HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-18, Page 5"NINOS•STAVS" NAND DILLON
Short. stiff. hard. steW wire stays make a'•hingelike"
joint at every lateral wire on the billion fence.
These -Hinge-stays" give our 4ence • greater degree of
elasticity -enable is $o withstand greeter strain. They act
like. and really are. binges -make our fence swing or sprig
Lack into shape after receiving a heavy blow. ortheunusual
pressure caused by • furious bull or other animal endeavoring to
push tris way through to freedom. Catalogue tells wore about
this twice as stroag"fence.
The Owea Saved Wire fence Ca. Limited.
Owen Sewwd, Ont.
W. NEIL, Agent.
TO eleED BUlen Rs
Our 1907 Catalogue will tell
-'.�•� you how to get, Absolutely Free,
a beautiful Carving Set of
Celluloid' Handles and
Sterling Silver Mounts, v
u X;? •1 enclosed in a handsome
plush and silk lined
case. The outside be-
ing covered with leatherette.
Our handsome Catalogue and �\
Guide nook is richly illustrated and
is free to everyone who asks for it
and contains details of other special offers,
etc., also gives full details of new and standard
varieties of Seeds, Plants and Bulbs.
Writs to -day.
LONDON. Canada.
Ga I(Su rcgri p"Shi ngles,
Surprising how easily and rapidly a roof may be covered with
Galt "Sure -grip" Shingles. Simple matter to lock the sides together,
and just as easy to Tock the top shingle to the one below.
The nails are "concealed"—can never pull out. Galt "Suregrip"
Shingles lie so cklsely to the roof that they really might be said to
be cemented on. And they lock together in the tightest kind of a
grip. These shingles form a solid armor of galvanized steel, afford-
ing not the slightest opening for wind to get under. They can't
drop off or blow off; neither can they rust or burn off.
Just as cheap as ordinary shingles. Last a
life time. The wisest kind of an investment to make.
Catalogue and further information free on request.
DIt,1' .1. \IcCI E, MEMItEIt ON-
arms and Surgeons, Successor to Dr.
is. A. heist. Crediton. Ont.
Mrs. Russ Huxtable, of leituilton
visiting her moth••' Mrs. Fink -
beine r. for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. holt. Keyes. of
Par!: hill smut a couple of ((aye wits
program till the somewhat as fol
lows :-Tuc*wtay and Wednesday n.
In., examination of junior preachers.
Tues. F vg., t,uhliC tweeting, addressed
by Rev. ,E. M. Gisohler, Anterior on
. Temperance given in German. Rev.
L. K. .1•:idt, IMAIIWoo(1 on Education
En;r11-11. \Weillt•M civ afternoon the
t'onferenc' Missionary Society holds
its Annual Session. It is expected
that the evening meeting will he :ail•
dressed b)• Ilishop Ilreyfolrt•I and Ree.
Mr. .rad Mrs. .las. Lawson. S. I'.,11rott11, ltosthern, Sask. At the
Mrs. .las. McCue, of \telatietlion is opening of conference on Thursday
visiting her son Dr. \icl'ue for a a. rr. the lishop 1111 deliver an rtd-
feW weeks. dress before bnlii1sss is taken up.
Mr. Alonzo II(di. ins i- this week Public meetings will also be 1101:
laid up tits a s('were :attack of 1:a every evening during the neck.
gripes :led spr:ritn•d %%net. tiunday a. ni., the Bishop %vitt preach
Mr. F,d. Weiner, who lets hien wis• the ordination *44'111101 and the rest
sting :at his }intoe bete for the past of the Hay will ie occupied by Mis-
two week.. returned to Il;rnoser on sionary :and urdimalion services. All
Tupsd.y. thrt business met outer sessions ncil1
Mr. A( t /." icker ts391 in •L)11(1011 is' opt'' to the public with very few
this Week on hnsiness. exceptions. bat. 7.30 p. 10., 1.011114
MI. (11!9. 1luilznlattn 1101 improved People's Jtally :addressed by Hee. .1.
the appearance of les lions' try add• 11. L:inmh, t'leeeletld Ohio, or Rev. $.
ing veranda and bilor►ay. 1'. Spring. i). 1)., Cleveland, •Editor
Miss Annie 1 V1.11.0 W34 nisi• of Evangeli'aI Messenger. S1,(•ci:11
Ing Mrs. Goo. Mamie for a few d 1)4 11111.le low choir, ''/0rieli 1041 Dash%, coal
last %%e..•k has reluru.d h rnr'. Sucieties. Ail young People's Socie-
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. (levee and lit• ties are welouule. ti1a'ci:tl 5und:ly
Ile son of Itus.+'Idale visited the L•at • Scheel Mestieg Sunday 9.15 :r• na.,
ter's I.arent'. It. v. Mr. :lad Mrs. .1.,nddre+sed b)• several visiting clergy•
W. Andrews. fur a fete (Iays East
Mr. (:m. 11oltzmann has at present
a fine young driver for which he
has he left.•,41) a good filrnre.
