Exeter Times, 1907-03-28, Page 6• BSOLUTE SECUR1TYm Genuine,. Carter's Little Liver Piis. SORROW AND PAIN How Much That Is Lovliest in Humanity Do We Owe to Them. And we knew that ail things work to- right world? There can be no freedom where there tc ('nferced righteousness, l.o manhood \\h,'re there is no moral responsibility. No one is to blame for the wrong but ourselves and no one can remedy the wrong tut ourselves. Il is not a spectacle to l,(' deplored; it i5 (i C(:rldilion crying ak,11(1 on everything that is high and nebte in us to iimu-se ourselves and remedy it. But \vh:it of s.,rro5vs caused by death and those things Lcyond our power IO effect? \\"flat of the ticrce struggle against the forces of nature? Our o" 11 t:eerts are answering the question. As the years give new perspective to (•ur sorrows, even our bereavements. Iluw- ers of comfort are seen springing up in their ways and the sweet perfume of sympathy is in the air because here \VL HAVE SHED 7.EAIHS TOGI I'IIElt flow much that is sweet and gentle and lovely in all our humanity do '•:e whiner [Gr good to thein that love It.,rmans via., 28. Nuu ,- Noman 'travels far without utett.ng pain. If it lay not its henvy hand un him, it \wrings his sympathies fur an - Must Sear Signature of other. Here is the void at the table or 1Ii4• hear•ihside; here the father gone v iii the family left Lo ,truggle alone, liert' the one who must Fear the tuck- ing pain te:r ling years, 1111(1 there the mother breaking her heart over the way- ward child. On every soul sensible to life Owls, is a deep and weary record of sorrow. 1l is easy, when skies are fair and life seems n pleasant song. to sing of the goodness of the \losi High: 11 is hard to believe there is any heut•t In the uni- verse 'vhe:m sorro5v, sickness, or death tenches us, when adversities beset the (.lith where honest feet nm•c trending. when Ile, long sli•uggle \with disease at last love the heart in despair. The problem Is wider than an filth- mve 10 ••,rro\\• and pain. Love 'sewer videal one. is this a right world wllet•e reached its perfeetion u11!il permitted to millions must 'Oil as no more Chau suffer fr,r another. Families and hfAnd- beasts of burden, where it costs us ail ships are bound faster together by the 8( much of life tol miake n bare living, breaches in their circles. All that. the --- -- '\here pride unO lust continue to blight w-ord comfort means to US We owe to WAIN OF SENDING LETTERS. Hie lives of ninny, where the beauty and our griefs. bee PaaSlmIIo Wrapper Below. vary small .am as oast So tabs as ssgaalt, Solt, AAI NE rel btu t�ak�� FOR OluQNNts*. FON TONPIN LIVEN. CARTER8 II * CONSTIPATION. ' FON SALLOW =KIN. FON TNECOMPUIIOR Saisistria U yY.r MA,. rart,t, st't s4 tea. — CURL SICK HEADACHE. joy of life are unknown to children, Richer tar than the things we have Post of SI. Kilda- Newspapers Carried where glad laughter and ioiig,► are lost has !cell the heart wealth acquired drowned in through our losses. Had we been able in Plaster Busts. THE CRL'SIf OF COMMERCE, t(1 keep ill we have gained or to gain Letters by airship are the latest nov- all we have desired, how barren and where the hearts of many are crushed empty "'oukJ our hearts and ntenlories la: make the iniquitous ease of a few? Ue. As sweetness has come to life from our pain, so hag strength conte from cur struggle 'vitli nature. Out of this echoer' has come character. \\-herr lite has been hardest inen have been hardi- est in manhood. This loom of lite seems tc treat us harshly, but it is not by !nuking at the loots that we shall un- der:t(1d its work, the finished pattern justifies the process; al; will be seen to have ileen well worth (Mille in view of the