Exeter Times, 1907-04-11, Page 5`i'Sk; EXETER TIMER, APRIL nth 1907 For all disorders of stomach and liver, Bileans are s, sound, safe and sure remedy. They strengthen the bodily functions in Nature's own way, being compounded from Nature's own herbal extracts. Women the world over find them a boon. Finest household remedy. All druggists and slorss, 500. a tar, urfram Miran Co., Toronto. 6for *..50. F O R Eli LIOLSHLSS. ILEANS On common tenon the coatinnow wire stays unsure to bend and the locks to lose their grip ander continual pres- sure of your horses or cattle. And once they do the top wire, soon followed by those below. will sag and destroy the efficiency of your fence. Nothing like that can happen to our Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. The short, stiff hard steel wire in our hinge -stays cannot bend when the lateral wires are weighted down, owing to their being so short and jointed at each strand wire. Pressure of a horse on the top wire brings the "binges* in the stays into action and prevents them from balding, and when pressure is relieved the fence springs back Into place again. The lateral wires are High -Carbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide for expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and are also crimped at the intersection of the stays and strands to prevent the stays from slipping sideways—therefore no locks are needed. Buy the Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. It's "twice as strong." Twloe as good an Investment. Catalogue tree. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Oat. ILON71AWZih 'W. NEIL, Agent. z , rt` _'' TO SEED BUYERS If you will write for our handsomely illustrated Catalogue for 1907, we will show you ABSOLUTEL bow you YcvRIis a CARVII(O SET of superior SHEFFIELD CUTLERY with cellu- loid handles and Ster- ling Silver Mounts. We could get plenty of agents to take hold of a proposition like this. but we prefer to give seed buyers a chance first. Our catalogue and Ouide Book gives full information of this and bther Special Oilers. us well as full details regarding new and standard varietiesof Seeds,Plantsand Bulbs. Write at once. DARCH a HUNTER SEED CO. LONOON, CANADA LIMITED Crediton 1:0 It E. J. McCUE, MEMBER ON- TARiO COLLEGE PHYSIC!. MO and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. IL A. Haist. Orcditon. Ont. Dir. John Winn was called to De- troit a few days ago on account of itis son-in-law Mr. Mistcrly being badly injured in on automobile and street air accident. Mr. Misterly was riding along in his auto when •e street car. '1 . St ran into machine I 1 1 ills a Mr. blister ly was thrown some distance and was badly injured. One of his eyes was torn out of its cock. et and his face and body badly brills ed. The automobile wits +.•reeked. btr. S. Drown. i+ twain confined to his house with a alight attack of brysipelas. Mr. J. S. I'reeter was the guest Of Mr. S. Brown, Sunday. Mr. ira Brown was in Zurich on Thursday on business. Iter. Gislder, of Zuritic, paid our town a flying visit off Friday last. Master Victor Kestl' is slightly .on this mend. Bchool again rcopt'nevl on Monday last. Dl r. G. Iloltzmann .1r. is improv- ing dehis ellin r ti i n the appearance. r[ t g by the erection of a veranda. Before another issue of this paver the conference of the Evangelical Asaociatipn will be in full swine;. Canada (?•lnferenoe of tit:, Evan- - he above • � cation. rite 1 vA tl g body will convene in Annual ffei-sion, in Zion (tlnircb, Cr.tlitun. Confer- ence proper %sill op -11 Thur+. ISth►. 