Exeter Times, 1907-04-11, Page 3YOUNG
Ellen is an orphan girl about eight
years old. She lives with her Aunt
hunt hi a 1911e town on Ding !slued.
At Aunt Birth has no children of her
own, Ellen is ulone a gLod deal, but site
is u brghl, iniaginteive child, and she
holds ,,luny funny co nversutions with
her dolls and the cat.
The two bronze warriors on the parlor
)mush() she calls "David and Goliath."
`Th'se figures are the same size to or-
fLnery c.b,crvers, but nut to Ellen. The
soldier wish the cross -bow is little
Daviel, while his outupanien with the
ewor<1 and shield is big Goliath.
Among Aunt Ruth's treasures Ls an
old-fashioned oak cabinet with glass
doors. 7'h.• uppl r shelves of this clo-
set are tilled with little cups and o u-
eers, china dulls, visas and other knick-
knacks. Tnere is a china Bo -Peep along
Side of a sheep bigger than herself, and
next the sheep sounds a Chinese -idol
with a movab'e head. Ito -Peep and the
Chinaman are Ellen's favorites. - When
Aunt Ruth, once a .nionlh or so, dusts
out the cabinet, she puts all the figures
on the centre table. Then it is that
Ellen holds close communion with her
crockery friends.
. "What a strange chilli you are, CI-
ien,"`her aunt once said; "you talk to
that image as If it were alive."
"1 attlf.*iling Bo -Peep what 1 have
tW6been learning at school. • She under-
stands me. Don't you, Bo -Peep? See,
01* " the f hInantan understands me, too,"
and Ellen laughed merrily as she gave
him a shake.
One afternoon, Ellen, going into the
parlor, noticed the key In the closet
door. This was something unusual, for
Aunt Ruth was very particular about
kecp!ng the cabinet locked for fear el
accident to her precious china. The
temptation to open the cabinet was ir-
"Now I shall have a good long taik
with Ito -Peep," said Ellen to herself. "I
don't think aunty will be very angry if
1 open it."
• Ellen opened the closet and a babel
of voices fell on her ears. "Oh, what a
fib." "No, it ain't." "Yes, it is." "Ile
fold a lie," and other exclamations were
what she heard.
"What is all this about, Bo -Peep?"
Ellen asked,
"i1e land a lie," answered Bo -Peep.
"N,', I didn't," cried the Chinaman.
"Keep Mill, all of you," said Ellen,
sternly. "Let i ne hear what Bo -Peep
has to say."
"We were all playing at telling our
ages," 'Said 13" -Peep, "acid (he idol said
)w, wns a Ihousan l years old, and carne
froin China."
9 ant a Monsen(' years old, and 1
cughl to know best where I came from,'
said the idol.
"Keep still, or I'll turn your face to
the wall," said Mich. "Go on, Bo -
"Ile isn't any older than. 1 nen, and
me caste from Germany, like I did. Look
en itis back rend you will see. 'Made
In Germany.'"
Ellen took down the Chinaman and
turned him over. She rend, "Made in,"
easily enough, but the last word was
too Hutch for her. "'G-e-r-In-a-li-y,'what
%teat does that spell?" she asked.
"Chinn," cried the idol, with all the
assurance of n genuine Chinaman mak-
ing out a laundry hill.
"Nb, it doesn't," screamed Bo -Peep.
"It's Gerrnnny. Take nuc down and you
will see the sane on my back."
Ellen took Bo -Peep from the shelf and
saw the sante inscrig tion of her back.
"You naughty Chinamen, you have
told n fib. Aren't you ashamed of your -
IOU?" said Ellen, giving him n shake.
The Idol nodded his head, which
deemed to please Ellen, for she said, In
a kinder tone: "Nov. go back in your
'sate and play siren
, without quarrel-
ling about your ages. Conic.. Bo-Peep,
}II lell you a nice li story the teacher
10141 us to -day, aloof '
"What's this?" cri Mint flulh, corn-
ing into the room. "You naughty girl,
how dare you take these things out of
the closet? Where did you get the key?"
