HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-04, Page 4ILD PUNIER III IONIC
Perru's Blood Purifier
Perru's Sarsaparilla
The most efficient and
reliable remedies for impure
or impoverished blood, gen-
erat debility, Rheutnatisrn,
Eczema and all diseases of
the skin and blood.
Sold only at
Drug Store
l J
If you are suffering from
impure blood, thin blood, de-
bility, nervousness, exhaus-
tion, you should begin at once
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows it, too. Ask him about it.
Unless n•.re le dally sedan or the bowel,.
resonoua prt•dnrts are absorbedcausiva bead
ache. Ir haeme.*, nausea, dyspepsia, wed 31 tie
prr.eeaing the Sarsaparilla from dulnil Ile beet
work A1er•s viii' ars liver pills. Act gently,
all vegetable.
tied• t J. O. Ayer (b., Lowett1, II
£Ieo mannActur.n of
■AIR mos.
vers AG"cnntayI PECTORAL.
we here no poorer, ! Re peb:lea
lb• tonaelas of an onr eaed,elnoa.
To Cure a Cold in One Day bcar.a=
Tab Lwtative Brom
Tablets. R sy
.ve Rasa kiss sow le pot 15 meow. Ths , $ a di ,'?PV% `os. Z�
THE EXE11 r)11 TIMES. APRIL4th 1807.
The 100 Year Old Cough Cure
If the throat is "raw," -chest sone -bad cough
-and you ache "all over "-take
The Exeter Times
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
Best thing you ever tried. It eases the throat -heals the lunge --breaks up a ooid-
snd cures a cough in no time.
Prepared by the largest wholesale drug house in the world front the formals is
use for over a century. 131g bottle, ayc. At druggists. es
1-. - Mr. Thos. !landlord on Tuesday. GUN CLUB *41I00T.
had a photograph taken of three --
teams of horses, re -Lich he is ship- The second annual shoot of the
ping to Winnipeg. One teats was a IIuron Indians held at the !Club
beautifully matched pair of greys grounds Good Friday, was successful
the other light. ;bays and the third notwithstanding the , threatening
team a dark bay and a dark brown. weather. !'hero •was a good atten-
The horses were Purchased from danoo of some of the best trap shoot -
Wm. McLaren. Cromarty, IIoggartb era in Canada. In the trophy event
Bros. Cromarty, and Chas. loung. It. Day..of London, wag the winner,
Appiu. The prices averaged *600.00 with a clean score of 20 rocks brok-
per team. They were the finest look- en. Harry Scene, of Ridgetown and
ing lot of beasts shipped from Exe.- Geo. McColl of tat. Thomas were tied
ter for some 'time. for high average. R. Day second and
D. W. Glover, of London, third. F.
Conover and 1'. Milford were the
only professionals.
The "At Home" given by the pu-
pils of the Might School on Wediies-
day evening of last .week, was a
function much enjoyed 'by all those
present, the hall being crowded.
The principal Mr. Fleming gave all
A meeting of the sports' committees• outline of the growth .of the school
will be held in the office of N. 1)•
Burdon on Friday evening.
$10 buys a 200 egg Excelsior Iucu•
biter in first class shape. Apply to
a. Willis Powell Express Office.
The many friends of Thomas Cud
More will be sorry to learn that he
is ceefined to Ills house through ill•
Mt. J. T. Iiaw•ke, Editor and Prole
victor of the Moncton Transcript.
New Brunswick, visited iris aunt,
Mrs. lt. Harvey and other relatives
e few days this week.
The Epworth League rand Sunday'
school of the James Street Church
last week installed a Iteintzman
piano. The instrument was pur-
chased from Messrs. Martin & Son.
Mr. John Welsh, of London I-taod,
North, had a (wood bee on Monday'
last. While the ladies lad ti t
ing bei'. After wwarti, refreshments
were served and on enjoyable even-
ing is as spent.
The -regular meeting et the
\Voman's Institute will be held in
Eeeuior's Hall on ,friday. April 5th.
at J o'clock. Their evil) be seeds
,for distribution. 'Hiss Halls., Mrs.
Hastings, .Secy'.
goon. will be at the Commercial
Hotel. Hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
rn. Glasses properly fitted and
of eye Car and t
?lent Visit, April 5th,
T\Irs. Geo. Vesper rand family. of
Toronto, arrived in ExeterdeonMone
on -
day of this week endendne
here for some months prior to leav-
ing for the West. when they will
In 51r. Vesper who recently left
or the West.
