Exeter Times, 1907-04-25, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR -No !753 One HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT EXETER, 3NT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING APRIL 26th 1907, IF $1.00 per year in advance i� •••••41••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1► f••••••••♦••••♦♦•♦•••••••• •••••••••••N♦N••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Special Sale of R UGS 1 This week we are making a Special display of our it • Rugs and Squares. We have the largest and best assortment that we have ever shown and feel very proud of them as we know they will please you as It to quality and price. All we ask is for you to s come and see them as we have one just to suit 2Z yoifu. Yu. Union Rugs Of nice bright colorings, pretty designs and extra hea- vy weave. A cod rug. size 3x3y and 3x4 yards from $4 to $8. Wool Rugs Real good patterns and col - Ions to give them the richest appearance. These are the beet wool ruga to be bought. size WI and 3x4 yards 'from $7.1110 to $10.50. Tapestry Rugs Brussels Rugs Just as fancy and colors to With all the new designs. equal more expensive ruga. The colors are very soft and No better tapestry rugs on the market.. Sizes 3x3e and promiuent and make a beau' 3x4 from $10.00 to $13.00. titul rug for $17.50. Axminster and Velvet Rugs Linoleums We show these lovely rugs We carry a very large and in that new dark red & fawn, dark green & fawn. Both of them In the daintiest of pat. -P well assorted stock of them in floral and tile patterns. terns also the new Oriental design. You will be delight- One "Special line, extra ed with this rug. Far $20, Rood quality, 4 yards wide $23. *25. for $1.75 per yard. Wall Paper --�- Our Wail Paper stock is all new. Bought frotn the leading American and Canadian firms. You have your choice here of the best papers selected from manufactur- ers of both countries, which gives us every advantage in selling you. •• • ♦• • 1; • Jones & Clark if Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford i Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods. •••.•••••••♦♦N♦NN•••••• N♦♦♦♦♦N•♦♦•♦♦•••♦ •••••♦•••••••♦♦•♦♦• •••••♦♦•♦♦♦♦••♦••♦N♦♦•♦♦♦ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++'t"Q'f+++%++4++++++++++++++++++++t+++++ t 1 -j 4 T. HAWKINS & SON WIRE Arrived on Monday one carload of CLEVELAND Wire. Now is the time for you to get it home be- fore the sleighing is gone. SEEDS Call and examine our TiMOTHY and CLOVER Seeds. TINSM1TH1NG Having secured the services of a flrat-clesa man we are still able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tin- ernith Work on the shortest notice, T. HAWKINS & SON 1Inr(1wiu•e and Seed Merchant. z • DEATH OF JOHN MUIR. A life full of usefulness and levere gy ended on Wed. April 17th, when Mr. John Muir one of Exeter's moat noss man, passed away to hie last ness man, passes away to This last reward at the ego of 69 years. The cause of death was pneumonia, con- tracted while administering to the wants of his beloved wife. who died On Friday April 12th from Otho same ailment. During the illness of Mra. Muir, the husband was a constant watcher at the bedside. doing every- thing its his power to prolong life. After her death Mr. Muir nvaa com- pelled to take to his bed. and ex1- that his end was not pressed a belief far distant. His condition Sunday became consultation of and he was tle his worldly Several times ho would rally, and reports from his bedside gave slight hopes of his recovery, but the dis- ease was so deeply seated •that all medical aid and careful nursing wcro of no avail and at sundown of Wed- nesday evening life's last spark bad fled. on the tfollowing so alarming that a physiciana was held requested to sea- effaira. t TILE LATE JOHN MUIR. The deceased was prominent in tend about Exeter, having lived here dor upwards of twenty-five ,years. Ho was born in Crecton, Kirkcudbright- shire, Scotland, and there ho learned the trade of a weaver, and for some time worked in large woollen mill. Ile %vas married to Margaret Wel- lace, of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. Scot- land. Several children were born to bless thin anion. After working at his trade for some time time Mr. Muir land fam- ily crime to Canada, first stopping at London. Mrs. Muir died there Mr. Muir then came to ,Exeter and for some time worked in the woollen factory. While in Exeter he was married the second time to Eliza- beth Noble, en account of ,whoeo death was related in thw'ae columns last week. Mr. and Mrs. Muir then went to Paisley, where they remain- ed for some time, after which they returned to Exeter end Mr. Muir purchased the woollen mill from' Mr. Whaler's. The mill woe njterated by him for some years, until he felt that he had earned a %veil .reserved rest and the mill war' closed. Dute ing his residence in Exeter, the de- ceased %vaa held in the highest res- pect by everyone. Ile served as a member of the council hoard for a ua on Ile of years. Ile was nn ardent admirer of sports and took nn no- tive intere.t its curling and lawn bowling, in fact was looked upon as the father of these gather' in Exe- ter. In winter he could usually he found nt the curling rink, taking nn active hand in the games and in the summer spent many of his idle mo- ments on the bowling green. in his early days in ticotland Mir. Muir was sornewhnt of a bre fancier. and worn several medals for exhib- its of honey et the, Royal Agricul. tural Shows at ,Edinburgh and ,Glas- gow. , 'By hie fir.et wife there were two sons rind two daughters born, John of London. and Robert of Gowanda ‘New York, Mrs. Ben Making, .Exe- ter, and Mrs. Joint Swan of Huron - dale. By his Fcoond wife two sons, W. W. at home and Itert of Regina. The funeral was held from his Tate residence on William street on Sunday afternoon, interment being in the Exeter cemetery. WATCII THE WINDOW. I 4.-:-.:-.:.++++++.•:-:.++ +..:•.:-:.+.:-.4.4.+++++++++.1.4 :••:: •:••:•.4-..++++++++++4 i+4•-: - ++++'1•++++.. At W. S. lloef`y'4 ()rug Store. +'•+++++++++++++++++++++•F++++++++++++++++++++4.4.44++++ They are 'what, the 8'‘`."1Suther. land Sisters with the longest and most beautiful hair in the nworld. CART -WHEEL SHADES. AMELESS The New Discovery for Colds, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Bronchial Affections. Cores whore Others Fall. Stranger Than Fiction. i3l �fA1L The PurityMfg. Co.AGENTS WANTED 2L Cent.. g IiVIt,RYWIIE1tl: FOR 8ALE.-•in Farquhar, acre of t t on rooms, a good cellar end frame Kit- eben also large brick blacksmith and carpenter shop. On this prop- erty is a good well and (stable. This ie a good stand for at blacksmith.' Good trade the entire year. For terms and particulars apply to J. E.• 111oNicol, Farquhar, Ontario. land with l ri ck hour containing 6 NOTiCE The Council has extended the time for the excavation of water tanks and the oement work for tho Fame tip to Monday May 13th. nt 7 p. rn. No tender will be accepted after this hour. flans and Specifications at I clerk'• office. JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk. 1 - * A good substitute or missing shade trees is made as renown: Plant a stout Lost, mine feet high, where you want the shade, setting I, bk. horst in two fact of earth; then nail firmly to the top of it, et right angles, tact anven-foot strips of two -by -two-inch stuff. The next thing to do is to tet t'%o nal tires from etrt or wagon wheels. have the blacksmith %weld them into a biz ring. end las• ten the ring tightly to the end of the C1) .'gpieceen. Set to drive -year-old grateviiie right ngainst the pest. c;ax it to rapid growth end the thing is rime. When the vine enrir lap over the rink. let ahem hang down ail around it. Seats may be 'set nn erne;tth.-From the May Oe. -nova tor. OA. .1" 1511. le Uri Gs _A1M Kind Yie RM A118 Sita 6U13 CR1DE FOR SHE TIMEd,j meow Small Pox In Stephen. Anyone reading the daily papers and not being conversant with tho facts would be lead to beliovo that the whole township of Stephen is under quarantine and that there are from sixty to eighty cases of smallpox of the most virulent type. One report from the provincial health department at Toronto, says "Tho provincial authorities becamq suspicious last week and being able to secure no authentic information from local sources sent Provincial Inspector Dr. Bell up to inveatigate," Such was not the case.. Dr. (Mc- Cue, of Crediton was the ttho first one to diagnose the cases as small. pox, and asked that the provincial health inspector be called in. However, the oases are not near- ly so alarming as pictured, neither are there as many as .redtorted. Ili Dashwood, according to Dr. McBride, who also diagnosed the canes as smallpox, there aro only five or six cases, none of n hieh neect cause alarm. There are three houses under quarantine. find this will be lifted in n few days. The hotel was under quarantine for a couple, of days, but the patients were moved to another building, the house disinfected and the card taken down. Dr. 'McBride says there is no further danger of more outbreaks, every case being watched. Dr. 'McCue, fnforms us there is only one house in Crediton under quarantine, and that the cases taro of a mild form. In the matter of the young man Neeb. who died, it is stated that he had a slight at tack and continued to work fin a ditch, contracted a cold, which prov- ed fatal. In the township outside of iCredi ton and Dashwood there are severs cases. but not of a malignant form In our report of last nveek were in error in stating that Dr Orme. of Centralia (was the first' ono to diagnose the case of Neeb as small pox. It was another patientur'h that Dr. Oro ad seen nnd tex- pressed his opinion that the man was afflicted with the disease. Dr. McCue was the first one 4o pro- nounce the case of Neeb as small- pox and expressed his opinion that he was beyond recovery although he did everything Possible to sustain life. trusteed of credit being given 'Dr. depart- Ment.Hell, of the provincial health depart- ent, it should be given Dr. 'McCuo for stating that the cases (were smallpox. It wns reported in Exeter last week that there was n case in town, but the report was without foun- dation. It was only a case of 'hives. Mrs. Chesney, of Tuckersmith, is Mc theDonald. guest of air. and Mrs. J. It. wvo• ANCIENT FASIIIONS. One of the ancient fashions was a stately crown of grey hair. but it is no longer so and those who nrr, so unfortunate as to Possess this remnant of the fashions of earlier days, resort to {wigs to hide the rav- age of years, but this is not satisfac- tory. Yet do not despair, for the Sutherland sisters ;Colorator has brought joy to many a despairing woman who has lost all hope of ever regaining tier lost youth. W. S. Howey special Agent. SOUTH HURON LICENSES. The license commissioners for South Huron, Messrs. Urlbridge. Douglass, and ('inning stet at ilen- sall last Friday to receive applica- tions for licenses for the ,next year. They decided to cut off five lintels. which with tIto.fivr effected by lo- cal option eel make a redaction of ten in the rifting. The lic.+nses to be art off by local •option nre ,two in lletisall two in Stanley and one in Caliente. Licenses were refused the Metropolitan i•:xeter, . ilecause rho population dors not entitle the vil- lage to the (mirth license. Albert Messer, Cot lett ; 11. Cunningham, Khiva ; ono shop linens,• in kieaforth, and one tavern in 7layfield. The following were granted li- censes for the year: The following were granted lir ceases for the year: -Queens Royal Commercial, and i)irk Ilouse, Sea- ford, litzpatrick of the Grip House vww;is only granted a three month's license. Jlatision. Commercial and Central, Exeter ; Hill and Ited[enrn, of Crediton : /1mnier, of Dashw•oed: C. Fritz, of (:ratttt Bend; Brenner of Shipka; 1)cilrieh, of ylouiit Carmel; .1. Moffat, of Centralia ; the Dixon (louse, of 11riie (jild; (Bed '('avert of "Pact:ersntitll; Johnson A itau, of Zurich; Mrs. Nicholson, of Blake tio action %was taken iu tilt, tit Jo - WAIT WW"AiT ANI) SEE. A great all rptise is iii store for you. the ,even tititlierland .Sisters are corning to V. 8. 1lou- 's Drug Stora. They have the Ioni'est and most beautiful hair in the acarid. EL111VILLE The Limnera nre busy seeding thin week. Sones hecto ;already nearly finislrpd. Mr. Orville Hoe cliff.. has accept- ed :t positimt in hxoter. Quite :1 number attpurled the model Smelly school i'seiott hell nt the Metleelee (-beech nt Granle;. on Smelly. 11'e and •ratand the Nun*iay school conwreitiou "ill It li '*1 it t ) about !lay 29th. Rev. .1. W. .lohnstnn is in London writing on his 051mina1l0ns this week . \i e. and Mr.. .1. hinds visited MP. Miners' parents here on t.und.iy. Mr. Elmer Itowcliffr leas engaged with Mr. Shipley. of itlanshard, for the stammer. A few from .lure attetnd(d Ahe Epworth League Anniver.ary ser• vices at Centralia on Sunday and Monday. Locals. Try 6, 1'itton's Silver Polish. 115c. a bottle. Miss 'Chrystal Ferguson, of Park- hill visited Miss J. Brown over Sun- day. Miss Ida Jory, who has been, visit- ing relatives tit Sarnia returned to her home Monday evening. Mrs. John.. -Northcott. Exeter North, is on the sick list. Mrs. Nelson Northcott, of Stratford, is waiting on her. Catch 'em while you can. They're going. A dandy line of Wrist -bags, Chatelaines, Satchels, Bill -books Purses and Coin Purses at Brown• ing's Drug Store. The annual election of officers of the Epworth League of the Main Street Methodist church took place on Tuesday evening and aro as tot - lows :-Hon. President Rev. tE. A. Fear : President F. J. Wickwire ; ,1st. Vicel-Pres. 'Miss W. Howard: t2nd. Vice -Pres. 'Miss M. Jlrooks ; !3rd Vic - Pres. 'Miss L. johns: 4th Tice -Pres. Miss Edna rollick; Sec'y. Mr. J. Elston; Treas. Mr. W. W. ,Taman; Organist 'Miss M. :Tierney: ',Ass't. Organist 'Miss I. Handford. Messrs. Bawden & McDonnell on Tuesday disposed of their celebrat- ed Hackney stallion "Buller" to Alex. D. McWilliams, of Dutton for a handsome figure. Buller is one of the best of his kind in Ontario. As a proof of his breeding qualities he has a large number of progenitors in this county. This enterprising firm, however, has another Hockney a three year old, which they ex- pect to be ns good as Buller end .will keep him tat their (stables in Exeter during the looming season. A reunion of former students of the Godrrich IIigh School and Col- legiate Institute is to be ,held in Goderich on Thursday and Friday, August 22nd and 23rd, 110/57. nil - students aro requested to send their present address to Mr. Wm. Lane, Secretary G. C. I. Ex.Students' Re- union, Goderich, Ont., stating in what year they entered the school. On receipt of this the secretary will forward information in regard to the reunion, special railway rates, etc. It is expected that the gather- ing of 'Mr. Strang's old pupils will be a large and notable one. The coal men 'have not lost ,the tunny smile, of the don't went off kind, just because some papers pub- lished articles that there would bo no further use for coal, ns some chap had disoovered that coal asks mixed with a third proportion of coal and sprinkled with salt water, would burn with such intense hest that every one would be taking options on tho asst 'tiles in The alleys In their rush to secure fuel for treat winter. Several in Exeter (tried the experiment and there was n general rush to the grocery stores for malt, and it was thought for n time. that the salt well nw•ouid have to put on a night shift to relieve the market. Some who tried it gave out excellent results were received, 'while others found it was necessary to clean out the clinkers and resort to (the coal Pile again in order to get sufficient heat to prepare ,the everyday meals. EXETER COUJNCII. The regular meeting of the iCoun- nil was held in the frown Hall .on Monday everting. Councillor A. E. Juke on behalf of the c9nhmitte re the securing of net option of the properly nt the West end of Victoria et reel, reported that the same had been procured for t1:10, the council to 'pay for the deed. The report nt the committee was receiv- ed and the offer providedinthe op- tion from the Carling estate nccept- cd. instructions were given to have the proper deeds prepared. Petition, for and against the run- ning of cows within the JMunicipal- tity were read. The petitionwere filed until elicit time aa convenient to get Ilie voice of the ratepayers on the matter. .1 rr first of litho local board of Health asking the council to pro• 'Obit the keeping of hogs in the cor- poration kraits during the months of June, ,luly, August and Srptrrna.• her eel. rie.j%C(1. No action. A. E. Enke hand 4 in the siecifien- tio,ig nt the proposed water tanks. and The sante were read and (with some changes reeved. The tenders received for street wales ing were laid over Instil next El iday evening, %when the l,etition will be presented. "1'he following resolution nwag pro- posed by .1. .1. knight seeotitl ,l by W. ,f, lichen", that (ha council ow• ing to the presence of smallpox 'in the lntcnsllil•s of Elophrn and Il:ty strongly urge -111 pr'rsens who have not been vaccinated a it iiia the last :Il nice without delay as reeil,esled by - the Provincial Board of health. - 500000 shares. 