HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-04-04, Page 3PEISRNTS BENT ON DE8TRUT1ON They Burn and Pillage From Pure Wantonness. o. +rre London Times has received the ing their organization Into this country. 'Blowingdespatch uble Ir,uits our- responleut at Bucharest, Roumania:-11UNDBEDS KILLED Olt WOUNDED. The siluatien here is ext cedingly grave, It is r'epsrted that sonic two hundred graver then weals to be realizt'1 in the prasunts were killed ur wounded 0" outer world. ht the extreme north of Wednesday in conflicts with tromps in `Moldavia, where the peasant revolt be- Moldavia. The Chamber of Deputies gan, there is apparently some abate- unanimously adopted bilis pn;viding for rnoi►t of the violence and devastation, the abolition of several taxes and other but a series of orthreaks in Wallachia mensur(s which will be helpful to the in Ihe last two days has far surpassed rural population of I1oumuuua. anything that has taken place m tile The Minister of the Interior announe- aoMhern province. 'rite character of the ed on Wednesday that the situation in movement has also changed. In tho Moldavia hid improved, but there is not first instance it was purely agrarian, much evade nee in support of the state - :he peasants demanding the land at kw stent in the reports of disorders com- pilers and seeking to liberrite then- ing in from numerous points. From helves from the grinding tyranny of the the districts of Vashica, Dambovitz, farmers or nTddlemeJI. But since its Tecuci, Iluzen, Dol), Olt and Teleormrut extension ink) the southern province conte the nolo familiar stories of incen- the agitation fins a`smikd a different rearism, pillage and excesses of all ast►oet, and there are indications of a kinds. The censorship is strict, with widespread organization, wt•h destruc- the result that details of the occurrenc- ..lion pure and simple, rather than plum- e:; aro lacking. der or personal revenge, as the leading The workmen in the petroleurn dis- motive. Whole villages, country houses trill's are nisi/ in a state of excitement, and farms have been burnt in a most but the authorities believe that the mea- fadlecrim1nate manner. It is stated that sures taken will prevent any disorders in one town the peasants destroyed 3 among thein. large number of bank notes found in Plenty of troops have been concen- tbe local Institution of credit. It has rated here to protect the capital, and been observed that the bonds dealing relnfonrme.nts speedily aro being dis- destrurtion In all directions are oompos- lributed in the disturbed sections. ed to some extent of townsmen and even The new Cabinet Minij;lers propose n foreigners, and there is reason to be- lei make n tour of the country and per- lieve that the Anarchist societies offer senaily superintend the meaaures taken the Russian frontier have been extend- in order to end the agitation. ©ERCII PREY TO FLAMES. • Roman Catholic Edifiee at Mnrieville, Quebec, Burned to Ground. A despatch from Montreal says: The !'own of alarievilte, which hod tt►e Buis. tort►me to lose its college only a few weeks ago, has been visited with an- other disaster in the complete destruc- tion of the Roman Catholic Church, which was burned to the ground on Wednesday morning. with all the con- Ths (fest in ths tabernacle could Jot be caved, and the sacred vessels and sntan►enis belonging both to the parish and to the recently destroyed college were all lost. as also were several valu- able oil paintings, some of them by fa- mous European masters. The total loss is roughly estimated at $80,000, and the amount of insurance 1.s given ns S16, - !CO only. Four bodice in the (leadlouse -. adjoining Ihe church were rescnod with much difficulty. nme DISEASED 1:.1TTLE USED. Charges Against M- ontreal Abattoir Companies. A despatch from Montreal says: Mon- treal is to have a stockyard investiga- tion that will compare with Chicago's. 1f Aid. Lnrtivieres information can be believed. Aid. I.ariviere said to-day.:- "A o-day-:"r1 statement has been forwarded to Inc asserting that two hig abattoir compan- ies In the city which have special char- ters from the Legislature, aro using mi- lli which die of diseases, and they are eenverted into lard. 1 shall ask the Council to appoint a special mill - to inquire into the whole mat- ter. 3t is asserted 1>y parties who have written me about the matter that an in- vestigaticn will prove that animals unfit for .huillisn food eve being boiled down Into •laird." NAVVIES MA1 CAST ADRIFT. Edinburgh Distress Committee Will Not