• It has been stated that John ford
former caretaker of the cemetery,
has purchased the house and lot
south of the bridge from Mr. Wm.
Ilt'Imaoombe. Mr. Brimacoutbe in-
tends moving to Loudon where ho
expects to secure a position with the
Street railway comoa1Y•
FOR BALE.. -Valuable brick dwel-
ling and premises in Exeter. The
undersigned offers for sale the cotn:-
Tnodious and conveniently located
dwelling on Andrew street the prop-
erty of the late •Mrs. M. A. Palls.
The louse is one and one halt storey
for the past few years and Mr. JI.
E. Huston also spoke on the prog-
ress of t he school. The hollowing
program was given. Glee Club se-
lection "Aura Lee": recitation 1by
Mr. C. Tebbutt : 'Instrumental duct
Ida Rowe and Lulu Martin; recita-
tion by Mary Murray; short address
by Mr. Huston; Quartette by Mary
Murray, Alice Howard, Tom Carling
and Ileattie Martin; address by ltev.
W. M. Martin; recitation by 1lea:-
trice hooey, address by Bev. Going;
Glee Chub selection "twine back to
Dixie": address by Reeve Jeobier
instrumental solo Flossie Sweet ; ad-
dress by Itev. E. A. !'ear ; piano duet.
Gladys Bissell and Eillecn Farmer.
Atter the program a light lunch
was served.
The well known strengthening
properties of iron combined with
other tonics and a most perfect ner-
vine, are found in Carter's Iron Fills
which strengthen tho nerves and
body, and improve tho
r o
It has frozen up again and turned
very oofd, too cold in fact for the
frog to be seen on the cut.
Hamilton's Bros. were to start up
their new mill on Monday but ow-
ing to the change in the loather vitro
opening was postponed until aomo
Suture date,
Harold Walper is pt present laid
up with pneumonia. We ,Lope for a
speedy recovery. He is under :ilei
care of Dr. Wilson of I'ark 11111.
Sucker fishing is over for another
year. AIi that remains now is n
on the batik.
\Ve are glad to be able to say
that all of our sink ere on the fond
to recovery. I'lertee accept this in-
timation as they nre too numerous
to itemize.
Mr. Chas. Page visited his parents
from Saturday until Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs. ,Arthur Mellaril
are at present laid up with la grippe
The roads are very bad in this
section. Some places between iliere
and !'ark Hill being almost impas-
"Preveutics" twill promptly check
brick kittahen, Has in connection a a cold or the Grippe when taken at
frame wood shed and stable all in the sneeze stage. I'reventics cure
good repair. The land cotltail, 1-3 seated colds as well. I'reventics are
of an acre. l'or terns apply" to Miss little candy cold cure tablets, and
M. A. halls. Exeter. Ontario. 1)r. Shoop, Racine, Wire will gladly
mail you samples and a book on
tie Tueseay afternoon o team at- Colds free, if you twill write him.
tidied to a wagon bolotigtng to
DI r. Andrew htodgert of the Thaunes
Ro.ed which were tied in front of the
Snell & Itowe'i store became fright-
ened and in trying to get away, they
broke the tongue of the wagon.
Fortunately they were tied securely
land did not break away else more
tteriou, damage might have lc'ti
Ts.0 representatis es of the C. 1'.
R., Messrs Hyde end l)unc.tn, of Tor- standing the bad cutdilion of the
onto wets. in -toero on Monday in roads. fully 300 People being tires -
The samples prove their merit.
Check early colds with 1!reventica
and stop pneumonia. Sold in 5c. and
25c. boxes by W. M. Howey.
THAMES 1tt',1I)
The concert given tinder the nus-
eic:s of the Thames Road Presby
terian church choir ou Monday ew't•n-
ing was largely attended notw•itle
the interests of the Sl. elarys and
.\Ve+tern Ontario ltailwwuv. They
were looking over the ground as to
what would be the (hest ;outs!
through the town. A location just
outside the limits. near the ttrolPl r•
ty of Mr. C. E. Hackney. greatly
liner ...sett theta. Another route by
way of the old market thence nor•
tl,erly to the river crossing the G.
