HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-18, Page 1seta HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT Li THIRTY-FoUltru YRAx-No 1762 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 13th 1907, $1.00 per year in advance ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s N•••••NN•••••••••••••• •••N JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Special Sale of This week we are making a Special display of our Rugs and Squares. We have the largest and best 2• 2 assortment that we have ever shown and feel very i 2i proud of them as we know they will please you as :i to quality and price. All we ask is for you to s = come and see them as we have one just to suit • 2 t♦ Z♦ ii ii ii II ••• 2 Union Rugs Of nice bright colorings, pretty designs and extra tea- vy weave. A ood rug. size 3x31 and 3x4 yards from $4 to $8. Wool Rugs Real good patterns and col - tors to give thethe richest Tmhese ne to be bouare thghte appeatwooarancelru. :)e. size 3z3; and 314 yards from $7.60 to $10,50. Tapestry Rugs Brussels Rugs Juntas fancy and colors to With all the new designs. equal more expensive rugs. The coiors are very soft and No better tapestry rugs on the market. Sizes 3x3} and prominent and make a beau - 3z4 from $10.00 to $13.00. Will rug for $17.50. Axminster and Velvet Rugs Linoleums We show these lovely rugs We carry a very large and in that new dark red & fawn, dark green & fawn. Both of them In the daintiest of pat- well assorted stock of them in floral and tile patterns. terns also the new Oriental design. You will be delight- One "Special line, extra ed with this rug. Far $20, good quality. 4 yards wide $23, $25. for $1.75 per yard. Wall Paper Our Wall Paper stock is all new. Bought from the leading American and Canadian firms. You have your choice here of the best papers selected from manufactur- ers of both countries, which gives us every advantage in selling you. • Jones ClarkJ & Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford I Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4+++++++++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++I•+++ L+4• -1++++++•I•+++++++++++++++++++ i T. HAWSINB & SON 1 WIRE 11 .i: SEEDS Y 11 I 'T NSM1T'HlNG Having secured the services of a first-class man we are still able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tin- smith Work on the shortest notice. Arrived nn Monday one carload of CLEVELAND Wire. Now is the time for you to get it home bs- fore the sleighing is Kone. Call and examine our TIMOTHY and CLOVER Seeds. it 4. T. IHAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Merchant. ++++>°+-,-4-+++++++1-.; 4 -✓-4-. 4•4r+++++ -t !•+++ +4-H +4• ++++++++++• + -I'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*++++++++++++++ NearEDISON-TflenThe u (i g You must hear the EDiSON i'HONOGRAPH sing or play the kind of music you like, Then you will know. it is easy to hear the EDISON, Drop into our store and we will gladly show it to you. THE EDISON PHONOGRAPH With Gold Moulded Records Sings songs, plays ttnttile gathered front all the world at all times. It is al- t most as easy to buy the Edison as it is to hear it. A small payment down will allow yon to take it home. You can hear it play while you pay. Ask to hear it cJ WILLIS POWE961.2 FATAL 11L001) POlSO' lNG If you once try Carter's Little Liver fills for sick headache, bil- F requently follows the use of iousness, or constipation. you mill cheap corn salves and plasters. The never be without them. They are safest is the beat and that's "Put.- purely vegetable. emelt and easy to nam'a" which has a record of fifty take. Don't forget thin. years success. Refuse e►utestitiutcsl . for "Putnam's" which casts ti'ac in -��-- . every drug store. SUBSCRIiBE FOR TIIE TIMES. EXETER COUNCIL A meeting of the Exeter Council was held Monday evening to receive the report of Itcteve Bobier and Councillor Knight who were appoin- ted to interview Mr. Gidley 1-o the opening of Victoria Street to the railway tracks. Mr. Gidley made an offer that •the corporation bo et the expense of building the fence with cedar posts one rod apart and to draw half the rails and posts of the present fence to his house; • pay for expense of deed. and to pay for the land et the rate of $100 per acro Mr. Gidley's proposition was accep- ted. A oowmitteo was appointed to interview 'tile Carling Mate re- garding the opening up of the same street and get an option on some of the property. It eves decided to ask for 'tenders for