Undertake Emigration. A despatch from London says: At a nieeling Wednesday of Il* Edinburgh Distress Committee A1r. Teller. report- ing on emigration to Canada, said the Government agent for Ontario al Glas- gow had admitted that there was very considerable danger of men sent out on railway construction being cast adrift al the end of the season. Mr. Telfer hod Come to the conclusion (hal. the Ihs- tress Committee should not be respon- sible for any such risk. It was resolved riot to undertake any emigration Scheme. FATHER I)E'4.AT'1 NIER'S WILL. jprkst Leaves Forty Thousand Dollars to His Parish Town. A despatch front Montreal says: The Unprecedenteed action of n parish priest knting $40.(e00 to tux' town in which his parish was situated, because he fell he had secured the money in Irises from the people. was taken in the will of Rev. Father 1)e-aulnters, the late par- ish priest of %Hatred, in the county of Nimlet. Ile left the municipality 51%) glares of the stock of Ihe Ilichelieu'k Wada Navigation Company. and he makes the people of %unmoral his lega- tees. The clause slates that as the peo- ple hail given him the money iti taxes bre was returning 11 10 the people. ere THROWN FIFTI' FEET. • A. Rnnsseatt Killed by n Train at 1'nud- reuil Slntiun. .desg atch from Montreal says: A. sena 4 nineteen years of age, whose home was at Isle Perrot, was killed nn Wednesday nt Vnudreuil Station by be - Ing run over. by the international I.i'n- M-1KING NEW GRAINS. Professor Levitz Describes Work Done at Guelph. A despatch from 'Toronto says: Pro- fessor C. A. Zavitz, of the Ontario Ag- ricultural College, addressed the Agri- culleral Committee of the Legislature on Wednesday on plant breeding as ap- plied to farm crops. Ile told the com- mittee of the work done at the Guelph college in the selection of seed and hy- bridizeation or cross-fertilization. Ile illustiak'd his remarks by samples of the results attained by the experiments hybrids of great promise obtirin(d from crossing Dawson Golden Chaff Wheat and 'Turkey Red. In the new wheat the good qualities of both were retained, while etime of (heir defects were eliminated. Ile emphasized the im- portance of this work to the agricul- tural interests. .1�-- iNSECTS AND FROGS. Shower of Their Deseends on'C-ountry Near Kalan►azoo. A despatch from Kalamazoo, llfichl- gan. says: A shower of insects of a kind never seen in this vicinity, large in size and greenish in color, together with very small frogs, fairly covered the ter- ritory between Kalamazoo and Battle (:reek on 'Tuesday nflernoon. Thestor•i broke quickly in a cloudburst. Frog began felling slowly at first and increas- ed in number until catchbasins • became e'ogged with them. The bugs Billowed of?er the frogs. Professors and students carried Targe numbers of inserts home for examination. Scientific authorities Assert the specimen.; are not known, lent renin► 'they would mot have reached earth 'had not nn unusually heavy Ihun- der-ttirnu /or.•vniled. Most of the bugs were deed when picked np. BAN OFF CANNED MEAT. Chicago Todaro Mn, new be Used in uritis') Army. A nesrratcll from London sings : The bon on Cbicag o cnunrd meat its n foods fur 11,ee Brelish array hoc been removed len the War 01130•. This information is contained in a reply event 111 an unoIlkl5l inquiry !non Washington. This reply is signed by R. If. (lade, nesi,tnnt secre- tory of the War Secretary's: office. NEW GOLD 1.1ELDS. Rich I:spansr' in tape Colony to Be Opened Soot,. A despatch from Cape Ttwn snys : it ‘N .1. aiinolneerl on Tuesday that a pro- Clar1111111t1l will be issued about the end of April opening Ihe Madan gold fields !o public digging. 1111icin1 assOys allow nn 11terege of torr one ounce of pure goki to the ton. KINGSTON Sill.l. QUAKES. Six Sharp Sharks Reported since Fri - (11y Lost. 1 de -patch from Kingston, Jamaica. says : The Panama Canal (:onimissien has filed a clams for $19010 against the leen! Government for tents and food sup- plies 14) the earthquake ,ufferers. The ranntissi0n will be asked 10 naive its claim. The earthquakes are recurring. There hnve been six sharp shocks since Friday. sl' FOR SAFETY OF CHILi111E.N. All 1%inipep Si•hnnls to be Equipped 11.1111 Broad Balconies. A despatch from \\ ;!onipeg says : In order to awed a repetition of the fire Tragedy an Montreal, by %%Melt n sc!'oxol tra.,1;.•r ,n1 eh1ldren lost their lives. it fled. Rousseau tried to run Hero<s 11,' 1 . , „ ;• , Hied that all the schools of trneks In front of the train, tut ori- t', nisi. g ,hall tee equipped with brand calculated the speed. ile wns cnal;:;e! ; 1 el, offices ki order to facilitate escape in on the centre of the Irick and Ihne•.vn I , :...