Exeter Times, 1907-04-11, Page 811 61 i X E T E R '1' i M E 8, APRIL I1th 1907 41•++++4'++4-+++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S GOOD! Yes, Spring trade is certainly good, never was better with us. There must be a reason for it Our stock is large, the goods are up-to-date, and then the values are the best consistent with good storekeeping. We are doing our very best to keep on improving our system (each season, and to -day we believe we have the best and most convenient shop in tVestern Ontario. - Ladies Spring Jackets Loose three quarter 5.1 U length. light and mid. grey. Very swell, nice- ly trimmed with velvet and stitching. 6.7Yery pretty short 11,1 Jacket, loose box body, nicely trimmed with velvet, fancy braid and small buttons, light HMI tnid. shades, j� new tourist Jacket t+• UU light fancy tweed. trimmed with velvet strapping and fancy buttons. 10.00 0 00 Very Pretty tight • fitting corset coat made from fawn covert cloth, trimmed with self strapping and in- laid moiray. 10 00 for the prettiest tight fitting corset coat that you'll see • this season. Made from pure wool, e )lid black and white check, trimmed with watered Bilk and fancy but- tons. This coat was copied for ourselves from a New York model. It's a beauty. Nave you seen the newest tilt in Grey Dress Goode, known as the shadow stripe? Rich grey ground with shadow stripes of mauve, green, black or brown, The price to only 00c. We con- el on- „i this line for Exeter. 65cfor a new black Pana- ma Drees Goode. pure wool and very rich finish. the waist end for a 3.50 lovely range of fancy Dresden silks in mauve rose and blue eftecta. 75cfor a new shade of marine blue Panama Dress Goode, pure wool and great value. 4.00 the waist end for the choicest grey Dres- den Silks we have yet shown. They comein silver and gun metal shades. Linoleums \Ve ehow a splendid lot. They come to us direct from the makers in the old land, all proper- ly aged and thoroughly seasoned. The new tile and floral patterns are fine. 2, 3, and 4 yards wide. A Special Quality 4 yds. wide for $1.90 Steel Briggs Field Seeds are what we sell. V e buy the best tested st rains only. Not one ounce of cheap seed comes into our store. Ask the people who grew the best mangolds and turnips last year where they got their seeds. We don't know of one disap- pointed customer. A pretty good record, isn't it? Buy your seeds from us and buy them early, our prices won't scare you. J" A. STEW,.IE3.RT ++1 1-1-44+4 4++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++a•++• I +•t-•r++++•f•+++++++++++++++++ .+++++++++++++++++ if t* t ✓. t, tt tt DIAMOND HALL. School Watches There are few more pleasing events In the life of the average boy or girl, than the arrival of their first watch- *, real watch that keeps good time. We :an give you boy's Watches at $2, $I. and $5. Girl's Watches in Gun Met - a1 at $4. Gold fil1Qd $8 and $10.00. Miss Emma Hall, of London. is home on a month's visit. Miss Della house /pent Easter v iting friends in London. Mrs. Makins and "child, of Chicago, are visiting friends in town. . Miss Alda Dinsdale, of Rippon, vis- ited friends in town during the last week. Miss Jean Ilawkahaw spent a few days of last 'week visiting friends in Seaforth. • Mr. ltnmohr. of Exeter North who leas been ill .Lor nonce time, is able to be out again. Meagre. J. J. Knight and Thee. Hawkins were last (seek re-elected wardens of the Trivitt Memorial Church. Mra. Barrows and daughter Mabel returned Saturday niter a pleasant visit with friends in London and other places. Mr. John Illatchford and son. who were working near Milverton during the past taw months, returned home last week. A meeting of the (Directors of the Exeter Agricultural Society .will be Velli at the Mansion (louse tnext Saturday afternoon. Market Report. -The following ta' the repot t of Exeter markets. cor- rected. up to April 11111.. 1907. Wheat, 70 cents a bushel. (fats 35 to (36 cents per bushel. .Peas 72 to 750. a bushel. Barley, 44 to 46 cleats par. bushel - Shorts, $2.2 per ton. Flour, 62.10 po' cwt. Bran, $20 a ton. Hay $11.00 a ton. Feed Flour. $1.25 per cwt. Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel. Butter. 22:. pe: pound. Potatoes, 75c. to 90e. per bag. Dried App's, 6c. per pound. Eggs I5c. 1`or dozen. Bogs. dressed, $8.25 to $8.51.1‘.a cwt. Hogs. livo.vcight, $6'25. Carl, $7 a ton. Onions Large. 