HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-04, Page 5• THE EXETER TIMES, APRIL 4th 1907 Crediton Da E. J. M•CUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE PHYSIC!. sols and surgeons. Successor to Dr. IL A. Hoist. Oredi to u. Ont. Crediton is making preparations ter another successful celebration of Victoria Day. A strong committee Irs at work and everything points to an even greater success than last year. We shave the name of doing more than we advertise and if all put their shoulders to the wheel this Year's celebration will add to our fame. Mr. and Mrs. ltobt. Edwards, of Corunna. called on Rev. J. W. An- drews on Saturday last. Stephen Council held their regu- lar monthly meeting on Monday of this week. The services held in the Methodist oburch on Sunday were specially in- teresting. In the morning the Itev. J. NV. Andrews preached a special Easter sermon and in the evening the service was one of song. I3oth Pervices were well ettcnded. Mr. Geo. Either end mother More visiting at the home of the former's daughter. in Detroit the past week. !Malcolm Mackintosh formerly hostler at the Central. loft Friday Lor his home in London. Elmer Gower visited friends in London on Friday last. 'Mrs. C. Bluett with her rice and London. Mr. Mcisaac has won many )PoPular Goods for Now andt5pEcIALwarm friends during his stay do C Iditou. Inent idw alww that !re will hand cement , uture all Weover town and the Resi of the Season the atreets lit l,y acetylene gas in the near future. hope that ��e„� e•:cryone will support our town fathers in this undertaking.ri! TROUSERS SND MISR Great pre pa rations arere Prof Favored Worsteds t therem for the ylnn ss conference VESTS 10 SIMMER the Evangelicale Association which These worsteds are in blues and will convene 'hero the 18th of thin , If f► pant hunter panties! month. I fancy mixturee,excel In qualtty,brauly Is panting for pants We have some extra values in CARPETS in Unions,Wools,Tapestry, ' etc. We have Rev. E. 11. 'Bean attended the min- and finish anything of their kind we Ile panteth limitless l j, isterial westing at Jamas Street have ever shown. We are offering, Until he implants himself into just received a shipment of Tapestry Carpets in Fawn, Green and Cardinal shade. Exquis- Sr.hodiit Monday last. E. Iivatota maid our village a some beautiful Ione of those fashionable pants ordered its patterns, new and up-to-date and have narked them close to manufacturers prices. 11.Summer Suits for 310 I, flying visit on 'Monday last. J, }1a NOLTZMANN SMaster Mussel Andrews spent the 1 and upwards.latSee Our Stockiof Linoleums,0' �+ All widths in r'Ioral and Tile patterns. Easter holidays in Parkhill. �l Cloths, &V, We handle A'alrn's Scotch Linoleuaois Mrs. ohas. Zwioker emit a few A beautiful assortment to choose from . i f the r� is a taste we can in the beat quality. days with her ,parents in Parkhill. not suit, we have yet to know of it. Sir. Wilfred Finkt,einer of London In this department we haye great bargains spent a few fdays with his mother. Mrs. Chas. Brown. Curtains New patterns at fl'om `�5c to $6.00 per pair '. Mrs. I. Stahl who has been con- Groceries See our $1.00 and $1.25 line. Ther are specials. . ed to her 'bed is able to beeup ugfinnpn. h WINDOW SNSDES-All Colors, plain, Miss Rosie Silber of Zurich is vis- and also trimmed with lace and insertion visiting with alias Martha Wentzel a few days this week. WALL PAPERS -A large stock to choose from t.t right prises We aro clearing out Then, plias Brown's ir. 13. rh are Confectionery some lines Regular 25c for 5c per double roll: visiting their uncle '.lir. li. Brown. ALUES In House Furnishings during April month, Mrs. James Moore is spending a few days with friends in ,Michigan. Mr. W. J. Wilson on r •Tuesday moved into the house just vacated by Mr. Davids, mato has 'moved to Winglnm. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Joynt hpent Easter with the Iforiner's mother at Luck now. Mr. Oliver Geiger, of Berlin. ,was home for Easter. Mr. Sant. Genitor of near Milver- ton, is spending this holidays troller the parental roof. • Mr. and Mrs. 11. Arnold visited in London over Sunday. Mrs. John Stacey and are visiting Mrs• John Clarksburg. Mr. Willis Powell entertained the Epworth League of the Benson Hensel! Methodist church with an Edison celebrated Phonograph . on Monday evening last. A pleasant evening was spent by all. Mr. Wm. McKay is in Toronto this week attending a l'rovincial conten- tion of school teachers. Mr. A. Mol.lherson spent Easter in Stratford the guest of his lncioo, Mrs. QDr.) Gemmell. Mr. Chas. Cook and mother spent. Easter in Guelph visiting Mrs. '11. Johns. Mr. James Humphreys has again taken A position as 'moulder at the foundry. Mrs. Manns spent Monday ilk Exe- ter at her eon Gordon's. Mr. W. 13engough gave London -a flying visit on Tuesday, Messrs. R. Cameeott and George Welsh Gl visited 1 d llr..e B • h lck+v' til of Bothwell on Good Friday and report the doctor doing n good business. Mr. F. W. Sinallaoombe shipped the last of this onions on Tuesday to Steele Briggs & Co. The Rev. Mr. lurks, of ,Scatortb, exolianged pulpits 'with the .Rev .8. L. Toll on Nunday. Mr. Thom. Murray of Owen hound and John Murray of Dundas visited their father .over Sunday. CI(EDITON SCHOOL REPORT. The following are the results of the promotion exams held Dfarclt '21, 22, and 24. Names in order of merit. daughter 'Evelyn and Gladys, "as )Jr. 1V,-afaxirnurn 900. ltequired to ,visiting her mother pt Forest this11 pass 540. L. Geiser 730; 1'. Treitz !week. 702; al. alangnua 417; C. Boltzmann Mr. Wm. Yearly ,was in London 591; II. Fanner 537 ; I. Brown 547; Friday on business. M. Wenzel 546; W. Bean 541 ; 14. Mr. Alf Clarke, of Ailsa Craig. vis- Fiitkbeiner 538; G. Beaver, R. An- ited his fattier a few days the past Brews 536. The Last three aro pno- week. 'noted on triol .only. To Sr. 111. - •Mr. and Mrs. Strickler. of Brant- Maximum 900. To pass 540. I. ford visited the latter's • mother, llalgins 4112; ,L. ,Brown 605; c. Bean Mrs. Gottfried Geiser on Sunday. 602 ; M. 13rowvn 672; F. Hill 560; a\V. Mr. John 'Dyer ii again confined to llaist 541, also the following from his room through illness. Int. III. -V. Iloltzmaun, H. Boltz - Mr. Garnet Baker, of London, mann, G. Bissett, H. Sweitzer, 11. spent a couple of days in the village Shenk. E. }hist, E. Fanner on trial. the past week. To Jun. III -Maximum 755. To pees Mr. Tim Ireland wife and family The Misses Nichloa and Wettafer, 453. C. B1uett 600; E. Beaver 477; of Stratford, spent (Easter in Dash - of Tavistock, are visiting a few L. li(xiden 447; C. Kienzlo and 1t. wood. days at the dormer's aunt, Mrs. Dan Motz ,on trial. To Sr. IL-blaxi- Mr. Archie Routledge of Claude- Oestreicher. mum 700. To pass 420. M. IIoltz- boye spent Easter et his home here. Miss It. McNee, of London swan the mann 4558; G. Benedict 451; f. King The Y. P. A. gave a very inter - guest of Miss O. Boltzmann the past 453; M. Clarke 423; JI. Brown and esting program here nn Easter Mon, Week. Irene Erb on trial. To Jr. 1I. -Max- day.. in the evening. Miss Girvin and 'Miss Robertson mum 450. 1'o pass 4250. G. Gueitt- Mr. David Tiernan '+was in Hensel' are spending the holidays at their ther 329; It. (English 318; L. Weiner Good friday helping the unloading respective homes. 294 ; E. Treitz 286 ; L. Boltzmann of a car load of barbed wire and Quite a number from Imre took and L. II(dden 1271 V. Geiser 269, A. also some coil wire, which he receives in the Shooting snatch at Exeter Sambrook 264 ; O. Walker 250. •1't. ed there in partnership with Mr. on Good Friday. .Sr.