the building of tanks at •the station and at or neer the corner of Victoria and Andrew St rests. VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION The Victoria Day celebration this year promises to be away ethead of the one given last year. At n meetl- ing of the directors of the Agricul- tural society held last Saturday af- ternoon the lists of sports hs ar- ranged by the sports oommittee was adopted and something good is prom- ised for the 24th. The .Nowaboys' band of 'London, consisting of about thirty Pieces has been engaged for lithe day. This band is made up of little fellows and make a big bit wherever they hpvear. The Exeter band has nlso been engaged. Fred Bawdeu and several others are mak- ing extensive !preparations for the appearance of the "kazoo" band in grotesque costumes. The morning will bo 'taken up with a monster ealithumpian parade, :with the sol- diers. the different bands. school children and others. The prizes for a trades procession was cut out this Year. but rif any of the merchantti desire to get up a display they will have the privilege of entering the parade. Squire Leathern will be invited up from London for the oc- melon to lead the morning :parade. It is up to every one in towttt to do their utmost to make this cele- bration a success. The Brucefield Spring Fair. - Our renders should bear in mind the Spring Stock and Send Fair, to be held at Brucefield, under the nue. piece of t he South Huron Agricul- tural Society. nn 'Friday. April 26th. A. special effort is being made thin year to make this Fair more ono- cessful than ever before. Very lib- eral prizes are offered for hulls. and although no prizes are offered for hnrsts, a very liberal nllowance is made to the owners of horses enter• ed 'and shown, to aid in paying their expenses. The Fele offers nn excel - holt opportunity for horsemen tto show their animals to the public. and it affords an equally good opportun- ity for intending breeders to tree and compare the merits of the best stock .horses in the County. The Seed department Is added this year for the first time, Olid will afford farmers an opportunity of showing the public what they can do in this way. it will pay every horseman and fanner to nttend this Fair. A day can not be better or more prof- itably apent. Death of Mrs. John Muir -After an illness of only one :week, 'Eliza- beth Noble, 'beloved wife of John Muir, died Friday afternoon Apri, 1.2t.1, at :the age of 18 years, death resulting from n weak heart, after a severe jilitess from pneumonia. On Friday afternoon, the 5th., ;Mrs. Muir attended a meeting of the 'Women's institute nnd in the retrn- ing attended a meeting at the Caven i'resbyterian Church of which church she was n member. After her ar- rival home she :was taken with a thiel, pleurisy having set in. A ,tett- day's later ;pneumonia developed and Mrs. \lair's condition was pronounc- ed critical On Thursday Hiatt th. high fever had broken up. ,but her heart weakened ,from the sickness, was Hat able to perform its work and she passed away as above stated. 11 u deceased ,was barn in I rn Scotland and ,was tnarri<(1 to 31r. Muir about twenty-five years ago. Two sons !were the result of the union, Bert. of Regina, and Will nt hone.. Resides these ten soils and her sorrowing: husband she leaves two brothers, Joseph of Toronto, \rill of 1.31anille, and four sisters Mrs. T. 11. Thompson Seaforth, Mrs. Geo. Boyd Eit. 'Phomas, Mrs. A. D. Cardno Morden Man., Nits. 11. Tuck- er, of Elgin IIIc. Iter mother tttxl mother and father reside at Sen forth. Owing to the illness of Mr. Muir the remains were taken from her late residence rue n William n m S s� e till Street to !h 1'rtotbyteriait church on 31on'1ay af- ternoon, at here ten .'rules. were be't't. Some of 'the floral offerings sent were a basket of roses, carna- tions end stwr•t•t peas by the Eerier Curling Club, p tcteeth by the 1'. 