good end, than .glorious and great oily of the French postal system. Last trrunth 41 party of military aeronauts as- cended from :e\teuduln and steered for the It would be blind folly to answer that V ar Office at Paris. \\'lien over the everything is right as it 1c, or to de - building the airship was hrought to a c:n1 : that this is the world ns divine 1:all find n k•tler addressed lo the Min- love has designed it. First of all, on Wei' for War. ('(n, H(111141114 dropped us all rests the magnificent response from the car. Through !heir glasses the slily to make this a right world. 11 will rlerOIal)fs \t•ittched the missive in its hewer become better by divine decree. descent. and as soon as it had been \world thus compelled to be absolute - secured turned the aerostat and made ly right would not be right at all. 41 (heir way back to Meudon. rrtsl be morally right, because we will A very ingenious method is employed it to be, or not at all. if improvement t(► facilitate the delivery of letters to the crones it will be because we light our islands of the Tonga group in the Pa- own lusts and overcome our sins. eine. 'These island;, guarded as •they Are we praying; for an automatically are by dangerous rocks and breakers, Fat's I.c)ndon Til -Bits, arc' tii111cu11 anal -- hazardous of near opproach, and \vorlld 011011, were the ordinary outline of de - 1111E S.LESSON S. 1.5 e1 y employed. have 10 go lettcrless. '1'c obviate this the steamer that carries the mails is supplied with skyrockets, Ly means of which letters are -projected • 1441r41s5 the ((anger zone unto the shore. INTEIt\ATHONAI. LESSON, During the winter, when St. Kilda 11.11'(:11 31. has no direct communication with the mainland. the Inhabitants deposit their letter:, in small buoys of 41 peculiar, shape. These tire• then thrown into the Lesson N111. Easter Lesson. Golden sell. and are by the currents carried I.) 'text: 1 ('.or. 15. 20. Ihc mainland, where they are rescued hc,rlt the waves and their contents mak- TILE LESSON W0111) STUDIES. en t„ Ihc• nearest post office. A float- Based on the text p[ the Revised Ver - cask, post office, consisting of n paintedcion. c;lsl,, is attached hy chains to t10 rocks (:ori:Ole-The Doctrine of the itesur- et the exti9•me ix(imt of 'Cerra del File - go. rection. --The city of Corinth \vas in the To this strange office, which is time of our Lord and during; the decades limier the joint protection of all nations, immediately following. the capital of an every passing ship sends a boat to post inIpurtnnl Ionian province, and as such and collect letters. was 11'01 lhly in ninny resp>f'ctc urate en- ingA. O'Shea relates how Baraine, dor- portant even 11)411 Athens itself. 11 was lags the siege of Metz, sent a message Ike centre of government and cotnnlr•ree, through the enemy's lines. A young 4411(1 of the actual busy life of the1'oe.enrr, 'S hn volunteered for the ((ilii-1111t1 people. Paul visited (:oriiith on cull task, Bast one of his teeth drawn his first European Mission tour (Arts 18. end an artificial one. In which was n 1-15). Hill once sa\5 the strategicalt.c,ike\v, substituted. 111 this was placed1-15). of the city as a centre from which a quill, "nit' which was a despatch 111 the influence of u strong Christian church cipher. retitle' by photography to rnl- might radiate. Ills lirst converts in- eroscopi.' n)inuteness• dated bo11i Jews 011d (;reeks ; but in the church which he organized the Gentile element largely predominated. The probable date of Paull', first leiter to the Corinthians is 57 A. U. In no other pas -age in the N. '.v I'es- tument is tete Christian doctrine of glia re:m•r.