." muttered henry drows- ily "Go to sleep 1" ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scrnlrheq and every foram of contagious itch nn human er nnininik cured in 30 minutes by \\'ol- ford:s Sanitary Lolbn, it never fail.. Sold by all druggists. A man may be a failure without know- Ingr it, but if he is a success he not only knows it himself but lets everybody else know il. "I'f•rfee'It• 'Trustworthy" is the chnrnee ler of R'ckle's Antl•Consumpliwe Syrup. It eau he usrtl w ill the utmost confi- dence that it will do what is clai ird f'.: It. It is sure in its effects, as the use of 11 will clearly demonstrate, and cnn he relied upon to drive a cold out of e system more effectively than any ler medicine. 'Try it and be convinced nt it is elent it i claimed to b••. AGE FENCES me. of Rlgqh Carbon Ulm -well prove it to you, COMM -net crimp. t. Tete sakes 11 still stronger 1n service. It stays tent. fainted WHITE over heavy bI PAG W1w2 ITIRTICE CONPANT. 11e><MItTRa, "RAFFLES" CAUGHT IN PARIS. Was Trying to Rob a Villa In Fashionable Attire. The police at Paris have arrested a 1'arisiu t "fiddles," but, curious enough, he is a "flanks" who knows no french. Ito was arrested in the small hours of the morning as he was climbing the garden %•ail of a villa in Vincennes. He wore u frock coat and trouses of ex- cellent cut, made by a 1-o$don tailor; it silk hat and gray suede gloves. Ile carried a cane, which on examination proved to be hollow and to contain '1 complete and excellent outfit of burg- lars' tools. The man wore n suit of chain mail underneath his well -fitting clothes, and was found to have a lot of money on tun, several hundred pounds' worth of old silver, three loaded revolvers and a dagger. Ills silk hat contained an In- geniotis little machine for blowing up sates and opening difficult locks. Tho mysterious burglar has refused to give his name and address. Ile will an- swer questions in Russian, German or !English, and the police Think that they have captured Itre leader of a large gang of International burlurs. Teething Sable are saved suffering—and mothers given rest—when one uses Nurses'and Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves—regulates the bowels — prevents convulsions. Used So years. Absolutely safe. At drug -stores, tie. 6 bottles, 111.15. National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited, sole Proprietors, Montreal- 41 She wished to break it to him gently. "1 have decided," she said, "to return your ring." "You needn't bother," he replied; "1 buy them by the dozen." Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as a worm medicine; the name is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. "Waiter, this portion of turkey is very small." Waiter : "You will see what a lime it will take you to eat it." A ulnae THAT BURNS with 0416•1111%. and ie eovered with eruptions that dtecharge a thin dnid, may be made eaooth and sightly with W Comte. But this external rremedy should be used Inn oogivaatiw with Wwver'a Syrup. OUR-FORTUNE'FREE ' Siad two east Heap with birth Ma eau 1 will Nam tee • pea p,et.rt ea your We from the cradle to the gramell mitten .r Meteor, 1..e, mar- /tete and health, plehey tad by the greatest ♦Mmtepr tiring. /stream rt••,Mb.g sal Whole. 'Mlle AMU, D•pt. 13, I&IIWUT, MNL (RfANITHAVDT Fhouff A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DIALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR A ND FEED. WRITE Vs. VE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY' A BLENDED iLOUR TIIAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. '"r(.AMI)RELL MILLINGCO. TEJUIJNTU •)UN( "I ION ONT CANT, ,IAN PA01u 1C IRRIGATED FA MS SUNNY ALBERT-. Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, 205 CO)USTINR BUILDING, MONTREAL. The Mark That Tells Tomb marked thus is wrisey of tyles, f abti: s a ps� er far women, m •n ud Form Fined. ales are aatheeired to llrplace t Wally andel oto oat, aay Pe.-A.,le ser neat faulty in materia) er make's. 206 Pen -Angle trade: mark (in red) on: every Pen -Anglo garment, tells you it will fit and wont shrink, --your own• dealer so guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer. more flexible, better wearing. UN�WET7t'ER.'� E A R FEATHER DYEING OlMats( and o.ruaa sad [la Wane clausal Tar w ea swot by past. t. pe e,. the hest ales It YITIMN AMERICAN DIEINO OSli itlanaiAr. "Mike," said Plodding Pete, as be climbed into a freight car, "1•m glad cue government doesn't own de railroads." "Why 7" "BCcnmse when we lake a free ride now de worst dat happens is to be put off. But if de government was run- nin' de lines we'd be arrested ter graft* in', sure.' Old Hunks : "Didn't you marry me for my money ? Aii..ver ale That, madam !" Mrs. Hunks: "Certainly I did. And ec'd getstingy along with justit." lovely if you were not so "Look into this 1 roofin question I Get book oa "Roofing Right" and sea how little risk you tak• when you roof any building with `osnAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL, SIIINGLES Sold under a plain G t'ARANTE B • that keepsyour roof good for 26: years. With ecent care, an Oshawa Shingled roof will last a CENTURY.; With a hammer (tinners' shears anybody can put Oshaw Shingles on perfectly. Locked on all four sides—see the side lock? It drains the shingles so that water can't seep under. Top ld e k (see below)makes whole roopracti- cally one piece and sheds water quick. Made in one grade only—Minato semi -toughened s1 double -galvanised (saves painting) Wind - water - and -fire. PROOF. Keep building" safe hoax Cost Lightning.� 4.50 a square (10 ft. z10fte) Send for book- et and learn ow little a RIGHT roof costa. Address The 'DZDLAR tRtl• PEOPLE . Of Oshawa Moatrest Ottawa mu crate 8G W. *3 Susses St. T•roato Lond•s u Colborne 8G se Dundas et, W i n la i p e g Vancouver 1 TM Lombard St. 513 Asides 81. FOUR PER CENT � 0P T. COM E dUNDE D QiJ��fl l RLY • WithAbsolute Security &balances subject to cheque are the Attractive Conditions under which your SavingsAccountwiil be carried nUNION 1WST Co1 :TEMPLE 9 L D'O • 174-176 BAY ST TORONTO. 0" �() RE. SI Re E- toU'; til f •.,.�•-moWEAR w...... -...� BEST" yah•A'd/ina--rust proof. Rvrerleneer1 deeh•re to *vet It. Leads all In Wee SOS —Ai le merit, def Il:uat-atcd b''sklet and i1tt '•viers beforo bnying Waterville, Torstatler b!.aras.elle al. Jobs. W$a.i1raj