"Oh, aunty, the key was in the lock;
1 just owned it to Inik to Bo -Peep,"
snld Ellen, l'cginning to ery.
"Well, well, child, don't cry. But yon
must never do Ih it again. These are
all ke'pcnkes, and 1 would not have one
d.t Reran broken for nnything."
"Net er 1011'1, Ro-Peep," Ellen whis-
reel through the keyhole,
r' 1 tell you
the story the next time aunty dusts the
A Secret Compact Which Supersedes
Triple Alliance.
1I Malone of Naples prints n lengthy
interview by its special correspondent in
London with n British statesman who. in
allirntnlinn of King Edward's notable
allu•'on to Italy ns Britain's ally in his
speech at the lecture by the Duke of the
Abruzzi, slates That it is a fact in n literal
This secret alliance, It is staled, covers
all cases affecting Mediterranean inter-
ests as well as problems nrising nut of
European influence in northern Africa.
Should complications prise Italy's obli-
gations in virtue of the triple nllinnce
would be subordinnlevl to her alliance
with Great Britain. in fact, the Inller's
direct parlicipalkm in continental poli-
tics has already brought about an trio
pnrtnnt no lilleatk)n in Inc text of the
triple alliance itself, so that the hypo-
theticnl clause about aggressive war
egainal France Is new (l.'leled.
Furthermore, the likelihood of unrest
in the near future in ,.re Levant result-
ing upon the deaths of the Emperor
1 raneis Joseph and the Sultan of Tur-
fs y' hoe sol been lost sight of, in'olting
it would concerted plans between the
wflnlinn and British Admiralties similar
M that prearranged in the case of France
••• ••v- Admiral Fuur'nier and the Brt-
li' fact Lord of Ihe admiralty --o naval
1 ' it is added. indeperetent of the en.
1. n'e continue. The.. interview is provok•
Inti much conl:nenf,
flelirrd leiter carrier* should he Chu;
Weed as po:l•gradunIes.
Nature Needs Assistance In Making
hew Health -Giving Blood. 1
Spring is the season when your sys-
tem needs toning up. In the spring you
,,lust have new blood just as the Trees
must have new sap. Nature demands
it Without new blood you will feel
weak and languid; you may have twing-
e, of rheumatism or neuralgia, occasi-
onal Headaches, vuriuble appetite, pint•
pies or eruptions of the skin, or a pale
pasty complexion. '1licse are sure sign
that the blood is out of order. A tonic
is needed to give new energy. Dr. Wil-
liams' I'ink ('ills are the best tonic in
alt the world. They make new, rich
blood—your greatest need in spring.
'they clear the skin, drive out disease,
and slake lir. d depressed sten and tvo-
nten bright, active ami strong. Mrs.
John McAuley, Duuglastown, Que.,
pries; the great value of 1)r. \\'illiants'
Pink l'ills in building up people who
have been weakened and run down. She
says: "I)r. Wilifarus' fink fills have
been of great help to ate. My blood
was weak and watery and 1 was badly
fun down. But through the use of the
pills my health was fully restored. I
always recommend anent to my friends
who inay be ailing."
There are fraudulent Imitations of Dr.
Williams' I'ink ,Pills, and to protect
yourself seg` that tete full name, "Dr.
Williams' Pink l'ills for I'ale People" is
printed on the wrapper around each
box. 1)0 not lake any other so-called
pink pills. If your dealer has not got
the genuine serol to The 1)i. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out., and get
the pills by mnil at -50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2.50.
When Aunt !fitly began to ask ques-
tions site kept at least one person em-
ployed with little chance for any other
word than direct answers.
"\\'huts become o' that likely kitten
you had last time 1 was here?" she de-
manded of h'•r small nephew. "I hope
she wasn't poisoned like that other one
you had two years ago, was she?"
"Oh, no'in, she--"
"Was she drowned, then?"
"No'nl, she—''
"Oh, no'm, she—"
"Well, 1 should like to
made you give away such
"Wo didn't; she—"
"Well, what's happened to her? Speak
up, boy."
