HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-25, Page 7.1,115.411 • �-•�•e►+�?aa�.-.vim • DEATH IO JEWS IN NAME OF CSAR' President of Uniou of Russian People Makes Incendiary Speech. A despatch from SI. Petersburg eno's: 1►t. Uubrovin, President of the Viiion of Maslen People, made a remarkable ad- vrip dress at Odessa on \Vednesday. Ile '+puke to a band of 340 armed ?netlike, of tho talion who had carried him on their shoulders to the railroad station on his departure for Kiev, and said : "In tho naive of our beloved Emperor 1 bless you. The hely ituesian cause is the extermination of rebels. Y011 1%110W who they are rind where: to find t'u'rn. carat• tho [Inseams foil of them. The Russian people emit neither ,' nstlu- 11on3 nor Parliaments, but ortho.loxy and aaltucrac; . Go ahead, l,rotllcrs; death to the rebels and Ilcbrews." After AI. Dubroviri's train had left the band of 300 rushed dutwn the principal streets of the city, shouting "Death to the rebel! Death to the }[ebrewsr All shops were at once closed and the He- brew population was in a condition of palile and terror throughout the night. The tactful measures tak(n by the pre- fect, however, prevented furtiicr turbariccs, It was anneunceil 00 'Wednesday afternoon that Captain Kereneff, com- mander of Fort (:unstnIi1no , on the mainland near Cronstudt, whom the mutineers during* the uprising of August 1 st 'eeede'd in hounding; while attempt- ing to capture the bridge connecting the fort with the island, will bo trial by a court -Inertial, charged with inactivity in the performance of his duties. Nine more officers of the fortress artillery have resigned. DISCIPLINE WAS LAX. An idea of they lax discipline prevail- ing at Sverlborg fortress may Le formed from the fact that the officers allowed the agitators who organized the mutiny to live in the barracks wih tho soldiers and distribute revolutionary proclama- tions. The sedition which permeates thewhole fortress artillery, as well as the engineers and other special branches WRONG INSURANCE PAID. Mistake of a Workhouse Clerk Causes Complications. An error made by the authorities of the llirrimiglwtn ;England) Workhouse: in mistaking the identity of one of the imitates tvlio died a few days ago, has led to extraordinary results. 'I'lie nalalo of the dead patient was 1larry !)rooks. 10 the workhouse was another non of the same name, and by some mistake) on the part of one of tho clerks, riotllc'ation of the death was sent to \1rs. Butt, the sister of Iho man Nvlio is Mill alive. She replied that they funer- uf the service is considered to Le I110ln- al \ovula be undertaken from her house, ly duo to tho license allowed the agite- and immediately arranged with an tor•,, The military authorities con -iter melee faker to supply the coffin. that these brenct►cs of the ar:oy are 7100 relatives had insured the old \w holly 'unreliable, but they tl►iuk that i inures life, and drew sewerul sumS 01 the cavalry sold light estdlcry eau be ii ,inry for emeriti expenses, the socie- dcpended upon, and that the revolie ties offering no objection eller the 0111- tionnry propaganda lies made compare cial notice of death. lively slight progress among tho infan- The body, encased in a coflian, was try regiments. removed to Mrs. Mutt's house, aid the Continued natal nlutialins are regarded • hegira) was about to Noe place \tl►e•n by the cotnruissiwls ns being unavoid the undertaker suggested that someone able under the pr*' ent conditions. Even who had known the .lead ,matt should ‘wearers of th,; St. Geergc's Cross, which identify his body. Mfrs. !hitt at once is conferred, liko the British Victoria' offered to do so and the coffin was Cross, for acts of extreme bravery and opened. devotion to duty, aro affected. Ono 011 Then it was discoveri(1 that an extra- thee e as condemned to death recently! ordinary nii,tako had been made, the ((1 St. Peter burg for disobedience of body being that of a much younger roan orders and striking nn officer. I than th•s l;roUler of \h �. Mutt. The After a long investigation Colonel; body was at once taken beck to the Sernanovski of tho Rostoff Grenadiers, workhouse. which mntinied in December last, hast Dillicieti(s have Finte as; -en regard - been relie•.cd of duty and will bo tried; ing the looney paid over ley the insur- by court-martial on the charge of laxity: anco companies, who are now asking in maintaining discipline in the regi- for its return. The guardians, it is understood, aco likely to assist 1110 rela- DI:,\'I'11 FOR TERRORISTS.tives in the smatter, as most of the money was ellen' in connection vtith the funeral arrangements. relent. A do -patch from Lodz, Russian Po- land, says: Five terrorists, sentenced to death by drum -head court-martial, were ...