•eti041 set forth with such cogency rind fullness as i1 the lillrenth chapter Of this Epistle. The early apostles recog- nized in this doctrine the keystone of the gospel arch. and it consequently formed the chief feature in their preach- ing, 1t was etenrly the dominating note 111 the teaching ut 1'(1x1. who everywhere preached "Jesus end the resilrrccfion." Meru :S nflerwuir(l, When he "as eom- pelted 1.) anew, r for It.• heresies, so considered, at a Iril.unal of his fellow countrymen. his ltr.st remark was : "For the Hope and resurrection of the dead ant 1 vaned in (lueslicl." 11{S argument in the chapter of wltiett oto• Iess(,t1 text forms a portion, i1 brief Is as follow,: --_--d._ _r-_ \\ ithout the resurrection of the dead there cne be no Christianity, no escape sO\11.I•IIF\li CII\II•.s OF IT. 8'')111 Iht' (•oIIsegttellces of sin. no future life. To deny the resi/rrectiol to to de - Nell : "'I hese men who are always try- clave false all the pryae11111g1 of the aris- ing to kiss you make rte 'Weil." IIeS. Ile therefore takes cspeeinl care 1() Itelle : \Ie. too. 'Ther,'- le.tteing i bear t'•itnesi to the fact and places the Y10111re so much as 11 slime: -fill ::matt." whole emphasis of his argument open this great miracle. then, disguised as a beggar, he left the town, the sentries. to give color lo the rase, discharging Wank cartridges at him( ns he fled. Taken prisoner by the (iu ►mans. lie was brought before those 141 authority, to 'whom he told such n „r)etul tale of his suffering at the hands of the French that he was released, %ith many e\pressienis of condolence. 11x• duly r\('cute,l hie mliseioin. Mallen Ilor•hefurt, in consequence of his virulent allacks upon imperinli•n), was forced _In .seek refuge in 1lrussel4 hi' shit continued- to ch•,.•111110 i.a Lan - vile. 111 Francs. tf•i v he 1nlrr(Iuccd the pto.crihed paper into that country was a m,'story to the nuthoritie!. who little suspected that In certain piaster lasts of the Frill:crot• and Empress. which rya, tied tee empire from ilelgium, were wtrefl)Ily 4.4,nrr:llr(1 tt►e.obnoxious sheets Limb)! .•11 "flint.\•.•, Suffered Terrible Agony \err II i; in►1)nrtnnl that Ole stir• (lent read cnrefelly the emir chapter in .,1111eCtioll v: it h to-day'8 lesson, the , :3 ehoxett gar a lesson text hong FROM PAIN ACROSS HIS KIDNEYS-•I1;1)ly brief l81l:,�rls from the login- • ielig and 111e .lel rt:p(rli'ely of Il:e 111..-1 masterful argument, Inn\\ ,9y some nmom*g you Hee there is 1•) r(' Iu•trc1iun of ththedead ? --The (FIs irui,' of the revllree•liun (.t the body w15 IIIc chief Mumbling Nod; in 111e way ;,f an early t-.'ceplion . 1 1tvi.tiutlily ITy the heathen v. i)r•Id. Epicureans. Stoics, olid di :Hetes of Nab), alike were its aiingoni..ts. Among the i,\': also the Sad(luc*'e . who "believed not i1 the resurrection." were the determined enenlie� of the gc4pel of a risen Christ. 1lenco n church like the chinchchinchal Cor - hilt). Cumpo4ed principally of Gentile., 55•,111(1 naturally be exposed 1u the subtle 111lluettces of the 411miu.1 universal dis- belief i1 this doc(1•i►te shared toy theirtheir1. tt,.11,,weitizrlls Ottt$ide !hear own 11111e ,• ,111t►'lly, 11 t515115n01tmral, ('iso. 111111 very eiirls there should appe'nr in the church it -elf. Ix)tti in Corinth and elsewhere, .1 Ifetent ae(.•tM.- Claimilg 1n be 4:hri.lia1+. \.t rolling 111 1gue811 )11 this fon(lametilal .1,- tl,ne of the faith. Against (hose, es- isst.iillly, tit., portion of I':•:0 s totter is directed;1: 13. It there be 110 resurrection -II Ep►t- DOA11l's KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM. Read the word. of praise. )Ir M. a. Meronts. Marion Bridge. ti.y.. has for t) .4 Kidney Pills. (fi(fiewrites u•): " For the past three rears I have eufi.