• of thee, po feet. He r(Iru'k against n bnarel i ....-.-._.F..-.-._ 1pnce, and when piAect up turd cnrriel I .\I its firs) sess''en on Tueadly the new to patform 11 \nc found th nearly T..'n,tnnl h\'N' Ihni,o entre! to 1e -roost every blone to hLs body had hemt frn •- 11 ' Asiatic nrdunance prohibiting the ore ( t.,. • WU also badlycut and T hint-. iv:mote or Ilindoo labor in hired. H I QQ P' mangled. IWe mince. THE WORLD'S MARKETS tt .Pohl FROM 'ME LEADING TllAf L' CENTILES. !'WOO al Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Parry Makes at Home and Abroad. Toronto, April 2, - Fkur - Ontario wheat t'0 per cent. patents are quoted at $2.65 to $2.67 in buyers' sucks outside for export. Manitoba first patents, $4.51l; second patents, $t, and strong bukeh3', 5J.911, '1 oiunto. \\ heal -Manitoba grades aro un- changed. No. 1 Manitoba hard quoted al ;r2 to 92%e, North Bay, all rail ; No. 1 Northern, at 91c ; No. 1 lurid quoted at 87%%e lake ports, and No. 1 Northern at bac, lake ports. Coro -No. 3 American corn is quoted at 52c on (ruck, Toronto. Canadian corn is quoted at 46e, Chatham freights. Bran -Scarce and nominal at $20 out- side in bulk. Shorts are quoted at $21 outside. CALL BOAi{D. Bran -Wanted at $20 in buyers' sacks low freights to New York, but none offered. Wheat -No. 2 Ontario white offered at ?3c east, and No. 2 nixed at 72c outside, without bids. No. 2 goose, 67c bid cast ; No. 1 northern, 90%c bid spot, North Bay, without sellers. Peas --No. 2 offered at 79c outside, without bids. Oats --No. 2 white offered at 39yc on main lino, 5c rate to Toronto, with 38%c bid. Ityo-No. 2 wanted at 63c east on G.T.B. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -Good to choice winter stock, $2.50 to $3.50 per bbl. Beans -Hand-picked selling at $1.50, and primes at 81.35 to $1.40. Honey -Strained quoted at 11 to I2c per lb, and comb honey at et() $2.50 per dozen. Hops --New quoted at 18 to 21e. Hay -No. 1 timothy is quoted at 811 to $13 here, and No. 2 at $8 to $10. Straw -$7 a ton on track here. Potatoes-Onlario, 85 to 95e per bag on (rack, end New Brunswick, 95c to $1 per bag. Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, 13 to 14c; chickens, dressed, 10 to 12c; alive, 8 to 9c per lb; fowl, alive, 6 to 7c ; ducks, dressed, 11 to 12c; geese, 9 to Ilo per 15. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound rolls are quoted at 24 to 25e; tubs, 21 to 23c ; large rolls, 21 to 23e. Creamery prints sell at 27 to 28c, and solids at 25 to 26e. Eggs --New laid 19c per dozen in case lots. Cheese -Large cheese, 13% to 14e, and twins (4% to 14%c. 110G PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in car lots nro un- changed, with prices quoted at $8.30 to $8.50 here. Bacon, long clear, 11 to 11,kc per lb in case lots; mess pork, $21 to $22.50; short cut, $23 to $23.50. lams -Light to medium, 15%c ; do, heavy, 14%c; rolls, 11%c ; shoulders, lie; backs, 16%c ; breakfast bacon, 13%c. Lard - Tierces, 12%-e; tubs, 12%c; pails, 12%c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, April 2. -Grain --There was no change in the condition of the Miad inertia for oats, business being still souewhet quiet, and prices unchanged at 43% to 41c for Ontario No. 2 while, 4231' lo 43e for No. :1, and at 4131, to 42e for No. 4 per bushel ex store. Flour - Choice spring wheat patents, $4.50 to $1.60; seconds, $1 ; winter wheal pn- knts. $4 to $4.15; straight tellers, $3.55 le $3.65; du, in bags, $1.60 to $1.70; exh•ras, 81.45 to $1.55. Feed--\lnniloba (,ran, in lungs, $21; :lions. $22 per ton ; Ontario bran, in bags. $23.50 lo $24; shrerts, 124 to $24.25 ; millet uiouilles $22 to 825 per toil; aid straight grain. $'s to t)o. Provisions- (unreels short cut mess, $22 to $23.50 ; half-bbls, U 1.75 1•e $12.50; clear fat backs, *24 to $24.50; long cut heavy mess, $20.50 to $22 : hale liber de, $10.75 Lo $11.50; dry salt teeng ekar harxirt, 12 to 12%c ; barrels plate beef, 111 to 112.50; half-hbls de, :frieze to 106.75; barrels heavy loess beef. 1)18.50: half -legis der, $4.75; compound lard. Kai 1 1 10'/1e ; puns lord, 113, to 13c ; kettle - rendered, 13 14113' e ; harms, 13 to 16%c. according to siwie; braklast bacon, 15 to 16c; \, nulsor bacon, 153: to 16%e; fresh dressed abattoir killed hogs, $10 to $10.25; alive, $7.45 to $7.1t1. Eggs -- New laid. 21c. Cheese--tteloher made white, 13%e; colored, 14e. nominal. nutter•-1?hoicest creamily, 27 to 28c; ►ncelium grades, 24 lo 2w-. UNITED %'PATE.