__.��..-..._ hanged here on Wednesday. The employees of the street railroads, GAVE BOUQUETS Oh CHLOROFORM. the school teachers and the newspaper Q employees have joined the inen in alt A Bogus Prince Who Robbed Women factories who went on strike on U in Paris. l'uC`day against trials by druiiihet,d court-martial. At Bendzin on Tuesday five socialists were void by drulnilea.l court-martial and shot fer armed resistance to arrest. BANDITS' BULLETS FATAL. A despatch floral Warsaw, Russian Poland, says; John Cadomski, editor of The Gazeta Polka, and the most prnml- tient of the Polish newt spnpernle'n, who was shot by bandits on Tuesday even- ing, died on Vi'edncsday. BRITAIN'S NEW ila'ITLESIIIrS. Will be the Most Wonderful Iver Iluilt for Any fleet. A deepnt.ar from London says: The Daily Telegraph .says it learns that the three so -calved armored cruisers, the Invincible, the Inflexible, and the Indo- mitable, which are now being built on the Clyde and Tyne, are in reality a new type of battleship, having a broad- side fire equal to !het .,f the Dread- nought, and a much higher cached. The 44. paper raa}•s they will Lo the most won- 1/1rful ships ever built for any fleet, relying greater offensive power than tiny two battleships now In commis- sion, combined with extraordinary epce•.I. '1 here has been some more or less mysterious secrecy regarding the ves- sels since they were authorized in the Spring of 1905, as was the case with the Dreadnought, and the present reve- lations conte as a surprise. white pine. The question of which ten - The new ships will be 17,250 tons. der is the highest depends upon the re - compared with the Dreadnought's 1740, cull of his measurement. bort they will be 40 feet longer. Ther breadth will be 3-2' feel less than the •---•4--r Dreadnought's. Each will carry eight 12 -inch gums against the Dreadnought's 11:111 FREIGHT BLOCKADE. ten, but their broadside fire will 1►e hien- ---- tical, as the Dreadnought is only nble to fire eight of her guns in broadside, while the new vessels can fire all of theh•s. They will be egalPped twilh turbine engines designed to develop a sp,'e 1 of 25 knots, but Il is likely that on their trials they will develop 27. To pl otitic for this high speed something I'i the wteight of nrrur,I' has been sacri- f,e. d. but otherwise the hulls will be (•nnslructed on the same principles ns the Dreadnoughts. The object seems to be to ennhle thorn 1•' overtake nny foreign cruiser and sent: it by (heir tremendous concentrnt- rd grin fire. It is expected than they 'wall t e .chut'tl%• launched. When come fee•',,1 they will probably ha\c cost LI,- :: si,a ed each. LICENSED '10 CUT TIMBER. Goternment Witt Receive About 1230,- 0110 From Rainy River District. A despatch from 'Toronto sa; s : A number of parties have secured the right to cut timber on a number of berths ad - An hotel thief who 1111.5 Leen syston- alically robbing English and Atnet•ie'in women, after presenting chloroformed bouquets to therm, was 01•res10(1 r'ecCmtly at tiro Grand hotel, Paris, Prance. He called himself "Prisioc '1.schilinfa-o, of Montenegro," and stayed at the best hotels, engaging expensive suits of rooms, and living in luxurious fashion. Ills manners were exceedingly polish- ed, and he rarely failed to become ac- quainted \lith the most richly -dressed women staying et tho hotels. When the acquaintance, was :sufficiently de- veloped lie ventured to offer a beautiful bouquet. Ills victim, charmed with the "Prince's" cotirtesy, smilingly accepted, and gratefully smelt the slower?. - Site F0111 after became faint, and had to be: led to her room. vertised by the Department of Lands The "Prince" then busied himself in and Mine Tho tenderers will pay rendering her assistance, and in doing about $234),110) in bonuses atone --more so lie generally managed to relieve her or less, according to the timber cut. of a valuable necklace or bracelet. Must of Iho timber will be cut for Iles, Ile was captured in the act of pocket - and on this a bonus of five cents addi- ing a costly diamond bracelet which be - Ilona! to le -anises will be paid by tho longed to an American woman who had contractors. For other pur•posas, the accepted ono of his bouquets. Ile dues will tie $2 per thousand feet. board proves - to be a Russian Jew named pleasure. Tho extra -bonus scheme is a ltaniskeiif. new