-Maximum1f. 350. U 10 pass 190.Chas. I art lchb in Zurich. Mr. Alf Williams. of London, visit- V. Hill 290; j✓. Ocstroioher 287; J. Mr. John Hoffman and family of ed at the home of Mr. It. Newlin'- Wolfe 273: Jt. King 272 ; JI, Fink'- here who has n position in Parkhill trey on Friday rind Saturday. Reiner 249; E. Kaiser 187. To Pt. •as foreman in n furniture and un - The residenoc of the late fairs. II Jr. -Maximum 300. To pass 190. dertaking business was in town Ens - Kuhn was sold on Saturday Last to M. 'Guenther 232; L. Moist 225 ; .,E. ter spending the holidays with his Mr. Win. B. ►Geiser for $485 Redden 192 ; G. Lamport 185; 11. ltau friends. Mr. Dave Wein rand M. 'Finkbeiner 172 ; C. Rau 166. Mr. George Edighoffer and fam- of London, were pleasant visitors in Parents, who have ,children about BY Inst Monday April 1st attended the village for the Easter holiday. ' to commence to attend school, will the funeral of one of his brothers The special Easter sermons Preach- kindly start them on Monday April stilus'! children William Yule in ed by Rev. E.ll. Bean were largely 27th., and not before. b'ullarton. attended and highly appreciated. Mr. Albert Weltin mho is attend - Text in the morning Psalm 110. 3rd. ing IIigh School in Stratford. spent Ord verse in the evening John 12, Dashwood his Easter holidays here at home. 032nd. verse. Mr. Peter illeLsaac Spent last week Mr. Christ Editor, of Zurich. !vas Miss Ethel Kellerman who has in London on business. in the village .Tuesday on business. been going to !spool in Sarnia re • A meeting of the Amateur At11- turned imine to upend her Easter CROMAItTY little Association was 'held in the lwlidays. -- fire hall on Monday evening last and Mr. Wm. Tremain, of Stratford. Mr. Norman llarnilton, of Toronto ;was largely attended by the buss- returned to Dashwood to Spend the spent Easter .holidays ,with friends nes;s men of the town. It wall unan- Easter holidays. and relatives .here. j,lltously decided to celebrate May 24 Miss F.miva Tiernan, of .Detroit, Mr. L. Cranston of Trenton. is the in a right royal manner. Various returned to Dashwood to Spend the guest of his (brother Rev. .11. IA. committees have leen appointed whoEaster. Cranston this week. tutee already begun their work. Mr. Geo. Ruby ttnd wife and little Mrs.I3rown and little daughter s Tif spent G Mr. C. Stock our (genial butcher, I on t [err stent Dori friday in master Davie is visiting in Listowel repent the Easter holidays et bis 1/ Exeter. nt present. home in Tavistock. Mrs. Mattison and her son Russel Mr. and Mrs. James Scott spent Mr. .1. Mcisaac who has been Prop -of Lampton City. spent Easter visit- several days in Toronto last week. rietor of the Royal Hotel for the ing at her Lrothcra ,Mr. W. 'O. Mr. and firs. Andrews are holi- past two years left on Monday for Shrumm• slaying in London a few days this week. We have juhst , put in a Stock of Fresh Groceries, Fruits, Candies and Canned Goods. BREAD We also make first class bread. Give us :t call. Levi S. Hamacher Baker and Confectioner. DASIIWOOD - ONT. ERUPTIO CHILDREN WHO • WERE • • • • • COVERED • WITH • SORES Wonderful Zam=Buk Triumph! Every mother knows with what rapidity sores, ringworm, ulcers, etc., spread from child to child. In Montreal recently most of the public schools wore v eitod b; an epidemic of itch in this was A child is afflicted with scalp sores, itch or ring- worm. In the course of play, one child puts on another's hat. In this way, or in a hun,lrr.l and nue more whet] children make p easihlo, the in• fectiou spreads and semi -times a who's family is street cd. .1r. J. C. Bates, of 13urk's Falls says -" My three children sem all bioken nut with sores on fare, hands and feet. '('heir toml,tinn was pitia1. ' ; reel although