HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-11, Page 4. THE EXE ER TIMES, APRIL 11th 1907. 100D PURIFIER IND IONIC Perru's Blood Purilter and ~ Perru's Sarsaparilla The most efficient and reliable remedies for impure or impoverished blood, gen- erat debility, Rheumatism, Eczema and all diseases of the skin and blood. Sold only at BROWNING'S Drug Store -The Exeter Times Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. It radically cures all blood diseases, frnrn pimples to scrofula. It is the best remedy for catarrh, rheumatism and dyspepsia. At all times of the year It is the most widely useful medicine. These statements are confirmed dally by cured men and women. Over 40,000 testimonials recelv-ed in two years - an unequaled record 1 Insist on having Hood's and *e$ 11 today. 100 Doses One Dollar. SARE1'TA Mr. John Broderick while return- ing from Exeter n fete days ago ho sustained an accid.•nt which will con- fine hien to the house for a few weeks. IIe had delivered a load of hogs and before returning bad load - ad up with Balt and corn. The load USDO11NE was top heavy and lurched over throwing Mr. Broderick to the Over one hundred friend+ of Mr. grvun(t resulting in his ankle being W. E. McClocklin, of the 12th con• sprained. oeasioa sprung a surprise on blit on Rennie-Ilr•oderick nuptials. - A Thursday evening of last week by very quiet wedding was solemnized balling at his home for the purpose at the home of Mrd. A. Swaze. Lon - of bidding hirn farewell prior to his dan, on Thuaday evening March '28th leaving for Regina. Billy, os he is when her sister Laura Mao was un -' known was (born and rais- iced in marriage •to William A. Iter-, ed in this section and has a host of hie. of Ilay Township. The ceremony Irietete. %she could not see him leave was performed by ,Rev. J. J. Moss. Without showing some appreciation , The happy oouple evill live on Mr• of the many years of close friend- Rennie's farm near Blake. "1'reventics" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken at the sneeze stage. I'roventics cure seated colds as well. l'revcntics are little candy cold cure tablets. and Dr. Shoop, Racine, \Vis, will gladly mail you samples and a book on Colds free, if you will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early colds with l',reventics and stop pneumonia. Sold in .5c. and 25c. boxes by W. ti. Ifowey. Bean the The Kind You Hare Always Brit Signature of ship. After the last guest had ar- rived Archy McCurdy called the gen- ial Billy to conte forward and read to hint the address appended below. John Duncan and Semi ltoutly then banded hint a beautiful bold watch and an upholstered chair, presents from the many- friends. Mr. i3lc- Clockliu in a few well chosen }word., thanked the donors for the kind expressions accorded him and also for the vetch and ckair, which be would always keep 1 fond rn- tnhappy• emtt braces of the fauns' days spent in Usbourne. After the pres- e t talion :peeohes mere wade by and. ltoutly and Duncan McDougall of Comber. The floor eves ,then cleared and the light fantastic was tripped intil the "wee emit' hours." Mr. McClocklin intends leaving next week for his new home in the Nest. " Dear Billy, it is with feel- ings of sadness .mingled with regret that we your ifricnds and neighbors Lave assembled at your home to- night, on this elle eve of your de.- parture from our *midst. \Ve .have all been closely associated with you -e`! �C rebs S11I1'KA A very (Quiet ncedding took place at the home of Mr. Isaac Itestard one day last week, when his daugh- ter Annie teas wedded to .Mr. Louis Falmer. The best Wishes of their many friends go with the ,happy young couple on their journey through life. from early childhood and many haveAirs. S. Sweitzer entertained n been the pleasant hours spent to- number of friends one etenine last gether. You have bvn a true friend week. Ice lin m was served and ane '• hood neighbor and a desirable enloyablc time was a (eat. citizen. A man is only 't boy older Al numfrom .here attended the grown and we feel that we will sale of Sanumber m'1. Schroeder last week. miss you in our games and so- cial tuuusemeltls. In each and every o ne of our gamed you took your part well. Indeed your place.: will he shard to fill. As a master of your art eve have ample evidence,on every band, because few of us have build- ings which you did not erect. As we look at these itititdi tiffs our hearts will be filled with gratitude for the epleudidstructures you have left be- hind. \V0 feel that we cannot let this opportunity pass without express ingto you iu some tangible way that we appreciated your company nod therefore we now task you to accept this watch and choir as a small token of the esteem in which you and your fancily are held by us. \\e trust FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS that1. ill not cherish these for AN Oen AND WsCeL-TRIZP ItYNKI)T.