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Exeter Times, 1907-04-04, Page 8
'i' EXETER 'I. I. M is S. APRIL 4th 1907 +++0.4+++++++++++++++++++++ ` STEWART'S GOOD! Yes, Spring trade is certainly good, never was better with us. There must be a reason for it. Our stock is large, the goods are up-to-date, and then the values are the best consistent with good storekeeping. We are doing our very best to kttp on improving our system each season, and to -day we believe we have the• best and most convenient shop in Western Ontario. Ladies Spring Jackets 57 Loose three quarter .1 5 length. light and mid. grey. Very swell, nice- ly trimmed with velvet and stitching. Very pretty short U. 1 U Jacket. loose box body, nicely trimmed with velvet, fancy braid and small buttons, light and mid. shades, 10.00 8.50 new tourist Jacket light fancy tweed. trimmed with velvet strapping and fancy buttons. 10.00 Very Pretty tight • fitting corset coat made from fawn covert cloth, trimmed ;with self strapping and in- laid moiray. for the prettiest tight fitting corset coat that you'll see this season. Made from pure wool. solid black and white check, trimmed with watered silk and fancy but- tons. This coat was copied for ourselves from a New York model. It's a beauty. Have you seen the newest tilt in Grey Dress Goode, known ns the shadow stripe? Rich grey ground with shadow stripes of mauler. green. black or brown, The price is only 00c. We con - r.,1 this line for Exeter. 4Z-3 65, for a new black Pana- tna Dress Goode. pure wool and very rich finish. 3.50 the waist end for a lovely range of fancy Dresden bilks in mauve rose and blue effects. 15%.0for a new shade of marine blue Panama Dress Goods, pure wool and great value. 4.00- the waist end for the choicest grey Dres- den Silks we have yet shown. They come in silver and gun metal shades. Linoleums We show a splendid lot. They come to us direct from the makers in the old land. all proper- ly aged and thoroughly seasoned. The new tile and floral patterns are fine. 2, 3, and 4 yards wide. A Special Quality 4 yds. wide for $1.943 art what we sell. We e Steel Briggs Field Seedsbuy the beet tested strains only. Not one ounce of cheap seed comes into our store. Ask the people who grew the best mangolds and turnips last year where they got their seeds. We don't know of one disap- pointedcustomer. A pretty good record, isn't it? Buy your seeds from us and buy them early. our prices won't scare you. ++ 1-++++++4+++++•IA4-++++++++ +++++++++++i.+++++• t•++•?++++++++++++++++++++++ £h4 +++++++++•t•+•1•+++ if tt If It jt . ++a•+- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 tOur Reduction Sale!' Is on and in order to reduce our stock before ,r Stock Taxiing we are offering greater Bargains in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known igrExeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to al- most cost during this sale. Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. • ROWE & ATgIN30N • The Largest Home Furnishers in the County. "Undertaking in all its Branches. +++++++++++++++4 +++++f+ -4-J.+++ Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to April 4th.. 1907. Wheat. 70 cents a bushel. Oats 35 to tib cents per bushel. ,Peas 72 to 75e. a bushel. Barley, 44 to 41 costa psis, boabsl• Shorts, 022 per ton. Flour. 12.10 pec cwt. Bran. 020 a ton. Hay. $10, and 811 a ton. Feed Flour. $1.25 per cwt. Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover Need, $8 to $10 per Butter, 2s2s. per pound. I'otatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. llricd Ap)d•es, Gc. per pound. Eggs, 14 aunts n dozen. Hogs, dressed, $8.75 a cwt. Hogs, liveweight, 06.65 per cwt. Coal. $7 a ton. Onions Large. 120 cents a" bushel. }'� Mfl'TO DE ORDER 1 II 'v'tote' `s n i Dressing well is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each gement that we make for you has that air of individuality ro much sought after by the fashionable man. You are sure of comfort ease and elegance if you wear our garments. You are sure too, of get- ting the best possible value for your money. We havel100 new Suitiugs way down in pence. if W. W. TAMAN, Tailor L bushel. •••••••••••••••••••••N••• •i •••••••• •••••••• Easter Monday was a bank holi- day. The schools will open again next Monday. A few April fool tricks were play- ed on the 1st. Diiss Flossie Taylor spent the hol- iday in London. Miss 'Edith Sanders spent Easter with friends in London. Mrs. Tiros. Boyle. spent the holi- days itith friends in London. The masons last week ootnmenced work at the Canning factory. Mr. Barry Huston is spending the holiday4 with his parents here. Messrs. Acheson Barroeva and Cook spent last Thursday in London. Misses Winnie and Alice Howard. spent the holiday at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Johns spent the holidays with her daughter Mr.. Will Goodison, at Sarnia. Mr. 13rown. of Detroit. 