9 a. 01., Ili -bot' ti. C. ltreytogel. D. D., of lti•ading, I'. ;\., eg.rc.sidittg• The progra111 twiII h• somewhat as follows :--Iii . stay ittd \\•cdnesd ly o, tn.. examination of junior preachers, Tues. Evg.. public ' meeting, addressed by itev. I.lel. Gi•c.l.l+•. Ai reeler, on Temperance give,' in German. Rev. I. K. f:int. lit .:h+• "11(1. ort I•:ducntion Knglisih. w•isln - 1 '. a (ti r noon the Conference Mi;+ionsry Society holds its Annual SO+sion. It is 0xpect(dl that the evening meeting will be ad- dree.sed by Ilishu;+ Itr. y' foga! and Ilea. S. F. ltrott,i. itusthern. Sask. At the ofe'ninl of conference nu 'Ilhuradey n• tn.. the IIi<htp will deliver an ad• dress lieforo business 1'. taken up• Public IlWeting.l • twill 0b%) 110 iw!d •very evening during! fhb week. Sunday a. m. the Bishop will preach the ordinat.ois aer111011 mid the rent of the day 'ail' b" occupied by MO. airmary an:l tea nation l•ervices. All the business and other ser k,ns will be open to the public with very Lew exceptions. The committee who have the ar- ranging of the Victoria I)ay celebra- tion met on Monday evening and be- gan their work. Amongst other at- trnctions will be a monster proms- 8io11 of soiree' children, end cali- thumpians headed by .the band, two interesting games .of abase -ball, n shooting match, sports and a grand concert at night. A special prise will be offered for the person bring- ing the largest load of people into the village before 0 a. in. Liberal prizes will be given. 'loth privileges will be granted and parties wishing same will get particulars from the secretary Mr. C. Illtlett. Further particulars later. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. \Vaiker and family and Mrs. Robert Walker leave this week .for London 'where they will visit friends and relatives, prior to leaving for the Northwest where they will ,make their horse. Messrs. ()amend and ltobt. Walker left Tue.aday for the \Vest.On f;s►rt- dny the Methodist Sunday s•chnol of which Mr. Robert ,Walker was a memtr'r for niartY years and also rragistant superintendent. tendered the thanks of the school for his enr- t tt(•st Work. t !. I' irman) friends wish them success in their new home. - i ALMOST DEAD OF ,IIIU)NCIIITIS. Few people have sof(ered more thaii .lr,a. P. Naylor of Dyntent, Ont. Tien• e• i1, writes, —"I am l y 1( i tt011 and going to tell yol1 howmuch Catarrh - ozone has been to use. 1 ,was so bad with bronchitis sometimes I thought it would soon be over with tete. A shell of choking would come en that left me prostrated and weak. Since using ('atarrhozone I have had Ino trouble et all. it strengthened my throat, stopped the cough, gave me free breathing and entirely cured." In.t the usual experience. Cate - 1 -11 -ozone invariably cures pwhet her 13runchiti+, Asthma or Catarrh. sizes. 25e. and .7l.111) at ell dealers. Dashwood Miss Ethel icllr'rinan left for Sar- nia on Monday niter spending the I:- seer holielays at home. Mr. Harvey Pope, lo liens:111, vi+ ited friends in the village this week. 51r. Fled Slither this week 8t11rted t , learn the milling huainess tvitb' . 1 r. ler•, this F:t his meet. Mr. .101111 fait, of tit. Agatha, is s':siting in Stratford this week. Popular Goods for Now andJ 1 S?ECIAL VALUES y the Best of the Season Favored Worsteds I TROUSERS INC MIAtI I VESTS FOR SUMMER These worsteds are in blues and fancy ulixtures,excel in t uahty,beauty and finish anything of tbeit kind we have ever shown. We are offering some beautiful Summer Suits for $io . and upwards. A beautiful assortment to choose not suit, we have If is pant bunts r panties. is panting for pants He pantetb pantlese Until he implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered at J. N. HOLTZMANN'S from. if there is a taste we can yet to know of it. Mr. Wen. Ehlers .the genial pro- prietor of the Dashwood flour mill, wthile biting til bag of grain acct• dentally cracked a rib which at present is giving hint some trouble. Itentember that Wm. Shrunlin now j handles millinery, and the ladies are invited to their display of hats in all the latest creations. Mr. Fred Miller is learning the: harness malting swish •Mr. Edward Nadiger. Mr. Chas. Stire is working for Itpas & 'Taylor en Exeter. Miss Ella Link. is helping Mrs. W. O. Shrumnl with her housework, Mrs. Clete. Belle. of London, is visiting friends in .Dashwood. Mr. henry I•ihlera has secured. the position of taking care of the church for this Beason. . Mr. Ilarvey Pope, of Ilensal, is visiting friends in .Dashwood. Mr. .1. K. +Goetz has fixed up aria fence its good shape in front of his new douse. We are glad to hear of the recov- ery of