one, the former method having been to pay a lump bonus. The berths aro all sitnalod in the Rainy River Dis- trict, north of the C.E'.12. A number of Pit'tniE LINES REIM'. berths 010 not yet sold. 11( [carr town- ship an expert ranger is making an Expect to Ilatc Tract. Laid in Tinic to estimate of the proportion of red nn01 Move Next 1'ea(r's Crop. 111111 11►\t rl a:IIT 1,4 l'.tS'f. 111ithes Toet113-ttt•o knots on Iter Trial Trip. A de,paloh from Spilhend, England, !lays: "1'he battleship Dreadnought an- chored herr, on Tuesday evening, after n full ;'earn tial lasting eight hours, in which she reached a speed of twenty two find one-quarter knots, the mean average being !went} --one and n holt. iler horsepower which is nominally 23, - MO. went as high ae 28,000. These re. mine weed achieved in the face of in- erens.vl lead resulting from preparations Too %fuck \\brat to Handle and Now lee finished this month. The 'work of goal is Wanted. laying the Meet will be proceeded with A despatch from C1►ieago says: Tho in the spring, and the officials who have congestion of freight traffic has in- charge of ►he construction work hope creased so fast within the last few days to have all the prairie lines :•endy for that railway officials fear they aro soon operation in time to Help with the to face a L1oehade. Conditions on the transportation of next year's wheat eastern roads, which have not only to croP. Surrey parties 01c now at work handle the business which they originate locating a number of branchlines out of but hnte rho crops 01 the west, pouring Yorkton, ono of which it is said tt 111 1 un upon them for export, aro naturally the 1►1 Reginn, utid t10 other to Iludsons worst, but those on tho western lines ling. also aro rapidly becoming extremely serious. With the nppronch of winter the PAIS NO '1.1\1:5. movement of coal has grown heavier. A despatch from Winnipeg stip: Over et) per cent. of the grading between Portage la Prairie and Saskatoon, on the Grand Trunk Pacific, has been com- pleted, and 30 per cent. i3 finished lie - tweet' Saskatoon and Edmonton, 600 miles. It i3 expected that the grading on all Iho lines west of \\innipeg will aggregating tho congested conditions (;mat 1111reagr fin Etcmpted Properly which already existed, and traffic Wren say that they do not know what they in Nunlrr:al. will do for ems wbert the year's • nor- A despatch from \loltreal snys : That mous crop of corn is ready for market. exempted properties are rapidly In - as it will be new in a short lime. A creasing in Montreal etas chotv,i on lino belonging to one of the big eastern Wednesday by a report completed mit systems on Tuesday hod orders for 4,235 cars whte'h it could not fill. Rt:1 1:\['1: INfitl: tI\r. That for Nine 1lonthc Equals cofferlions fur I.act 1 ear. the City: Hall. it 'hoes That for they e iir- rent year the nsse'sed values (1 pro- perty s' tech mil? pay no taxes to the it)' amount to 1(0 less than $50,250,uun. 11 he ex0nlptinns have i111413 eel 10 the extent of ten millions during,' the post three years. A despatch from T. ronto says: The .-'-~ revenue of the Pi otineial Seeretnry s deparhnent this yer.r is expected to AN APi'i:A1. FOR Toor. 1ICL1'i.I:SS. rene•h 81,410.000. Last year it tetnlled N(,.,t• that the thanksgiving season is t1;70,IwX), 'The increased revenue mitts upon tis there must be many people 'n eel a eeagoing2 trip, t\thich ridded two ie: rause in the 1100m)r'r e•f things, prin. tail community who would gladly give feet In her druught. '1'11•' cngincs ran cipally in the high liquor hee se rood some expression of their gratitadc to smoothly find with good rssei-t•e p(,wer, the forcing of delinquents to pay h the "liner of all ' 110 towed draught th('ing us.sl. Com- good thing • for the the tmninlenanCdr 1(t relatives in ns}•• bcauli!ul suntmcr ju,t pas,•cd. �•. h,ctl has piece+ nbse'n(:e of tihratie:n was again re- turns. Abut $125,000 will be ad,ttsl to been crowned cwcrytthcrr 1 y 'uch a corded. Il,e prat 111(11(1 money p114) as a result bountiful harvest. Many lave mot in the advance in license fees. thought c•f nny partie:ulnr tt:ew in which to express their thankfulnrs,- a,nd will T'�'~" - tee glad to know of s01110 piaco %% here n % 1 1' 1(lei1:1► (:O\.., 1111 F. 11E111 N1:11t1.1' (:OT 11111. small 1Ilat'e of their blessings will to heartily welcomed. A tM••per,i.e Field. so) as C. N. 11. Dunk The limiter Killed it at al !cry CI(e.e In the Toronto Home for ineutables, Ileerl.