•!e t terrible' ll .,,y from renin an cr,. �y ltitlne) i wit' w bast 1 court not stoop or tenet. 1 re:,-utted and had several doctors treat Me, but e,,ut•t get no relief. On the advice of 1• friend. 1 1'- cared a box .'1 your caluabte. life-Qi'1hr, rt ;er•.ly (1)oan's Kidney li'ill'1, and to arty turi'ri'e• wig delight. 1 immediately Sot better. in my opinion t)oan'• hI'Jney 1`111• t Po *goal for any forrn of liidney trout.lc'." I)oan's Kidney stills are 80 cents per bot or three boat, for St 2S. Can be procured at all dealers or will be mailed direst err reeeipt of price by The Doan Kidrey Pill Co.. Toronto. Oat sserswigs' ass scc.pt a spwMus s'obetitute bes M 4 IN " Doss'.." MOI4444.I0141•'00FM/t TheFrm 444444+IFIIH14444 +11. \IECl10DS OF SOWING (IA'I•S. The first thing I do is 10 thorough!) fist: lite oats intended for scot, blowing 4.)11 '\ ith a strong draft all tight uals.am(l .trues, 'lritc.s 1.. 1. Maxey. 1 give u trey severe (analog, as 1 !hulk that lar 1tseedis best 1(1 sowing.11 ^ \\ t.tle Ihut Nemo] out (011 still he uliliz•�d lo,• st.,1 k tredimg. 11y luuig the reed clean it also sows i•eller through 11 seeder. This work can and ought to be dune any suitable day before time (••Hues for sowing. . Then for the grist ei.tiI setars hausted nerve force alio depleted blood we t •,we teemed ' 1 It t I THREE TRYING TIMES IN! A WOMAN'S LIFE There are three periods of a woman's life when she is iu ntsxl of the heart strength. ening, nerve tuning, blood enriching action of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS The Home , SONO.: l: -I:FI: I. Ill;( Compote (.f 1'1•umes.--\\'ash one pound o' primes, lake out the stones, put the fruit u1, in cold water to cover, and cook The first of these is when the young girl I" 0 (►r three minutes; strain oII the 5\ 4 - is entering the portaba of womanhood. At ler, add sugar (0 taste, a :.(blespoonful of this time she is very often pale, weak grid di„olved gelatin, and the primes \5lilch nervous, and unless her health is built uphave been coarsely chopped. Arrange ill and her system strengthened she may tall a border mould, tet it become lirlm, and a prey W consumption or bea weak woman \S hen c. -rt ilg till the centre With \' It:p- fur life, 1 4'd cream. The second period is motherhood. Tho . Parsnips "1111 Meat. -i:ut a small -lice drain on the system is great and the ex- ,r, ))ice sell purls illt.l (bee and fry Ihent t ;�.4 even t,t•r,t\ 11 111 a deep saucepan. Iten)ove 10 n 51111111 41ish and keep 1x)1 ; 144,ur oft nearly all the fat freni the sauce- { 1)i►u. 11x1(1 11111 111 a large cupful of Ili ••'.l parsnips, which cover \\ ilh hot 55 i,t,-i• rout slew ut►Il tender ; pour off the older, a(1(1 the cooked meat 10 the vege- iablc wilt► a cut) u[ hal uilltc ; Se11s(,n '51111 '.111, pepper and bits of butter• rullr(i il: (lour, and 'er\ a tint. Individual Fish Suluds. - Cook to- gether over hal water a tablespoon of Hour, a leaspeen 01 .,agar, a teaspoon each of mustard and melted huller, a dint of cayenne pepper, 11►e beaten yolks , r IWO e'gg's and in third of n cup (►f mild vinegar. Stir unlit smooth tied thick, and bete often Mille cooling. Separate into small flake. any remnants (1f cold lisp om 11a11d, sprinkle 5' iii temwm juice, and lel stand utx,ut half an hour. Slit. lightly' with a fork, add the salad dress - Mg mixed with half it cup of whipped • cream, place in small moulds and chill. 1s for sale at all dealers, at 50c and (varnish • cash porlio11 "1tt1 n sprig of $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to curled parsley. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 Mixed Fruit Sherbel.