T. It. underlie nth the bridge "'al
looked over. '1'hc contract for the
grading aS far as St. Marys l:as been
We Trust
ant. rhe singing of Albert E. Green•
law, the colored bass soloist. wart
greatly appreciated as is as the vio-
lin playing by Maurice 1'oure. Hiss
.fames of St. Thomas. elocutionist•
was heartily applauded after each
number and wcillin;tly responded to
enchores. The concei t was very
entertainning int the choir rt-.servcs
much credit for furnishing such an
excellent program. Rev. Fletcher
was the chairman of the evening.
Mr. Wrn. Moodie left nn Wedrm:t.
day for Begin:( where bo •will mend
the summer.
J. E. Cantelon 18
J. Iltodds 18
1i. Scene 20
Il, Graham ... 19
.1. E. Jiovey 19
Fitton 18
F. Treibner ... 13
Carling ..... 17
D. Ilartleib .. 18
W. E. Handers ...18
11. W. Glover '0
R. Day
F. Galbraith
W. A. Smith
F. Conover
J. Treibuer
S. A. Webb
W. 1.oluls
R. licence
G. McColl
R. Etnslie
It. Coffey
G. Lang
John Bissett
O 111 1 Ct
A. Mahler
Weatherspoon ...
Kennel y
11. Smith
N. D. Burden ... ...
J. Heywood
11. IJissett �,
Mr. Fred Stephen lett last week
for a trip to Toronto.
Miss Olive Berryliill is hose fur
i the Easter holidays.
I Mr. Thomas Lingard sliest u taw
days of lust nveck in London.
Mr. John Johns is swearing a
smiling face these days -it's a baby.
8t>hool closed on Thursday last.
Miss Edna Taylor is hoops on her
League service was postponed hero
last week on account of the supper
given by the Ladies Aid at Elimville.
Miss Sadie Walker is visiting in
this vicinity.
Mr. Arvey •Parkinson ,is :home
from the We. t.
Some of the farmers aro busy
making maple syrup.
Take Laxative liromo Quintet Tab-
lets. All druggleta refund the moa-
ey it it fails to cure. E. W. 0-ove's
signature is D.% each box. 15e.
Mrs. 0. E. IDaltry. of Toronto.
spent Easter tit her uncle's Mr. John
Essery Eden.
Mrs. J. Essery. of this village, is
visiting her sister 'Mrs. J. L illsou.
of Loudon.
Total Total Mrs. A. P. Ferguson a wellknown
Shot at Score Cape Bretoner has cured asthma by
120 78 '•Catarrhozoue." Her statement is
160 .126 convincing: "Although I was trou-
160 .145 bled for years it was only recently
120 98 I tried Catarrhozoue. When an at•
120 G8 tack started 1 got out my inhaler
3(1 23 and invariably got relief. Feeling
;r0 139 satisfied Catarrhozone would euro 1
0 137 continued the treatment tilt one
1G0 130 bottle was finished. 1 didn't use any
90 .118 more because I was cured rind the
150 141 asthma has never returned." Cat -
160 141 arrhozone is euro death to asthma
160 142 and bronchitis. Try it and bo con-
IGO 133 vinttxtl. Two sizes, 25e. and $11.00 at
130 138 all dealers.
19 113287300(0i:
3(1 100
17 70 51
18 SII 72
17 130 100
17 20 13
17. 20 8
...19 I GO 145
...17 150 122
...18 120 80
19 1G0 12.1
16 20 16
...13 .10 22 SHII'KA
1G 40 30 Mr. Christian Baumgarten is on
04' 160 131
140 113 the sick list. We wish him it speedy
140 101 A few of our popular residents
2'were at the raset Mend fishing ono
20• 9
day last week,
10 7 31r. Bossenberry. of Zurich. has
10 5 placed 't new organ in Robert 11:ise
10 4 terd's house.
20 12 For general jobbigtt of horseclip-
In the merchandise went Scene, ping go to Simon Sweitzer and Wal -
Day and McColl were tied for 1st• ter Baxter.
prize, the silver tea service. In the William Dlason and Charles Fink-
aboot off McColl was winner. Scene bei'1er left last Monday for (Lion,
WWI second and captured the clock, (where they intend working for the
ha r rest.
Mr. Jobe Ratz, of Kltira, and erre.