Mr. (David Bettsohet. Mr. David l'faff has returned horn after having a two Inonth3 visit in Michigan. There are a good number of our people laid up rwith chicken pox. - lir. Arthur Wi11kenweder is learn- ing to be a miller in Ehlers Flour Mill. OVERTAKEN BY NAUSEA. You don't know whether We going to stay down or come up. You feel like thirty cents and look even worse. if one thing is quicker than another, it's Nerviline. Ten drops in sweetened tvatcr gives .instant relief instantly. Almost like magic . is the change you experience. The cause of the nausea is removed, every symptom of vomiting and in- digestion is cured within ten min- utes. When Poison's Nerviline is so trusty and economical, n bottle itt home wouldn't be amiss. Large ones for a quarter at ell dealers. USIUOItNE A number o[ friends of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fietober of the 12th con- cession of t?sborne met at their resi dencc on Thursday evening of last week, the function being a reception in honor of their recent marriage. (Over 100 guests ewero present, in- cluding friends from Exeter, Eliin- ville, Winohelsea and Thames Road. The evening was spent in social en- joyment And the guests voted Mr. and Mrs. Fletoher excellent enter- taiuets. They were the recipients of many useful and .costly presents. HAY COUNCIL. Thio Council of the Township of Hay met in .the Town Hall, Zurich. on Wednesday. April 13rd. All the memb'rs were present. Minutes of previous meeting were trend and ad- opted. The Reeve and treasurer were em - Powered ley by-law to borrow- $500 for the police village of Zurich and $500 for the ,Township of liny to meet current expenses. Tho following .amounts were or- dered paid -11. Knlbfleisah, lumber, $24.74; E. Dodman, rep. bridge, L. It. $5.50; pea. Beaver, rep. culvert oon. 14, $2; J. Geiger, nails and work 75c.; E. Wurm, twork C. U. 75e. ; R. Goetz, lumber $4. The council adjourned to meet again on May lst, at 2 o'clock p. m. F. Hess, Sr.,s � Clerk e , 4 EDEN Mrs. S. Bunter is confined to the house through illness. Mr. Hinton hunter lost a valuable colt one day last week. Mr. Paul Coatea than purchasel a white shorthorn bull .from llarry Smith, n prize winner at the Clinton Stock al1Ow•• The Model Wife and Diamond Dyes. Set Diamond Dye heading. A model wife out realize Great benefits from D1 nmor af Dyes s No Ritter what her family's size She dollars waves by Diamond dyes She hippy rnake.a .her children's live, By often using .Diamond Dyes ; •t. time fast ' ht .s r r is .bel Her bow g flies, R0cv1s+• she 11904 'Diamond Dyes ; All other (lyrs Phe will despise, When 5111' 0111 buy the Dinmonsi Dyes; iter husband's coats, Testa, pant% and ties, Are soon renewed with Diamond T)•ves ; Site Callar5 wonder and surprise. Ily tinting walls with Diamond Dyers She often with the nrtiat vies, Ily coloring maps with Diamond I)yrs Ahc'a economical and Mise. Bemuse she uses Diamond Dyes ; Good nature sparkles in her ryes ; Because she's helped hy' Diamond Dyes. On every c.slor rhe relies. Made by the evondrous Diamond Dyes. 4 This month The \V.•ils & Richard• son Co.. Limited, Montreal J'• 0., will 5011d free to .any nddress new Diamond Dye Booklet and pretty Seutenir Card for baby. You should Groceries and Confectionery We have juhst put in a stook of Fresh Groceries. Fruits, Candies and Canned Goods. BREAD We also make first class bread. Give us a call. Levi S. Hamacher Baker and Confectioner. DASHWOOD — ONT. THE DASHW000 ROLLER MILLS I wish to announce to the public that I have purchased Mr. Eidt's in- terest in the Roller Mills and solicit your patronage. Vl e make a specialty of Family Flour. Try Our Graham Flour. All kinds of feed always on hand. Chopping Promptly attended to Highest Price Paid for Wheat. WM. EHLERS Plop. of Dashwood Roller Mills. STEPHEN COUNCIL The oouncil of the. Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, on Monday the 1st day of April 1907 fiat 10 a. an. All members were \present. The minutes of the prev- ious meeting were rend and adopted. \Vleblt(-Wuerth "That fly -Law No. 4 to authorize the Reeve and Treas- urer to borrow $5.000 from some chartered bank or other private per- sons to meet current expenditures until such time as the taxes are col- lected, being read +thee 3rd time, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk"—Carried. Saudors-\Vucrth—"That no action be taken in referenoe to the cony munication of W. R. Elliot to draw brick -bats on the 1st. S. ltd."—Car- ried. \Vucrth -Kellermann —"That the Clerk notify Russel H0(lden to re- move .his wood off Road allowance between Lots 15 and 16. Con. 17 and 18th on the 3rd 8. Rd forthwith and in the event of his neglect and re, fusel, the Council will order it to be removed and hold him responsible for the cost."—Carried. Wuerth-Sanders — That the Clerk correspond with the (Township of McGillivray .requesting them to rso arrange the Statute Labor Divisions on the Boundary between Stephen and McGillivray as to add all the lots the boundary to the respective divisions on Lhe town line."—Car- ried. Pursuant to the notice to the sup- porters of school (section No. 1 the petition to divide the sections into two sections was considered. There were £3 ratepayers present for and against. The Reeve requested 'those in favor of the petition to divide the 03aTOR2.>i _. sari iM Kind You Han Altta BOO effusive et Constipation Baked sweet apples, with some people` brie. prompt relief for Constipation. With 00 114 coarse all•wheat bread will have the same eeeel. Nature undonbeelly has a vegetable remedy t0 relieve every'atlinent known to man, if physicians can but end Nature's war to health. And this is strikingly true with regard to Constipation. The bark of a certain tree in eallfomla—(aa earn Sagrsda—offers a most excellent aid to tats end. But, combined with Egyptian Senna. Mire pery Elm Bark, solid Extract of I'rttnes, etc.. this same Camara bark 1s given ate greatest possible power to correct constipation. A toothsome Candy Tablet. called Lsx•eta, is now made at the Dr. Shoop Laboratories, from this Ingenuous and moot effective prescription. Its effort en Oonatl. Potion, Biliousness, Sour Ftnmach, Bad Breath. Ballow Complexion, etc., is Ind.ast prompt and satisfying. No griping. no unpleasant after effects are ex- perienced. and LAX -eta aro put up in beautiful lithographed metal bore. et 3 cents and 25 tents per box. ror something new, nice. eocoee:dad sad effective. try a box of t� ax etS W. S. HOWEYP In House Furnishings during April month. We have some extra values in CARPETS in Unions, Wools, Tapestry, etc. We have just received a shipment of Tapestry Carpets in Fawn, Green and Cardinal shade. Exquis- ite patterns, new 811(1 up-to-date and have nl.;trked them close to manufacturers prices. Alt widths in Floral and Tile ttezni. See Our Stockof Linoleums, Oil Cloths, &c, We handle Nairn's Scotch IFeleunas in the best quality. Lace Curtains In this department we have great bargains New patterns at from 25e to $6.00 per pair See our $1.00 and $1.25 line. They are specials. WINDOW SNADES—All Colors, plain, also trimmed with lace and insertion WALL PAPERS—A large stock to choose from l.t, right some lints Begular 25c for .Sc per double roll. C. ZW-ICKER, drediton • pl'V eS We are clearing out .A- Call Solicited Present section, to :address the coun- cil when Geo. Essery, Andrew Hicks Sam Davis, F. D. Abbott spoke in tnpport of the petition to change cedar Posts the section. Those opposed to the division of the Rchool section, pre -- 8011(0(1 a petition signed by 57 rate- • payers and on th(+half of the 1etition Hogan hicks, Sankey (,)Df W'e have a carload of Cedar Posts Hogarth and prank Dicks addressed the council. A doubt appeared Ito exist in the minds of the Council if the proposed new (section contained at 23c. at Exeter fifty children between .the ngea of five and twenty-one, whose parents or gu rdians reside in the pirovoscd 25c at Winchelsea - new ctiolt. Ke erma,ii --\\ ucrth — "That tlto matter of the petition of Andrew dicks and 40 others asking that pub- COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea • lie wilco! section No. 1 be divided into two sections be laic( over until the next Council meeting rind that in the meantime the Clerk write to Samuel Davis, one of the petitioners and asking him to furnish the Coun- cil with Statutory declaration:+ show- ing that there are 50 children be- tween the ages of 5 and 16 in the new section; ;end ithat the said dec- laration be filed 'with the Clerk be- fore May 6th., 1907. The following pathtnasters were appointee( for the present year.