--\Fix one glass ! raspberry or strn'Sberr)• ja111 with a (111) ! King St. W., Toronto. of hot water, and Strain through n cloth; .There is no other remedy '' Just add! a slmall cup of sugar, the juice 0(1 as Good" as PSYCH 1 NE. two lemons call four oranges. the liquid t --- from a ran of pineapple, and a wine Dr. Root's Kidnev Pills are a sure and gloss r,f slew)•. Strain all these', add a �1'rlttinent cure for�ftheurnatii=ti,, Bris(ht'13 i-eze ; L11sease Pain in the Back and all forms quart of cool wales, and partly I, before finishing the freezing acid a few of Kidney Trouble. 25c per (pox, at all candied c'her'ries cut in quartets. I dealers. Cheese Pie. -The cheese for This dish may - -- - niay be either the create cheese put 'up over the crib of a c..ild addicted to in lin foil or pl(►itl cottage cheese. Press climbing (tltl of bed. it ,through a sieve and into a large cup - That all children should wear double - 1.11 add add one tablespoonful of po5''- Measled flannel nighterowns loosely tied tiered sugar, a level tablespoon of butler. g1► trlher; they will thus he notected melted, the beaten yolks of two eggs, g! Ilse juice and grated rind of half a from serious chill it they kick the bed. lemon, then the beaten whites of eggs; clothes off: to That t allow iti if the mixture seems team soft add a heap- u a a child sit n 'vet in t teaspoon of flour. Salt to taste, and boots and stockings is to court illness. k 1That children arc more easily affected hake in one pastry' crust• for ill by poisoned sit' 11►;)n grown Fried Oysters. -- Select large oysters people. and 111111 great care should I;v and dry them on a towel ; heist one l'1!g t11ke n not to let them plug near drains, and have gime cracker crumbs ready ; and to prevent the proximity of a 5enli• roll the oysters in egg, then in the laling pipe, drain, grating Or (lust hitt crumbs and lay aside until limn(' to fry. i.l the roan► N1 here they sleep or play. 'which ,should be done just as they are That no child tinder 6 tout of beO to be served ; melt some butler in a fry - after 6.30 in the evening except in nlid int; pan, !ay in the Oysters and brown summer, when it has a long sleep during 011 both sides ; as taken up lay each the hot afternoon. oyster on paper to ubsorb the grease, 'Mat an hi -ventilated nursery is rt fre- serve hot, garnished "vith Celery lips. quem eaus(� of bogie, being restless and Fancy `clad. --A nice salad for lunch 1 made. of cold boiled spinach formed fretful at night. That when a baby screams Hamot Intl- nests which were tilled with little 'hero is something decidedly wrong yellow eggs ; the eggs were con►puy('d (of with its nranag(vucml. 11et is either sur- lier(' boiled paprika. a trace of (mint) tering palm as tl result of improper terd- juice and a little minced parsley : the lugs or is being pricked by 41 pin, or is spinner, had been cooked, (trained, hound tip lam lightly, or has its nerves c'hoppe'd fine, seasoned wills butler, sail \weal rneO by Lang; kept tau much in- , pepper• and fashioned ink) !tent doors. :;hopes ; in the bottom of each \ins pal That no hats should be put i11 a g;o- a little mayonnaise 1111d can Illi, the eggs. ctrl or anything but a baby carriage un - Egg Biscuit. - Sift into Il basin IWO til it is strong enough to run about cups of flour, one teaspoonful of salt mid Iheu 11 cart Or chair is o[ use to give it Iwo teospomnfuls and n half of bathing Idle Off its legs occasionally. powder. Bub into the Ilmur three table- sl•(x,i1fn1s of hills( r 'cry finely ; add Iwo 'well-beoteu eggs and two-thirds of a cull of milk. Drop Ly spoonfuls, (me -holt incl( apart, un u greased baking tin. \irs..ligtgson : "Now, Tommy, if Mrs. l3al:e in a hot oven over 15 minutes. \\ iggson gives you a pieee of cake be (:ornnteul Mull111s. -- Sift a rounded sure to say "thank you, ma'am." 1* 11sp00utul of sr 1141 111ree limes, with u Tommy : "What's the use? site newer teaspoonful of ,all, Ihiougl two even g; Se5 )ou any more." cups of Indian meal._ Ileal three eggs -----{. light, the whiles and yolks separately. "11Ltrin," began \1I. ? luhh, "Inst nigh, \\ lip into the yolks a lut,lespoonf111 of 1 played curds 4urO —'' "Played cards'' sugar, stir into Ibis two large cups of interrupted Mrs. Stuhb ; "how (tare y(;tl buttermilk, told the prepared meal. heat sI•,,nd your money gambling. sit ,' ".