% MARVt:Is. Detroit. April 2.--Wheat-Nn. 1 white, cash, 75%c; No. 2 nvl, 76%e; ; May, 70%c ; July, 79%c ; September, )11ye. Toledo, April 2.-Whent--(:ash., 77yse; Mny, 78%e; July, 79%,e ; September, 81I;ec. Corm -Cash, 46c ; Alay, 47c; July, 47%c; September, 473,c. Oals-Cush, 443ye ; May, 42%c; ; July, 43%e; Sep- tember, 31c. SI. Louis, April 2. - Wheat Cash, 74'/,c ; May, 74 ;e ; July, i;,c. %•111.1. 5110117 OF CARR. The Situation Srrkos for Farmers in Yorkton District. A dispatch from 'lolklon says: The cu• , 1101 lege here is a carious problem new for the farmer'. Seven elevators aro filled In lite roof and n million bush- els of giant still remain In the fanners' hands. The bulk of This is lying in the fields, practically without necessary pro - lection, and an enormous loss is staring the (anima in the face. 4 - 1 11 1s .11.F(►Ns0 (:ONMI'MPTIO ? Semational Ilr.paleh 1t ired From ilome 10 Paris Paper. A rk-pitch from (tome to the i'nris Journal says 11 Is staled ihnt news has arrival nt the Quirinal le the effete Mal kine Attunso Of Spain Is suffering front Ials•rculosie. and That the Spaniel) t:ni,rt is extremely uneasy rega•d.ng his cond.t;on. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMSiFEVEBRAIN AND FAINEfIN MERRY OLD ENGLAND HAPPENINGS FI1O11 ALL 017:11 11111 GLOM. Trtegraptik Itrieh From Our Otra and Other Countries of Rector Events. CANADA. Lodon will spend $$36,750in extending its tonuter service. Water rates in Winnipeg have been advanced 50 per cent. The term for medical students at Mc- Gill has been increased to live years. 11 is estimated that 300,000 immigrants will arrive in Canada this year. Mr. Bounuaine Mosier says he hns dis- covered anthracite coal near Kingston. The building permits for this year in Vancouver, B.C., total $4,233,910. A new general hospital is to be built at Montreal at a cost of half a million dollars. The Government Is considering the advisability of building a line from Sud- bury to Cobalt. The '1'. Eaton estate paid $100,0110 to the Provincial Treasury on account of succession duties. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy denies That the C. P. R. has orderers new steamers for the Atlantic service. Kingston had a net surplus of $8,112 last year from its municipal gas and electric plant. The Bell Telephone Co. has secured the exclusive franchise for Barrie for the next live years. !'here are saki to be ninny English Immigrants in Cape Breton out of work and very poorly clad. The Grand Trunk and Temiskaming Railways are to put on two new trains between Toronto and Cobalt. The Province of Nova Scotia will, in future, expend money in getting immi- grants to settle there. Ronald Young, four years of age, had his head cut off by a Dovercourt road, Toronto, street car, on Friday. SI. Catharines has been presented by Edward McArdle with land worth 815,- 000, 15;000, for a site for a new hospital. It Ls now claimed that the C. N. 11. will establish steel car works in Port Arthur instead of in Hamilton. An application has been made before the Attorney -General to re -open the Bar- ron murder investigation in Hamilton. The completion of two Bessemer fur- naces at the Dominion Iron and Steel plant al Sydney is expected in six weeks. The Government will set aside a sum :n the supplementary esliinates for con - taping the building of the 'trent Canal. The 'Toronto Board of Control have de- cided that it would he illegal to place the ur.ion label on civic printing. \\%illiam \Nickerson vas killed at the steel plant at Hamilton on Saturday, be- ing crushed by an electric crane. (fon. J. W. SI. John, Speaker of the Legislature, was operated upon at the Toronto General llospital for appendi- citis on Saturday. A new cotton company has been formed at Ajontreal to manufacture high grade goods, wife a capital of $1,750,- 000. The Dominion Government hnve pur- chased the land occupied by The Gazelle Office at Montreal, and will use it for extensions to the postofliice. An unsolicited increase In the wages of conductors and 1110101111M of the Olta- wn Electric Railway Company was an- nounced, to take effect May 1 next. The Fish and Game Committee of the Legislature fixed the cost of deer licen- ses for those not residing in Ontario at $50.. Amendments aimed at strengthening the provincial prohibitory law aro now before the Legislature of Prince Edward lslnnd. The wife and three children of John Comeau of St. John, N. B.. were froz- en to death owing to the