—W. Iiuxtable, Goo. Essery, Thos. Oliver, John Hackney, Henry ltowe, T. rM. Kay, Wm. Robinson, John Bowden, Thos. Welsh, Credic $tanlake, James Shapton, Wesley Dearing, I\Villiarrpp White, .1, R. 'Essery, le W. Bake!. Jacob Swweitzer, Ed Sweitzer, Chas. Box, R. Davis, S. Essery. Isaac Hill, John Fahner, Paul Shenk, John G. Wein, Frank G. Clat'ek, Win. Geiser. Chas. Eilber, Jacob Schwartz, John 11rokenshire, 'Moses :Amy, James Flynn. John Keyed, Thos. Mawhin- ney', Simon Hartmann. Sam •Beaver. Jos. Doyle, Theo ,Dietrich, \Vm. Wit- zel, Marcus Wild ,I1. L. Kraft, Ang- u's McCormick, tiros. Morrisey, \Vm, Smith, Fred Procter, Jos. Willert, l'Ed Ryan, Fred Geiser ,Thos. Webb, Philip Baker, Chidley Woodburn. Robert Stone, Thos. F'ollis, Abner Dollard, John Lynch, Lewis Adams, Wesley Willprt, S. 'W, Webb, Fred Ileintzman, Mr. Nickle, Janice Lovio, Fred Mason, David Wilson, Ed Gill, John Statton, Jepth Turner. Lewis Brinker, Henry Bartram, Angus l'atteraon, W. G. Reilly, John Hays, l'atrick Glavin. Geo. Steeper, Theo. Whiteside. Alex. Hudson, Fred Gruen Silas 8tanlake Jr., W. E. Sanders, Lewis Seder, Henry Kraft. tsar I3a- ker, Peter Sohruoder, .taco "'Weide, Conrad T. Wainer. Fence-viewers— Sidney Davis, Isaac Hill, Ezra Heist J'eter 'McKenzie, Geo. Mawthinney, Geo. Finkbeiner, John Love, Geo. Down, Austin Hayter. Pound -keep. ors—William Moffatt, Thos. Sheldon, Wm. I3, Geiser, 11. Cunningham, Jos. Hickey. Goo. Webb, Jos. Edwards, fihilip Baker, T. J. Amy, Christian Finkboiner, Wrn. Fritz, Fred Preeter Silas 'Stanlako Jr., ;Wm. Zimmer Al- bert Musser, Chas 11. Wilson. The following orders were pnseed— Mr. Niolkol Itep. culvert $1.50; Ad.. Feltner Rep. culvert C. ltd. $1.50; Chas Morrish Gravel 63.20; Cheater Prouty gratuity $25.00. Council adjourtted to meet again in the Town Hall Crediton, on Mon- day, May 6th., A. I). 1907 at 1 P. M. HENRY EILHER, Tp,-Clork, IJIDD(!LI'lt COUNCIL The Council tact pursuant to ad- journment on April let 1907, the Reeve and all the members. present. Mr. C. Tookey claimed $75 damaged for loss of a foal said to be occasion- SyQopls of the Co00dio0 NOflh Wes! HOMESTEAD REOt'LATiONS. AY men numbered rectioof IMminIon lands in n xanitolea, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting t1 and 20. not reserved, may he hnme•lea.kd hr any person who is the head of a fatuity, or any mate over 13 ye, es of age. to the extent of one-quarter section of trio acres, more or leis, Entry must be nude personally at the local land ofnce for the district in which the land is situate. The homesteader is required to pwrform the enn• ditlona connected therewith under one of the follow. Ing plarn:— (II At least it menthe re•ielrnee open and cult.• ration of the land in each tear for three) ears. (2) if the father for mother, if the father is de• eeaac"1) of the homeot railer residse upon a farm In the vicinity of toe land enterad for, the reylnremeu•s as to residence may be aatisfled by such person residing with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has ht. nnanent residenceupon land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the re luire•menta for to residence may be rationed by reat.lenee upon the said land, Six months' notice in ',tiling should 1.e given to the Cotnm+aioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa o1 intention to apply for patent. W. w, Ci'Ri', Deputy t , r of he Mini t r of he 1 p ) t n.erlor. N. R.