\• hard for 11 'minute, a.141 the stiffened 1 was saying, 1 played curds, and twat whites, amt till muffin rings with the eneug,gh to buy you a set of furs ---- killer liahc in ti eleudy, lot oven. "You did .: Oh, John, you are so good' covered fur ten minutes, then uncover 1 I:nrw those sharps would not get the\ and let them leuhe bro5\ to best of you." :\ funny story is told of the governor of a certain prison. On being appointed 1 ) the position he was taken by the pri- son chaplain into the chapel. "herr the prisoners were assembled in n btsIy. The chaplain If•esented hini to the eon1- lNlllw will) the relllat•l: That he 'would sav 11uulr s5trnleg•, heside8 tieing much I. 1. It f4'\'. "'rills, '1'h(• govr1•nor was a bash - it';;; looking, mill ,141y ill slut•,' arm ;:ell• fel 110111 end unac•cushOnlcil to speech- erallw ,.ul',ear t\\., .11• 11111. nmichine. !linking. Ile stammered. stuttered. made i'ffairs, t,lnstied. mid fnitei'.sI : "Ladies and--+'r---- sIrange. to .ins. Ihnug h. the crocheted we -gentle -that is. Mel) and fetl,as - .'venlcr i, roach wore gelicl,ly Ills -Iwo prIsoner:s--er-1 can't snake n speech. nem a 1 uilIh d one Ili. Falter is much 1:. fact. tell-er---nil I can say is---Ilial-IIIb m),.re g,c.pulnr *A en for the cumparali'e i'nt very glad indeed to see so many (►1 you here''' ,. al our kill \\+ r of ale. u► require replenishing. Milburn's Heart and each alter11ale year to 1(111 ihr smut. Ind - g' Nerve P• supply the elements needed to prat:0- do this. during this period we 1►ase hitt{ catty no smut in our fields. 1 have tried Thb third period is "change of life" and thl> hal Witter 1•culnte111, also the forma - this treatment. by sprinkling with ;I thus is the period when she is most liable heart and nerve troubles. s •rinkler as we shuwel(O the seed 101„ to t,e the 'S a ron, and neither mel11rx1 Ives A tremendous change is iakinl place in b the system, and it is at this time many proved emLirely effective. chrome diseases manifest themselves. The most salisfactary way 15 as fol- Fortify the heart and nerve system by the lo't's : Secure at it gr.)eery store sugar use of 111lburn's IIeart and Nerve Pills and sacks sufficient to hold 1111' quantity to thus tido over this dangerous period. Mrs. hL4 treated. These will hold about l3 James King, Cornwall, Ont., writes : "1 bushels and cost from 2 to :i cents each. have been troubled vary much with Heart Then Illix the solution of one pound 10 trouble -the cause being to a great extent per Cent. solution of formaldehyde to due to "change of life." I have been taking about 50 gallons of water. Al this rate, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for *M114) prepare enough of the solution to have Lime, and mean to continue doing so, for I cne- gallon for every bushel of e h outs to an truthfully say they are the best remedy treated, as each bushel will its to 1)4 Ihaveever used for buildingnpthesystem. about that much. 1 like to have front You are at liberty to use this statement Iwo tm halt barrels or tubs. Whish 1 place the benefit of other sufferers." sinear to walls of the building; as pu,- Prime 50 cents per box, three boxes for IIS 11. its n $1.25, all dealers, or The T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto. Oats. When the solution has been prepared we can begin work by tilling 11. bushels -- -- -- - of oats in each sack as we work. placing. taken from it is 'nut only unprofitable the sacks in the vesseLs of water on(1 ru►\\ but is a system of unjuslilial►le allowing then( to remain for ten nein- ruhhery, since it is robl;ing; gx,4tcrity, ides. Then They can be raised up, a If each far►Her would 1)a1' 1110te ellen- narrow slick placed under the sack tend Icon to gelling rid of such weeds as wild onlopof barrel, allowing the older 10 carrots, (:anoda thistles, strapleaf plan - drain a hack. This insure, the oats atl be lain, etc., there would be less Of them. coming thoroughly eel. The oats may (Inc farmer, perhaps, 'will be very par - then be left in sacks unlit the next day. Iiculnr 411)0111 (hent, \while his neighbor when they should be sown. They will dry out very much over might, and any good broadcast seeder wil sow them. 1 prefer this method to that of treating ihent long before screwing time and at - lets 111(•111 go to seed, and the \5inrt car- ries Them 0'•0r to the cue a -ho Inas worked hard to get rid of them. 1t is genern113 considered beat to haul in moral character. temptingto dry the seed out thoroughly• farmyard manure directly (rim' the stalls, as IIENIIY F. COPE. 1 sow in the standing stalks, after scalier the 1101(18 as soonwhich 1 run a disk each way of the field pc_ _ i1,1e Haler st inworgx,r41tc with Ihc' sur- face soil. \\'here This is not practicable,and then harrow each way, if 1 cando several meih0(15 of preserving 11111ure cureatls, Stoics, `adducees, and Platonic s.) without Ike stalks piling up too n)uch• may be followed satisfactorily.Manure )hiloso Jh. rs and skeptics within the This they did last season and in place of i ! P 1 ma3' be kept In deep pill or large heaps, Christian [mid are right, then necessarily (Inc Irnrro'Sing(1 ran over the field with n and it \\ell ccJmp1)Ct(11, so as to exclude 1'11111 and the other apostles must be heavy roller ttfter the disking Ind tern the air, there will he comparatively little wrong. completed. The oats carte up well and loges of nitrogen and the fermentation 15. Yea and we are found fnlse wit- made a good yield. will destroy weed seeds. 1lie manure asses --- Either impostors or self- 1 have grown this same varlet). :11)011 should be kept under cover at all times. deceived. the place for len yeills. They were ori- heavy grain stands more chance to 16. Neither Doth Christ been raised- ginrllty bought from to neighbor as rout p;oduce heavy grain than mixed light '\(,1 only 1110 point of Paul's 'whole argil- alum white oats, and m0 aim has been amt heavy seed. Next to selection of in- men1, tut the fail) of the Christian to i11spluwe them 1►)• the method of (her- di' idu11 !dents ns parents stands the church in all succeeding centuries hinges ()Uglily fanning them and testing as fanning ! 1 n - 011 this elleolion of lasl- \\'e must hear ul:ove descrit►e(1 for slmtit. Our yields o1 yield mill blast n means of increasing 19 Mind Ilult (1115 Epistle was written straw 11)th grain have hey" ver)• : alis• 1)11(1. I( the blast is made very strong; within twenty -live years of the event to factory so fur. and each season 1 sell and screens e a used to cull 0111 all the which this verse refers, whish fact intakes seed oats to toy neighbors unsolicited. a largest, heaviest grains, (he weight per the umheailating confidence of the author Of course 1 sow only small fields and acre call d greatly increased under 111(' r11Ore convincing. treat the entire lot of .seed, lad if a Targe ,Liiii, sfrit tong. To he sure, s means 