'cyst the guest ,of Rev. and Mrs. Fear over Sunday. • Miss Amelia Going is visiting Miss Cara Tufford, of Aylmer, for n few weeks. Rev. and Mrs. Fear and son, spent Monday and Tuesday .visiting in Stratford. Misses Jessie Dow htid Anna, Mar- tin. are at their homes here dur- ing the holidays. Mrs. T. 11. McCallum, Mrs. d)qug- las, and Mise McCallum, spent the holidays in London. Miss Laura Jeckell, who is attend- ing the Normal College. is home for the Raster holidays. Mrs. W. J. Beeman is spending the week with Mr. and •:lira. Wm.+ Beaman. at London. Mrs. Ed. Maguire spent the holi- days visiting her mother Mrs. Wind- sor of Marlette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Gidley• .of Blyth. sent the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gidtey. Mr. James Elliot, of Sault Ste. Marie visited his cousins Alt. and James Walter, on Goo! Friday. Mr. Alvin Brintnell, of 8. 13. No. 1, ilsbortie. is spending the Easter holidays with his parents here. Miss Maggie Passmore, of the Thames Road has taken a position with Miss Ballantyne, dressmaker. Mr. Earnest Davin, of London, pprcnt the Easter holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Misses Winnie and Martha Carling are spending the holidays nt the borne of their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs.. T. 13. Carling. Mr. and Mrs. Garve Dickson. of London, spent Good Friday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, of Francistewn. Mr. John Iiawkshaw has consider- ably improved the property he re- cently purchased from Mrs. Airth. rind is this %trek moving. Mr. Thos. Oke. of Kingsville, took a run up on Friday to attend the shooting match. lie spent Saturday the guest of Them. Acheson. Miss Blanche Sherry, echo has been spending the past five tceoks visit- ing with her brother in Brantford. returned home Friday last. Mrs. A. Q. itnbier last week pur- ohased from Mr. Geo. Barton, the property on Main street, formerly owned by Mr. Wtn. Harding. Messrs. Will Baker. of St. Marys. Geo. Raker. of Windsor. and Harry of Detroit. spent the Easter with their parents on Huron Street. 1 LOCALS EW ARRIVALS 1N-� WALL PAPERS LINOLEUMS LACE CURTAINS CURTAIN MUSLINS Homse Leaning Necessities HOLLYWOOD READY MIXED PAINT 15c, 25c. 45c and 90c Tins ELEPHANT READY MiXED PAINT 15c, 25c, 45c, and 90c Tins CAMPBELLS VARNISH STAINS Do your own Varnishing and Staining. 15c, 25c, 45c and 75c Tins Brushes from 5c to $5.00 IIBAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE Pretty Wall Paper at 50. Beautiful papers at 10, 15 and _"'.0 cents All Borders fold by roll same price as paper. THE OLD RELIABLE " Mr. tVnm. Jeckell last week pur- chased the property known as the McIntosh property on the Neat side of William street, just south of the station street. Mrs. Beal 11. • .• • • , of Mich., who has !keen visiting ter Itister -Mrs. I. !fall, returned 10 omo in the West Saturday morning. r husband who was here return lost week. Campbell's Varnish Stains make a splendid finish for hall and dining room floors. They come in Light and Dark Oak, also in Cherry. Ma- hogany. etc. A 75 -cent enn will .do an ordinary room. Ask W. J. Heit- man. fo; latest color card. Mr. 1'. Gowans, a former teneher in lesherne, spent the Easter boli- d-ys with triemis in town. Mr. Neon has Teen teaching in the St. Marva school during the past three months. Ile was tendered the matnws position tnitti •the -umm+,r hoelistets, but declined. Ile intends leaving for the Northwest shortly, Wealern Snskntnhe%watr being his destination. The different coin mittr('s nppoint- ed to look lifter the Victoria day celebration are actively engaged in getting up a good List of reports for the day. It his been deeeided t i eliminate the prize+ 1 - • trades poseneeion. but many " . • emen- ohante who desire to .:.•t up a dis- play for the morning Pernde can do so. and take a plate• in the proces- sion. BIG VALUES IN LACE CURTAINS All 3% yards long IIg Values .1 $I, 1.25, $1.50 do not hide cur face to deceive the public, neither t E w do we mark our goods so you can't tell the price. 1 All goods marked in plain figures. All stock the best the market affords. All prices reasonable at the OLD RELIABLE. 6 new patterns in Linoleums. New designs in Floral patterns. New designs in Block patterns 4 yards wide NAIRN'S MAKE at $1.95 a yard Curtain' WIIps with large or small dot, 36 inches wide also 3 different patterns in floral designs all one price 15c. yd. ERNFST ELLiOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MoNtN to lo.. Iroise* 1o.ea nee. Norte Wc.t i.n4. for Sok. Office. Mala Street. Bestir SNELL 6c ROWE Mr. J. W. elnoderiok, of Goderich. 