—Cnaulhoriud pnblication of this *it enile- inert will not be paid for. aroid f'(oofihg I have just received a large shipment of Paroid Roofing, and as the time is drawing near when you will want roofing work done, I would advise you to call and select what you will want. Have on hand a number of mitts and gloves, which I am selling at wholesale prices. Come in and get a pair. All kinds of tinware on hand. W. Moore Kirkton. Paints and Varnishes� We handle only the Sherwin Williams Paint which has the greatest covering capacity of any paint made. All the leading shades in stock, also Varnish, Wood Stain, Aluminut and Gold Paint, Enamel, Buggy Paint &c, New Ginghams, Prints, Curtain Net, India Lawn (so much used this season for shad- ow embroidery) arrived this week. Choice Fruits and 8roceries B. W. F. BEAVERS, s Farquhar. e(1 by a defective part of the C. S. It. oppostie lots 25 and 28 con. f3th. Laid over until next meeting. Mr. A. Conor., of Granton, got per.. I/11391011 to pile brick and material ,rla 1 on Aide of street 'while building• • The following accounts were ord- ere(t to be told. T. S. Harleton rep. culvert Div. 3, $1.50; Colby Children Co. Grant $30.00; Express charges on auditor,( reports 25c.; II. J. Kuhn .Bal. for tile (Div. 5, $1.00; l', Middle tile le 11. Div. 5, $3.00; D. \Veltman tile I)iv. 3, $9.25; D. \Veltman tile Div. 4, $4.50;+ E. Hodgins et. rd. open- ing drifts Div. 1, $6.75; F. A. Ryan 1 dy on, Clandeboyn drain $1.50; F. !Cent rep. bridge d)iv. 2, $1.00: ,Jahn Birnpson spreading gravel Div. 12, $2.20: Jam. Denan (plank 4, and 5, $17.71; T. Ryder et. al. opening road 3, and 4, $4.75; J. Kennedy repair - big bridge 4, $1.50; Jabez Million error in dog ,tax $1.00; Jas. DcLe o rep. road 3, and 4, 2.00 • 1: Meredith $ rrdoth K. C. Legal services for 4 )fors $138 \Vm. Sovereign on acct. of Tp. print- ing $10.00, Thu council adjourned to meet on Mneday the 50 day of May A. 'D., 1907, at 10 A. M. S ••cial sheeting Ma rel, 19t)i., 1907 r70 Council met •tie county engin- eer, %tr. C. Talbot at the two North. ern bridges over the River Bauble on tate Ith rind 5th 00114.l,a. on the above (tate. It %Vete suggested by souse that the course of the rive,g� leo changed by dredging :t new oTi,rse along the the East Side of the road and 111 alibi way get rid of the two bridges but this was found impossible. from the magnitude of the nvork and the pri- vate interests involved. Another proposition was to devi- ate the roadway inking the left bank of the river and do away with the bridges in this .way, but in this too private rights placed a barrier in the way, that could not svell he overcome without n very Targe out- lay. It was finally agreed that the, bridges be rebuilt on the old site end that the courtly Engineer pre- pare plans and specifications for the work. The Clerk was instructed to forward a petition to the local legis- laturo praying that tho Muni• pall IAct be AO amended as to pmit e" Township councils to Essen a fir ,ited amount of debentures, for tlly con e i stt uctinn of permanent steel I- idgele wit% cement or stone abuttne its. W. ll. STANLEY. (ferk. Everybody y y Agrees that COD LIVER 011. and 18011 ora beyond question the greatest t3Ie& cines known. Then why does not everybody take Cod Liver Oil and Iron? Simply because most people cannot take the Oil and few can di1ggest the Iron in any ordinaryfottm. Tllesati difficulties have been entirely removed by the introduction of FERROL, in which the Iron is scientifically com- bined with tha Oil, rendering the Oil palatable and the Iron digestible. While FERROL is manufactured from the best quality of Cod Liver Oil (the whole of the Oil) and is richer in oil than any other emulsion, and while it contains just the right quantity of the best form of Iron 'tn(i Phosphorus, it is so scientifically prepared that not ontperson in a thou- sand finds •tny trouble in taking it, and infants digest it without difficulty. Moreover the well-established value of the Oil and iron is immensely enhanced by the process of manufac- ture, and as the formula is freely es - posed it is not to he wondered at that physicians everywhere have fully endorsed FERROL and need it largely in their practice. FERROL is invalo, able for the treatment of any kind Lure or Bronchial troubles, while for wasting diseases it no equal, and "You K What You Tao': W. 6, COLE. oRUfiaN'1', S ITE% 1