-Mea their intrinsic value but that they Wlnslow'syySorthing Strap hag been used to will always be [held :Is a mennento over rat yearwhile tbytmillions iethmothers for the,. rfect aucee.si of the days 'spent in I'Iugtown• In It tootheetheoh'Id, soften. thegu allaysar going to your ,Western home youprin cores wind eollc. and le the beet remedy carry with you the very best Niches For Diarrheas. It t+ pleasant to the taste. Sold of the entire community and where. bydrnaalste to every part of the world, f@ mita ft tt1e. Its value Is htcalenlable, He ever your lot inlay be cast wo wish sure and tate Mrs \VInelow'a Soothing you and your children nothing but flyrupsodask for no other kind. success. Signed on behalf of your Guaranteed under the Food and friends Apt a ith 1907. S. H. ltoutly Drugs Act, lune 30th, 1!106. Serial A. 3.1cCurdy, John •Duncan. Number 1095. Miss Mabel Elsie, ,who.was engag- ed as dining room waiter at the !Cen- tral. has returned to her [tome at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ifaiist, of Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sw'eitzer. - A few of our sports spent a ple;te- ant evening in .3funcey'tow•n with friends last week. Mr. Daniel Gower, of Dashwood, is moving into our burg this week. Mr. Edwin Feltner. of .Crediton, visitN[ relatives here last week. Mrs. Switzer and her two [laugh, ter; Martha and Ida called on friends in Dashwood one day last week. GROWING OLD 111•:l'ORF: S UOIt TIME. Broken in spirit •weak in body, nervous and disooura,a d. 4oute- thinK a ron is . tend each day eves K jou failing away. Just one thing to - It ul t '1' o u. n F• r - do Id t o d this t (r o 1 h.1t • t •t t�, Appetite Eon , n'c it t t, c o f t it 1 why it makes you eat tremendously Digest indeed you veil. Itioh trod blood will carry nourishment to nil the corners of the body. tired organs take on new lif.•, color Apirit and nnthiti• ii are restored. Perfect nein- Loud .rad abounding he•Ilth is the unfailing prcduct of lerrozonc-try it, 50c. t'er box everywhet-c. For the Children T^ succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. I -low is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The rbil(r.n cannot possibly have geed melte tn.... the h. "els $rem ,roper condition. (`or- rra an r• r.'•1{'% Ion br gi Tlna an:Alt I.I*IIre do.•4ofAye('aiVO'.AIt vepaabla,sagafeoS (*1. Notorroodonowouielk /NOM IAds bT y. O. L er Ce.• tow.tt. lra..- A so Iaana tans. of qe �V GOFRRYUPBCTOIItAL. We boy. no scoriae? W. plenatt th. Torino:al of a:1 our ..lista... i:11 ON Mr. Jaynes Beattie returned home Inst week from .a trip to the North West %%here he .recently took n shipment of horses. He intends to key.. 1 nut in a few t%crkA and twill take two carloads with hien. Geo. Earthing will accompany Trim. .ir. J. O'Brien. 1 «•h s has a 0 always anile and is always ready to assist neighbors. last Saturday eras help - in' Air. Sutherland to cut his next winter's supply of wood. \r. tImer of Sioux Fillv ,5 D. is the guest of her sister .Mrs. Silas Shier. Mr. John i'crry last Neel; cont. ;'tete([ connecting the telephone Poles with conductor wire. Work 011 the prupo ed new lines will commence at one'. Mr. Fletcher Switzer Ie,ft hst Sat- o is rd [r tr1, .1 nom as A lk Mrs. O' N"e' Z - It (r 'eft on Tue.sd iy. Mr. Will llazelssoo(1 hiss resigned es miller at the grist trill and will lr• u c " ^ by 1 t 1 oungPton. of Metropolitan. 31r. dlazIewc • in- tent+ going back to his olu trade that of mason. Air, Geo. Fertbini; resigned his 1'9+ition :it the mill on Saturday night. Teo C. 1'. R. officials were dere the other diy looking over the ground tot the etopos,•d route of the St. Marys & Western Ontario Railway. Miss Dorothy- White, of Exeter, was the guest of i:th.'I Atkinson a few days last w,•ck. Mr. and Mrs, \V. Atkinson ottend• c.! the 25th %%etldinK anniversary of 1.1r. and Mire. Harnett in Blaneleird on 1•'ridty night of last ne"k. For Ca tarrh, let me send yon free just to prove its merit, a '11 i ,l Rax of 1)r. Shoo;•'s Catarrh Remedy. it is a snot% %%bite, creamy, healing antke ptic 1,:+1111 that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the now, and throat. ,flit:, the free test and we. Address i►r. sheep, Racin,. 