120 cents a bushel. • . Mar6alld s It is understood that the mole ft choir will take charge of the song nervier' in the ,Main Street Church next Sunday evening Mr. Ed. Knight of .Woodham, has rented It. lielden'e farm one and n quarter (riles below iExe.ter and has moved his ,family to the farm. To new subscribers we will give the Times to the first of January 1905 and the (weekly Globo for one whole year for the the sum of one dollar. Buggies for sale.- The celebrated I3orland Buggies, the test in t110 market. Prices to i,, it everybody. Call and see them at I'ym's black - emit)] shop. The season for getting out horse bills is tear et hand. Don't forget that every one getting bills printed at tow Times office will receive a notice in our columns. Tim ff'oe.department has h twt(Lo 1 given notice that n11 picture post oards outlined with diamond eiu•t must lie enolo ed in envelopes or will be sent to the dead letter office. Rev. }lolures, of Lucan, and Hart - lett. of \Voodbam, visited the Main Street Epworth League, on Tuesday night. A very interesting and prof- itable evening was spent by all pres- ent. Miss Kathleen Rice. ot 6t. Marys, who taught in tho public school here for some months last year has been appointc■I to till the vacancy in the St. Mary = public aohool caused by the reeige tion of Mr. Gowans. plias l,. ,•. refit', M. F.. le, Cradu- uate, ,0f (ntario Ladies College Whitby will re -open her classes in Domestic Science on Monday April 15th. Parties wishing to Join the classes please make application be- fore Friday 12th. MADE TO ORDER L -- DRESSING WELL is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality so much sought after by the fashionable man. You aro sero of Comfort, Ease and Elegance loo Sultings to hand at prices away down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. Mrs. Chas. Smith. of Jimes, Ohio, writes ; "I have used every remedy tor sick lteadacho I could hear of for the past fifteen years. but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me mere good than all the rat. ••••••••••••++N•••••+N++ LOCALS I •••••••• ••i••�•� eomplele line of S. Fitton ••has n tt eddilI rings on hand also issues ,marriage licenses. Mrs. John Muir is ,suite 111 with pleurisy. The schools ope1ed Monday after file .Easter holidays. Dr. Itaulston smelt Sunday with his parents in Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Dred Hill rind Alonzo Ford left on Monday for Regina. Mr' C. E. Tebbntt, returned Mon- day. Irom a visit .with his parents. Miss Anna Martin ndn Miss Jessie Dow returned to .Toronto to contin- ue their studies. Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. F. heavers, of Farquhar, visited Mr. anal At re. D. Ross, last Sunday. Mr. Will Muir returned on Mon- day evening, from visiting friends in Ridgetown and Detroit. Mrs. G. W. Lyon. of London. is visiting friends in town. prior to her lea ring for the .Northwest. William Melville. left Friday for Stratford where he (rill be omploY- ed by the Kurtze Mfg. Co. A German scientist has discovered a way of photographing the breath It is rill to she women to get ko- daks. Messers. Gibb Dow and S. Elliott left for Winnipeg on Tuesday with two carloads of horses for Dow & Tenant. A lead of '1'.xeteritcs attended 4 b reception given Mr. clod :firs. Louis Fletcher in l'sborno last Thursday evening. About 140 were /)resent. Considerable complaint has peen made against the rotrdyistn of the boys at the North End of the ,town. .The newly appointed constable, ,perry Knott will hereafter look after them The Iluron Old Hoy's Association has made arrangements tor their annual a rsiott to unty on July Two special trailer . oil l 1 e Toronto on the morning o Pith, one going to Wingham and the other to ,Goderich. Did it VW' r occur to you that n 25c. can of Campbell's Varnish. Stain will restore the .00lor and finish to the old bureau or eommodjl Any lady can apply itbis stain as 11 flows out under the thrush and dries with- out showing brush marks. It is poll by W. .1. }seaman. Formalin or Formaldehyde THE OLD IIELIAIILE for smut on grain with frill instructions for use. For le at hooey's ,Drug Store. A few cdgts spent on ,Formaldehyde may say -„you malty dollars worth of grain. --Don't neglect to use it. Mr. \V.' fi._.i evett this (reek re. ceived word thar**14vosni>:_ -lt.l.seei'Ti er spaniel lie some (ince ego sold ,to Geo. Douglass, of Woodstock, hod iron 7 firsts, 2 seronds, 2 thirds and 6 specials nt the Pittsburg dog show and is now champion cocker of America. At the Huron County Live Stock Exhibition held at Clinton last Fri- day. Mr. Henry Smith, of Exeter, won several prizes with bis exhibit of shorthorn cattle. For hulls one year and under drd ; cows three yrs. and over 1st anti 2n(1 ; heifers one yea r old l:;t an(. 