Canada (:.n*fer'nee of tin,' Eva(1-
g elicnl Association. -Tree 0bove body
will csnven.' rot Attend Session, in
Zion Chureh, Crediton, Conference
proper will open Thurdap, tete.,
M• a• tn.. Ili..: ep S. C. !trteyfir(r•1. D.,
of Reading, Pa., presiding. The
tab EXETER T1ME8, APRIL 113th 19o7
Popular goods for Now andISPECIALVALUES
the Rest of the Season
Favored Worsteds � ru�isEiiNiwin
These worsteds are in blues and 1 It a pant hunter paralyse
fancy mixtures,excel in quality,beauty Is panting for pants
and finish anything of their kind we
He pantelh pantlea:5
have ever shnstn. We are offering) Until he implants himself into
some beautiful ' one of those fashionable pants ordered
Summer Suits for $io
and upwards.
A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can
not suit, we have yet to know of it.
at J. H. 110LTZMANN'S
' Mrs. A. Jlrow'11 of Blenheim 14 at
present visiting '('he home of ,her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried
G a ise r.
Itev. R. 11. Bean preached to vx+ry
inspiring sermon in behalf of the
Ladies' Aid. Text Galatians .3 and
28th. verse. Confectionery
:Mrs. A. \V,hitnam and Miss E.
Morlock of Benton ::arbor Mich.,
aro spending a few weeks with their
We have jubst put in a
parents Mr. Dad Mrs. Matthew Mor -
lock. stock of Fresh . Groceries,
--�— Fruits, Candies and Canned
In Vnwleek Hill. Ont., no one i3
better known than Geo. S. Watson.
When he says "Catarrhozone is u
real cure," depend on it being so.
"My wife," he writes, "was subject
to to bad attacks of throat irrita-
tion and bronchitis. Many remedies
were tried but fete proved at all
useful. Catorrhozone was different.
1t st:cmtei to get right at the bore
spats and brought relief quickly.
We have found Catarrhozone an ab- DASIIWOOD - ONT.
solute cure for bronchis and catarrh.
Nothing cures more quickly so get
it to -day, two sizes, 25e. and $1.00 at TI -IE
all dealers.
We also
make first class bread.
Give us a call.
Levi S. Hamacher
Baker and Confectioner.
Parkhill. April 14th. -Joseph Mc -
Cachet' was ,found this morning dead
on the rood near his ,house. Mr. •Me-
Cachan is believed to have been
taken with :heart failure while on
his way Jtonue.
His tracks could be plainly traced
from the shop to the spot where be
was found, and as there )were mo
other track the coroner decided no
inquest was necessary in the :absence
of suspicious circumstances. • Mr.
' McCachan :was about 60 years of
Twelve special [trains carrying
nearly 5000 immigrants left Mon-
treal on 'Monday for the \Neat.
The Ontario Legislature expects to
prorogue this 'week.
Why 00 many People feel worse af-
ter taking pills than before? Trou-
ble is tent drastic pills are used.
No. remedial action is obtained. the
I bowels are irritated and dreadful FARM LABOURERS AND DOM -
constipation follows. In using Dr.l ESTIOS.
llamilton's Pills you aro scarcely 1
i conscious of having taken tnedicine. I I have been appointed by the Dom-
, Although very mild, Dr. Hamilton's inion Government to plaes Immix
1 ills do regulate the bowels, ntimu,- i grants Lrom the United Kingdom in
late the normal action of the glands positions as farm labourers and dem-
and create neither 'nausea, griping or estio servants in this vicinity. Any
violent action. Positively' guaran- person requiring 8ua11 help should
teed for biliousness, indigestion I notify me by letter stating sully. the
stomach, liver and kidney ills. For ! kind of help required, when wante3
a safe fatuity pill rely on Dr. Handl- ' and wages offered. The numbers
ton's. 25c. per box nt all dealers. arriving .rna3 not be suftioient to
♦ supply all requests but every effort
IIENSALI, will be made to provide dash appli-
-- cant with the help required.
