HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-05-02, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR -No !764
Phone No. 32.
MAY 2nd 1907,
New TwB�tI 6OdtS dlltl
Smart 6ravdllcttc ROM
Correct Garments that appeal at once
to Stylish n.�..�..
that appeal once
New Tweed Coats
Our new Spring Coats
are the height of fashion,
in all the New Grey
Tweeds. Very smartly
tailored and quite mannish
in effect. The Box coat
or the three quarter length
$8 to $I2.
Stylish Rain Coats
Made up in Light Gray
Tweeds and Gray, Fawn -
and Olive Cravenette.
Very stylish with the new
velvet or stitched down
collars and fancy buttons,
$4 to $to.
Here is a dream of beauty. We have the finest showing of
Ladies Belts and Colars to be found in town.
Nice Embroidered Wash Belts and Collars from 20c to 50c
Silk Belts and Collars frotn 25c to 50o
Hid Belts in Black, White. Green and Brown 25c to 50c
Turnovers, Lace and Applique Collars in a big variety
Extraord i nary Values
In Dress Goods •
Our Dress Goods Department this year has been a
v ery busy corner of our store. We take special pride
in showing them and can give you some very extra val-
ues in Fancy Light Check Tweeds, Fancy Tweed Coat-
ings, Broadcloths, Venetians, San Toy, Lustres,1 Cash-
meres, Voiles and Eoliennes.
Don't forget our big choice when buying your
spring or Summer Dress.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
tr4••+NN••4O44N44 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
+++++++i+tit•+++++1.4.4-+.*.+• f '+++++++-P+++++++++++++++4+'
a. s
Nothing Succeeds
- Like Success
They are coming our way Because we sell the
Best and Cheapest Hardware in town.
We handle both Field and Garden Seeds
From the old reliable J. A. Bruce & Co.
Get the Sherwin Williams Paints that cover
the earth. It goes farther. wears longer, and
looks better than any other paints, and that is
why ye sell theta.
Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire.
4+++++++d•-1-++++++-` +-F+ 44+++++++++++++++4•++++++++444''
Relieves and Cures Asthma, Hay Fev
.er, Bronchitis, Catarrhal Deafness, Neuralgi
Headache, Catarrh, Sneezing, Cold in Head, Sore Throa
and Difli cult I3reathing.
-old tinder Guarantee The Purit Mf ood Sideline fo
23 Cents a tube. y g• Co.• Agents Big marl;i
FOR 8ALE.-in Farquhar, acre of
land. with brick house containing 6
rooms, a good cellar and frame Kit-
•eben also large brick blacksmith
and carpenter shop. On this prop-
erty is a good well and stable. This
la a good stand for a blaoknmith.
Good trade the entire year. For
terms and particulars apply to J. E.
til eNieol, Farquhar, Ontario.
All roads will dead to it xeter oils
the 24th. The program 'for the day
has been arranged. and if half of it
is carried out 'those who come here
will feel that they had the best ,time
of their lives. '
It was thought that it was impos-
sible to get the newsboys' band. of
London, to Dome (hear, on account of
a number of places eventing them,,
but they are 'coming and it is said
they aro crackerjacks. Most of tho
little chaps are about so high, and
it Is n great eight to see them car-
rying instruments .1 vice es large as
themselves. •
The band will take part in the
morning parade and twill be at the
grounds in the afternoon.
The procession will form at the
Metropolitan Hotel nt 8.10 and will
proceed down town ne far as the
Mansion House, returning to the
School. where the flax presented by
the school children of Exeter. Eng-
land will be seised. A few speeches
will be lriven.
At one o'clock the bands will form
at the Mansion House and march to
the grounds, where n long list of
athletic sports and 'horse -racing will
keep yon interested until lsupper
The 24th will be n gala day for
Exeter. Everyone seems interested,
and as their nre no counter attrnc-
tione in the immediate neighborhood
it is expected ithousands of people
will be here for the day.
If there ever was a specific for
any one complaint then Carter's
Little Liver Pills nre a specific for
sick headache and every woman
should know this. Qtly one pill a
dose. Try them.
