HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-11, Page 11 %der HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT Li THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR --NO !751 EXETER, 3NT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING APRIL llth 1907, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••4)•N•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Housecleaning Wants Now that the house cleaning season is upon us, every busy housekeeper will want something "new" to brighten up the home. "We have it", Everything that you will require a ill be found here. Our stock is brim full of good things that you will need. Come and see them and we are confident of the result. New Carpets and Rugs 1 Our Carpet department this season shows the moat complete and varied assort- ment of fine Rugs and Car- pets that we have ever shown Special values in Tapestry, Brussels and Axminster Rugs $11 to $25. Special values in Union, Wool, Tapestry and Brussels Carpet 25c to $1.50. Nice fol' your parlor or draw- ing room. New I.,inoleu ms We have just received an immense stock of Cork Lin- oleums from Hilcaldy, Scotland. Our new stock includes many stalking and beautiful effects in floral and tile pat- terns. It will pay you to see them. They will look nice on your kitchen or dining -room floor. ew Lace Curtains This is something we can boast of se to our large assort- ment, pretty designs and low prices. No lady needing new curtains for her house this spring should miss seeing them as we can show over thirty different patterns from 50c. to $8.00 per pair. Our stock of Bobinette, Swiss Spot, Frilled and Art Muslins was never so well assorted and are entirely new. Art Sateens, Cretonnes and Tapestry coverings are all up-to-date and will make nice coverings. Jones ex Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods. •••••••41^••4••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••N•• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2i1 12 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4- + +++++++++++++•++++•++++dr++++++++ -f• + ++++++++++++++++I-+++ t•++4+++++++++++•F-F+++++i-t•++++++ + t +-1, if I T. HAWKINS & SON WIDE SF Arrived n Ma Wire. Now is i fore the sleighing nn Monday one carload of CLEVELAND the time for you to get it home be- fore the sleighing is gone. EDS Call and examine our TiMOTHY and CLOVER Seeds. e. I TINSM1TH1NG + Having secured the services of a first-class man we are still able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tin- smith Work on the shortest notice. I. T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Merchant. ++++++++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Near The EDISONTI1en Judge You must hear the EDISON PHONOGRAPH sing or play the kind of music you like. Then you will know. It is easy to hear the Ei)ISON, Drop into our store and we will gladly show it to you. THE EDISON PHONOGRAPH With Gold Moulded Records Sings songs, plays mn•ic gathered from all the world at all times. It is al most as easy to buy the Edison as it is to hear it. A small payment down wit allow you to take it home. You can hear it play while you pay. Ask to hear It d. WILLIS POW5L,L, EXETER COUNCIL Tho regular meeting of the Coun- cil was held Monday evening, all the members present with the exception of Councillor Knight. Reeve Bobier explained that he had met a deputation of G. T. It. railway officials hero on Wednesday of last week and that they had in- formed him the oompany intended making improvements hero to the extent of between $15,000 and $20,000 They intend having 'the warehouses moved from their (present location and erect a station. !The freight sheds will be placed about 100 yards from the station. The new building it is expected will be erected midway between Victoria and Station streets. The main track will be moved to run in front of tho new station and a spur track tilt be placed for tho Canning