"S -s -she's growegl Into a cat!" gasped
the small nephew, stammering in his
know what
a handsome
"With a box of Baby's Own Tablets
on hand 1 feel just as safe as if 1 had
a doctor in the house." This is the ex-
perience of Mrs. John Young, Auburn,
Ont. Mrs. Young adds:—"I have used
the Tablets for teething and other trou-
bles of childhood and have never known
there to fail." Hundreds of other mo-
thers are just as enthusiastic in their
praise. Colic, indigestion, diarrhoea,
worms, constipation and other little ills
are speedily cured by this medicine. 1t
is absolutely safe—always does good
—cannot possibly do harm, and you
have Itte guarantee of a government
analyst that the Tablets contain no opi-
ate or poisonous soothing sluff. Sold
by medicine dealers or by mail al 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
There is no love without duly.
Conduct is crystallized character.
A living faith puts fajta into living.
Rich living oflen ninkes thepoor life.
Sow helpfulness and you reap happi-
He who
Most of
w ort•y.
Work for
your Father.
Credulity stands and
Marls nut end works.
Many fall because They plan on mak-
ing post -preparation.
A tin link; makes a fine trap for n guru
lc get tangled up in.
The poorest use of bine Is to spend it
s'iinting the, minutes.
The heart easily is convinced by the
eloquence of living love.
Ile darkens his omit way who makes
light of the troubles of others.
Ninny mistake their verbal
for their resources of virtue.
No institution makes itself sacred by
labeling all olt►cts as secular.
Life always is a dull grind lo the mnn
who Ihinks only of his own grist.
11 lakes the base line of two worlds to
gel a correct elevation on any life.
(leaven cannot hear the prayer for the
poor that has 110 effect on my store.
cannot learn has ceased to
our weakness comes from
your fellows is worship of
wonders; faith
The only melhou some people have of
raking the wind is by blowing up (heir
The only lime some folks think of giv-
ing it cup of cold water is when it gets
dawn below zero. -
Health is n large part of happiness and
happiness is health, while both are es-
sential to holiness.
The most heavenly pictures seen on
earth are Igen and women doing com-
mein lot ing kindne.scee.
164tit E NO. 14-- V.
Pennsylvania Shoemaker's Discovery
—More Warmth Its Ashes Thun
In Anthracite,
\\'11.1e sitting at Itis bench eking out
it living with hammer and awi, John
!Meow, a cobbler of Altoona, l'ennsyl-
vcttia, for twenty years has been re-
volving in his brain a problem that Ile
has finally solved to his own satisfac-
Cou, and That apparently is destined to
revolutionize the question of producing
heat. Elhnor'e says he has discovered
a mettnel of making ashes burn, and a
practical demons'ralion has convinced
fernier sceptics. Elinloro not only makes
ashes burn and produce heat, but he
produces considerably more heat from
n given quantity of ashes than can be
obtained from the same amount of pure
bituminous or anthracite cont. At the
plant of the Citizens' Electric Company
he the other day wits ntloltetl ono et
ten betters, and with Three bushels of
a -lies he produced more heat than was
oblalncS from the other nine. '1'tris de-
monstration was witnessed by several
hundred persons.
F.11more is carefully guarding his se-
cret, and has applied for patent rights.
Ilia process is very stipple. Ile takes
ten parts of ashes to one part of coal
and over this sprinkles a 'small quanti-
ty of a compound which causes the
cornbustk)n. Ile says that for 25 cents
sufficient of this compound can be pre-
pnred to last an ordinary family one
winter, wi'h a coal consumptinn of less
than one ton. In his shop he has used
less than half a ton of coal this inter,
and lie declares that a ton will last him
two years.