0. C. P.. of which society Mrs. Muir :was a rnetn►r'r and a wreath from tht' \Vornerl's institute. \1'e :11 Sorry to report thlt by constant hatching et his %i,( -'s brtIsi(1,', ,31 r. Muir was vtricken with the sante diatelas as ['loved fatal to 31rs. Muir and for reveral days his life was de- spaired of. • CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Nara Always Bought Bears the Signature of Small Pox In Stephen. ONE DEATH REPORTED ANDSEV- EItAL HOUSES QUARANTINED The report that several families in the Township of Stephen are infect- ed with smallpox has created con- siderable excitement during the past few days and there is a general rush for the :physicians' offices to get vaccinated. It is stated that entall- lox has boon prtts'aleut since Christ- mas, but owing to its mild forst has } been treated as chickenpox. Last week one of those who had the dis- ease attended n sale, and the rash on his face caused many of those rresesnt to snake n request that the health board of the. township :take action. Owing to Dr. McCue, the health officer of the township ,being ill, l)r. Orme of Centralia, was call- ed to see Merman Necbe, living near Shipka. and he pronounced his ill- ness nmalipox in a very bad .form and had the house placarded. As soon as Dr. McCue had r,ufficiently reoovered ltd visited Necbe end pro- nounced it a virulent type of small- pox. At his request the. township :board communicated with the Provincial Health Department. and I)r. hall, of Toronto, arrived here Monday night and imm(ediatcly went out to the in- fected district. He nlso pronounced the cases es smallpox and ordered a strict quarantine of all the houses where any persons are in with it. About twelve places :were placed under quarantine. A telephone message from Dr. Mc- Cue, of Crediton, the Medical Ilealth Officer of the Township, to us yea- terday. states that Herman Necbe, whose case was diagnosed by hint as smallpox and beyond recovery had died Monday night and was bur- ied Tuesday morning. This is .the only death reported so far from 'this dreaded disease, and no serious cases have developed since. Everyprecaution is being taken to prevent the spreading of the disease and it is well for every one who bas not been vaccinated recently to do so at once. Some of those 'who have the disease have. probably ,mingled with the public, not know- ing the nature of the illness and every oare should Ise taken. HOARD OF IIEALTIi. The first meeting of the local Beard of Health for the year 1007, held in the office of the secretary. Members present were Dr. Sweet. S. Sanders C. ,Christie, Reeve nobler and Inspector Jlissctt. The Secre- tary asked for the appointment of a chairman. I'er Reeve Nobler sec. by C. Chris- tie, that .Dr. Sweet bo reappointed chairman for ,1907 -Carried. The minutes of the last ,meeting Nov. 8th .1908, were read rind ap- proved. Per peeve Jiobier Sec. by C. Chris. tie, that ;the Secretary notify the chairman of the Public School board that all pupils attending the school from Dashwood and vicinity, which are reported os being affected by smallpox %hall not be allowed to at- tend school unless they remain with. In the municipality. They must not be allowed to go to and fro. -Care r led. Per Reeve dlobier Sec. by H. San- ders. the board of Health very ur- gently recommend that all persons that have not been vaccinated or those that have been vaccinated over seven years should again have the same attended to at once owing to the very t,revalent type of email- Nearly $7.000 in girlies; to fie dis- pox being in the near vicinity. -Car- tributed on May 1st, 2nd, .3rd, 4tItt, rigid. The Canadian National horse Show I'er S. Sanders Sec. by C. Christie Asenciation js the new organization that the board recommend the vie- which will continue the horse Show loge Council to Irene. and Mass st now in the thirteenth year of its By-law prohibiting; the keeping of existence. it will be i►cld this year hogs within the municipality during in the St. Laurence Arena, Toronto, the months of .rune, July August a building excellently adapted for Locals. JERSEY COWFOlt SALE. -Apply 1t. E. 1',ickard, Exeter. Miss Jeanie Hardy entertained, a number of friends last Friday eteu• jug. Miss halls is attending the fun- eral of her cousin Mr. S. pians, at ltolmesvillc. A member of the Evangelical 'As- sociation, now ,holding conference in Crediton, will preach in the Maiu Street Ohurch next Sunday ravening. Service commences at 7 o'clock. Word was received here last Sat- urday of the death at Saskatoon, of Chas. •Mason, a former resident of Brueefield. Mr. Mason eves well known in :Exeter. Mr. Cozins. of the Grand Trunk Rye was here last Tuesday night and jn an interview with the peeve stated that the new station would be commenced labout the 15th of May. If you should happen to meet John It. McDonald on the street, and he has alt expansive smile on his face, larger than usual, you will know that something has happened. We'll tell you. nit heir and heiress arrived on Tuesday at his home. Miss Armstrong, of London, who was visiting (Mrs. C. T. Brooks and