Company. The Reeve spoke of nesting the two C. P.R. officials who were here last week for the purpose of locating the best route to cross the G. T. It, The location most favored by them was at the lower end of the town, with tho yards on the east side of Main street and the station at the street. If permission could bo granted a spur line• would be run the back of the town to connect with Ross & Traylor and llarvey Bros. Mr. John Taylor said he would like the town to furnish .him with tile for a drain across Albert fit. where a building is noon to be erect- ed. Granted. Harvey Bros. made on offer for the old watering tank, which has been lying at {the back of the town hall for some years. The amount offered was $2. The offer was ac- cepted. The following accounts were pass- ed, Frank Wright, repairs for ceme- tery in 1905 $2.50: 11. Spackman, supplies for cemetery $17.35; G. K. lleamau cemetry building $50; Times printing account cemetry $3.50; Ad- vocate, do, 50c.; ;D. Braund rent house to John Ford $29.00; John Ford balance nalary $30.00; tele- phone Co. 25c.; ,Fred hector labor 75c.; Frank Wood meat 13rimacombe 40c.; W. J. Bissett railwny ticket Mrs. Elliot to llarriston $2.65 ; 'hos. Moulden pumping water $1.00: Geo. Brooke bread Ed. Ball 15e.; N. J. Bissett pt. salary $33.00: Chas Snell 11 aro lights 24 nights $55.44,1 light 9 nights, $1.89 30 r+eries $42.90, town hall $3.60, total $103.83. On motion of W. .1. llearnan and W. Johns, Jerry Knott was appoint- ed constable to nct at the North end of the !town. The by-law respecting firearms, etc., was laid another meeting. 8. 8. NO. 3, UBIIORNE From Sr. III to .1r. IV. -fuss Giiill The following is a report fo the l ilnward McCurdy 533: ltita Shier 451 promotion examination held in schoolJohn Francis 4.37; Labelle Turnbull erection No. 3, Ueborne. From Jr.' 420 ; Roy McClocklin :304: Arlon 11 to Sr. 1I -fuss 200. Reggie 4)oupc Copeland 273. From .Jr. IV to Sr. 225: Janie McCullagh 217 ; Ida Ir./ 1V. -Paas 350. Nortunn Francis 307 vine 200; 1Jaear Copeland 114. From 1 F:thel Shier 322: Jeseic McCurdy 192 Sr. 11 to Jr. 111 --Pass $65. F.lean• Chrietena McClocklin. or Doupe 354: j.conard Barris 290. iSABELLE M. GARDINEIR. Teaoher FARQUIIAR ;the use of over until W. A. Gardiner and R. D. Turn- bull who have been spending the Easter holidays at their homes here returned to tit. Marys to resume their studies on Monday last. The cold weather we have had lately lins prevented nee farmers around here front working their land. Mr. Will Brown end Mr. .Edwin Gardiner left on .Monday for Mani• tohn, where they intend remaining. Miss Jessie Hamilton who has been spending the vacation at her home in Motherwell rettirnccl to .i10r school here on Mond iy last. Mr. owl Mrs. ,ll. \V. F. heavers, spent Sunday at Exeter, lire guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. (toss. 1)r. 1l3'11(1m:in was called to our burg on Tuesday last nw•ing to the illnes4 of Mr. \Ven. Day's children. Miss Lottie Stewart. of London is visiting at .her home Here. Mr. Wilbert and Miss ]Label Dun. Can left last !week for Manitoba. A number of .Mr. Will McClock- lin's friends, gave ,hire n anrprise one evening last ,%trek, in the form of it presentation, consisting of a iiandsnn1e gold watch ,and easy bair prior to his leaving for his Home in the \Vert. Mrs. David Duncan •15 tit present the guest of •air. and Airs. \Val. Monteith. A large reception .was held at the ,home of Mr. end 11ir:4. Lewis Fletch- er, on Friday evening 1nst lir. and Mrs. Win. Beaver and his grandson Lloyd, spent '1'11ese13y last in our village. Mr. Thus. Itnndle lied a 'wrest Ise Inst Friday. idl:ay. W. A. 