When he opened the doors of tho boil-
er in which his compound was burning
the other day, spectators gazed upon n
lire that glowed brilliantly and had a
bluish tinge. A lump of conl was sur-
rounded by ashes and the ashes glowed
like a bed of burning anthracite. There
was apparently ne diminution in the
amount of heat during the several hours
flint the demonstration continued. Ell -
more says his discovery was not nn ac-
cident. His father before him had con-
ceived the possibility of obtaining hent
from ashes, but had not lived to demon-
strate it.
The younger Ellmore hna besn ex-
perimenting for niore than twenty years,
and it was abnnt eight ntnnths ago that
h•` finally obtained the right solution.
Before giving his secret to the world
Pinion, demonstrated time and again
11s pr'aelicability, and was satisfied af-
ter tie had made less than a half ton
tf coal produce more heat than he here-
tofore had obtained from ten or fifteen
tons of coal that lie held probnbly the
greatest discovery that has been made
in a century.
"I say, auntie, uncle said this morn-
ing that there wasn't another woman
like you in the world."
"Al, the dear fellow ! Did he really,
"Yes, and lie said it was a Jolly good
job, too."
Prominent 1anagn's Telling
Mr. D. R. Gourley, advertising men.
ager for the well-known piano lirm of
Gourley, Winker & Leeming, Toronto
and Winnipeg, Is amongst the promin-
ent men and women who testify to
'LanrBuk's great curative power. Ile
orates to the Company as follows:
"Gentlemen, --1 have pleasure in slat-
ing that upon the recuuunendation d.f
a relative 1 purchased n box of your
remedy (%mit-fluky, and by it few appli-
colfuns entirely cured a very severe
sprain of the back. While not given In
indiscriminate use of, or belief In, pat-
ent tncvlicines, 1 can conscientiously re-
commend Lnrn-Buk.
"$ineerely yours.
" signed) 1). 11. Gourley."
That is jut where. %an-Iiuk proves
11s superiority! Il reale o
is treated 1 1 1`i
y act
std women whit hove tried fl, us alto-
gether different lc, ordinay pnpnral-
lions. Doctors, hospital nurses, train-
ers, matrons of convalescent homes —
nl1 give %nm -Ruh n good word; and bel -
ter still, they use 11. %ant-Iiuk is as
gold for muscular stiffness, sprains,
rheumatism slid seintien as it is for skin
troubles. Baseball players and athletes
in general find It invaluable. For spring
eruptions, pustules, scalp sores, itch,
eczema, ulcers. boils, eb:desses, blood
poison, cuts, burns, bruises, all abra-
sions. it is a speedy earn. 'Takes the
soreness out of wounds almost instant-
ly, and kills all disease genas, prevent-
ing feytering and inflnrtmnntdon. All
druggists and stores sell at 50c. a box,
sr post free from the %nm -flak Co.,
l'oronto, for price. 6 boxes for $2.50.
Send lc stamp for triol box.
The 'Poseidon flush" Is the Infest
Australian golden sensation. It Is sit-
uated in the Tarnagulla district of Vic-
tcrin, and the gold Is being found re-
inarknbly close to the surface. The
biggest nugget so far discovered — one
of tern ounces—was, it k staled, found
n! n depth of only 15 inches. Another
nugget of 373 ounces was found 30 feet
dist::nt at a similar depth. A lerge
!limber of smaller nuggets have tern
unearthed, and there are about 2,0)0
gere yon. the *pot, previously a lone -
Mistress (who hoe given her maid n
ticket for the theatre) : "Well, how did
you hila the performance?" Meld : "Oti.
it was splendid, ma'am. You should have
beard how a servant girl sauced her
minium r
The Osculatory Process Denounced by
Scientists as Extremely Dangerous
--plow the Ihutjt-r Can be
Itentoa ed.