Miss Taylor, and who returned tto her home last weak. was tat n ill the next day atter her arrival with appendicitis and had to undergo an operation. Friday evening. A letter received Monday states that alto ds getting along as well ns could bo expected. A meeting of the bowling club was held on Friday evening for the purpose of organizing for the eotn- ing Bummer. The following officers were elected, Hon. Pres. W. r1. Le - vett; fres. F. W. Gladman; Vice - Pres, N. D. llurdon, Chaplain Rev. D, W. Collins; Sec'y,-Trcas. W. J. .Neaman. The officers arra to appoint the different committees for tho year. It is expected tee club twill have the new grounds in shape about the first of July. A meeting of the syndicate controlling the new greens met last night. The services in the '.fain Street church last Sunday evening ,wero augmented by a choir of about twenty male voices, instead of the regular choir. The same experiment took place about a month ago when' Itev. E. A. Fear was away filling the I pulpit at Lucknow, and Rev. •31111 - yard was •here taking charge of the services. The result was that nearly every seat in the church was taken. Rev. Fear was anxious that the mato choir should again assist and last Sunday evening was the date selec- ted. The Church was again filled, but all those present greatly appre- ciated the able discourse given by the pastor. His subject was on the early training of the young.. fee showed where n o t r r .tongs taught the young tnitid Mere never forgotten and a training in the right way wins manifest in a child leading a Chris- tian life. He also pointed out clow persons addicted to pernicious ha- bits the older they became, the har- der it :was to give them up, and ads vised parents to give their children the proper christian training so that these habits nvould appeal to ,their consciences as unbecoming. The morning service was devoted to en address to the children and was greatly appreciated. CANADIAN HORSE (SHOW. , and September. After By-law is Vested by the council the et'rrstary to have the usual sanitary notices Irinttd and distributett.-Carried. Per Reeve Dottier adjournment. JOS. :SENiOR, Secretary. EXETER SC1100I, IIOAIRi) the purpose. on Mfay 1st, 2nd, ird, and 4th. As the Spring Stallion Show provided for the breeding clas- ses, the Canadian National horse Shaw devotes itself to the harness Saddle, ilunters Roadster, and Pony Classes. There are seventy two dif- ferent classes, and in cash and cups nearly $7,000 will 'be distributed. Thu Public School Iioerd held their The entries close on Saturday April regular meeting nil 3iontley evening 20th, and should be addressed to the et: 3 \ .I `•)race try, 1'. V. Stark, Sover- eign Bank, Market branch, Toronto. The Chairman is 31r. Gem go \V. Beardmore. M. F. 11., and the Man - neer, Nit. Stewart Houston, 182 Vic• 1 poria Street, Toronto. All prospects point to a splendid entry of high I Class Horses. Reduced rates rquiv- 1, alert to n single fa re can be ob• tallied on all railways. BORN \VP:STLAKE-0th. Con. I!ebonite 0111 i'ridaw 1'2(11, Ily West lake of a ± desighter. 'ROSS- y u u a ' 4 n nd t I s h ul. ' Cross of :, sail. 3ICDONALII-1n town on fnr•tdny April 1Gth. .lnhe 31cDonald, a sten and n 1 n•t a t1 ,hler. last. \t. \' .I Carling abs r at. No matters of much moment came up for fliMCIISSi011. The •March minutes were passed. \V. .1. Ileanrin is to get 82c. dor cups and S. Ilandfnrd $3.00 for rl raw'ing giawel. So mo- tioned 1'. Wood and S. .Martin. 1', \\'oat and 11. Huston snowed for fire drill 'which is 'low to It. vele formed serui•nionthly the fit" weep(' to be used on each occasion. John Taylor of Ilay, Room No. '3 of the 11igh Scheel Department file itt and gets a refund in accordance ,with the rules of the Iloard. (tetter drainage of the East well is to be effected. 'Fete Ground.' & ti a ltare Corn. are :held responsible for this. Hustone 1 ) s IL u l t h k of eo 'received 1 n n e d 1 the lined for his serwicrs on be- half of the Colitimtntion Clesst-s at the '1'. tistees •1':agter Cnitreul iotl a1 Torontco. and a elope' allot\ anc•• for 1rarlljng expenses. So lootjonr,l H. 11artin end •I'. \Vnnd. It. N. !twee septal the meeting tiff. FOlt SLE. -in Farquhar, acre of land, with brick house containing 6 rooms, a good cellar rind frame Kit- chen also large brick blacksmith and carpenter shop. On this prop- erty is n goal 'tell and ,table. This lit a geed stand for o blacksmith. Goal trade the entire year. For terms and particulars apply