house being blown down. A lot GG by 99 al the north-east corner of Sparks and eletealfs streets, Ottawa, recently eI*ar gel hands, the price paid being 8125,000. Ex -Provost Fleming M Aberdeen Uni- versity, speaking at Culls. Scotland, claimed that Torcula was the prettiest city in the Dominion. An electrical apparatus to eneble the deaf to he:(r the sermon is working with Brent success in the Janes Street church, Hunuflon. •I'Ite Executive of the Canadian Afanu. rectums' Association opposes any legis- lation 10 prevent boys of 14 and 16 years of age front working more than eight hours a day. The city school toys of 1.nndon, i:ng., have invited a contingent of 1:anadian buys to contest with the miniature rifle a! the Birley meeting this summer. Clayton Young, a bank clerk at Ilam • - illon, went to the hospital to be treated fc: erysipelas. arising from an injury caused by a hockey purls. He contracted diphtheria and died. 'three Hamilton men. sent to jail for keeping gambling houses, have been pardoned and released. The men cnn- vieled of rioting during the Were rail- way strike have also been released. Acute Distress Among Starving People in China. A despatch from Shanghai says: The famine -stricken Chinese have been prac- tising cannibalism in localities where the distress is most acute. Authenti- cated casts have thus tar been few, but it is feared that cannibalism will spread unless relief can bo more speedily and more 5•:d0y distributed. The spread of fever continues, and the heavy ruins are increasing the general misery. Spas- modic rioting has occurred, but ltle out- breaks have not been serious. The femme fund% total approximately half a million tares. The famine relief organiz- ation is laxed to the utmost in super- vising the dial•ibulion of relief and in managing the relief work, which now employs hundreds of destitute Chinese. The conumittes. is appealing for more volunteer helpers. Large orders for groan have been placed in Ainerica, Au- stralia and Manchuria, with tho stipu- lation that they Hurst be filled as promptly as possible. Lord William Nevill, fourth son of the Marquis of Abergavenny, was on \\ rdnesduy commit ed for trial at Lon- don on the charge of stealing jewellery. UNITED STATES. President Ripley of the Santa Fe Rail- road blames !'resident Roosevelt for the recent financial panic. M. I'obiedoiostseff, ex - Precuralor- General of the itussian Iloly Synod, Is dead at St. Petersburg. Dr. Mauclinmp, a French citizen, has been slain in Morocco City in a general uprising against Europeans. Two men recently out from England aro being held at New York on a charge of stealing $35,000 worth of germs. Fifty-four ships and nearly two hun- dred lives have been lost rn storms on the Atlantic coast during the winter. Six workmen are known to have been killed by the collapse of the brick lining of an iron furnace at Birmingham, Ala- bama. An Altoona man Invented a process by which he claims to be able to pro- cure more heat from ashes than from c.a1. It Ls estimated that the loss occasioned by the flood in Oreville, Cal., will be not less than $050,000. All 1110 business houses on Montgomery Sheet are un- der six feet of water. The Grand Jury at San Francisco re- turned 75 indictments charging bribery. Of these 65 were against Abraham Ruef and 10 against A. V. Halsey, former general agent of the Pacific States Tele- phone Company. Joshua Harrison was on Wednesday at Elizabeth City, N. C., sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment for the kid- napping and rnurder of Kenneth Beas- ley two years ago. The boy was a son of State Senator Beesley. Henry Siegers big summer home on the shore of Long Island Sound was completely ransacked on Wednesday night by burglars. Six or seven valu- able oil paintings were cut from their frames and stolen, and costly brie-a- brac and the contents of closets and bureaus scattered about the floors. - -._.