(e. Ranee. Dern Avenue, t'arkdale, there 1 to help - lets patients. t(tl of whom nre depen- A et spate!) from i'. rt Arthur says: In A dcspat:h from St, ohn, N.Q., sats: dent upon the liberality (,f the public It desperate fight at Ile C. N. 11. bunk Emil Paturcl, cif Sherdinc, had a thrilling: for their daily food and for the shelter haus° at Port Arthur on Tuesday (veno Cxperienee in the woods a day or two and care of n comfortable home at this 04! Robert Newcombe, C. N. U. con- ago. ile saw a large bloc% Lear and time in their lives when the shadow foible. suffe're'd set-t+te injuries.=. A man tire(!, wounding it. .The bear charged are lengthening towards the east. any named J )hn Donovan. slightly intoxi- the hunter, who, just as be te. as els-cit contributions of fruit, t egetaLlca, flour, crated, started the disturbance in a to shoot, fell. end when Imo got up the fowl, or clothing, which mill never to Ionise. and rtes called In order by the tear was (enly n few feet away. ile missed by those who are blessed with ranstall.'. Together with several Com- just had time to thrust the rifle against abundance, will to eery grntefully re- i►anions, they eet upon him. knocking it and fire, killing the animal as it ertved by those in charge of the w•crL. Linn to the ground. where til'y kicked sprang to grasp him. The bear was a It twill help to frighten many sad lit es nn(1 rounded him. Itis arm was also black ono, over seven feet high. Pa• and aid greatly in the work of this lirO!,cn at the elbow. Donovan and h:s euro{ and his companion eaeh shot a tt. i thy charity. All shipping expenses eut'et:gtres have been arrested, moose and a bear. twill be gladly paid. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM Till! LEADI.NO IIL41 E CEti114E9r Pikes of Cavae, Grain, Cheese atee Mee Dairy Prwtwce at flaw and Abroad. Toronto. Oct. 16. - Flour - Ontario "'heat ter per cent. patents aro quoted at $2.70 to $2.75 in buyers' sacks outsido for export. Manitoba Brat patents, $4.60; eecolld patents, 84.10, and strung bakes s', $3.110, 'Toronto. Bran -The Market is firm at $15.50 to $16 in bulk outside. Shorts a:o quoted at 18 to $18.:'0 outside. Corn --No. 2 American is quut(•d at 55% to 56c on (rack, Toronto. Wheal -- No. 2 white wanted at 31c cast, and No. 2 red at 71c east (an (;.'l'.lt., without offerings. No. 2 mixed, 69c bid on G.'l'.it., without sellers. No. 1 Manitoba toted offered at S2c truck, Port Huron; No. 1 Northern at bneec track, Port Iluren, and No. 2 Northern at 78%c, without Lids. Harvey - No. 2 \vaulted at 49c on a !',c rate to Toronto, ttithout sellers, and No. 3 extra 47',,c bid at 78 per cent. points:, with seller's at 48%c. • Peas --No. 2 offered at 78%c east, 011d at 76c outside, without bids. a.:GUN'TItY PRODUCE. Eh ..ns --$L75 to 81.80, and primes at 81.4,0 to $1.70. IlenCy---Strained quoted at 10 to Ile per ib, and combs at 82 per dozen, }lops ----Nets quoted at 18 to 23c. Iiny--Car lots of Nu. 1 timothy neo quoted rat 8ta.50 to 810 on track, Toron- to; and No. 2 at $8. straw -$5.50 to $6 per ton. Po!ntocs-Quoted at .0 to 8(,c per Lag in quantities. Poultry -Turkeys, st ash killed, 14 to 15c. Chickens, dressed. 10 to 12e; alive, 8 to 10c per lb. Fowl, alive(, 7 to 8e. Ducks, dee. :sed, 10 to Ile; do, alive, 9 to lt_ic per 1b. THE DAlfil' \1.11►1KE1'S. Butter -Pound rolls are quotid at 22 to 23e•; orbs, IS to 20c; large rolls, 18 to 20e. Creamery prints .ell at 2•4 to 25c, and solids at " to 26e. Eggs -Good stuck bring 19 to 20c per dozen. Cheso--Prices rule at 1J;.,' to 14c, the latter for iwwins, 1)0G PRODUCTS. CEREALS IN POTTED MEATS. Inland Revenue Department Publishes lis Anal?tits. A desg.atcli from Ottawa says : The Department of Inland Revenue 1isucd u bulletin on Thursday c1( the subject of potted meat end bologna sausage. It mentions that the calmed meats exam- ined some time ago were further sub- jected to ulict'uscopic examination, and also to the test for foreign culcring rtiut- ter. (►lily in ono instance oils any et 1h(► latle'r detected, the eanplo being lade 11 Montreal. All the other potted meats referred to were fres) from dyes. As regards 1110 presento of corn starch and of nic:ll from cereals of .sullle de- serig-,liu1, it waas detected in 23 tvitmplcs put•chnsed in the 1'rociiteo of Quebec and 23 eecin d i1► the Maritime Pro- vinces. In the Province el Ontario 37 samples had heen 60 ttlartlpu1111et , the majority of the.5o being of Chicago Ltut 50111© wero 11'0111 Toronto and Afulttl'eal. Eight samples purchased 111 Waneouter wero found to lee similarly affected. Chief Analyst McFarlane remarks that many of tete samples of canned ,uealte dcsssibed