The case against Geo. Perkins .who DONALD McINNIS
was remanded (to the Goderich gaol Canadian Government Employment
to weeks ago, on a serious charge Agent, Exeter. Ont.
preferr•d by Ida McMarten. has been t --
reduced to'ttltat of indecent assault. TIIE COLONEL.
—.._— (12769) Vol. XXVII is a dark brown
Wil 1 b e found an excellent re- stands 16 1-2 .bands high foaled June
medy for sick headache, Carter's 11th. 11(01, anal has proved himself
Little Liver fills. Thousands of to bo :a sure foal getter.
letters from people who have used Monday. will leave his own 'stable
them prove this fact. Try them; Bryanston, first Monday in May,
ess---- and proceed to 11. Artnitage's lot 11
HURON con. N, London Tp. for 110011; thence
Mr. L. 1'. Snyde'r formerly mann• to A. Mc\Villiams' lot 7, con. 5, for
ger of the Sovereign Bank at Clin- night.
ton has been appointed inspector of Tuesday to F. Fitzgerald's lot 4,
Agencies. con. 7. for noon; thence to his own
Mr. Geo. 1 winbank, one of Clin- stable for night.
ton's oldexlt residents die.: last meek Westneeday to Wm. Beattie;• lot
at the advanced :age of 81 years. M r. 12, con. 13 for noon; thence, by way
Swinbank worked on the construe- o[ ltirr to l . Ferguson's lot 17, con.
tion of the 11. and L. 11. Its. in 1853. 1`i, Ger nittdat.
At a meeting of the Clinton Thursday to C. Walden's lot 11.
Council, last Monday night, the OJ11. 16, for noon; thence iso Geo.
Citizens' Committee laid before the Itatliburii s lot 29. con. 12, Biddulph
plant. with a standpipe in the neigh(
Council a scheme [ora proposed M-
for night.
143(11 of waterworks. It provides for Friday to E. D. I ('rill's lot 111, 8,
the sinking of n well and Tenpins 11, llid(1u1Ph, for noon; thence to It.
1:aston's lot 2, con. 15 for niWta(t.
borhoata from mhich the. water tell: Saturday by way of con. 14 to his
Is' conveyed to all parts of the town own stable where he will remain
by 4, fi, 8, and 10 inch ni:1in/, �rcnnl- until the following Mondriy mot-e-
to location. The Committee has ing.
provided n very complete system, if F. R. NESTLE
adopted, the contenlpleled cost being Bryanston, 1' . 0., Ont.
about $25,000.
I wish to announce to the public
that I have purchased Mr. Eidt's in-
terest in the Roller Mills and solicit
your patronage.
Vt e make a specialty of Family
Try Our Graham Flour.
All kinds of feed always on hand.
Chopping Promptly attended to
Highest Price Paid for Wheat.
Prop. of Dashwood Roller Mills..
Many Merchants
.1.1 }\G TI1i'.Ilt LADY G
TOM l':104.
From time to time The Wells &
Richardson Co., Limited, maufactur•
era of the popular DIAJMONi) DYF.M
receive letters from People residing
in the various provino•s of Canada,
telling of the itttempts of retail
lebrohants to induce the ladies to
buy weak, adulterated and worthless
Package (lyes w•luen the reliable Dia •
monad dyes are asked for.
These efforts of retail merchants
to substitute worthless dyes, should
be resented by every woman and
girl tt he has n desire to do success-
ful home coloring.
The merchants wlao try to substi•
lute and (receive the public, do so for
the sake of the big profits they re-
ceive. Such merchants care little
for the comfort rind success of their
wen. A special feature will It, :a customers.
Missionary °((pima low the School. Sucreesful home dying eon only b-'
Messrs. Clarence Militant .and done by the use of i)IAMON1) Dl -1{S
frank lin) to ••'aid (0r village a fly which :are all guaranteed t•a hive
ins visit 011 Sunday last. perfect ►eslrlts in ,1seautiful, bright
Mrs. ltotichti. of 8ebewaing, a its and mewer•fading colors.