I tried various ointments ami sah•e the sal es continued to apr'•*1). " Oen day 1 sew• a report (tilling how beneficial 7.1m Itnk was for din diseases, ulcers, etc. 1 get a supply of the halm and applied it to tho children's sones. Almost satin .liat'.It' they got relief, and the sores iw'gan to heal. Although the skin disease had defies -1 all the sale,* I had previously tried, in one week Zane Buk overcame the trouble, and coda)• rho children have not pimple or spot or mark of diseaw nn their skin. For this grand result I Imo Zam-iluk to thank." READ WHAT ZAM-BUK CURES 7am•i±nk hr,l :111 skin dfsra.cs--e-rema, scaly servo, id, rrr, ringworm. IDrone'► \wounds, Farber.' rash, pngn:e•. fare blemishes dm. to bl(.51 poison. good also for rhoania ism not r►eOntlg;a. 11 heels, ,11.1 and 1 •coition•, slops bleeding. earn+ pile.,. a -es fistula, reduces rota gid 'clog. 1t ceras 1) 1rns and scalds, and It is an excellent " first rid " remedy. it Is Wittily anti-t•ptie. All .In, gf.ts amt -tire^,-rfl et :in i'n'• a bit. 111 Imola'.t \3 ii(• Si 111, 1-01:1 '1, 111. for pi ;re. 11 b,te. for V.'s. • FREE BOX Thi. la ('0071051.1(0 mono of Ihl s pats r and a 1 contet..trip ,int to the Zani• Ihrk ('e., 'Toronto. w i'I. I l.nin for you a 'r r trial box. 1' n t .!clay. try, r -� CI4N'1'1(Ai'iA Het-. G. W..Andrews preached two very interesting sermons to large congregations on Sunday last. Miss Lucy Andrews, ,of Lindsay, is emending the d►olidiy at her home here. Miw Tena Ihtrtkin rind Mrs. Kershaw of London, visited nt the home of Mr. Wm. ('arsons this week. Miss Alvino Wilson of Denfield, is visiting at her home. The Misses Ettie rind May Cough- lin, of London ,visited nt their homes here 'luring the iF.astcr liolidays. Miss Evelyn Simpson Spent Easter with friends in Ludo. Mr. Harvey Hicks. of London, vis- ited at his horse here. airs. William Foster and little. molt Murray. of Toronto ,Miss Margaret Handford. of Berlin, spent the ,Ens- 1er holidays at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. .tames 'Hand- for(1. , 1 Mrs. Edwards of f 11C111, is visiting her daughter Mrs. 'Chas. Dupl:an. airs., Rev., Salton rind children of Charing Cross, were the gfucsts of Mrs. E. Colwell for Easter. Mrs. Frank Flicks is visiting her friends in London. Miss Ethel \Valker, who has been visiting friends in bendott find Bay- field for the tract month returned home Inst week. Mina Mabel Sparks is spending the holiday nt her home in Ilensall. Miss llottrill is visiting nt her home in Mitchell. Miss Katy Elliot, of London. itrd at her 'home here. airs. (:vans who hies been visiting her sister Mrs. Thomas Greenway, of Crystal City 'Man., for the past six months returned to her hones here last week. Miss Floe Essery, 'who has been confined to the House through ill- near is improving. Mr. Thomas Edwards rds of London, WAS the guest of his mister Mrs. ha('i. Dupla ll, on Sunday and Mom IIENSALL Mrs. (Rev.) afield land itttighter, of forest, spent their Jingler holidays with their friends in town. Mr. .lames Stoneman. of Staples. visited his brothers Wn1. and J. C. • over Sunday. Mr. Toll. of Kingsville, visited nt the parsonnue over Smelly. Misses Olive Cox wrorth pill Igor- rie Cudmore, of (lbnthin► llusineas College are visiting under the paren- tal ronfl. air. 1'. ik'llery, of liit►c t,ljtte, vis- ited his eon, •1)r. t•Sellery, over Sun- day.