in the previous bulletin con- tained additions of meal or flour, which cannot, of course, be regarded as adul- teration if tlio fact is indicated by the t(nlme of the article. It 'nay be 11101 this; 01 done by he USO of the word "loaf' 11( a ge'.al elan • instances. Hut tho words "potted,' "deviled," etc., do not justify the addition of flour or cornmeal, and articles with such names canrlut be re- garded as otherwise than adulterated if they have received additions of c•'r,'al products. Two of the samples examined under the Microscope consisted of maize flour and ttto alines!, exclusively of potato ,starch. Of 3'2 samples of l elogna and other eatusnges examined 11 colttuined dyes 11101 live preervatites. Tl'PIIOID ST11.1. INCREASING. Doctors and Householders fail to Re- port Cases. A despatch from Toronto .says: Fur- ther r, ports have been rec•cit•1il by the I'rovin.tial hoard of Health hem Local health officers, which go to 6110ww• that typhoid fever has been more pretulent throughout tho older parts of the pro- vinee than was anticipated. In 11 cities and towns oulsidc of '1'erolto, compris- ing a population of 50,000, reports in. diva to that there have ben 103 cases of typhoid and six deaths. The cause .,f such a large proportion Is contended Dre,,cd hags in cat• lots nontir.alt. 1•y the board to be neglect on the part Bacon, long clear, ]2':;c per in C(I el the physicians and householders to lots; lncss pork, 2t.:,U 10 S2:'; short report the cases to the local health of - cut, X21. ricers. Instances w here an undesirable Hams -Light to medium, 15;.,c; do, condition of affairs existed are known heave, 1.',c; rolls, 12 (; sho,►ide�r;, 11;; of in connection with boarding houses to 12e; backs', 17'; to 18(:; breakfast where rho landlady had nursed the pa- bacc►n, 15 to 16c. tient and at the same lime cooked the l.nr(1-Tieties, 11'fc; tubs, if? -;c; food. According to law there is a tine polis, 12c. imposed on those householders and phy- sicians who neglect to tepor't. BUSINESS A'1' MONTREAL. Montreal, Oct. 10.-s-Speeia1).-Gr•ain- Business on local Grain Market contin- nes quiet. The market for oats is str'e►ng, making 011 n.Iviinee of le n bushel; No. 2 are quoted at 40 to 41c; No. 3 at 3:1',; to 40c, and No. 4 at 383; to 39c. Flour --Manitoba Apr:ng; wheat, $1.G0; strong; bakers', $1.10; winter wheat lodged?,81.10 to $4.25; straight rollers, .$1.75 to 83.80; do, in begs. $1.65 to $1.75; extras, $1.50 to 81.60. 1•eed- 'I'here was no change in condition of market for rn111feed, prices being firm under n steady demand and sn1;111 offer- ings. hhinitoba -bran, in 1.0g;s, 820; ::11011 423 per ton; Ontario bran, in bags, 819.50 to $20; she,rts, $22.50 to 82:1; ,pilled mouillie, $21 to 825 per ton; straight rollers, $28 to $29. Provisions -Barrels shout cul 111055, 822 to $24; half -barrels d0. 811.75 to 812.50; clear frit lacks $23.50: long (lit heavy mess. $20.50; half-har•rels (lo, $10.75; dry sant haig clear bneon, 121; to 12'4c; barrels gelate beef, 812 to 813; half -barrels do, *6.50 to 87; I .reels heavy rllcss beef, 811; half -barrels (to. $6; compound lord, s to 9, e; pure lard, 113 to 12e; kettle - rendered, 12'x, to 130:; hangs. I t to 1531 c; brenkfnst bacon. 15 to 16c; Windsor bacon, 15 l0 15 ;c; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $950; (dive, 86.75 to $6.90 per 100 libs. Eggs -Selects, 22c: No. 1 candled, 18 to 19e. Butter -Choicest creIIIIU ry. salted and unsalted. 23% to 24„ c; medium grades, 23 to 23%e. (}lege Ontario, 13 to 13%c; Quebec. 12'; 1.1 1?=;c. UNITED STATES MAIKE t'S. Toledo. Oct. 16.--\\heat-Ca'h, 75!e: 0,•1., 75%i-; May. 77%e; Jan., '+lye. Corn--r'.atsh, 49c ; (ret., 49e: Des., 48 ye May, 423;e: Jan. 4330c. Oats -Oct.. 36c; May, 36 ;r; Jan., :47'„e. St. Louts, Oct. 16.- Wheat -Oct., 75e; Mny, 72!„c; Jam. 77.'. \Itnnenpnli (art. 16. -Wheat-Dec., +--- A 8200000 FIRE. Sumurerii(ie, P. E. t., Suffers a Set ere Scorching -Work of Incendiary. A despatch from Surnmersidi', 1'.1:.1., says: Fire did $200,000 damege here on 'I'li11isday, with insurance only 850.000. The electric light station, jail, Court -Ik use, and 50 residences wero destroyed, besides the Episcopal and Baptist Churches. The lire is supposed to have been incendiary. The fire began in a railway shed, and was fanned by the heavy gale. The town had only two hand engines and one stetlnler to fight the fire. The firemen and engine (rein Charlottetown saved the Presbyterian Church. 