- TIIEE 4 1S. GRAIN. Trees Take Much Longer to Raise, and This Greatly Increases Their Cost. A very important distinction between u crop of trees and a crop of grain or other farm produce Iles in the length of time i1 lakes to produce each of them. A farmer, for instance, sows his grain in the springs of the year. it sprouts, gees through the different stages in the blade and the bend, and ripens, all in a few menthe. and in the late summer is harvested. The raising of a timber crop is a different matter entirely. The tree rarely, if ever, is fit to cut (for saw- Ilnnber, at least) before it is forty or fifty years old. Even if the annual crops (Le., the amount of grain harvested and the an- nual amount of wood put on the trees) aro equal in value, yet the advantage remains with Ilse grain crops. Let tis suppose we have an acre of trees which niust grow fifty years to reach their best age at which they can be marketed, and are then worth $5000, and that we have beside this an acre of land on which nnnuni crops of grain are grown. Five hundred dollars, divided by fifty, gives ui teen (loners as the value of the an- nual growth in the trews. Let us sup- pose also that the net value of the grain grown on the other acre Ls also ten (Mi- lers, for purposes of comparison. Now compare the harvests. On the wood -lot Iles \voted is allowed to grow undisturbed for fifty )'ears, and then, when cul, brings five hundred dollnrs. On the grain acre, on the other hand. a crop worth ten dollars Ls taken off al the end of the first year -forty-nine years before any crop whatever is taken off the wood -kit. Suppose this ten dealers is put awny in the bank for the next forty-nine yearn. Again. at the end of the second yea• (i.e., two years from the lime the The Guccrnnlcnl has granted Borrie tree seeds are sown). we get (mother len all the impatience] Tots lying between (tellers from the grain acre. `;oppose this f)ayfictl Street wharf aid Allendale. It 100, is put in the hank -(lits tithe for is expected ,01110 lime the town will for'ly-eight pews, of course. And sup- 1ntllt7e the pre.' e•1!y as a tontioea•d 0l• pose, further, that this is done with each den ewnp. len dollars received for the grain dur- sir \\ itfrid Laurier eat; support the ing nil the years following until the proposition ofi a grant upwood-lot is cut. u' aciurimg: Ihe old L'ell fhormesIlsetead,urpose Iwo II these yearly deposits of len dollars miles from Brantford. on which the first are lett untouched. we shall, at Ihe end transmission of the human voice by wire of filly years. have the following was made, as o nnliunal park. amounts, according to the roles of in - Because a guard Sas as -nulled (come lerest : time ago in 1110 dining: -hall of Kings'on with interest al i'enitentinry•. the 500 pristners ere now per annum compelled to carry their meals to the \\•nth interest at cells end to eat gn solitidc without knives or forks. The grand jury tins omlet11ned 111is 1141 recommends a unmber of small dining -rooms instead. GREAT 11IIITAIN. The British Parliament has rejected a nervosa! k, arMpl the metric system in the United Kingdom. 111x. A. J. Balfour (los deelnr•ed I11n1 nil the Unionists are pee Igeyl to fight mete. - thing in the nature of house rule. Nine Itll11d1•141 eereruns inn soldiers' home at I.entenworth, Kansas. haw - been poisoned by tainted hash. One 111011 i : cleat. In the Brutish (louse of commons on 'Tue'(la) Unionists nllribtileel the low pike of consols to Ilse prnsp'et Of 1 Wu* rule nteasure. per annum 5 per cent. 4 per cent. With interest el 3 per cent. per annum interest al 2 per cent. per annum $2,093.48 1,526.66 1,127.95 845.80 A cnlculalton such as the nbnve gives very good reason why land, if fertile enough to rroduce agricultural crops. should be devoted lo (hese crops rather Man to forest. Trees twill grow sa!is- f(uJurily un land That is altogether poo pe or for ngricullural crops, and all that the ndvocales of re -foisting ask Ls That the land wlrich is too poor for agricul- tural crops shrill be permanently de- tple3 to fares). When that Is done. (here will be sufficient forest to provide emplewmrrl for o large number of for - Okra. "THE KING'S N.1VEE" It Is More Efficient and Readier Than Ever Before. The London Chronicle naval corre- spondent says: -The taxpayer ►nzy esti- mate the value of recent Admiralty ad- ruinietration by contrasting the stalest things prevailing at the time of the Kai- ser's telegram to Mr. Kruger and the in- stant readiness for war that now exists. After Ihe Kruger telegram it was toe solvers to mobilize n (lying squadron. This squadron was composed of units which Parliament were assured were ready for war. Five days and nights of treaty work were consumed in effect- ing the mobilization. At that time* the only sea -going force in home waters fun 1; manned was the Channel fleet of sev- en or eight battleships, and this fleet was the (raining school for young sea- men. To -day the Channel fleet combines the eight battleships of the King Edward VII. class with six other modern bat- tleships and four armored cruisers. The Atlantic fleet, based upon Berehaven, will have six battleships