• tion Lloyd Dick, •,af FARRQtlllAR Miss J. A. Hamilton spent the Eas- ter week with friends in and around Motherwell. Messrs. R. 1). Turnbull and w\V, A. Gardiner of Collegiate Institute, St. Marys, a re slendiug the holi- days at home. The roads have h,een in very poor shape for travelling but are vtow getting better. IMr. W• Brown has engaged (with Mr. T. Rundle .for the Summer. Mr. Chas. ltiley left on Tuesday for I3ritish Columbia. The concert given in the Thames Road church on blo►tday night under the Hospices of the choir, wan well attended. blr. Greenlaw is a very (pleasing singer and has a range of voice possessed by dew. 0-31111'='Cat R2eta.a • Bear, lye 1M Kind You Hare Ahssri Bought Iligastars of 8. S. No. 1, 1'SBOiINE. The following is the report of tho promotion examinations held in H. ti. No. 1, 1 shorne together with tho r(wult of a test examination in the Sr. 4th. and 5th. classes are reported. V, -Roy Illatohfor(1 78 ; Edda White 77; Andrew. Dougall 71. Sr. IV. -Ethel Bell 84; Carrie Oke 80; harry Dougall 77 'Carry Moir 73; Victoria Itott•cliffe 67. 'Promotions.- fir. 111 to Jr. iV- Pass <35), Lanita Harvey 471 ; t;eorge Blatchford -170: Gordon Oki. 468 ; Jennie Strang 465, absent two sub- jects. Cecil Down 421. Jr. 111 to Hr. IiI-►'ass 350, .John Strang 486 Jamar -Dougall 470: Rosetta Down 367; Tenn Dougall .363; lrn Moir 356 Alvin .Moir 343; Roy White 304 Earl Bell 301. Jr. 11 to Sr. II.-I'rtas 230 Willie Strang 389; Hazel Down 393; Oliver itowcliffe 317; Wilfred Don - gall 310; Jilva Harvey 207, obcent 2 !objects, George Moir 205. J. A. llrintnell, Teacher. Conspaffoa Baked sweet apples, with !mine people. Oise Prompt relief for ('onstipatton. With others. Coarse all•wheat bread will have the same eWeee. Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy to relieve every ailment known to man,11 physicians can but find Nature's way to health. And tillage strikingly true with regard to Constipation. The hark of a certain tree in California -elle ears Sacraria -offers a most excellent aid to thio and. But. combined with Egyptian Senna, Slip pert' Elm Bark. Solid Extract of i'nm s. etc., this same Cascara bark is given its greatest possible power to corms (•onstipatirat. A toothsome Candy Tablet, celled le tate is now made at the Dr. Shoop leboratorles, from this ingenuous and most effective prescription. Its effect on Condi. Dation. Biliousness. Sour Stonutch, Aa.l Breath. Sallow Oomplexlon. etc, Is indec.l prompt and satisfying. No griping, no unpleasant after effects aro ea. portenceal, and Lxrta aro put up in beautiful lithographed metal boles at 5 cents and 25 Dents per box. For something new. mote ee000mla►1 arta efetctive, try a box of ax-ets W. S. HOWEY. A Call Solicited 1 C. ZWICKER, Crediton 6. 8. No. 12, USHORNE. Report of 8. 8. No. 12. 1'sborne tor •March. Forst V.-1lilda Gunn-; ing, Wilson Morley. Form JV.-' Cedar PostsClarence blillson, Gordon Morley'a Margaret McGee, Katie O'Mara, Walter Gunning. Form 1II.-1't . 2 F.tleSquire. EErma Knowles. , Og- We have a carload of Cedar Posts tie Squire Garnet Harness!, Vera Og- den, George Arksey, Willie Hodgson Vera Hodgson, Olive Gunning. James McCarthy. Form IIL-Pt 1, Hilton at 23c. at Exeter Ogden, Albert Knowles, Verga Mor- loy, Philip McGee, Tessa Gunning, John McCarthy, not gra'n'd. Form 25c at Winchelsea II. -Clara Moriey, Tint O'Mara, Ar- thur McCarthy, Michael O'Mara. Forte 1. -Agnes Kensal:t, John \Vhel- ilutn, James Ketlsela. Walter 8- Bent. Teacher. 1'ITY THE BUSY OFy'iCE MAN. IIe feels half dead, t sense of nausea, headache and nerve strain. IIo is on the verge of breakdown through overwork and lack of exer- cise. These sc h d'f tc a1ttcs are }lest overcome by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. which make the bowels active, stim- ulate the kidney's and liver thereby free the system of impurities. To revitalize the system and slime elate your whole bring, to shake off Iethergy and tiredness, nothing corn - pares with Ur. liatniltotl's WHIN which do make good looks good spi- rits. good health. Sold everywhere in 25c. boxer. S. 8. No. 2, U813ORNE The following is the report of the promotion examinations held in S. 19. No. r2, Usborne. Entrance Class. Total 