5 CONDENSED NEWS ITEMSIWONDERFLJL GREDI HAPPENINGS FILUM l. MiltMiltMk111T1:i1CJt.AI'I' IN LONDON; Ay GLOM Al''un: SESSIONS. Tekflraphl•i Oriels Froin Our Own arse Other Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA. Nearly one thousand students are reg- istered at the University of 'Toronto. According to the assessor Pcterboru' has 14.'.162 population. Building perusits issued in Toronto to titthe end of September totalled $ 1,►LG,- 3;.'J. t ,t Chinaman at London. Onto, was tidied $2o and co..ts for kissing a lift! whie girl. Kent Count}• fruit -growers nskcd the assistance in lighting theSart Jose State. Mr. Janie,/ S. Ileek, Auditor -General of New Brunswick, bus resigned after 39 years' service. Stratford's population, ace_ording to the assessment returns, is 13,111. "The assessment is $6.02:1,700. Lieut. -Col. \\ Bile i; authority for the statement filet the Mounted Poliee force in the Yukon will Lo reduced from -300 to 1:,0. The trustees of the, Durham Natural Gas & Oil Co. have disposed of the as- a(as of the company, and will pay three cents on the dollar. A log famine is reported by British with pine stuck nil round them, would Columbia Saw mills. The price is now attract the husband to his home again. $S to 810 per thousand feet, and a sharp On another occasion she; made mystcri- ad 0nep is looked for. ons passes with her halals over the fire, Barrie Council haspassed the bylaw on which she had carefully deposited to abolish thePublicmud Collegiate 11(_ a red flick. The husband did not re- stitule Boards, and forthe formation Corn, and the prisoner explained: "I of a Board of Education. trust have more 010110y. The more you Mr. Cecil B. Smith has resigned the •give e trio quicker 1 shall bring flim Chairmanship of ltle Tenliskominb home.m" Ville paid 35 115 ,n rill. Then Railway Commission, Lot twill bo re- dress, prisoner insisted on 'laving a night rained in an advisory capacity, dre`s, some sheets and pillow cases. Edmonton's September building opera- She was going to prepare these with n. tions aggregated $1;3,515, making rho secret process, so that one night me t.,t01 for the y000 to date $1,369,105, wvitneess would wake up and find her t. hie'h is 8666,381 Le ttcr 111011 the whole 1 husband by her side. Ile would b. of 1905. wearing 11►e nightdress and the pillow- for \\'ilson was ordered detained cases, wilier) had been treated with for• three years wee the children's Aid something which had the wonderful Society a1. Auelph by Justice Magee for I,Cw•rl' of prcentaalg her husband ever the manslaughter of the little Sv.ack- running atony none (Loud laughter). hammer girl. Ifci' husband vdid trot 000)0 back. The new G. T. R. freight sheds at In answer to \1r. W. II. Sands, de - meet the demand for storing freight and tet the prisoner to be a good wtitch who ail addition of 60 feet to the present uldpm m. Th\witness pro shed is in the co!irse of erection, dcouced a erforcapacious baagicg; n11te of which she- hitig;s!on's pot�ulatien tans remained brought a medicine bottle containing a stationary during the past year, one magic liquid for sprinkling about 1110 reason being that the railways check room, a paper packet containing some. trade and enable country storchcepers clippings from the back of a black cat, to compete succe, sfully with tho city and stole pins which sho land to sew storo. into her chemise. All these things were As a result of the brisk demand for supposed to be necessary to restore her lumber on the upper British Columbia husband. Loud laughter.) coast dismantled mills are being re- Mr. Chester Jones (laughing heartily) r.luipped and slims for new ones aro be- --This is tho funnie-t case I have ever ing sought after by both local and fore- had before Inc. ig,l companies.Fanny Samuels, the witness' (laugh- ere, said that the prisoner provided pow- GREAT13KC1'.\I\.• dors and unfold mysterious words To a:AI-L lit:It FA't'111:R iIA(:K. Woman Deeerled by husband (;ilea !'p Money Wirer Told Ile Would be Restored to tier. The Lon(lue Daily Graphic says: -An cxtraord:nat•y story of witchcraft was 1111.1 at llto Clcrk.n tell Se::mons on Sat - nacho! often Neuhaus, aged forty, wwa3 indict- ed for having obtained .C5 los by falso ptetence:S from Ates. 11(1110 Samuels and .L.5 from Rosie, Silbert erg. 1111110 Samuels, a ,'ttitl'wor11Jn, ut Brunswick street, St. ';.:urge's, giving her evidence ul Viddieli, through the in- terpreter, said her hit Land deserted her t'we'nt)-on(: 11o1111s ubo. Itccently the i:risurte-r (rolled o1 het' and asked her it she ttould like iter fortuno told for lhre,'pence. Sha 101(1 out sumo cnr(ls, and, apparently reading then!, said: - "Your flu=band has deserted you. 1 have putter to ).ring; hila hue:k again. Give Ino 2s 6d. 1 can relieve you of all your troubles and restore your husbafnd, :t/ that } (. a \,ill hate to work hard 110 „ J n She ,( i s believed that and paid tete money. The nest day the prisoner asked for is Gd for candles, which being burned IN A PECULIAR WAY, Clyde shipyard d ,tet r ikcrs have received caters of help from Canada, Germany anti United States. Dr. Forbes Winslow predicts that be- t re long there will he more Insane than sane people in the world. The extraordinary story Mat Mr. Car- negie would give .