A great surprise is in store for
you. the Seven Sutherland Sisters
are coming to W. S. lfowey's Drug
Store. They have the longest end
most beautiful hair in the svorld.
A novel idea. -Mr. Butler, senior
member of the Butler Lumber Peo-
ple, 'Mitchell. while in town Tuesday,
called on J. Willis Powell, the phon-
ograph man, land Purchased a num-
ber of records for his son. When
about to leave Willie Powell asked
him if he /would caro to dictate a
letter to his Eton throu;h 'the phono-
graph. He at once consented and
did so. fie staid "My 1 what n grand
idea, my voice will be heard, no
mutter how far I am away." So it
A very pleasing event took place
at Mitchell on Monday April 22nd,
when l'ricilla Graves, formerly
housekeeper for \\'m. IMcClocklin
was married to Adam Pounder, of
Mitchell. The happy couple will re-
side in Mitchell.
gears tlu TM Kind You Hare Always Boned
avatars i4it
For Ladies are the hest shoes
made. We return you your money
back, when worn out if they are not
what we state to you. A ticket goes
with every pair. George M:rnson,
!foots and Shoes,Exeter Ontario.
Why don't you try Carter's Little
Liver Pills? They are a positive euro
for sick heartache and all the ills pro•
duced by disordered ilver. Only one
pill a dose.
1)VE \\'Dills AT EXETEIR.
J. C. Collins has opened rap u
branch of the Forest 1)ye \Voiles in
town, and h:,die Tailoring estab-
lishment. All 1* or% runt anteed. Ile
can be found et 1)r. Itollin's former
office on Main Street, a few doors
North of fhe po=t officL'.
regular storms period ha vin•• its
center on Anti! .111, conies over into
the 14t, 2111l and 31':1. or 31ay. Lnww
barometer :11111 grttrr:tl :,torn) con-
ditions *will be advancing from .west
to east by the end of April, and
these cmtdilinrts *will (eliminate in
rain. wind and Ihnndersterins from
the let In the .lid. in extreme
uarthern sections unseasnitable cold,
with possible sleet :end snow. a ill
attend 'hest, sterner, rending a cool
wave prngressiwely rinlcn over malt
parts of the cnuntry from :,bone th'
3rd to the Gl h. \ r.':,rt inlet ry alarm
Period falls rent rally on 3iondav,
Tuesday :and Wednesday. 111' nth, 7111
and 8th. This is at (lie center of
the 'Mercury !WI 1011, rtt the 1^ratraflee
of the Venus 'period, with 11 h^ Mars
lnpiter and S:Ilurn influences all in
force. The M8r, characteristics *till
show thems('1Yrs -Irmtgly by this
eerintL \ate 11 h tt prryails in your
section a1 (his 'time. and look for a
contitrnation of much Ihe 93 the •1.
the stnrnt pet inns (11111' up to I)1e
e114 of (11' 111011Ir. Decided ,alarm
condition., a t'1 time 1 hr count r; nit
and touching the Gill. 71 h, and RI h,
with strong I'tohtl,ililies of a cnn-
tinnation of value over into h., fol-
lowing storm veiled. Moon is on
the celestial a plater on the 911,. on
its awing from '.etil11 declination.
hence nustniinel high temperature
find thnntleseitnrmi wwotid pile normal
results , i crud touching that date.
The Council has extended the time
for the exa'tvntion of writer .tanks
and the cement work for the same
up to Monday May 13th. nt 7 p.
No tender will be accepted after +
hour. flans and apecificatione
.clerk's office.
$1.00 per year in advance
a Trybottle6.. Fitton's Silver Polish. e5c.
The Annual Exchange throughout
the Archdeaconery of Murat will be
observed on Sunday next May bl' i,
when the venerable Archdeacon
Richardson, D. C. L. of 8t. Johns
will preach morning and evening tit
the •Trivitt Memorial Church. The
Rector Rev. D. W. Collins, will of-
ficiate at Ailsia Craig.