A keen discussion is being carried on
Le some of the best scientists us to the
danger and "crime" of kissing, led i -y
Ih'. Somers, health Officer of Atlantic
City,' and Dr. Nalpasse, of the Medical
Faculty of Paris. 'they charge the kiss
with spreading grippe, scarlet fever,
measles, mumps, whooping cough, ly-
1.hoid fever, diphtheria, erysipelas, nten-
emgitis, tuberculosis and meaty infeeti-
eus skin diseases. They suggest legis-
lation on the subject, and lite posting
of notices in railway stations, street
cars and other public places, but they
say it would be useless to past theta el
verandahs, Iii cosy corners, porches,
shady nooks, or moonlit lawns. They
also propose some conipalsofy legisla-
tion for methods of disinfection of the
mouth arid purifying the breath, especi-
ally with a view to the protection of
Innocent bales, who are particularly
subject to infection. The greatest and
most effective purifier and germ de-
stroyer known to medical science fer
the mouth, throat and breath, as well
as for the blcod, stomach and lungs,
Is Psychine, that triumph of the medi-
cal world that is attracting almost uni-
versal attention because of the wonder-
ful results attending its use. One of its
recent triumphs is told on a matter cit
experience in the following brief state-
"i suffered for over two years from
catarrh of the head and throat and
stomach, and an nbslinate hacking
cough. The slightest cold or change Lf
weather would cause the disease to re-
turn worse than before. Doctors gave
me no relief. 1 saw Psychine and Oxo-
mulsion advertised in the newspapers,
and decided to use them. They had n
splendid effect in my case. I obtained
the permanent cure 1 had so long and
so anxiously desired. Psychine appears
to be a perfect germ destroyer. I shall
do all in my power to increase the po-
pularity of tete Dr. Slocum remedies in
this vicinity. 1 always keep Psychine
!n our house. It is our only doctor.
"St. Basil de Pontneuf, Que."
Psychine, pronounced sl -keen, is com-
mended by all doctors and scientists
who have interested themselves suffici-
ently in their profession and in the
welfare of the public to investigate its
marvelous qualities, and consider in cn
unprejudiced manner its results, as the
meet wonderful of all disease and germ -
destroying agencies. For building up
Il: rum -down system and curing all
forms of stomach troubles and diseases
eh the chest, throat and lungs or head,
It is simply unapproachable. It is de-
stined to revolutionize many of the old
theories, and furnish n reliable horse
ireatnment. For sale at all druggails,
5Qe., and $1.00. or Dr. T. A. Slocum,
Limited, 179 King -street west, Toronto.
According to Prof. W. F. Ganong, the
traditional "fire -ship" of the Chnleur
itay, New Brunswick, appearing usually
before a storm, tins a basis of fact. ll 1s
t hernlsphericnl light, with the flat side
toward the water, glowing sometimes
without much change of forth, but at
other tunes rising into slender, moving
columns. in whice an excited imagina-
tion might recognize the flaming rigging
of n ship. The general explanation offer-
ed is that this object is a manifestation
o! St. Eltno's lire, an electrical pheno-
menon ; but the reason for its appearing
only 00 or near the Chalcur Bay is not
Howell : "A good deal depends on tele
fornintien of early habits." Powell: "I
knew it ; when I was a baby my
stouter Iliad a woman to wheel me
about, and 1 have been pushed for
money ever sine."
is there anything niore nnnoying then
having your corn stepped upon? Is
there anything niore delightful then Bel-
ting rid of ft? Holloway's Corn Cure
will do it. 'Try it and he convinced.
Ile talks and she listens during the
courtship, but after the marriage the
plan is generally reversed.
Fortify Yourself against pulmonary troubles,
including consumption, with Allen's Lung nal.
sant. 1t will loosen the cough and phlegm. Cure
soon follows,
"George," 5110 said "before we were
married you were uhvnys giving Inc pre-
sents. Why don't you ever bring ale
anything now?' "NIy dear," replied
George, "did you ever hear of a fisher-
man giving hail to n fish he heti
caught?" '1'lien lite kettle boiled over.
Externally or Internally, ft is Gnod,—
\\'len applied externally by brisk rub-
hing, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil open'
the pores and penetrates the tissue at
few liniments do, touching the seat of
the trouble and immediately affording
relief. Administered !atonally, it will
still the irritation in the throat which
induces roughing and will cure affec-
tions of the bronchial tubes and respir-
atory organs. Try it and be convinced.