Wing of this place spent Easter holi-
days with relatives in Hamilton.
bliss Anna Besterd, of London is
visiting her parents of this place.
J. A. B London, of Londot , formerly
of this place returned home last
week after an absenoe of two weeks.
Mr. Thomas :McCann spent his
Easter holidays with this parents at
Men and women alike 'liat'e to Mr. C. Hogarth spent Easter with
work ine.essantly with brain (And his parents at Crediton East.
hand to hold their own nowadays. Mr. Samuel Sweitzer went to Port
Never were the demands of business Huron to buy n belt for the saw -
the wants of the family. the restore- mill he intends to start soon.
menta of society, more nutncrouss. I Miss Lizzie Smith dins returned to
Tho first effect of the praiseworthy her home here to spend the Easter
effort to keep up with n11 these holidays.
things is commonly seen in a tweak- Mrs. 'Mercer. of Detroit is visit -
cued or debilitated condition of tee ing her parents Mr. and .firs. Ilex-
nervoua 5ystetn, which results in ter. ! : t f )i
dyspepsia, d'fcctiwe nutrition of lath 1 The Messrs. John Mclsaac and
body and brain, and in extreme cases John O'Rourke called un Angus Me-
in 'complete nervous prostration. Iwee nt Spidertow11, the other even -
it is cle•erly seed that what is need- ing•
ed is what will sustain the system.
give vigor and tone to the nertee, S) 1181 C=eIA .
and keep the digestive and assintial-: Benz. the The Kird Yell Nate Ahem Bougtd
tive functions healthy and active.$Ignatnre
Front ',resell -11 knowledge we can of 1-144
recommend hood's Sarsaparilla for
this purpose. It act, on all the vi-
tal organs. builds up the whole sys-
tem. and fits men and worsen for
these high pressure days.
Mrs. \Vrn. J. Gourley anti family.
also Mr. Wm. Creery and family,
visited their sister, Mrs. \Vu1. Fran-
cis, Wednesday of last week. ,Mrs.
Gourley also spent it few days, the
guest of :her sister Mrs. Creery,
Church street, St. Marys.
settee '1'11,\'* ('ULD ('ONES
1Iow is it to ba cured: This sine.
licity itself. Rub the chest and
throat well with Nersiline, use it
as a gargle .11111 t:eke some in Fol
water before retiring along with one
of I)r. Hamilton's !'ills. Next (horn-
ing funds you reft..hrd. lite from
cold and Flight as a 110(1'1. '1'hl•se
househuid Ietn.•dii• :,1t• wend^11111(1
successful, and rettain(y won't fail
in your else. For iii• al all 11.31'•15
The test of time has proved thlt
Petulant's Corn Extractor cures
quicker. with Iess discomfort and
more thoroughly than anything else
(antlers no acids. im putrly veget•
61e rind absolutely uIate11tin,r.0It.
. In•
list on f'ulnarn'.s only -it's th,• best.
and Day got the vase. D. 1farthi*!{-',
was fourth and pet ;► year's pub-
scriptiun to forest Midi Stream.
Dodds a length of panting, Cantelon
Grisham Glover each 25 lbs. shot ;
Lang fountain pen ; et1cEwen ltod &
Gun ; F. Kerr. it year's subscription
to the Exeter Times; Mahler, Hovey
Emslie, Coffer, Witherspoon nn(1 1'.
Triebuer, each tt gun cleaner.
A5 Oli AND 11RL1 1 s', 1;. Mel.? -Al's
%%'!1 stole', roe, Rus:, t• ' • of qPM ro
lett n153), yyear• L) 11 II'Irn of • e.r' for 'ee
hil.lr.•n wlellr •eetM, tt •., • ,:r•••.,
It aeothei the rhIld, oof'rn •'s, al1' • 0
wen,curia woad colla any! •-•! roma 1)
ear INsrrhnla. It!. plane, ,,-;r. %ob.
by drugg1.ta In evot•y part ' w•,rfIL >B
sesta a bottl.'. ir. •alar 1 aedr. tie
etre and tete Mrs w• ;..nthlntr
Synii and soot tar n0 Ott..' •
li11,1raWeed under t1. 1 wet and
Drugs Ast, .lune 30t i . i i';. Sewri.tl
Numbor 1098.