Necpawwa, Man., Freemasons, to the
number of about sixty, lately paid
their annual visit to the home of
Mr. John Dempsey, evho is known
honored as the oldest Freemason in
the world, being 'ninety-two years
of age, and having been a Freet4a-
son for seventy-one years. The
occasion of the visit was the old
gentleman's birthday and his daugh-
ter, 'Miss Dempsey, who entertains
the brethren every year on ,this day,
was presented with n gold watch
and an address by the (Masons pres-
ent. Mr. Dempsey replied in an ex-
cellent speech. To have lived wvith-
in eight years of a complete century
is ;given to few men, rand to have
beoome a member of the ,Masonic
Order within a few months after
age qualification is also rare, so
that the claim of being the oldest
Freemason in the world. put forth
for Mr. Dempsey. is rightfully re-
garded as oorrect. hnci has ,clever
been suooessfully disputed. Mr.
Dempsey was a former (resident of
1Tsborna Township and organized the
Exeter and Lucas lodges.
Mr. Fred 11i11, '*who with his ,wife
and Alonzo Ford /were on the train
which was wrecked at Chaldean n
couple of weeks Lige, has written, a
letter to his 'father here detniling
an account of 'their experience. In
the letter lie states "Everything
event well until 11.15 a. in. when the
accident happened. We had stopped
at Chaplean for about fifteen min-
utes. After Chapleau Ave ,passed
through a small place called Pardee.
and about five miles further we
came to a sharp curve. We were
all sitting in the seat. and thinking
of getting sinner. In ,the morning
Alonzo and I had been up ;to the
car where our dog was, (to give it
water. and 1 was (thinking about
going rap again, but decided to wait
until after dinner. If 1 had gone it
is ,quite likely. I would have been
burned the Gums es the dog nuas.
Tho car we were in was off the
track and partly down the thin. The
car behind ustipped the opposite
way from the ear in front of us and
that saved our ear from rolling
down over the hill. All the oars
ahead of us, except the two baggage
cars and engine. n-hich dil not leave
the track were, burned. The bag:
ga.;e ear with the dog lin nw•as the
first ono to burn, and behind it was
four passenger cars. It nvns a ter-
rible sight. Maude, baby Inld i
climbed through the window ani
when we got outside 't 110 cars, ahead
of us were rill afire. It /vas awful
to look at. There .were seventeen or
more people burned to d.atli. 1'ect-
ele in Exeter may imagine what tho
scene tvnnld be, but no one but those
who saw it can realize .what a scene
it was. After We gal out Alonzo
and I got in it lit' car again) and
threw out all the bedding ith:ttvas
in our car orad gave tlit' blankets to
those who needed Ito be ‘wrapped up.
We wrapped rap Vivian in some, and
tried to keep !leer warm, shill ave had
to stand nn ,the sno111 Tor about
five hours. The Liaiutuen finally
got another car (back on dun track
and took ;is back to Chapeau. (fere
we were went to the Public hall and
supplied with nil rkinds ,, f cake ant
nice hot drinks of bee(, teal and tea.
The people there permed 11s !though
they could not do enough for u,w.
\Ve were %tell taken cat's of end '1
met severat Oddfellows. The matt we
stayed lwith was a brother Odllfellowt•
and was very 'kind to us. We con-
tinued our journey e;ain the next
morning at. ten o'clock. We stopped
for a little while til 1 he wreck, but
i saw all I wanted the day before.
After we left (here ueoslt of the
pe0111' %were quite nervous, and only
these wuo have hien over 'the 1 o:1d
can imagine the curers and roux!)
• r:.41. 1 1,'ter int.ltriti'tt ;1 was like
11. is. Mn11)' times '00 ootlld ere both
euuds of the et lain al Ihe some time,
still gain, fast, and ;rent embank. -
111011 14 on tho 1ides, sone places bc•
ing tilt inn.; but rock. You would
never think their ens .in much
*waste Gaunt ry in t he *1 011(1. For
htntdr;d+ of mill', the country fs
rneks, nttd of .1111 1191, whatever.