£55.000,000 to human- ity is denied froin Skibo Castle. This year 955 Bernardo children have been sent to Canada, and since the work began, 18.429. Ninety-eight per cent. are doing well. Mr. Chester Jones -A sort of incanta- tion, 1 suppose? Mr. Sands (cross-examining)--Uid 341r se.. the performance with the black cat? The witness -- Yes, and she threw something into the fire. it came out with a squeak. 1 had a eight and 1 ran awwny. (Laughter.) Did she part the cat in the fire? A- I can't '8y what she did with the cat. Something was put on the fir.'. Did the black cat frighten you? A.- UNITED STATES.Tile squeak You thought the prisoner a geed President Roosevelt dedicated the new t., itch? A. -Yes; she showed us such Slate capitol at Harrisburg, ['a, on 1(1:i'aictcs that site made us believe her.State I't►urday. S11e produced a lot of Russian gold - JACK /VIII T 111:I1 SHOT. 'The number of dead in Ito' \'irg:nia Landfills -from her b•i-om. and said: - She disaster is estimated at sixty. idon't want your money. See, 1 have Toronto Nan Found Dead Icor praeua', President itonsewelt will withdraw' all p,enly of my own. All will be return- �fanitul►a, coal lalldS in flee United States nut al- ;f \ttien 1 have finished my work, but et dr, ,alefrom ro S 1is aIy tal:(n up for entry. ;f you do not give rho what 1 want 1 g h f r1( T I ng.ue, Mao., says: •1', P. ('Connor predicted self -govern - have 1110 power go stop your !emboli)! lark \\ hillier, a : ecainnnlnn, employed mint for Ireland at an early date in his from ever coming bark." f•: the Canadian Northern Railway at sl,c(.,:h ut I'hiludelphin. Detoctito Sergeant Leeeon said that the gravel pit spur, left tee camp house •1'wo neg;r0es were lyneh,(l at ;1toLIle gluing; the five months the prisoner hail Ala.. ono in Argenta, A r10., ailO «00 i►: been in London she had nccurnulatcd :a lt,e Stale of ?iliet,ig;an, un Salur(lay. large sacral of money by these practi,'es. The trouble in Cuba r11ay (•071.50 the She was sentenced to nine months' prstponemenl of President Roosevelt's imprisonment and certified for duper - trip 10 Panama until %la ch, after Itic talion. edjouttlment of Cong;rss. The hniltvl Stales Steel (:e;rporation-a _--- 1ios lensed iii perpetuity the i11)1 irnn ore T,roperlies al fil.6'i per ton drhvereil SUSTAINING POWER OF SUGAR. al ata(: northern lake (lochs' The remarkable sust(tining powers ..f \William 'I'rud•�nti, ng;ed nine y0003. ofcanesugar have often been noted, anal \Voonsoac•kct. R. 1., died on Wednesday it will be remembered that Sir Martin et hydrophobia. 'Iwo other persons, Conway, in his book, "Tete Ascent 1,1 who were bitten by the same 001701 Aconcagua," Mated that he found i)c- twcntyone days ago. find token no pre- merara sugar "Me finest heat -producing caution up to the lime of young Too naris le -nourishing; food in the world." eleau's death. For them taking violent exercises, been Mrs. Alary Guthrie, a dressmaker, of a, soldiers on active service er athletes Norfolk. Neb., sold nearly everything in training. a plentiful supply of anger she own(cl to search for hor little girl, mac, he said, far better than large rnent end 1 has found the child at Erie, i a. rations. A quarter of n potund per dny Mrs. Guthrie procured n ditoree, she her man \tail his ntlo\wan:e 01! 1110'was given custody of the child, but u,ouritaun side, anal lace was inclined to during an interview the father seized think that this might ),e increased to it. nearly half a pound with ndtantage, Literally cooked alive in a boiler into crane sugar, of course, treeing s•'le4aesl which steam was turned en by mistah, for this purpose. 