120d ; ,heifers two Il are o'll let mid .lid. Mr. Thomas Cameron intends holding sales in Exeter the first Friday of every month, and it will bo necessary for parties wishing to have stock entered at these sales to leave a list of them nt the Time. offioe or with Mr. Cameron nt 1:'ar- quhar during the first two weeks of the month so that they can be properly advertised. The census for the county of Iiu- ron for 1996 have been returned and allow an increase of only 20 over 'L':•.-1 anti 4511 },,hind that of 1904. The pop.lrgtio11 of the towns and vil- lagea are are follow -Bayfield 467; 11ruaaels 1,1172; Clinton 2,475; Exeter 1,578; (:oderioh 4,410 ; ,Henaall 823 ; Stsaforth 2,206; \%'ingham, 2,247 ; Wroxeter 421 ; Blythe 42S. On April 2nd.. 4n Christ Church London, Miss Jennie O'Brien was united in marriage do J. T. Parkin - eon, principal .nt (:rand Avenue school. The ceremony was perform - .d by Rev. ,ll, S. W. Howard at 12.40 in the presence of n few relatives. A (dainty wedding dinner 1108 served at the bride's hone, niter which Air. and Mrs. Parkinson left for trip to Hamilton. On their return they trill reside in their beautiful horn! on Ridout Street. The time -table of the .iuly exam- inations has been issued by the he• pertinent of Education. The exam- inations will he Jield as follow! - Teaohers' district certificate and junior tennhers, July it. 0, 4. 5. F, end 9; junior matriculation. July C. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 12 and 16 ; !Mien tevlolu•re, honor and scholarship ma- triculation. July 2, 3, •1. `' ". 10 11 12, 15, 10; oammercial ..: Jul;; 2, 3. 4, 6, 8; prt ape: -t July 2. 3. 4, 5. The entrance examinations will bo held on June 26, 27 and 28. SEW ARRIVALS IH---g- WALL PAPERS LINOLEUMS LACE CURTAINS CURTAIN MIISLINB Pretty Wall Paper at 5c. Beautiful papers at 10, 15 and I'0 cents All Borders sold by roll same price as paper. 'THE OLD RELIABLE ERNFST ELLIOT Conveyancer Aecoeuts Collected AiO (EY to Irian at teens rates. North West tanAA for sate. Office, Male Street. Beets, BIG VALUES IN LACE CURTAINS All 3' yards long Sig Values at $1, 1.25, $1.50 6 new patterns in Linoleums. New designs in Floral patterns. New designs in Block patterns 4 yards wide NAIRN'S MAKE at $1.95 a yard Curtain masons with large or small dot, 36 inches wide also 3 different patterns in floral designs all one price 15c. yd. sNEL.c, & ROWE $to buys a 20o egg Excelsior TOE GOOK'S BEST FRIEND Incubator in perfect order. Apply J. Willis Powell. Messrs. A. Moore And Earl Mardi were in London ►Tuesday. Miss Melinda Wendland. is visit-; ins friends 111 Sebringvillc. The weather indications of the past week are that we have had some. Mr. Vert Rivers is learning ilio harness making with Peter Frayne. Mr. P Gardiner and ,family of Illyth, are spending a few days in town. Mrs. Fred Fisher last .week sold her residence on Sanders street to Mr. Wm. Greenlee. of Crediton. Miss Hazel Browning returned on Monday to resume her studies Su the Ontario Ladies' College at Whit- by. Miss Gertie Armstrong. Graduate of Victoria hospital, London, is the guest of Mise Lizzie Taylor and Mrs. Brooks. Miss Florence Eastwood, svho vie- ited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbnry since Christmas. left last week for Toronto Junction. Rev. D. •\V. Collins will preaoh to the members .of th'e Exeter I. 0. 0. 1'. Lodge in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sundny April 28th. EGGS FOR IIA': CUING - From 1 fluff Reeler,. also White and en Wyandottes. Choice birds. reasonable. D. Itowcliffe, Go , I'ri.