to J. E. McNieol, Farquhar, Ontario. if sick hesdacheie misery, w hal is Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively euro iti People who I"anti*. have used them speak frnnkly of their worth. They are stnall and Inters easy to take. of 31AItItlf•:D TI ('KF.R - 'I31S - On W'siltesday, April loth., nt the home of the bride's mother ,31rs. Mlreh .Aims, 12115 Rivard St. Detroit, when her youngest daughter, Flora Ellen, ttas mtitr.l its mat liege to Ar(I tt Reginald Tucker. D(P1) 311 1ft-- In Exeter, on friday April loth, 10,17, i'lies ,.,th Nettle, helov- e.1 elf, of Jri to Muir, aged 48 yrs. and 2 menthe. taAISTORti. It* Kiel YN WIN /101 hued APRIL NEEDS ` Coiled Spring Wire, Barb Wire, Plain Galv, Wire No. 9, 12 and 13, Black oiled and Annealed wire No. 12, Staples, Fence Hooks, Stretchers, Etc. Lowest prices. Galt'. Poultry Netting From 12 in. to 00 in. high at 4 to 10 cents a yard. Wheelbarrows, Washers, Wringers Churns, Separators, Brushes, Garden Tools, Etc. at Selling Prices. Paints, Stains, Alabastine, Varnishes, Etc, A full line. Call and get color cards. flodmall's Hardware and Pd1D Store ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++4 +++++++++++++ ;Our Reduction Is on and in order to reduce our stock before Stock Taking we are offering greater Bargains i. in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to al- most cost during this sale. . Call and be Convinced before making your pur- l: chase elsewhere. + •+ • + 4. RO WE & ATKINSON 4. The Largest Home Furnishers in the County. ILUndertaking in all its Branches. •i• + + +++++++++++++++f+++i ++++++-H-14+++4 1 +++++++++ UP -TO - DATE STORE We have taken over the business lately run by. Mr. L. McTaggart, of Exeter North. We have {'n - stalled a stock of Groceries new and good and our motto will be "The Up -To -Date Store". We would be pleased to show you our new stock of Prints, Lice Curtains, Towelling, Table Linen, Laces. French Val. and Torchons; the best of Sta- tionery, School Supplies, Hosiery, Ladies and Gents Collars, Fancy China, Combs. Wall Paper, Boots and Shoes, not forgetting our Groceries. We have much pleasure in waiting upon all the old custom- ers and marry new ones, whom we hope to get ac- quainted with. so EXETER NORTH. CrnNA OHINA CHi- 3Ve have just received a large sbie- ment of Beautiful China, including some of the following: - 13 piece fruit sets $1.00 up. 3 piece tea sets ... Inc. up. Celery trays ...... ...... 20c. up. Salad Bowls ...15, aro, 25. Cake Plates ...20c. up. Bread and butter plate, 5c. each. Pepper and ealt dishes 10e. .t pr. Cute and. sancera ... ... IOc. up. Call 1n and see our parlor lamps. i A first-class line of orenges. Many beautiful designs to choose and Il:;nonat. Lemons always in from. Beauiful ioilet Sets .0 I os.t[ o[Cishinq ret9a11ckCleO. ft tI I r w onand. .42II Gladiola bulbs 20c. a doz. Full line and up. Joti rm Charlton ' S \,''.NTED. 7' • ' r.NDI,R Tenders ate hereby shed for the following. For t excel of ton water tanks, 12\:30X12, with n well .1X12 under the manhole. Situ - /11,d, Station \\'r - .:1 the . 1.1 ou 011 1 n ,, ons neer tl 1 t I u t near th IinFtton titrr��t, one a ter n r 0 corner 01 Victoria aro Andrew tits. Also 'L'enders for the cement :work for the tante, as per ise cifications in Clerk's office. Tenders for ittrect wattling frotn Mouth Boundary to 'thanes or .Enke Road on Main Etre t and %Vtlling- tnn Street front Main 8t. to the rail. way :property. Tender to supply //erases. Take clierge of gasoline Engine Pump owl do all necreeary water pumping. The lowest or any tender not 'necessarily accepted. All lenders to hi. itt I,antl+ of 1Ite clerk before 7 p. nt., April 22nd. )9117. ply order. JOS. SENIOR. Clerk. BALE: ItEGiSTER \Vetlntsday, April 20th., Auction sale of l►ou.ehnld effects aleo looter! nnrl lot to be sail e't Andrew St sett. .1- hn Ce;!. '.cel. 1', Jlartln"r. :lila :1. .1. I 't I, Administrators. ARMERS' {{OASES i wish to announce that i am now located in Exeter for the purpose of buying and selling horses, that i will have on hand at all times a good supply of farmers hor ses and colts. Stables locat- ed at the south end of the town on the London Road. i will be at home every Sat urday afternoon to meet in- tending purchasers. C. E. Hackny !MUSE ANi) LOT FOlt SALE: - On Past nide of Andrew St. good o mfist t,h!e (ram, (tat',' •. ..r1 *lor- e)' high. ctutajntng 11 tofmt.. good wr;l 1-1 :tore e( gal1' t- the particulars apply to C. E. iI•tckney. h:x••ter 1'ntnrio.