'This testimony as 10 n boilermaker. Gustnt'e 1'. Friend, . the alimentary value of sugar Ands etrik- years old, of \•inconnce. Ind., lived her ing. cor►ilrrnafinn in the account 1(t the hours. Ile remained coil'cious and ar• 11r,1 crossing; of Mount (took, eonlri• rang e'l all his worldly nffairs, bade his 1;,,tei1 by \tr, ;1lnlcotrn itoss to lira people good-bye null f hen prayed with Alpine Jorn, nal. On this expedil:nn, his pastor till death carne. which proved a wonderful feat of •'n- durnnce, brown sugar termed an in,- GENRftAL. Ilorinnt port r,1 the ranting. indeed, United Slates forees Are Laing dtstribut- Mr. itot" Fny.S that upon It lac "existc,J eel in Cuba as a precautionary measure. almost entirely 01( all our climbs.'' fete. Soullt Manchurian Railway will he as thoroughly Ja(panuc lis 11 wa3 ""."'+`."'"""" formerly Ittassimn. t List Sunday morning twilta a rifle, tip - pa ren ip•pa'otif ly going to hurl. \\ hen he did not return on Sunday evening; search was 1111(10 in the woods and on \Vednesday (toning h.' w1(• found dead in an old luruber camp about nine miles east of Sprague. apf►vte'ntiy el e,t through the head. Whittier carate frum Toronto. NF:F:D 1(i: ri tilt AIII.k 4 \1 S. Medical Health Wirers .Adv ase Pro- t?racial Haan d. A despatch frurn 7'nre,nto says: A few months ago the Pi ovincinl Board ' f lirattll sort out letters to the loon) heaalth, r,threr, regarding the difficulties they • 73% to 73!„': \lacy. 75%e; No. 1 North- 01. 1 in connection with the milk sup - ern. 753;e: No. 2 Northern, 733;c; No. 3 ply. sincje then there has been received swing. 71c. a number of repliee. in which it k claim- sd that the wneinrrs choses of the Act CATTLE. MARKi:T. are inefficient. They also indicate that T'r,-nnto, Oct. trio -Trade rade mos brill: at a better in.5l►eetie,n should be made of t�,ee (.,ty t 11!1 .i M m-ket th:� morning!, the milk and dairies, nn(I !haat the low he run was heavy land 11ae dcn,anO 10r sifol►1(1 be clear. r regnrL! ng; the (11111 all kinds (,1 call:e good, with prices filen of the milk, d 1l,e uses of the ateado to (inn.preservatives. Thee complaints will be [•:\port aaa1hoe, 84.00 to 81.75; t'la,r.'.1 best re the i1e,;,rd of nein)h by rho t,►rd►urn, *4 (:tottl81.1-15;i bulls, 83.75 to 8i; se cr etai v, Dr. 1huldells. Tight bulls. 8(1 to 8.1.50; cows, 83.50 to $1. Butcher ('tattle.--(:hoice, 84.25 to $4.50: medium, $3.75 to 91; common. $3 to 93.25: cows, 82.51) to 83; bulls. $2.25 10 82 St,s kers and Feeders. -Choice stock- ers, $3.25 to 83 50; common, 82.50 to $2.7 ►; bulls. 82 to 81.25; heavy feeders. $3 (',O to $3.75; 5llurt•keep, $3.75 to 83.85. Milch (tows. -- Quotations are un- changed at 8.10 to 850 for choice and 825 to 835 for culnn,on; springers, 125 to 340, Calves. - -d at 3%c to 6';,1 per lb. Sheep and Lambs. -Expert ewes, $3.25 to $3.60; bucks and culls, $3 to $3.501; lambs. $5.00 to 80.25. Iings.-t-'nchangcd at 86.65 per cot. for choice selects ren+! $6.10 for light weights and farts, fed nii,1 watered. You earll judge every %%Ternzin few her looks, because appearances may be PoU8ht at meat druggists. MANGLED 111' sT1t1:Iii cut. Five-year-old Son of Laborer Kill.•d at hull. A despatch frnm Ottawa says: A sho.:k- ing{ accident took place in 'lull on Thursday morning on the street oppo- site Fortin and (,acelles mica factory. when Ilr.v o'v' Botlet. the 11!'!c i-ycar- olat sen ef \tr. Joseph Rout. t, laborer. lacing; at 20 St. incept) Street, was struck and instantly felted fey car No. 14 on the I111i1 Eles-trir CIIOi.ERA iN 1101.1,tND. Ttto Fatal C::tces ft ported \ear R(yter- dam. A d•seas h to the Poris Fein r front 11 1li':(tarn .gin \\'(sines(lay announces that ton fatal rases of cholera have r,r- "urre(1 at I31oe'Ietelue) and Oranjetwc•ud. ref air there. il.tll 11 ell' J t11'. he innig►e{g Confiscated and cremated Ttt rite. A despatch from Winnipeg anys. The City Veterinary visited the C. 1'. it. :tock yards on WeOsday, and after inspecting the eattlff tr,tended for the noel abattoirs condemned end confls- rated twelve animals suffering from lump jaw. Ile had them lolled and cre- rTeAl(d, !Argil nu'l,te(ers of these aril• mete are Morning in (1t prieeent in s1►ig•- ments from the range,, and the outlier - ivies tette to be trey wigil:ont. I'iSII TIIAT CANNOT S\\•I1t. more than one spot• ('s of fl.h is malt pith that came), iv. im, ihe, most Pingus Mr of which, perhaps, is the n)nitha. Brazilian A:,li, whose v rgons of loco- motion only etinble it to crawl or walk or taop, after the manner of a toad, t.► which 01111041 this Ash to 60mo ex- tent Leans a resemblance. and it is pro- vided walk a tong, upturned snout. Other examples of non swimrningg fishes in- clude the sea -horse, another most pe. cufiorly-shapod inhabitant of the sea. anal Ih•, star -fish. et whie'tr ltiere are many specimens, tt Ir7eh walk and crawl en the shore and rocks, With being un- able to stt•iit.