When n girl gels Bold of n young
man's heart strings she proceed.; to tie
them in a beau knot.
After Wasting P hasten recovery to
health by the we of " Forrovirn.,' 11 is the best
tnufr. It builds, strengthens And gglvor new
vitality. Try It, it will make you feel .trunb.
Many young 111c11 do not propose be -
(muse they fear that the girls will say
\\'orms cause feverishness, moaning
and restlessness during sleep. Mother
(;rates' \\'orrn Exlerntinnter is pleasant,
sure and effectual. If your druggist
hat none In stock, gel hint to pr :re
t for you.
Miss (il&l rl : "Yes. 1 nun single en-
tirely tram choice." Miss Pert : "Whose
This cold -water starch
gets ironing - day over
quicker, with less wear on
the ironer's muscles and far
less on tho starched pieces.
Gives a beautiful gloss.
Needn't be boiled .. yet cannot
stick. it's astarchyou'lllike.
Tea► It
a pi
s. !eadin,r varieties. 7 varie-
ties of Need p rtatoes. Cata-
ti:tue .and price list free.
lh.ve inturearel will please
lake ,,.,tire. as this advt. will
not appear again.
dORM 00010AM.
gtratttrey, Oat
men and brakemen; experience un-
necessary; over 5td1 positions open at tete
p:resent lime; high wages; rapid promo-
tion to engineers and oouductors; $ 5 I9
8200 per month; instructions by snail at
your home without interruption with
present occupation; we assist each stu-
dent in-aecuring 4 position; don't delay;
write to -day for fr ie catalogue, Ins'ruc-
tions and application blank. National
Railway Training School, Inc., Boston
Block, Minneapolis. Minn., U. S. A.
"Henry," asked the Sunday -school
teacher, "what Is the conscience?" "'the
conscience," answered little Henry, "is
what you have after you have been eat-
ing cake and jam and things out of the
pantry, and then you have to lake cas-
tor-oil, and that cures the conscience."
To Those of Sedentary Occupation. --
Men who follow sedentary occupations,
which deprive them of fresh air and
exercise, are more prone to disorders
or the liver and kidneys' than those who
lead active, outdoor lives. The former
will find In Parmelec's Vegetable Pills
a restorative without question the most
efficacious on the market. They are
easily procurable, easily taken, act ex-
pedlliously, and they are surprisingly
cheap considering thleir excellence.
Prisoner : "My lawyer is unwell. i
ask fora fortnight's delay." Magistrate:
"Put your case off for a fortnight ? Why,
you rascal, you were caught with your
hand In a gentleman's pocket I What
could your lawyer bay?" Prisoner :
"That's what I'm anxious to know."
Tiny tubercles on the skin of scrofulous pee.
pie produce the We ins disease called lupus.
Weaver's Cerate, used in time, will save the akin
from destruction. Apply to all affected parse
Cleaaae the blood with Weaver's Syrup.
"I presume, sir," began the young
men, timidly, "that you will consider it
very presumptuous for a fifty -dollar rail-
road clerk to apply for your daughter's
hand In marriage." 'Tot at all, my boy,"
responded Senator Slickguy, kindly. "1
derc.ay your side grafts are quite re-
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough or ('sold,
no question about that, but—
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hisprescription
filled, whenou can ate into an
drag store m Canada and obtain
a bottle of SIIILOIH'S CURS
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a wont -five cent
bottle of SHILOH will curs you
as quickly ?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH wig cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
Absent -Minded Surgeon loll Palo ct
Forceps In la'o.,usn's Body.
A remarkable ease ut neglect on the
part of u hospital surgeon is mention -
id in the British Medical Journal. 1)r.
Stewart, of M:d'and Junction, \Vest
Australia, scones the circumstances of
the rase. Ile operated on a woman and
found a pair of forceps in her body.
The forceps were nearly 5 inches in
Ieng'11, and the width across the handles
was ab'lut Y inches, and they had been
left in the woman's bony utter an opera•
holt ten and a half years before. "That
the forceps should have Attained the po-
eition in which They were found with-
out causing death Ls extraordinary."