1Wis. Large jtr. 50c. Sold by \V, S. How- ey. CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of acir-find has been nude under his per- ��9s�i conal supervision since its infancy. • Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Wornlg and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacea-The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMP*NV. TT Muee.T NtW VON CITY. . HURON LIVE STOCK SIIOW. Clinton, April 5. -highly !success- ful in every way way the Huron Co. Live stock Exhibition Jield hero to- day. Besides the visitors to ;the show, several thousand strong, there were a large number of buyers pres- ent. and considerable stock changed , reason, mothers and others should hand.. Below will bo found a list insist on having Dr. Shoop'S cough of prize -winners. Clyde Stallions curd No poison marks on 1)r. 3 years and -over-J. IE. Brooks 1, Shoop's labels -and clone in the mole W. Forsyth 2, J. Licper 13. Stallions icine, else itmust by law be( on the 2 years and under -Thos. IngleS 1, label. And it's not only safe but it James Ilorten 2. Shire !stallions 3 is said to bo by those N'Iio know it years and up -1I. Nott. l'eroheron best a truly remarkable trough rem - stallions 3 years -Fred Davis 1. i ody take no chance, particularly Heavy draughts brood snares, 3 yrs.' with your children. Insist on hav- and up-Aleti! Innis ,l. John Denholm ing Dr. Shoop's cough cure. Cent - 2, Thomas Dlcblullan'3. Brood mares pare carefully the Dr. Shoop pack - 2 years and up -Alex. Innis 1, Mich- age with others and see. No poison and Illake 2, James Ilorten (3. Go!- marks there! You can always be dings. 3 years and up -Thos. McMul-;.on the safe side by demanding Dr. Ian 1. Sid Smith 2. W. J. !Elder Jv Shoop's cough cure. Simply refuse Geldings 2 years and under - Geo. 1 to accept any other. Sold by W. Trozer 1, Sid ?smith 2, 1t. Blake 13.1 Howey• Team in harness -Thos. McMillan Li J. and N. Fair 2. John Denholm. '3. Family of four colt; 1906 -Alex. Innis. J. Liberian. Agricultural team in harness -P. II. 1'etrio 1, J. Itansford 2. Alex. Innes 3. Brood mare; ,t years and up -John Itabs- ford 1, Angus McLeod 2, Alex. Innis 3. General purpose team in harness James Eirster 1, II. .Tackson 2, 1'. iI. Petrie 3. Hackney stallions - Thos. Shipley 1st, Fred 'Davis 2nd. Itoadster stallions 16 hands and over Govenlook Moe. 1, 1'. ii. Petrie 'lad. Stallions 16 hands rind under .3 years Peter Scott 1, H. McPhail 2, George To the Times. Henderson '.h. Single horse in liar- 1 have had the endless r doss 15 1-2 [hands- .T. ..McNaughtonI rati'er- 1, J. Boffin L'. Saddle horse -l'. li. E ohain sent to mo twice and I believe Petrie 1, 1'. 11. i'etrie L. Tearn 111 Larne.+s 15 1-2 ,hand; and over -Chas. Walker 1. James Jones 2. Single Pacer in harness -Peter Scott 1, li, Davis 2. Roadster team under 15 1-2 hands Hagan 11ros. 1. Team road- sters under 15 1-2 hands -1'. 11. Pet- rie 1, J. Cornish 2. High jumping - 11. 1'. Petrie 1, II. Petrie 2. Short- horn hulls '3 years rind over -.1111111213 Snell 1. Bully 12 years and under - Cowan 1, E. ,Wise 2. hulls 1 year and under -Jahn'. Mclntosll 1, .lashes Snell 2, harry Smith 3. Cows 3 yrs. and over -Harry Smith 1, II. (Smith ►2 ,lames, Snell 13. heifers 1 year old Harry Smith 1, Barry ''Smith .tau. Snell .hr(. Heifere 2 t el -lnr r Y Smith Smith 1. .lames Snell 2. Ilarry 3. Polled Angus bull 2 years - Joltn Ransford 1. Polled iAngus bull 1 year -Lorne Butts 1. here - [Ord bulls 1 year -Sheppard Dale 1. Dairy oaws-Mrs. .1. Fair jun. 1. Eat heifers-Jarnea Snell 1. The News -No pure drug oough Cure law's would be needed, if all cough cures were liko Dr. Sltoop'tt cough cure is -and has been for 20 years. The national law now re- quires that if any poisons enter into A cough mixture, it must be print, ed on the label or package. For this Auction Sale -of- THE no SONS BANK OPERA HOUSE BLOCK,• (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1860 IN IIENSALL. ` CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• Under and b virtue of tl.e powers 1 RESERVE FUND .. • 53,000'000 00 y 46 [tranches to Ontario. Quebec. Alberta British Columbia and M iditols contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale EXETER BRANCH there will be offered for sale by public Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. 