900. Anna Allison 797, Willie Monteith 786 Flossie I'aasmore 629. Promotion to -Sr. IV. Class ease - 450. Et1tel liunkin 693. . Garnet Passmore 660, May Hatch 611. Jr. IV. -Pass 400. -Meryl Snell 565, Teressa Coward 481, Kenneth alio- Nicol 434. Percy Stone 327. Sr. 11I- l'ass 400 -Annie Turnbull 679, Cour- sey Brown 642 ; )Chrisaie Riley 609; Charlie Allison 523, Milton llodgert 514, Viola punkin 481, Willie Jef- frey 481, Lindsay I'olan 351, Nellie Stone 229. Jr. III. -('ass 330. -Joan- na -Monteith 492, Jean Allison 487, Sr. 11. -Pass 285. Llowelland Stew- art 438, Jessie Ilodgert 058. Percy Stone is to be promoted. JESSIE A. HAMILTON, Teashet. COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea aroid �oofin I have just received a large shipment of Paroid Roofing, and as the time is drawing near when you will want roofing work done, I would advise you to call and select what you will want. Have on hand a number of mitts and gloves, which I and selling at wholesale prices. Come in and get a pair. All kinds of tinware on hand. W. Moore Kirkton. T'' Wall Paper Season is Here Let us advise you adout the interior decorariou of your home. We cap assist you in seeuring the heat results. Our stock is most complete and sty- lish. `Ve will hang the paper for you. Now is the Time to buy Boots, Shoes & Rnbbers We have a large stock and bought before the price went up. We cap save you from tato 60 cents per pais. Our shoes aro reliable and each pair stands on its own merits. Fresh Oranges, Bananas and Lemons on Thursday B. W. F. BEAVERS, Q Farquhar. SF:ALSO TEN9Fass, ts addre•.► to the undersigned, I f and endorsed 'Tender for Completion of (lode-� WINCIIELSEA SCHOOL REPORT. lleamntt, Ethel Biowwden. Idabel El* rich Breakwater" will he nreite.l at this office until 'rho following is the report' Thursday, April 1s, Nq7, inclushely. for the corn- of the I (tot, Hubert Neil. I t. 11 to Jr. 1I e 'Action of Breakwater at (i'lderich, ninon Count) promotion examinations, held March Irene McCurdy, Oliver Davis. Eddie Ontario, uronling to a flan and specification to t'e 21, 22 and 25th. The names n re in ' Alexander. Sr. 1't. I. to l't. IL.. neer, Confederatiourl ifetBuildiut Building, inial H. order of merit. Sr. IV. -Ella Wash -Carrie Davey, Della Brooks, Arthus .1. mothKiwi_ wi„ Resident Engineer, London, Ont., on burn, Virga► Berry/till, Annie Elford, 1 Robinson, Elmer Wilson. Jr. I't. Ie application to the Po.tinawter at onilerirh, and at the Nolla •Heywood, Nettie Campbell, I to Sr. 1't. I. -Marry Elston. Department of Public works, Ottawa' Lula Godbolt, Ella Heywood. Lottie Tenders will not 1* toil slerel unless mule ort the yTMAi3LTi SPARK'S, Tea ;here printed form supplied, and signed with the actual Herbert. Jr. to lir. I` .-(toy Fair, sigrtatureptedcheques. Earl Johns, Clarence Creery. Mary to the Ari secsptesfthe cheque an s chartered bank, pay Corniele Itay Fletcher. Sr. VIII. to Works, sewnf the Honourable the ninistcedr dollars Jr. iV.-}linitis. Talbot. !then Go(1- Class w'oaa, for aecen thousand the hundred dollarsIn a �'ilaSS (i,fm, forfeited mast accompany pa each tender, The rhaphe Wit. John Creery. Almeria Colt itis, ii III beforfeftd i1 th,' party IwMterirt(r Bactine the Sherwood Brock. 