'Turnbull delivered a hunch of fine fat cattle In 'Mills and Clark of 1Voo.tt1)ant Wednesday last. 8. B. NO. 4, IISiIOINR. The following report of H. S. No. 4, 1'sborrle for elle month of Mar. is bused upon regularity of attend- ance and weekly examinations. The names appear in order of merit. IV Frank hook, Frank llandford, Wil- lie l:ssery, Arthur Kerslake, Vinn Kerslake, Cecil Skinner, Willie Web - 110N. .1. W. ST. JO11N DEAD. Hon. .1. W. St. John, epcaker of the legislature died tit his home in Toronto, Sunday. Ile had been gradually sinking for eevcral days A fortnight ago Ite'was operated on for appendicitis. The. , operation proved successful and it was expect- ed that he ,would recover, but un- fortunately complications net in which were to terminate fatally. Expressions of genuine regret aro heard on all sides, as the late speak- er was tnost +popular with all mem- bers of the Legislature, as well as with a large circle e>'C friends in bus- iness and private life. KiRKTON Mr. Geo. Farthing left on Tuesday morning with a carload of horses for Mr. Jas. Beatty for the West. It is George's intention to remain in the West .for a time and work Mr. Beatty's farm. Mr. Russel Brown late of the firm of White & May 'St. Marys, , ,has taken a position in Petrolia, leaving for that town on Tuesday. This is an upward step for Russell. Mr. Earnest Lyons has taken a situation with Dr. Carr. No meat these days the butcher is farming. Bad roads, lots of mud. but good business. Mr. B. J. Roadhouse was a visitor in the village on Monday last. MOORESVILLE Mr. Thomas Thompson has rent- ed his farm near Mooresville to Mr. A. Patterson, of 1Clandeboye. Courses. and Reid shipped a car- load of horses to Winnipeg on the 9th Inst. Mr. Wellington Hodgins has moved to the great Northwest. Mr. George Windsor, of Centralia has moved onto his farm on tho 3rd of McGillivray. Mr. Alex Hodgins, who hag been on the sick list for some time is again on the inend. Mr. Albert Carrole. of Lucan. is at present seriously 111. Mr. L. 8. Shipley, has rented his farm and intends moving to the Northwest in a few weeks. The farm of the late Patrick Carey will be offered for sale by Auction on the 11 inst.. Mr. William E. Hodgins bought the faun of lair. M. O'Mara, near Granton. Mr. F. 11. Neil has gone to Uta with a car -load of sheep. Mrs. Hobbs. of St. Ives. is .the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Wilbert Itevington. Mr. Hugh Clark, of Nairn, who has spent the winter taking out square timber in Alabatna, U. S., has returned borne. Mr. Clark has spent 18 winters ill Alabama at this work. . i USBORNE COUNCIL. Council met April 6th. All the members were present. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following pathmasters were appointed for the current year : Div. 1. -It. Culbert, It. N. Treble, F. Luxton, Robt. Kerslake, W01. \Vestcott, Frank Davis, Simon Hun- ter, John Slearnon, Alfred ]licks, Sam .1. Pym, Jno. Miners, W. Herd- man, Isaac W. Johns, Francis J. Davis. 1)iv. 2 -Ed. Christie, T. M. Case, Ilenry Dougall. Jno. Westlake. \Val - ter J. Oke, Chas. Keddy, Dan Dew, Peter Moir, J. N. Ratcliffe, George Moir, Ed. McDougall. .las. Mon- teith, Jno. Cann, A. Neil, Robert Glenn, F. Ityckrnan. Div. 3.-F.. Vern, \V. Smith. John Delbridge, J01111 Vern, Torn Nagle, Alonzo Walker, Matt. lteutly, John Pletcher, Alonzo Mills, \V. J. Tufts, \Vat. Wiseman, Robt. Davis, James C. Gardiner. ']'hos. Kinsela. Div. 4, -Thos. Bell, John It. Dun- can, 1!. Morland, Alex Turnbull, Stone, Wen. Thompson, John Stewart John Kay, James Harris, Janes Gar- diner, John (i1fillan, Antos Denim, Alex Frazer. Messrs. Nagle & Looby, of Dublin, were awarded contracts to Jmild concrete abutments for Quinton's bridge. on aids road, con. 5, Lots A and 1 at $1.35 ter cubic paid, can• tract to built 12 ft. reinforced con- crete bridge. 11 ft. roadway. ..on Illanshard boundary, near Whalen, subject to approval of Jilanshard council for $275.00; also for 4 ft. Arch culvert Ili .ft. long wwitll 4 fl• wings on con. 12 & 13 for $79.00. I cantractor to furnish ell material clo all excavating fill in approache:e, and leave watercourse clear of ob- structions. A. hill & Co., of Mit- chell were altallied 'contract to nuild a three panel r+teel truss riv- eted bridge, reinforced concrete floor on side road cin. 5 for SGPu.00. A number of accounts +were passed and orders isgtled in payment. Council her, itiche, !licks, Bella Davis. 