11. to 3 r. a1. except &Litoday 10 a. M. to 1 r. se. auction on the premises 00 Formers' Bale Notes cashed or collected. Forme supplied Un - THURSDAY. MAY 2nd. A. I)„ 111)i on appplication. DRAFTS on au points in the Domtaloo. Great Britain and Un- ited Meese, bought and sold at lowest rates of exchange. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of 1s11.00 and upwards received. Interest com- pounded HOUSE BLOCK estacurrentaroai of interest allowed. and added to etpal. Deposita Receipts also issued and high - OPERA made to farmers stock dealers and business men at in the Village of Bengali, [tying part lowest rates and oe most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dom. Government. of Lot number Two hundred and twen- Dickson do Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U RDON, Manager ty-flve in Moir's Survey in the said NN Village more particularly described as follows: -Commencing at a poit.t on the Northerly limit of said Lot num- ber Two hundred and twenty-five and The Uzborne and Hibbert distant forty-one feet and nine inches from the North-west. corner or angle Farmer's Mutual Fire lnsur of said lot; Thence Southerly parallel ante Gompanu to the Westerly limit of said Lot Two hundred and twenty -live to the South- erly limit of said lot; Thence Easterly along said Southerly limit Twenty- seven feet and six inches; Thence Northerly parallel to the Westerly limit of said lot Two hundred and twenty-five to the Northerly limit of said lot; Thence Westerly along the said Northerly limit twenty-seven feet and six inches to the place of begin- ning. SALE IREGISTEIR Thursday, April 18th., auction sato of household effects and stock at Woodham hotel at one o'clock. 1', J. IIi;hon Prop. Jos. White, Auct. C7 Ara TO3E1.IAL. . Bear, Ow The Kind You Han Allays Bought Signature of NEEDLESS I':xl'F:NDiT1'R1':. at the hour of Two o'clock in the af- ternoon by B. 8. Phillips. Auctioneer. the property known as the that the person thatis claimed to be its author, Bishop Laurance, some time ago disclaimed to be its author Did you readers ever think of the unreasonableness of the thing and the enormous expense it entail; 011 the public, without but little or no benefit? 1s it reasonable to have to do a certain thing that is flung upon you by any Berson in the 11111012 of religion or else you Ore threaten- ed 5%ith certain punishmcutt Ile who will not .write this prayer will Ire afflicted by :some misfortune and it has to bo done nine times, pad mending - g o no caoh day g commencin on the day leceiv('d to nine different Persons. on When we look rel it we think it ul not :strange thellsho, dis:tcknoelcdged much an unintelligi- ble, interutittina, promiscuous piece of hitchers-, which to any thinking mind is most ridictllou., and atom] 1. Na doubt many who write it, do it 014 a piece of diversion. and others possibly do it sincerely. \Vitt theme tho.+e (5110 read the4 thir(k of the A SUGGESTION OF ItAlLE VALUE vast %vaste to little or no purpose? (nit 111) 1 11e it the ch:lin 1. net broken until after the tenth i.+Aur• A dise(Ised condition of the sur- counting the first tetter sent as No. [:Ice.+ of the ;lir passages cause bad 1, (ten the 'No. 2 %%hien would he r enth t more sonorel v en aiet 11 e lettere O^a tl h the !-ender c1- lt - es (rola indite. stion or,.11110:1,1";n ipu ro leen cents for ,postage 0n(1 ,line cents cundiliott of the blond. ! Alatiu11:11}' 111:1).illg 27c. '['hen the of casco prove that Dr. Ila mitte' n's i teeth s em,. would cost the mend er s l'ills through thU'rspecific action the tn tmo+ sum of �Io,. L3,3(L5) on the seetretory and (+lintinativ(• er• and 1111. aright be done in about six gars, not only cure bad breath, hut 111 . Surely it k 0111fluty to turn so thoroughly purify the (•y.+t.•lu this imul:'n:+e !..11 111 •tn n better use that anything! suggestive of .bloat con+idering the nature :Ind meaning nr sligestive 11'o0b1(.3 14 intloAAihl•'• of he :11 (iets for it i+ not only Through i)r. Hamilton's ['ills the foolish het absolutely niceed and it skin grove. 1 oes- 111141 chef. activity i+ (11f• dilly of every flue n b.) cultl14 of the body and mind increases, awl in contact with it to discountenance bounding health is established, sunt :eel destroy them. everywhere in 2 rc. I) be i, C. IF YOU ARE " ALWAYS TARING COLD" it shows that the throat Is.en•itive en.l bronchial tubes weak. Make thein well an 1 strong with Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam it heals irritation and inflammation -strengthens the '�' •! • membrane of throat and lungs -and not only cures coughs. le but oleo protects you against catching another cold. ss cents 0 bottle. At druggist.. w NATIONAL DRUG a CHEMICAL CO., UNITEDLONDON, ONT. TERMS Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days there- after without interest. For further particulars and condi• Lions of sale apply to. B. S. Phillips, Auctioneer. Barristers, Ifensall, Ont. Exeter, Ont. Dated at Exeter, this Tenth day of April, A. D. 1007. Gladman & Slanbilry, Canadian Inventor's Experience INTERESTING INCIDENT BY A FAMOUS PATENTEE Mr. \Vm. Wilson. of Craigio Villa, London, Ontario, the inventor of the Wilson Fruit Case, now adopted by the Canadian Government, tette nn interesting experience which shows the healing and antiseptic value of 'lam-Buk the herbal balm. Ile says :- "I had two poisoned woun(IA 011 ray leg evicich were very sore rand inflamed. They caused me much pain and suffering, and although I tried several salves they refused to heal. Zell:01uk was recommended, applied some. It acted splendidly and in a very (Short time healed the wounds. "At another time I sustained a nasty cut. Zara-Iluk took away the soreness almost instantly rind goon closed and healed the wound. I have also used Zam-Iluk for other injur- ies, and I have no hesitation in ex- pressingr my high opinion of its value It is, without doubt. rt splendid household balm 1" Zam-Iluk cures blood Poison, cuts bruises. old wounds, running sores ulcers boils. spring eruptions, scalp sores, eczema, itch, barber's rash, burns. soelds and nll skin injuries and diseases. All druggists and diseases. All druggists and stores sell at fifty cents a box. or front '/,am-13uk Co., Toronto, for prior. Remember, ti is purely herbal! "Mamma, did you ever flirt when you were a zirl?" "Yes. my dear, I did oit:e." "And were you punished for it?" "It led to my marriage with your father." CENTRAL STRATFORD., ONT.✓ Was established twenty years ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known Commeroial Colleges in the province. The demand upon tie o n for c mmercialP tenth rsan t ( i t office assistants ants Rreatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to frau n Irl Ile e 9 are Sind ht CI enter• i ing each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOT & MCLACiI i.AN. i'i'in(•ipals. ,..4-..-+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Costs a little more at the start but saves in the long run, because vastly su- perior ill construction -- exterior and interior -a piano that lasts. 'That's what people say of the HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANO (3Fru1e by \'e 01de Firms of 1Ieintzutnn R Co., Limited) And the people speak knowingly and wisely. S. MAkTIN & SON Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres. W. II. PASSMORE, Farquhar. Vice -Pres.: -J, L. RtSSELL. RCBBiu LDALE. P. O. DIRECTORS. Wm. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0 WM. BROCK \VINCHELBEA P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0 ,ROBERT NORRIS, St.affa. AGENTS. JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent for Usbor-n0 and J3iddulph. OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treae. Farquhar GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitor. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to issue a new Telephone Directory For the District cf Western Ontario, including the Village of Exeter Orders for new connections, changes of tir•tn names. changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should be handed in to the local Manager AT ONCE. A. MARCHAND, Local Manager. Facts That Point to FlNures - That a complete practical business education rays is an accepted fact. That The Western Business and Shorlliooll College 110 Dundas Street:London Is the best place to obtain it, is a de- monstrated fact. That our professional staff, courses of study, methods of instruction. high standard for graduation, are unsur- passed, is an acknowledged fact. t [That now is a good time to enter is a present fact. al,zl':AN 3 re ':If For catalogue and special informa- tion address. W. C. Coo. C. S. R. President. Hi hest Price Cash FOR (ill kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse flair. Steel stone boats, Uoule• iron posts. .. yarding, 11 o Sell or exchange for the abovegoods. � M. Jason & Soo near the old market Main St. Exeter S. S. NO. 4. STEI'IiEN. The follow ing is the correct re- port of the !standing of the 1r(IPiis of 8- S. 