Spring Supplies
You will need one in a few days. We have them
from $3.50 to $8.00. See our $1.50 mower, it's
good value.
2 in. mesh front 18 in. to 72 in.; 4c. per yard up.
1 in. mesh from 24 in. to 38 in.; 10e. per yatd up.
Washing Machines from
Churns from
Wringers from
Ready Mixed Paint
Floor Lac in
Varnish Stain in .... ...... 15,
$5,00 to $1.00
$1.25 to $5.75
$2.50 to $4,25
10, 15, 25 and 45c
40c and 75c Tins
25,45 and 75c. Tins
Murallo and Alabastine ....25c and 45c per package
Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, Forks, Drain Spades and Cleaners
--1•-F'•I--1.+++4.4.4-d••1•-i•!•444-i-d•-1-• 444.44 ••i•• +-1.4.4••1.44.1--l•-1••i••1•d•- +
Our Reduction Sale
Is on and in order to reduce our stock before
Stock Taking we are offering greater Bargains
in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever
were known in Exeter before. Every article
in our large stock of furniture reduced to al.
most cost during this sale. ,
Call and be Convinced before making your pur-
chase elsewhere.
The Largest Home Furnishers in the County.
7'Undertaking in all its Branches.
4..f.4 -44-H-14++++++444.4-614.4.44+4-1.4.4441-.14--1-44+44+++
wishes to let the people of' Exeter and surrounding country
know that they are prepared to give the best bargains in
From 5c per Roll to 25c.
The latest patterns and newest designs picked frim the latest satnples. The
busy Muse wife knows there is nothing brightens a home so much as new
paper. The Up -To -Date Store is prepared to give you the paper and the
THE PRINTS. are the exceptionals for the season. Docks in white
black and colors, French Delaine navy blue Prints,
pinks, blues, in all the latest patterns. trNew Groceries arriving weekly.
Ask to see the pretty China when passing our way.
A Monster Demonstration will be held at
Friday, May .24th, 1907
Under the auspices of the Stephen and Usborne Agri-
cultural Society. Arrangements are being made to make
his a Gula Day for EXETER
THE SPORTS will consist of Calithumpian and Trades
Processions, Horse Racing, and Athletic Sports.
The London Newsboys' Band will play in the morning
t .
and at the afternoon sports.
Ther'd1y night most of its %went ter --------_ ---
brei. but quite It number dill tint
sleep cps they *l ere so Pcared. The
road was so rocky it U:1 V1' you 'the
se':nation of gninx sower ill the
time. We got to Winnipez about
two o'clock, but before arriving al
Winnipeg eot1e railroad ,nen melt
through the cars :end paid the p:Ia-
se::;.ere fo what they head lo,t in the
wreck. We only lost a small
tea kettle, but as the de-
lay atu=rd us to mix» the
train for Lipton 011 Frid tt nuerning
and as we would hate to rrmnin un -
(11 3Intui1V morning. the officials
gave ns a letter to the hotel peo-
ple allowing 119 ,to remain until our
train left.
. At W. S. llowey's Drug Stare.
They are 0 lining. the Seven Suther-
land Sisters with Ihe longest and
most b.:toiiful hair in the 'world.
T have for sale a residence and 8
acres of rand sitlnted at Exeter
North. On tits premises are a barn
stable good orchard with all kinds
of fruit tree
(No personal liability)
Capital Stock $500,000.00
500000 shares. incorporated under the Ontario Min -
Par value $i.00 each. ing Companies Incorporation Act.
Mead Office of'Company, 152-154 Bay St. Toronto
(1) -WE PAY DIVIDENDS MONTHLY. These will 11e largely incieased aa
soon ss negotfat ions are completed for several rich properties in Co-
balt, Larder Lske, Montreal River and James Township.
(2) -WE WILL BUY BACK YOUR SHARES at the price paid if you me
not satisfied.
allotment of treasury stock has been nearly taken up, after which
time shares will be advanced to par.
Remit now by certified cheque or money order. either to the Oonsean
undersigned direct.