111. then adjourned to nxt Salurdty May Sr, -Medley May. ('.aerie May, Thos. 4th., at ono 0 flock. Coates, Alt Skinner, WillieWalker, 1'. aIOILLIa', Clerk Geo. Davis. .1r. 1I1. -Maly McCurdy Lena Coates, Attie hunter, Edward 1)AN(:Elt iN COIL` SALVES Kellet. `len. 1i. -Verus Coates. Leda 1'1)4.4 n-u01y e.rrltnin acid, and lianling, Frederick \Vebber, Wesley 1iui it 11,4 flesh. 'i'he one 941(4• cure Culbert. Jr. 1L -Sam McCurdy Miri- in liquid form is I'utnam's Painless nie May. Thelma :Skinner, 1' rank Corn Extractor, which 'is purely Coates. 1't. Ii. Sr.-ltoy Thompson, veget.ble, causes no pain and cures Itoy Webber. Verdi 11ict::4. 1't. 11. in one day. Don't the name -"Put - ,1r. -Gordon Hunter, Harold hunter and Vernie Pincembe, Carrie Thomp- 10„..„... son. $t.00 per year in advance House Cleaning Necessities HOLLYWOOD READY MIXED PAINT 15c, 25c. 45c and 90c Tins ELEPHANT READY MIXED PAINT 15c, 25c, 45c, and 90c Tins ► CAMPBELLS VARNISH STAINS Do your own Varnishing and Staining, 15c, 25c, 45c and 75c Tins Brushes from 5c to $5.00 HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE 4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++V.14-14+++ fOur Reduction Sale Is on and in order to reduce our stock before Stock Taking wea offering greater Bargains in Furniture for t next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to al- most cost during this sale. • Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. ROWE & ATKINSON + F d• The Largest Home Furnishers in the County. 3: 1.11"Undertaking in all its Branches. $++4-1-1-H-1-4-14+++++++4444-1-4+ +++++++++++ ++++ our public school and Miss Flossie 1 ILOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE :- Stanbury assistant attended a con- 1 On East side of Andrew 6t., good vention at Toronto last week. comfortable frame cottage, one stor- •Mrs. Elliot of the Albion Hotel, is ey high, containing 9 rooms, good having a new bar put in which will well 1-3 acre of garden. For the add greatly to the appearanoo of the particulars apply to C. E. Hackney, hotel. Exeter Ontario. Miss Jessie Biggart arrived .honk from Barrie last week. Miss Knott, who has conducted a resamaking abop here for the past two years left on Saturday for Kil- larney Man. where she intends start- ing aefiop. Mr. Alex. Martin. of Toronto spent Easter holidays here visiting friends. The English church Sunday school WO take this opportunity of ntend holding a social on the evens thanking our many customers for r their liberal patronage and support during the last five years and that we are prepared to supply any new. customers who wish milk. Our mot - PASTURE TO LET -'fenders will he received by the undersigned for the renting of the Agricultureal grounds for pasturage of oases up to April 13th. highest or any ten+ ders not necessarily accepted. A. G. Dyer, Secy. in of 25th when n ood time is ex- tekt. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick headache, lel- to, pure milk and regular delivery. liousneas, constipation, pain in the LOUIS DAY. Milkman. nick', and all liver trouble.{. Carter'` it11c Liver Pills. Try them. r Altai Pott STALE -Mr. W. H, BORN (' Jones hns placed in our hands AMIF.SON-Ln Biddul11h, Saturday, for sale his farm lot "C" Con. 7. April 6th., the wife S. Jamieson. Ushorne Tpt. cot ling 100 acres. Title guaranteed. or particulars apply to QJ.AD.MAN AND STANBURY Barristers otc. Exeter Ont. of a daughter. ALE -In Exeter, North on Friday April 5th., the •wife Wm. Vale, of n daughter. DI1OOKS-James Brooks, March 30 111i07, Con. 5. l:sborile, of ct daugh- EXETF.It PROPERTY 1'OI1 SALE ter. 1 have for male a resideneet and 8 MARRIED acres of land situated at ,Exeter PARKINSON - O'Ifliii:'1 - On Apl. North. On the premises tire a barn 2ttd. Miss Jennie O'Brien to .1. T'. stable good orchard meth all kinds Parkinson. DIED BROWN -1n Calgary hospital on Apl. 1st., of pneumonia, ,Martha Jane Mottle) Brown, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Itobert Brown and and grandaughter of M rs. Hawk - ins, town, aged El years. J. W. 11OGAiITII, Teacher. h:L1MVILLI: -�- 1 ala. and afro. Jas. Mat tin, of near CASTOR seafottit. spent a ('0111110 of days 1110 gntpts of Mr. :eel alts. Jos. the kins Mr. 1:d. 1'9411(11 left Fast week for For Infants and Children. 