Miss Edna Fincham, of London, Is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes
Mr. Geo. Caddis. ,t kw day's ngo
purchased a fine heavy horse from
Mr. Thos. Handford. of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. \Von. Northcott end
Miss Nellie Gould spent Good 1'ri-
d:ty and Easter Sunday, with \i r.
and Mrs. AVme fierce at lona.
Messrs. Amos \Vildfong and .lames
Gould have purchased new piano•.
31 r. Writ. O'Brien is on the sick
list and is and •r the care of J)r.
Browning, of Exeter. For Catarrh, Int me send you free
jest to prove its merit. a 'Trial lion
of I)r. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It
is a snow- white, creamy, healing
antiseptic halm that gives instant
relief to Catarrh of the nose and
throat. Make the free test and see.
Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
Large jars rifle. Sold by W. S. How-.
FOR BALE. -Lot ou East side Main
street. north of .Grigg's book-atoro.
11. Lambrook.
bred white wyandott eggs for aale.
Apply to 8. l'owell.
Several good men 'wanted to work
ou North West farms full seasons
work and highest wages. Apply to
House and 1-5 acre land ,East side
Elisabeth Street. Fraucistown. Ap-
ply to Mra. Edwin Jolles, Exeter.
On East side of Andrew Bt., good
oomtortable frame cottage. ono stor-
ey high. containing 9 rootus, geed
well 1-3 acre of garden. For the
particulars apply to C. E. Hackney,
Exeter Ontario.
PASTURE TO LET -Tenders will
bo received by the undersigned for
the renting of the Agricultureal
grounds for pasturage of cows up
to April 13th. Highest or any ten-
ders not necessarily accepted.
A. G. Dyer. Secy.
We take this opportunity of
thanking our many cuitomers for
their liberal patronage and support
during the last five years and that
we are prepared to supply any new
customers who wish milk. Our mot-
to, pure milk and regular delivery.
LOUIS DAY. Milkman.
Costs a little more at the
start 1)ut saves in the long
run, because vastly su..
perior in construction --
exterior and interior -a
piano that lasts. 'That's
what people say of the
1 Vale 1) 1'e nide Finno of
11.•11 1zanl0 a ('u., Lit:Medl
And the people speak
knowingly and wisely.
Spring Ailments Spring Term Opens
Tuesday, April 2nd
l'itnples, boil., eczema and other
eruptions, loss of appetite:, that tired
feeling, tits of biliousness, indigestion -
a, e
and headache, art, some t t them.
They are all radically and perma-
nently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
This great medicine thoroughly
cleanses the blood and restores healthy
functional activity to the *hole Pyatem.
It makes people well.
"1 have used two bottles of hood's Sar-
saparhlta this spring and have got a great
deal of relief out of them. 1 hate been
troubled with biliousness, but Flood's has
completely cured me." 0. J. Ceeorces,
342 Antoine Fit reel Montreal, Que. Get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold everywhere. 100 doses one dollar.
Phis scleool, w hieli is the
largest and most progressive 3:
Commercial and Shorthand 4.
school in Western Ontario, en•
joys the reputation of doing 3
the best work in business (•.111- 3.
cation in Canada. Our grade- �R
:ties aro in demand as Cotn'• i•
mercia1 t,•arhere 8341 office as- 4
sill ants. Write for our free it
catalogue and you will get full
information concerning otlr
Principal.• +
So many of the little chafing prob-
lems of married life could Ivo master-
ed, so many of the mists of inisune
derstanding could be dissipated by
the sunshine of love, so many of the
discords in the music of home could
bo translated into harmonies if false
pride did not so often come 'between,
writes William George Jordan in the
April Delineator. •
True pride is the (guardian and
protector of what is best in us;
false pride is the sullen defender and
apologist of our weakness.
Life so much real pain and sorrow
so many dark clouds floating over
the sky of home. care and trouble
that seemingly no human foresight
can prevent, that it seems almost
extravagance to manufacture trout)...
les merely to offer them as sacrifi-
ces on the altar of vanity, this false
Dianions! 1
We make aspecial.
ty of a $25 Dia.
mond Ring,
It is Exceptional Value
We carry a very Large !
stock of •
Cut glass
Ebony Goods
Sterling Silver Goods
Solid Gold Rings
Watches, Clocks, Etc.