• Mr. monton has bee cial Go for tha Mr. farm p A. S. P It is 1 work i T•I t II, Russell II. A., ot Ed- son of Wm. Russell, of Hay 1 appointed by the Provin- rnmcnt Inspector of schools plaoe. hissett, last week sold his operty at ICre.liton East to mons, of the Loudon Road. iderstood Mr. Ilissctt will the brick yards. liensall Epworth Lcagnc will the Main Street League next esday evening. A good 'program will be given and lunch served. A cordial invitation is extended to all. TO CURE A COLI) IN ONE DAY Take Laxative promo Quinin►Tab. lets, All druggists refund the mon- ey if ft falls to cure, E. W. O-nve's •lgnature is o.t eaO; box. t5o. Ilowey'a Sarsaparilla Compound, the test mixture known for impure Blood Moils Pimples etc. Just tho thing for Spring Illoo,l Purifier 59c. and $l Mottles at Nowey's 'Drug Store. Arthur It. Duncan, (Tito for some months has hecn ledger keeper at the Sovereign Bank There. on Tuesday received word of his transfer to Tor- onto. Mr. Duncan lett last evening to Assume his new duties. At a meeting .of the I. 0. O. F. held Tuesday evening it was decided to have a Dcooration Day in Exeter. early in June. Other lodges will be invited to participate and as soon as Committees are formed n date will Presenting a clean, refined and strict - bo set. ly up•t.date entertainment. Mr. E. 11. 4'ish. who has been here for some weeks looking after the tearing down of the building at Om old market is lying very low in his room at the Metropolitan hotel with inflammation of the Apleen, Mrs. STEPHEN Fish was summoned -from London on account of *his illness and arrived Henry Carroll, of the. 8th. ooncea- Wednesday morning. Sion of Stephen, was found dead on A meeting of the curlers novas held the roadside west of McGuire, Wcd- navday morning by Thomas Cham. in the town ,hall on !'ridgy evening lx'r. The demised was the son of last to wind alp the affairs of the the late llgrtholerucw Carroll and past season. The report of 8lc'y• was born on the homestead 139 years Treas. Geo. Anderson slows that tea Past winter was morn successful than that of the previous one, a !nog halance bring ,shown 011 the credit laid' of the ledger. whereas there was a slight deficit last year A vote of 'thanks, wan tendered the officers of the year for their able management. It was decided to ge d ld d leavo the matter of continuing the game. for the leather medal over until the organization meeting next fall. A committee 1408 appointed to see if a rink could not be erected nearer the town clod what .would ho the cost of the land and building. COLE'S BAKING poWDER Because she gets results that cannot be obtained froen any other powder. It is pure CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER, uniform in strength and never fails to give satisfaction. Get the habit and use Cole's Baking Powder it is Pure, Reliable. Satisfactory and Economical. Price 25 cents a pound. W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist. EXETER, - ONTARIO. Waists WE ARE SIIOW ING this week a very fashionable line in Summer Waists in Silk and Lawn, embroidered fronts, very stylish, Ladies will find the selection very desirable while the garments themselves are admitted to be extremely comfortable. Call at once and get the pick. These goods will go like ice cream. We are also showing a very choice line of White Skirts with a double flounce and deep trill in lace and embroidery ranging front $1.50 to 53.00 each Just to Hand An up-to-date line of Embroidery and Insertions. Our Vats and Torcheon Laces and Insertions have no equal. We beg to remind our many customers That we have a first-class milliner, in the person of Miss Morlock, who does all our millinery. We will accept produce same es cash in payment of fame. flous6 D66orftor Plumber (not and Coldwater SIP Writing and Graining With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence. corner James and An drew Street. CEINION BUSINESS COLLEGE py Affiliated with wtngham 8. C. ce F� Indiri.tual Instrurtion, Z } write for handsome 7atalogue. . GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. a • Green's High Class Moving Pictures EXETER Opera House 3 nights only April 10. 11, 12. To -Night, Thursdag & Fridag GREEN'S NGUROVIG PICTURES CARLINC BROS. 4 Admission to house 25c; Chile ren 15e; A few reserved seats:45c, Under the augd, e. of the Firemen. i►on't fail to see the w..nderfnl Vanderbilt Cul' flare DII. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- fouisl until enrly yesterday morn• goon, will be at the Commercial illg when Chas. Chambera end a bro- llotel. )inure 9.30 n. m. to 4.30p. tiler found his body near McGuire. m. Glasses properly fitted rind die- 1)r. Brcw•ning Coroner for South llu- oases of eye car and nose treated. ron, was notified but ile deemed an next visit May 3rd. LOST While walking down Main Street a lady loot her 'puree containing $10 ago. Pesilles being dumb Ise wee weak minded and the only duties naked 0f him was to bring in the 0nwe at eventide. On Tuesday even• ing 11e started out rafter the cows, and one 0f them being missing he starttvl in searo:l of it. lie had never been far away from home and evidently got lost niter dark and not knowing his way home he eat on the roadside and it is supposed tell asleep and perished from the cold weather daring the night. The family heoonting alarmed et his ab- sence 0onlrneucecl a ,carch which was continued through the night but no trace of the missing man could be inquest unnecessary. The remains will be Interred in Mt. Carmel ceme- tery, Friday or Saturday. •111013 ')loIN:'is 'sol' The Sovereign BarnK of Canada Head Office Toronto. RANDOLPH MACDONALD, President ALLAN, Vice:President D. M. STEWART, General Manager Capital Subscribed $3,998,000 Capital fully paid 3,998;000 Reserve Fund 1,255,300 Assets over 25,000,000 General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly. CRBDITON, D.4SHWO )D, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors A. A. some papers, and a reserved neat Must rot t o confounded with coin - ticket for Green's high Class Moving mon cathartic or purgativepllle. Pictures. Finder will kindly return , Carter's Little Liver fills are oath. - the tieket to Cole's Drug Stora ely unlike them in every teepeef. keeping the money. One trial wil 1 prove their super- iority. Suitable furniturc 01 fill OPaUOS We have been one year in Exeter and take this opportunity of thanking our customers and friends for their liberal patronage and we hope to be able to merit a continuation of their patronage. Artistic Furniture We have the most Artistic and up-to-date Furniture that money can buy Everything is new, no old stock, and our prices are as low as the lowest. 20 per Cent Oft In the Undertaking Line. We carry a full stock of everything required in the business, and for every job of undertaking we will give 20 per cent ot regular prices. Jas. Beverley Graduate of the College of Embalming and a member of the Canadian Em- balmers Association. NO - -TIME like the present to make our acquaintance. We are showing an excel- lent assortment of exclusive fabrics, that are well worth your attention. Our clothes are cut "right" and tailored "right" and our prices will fit your purse, as well as our clothes fit you. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Why You should Use BLENDED FLOUR Spring wheat Hour and winter wheat flour each possess eeparato and distinct focd virtues. In S!fl'! FLOUR NG rfR_Rf IGT FLOUR You get the finest spring and win- ter wheat flour blended in proper proportions. Bread, roils, t)iecuits, oaken and pantries made of "STAR FLOUR" are perfect toods unequal - at in purity dcliciousneee and health giving properties. Can you eonsistently use other than Star Flourt Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. EXETER Corn! -AT- Exeter and Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grai if desired. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye GRAND TRUNK SY'SEM COBALT SPECIAL A solid train of Vestibule Cars and Pullman Sleepers leave Toronto daily at 9 p. m. Arriving at Cobalt 8.45 a. m., New Liskeard 9.15 a. m. Co- balt is the Ii,hest Silver Min. ing Catnp in the world and well worth a visit. ONE WAY HECONU-CLASS COL, ONiST TICKi:Ts On sale daily until April Kith to points in British Columbia. Califor- nia, Montana, Colorado, \Vasbington. Oregon. For full particulars end tickets call on J. J. KNIGRT, depot Ticket Assail J. D. McDONALD, Distfict l'nesenger Agent. 'I ,conte THE TIMES AND WEEKLY ((IAMB AND CANADA F AR- MEIi., $1.35. The offer of of the Exeter Time* and the Toronto Weekly Globe and (Jen• aria Fernier for $1.:35 le extended to June 1. Over 150 of our subscribers have taken advantage of this liberal offer and we are anxious to increase the nu.t.ber to ru0 before the first of June. Any one who is now taking the Times can gnat the; Globe by fag u. 36 cent•,C=1,;„”C