1 o son lied d:tuuhter are at B'as'al This month the Wells & Itichard-
% +i1intr with the (:mgt's brother 5011, Co.. Limited, ,Montreal, 1'. 0.,
'1r. Mona Brown and also Mrs. Dot- \v ill send free 't) any address too
u r "1111 •Iiaclitets is tis+tine 11.1 ili.inaonat Dye llooklet 31111 :frau)•
trent1 Mr. and Mrs. Gottteib Souvenir card for baby. You should
brown. hive them.
Weak Kidneys, surely point to west kidney
Nerves. no Kidneys, like the Heart. and 1h1
Stomach, And their weakness, not in the organ
lWlf, but in tho nerves that control and guide
and serenethen them. Dr. eboop's ReetoraUY• Is
a medicine specifically prepared to reach them
eontrolltne nerves. To doctor the Kidneys atone„
ib futile. It is a waste of Liras, and of money as
11 your back aches or is weak, fl the urine
Molds, or Is dark and strong. if yon have symptoms
01 Blights or other distressing or dangerous kid.
trey disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a monttr
tablets or L)quId-and see what it can and will
fief's yea. 'Nagel* recommend and sell
Dr. Shoop'
In House Furnishings during April month.
We have some extra values in CARPETS in Unions, Wools, Tapestry, etc. We have
just received a shipment of Tapestry Carl wts in Fawn, Green and Cardinal shad)'. Exquis-
ite patterns, new and up-to-date and have nmktd thein close to manufacturers prices.
See Our Stock of Linoleums, Oil Cloths, &c,s.
' handlewidihs tn Nailrriel ScotchTile Linoletum,
in the hest quality.
In this department we have great bargains
Lace Curtains
See our patterns at 1011):)C t0 �.�ln per :)tail:
and/11,25 line.They are specials.
WINDOW SHADES— All Colors, plain, also trimmed with lace and in,ertion
WALL PAPERS—A large stock to choose from Lt right prices We are clearing out)
some lines Regular 25c for 5c per double roll.
A. Call
C. ZWICKER, Crediton
The annual meeting of the South
Huron Anti -liar -room League was
held in the :Methodist Church !11en•�
call en the afternoon of Monday
April 8th, the vice-president. Miss t
Jeannie Murray, presiding in .the
absence of the president. After the
opening devotional cervices, the sec•
retary read ties minute's of ;Om last
meeting which were duly approved
on motion. Delegates front the dif-
ferent municipalities, which conduc-
tetrl Local Option campaigns last fall
leave brief reports of how the work
was done, which brought out the
fact that success in a local 01)11011
campaign requires thorough and ef-
ficient org:lrtizatie•', a minute per=
Cedar Posts
We have a carload of Cedar PoEits
at 23c. at Exeter
25c at Winchelsea
Soleil canvass, the liberal distribu-COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea
tion of good literature and plenty of
hard work and where this was not
done Local Option failed to carry.
The prospects for aggressive work
in other municipalities of the riding
was next discussed by the conven-
tion and a committee was appointed
to wait upon the license cotnmision-
ers, which meet in IIettsnll on Fri-
day April 19 at 10 a..►n., to presenit
a strong case to theta and to en-
deavor to have seine licenses in the
constituency cut off particularly
some in the Tow►tship of Stephen anal
if the deputation failed to do nny-
thing along this line, it was suggest-
ed that a license reduction or n lo-
ath option campaign 1x) launched in
Stephen. The question of hotel ac-
commodation in llensall when local
option came into force, was next
brought before the convention %which
brought out the information, that
the temperance workers of 11^risall
are prepared to furnish the neces-
sary accommodation if the hotel men
fail to do 80. Lary inforcernent was
also discussed by the convention, and
it was strongly urged upon temper-
ance pimple to stand by the officers
of the law and give them every pee-
sible assistance in enforcing the last.
It ryas decided that the I.engue. co-
operate in so far as possible with the
local organization in securing speak-
ers for Local Option campaigns. The
following resolution was also unani-
mously adopted. "Resolved that we,
Anti -liar -room League in convention We handle only the Sherwin Williams Paint which hay
the members •.of the South Huroncovering capacity an the greatest ca gest of slut made. All the
assembled, put ourselves on record leading shades in stock, also Varnish, Wood Stain, Aluminum
as being strenuously opposed to the and Gold Paint, Enamel, Buggy Paint &c,
three -fifth requirement of the Local
Option law, as being unfair and un• Net, India
New Gi
British. the majority ruling in all nghams, Prints, LCurtainother similar matters and that a the Premier, the Provincial 8eere-
Lawn (so much used this season for shad-
copy of this resolution be sent do ow embroidery) arrived this week
tary, 11,1(1 the focal member in the
legislature." Tate following officers Choice Fruits and Groceries
were elected for the ensuing year,
l'resident. Itev. W. M. Martin, ErsteB W F BEAVERS, = Farquhar.
ter ; Vice -)'.resident, Antis Jeannie • •
Murray, Hensel': Cor. Secy. Rev. 8.