Our repair department is Ia
the hands of Experts.
C. H. WARD & CO.
374 Richmond st. LONDON, Oil
Foots That Point
to Figures
That a complete practical business
education rays is an accepted fact.
The Western Business
Dog ShoI!hold CORN
110 Dundas Street:London
Is the best place to obtain it, is a de-
monstrated fact.
That our professional staff, courses
of study, methods of instruction, high
standard for graduation. are unsur-
passed, is an acknowledged fact.
That now is a good time to enter is
a present fact.
For catalogue and special informa-
tion address.
W. C. Coo. C. S. R.
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, hot se hair.
Steel atone: boats, Louie -
van ling, i1'11) posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856)
CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• ••••
RESERVE FUND • • • •' • • $3.000000.00
48 Broaches to Ontario. Quebec. Alberta British tbluabia and Manitoba
Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. U. to 3r. N. esoept Saturday 10 e. M. to 11. 1l.
Farmers' Neto Nates cashed or collected. Forms supplied
ou application. DRAFTS on all points in: the Deatialoa, Great Britain andUn-
ited Mates, booabt and sold at lowest rates of exchange.
Dopamine of *1.00 ani u wards received. Interest com-
est oded quartent ratr andof tadded to principal. Deposita Receipts also butted and high -
Advances made to farmers stock dealers and business men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agate at 'Exeter for Dom. Government.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
Auction Sale
One hundred acro farm in tho
Township of Biddulph, i11 the County
of Middlesex.
I have been instructed by the Ad-
ministrator of the Estate of the late
Robert Blackwell, to offer for este
by public auction on this treatises on
'MONDAY. A1'ItIL 8t11., 1907.
At one o'clock 'p. m.. the following
lands nan bly.-
Lot number ten. in the fifth con•,
oession of the said Township of Bid•
dulph, containing by admeasurement
one hundred acres be the same moro
or. less. On 'this •farm are a. ono and
1-2 storey stone house and frame
barn. There is about eight acres of
good bush. The aoil is good clay
loam. The property will be fsoldl
subject to the lease held by Mr. Thos
Diokins. which lease expires on they
2nd December, 1909. Tho property
will also be sold subject to a►1 en-
nuity of one hundred dollar& a year
in favor of Miss Anne Blackwell
during her lifetime. and also to her
right to occupy a portion of elle
house on said premises and to ..bo
furnished with a aufficient supply of
firewood cut ready for use and dos
livered at her residence during her
lifetime as contained in a certain'
Maintenance Bond registered against
said property.
TERMS. -Ten per cent of tiro pur-
chase money to bo paid in a s
the day of sale and the balance iu
thirty days thereafter without in.
Tho property will be sold subject
to d reserved bid.
Further particulars, terms alld
conditions of sale will be mado
known on the day of sale or 'may
be had in the meantime upon appli-e
cation to the undersigned.
Dated at Exeter this 19th March,
Richard Blackwell. Administrator,
Mooresville. James Stanley, Auc-
tioneer, Lucan.
tors for Administrator. Exeter,
near the o1(1 market
Main St. Exeter
Auction Sale
The regular monthly auction will
be held at tho
.FRIDAY APRIL 5th, 1907.
When the following will be offer-
ed for sale.
1 driver 3 years old. 1 driver . 8
Years old, 1 driver 10 years old, 1
buggy. 1-2 doz. steel hog troughs)
a number of purebred Yorkshire
sows supposed to Iso in pig. 4 cows
duo to calve ono in April and '3 in
1 mower, fanning mill, seed drill,
double plow, single plow, sulky rake
Cockshutt scuffler new, Empire
Cream Separator, Massey Harris cul-
tivator, 2 furrow Fleury plow, 2
furrow Wilkinson gang plow, Cock-
shutt riding plow.
Also (tart lot 19, known as the
old I'ickard mill property, consisting
of about 12 acres of land, good brick
dwelling. with 8 rooms, good cellar
cellar, frame kitchen, good well of
water, /stable and small barn and
the old mill or power house. To be
soh! in one lot or separately to suit
purchaser. This property must be
sold as the proprietor is going West.
TERMS. -6 months credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
rioters. 5 per cent. off for cash.