'No. 4 81epheh. N:IInes ((ro V' -G a •s ' S I I.d nest r i order o[ I 1 ) (l Kestle, Sybilla Aiorlock, h . 111', Nellie Arty, Minnie Keetle, 3ler- tu'r Eilber, Herbert Wein, Beulah Smith, Harry Schwartz. Int. 1V - Lorrte Mor lock, Leonard Schroeder. Alvin Cornish, Arva lirokenshire, Clarence Either, Edwin Wein, Her - Kraft, Oscar Cornish. Jr. IV -Otto Brown, Mabel Coxworth, Mildred Klumpp, Clinton Brown, Mervyn lirokcnshire. Gordon Cornish. Shill, ;Schwartz, Ertlerdott Schroeder. Jr. til, -Lulu Nestle, Aarorl \\sin, 1L1 Lilber, Clara Wein, Lltlrll Srnith, 1•:11x. t .110y, Emerson Jtoeszler. .1 r. II -Clinton Morlack, .10+,.ph ilroken- , s1(ite, Edwin Cornish, Ernerson Wein, 'tertyn Cnxworth, .101e1.11 Schwartz, ,1 tone Aubin. 111. C. .lerutisoti, '1'en3lier. - DENTAL DIt. A, R. KINSMAN, L. I). 8., D. D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Main street-E%ETER. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8. D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's. Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. MIDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D., M. .0 . P. S., Graduate Victoria Un realty. office and reeideneoce. Dominion Laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. DR.A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- e and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A. R011ins. Office Main street. Residence. east on first street north of Post Office, Exeter Ontario. DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 39f< Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 1626, Long distance connection. Special attention given diseases of women and. surgery. Oxford or C. P. It. Street Cars 10 Colborne street take you alnioet to the door. No other city office. Special Hospital and other arrangements for patients from a distance, J LEWIS THOMAS • Civil Engineer & Architect (Latetepartment of Public Works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterworks System wharves, Bridges and Ite-enforc•ed concrete, Phone 2220 London Ontario HONEY TO LOAN We haven unlimited private funds for invest neeen of !nearest. or village trot7erty ab lowee DICKSON & (CARLING Exeter WILLIAM BROWN, PROF. Dip - Lost A OF ROYAL. INCORPORATED• SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS, ENGLAND. Organist of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter. Plano, Organ, i1armony and Theory of Music, Terns on Application. • Exeter, Ontario. AUCTIONEER B. S. Phillips, Licensed Auct loneer for the County Euro,,. Charges moderate, All conmtunicatiohli teased to B. S. Phillips, IIe n salt, or orders left a es Office sill receive prompt attention. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers Solicitors, Notaries ()pave aacere' Commleetonen. RoUc1tore for the sateen.. Bank, Ebo. nosey toLoaa at lowest rates oh lateen. OFFICE t -MAIN STREET, Kamm 1. CARtnta 8. A. L. H. o1OtsoW (`IONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private hands tO• can onfarm and village properties at lowrate (MADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solloftore. 111 F , NMI S HARDY, AUCTIONEER, for' • the County of Huron. All orders promptly attended to if left at the Times office or his store. FRANK BALLANTYNE Licensed auctioneer for Counties. of Huron and Perth. Special attention given to farms stock sales. Town and village pro. perty sold by auction on moderate commissions. Orders may be left at the Timett office or at resident*. •F,llmville. Cbnr, es moderate. ***MN ••• ••••• ***NO 1 Dianioo�s! We make a special- ty of a $25 Dia- mond Ring. It is Exceptional Value We carry a very large stock of ♦ Cut Glass Ebony Goods Sterling Silver Geode Solid bold Rings Watches, Clocks, Etc. Our repair department is in the hands of Experts. C. H. WARD & CO. :al itichmond St. LONG L 0111. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦•♦NN♦•♦N• OwesDa„' Mlles rT.k. Laxative BromBromQuinine Tablets. �4Wrg,.. Seem es bane seed Ie Mit 12 woods.This pre, • boat. ZSo. To cure a Cold in One DayTwo 1 ''s