1:gmnlldvine ‘where lie )las eccured a good situation with .Mr. Tyndall. Mr. 3. l',atterrnii. of S1. Marys, 44:14 in tla4. village on Satnreliy last. lie elm" 1111 in his automobile but reports the roads somewhat rough. Quite a number of the boys were treated to a ride by the chauffer. Th Kbit Yor Have Always Bagbt Bears the signature of HAYFIELD) IRMIR8' }{ONSET 1 wish to announce that I am now located in Exeter for the purpose of buying and selling horses, that i will have on hand at all times a good supply of farmers hor- ses and colts. Stables locat- ed at the south end of the town on the London Road. 1 will be at hsm^ every Sat- urday afternoon to meet in- tending purchasers. C. E. Hackney 1 of fruit trees. If not sold will rent to desirable tenant {possession given at once. Tering to suit purchaser. Apply to Wrn. Northcott or James Moore. Ili o FOIL BALE. -fit Farquhar, acre of laud, with brick house rontaining 6 rooms, a good cellar end frame Kit- chen also large brick blacksmith and 4' 1010nter shop. On this prop- erty is a good well and stable. This ii a geed stand for (a blacksmith. Good trade the entire year. For terms and particulars apply to J. 1:. McNic.ol, Farquhar, Ontario. For Sale 1'nrt of !'ark lot E original lot 18, ennsisting of 2 acres of tland with orchard, a ten storey brick house, all newly finished in the lat• est style, good ,well, good furnace, eoneealed wiring, etc. 'flint is a choice property and roust he Fold as the proprietor is going West. Farm for sale consisting of lot Township of ]lay, consisting of 100 stereo all rerded dowses, 'sell adapted for grazing purposes. if these two properties are not sold In1vately on or before Apt 11 10th, they will bo sold by public auction on May 3rd. For particular{ apply to (Thomas Cameron, Anctinneer, I'arpillar. FARM LAi3OUIRERS AND DOM- ESTIOS. HOUai: AND LOT FOit SALE: - Hauge and 1-5 acre land East nide i t have been appointed by 1):e Dom- Elizate-eh Street, L'raucistown. Ap- Inion Government to plax; !Maur- ply mmixply to Mrs. Ede ill .lours. Exeter. grants from 11.n United Kingdom in aleisrs. Harry Fate:met 1 i1 \Vet- i positions at farts labourers and dem- ton and Orville Weston left for' FOit SALE. -Valuable brick dwel• calla servants in !hie vicinity. Any Iltiff.ala last weak where they intendi ling and premises in Exeter. The person requiring such help should stat ting their seas:'.tI 01 wiling.undersigned offers for sale the car- notify me by letter statin; rally the Mr... Diose has o;icnvil np a -silks-I modious and conveniently located kind of help required, when wtntel ery afore in bite shoe lately owned dwelling on Andrew !trent the prop- and wars offered. The numbers by Mr. Drr,rnann all the latest erty of the late Mrs. M. A. hall{. errivins Lee not he suffir.iont to styles, ami designs in Spring hats. The house is one rind ort!' half storey supply ,111 request 4 but every effort Capt. .1011,1 Ferguson and William brick kitchen. Ilia in connection a will be !lade to provide milt& a1pli- 1'ergnsan 1st mate left on Saturday frame wood shed and etahle all in cant wet, that{ le'•e r.q•."•,•i for Cleveiaed to take charge of their ( good repair. T4^ innd cont•ain.• 1-1 i1Oa,w I -) .1 1 • I boats for the nenaott's aniline. -f en se-- l' • f -re' n ••,'e to Mien r - 'ti n • onl.• 0 .. ,'hint. Mr. Themna drown',, 1 :ec ::I of M. A. Llai..., t•Exc.',•r. Ontari•.. Agent, l: