HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-18, Page 8i' .d E EXETER Illi S. APRIL 18th 1907 ++++++++++++++++++++++++i,} STE WART' NOW THAT SPRING ;1S HERE, ARE YOU READY? • + + 4. RED Before Deciding On that new bat ask to see the "King" line some- thing which we call Style. Do it now We are shoeing a range of men's and boys' Ready-to-wear l'lething that is certainly a credit to any town. Come in till we i,.trunuce you to our new clothing department. We will show you values and styles that you must admit are very very hard to best. Our motto is not how cheap, but how good. Remem- ber after all, quality is what counts. 14.00 Men's Worsted Su is in Grey and Brown Mixtures. V.-ry swell sed right down to date in cut. These are as good as any n.an needs to wear. 1L'1.50 Men's Worsted Suits in fancy stripe and oyer check effects. • Lovely r.ew designs and very dressy. 10.00 For men's short spring Overcoat in fancy overetripe wor- sted. A useful gar- ment for spring and fall. 8.50 Men's grey covert combination spring Overcoat and Rain coat combined -two in one - This is a great Coat bar- gain. See them. 10.00 Men's tweed worsted suits in new check and shadow stripe ef- fects. Every suit a ,t bargain. 7.90 For a big range of �j men's tweed Suite, in fancy over checks and small neat mixtures, well trimmed and per- fect fitting. 15.00 For the finest spring Overcoat we have ever sold, in black and grey cheviot, faced with silk and tailored the very latest. Boys' Suits A swell range in tweeds and worsteds. All sizes at prices that we know will save you good mon- ey. S ( L. TG R. HOgot in a full car of Redpathe extra W ABOUT SUGAR? We have just -1, standard -don't take chancea on any ,} other. We have tried them all, and we have concluded to pin 4 our faith on Redpaths-We can save you money on your sugar. but you better get your orders in soon as prices are on the jump. We are Headquarters for Linoleums J' A. STEWART ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++-1- 144 e++++++++++++++++++++++ 4I.+++++++++++++++ qr DIAMON D HALL. School Watches There are few more pleasing events in the life of the average boy or girl, than the arrival of their first watch - a real watch that keeps good time. We :an give you boy's Watches at $2, $4. and $5. Girl's Watches in Gun Met- al at $4. Gold filled $8 and $10.00. A. Marchand. MADE To ORDER DRESSING WELL is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality so touch sought after by the fashionable man. You aro slim of Comfort, Ease and Elegance too Sultings to hand at prices away down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to loan at lowest rates. North West lands for Rale. Office, Main Street. Exeter MI.m Ilalis spent Sunday with her friends in liolmesvitle. The Misses Flora and Ida 'Carling spent Sunday in London. Mrs. Esti Heywood visited friends in Sarnia the Litter part of the week. Mrs. Arnold and Arra. McMartin, Mensal!, were callers in town last Friday. Mr. E. H. Fish, who has ,been 'lute ill at the Metropolitan, is rapidly recovering. WANTED -At once ti good cook and girl for general 'housework. Apply Central hotel. Mr. August Gubr left Monday morning for St. Thomas looking for a dredging contract. James Bonthron, of Toronto, spent Saturday and Sunday with his his - ter., Mrs. Collins and Miss Bonth'- ron. Street Cornmisioner Bissett com- menced the npring cleaning of the streets lent Friday. Mrs. Kitt Smith and son Reuben lett on Monday • for London for a week's visit with her daughter Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Mr. C. IE. Hackney, this week dee ['reed of''thirteen acres of his prop• erty on the East eide of the town to Mr. ,A. J. Ford. Rev. Or. Warner. Principal of Alma Ladies !College. St. Thomas, ereaohesi two educational services in James Street Church last Sundry. COATED TONGUE are popular only in hospital.. 'Busi- ness men and strenuous workers have no need of them. if you get one though dont throw it away. but come to us and get it fixed. We have PILLS FOR COATED TONOL'Ii;S and it wouldn't he a had ides to Any a box of Howey's Stomach and Livor Pills and have them handy. indiges- tion. biliousness or a had cold may coat the t gigue. Our pills will cure it, Only 'Inca box. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician Phone 50 EXETER, ONT. Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to April 19th.. 1907. Wheat, 70 cents a bushel. Oats 35 to Oa Dents per bushel. Peal; 72 to 75c. a bushel. Barley. 44 to 44 oras#s pee bushel. Shorts, $22 per ton. Flour, $2.10 per cwt. Bran. $20 a ton. Ila)• $11.00 a ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt• Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel. flutter, 22:. per pound. Potatoes, 75c. to 90c. per bag. Dried Apples, Cc. per pound. Eggs 15c. per dozen. flog/ Pdteeuted, $8.25 a ots t. 1103 +. livo.weight, $0.15, Call, $7 a ton. Onions Large. 120 cents a bushel. ISOM* O♦e/••o41+N••♦•+4N+ LOCALS **Mee* 1••••••• S. Fitton has n complete line of wedding rings on hand also issues marriage licenses. and is not entitled to vote in any otter electoral district. Miss Emma Hill apetit part of last week at her home near (Crediton. FOR. SALE - A few barrels of choice apples apply to L. .McTaggart Exeter North. Miss Mary Newcombe returned this week toter a month's visit with her brother in Stratford. Owing to the illness of iMr. .C. E. Tebbutt. his room in 'the public school was closed on Tuesday - The Stratford bowling club have decided on 'holding a large tourna- ment in ,the city during the coating season. Hiss Laura Eagle. of Sarnia. who visits! Mrs. Willis Powell during the past 'week. returned to her home Monday. A movement is beim; iitauguratod by the Merchants of Golerich to do away with tlu credit system and sell only for oaeh. Mr. 'Whom. Handford pit Tuesday mor g lost n valuable }utrse from inflammation of the lungs. The anima) was valued at $350. In order to complete our filee any pt sou having a copy of the Times of Jan. 3rd. 1907, will obligri us ,by sending it itt to the office. Fred Gould left Monday for Man- celona, Mich., ,where he has secured n position as -tailor with Alf. ,Davi- son. a former resident of Exeter. Cards are .cut announcing the marriage of Mary M. horn. former,- ly of Exeter, to W. II. Newcombe et Caruduff April 114th. The wedding will take 'place at St. .)amefr Church of England. Mr. D. Cobbledick, wild recently purchased the stock of goods at the Exeter North from L. McTaggart is open for business. Mr. Cobbledick has added considerable new stock and now• ,has a first class up-tot-datrt general store. The Ileusall'Ep'vorth League visit - e(1 the League of the Main Street Church last 'Tuesday evening. The program was 'furnished by the visi- tors and was greatly nppreci!ttcd. Rev. 8. L. Toll gave an instructive address. After the 'program a Tight lunch was served. Weather again obstructed the ap- pearance of new millinery on Sun- day last. however, those who have their spring bonnets hidden away at home will no doubt he afforded the opportunity of swearing them before it oomes time for the Bummer hat. Mason work on the Canning Fac- tory was suspende,l 51ottday .horning. When the 'workmen arrived they found the cold weather of Nueday had frozen 'the mortar. The work on the building is progressing rapid- ly. The brickwork is finished up to the second ,-story. The Dominion 'Government has re- moved the ditty of 5 per cent en wire of sizes 9, L. 13, and this /wire is now tt(Imitted free. phis will she goal news Ito the farmers es Oho greater part of the wire used by thew will 'lima be ch •.yiened. Tho duty was only recently itnposed and those who late paid duty on such arc will 'hove the amount refunded. The annual meeting of the Rhare- holders of 'the Exeter Preserving and Canning Company Limited. was held in the Town Hall, Monday uf- teruoon. Chete teas a large atten- dance. All the provisional directors were elected dor the ensuing year, and one mew director added, Col. Young. of Goderioh, a large stock- holder in the Company. The Green iMoving Picture Com- pany held 'forth in the Opera. House here for 'three nights last week. T1e allow was one of the best that ever struck town, having lae;e houwei each night. The second night the box office was cloned on account of the hall being filled to its uttnoeit capacity. The affair was under the auspices of the firemen. Manager D. Fr'nch, of the House of Refuge, ies tel►tlered his resigna- tion, but After consultation with the County Council's Committee hum agreed to allow action to Island over till June, /when he will tisk for its immediate acceptance. Ont. if not the main geow sten'-'.,, rrencles ar• (ion is paid to be the inut ate sal- iry Is• receives for his du ns manager of the Ileum., $350 it yt"ittk. (lack in 18t+G Campbell's VarnishV Stains were originated and offered to housekeeper for ,-•staining and refinishing furniture end interior twoortuork. The makers claim, and rightly too, that twenty years' ex- perience making varnish stains en• able.' them to stake n better article than be blade by those new nt the business. Ask for Catnt,h••rl's Var• nish Stains Mr \W • unan sells it. Mr. Thomas Cameron intends holding sales in Exeter the first Friday of every month. and tt will he nectcesary for parties wishing to have stock entered nt these sales to leave a list of them at the Timem office or with Mr. Cameron at Far- quhar during the first two weeks of the mnntjt so that they can be properly ad rtised. OMTL[MM Buy your spring outfit at this store. We have never shown a better dis- p"y of Men's Suits. Raincoats. Hats, Neckwear. Dress Shirts, Gloves. Plain and Fancy Hosiery. We can dream you from head to foot in up-to-date styles at little coat. We cordially invite you to inspect our new spring stock. Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Men's Serge Suite (Black and Blue) at 12.00 Men's Tweed Suits at 10.00 Men's Tweed Suits at 0.00 Men's Short Spring Overcoats at 8.00 (den's Cravenette Rain coats at 8.50 Men's Fancy embroidered Socks at .45 Men's Fancy Socks at .25 Men's Colored dices Shirts at.... ............. .... •1.00 Men's four-in-hand tie, 50c quality .38 Men's Stiff Hats, black or brown at .-.. 2.00 Men's Calf Boots at 3.50 Men's Patent leather Boots (guaranteed) at 4.00 Men's Kid Boots (Blucher style) at 3.50 SNELL 4R ROWE $10 buys a 20o egg Excelsior Incubator in perfect order. Apply J. Willis Powell. EGGS FOR HATCHING - From Pen Buff hocks, 'also White and Golden \Vyandottes. Choice birds. Prices reasonable. D. ltowclif fe. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo QninlnaTab- lets, All druggists refund the mon- ey If it fails to care. E. W. O~ove's signature is ots each box. Lye. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE:- llouse and 1-5 acre land ;East side Elizabeth Street, Francistown. Ap- ply to Mrs. Edwin Jones, Exeter. To new subscribers we will give the Times to the first of January 1908 and the /weekly Globo for one whole year for the the sum of one dollar. Buggies for sale.- The celebrated Borland Buggies, tibe best an the market. Prices to 'suit everybody. Call and see them at I'ym's black- smith shop. DIt. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR -- goon. will be at the Commercial Hotel. flours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. tn. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. next visit May 3rd. Mr. Gilbert House, this week dis Posed of (the store property nowt 00 cpied by 8. Ilardy & sou to Mr. J \Wo. llroderiok, Mr. John Shaw:, who for Rome time was electrician at the poster house, last week moved to Listowel, where he has secured n similar position. Mr. and 'Mrs. E. I1, White, of Ilat- tleford Sask., laud Mra. W. J. White and Misses Mayme and Greta White. of Ottawa. were the guests of Mrs. John \White over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill and Alonzo Ford, were aboard the train 'which was derailed near Chapleau on Wed nesday of last week. A report from them etutes that they were uninjur- ed. meeting a eeting of the Agricultural society held last Saturday afternoon it was decided to rent the grounds .for pasture for the coming summer to Jtiohard 'Elston for the sum of $70. • Mr. A. 1E. ilodgert has disposed of M his patent of odl'l Cement ,Miter to the Wilkinson flow Company, of Toronto .function dor a considerable ,,attdtari. of.TIro Hal +rt dt [Hirer. 