L. Toll. }:ansa:: ; Rec. Scc'y 'S. II,
\\',1►iLuore, llrucefiel(t ; Tr'eus, 'rank
O'Brien, Chisell►urst. The above
named officers together with tlx:
following vice -Presidents appointed
for cool' municipality will form the
Executive Committee, Scafor11* John
Govenlock ; Ileusall. Miss .1. Murray ;
Exeter E. A. Fear ; Bayfield Jas.
Wallace; Tuckersmith A. 0. Smillie;
Stanley \V. 3. Johnston; Ilay Frank
Oestreioher ; Stephen 1tev. M r. Bean:
l'sbonie Ohas. Cann. Considering
the inclemency of the )weather and
the condition of the road+ /the sat ten-
danct was good. 1'erfect ,harmony
thoughout the meeting, which was
most inspiring, the prevailing eentf-
meut bring, "Let 1'4 r;,, .esrw'ard.''
I have just received a large shipment of Paroid
Roofing, and as the time is drawing near when you
will want roofing work done, I would advise you to
call and select what you will want.
Have on hand a number of mitts and gloves,
which I am selling at wholesale prices. Come in
and get a pair.
All kinds of tinware on hand.
W. Moore Kirktoni
Paints and Varnishes
Do You Weigh Enough?
Everyone of average intelligence knows something
of the immense value of Cod Liver Oil and Iron as
remedial agents. Consequently no one would be sur-
prised to hear thatverysatisfactoryresults had followed
from giving ae FERROL" (a perfect emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus) in cases where Iron
and Oil appeared to be needed.
But, when we ask people to believe that in an
actual and scientific test made by an eminent and well-
known physician, twenty-five bottles of
tae int Kind You Hare AMUS (1e11Q
1".. 4-r...�\
' 4 7wy),
Sroopls of the Canadian North Wesi
ANYes en nnnd'cr(d section of IMminion land. in
manitols, -askatchesan and All.erla, excepting
s and rl, not 0senel, may he homesteader) by
any person who is the head of a family, or any ''ale
over Is )e• es of aye, to the extent of one quarter
section of i00 acres, more or less.
Entry uur.t lr made personally at the local land
on* for the district in which the land I. situate.
The homesteader is required to perform the con-
ditions connecter there's ilh under one of the follow •
ins plans:—
(1) At least six month: residence upon and culti-
vation of the land in eaeh year for three years.
(f) If the father (or mother, if the father 101 de-
ceased) of the homesteader re.idse upon a farm in the
I icinity of lie land amens: for, the resiiuren.en•s as
to residence may 1.e satisfied L) such person residing
with the father or mother.
(3) if the settler has his permanent residenre nq•on
farming land maned by him in the trinity of his
homestead, the requirements as to residence may
1.e satisfied by residence upon the said land,
(lit month notice in writing. should he (is et'to
the Con,m•.sinner of Ikminion land. at Ottaw a of
intention to apply for Intent.
W. W. ('"I(4,
Deputy of the NiMo o, of the Interior,
N. 8.-- unauthorized enhlieetien of tlia advertise -
men will not rte paid for.
were given to ten patients and the result was a net
increase in weight of ninety-five pounds, we are aware
that we are asking a great deal ; nevertheless we are
prepared to prove that this is an absolute fact, by
evidence that no reasonable person can reject. More-
over, this is no isolated instance, but only one of many
equally remarkable.
Very fcw people properly appreciate the importance
of maintaining their normal weight.
There is no surcr indication of approaching disease
than a considerable loss of weight and even where
this is not the case, a man whose weight is not up to
the average is always in danger of contracting any of
the germ diseases which are unfortunately so prevalent
On the other hand, while his weight is well maintained.
a man is practically proof against attack, and if disease
is already present, the fact that the weight is being
increased is proof' positive that the disease is being
The desirability of maintaining the weight should
therefore be apparent. in view of this we can con-
' fidently recommend " FERROL " as the surest, speed•
lest and most effective medicine by which the weight
may be maintained or restored.