1 MELISSA pen a with Mi.. Nina. Kinsman entertained al s t th day in town with friends.. number of friends on Tuesday even- j BALM ing. Messrs. A. J. +innd A. C. Salter. of The Popular Skin Food Of Unusu London, spent Easter with his par" For the alToMerit ents here. Mr. Elmore Senior, of Toronto. is lust at this time of the year special spending the 1?aetor holidays at his care must be exercised to keep a clear home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 11111. of Tor- onto spent the Easter with the for- mer's parents here. wilt do all that Is required of it. Miss Dolly Davidson end friend of Unsurpassed In overcoming the ten - London, spent the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowerman.dency to harshness and r ugliness produced by the cold raw wilMs. Melissa Balm feeds the pores and in this way makes the Skin Soft and Velvety. 25 cents a Bottle Prepared by S COLE Phm B wholeole year for the the mum of ons W • S. • • dollar. Chemist and Druggist. The first day of March came in Elthy'I'ER. ONTARIO. like the proverbial lamb. and .the last day kept up its reputation by i actingtwisted. like a lion v:?tin Re tail badly MELISSA BALM OUR SPRING STOCK Is all right and up-to-date. Prints, Ducks and Ging- hams, Plain and Fancy Muslins, Point de Sprit in white and black. Black and white kid belts 25c each. Embroidered wash Belts white, 15, 20 and 25c. Embroidered wash turn- over collars, fancy collars GO and 25e. A very choice line of silks suitable for full suits or waists. See our fine display of Wall Paper. 5c per roll up to 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDougall of Comber, are visiting friends and relatives in Exeter and Winchelsea. Messrs. Arthur Wood. Percy Ren - die. Dan. Hendle, Frank lawden and Chas. Miners. all of London. spent the Easter with their parents in town. ' To new subscribers we will give the Times to the first of January 1908 and the weekly Glob° obo f 0r one The roads throughout the country last week were in a bad condition for travelling. Only those .whose business neceeasitatcd it took chances on Doming into town. The season for getting out horse bills is near et bund. Don't forget that every one getting hills printed at the Times office will receive a notice in our columns. Good Friday in Exeter passed off very quietly. The stores were clos- ed. and everyone took a holiday. Many witnessed the shooting match held by the Exeter Gun Club nt their grounds near the trailway tracks on Huron Street. The parlor social given by the lndies, of the Cavcn Presbyterian church, at the manse last Friday evening was well nttended in spite of the disagreeable weather. Mr. J. A. Stewart acted as chairman. The evening wee occupied by an inter- esting program and refreshments. Miss Nina Carling. who has stud- ied under some of the best masters in Canada. took pert in the Easter services at the .lames atreet church, last Sunday. Mess Carling possesees a clear sweet voice of wide range, and her nrticulntion is 50 clear that every word can be heard. One se- lection. "From Gloom to .Glory", adapted for Easter. was greetly ap- preciated by the large congregation. The day which is the anniversary of hope to nil the Christian world was celehrated in the churches last Sunday in a fitting way although the weather did succeed in barring mumu of the Ea.eter conceits in dress from the church festival, the real celebra- tion wns probably more in keeping with the sentiment. The usual Sun- day afternoon parade twaa called off and there tear+ • lit tle venturing forth of Enster finery. Mr. Thomas Cameron intends aiding eaten In Exeter the first 'day of every month. and it will be eoessary for parties wishing to have toek entered at these sales to leave a list of them nt the Times office r with Mr. Cameron at Far- quhar wring the first two weeks of the month so that they can be proper : advertised. Mr. liubert 8. Whiter and Mi.ts Lilli. May Aoheson. two of Exeter's m,. popular young p4'011e, 'Wrung urprise on their /many friends est Thursday evening by going to the rectory and stetting married. The ceremony was %vitne:ased by nniy a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter left Friday (horning for a trip to Toronto. returning home on Tura - day. The happy young couple n re now neceivin,r the congratulations of their many ncqunintnncee. Reeve ilobier last week received a letter from the mayor of Exeter. England, asking if our Public School would accept a flag, to be tecnt by tire school of the English City, and wishing the pupils of the Exeter. Ontario. school to 'weld a flag of Canada. Tip letter %vat handed over to the principal Mr. Fleming, and it is likely a subscription .will be taken up among the scholars for the purchase of a flag to be sent to the school at Exeter, England. The, Exeter Australla, rohool ,tvas alio asked to exebsnge flags. GRAND TRUNK SY'SEM Nothing shoddy about us. Everything we do and say is above board. COBALT SPECIAL A solid train of Vestibule Cars and Pullman Sleepers leave Toronto daily at 9 p. m. Arriving at Cobalt 8.45 a. m., New Liskeard 9.15 a. m. Co- balt is the tilhest Silver Min. ing Camp in the world and well wortb a visit. ONE WAY SECOND-CLAIgS COLE ONIST TICKETl3 On rale daily until April 30th to points in Ieritieh Columbia, Califor- nia. Montana. Colorado, Washington, Oregon. For full particulars and tickets call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent J. D. McDONALD, District Passenger Ment. 9 'aronto FARM LABOURERS AND DOM- ESTICS. I have been appointed by the i)bm- inion Government to p1a�e Immix grants from the United Kingdom in ioetitione ns farm labourers and darn - antic sorvantt in thio vicinity. Any person requiring push help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wantel and wages offered. The numbers arrivin+ mi.) not 110 sufficient to aupply ail requests but every effort will be made to provide ,aa h applie cant with thae help required. DONALD McINN1$ Canadian Govcrnmo.nt Employment Agent, Exeter. Ont. Nouse Decorator Plumber (►ht .net CCo1.1 water) SIon Writing and Graining CARLINC BROS. With R. Dinney haat year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence. corner James and An- drew Street. THE TIMES AND WEEKLY owns AND CANADA FAR- . M E iE, 11.36. M•II. NMI The offer of of the Reefer Times' and the Toronto Weekly Globe and flan - Ma Farmer for 01.3', is extended to June 1. Over 160 of our suhecribere have taken advantage of this liberal offer and we are anxious to increase the number to 250 before the first of June. Any one who is now taking the Times caa get tae tplobe by lag us 34 cents. ..:111:31 The Sovereign Banti ©f Canada Heed Office, Toronto. RANDOLPH I1ACDONALD, President A. A. ALLAN, Vice:President D. M. STEWART, General Manager Capital Subscribed $5,99,000 Capital fully paid 3,998;000 Reserve Fund 1,255,00 Assets over 25,000,000 General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors Suitable •Furnitura of All Grades We have been one year in Exeter and take this opportunity of thanking our customers and friends for their liberal patronage and we hope to be able to merit a continuation of their patronage. Artistic Furniture We have the most Artistic and up-to.date Furniture that money can buy Everything is new, no old stock, and our prices are as low as the lowest. 20 per Cent Off In the Undertaking Line. We carry a full stock c.f everything required in the business, and for every job of undertaking we will give 20 per cent of regular prices. Jas. Beverley Graduate of the College of Embalming and a member of the Canadian Rs- balmers Asaociation. NO -TIME like the present to make our acquaintance. We are showing an excel- lent assortment of exclusive fabrics, that are well worth your attention . Our clothes are cut "right" and tailored "right" and our prices will fit your purse. as well as our clothes fit you. we JOHNS Merchant Tailor Why You Should Use BLMD1 FLOUR Spring wheat flour and %tinter wheat flour each possess separate and distinct food virtues. In ST! J [LO1 11_1G P_; FLOUR Yon get the finest spring and win- ter wheat flour blended in proper proportions. ilread, rollr, biscuits, cakes and pantries made of "STAR FLOUR" are perfect foods unequal- ed in purity deliciousnea. and health giving properties. Can you con:+intently use other than Star Flourf Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. EXETER Corn! -AT- Exeter and Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grai if desired. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye 6IcarIoo Salo of GroGcru S6oGlf We still have some Gond Bar- gains to give our Customers. 22 ih+. of granulated Sugar for $1. 24 1h.. of yellow Sugar for $1. Curt ants, .3 lbs. for 25c. Seeded itaisins at a fur 25c. "tea. 25c. black for 20e. 'I'ea 40c. black for .30c. Yeast Cakes 2 box'• for 5e. Lamp Glesaes, generally sold at 7o now 4e. also a new large ones at be. Diking l'owdei.a, Forest City 20e. per sealer ; Crown 15c, Lion 15c. per can. J boxes of matches for 10e. Soap, 0 bare of any kind for 21e. grooms, fico 30c brooms for 41.00. Oatmeal 10 ib. for ... 25e. Canned Tomatoes .. 1Oc. Canned Pea! 10e. or three for 25e. Salmon, Maple Leat 15c, Moss Bono ids. or 2 for 25e. Shoo Polio!' 9 cents per box. All miler's reduced to 10c per Ib. We 8150 hove a stack of pennies Garden Needs, reg. sold at be, now 2 for be. All accounts must be settled by the let of April. S. HARDY & SON Al