'hoe o ver, retains a full right of sale any place in Can - Tile temperature ,of tiro past .week has been variot's, but distinctly on the oold Hide -real wintry. This is hard on the coal cellar, but it has its advantages. In the past we ,have known early ,:prangs that were de- ceptive. They tempted out the buds and blossoms Prematurely and there cause a chilling frost which nipped and killed theht. With a late spring the chances of such disasters oro minimized and there is a better pro- mise of hn abundant fruit harvest. An amendment oto the Ontario El- ection Act received its first reading last week. It reads thus :Where the name of a clergyman or of a High or Public, or Separate School teach- er is entered on the voter's list of an electoral district, he shall Ave en- titled to vote at electioelection.;dor the Legislative Assembly for 811011 dis- trict, although he does not at the time of the election reside therein. he Il if he not ceased to reside in the electoral district dor more than 3 months next preceding the election, The fatuous Harry E. Thaw trial fur the murder of one Stanford White, 'which has been in the merle for the past elewen weeks and caused world-wide interest and P:aPer corn• rnent ns rixoh d:d no other. is now over. The defence end prosecution G16411(.41 addreasine the jury Wednes- day afternoon of last 'week, and af- ter being out nearly fnrtyeeight .hours the jury failed to agree, ::even Ing for conviction and five for ac. q 'tial. It is not likely Thaw will havh his second trial till next Octo- ber. A meting of the curlers was held in the offices of the Molsons dank last S4turday ravening, the purpose oI the,meeting being to slow the club's ppreciation of the services of of the Secretary -Treasurer Geo. E. Aydernon, by presenting trim with e( beautiful pipe. The presentation speech was made by t)theeresident of tate vltib, N. D. 1iurdon. and was by to v Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson by Lis untiring efforts has done considerable Ills ndvanc•,nterit of the Exeter Citrlintr Club and it IA due somewhat to his efforts that the club made such n good 'thievingng during the test pension. • N0t166 of Rcmovdl Creme Dentifrice will positively remove tartar, cleanse and whiten the teeth and will keep them in per- fect condition. Creme Dentrilice • Prevents Decay Preserves the Enamel Sweetens the Breath. and 'nakes the gums firm and rosy, and itnparts a delicious sensation of cleanliness to the mouth. If you want your teeth to last seventy years Use Golo's Tooth rash 25 Cents a Tube. W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist. EXETER. - ONTARIO. House DoGorator Plumber motets Coldwater Sign Writing and Graining With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. 1 ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence, corner Tattles and An- drew Street. MINN BUSINESS CORM 111 Affiliated with Wt,tithani n. C. FFi tndhi.tual Instruction, Z >.i Write for handsome 7atalogite, ill Z < ' GEO. SPOTTON, Principal, IM)N'T STRAIN YOUR EYES. They will be needed for reserve use later on. More people suffer from im- perfect eyesight through neglect than is imagined. OPTiCAL SCIENCE as applied to our best ;grade glasses and spectacles is a positive help to- ward curing eye infirmities. Don,t run the risk by using glosses that senietiutes cause blindness, See us and he atir'e W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician EXEi'Eli - ONPA RIO Mr. .`fol Hardy will hold it sale, of Stock at,d llotlm('Iiloltl foods on Sat- urday April 20th. See oil in another column for list of nrticl('s. James Bellback, a former resident of Exeter. was arrested in London township last Thursday on a charge of bigamy, lodged by his swife Sarah )tellback. lieliback /tarried his first wife thirty tour yearn ago, but has not been living witfl her for the past three or four years. According to the complaint Ifellback married his last wife Ada Harris, a fete mouth!' ago, and has tae^n 'working for a fat - tner in London Township. Ifellback apl.eared before Judge McTleth oti Tuesday morning and pleaded guil- ty. He was remanded until Satur- day for sentence. 'THE OLD RELIABLE Waists WE ARE SIlOWINGthis week a very fashionable line in Summer Waists in Silk and Lawn, embroidered fronts, very stylish, Ladies will find the selection very desirable while the garments themselves are admitted to be extremely comfortable. Call at once and get 'the pick. (- I These goods will go like ice cream. We are also showing a very choice line of White Skirts with a double flounce and deep trill in lace and embroidery ranging from,$1.50 to $3.00 each Just to Hand An up-to-date line of Embroidery and Insertions. Our Vale and Torcheon Laces and Insertions have no equal. We beg to remind our many customers That we have a first-class milliner, in the person of Miss Morlock, who does all our millinery. We will accept produce same as cash in payment of • same. CARLINC BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office, Toronto. RANDOLPH MACDONALD, President A. A. ALLAN, Vice:President D. M. STEWART, General Manager Capital Subscribed $3,998,000 Capital fully paid 3,998;000 Reserve Fund 1,255,300 Assets over 25,000,000 General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SMELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors l suitable rurfflturc ot fihl OrdUcs We have been one year in Exeter and take this opportunity of thanking our customers and friends for their liberal patronage and we hope to be able to merit a continuation of their patronage. Artistic Furniture • We have the most Artistic and up-to-date Furniture that money can buy Everything is new. no old stock. and our prices are as low as the lowest. 20 per Cent Oft (In the Undertaking Line. We carry a full stock of everything required in the business, and for every job of undertaking we will give 20 per cent of regular prices. Jas. Beverley Graduate of the College of Emb dining and a member of the Canadian Em- balmers Association, NO - I Corn! TIME like the present to make our acquaintance. We are showing an exce.I- lent assortment of exclusive fabrics, that are well worth your attention. Our clothes are cut "right" and tailored "right" and our prices will fit your purse, as well as our clothes fit you. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Why You Should Use BLENDED FLOUR Spring wheat flour and winter wheat flour each possess a(•parato and distinct ford virtues. in Snit FL- m FERMI FUR You get the finest spring and win- ter wheat flour blended in proper proportions. Bread, rolls, bincuite, i cakes and pastries made of "STAR FLOUR" are perfect foods 'meghal- (d in purity deliciousness and health giving properties. Can you consistently use other than Star Flour? Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. EXETER -AT- IExeter and Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grai if desired. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye GRAND TRUNK SY's EM COBALT SPECIAL A solid train of Vestibule Cars and Pullman Sleepers leave Toronto daily at 9 p. m. Arriving at Cobalt 8.45 a. m., New Liskeard 9.15 a. m. Co- balt is the ti2.hest Silver Min- ing Camp in the world and well worth a visit. ONE WAY SF.CONi)-CLASS ('OL- ONiST TICKETS On sale daily until April 30th to points in British Columbia, Califor- nia. Montana, Colorado, .\Vashington. Oregon. For full particulars and tickets call On J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Ticket Ageat J. 1). McDONALD, i)istrict Passenger Agent. 'I •►cont• THE TiMES AND WEEKi.Y GLOBE AND CANADA FAR. MER. $1.35. The offer of of the Exeter Times and the Toronto Weekly Globe and Can- ada Feltner for $1.35 is ('xts•nrlod to June 1. Over 150 of our subscribers have taken advantage of this literal offer and we are anxious to increase the nu,t.her to 2$9) before the first of June. Any one who is now taking the Times can get. the (Robe by pay. fog its 3a cents.