3r. to Sr. 111 - 1 (nntraet or fail to coin 'ac(e the work contracted for, Emma Heywood. John (bock. Jr.to tett will 1e retnm.sl �n case of nonan:eptana of y by Itself tender. Sr. !h -Earl Coward. ('areata who The fAparlment docs not bin I itself to crept the have children to start this year will lowest or any tender. R' Order, 1 Please send them when school re - Secretary. aELtNAH, 1 opens. April 8. sccrclan. it is quite true FERROL is an emulsion Iteparlment of Public works, \y� p[; V 1St O1i 1'.. Of Cod Um 011 and a particularly Ottawa, llanh is, ►lar, A HARi) C( good one at that. But it combines News .aper! will not be paid for Its adthe Is part if they insert it without authority from the (Mosel No longer necessary to suffer front Iron and Phosphorus with the Oil, and meet. muscular rheumatism. Every case these arc just wthat are needed to make - I can be cured. ierrozone is unfelt- the emulsion perfect and they arc just ing as proved by David Johnston of what all other emulsions lack. '7 tt' Ormond. "'My wife was n dreadful sufferer," he writes. "For two '111...1-_.11...4%..d Z � . years she could 'scarcely do oily of ; t 11i the work. I(cr knuckles andjoints ��� FEROL swelled. causing torture. She tock :.� ,.l ;- box after box of Ferrmone and rub• beret the sore places it ith Nerviline. Sro00ls OI IIID Co�adlao uo''jp WP�� 1I) overarm started and she mend- ed J I I'G U I' n �I n er1 f sst. Today she i9 quite cured ItO),IItHT13AD RBUVLATto?IS, and we thank 1'errozonc for her re - cove: v." No remedy more popular with doctors than Ferrozone ; it does cure. 50c. nt all dealers. ANY torn numbered section of I,ominion lands in monitor*, 'sskat,hew an and Alberta, psi -epilog s and TB, not reserved, may 1'e homesteaded 1,f any person who is the heal of a family, or an) mak otcr 111 )e•ra of age, to the rttrnt of one snarler section of 11111 ares, 111012 OS len. Entry must 1* made Personally at the local land o(lice for the district in which the land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the ron• ditions connected ted therewith under one of the follow• ing plans... - 01 At least els months' residents upon and culti- vation of the land In each sear for three years. (5) If the father ter mother, 11 the father is de- ceased) of the homesteader rrsidse up,n a faun in the vicinity of tine land enteral for, the re.hllrrmelt•• as to residence may be satisfied tq such person residing with the father or mother, Ix) If (he setter has his permanent residence nprxa laming land owned Ly hini in the sterility of his hnr..e•t.ad, the requirements as to residence ray 1s• satisfied In re,idenee upon the said land, Hit months notice in writing should 1* g1150 1e (hs Commissioner of Iloininion hods at ►)llama of Intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, iteputy of the Moister of the Interior. N. It,--1'ta'Ithoeiu,l pnl•Iitation et this uhtrtl.e- inert will not to paid for. O. 8. NO. 1, STEPHEN The following is the result of the promotion examinations for H. S. No. 1, Stephen .The names in order of merit. 8r. Department. .lr. IV. to 8r. IV. -Jolts Hogarth, Maxwell Itaynham, iva Easery, 8r. 1i1. to Jr. iV.-Elmer Wilson, Flossie Davey, EIIa Raker. !female Anderson, Hubert White, Earle Calfas at►rt Joseph Da- vis, Harry Windsor, Edna Davey, Roy Callfas. Junior Department.I Jr. 111. to Sr. 111. -Anthony White, Elva Brooke, Fred **emery, Fred Fnirball, Willie Alexander. Sr. ii to Jr. HP -Victor llogarth. Stella Neil, Othello Mole, Rhea McCurdy, st You know what you Vera 'Mott, .Mtdeleine Moist, Mar- take �� vin Callfis, Everett Callfas, W►Ilin 'Baker. Jr. Ti. to Ar. I1.-Jfnbella W. e. COLTS, i)f;U(i(lD9TEXETER. is unique because 1t combines Iron and Phosphorus with Cod Liver 011. it is pleasant to take and easy to digest. It holds the record for increasing the weight (95i lbs from the use of 25 bottles). The formula is freely exposed and its bona -fides are vouched for by emi- nent analysts in Canada, the United States and Great Britain. it is endorsed by prominent pbysl- cians of all schtr,ls. It is used in all the leading Elepltabe Sanitariums and other Public lustM cations, The London (Eng.) Lanai, after care. ful analysis in its own laboratory, fully endorses it. We are prepared to substantiate all the above statements. FERROL is the embodiment of health, ammo, and vitality, and