1)r. Slowest writes: "Though the pati-
ent's health land leen wret<•hesi during
(hese years. snit a large part of the
time spent in teal, i1 is worthy of no -
lire that she had oceasiuually felt well
enough to par'Iripate in dances. 1 have'
rcati-d) to Irheve Mat no recortt et the
former operation can be found in the
Leeks of the hospital where it was per -
If you are fond of Ortong. canoeing,
vamping or the study of weld enunale Zook
up the Algonquin National Park of Ontar-
io for your summer outing A fi,.h and
game ',reserve of000,900 acres inter-
epersed with 1,200 lakes and rivers is
awaiting you. offering all the attractions
that Nature can bestow. )f gniflvent
canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 feet above sea
level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere.
Just the place for a young man to put in
his summer holidays. An interesting and
profusely Illustrated descriptive publica-
tion telling you all about it sent free on
application to J. D. McDonald, Union Sta-
tion, Toronto, Ont.
Sympathetic Friend : "1 am sorry to
hear of your loss, Mi -s. Flanagan." Wi
dow : "Loss t Sure, murn, don't I gid tin
thousand dollars insurance and hien
niver worth thirty cents 1"
In its initial adages a cold is a local
ailment easily dealt with. But many
neglect It and the result Is often the de-
velopment of distressing selzures of the
bronchial tubes and lungs that render
life miserable for the unhappy victim.
As a first aid there Is nothing in the
handy medicine line so certain in cura-
tive results as !tickles Anti -Consump-
tive Syrup, the far-famed remedy for
colds and coughs.
When a man Is hanging by his toes
from the corner of a building, and mo-
mentarily expecting to drop, nothing
satisfies him more than the discovery
that he is safe in bed at borne.
Por Veers Canadians have been using "'rife
D. A. 1." Menthol i'Luters and the sale for them is
greater than :all ithor Waiters combined; a spe-
cific for backache, headache, sciatic pains.
Mistress : "Did you turn on the gas in
the bedroom, Bridget?" Bridget :
"Shure an' I did, 11111111 ; can't you smell
A Sure Cure for Headache.—Bilious
headache, to which women are more
subject than men, bcanmes so acute in
some subjects that they are utterly pros-
trated. The stomach refuses foist, and
there is a constant distressing effort to
free the Monied' from bile which has
become unduly secreted then. {'arnte-
Ice's Vegetable Pills are a speedy alter-
ative, and in -neutralizing Ihe effects if
the intruding bile relieves the pressure
cn Ihe nerve:: which caused the headache.
Try thein.
From a humble blacksmith's son, Far-
aday rose to be one of 'Bie most distin-
guished chemist; enol natural philoso-
phers in English history. Ile made great
ndditio ns to the range of human know-
ledge in regard to tho science of elec-
tricity end magnetism. Magneto -elec-
tric hulu:lion, magnetism of light,
diamagnetism, lit:: condensation of
gases into fluids eeld
were all
Faraday's discoveries. 'Then, again,
i'nraday's "Experimental Researches on
Electricity" were not only of extreme
importance in themselves, but they have
been of the eitmwst consequence to
science by leading to Ihe latter-day cte-
eelopnicnt of this great forte.
Do It better 1
Letting well enough alone never
messed a salary or declared an extra divi-
And what was well enough for yester-
day is poen' enough to -day --do it better.
Rescue that little task from the maw of
dull routine—do it locltcr.
Seek nut the automatic act of habit—
do it totter.
Put another hour on the task well
done—and cls it better.
Strive not to equal—strive to surpass.
Do it better
Beforeou get
Pen -Angle
garments all
the shrink
is taken
0 U 1.
' Angle
keeps you com-
fy as well as
warnl,because the
s h o r t fibres that
make sonic under-
wear itch are taken
out of Pen -
Angle wool,
"k .tont
1 s s variety of fabric,, styles
in all sizes for women, men as
lam. sod guaranteed by your own dealt.