and four ne- utered cruisers, while the first division of the new home fleet is a battle squad- ron comprising six ships, with the Dreadnought carrying the flag, and a group of armored cruisers, known as the fifth squadron, fit to lie in tho line . f tattle with the German fleet. The skilled men on board will be cur- ried throughout the commission, a num- 1 er exceeding three-fifths of the crew; the unskilled men shipped on board will not be moved more often than every eight months. In addition to Ihe.:e squadrons are four flotillas of destroy- ers, forty-eight craft in all, and about thirty submarines. iL stands to reason that so grent en addition to the actual fighting strength of the nnvy. instantly ready for war. is only obtained by exacting from the whole nnvy greater exertion, longer hours, and more work than was thought necessary ten nr even Three years age. This, coupled with the cessation of for- eign battleship -building for eighteen months, is the True reason why a stronger navy al n smaller cost is pos- sible at the present time. OLD SCOTTISH WELL. Its Curative Powers Have Been Known tor Centuries. St. Bernard's Mineral Well, which Is situated on the banks of the \Vater of Leith, has a wonderful reputation for its curative powers. It is also one of the most ancient wells now in use in Scot- land, and visitors to Edinburgh should not leave the capital of Scotland without paying it n visit. This building was erected by Lord Gardenstone in 1789, be- ing restored and presented, with its grounds, In 1887, by Mr. William Nel- son, publisher, as a gift to the public. The wen is built in the form of a Doric temple, with len pillars and dome, while the exterior, with its beautiful mosaic floor, roof, amid walls. is the admiration of all who visit it. It is said to cure scrofula, Indigestion, liver and kidney complaints, and gunny other disensres. A charge of n penny Is levied on cacti per- son who samples the water, but a quart can be carried off for the sane money, and half a gallon for twopence. Monthly sensor tickets are issued al the rule of .".s. per month. From 12,000 to 15,000 people patronize it annually and mothers often bring weakly children to drink of Its curative waters. New FORT W 11.1.1111 BOOMING. Buildings for Industrial Buildings Will Cost 8:,,000.000. A despatch from Fort William. Onl., says : 'this spring will see a great de- velopment in the indu.slrial progress of foil \\-tllirm. i'lnns already prepnred for buildings and factories will take a total of $5.500,(x0. There is serious friction between King Ltopn d and the Belgian Cnbinet over the conduct of the Congo affairs. Premier st,elypin has issued instruc- tions to nil the governors of the Russian provinces lo suppress all disorders. The French forces in \Vest Africa hate met with a severe reverse while attack- ing tribesmen 0114 Upper Guinea. •I'he Mission (merriment tins signified fee willingness lo co-operate with n 1'a:•- linn:ilntary remittent* on tontine relief. '1 Ih nl( the moat penurioes man eter knew." reri+arked the man 111 the mackintosh. 'twos old Ilewiigus. Ips einokeel his cigars to the Iasi half-inch. chewed the slumps and used the +ashes for snuff. fle11 he wasn't satisfied ev.:n Il:en, and gave up the habil." "What flier?" "Ile a onldn't Think of any way to utilize the smoke." Lewis I1. Sh('rinnn. who suecerded Waller Ce.Ierline. when was killed n tgv> t vmil his ,(emir• Mondayby a nigfasht. AIrfterin. fniisth;nge !t work he had sat down on the 1r wait for the Irvin In take him house. .. was killent on the Mme spot where his prg(leressor met his death. NWS BY MAIL AItOt1T SOIIN IASL& AND 1115 PEOPI.B. Occur: rotes M the Land That Rrlga! Supreme In the ComurrcW World. The Southwark Borough Council has decided to petition the King to raise the borough to the dignity of a city. Tho total of the voluntary offerings of the Church of England for the year end- ing Easter 1'906 amounted to 1:7,768,410 A skylark in the possession of n Leeds man has just died at the exlraurdmary age of, eighteen years and six nwn1l►, It was in full song during last summer. A witness tit the \\ lulechnpel County Court the other day declared that a policeman carried on the businesses of a► house and estate agent, 11 curprnler, and a plumber, in addition to perform- ing his (Alicia, duties. A bath angler, who had been fishing a!1 day without a bite in the Avon, way thinking of pecking up. when his float weal( down and he pulled up a lady's chain purse containing three sovereigns and hvo half -sovereigns. Ninety