1)r. alallny wag given per'rnissiott Par value Si. 00 to FPI/Inv!' Ow willow flees *nn the North aid' ofmItt; is rr.id„r,Co. Need Office of Company The fnllrinacrnnntr acre or- / HOUSE *!C CLEANING TIME Look Down This List Me11 oed Ready Mixed Paints Ready Mixed Paints tuumrrx bedrooms aro the result of using At.baasclae-tba walls actually breathe and keep the air sweet and Mat while rouelseA when you decorate with AiOita ttint irle• tiler is no decaying paper pulp and fdoiw pasta odors -no floating grains of anwtto from the wall paper -but a fres circulation of air through the pores of the walls. Atabestisa cannot be im- Prlgneled with the • germs of disease, more Let us tell you ore about Do I►t atlse foryotu own �e mit All colors and shades in 15c, 23e, 45c and 900. tins. Ohijap Floor Lac All colors and shades in 40c and 75c tins. Campbells Varnish Stales The old reliable in 15, 25, 45 and 75o tins. Anybody can use them. ' Alabastine and Murano For finishing wr.:is, ceilings, etc. From 25c. per package up. Floor Glaze Enamel Just the thin for painting porch, ver- andah and kitchen floors. Won't wash off. Put up its 35c and 60c tins. Aluminum and Gold Paint In 25e tins and bottles. Pa'nt and Varnish Brushes Good value in 5. 10, 15 and 25c. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND PAINT STORE s d +•l•++++++++++4•4+4-1••t•-F+++"h'+'++++++$+++++++•F-l•+ + + M + + Our Reduction SaIe** Is on and in order to reduce our stock before Stock Taking we are offering greater Bargains in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to al- most cost during this sale. Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. =t' ROWE & ATKINSON The Largest (Home Furnishers in the County. ILUndertaking in all its Branches. +++++++++++++++++++4 4•+++++-++4+++++++++++++++ P..TODATE STOR We have taken over the business lately run by Mr. L. McTaggart, of Exeter North. We have in- stalled a stock of Groceries new and good and our motto will bo "The Up -To -Date Store". We would he pleased to show you our new stock of PrintF, Lace Curtains, Towelling, Table Linen, Laces. French Val. and Torchons; the best of Sta- tionery, School Supplies, Hosiery, Ladies and GentsCollars, Fancy China, Combs. Wall Paper, Boots and Shoes, not forgetting our Groceries. We have much pleasure in waiting upon all the old custom- ers and marry new ones, whom we hope to get ac- quainted with. D. COLiBLEUICK EXETER NORTH. NINA OHINA CHINA We have just received a largo :drip. meat of Beautiful China, including some of the following :- 13 piece fruit seta $1.00 up. 3 piece tea sets .., 40c. up. Celery trays .., 20c. up. Salad Bowls ...15, 20, 25. Ca11 Many from. in and see our parlor lamps. beautiful designs to choose Beautiful Toilet Sets $2.00 up. Cake Plates ...29c. up. Thread and butter plates 5e. eaob. Pepper and salt dishex 10e. a pr. Cope and saucers .., .., 10c. up. A first -clow line of ()ranger. and Bananas. Lemons always in stock. i'rash confectionery or, hand.Gladiola bulbs 20c. a dos. full line of fishing tackle. John Charlton FACTS REGARDING THE LA MLLE DEVELOPMENT G0. LIMITED (No perilous! liability) .e Yell yearq to have 9.1inn 'Irmo Capital Stock $soo,000.00 incorporated under the Ontario Min each. ing Companies Incorporation Act tiered paid ;-11. Sp:tckrnan supplies for crne-tr'ry R_'.LO: C. Willis, labor $2.00; 1', 11-. (;lantana, sec'%, (Cern*, fere committer, for supplies ordered *2.97; handle fi Cu. earn for N':. 11;111 11e.;.a111(114.8. . .Spnrt;m111 supplies *2.85; 11. ,cu11(Icrs, l:,tar $4.I:'; ,(.tot's Creech sr. 49 $3.5(1; Thos. brook 12225; It, ilarn $1.21; M.!Elliot $1.25 1). 11,,cliff' 6:1e.: E. Walker ea; .1, Cnok.ton, 75c.: Sara'' ll;iskerwille, $1.5(1; Tilos. Sanders. $2.25; Alf. Ta}I'*r 727.50; 1), Butanes. e12.75; Win. Sweet $1.50; Them. Moret $1.50: ,Wen. Itrimicnn,Is $i.R0: )', Gillespie $3.50; W. Westentt $7.25: Gro. Atkinson $1.50; .(ns. Batton $i.50; 11. (lnanee $7.RIe; it. Davis $IAO; s. Handford $20,50: 'rhos. (;reach R11.25: Errol Hawks)! w $4,38; .1. Gillespie jr $1.00. The (:nuncil adjourned to meet Friday evening April 26th. REMEMBER 152-154 Bay St. Toront (l) -WE PAY 1)IVIDFYDS MONTHLY. These will he largely increased as saran sa n.•gntiatinn. *ere eempleted fee several rich properties in Cn- halt., f.iralvr Lake, Monte.•0 River Awl James Township. (2) -WE WILL. BUY BACK YOUR SHARES at the price paid if yo t ;tr: no, s wtise-rt. 13) -THIS OIP"ER 13 ONLY (100f) FOR TWO WEEKS LONGER, As this allotment of treasury stock hag been nearly taken up, after which liens +1c errs will he el V4,1(1.0 to par. (4) -DELAYS ARii DANGi?ROUS. Remit now by certified cheque or tit )hey order, either to the Comptny or the undersigned direct. Live Responsible .Agents Wanted to handle stock in companies we underwrite. l C. B. LASELT.E maw