Wetaekiw in district ; lista propositions
6,,.1 "n application. LI. U. Farris It Co., Goa Sat.
Wetaskiwl u, Albert,
10 acres in Kootenay Fruit insures
an income of $3,000
years. Write—
Wolverton & C ., Nelson, B.C.
a year in 5
Goa all Starts of h.aw. IIaestugs, also
IIIfl CiII WVQ DYSD ou*"1"
uKa Nath.
Write to us shear yours.
sams.1N0aNaa simaa SS., See tee, fbetraela
Th. AQUI/TT t18THOD le the easy Iag1-
cal seethed for the car. of Stansserrisig. It
trate tbeCAUSE, not meruly the PLAINT.
andlasareel�a�fural speech. Pamphlet, per.
titulars eat references Nat on rasa" t.
Insure Your Horse for $1
Our Veterinary Modica] Chart saves doctors' hilts
and horses' bra. No bones owner should hs
without one. Worth ten times its weight hi g dd.
Prise $1.00 Post Pald. Agents slanted.
The Veterinary Medical Chart Oe.,
13) Confederation Life. Toronto.
From 5195 to 5545, Fos
programme, write
Rev. Dr. Withrow
Inclu,:es Irish World's Fair.
e.ad two test .tamp with 1.1rtA Oat* and 1 will
pad you a pen r.rtur. 1.1,..cr Ill. 11am the crad4
to IA., era.. All watts. ..r I.u.in.u, I �,. rat-
rt.s. .od I...ub, r aluy 1,11 by the greatest
♦.t,ulor.t ll, l nr, retro..
M101. LEO AFL, mel 13. SIIOatrosr, COMB.
'Ilio celebrated "01 1, hioned Renredie4 used f ,r
yeas with perfect success. Cures rheumatism,.
prier, female trunbies ; a sure bit developer : re-
duce.; tle0, ; make, gray hair dark. Electric Fool
Ease for sore and sweaty feet. Liquor and lo -
bum. habit cured. Every drugggi.t has the ing re•
Meets. Very inexpensive. Trice 51.Ds1. Either
of these rernedioiiv worth many limen the price.
KAY t CO., Cazton laldg., Suite 1120, Chicago.
50 PIP
Will grow In ger
house or out of
doom. Hyacinths,
Crocus, Fuchsias,
Oxalis, 1lfbrroses,
fleet i1., Chinese
Ile, Dewe 1-tly
loxlnla, de's of
the Valley -all po.tpetl, sic. to Star' 71'
i eiln. AealnYrntemwith muse Itn11i we wilt 1,4
MOB a big collection of flower seat -over 70O
Su greet Nursery. Sefaervltte, Masa
A pure, hard
flour for bakers and others demand-
ing strength, color and uniformity.
Your Grandsons Will Be
Old Men Before This
"Oshawa" Roof Wears O u t
Roof your buildings with "Oshawa" Galvar.ized Steel Shingles
this yearn and that will be a GOOD roof in 2enst. Wo will give
you a written guarantee, barked by $250,000, that Belch a roof,
properly put on, will need no repairs and no painting for at Iea3C
r twenty-five years.
make roofs water -tight, wired-1,rot f, we at tier -}roof, rest-i:roof,
fire -proof for it century, oar plain k 11arance: keep.' it so for
25 years without a c' alt of c.st to the ratan wt:, buys it.'
Made in ONE QUALITY ONLY,—of 28-dual{e,
semi -hardened S T E E L double -galvanized
They lock on all FOUR sides—the ONLY METAL
(set the Lata shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put on --a ha' -1-
pefora mor and a snips (tinners' shears) are tools enough. Coot
ee��1�� ou molt LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell ns the
i thing. surface Area of any roof on your place and we will
People of l_shawa tall you exactly what it will cost to roof it right.
Ifl-d st. w. 11 Clot i 51.5111 Mama a SI • onda* 1 0 TO ivtutM si cit l r�teV•t5*, 1031