Thomas Cameron. Auctioneer.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury'e
Main street-ExgTER. •
The News -No pure drug Dough
Cure laws would be needed, if all
cough cures were liko Dr. Shooters
cough cure is -and has been for 20
years. The national law now re-
quires that if any poisons enter into
• Dough mixture, it must be print-
ed on the label or package. Fur this
reason, mothers and others should
insist on having Dr. Shoop'4 cough
cure. No poison marks on Dr.
8hoop's labels -and none in the mt'd-
icine, else it must by law he on the.
label. And it's not only safe but it
is Paid to be by those who know i0
best a truly remarkable oongh rem
edy take no chance. particularly
with your children. Insist on hav-
ing Or. Shoop's cough cure. Com-
pare carefully the Dr. Shoop pack!-
nge with others and ncr. No poison
marks there! You can always be
on the safe nide by demanding Dr.
Shoop's cough cure. Simply refutes
to accept any other. Sold by W. 8.
DR. A. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8.
D. D. S.. Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate . of Toronto University.
Osrlox: Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Office. in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
Folt SALE. -To, Farquhar, acre of
land, wwilh brick house enrttaining 6
rooms, a good cellar and tram.. kit•
ellen also large brick blacksmith
and carpenter slop. On this prop-
erty is a gooel well :it1t1 stable. This
:t good stand for p blacksmith.
G;exl trade the entice y'ar. For
terns alld particulars apply to J. E.
Mc'Njrol, 1's rpiha r. (Intlrio.
W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0
• P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
vanity. omoe and residenenoe. Domin ion .
Laboratory. Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
oians and Surgeon% anooessor to Dr. J. A.
Rollins, Office Main street. Reeldenco, east
on first street north of Poet Office, Exeter
DRE. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 391
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.
Telephone 1528, Long distance connection.
Special attention given diseases of women and
surgery. Oxford or C. P. It. Street Oars to
Colborne street take you almost to the door.
No other city office. Special Hospital and
other arreegements for patients from a
' Civil Engineer& Architect
(Late Department of Public Works, Canada.)
Consulting F.nt ineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Wa terworke
Stetein Wharves, Bridges and lie.enforced Concrete.
Phone 2220 London Ontario•
We have unlimited private fonds for tames,
ant upon or village 1 roperty at lowes
Organist of Triwitt Memorial Church, Exeter.
Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory of Music.
Tema on Application. Exeter, Ontario..
B. 8. Phillips, Licensed Auct ioneer for the County
Muron, charges moderate. A11 communications
reseed to B. 8. Phillips, Hen ,a11, or orders left a
es Omoe will receive prompt attention.
3arrlaters Solicitors, Notaries Ooaveyaaosew
Oommlaonen. Solicitors for the Molnar%
Bank. )Ciro.
Mosey toLoaa at lowest rates of taterwf.
We have a large amount of private fonds be•
and village properties at lowrat•
Barristers Solicitors. Main SA Rueter
Licensed auctioneer for Counties
of Huron and Perth.
Special attention given to tarns
stook sales. Town and village pros
perty sold by auction on moderate
Orders may be left at the Times
office or et .reeldenoe, Elimville,
Charges moderate.
Jones has placed in our hands
for sale his farm lot "C" Con. 7,
('aborne Tpt. containing 100 acres.
Title guaranteed. For partioularn •
apply to
Barristers etc. Exeter Ont.
Monday April 8th. 1907, .•auction•
sale of the estate of the late ltobt.
Blackwell, in the Township of !(ids
dulph, in the County of Middlesex at
one o'clock sharp. Richard Illacke
well Administrator, Mooresville Jas.
Stanley, Auctioneer, Luean, Gladman
& Stanbury, Solicitors for Adminise
trator. Exeter. Ontario.
For Sale
Port of !'ark lot E original lot
18, consisting of 2 acres of Jand.-
with orchard. a two storey brick
house, all newly finished in the lat-
est style, good •well, good furnace
cocealed wiring, etc. This is N
chnoice property and must be sold as
the proprietor is going West.!'arm for sale consisting of lot
Township of flay, consisting of 100 • well all seeded down, ell ada1
for grazing purposes. 1f these two
properties are not sold privately ors
or before April 16th, they will her
sold by public auction on May 3rd.
For particulars apply .to Qhrxnas
Cameron, Auctioneer, Farquhar.
Thursday Match 28th., Hubert
Halter to Lillie May Aclieaott•