ewes, the prorerty of Mr. James, of Walton -on -Trent, wandered lido a neighboring wood and after Ming some leaves of rhodedendrorl bushes many of thein died, and others were found in a dying condition. . A furnittur removal contractor, under public examination in bankruptcy pro- ceedings, stated that he had assisted 120 persons in one year to make 'moonlight' (linings in order to defraud their credi- tors. The wrecked battleship Montague, ly- ing off Lundy Island, has been sold In a firm of ehipbrenkers for £4,600. The work of dismantling the vessel will pro- bably take three years, owing to the un- favorable conditions. . The suggestion is made in the Lancet that all houses in the poorer quarters of cities should be provided with flat roofs, which might be used as playgrounds and beautilled with Trees and flowers. ,1. roan w'110 5.115 fined at Preston On not having a collar on his greyhound. complained that the Dollar would not stay on because the dog's neck was thicker than its head. The magistrate replied that the dog must wear a collar, even if it hod to be stitched on. A Leeds constable captured two shop - breakers by nn ingenious device. 11e sprinkled cayenne pepper on cotton wool, set fire to it, aur. put it through the window of a cellar where he heard suspicious noises. One man came out at once, the second was caught in tho cellar. To clothe British postmen three hun- dred and fifty miles of cloth and five million buttons are required annually, slated the Postmaster -General at a stores deportment dinner. in Poly years, he calculated That one million live hundred thousand men would have to be supplied with uniforms; they would have to sten- dardize the postmen. Suffering from a fracture to the col- larbone and skull, a coal -heaver named \lichee! Manning walked twice to the Stanley Hospital, Liverpool. Manning dill not even complain That his skull had been fractured, and only after his death an examination revealed it. A Warwickshire ruiner, who was int. prisoned by a fall of coal In the "stall" where lie was working, turned a tub on it, side and crept into it. A heavy fall of coal followed, but the stout wood saved him from being crushed to death, and he was rescued alter being six hours in the tub. The traffic in decrepit horses taken from English mines and shipped hem 'full and Grimsby to Belgium, where they are slaugh!ered and used as feed by the poorer classes, has become so sncndalous That the Belgian Minister of Agriculture has requested the Antwerp ' authorities to suppress such cmmnteree. Burglars in the east end of London l e- ' moved a heavy Fife from n bedroom in which an old gentleman wen, asleep, carried It down stairs into the basement and opened it from the bark . Securi- ties end notes for £G,400 were abslrnet(d, and the robbery was nal discovered till the servants rose in the morning.' 4. RELICS OF EARLY BRITONS. R Gold Armlet.; of Barbaric Age 1'ouml in 1 Kent Sandpit. Workmen engaged in n sandpit at Crayford, Kent, have linear Red a ninn- 1•er of massive bracelets, or armlets of •• lid gold.. supposed to he portions of the barbaric, ornaments of ancient Bri- ilel) chiefs. The supposition that the sandpit ens the burying place of the chiefs Is slip - ported by the discovery of .hones at the 1.1111)0 ocpot, and of weapons of stone end flint close by. The armlets were found al a depth of Three or four feet frThn the surface. Their value ns gold none is estimated to be from 1:250 to £300, but their mile gsity and historical associations make them priceless. They are in a perfect slide of pree:ersa- lion, and hear inceriptiurus on Burne of the jewels, which have not yet been de- ciphered. Experts I; A' of opinion that they date from a period long before the Christian era. They have been deposited at Scotland yard as treasure (rove, and are now the property of Ihe crown. In \lay Inst eight similar brneeh'Is :sere fe,rind near the sone spot, and the tinders leieived as (heir shore of bra. sere Irate a stint equal to about .C22. 'cheese bracelets 00' nu. -w In the Ilil►sh Museum. \len with cheerful dispositions are more inclined to borrow stoney Ihan trouble. Tramp-"ltndnm, con you help a po.er, man with a wife and elesen ehlldre.n al borne?' Ilousewife-"Are you very needy?' "Nerdy is no word for it, ma'am. 1 couldn't see the little ones suffer. '. 1 left them lo ask the neeisl- ,..,re eif the el nritnhle," "Did yeti lento tame t e -dry" "No. interim; it will ho seven year, to -morrow. Can't I you help n num who wants to a'rrprise his 111111 tone,?'