17. Ye ore yet in your sins- Paul acreage were to be sown it would per•- thing extra 'work, bol so docs cvery- challcnges the members of the Corin- haps be more economical to treat. seed thing, c Ise wool, while. thew church to look squarely at the full for a small area each year. from wheel ,p____ cus►st51ucnr:es of disbelief in the resat•- 1(• secure seed for the folluwimg .C4v011 rection of (:heist, wi111011t w!lich they for the large nrr'euge. VEN1:1:.1\(:i: OF ELEPHANTS. • have no advamlage over their idolatrous 1 NOW as nearly Iwo bushels In the acre Gentile neighbors. as possible. nail have done this for .tccount cal PIuii'hml('nt of jian Who IR, fallen asleep in Christ - An ex- sr'ver•al years. \' hits exlrer1e 'vary IIad Wronged Them. pr'SSfoIl apparently used unconsciously from) 44110 tea lour hustle's per acre, 1 ht the apostle, yet for that very meson think thi,t. two to 23e is the quantity m)o, kgteneraIl y sown, '1 he follow iug tragic story of the death rl.'glertillg*, the more; ;Ir.)ngIy his (awn 1111- ! of 1'sn•gnnn Rurahnhhtmn, !theca. of Dal- reclio iilgr (filth in 4 ttrist and his tout- ma. is related in tIn' native paper, Mtiiib- rerliull. h):m,. of Bombay. I!1. Of all mann ntosl ►il:,ble--Because ` I'arg,►41111 13arilltahhunt went to his t FIIIS7' (Ala; (41' '1'111: CHICKS. i(,1(h1y held. and found u held of ele- dehlded and selfaleceiv((1, and living for lhnnts destroying ► his crop.' Itis rage nn. ideal having no reality in fact. The Itr•st thing to a thought ,.( 1. ! b p. g 20. 11111 now 11„111 (am•ist been raised__ where to keep) the 1x45 11. If hulloed in r40.0. he slit arrows from I,elind a tree, The triumphant testimonyof the apostle, a1 horn' ;dor, a brooder must be pro- and hr. 1- ilted 11 young elephant. who for a momentdrops the Thread of 5ie,te(1 With 1111 outside run\\41y, when 7'h•n the g'rralness of the crime tell nrg;uun (rt. forced b) 1n inner eompui- possible. Any old thing; will not answer 4,.1 the utin,1 Of I'argana 13aratt111'1" , 81011 1.. 111114 register again his own pro- the purpose of a brooder, 1,111 the hest 11(1 he fled to his collage for iefuge, found belief.1- the cheapest I1 it may cost tl *Ills more Put the elephant's, father and mother I'i) ,Ifrilits-"The first fruits ;i.e 5. ee than poorer Hakes. 1)o not 14.1 the elli(•ks 55eto stricken with rage, mei They and VI) wore the (h 81 ripe corn. under Ihc' out tvO f"/4"1' 1)131 e8 Ii11t Iley learn their fellows charged the cottage and law. solemnly offered to Jehovah. a til thoroughly their surroundings and coin- r:: zed it to Me ground, type idhim oho firstpresented our Ing aril going to the hu5er. .1s they 4141 I'nrgtanit 13urtahal►hun( was wily, anti ripened Minimills' before the thI'oile of not Ino\' the new rOndrliums 11►('y are le. Clinll•e4 a tree to the topmost hrnigh. Cod, a11 earnest 01 the mighty harvest apt Io, get away fr•out 111" heat and he- ?be elephants surrounded it and reauve1, heavily'• to be gtithercrl.---- (.ins. ('41114(' chilled. 'the clriekon. hr,\\ever, hal they conk) mol rrac11 t'arg.►aunt litua- hnllhuln. tee their sagaacity was great. nod with their .re\ n trunk. they brought 55. Verses 22-51 Wti ih ore OIniII*-ll 5e1•3 s(:,ul1 learn.; 1'e }:O ill and 0111• 1111(1 t1), 111(1( e\1ra nth mt4 11 for 111e hist few fart our text are to be carefully as clays \\ill I.r t\rll rel•:11(1, says \Irs. ;1, Vater !vont the bund. and they 'watered part of the lesson told carefully studied, 1, \111:sha1F, the ground at the fool of the tree. U 1l'ath, t511ery 11 1, out IIy s, h\\'It11 n hem. n duller ccx►p, 1 believer \\ t'515111151 ll the) h1d t5atere,1 551')1 1)11(1 the 5'x).14( h1., i11 11t)nol, drni 11111, , the , I,) I,e the list 11 rnngle'11lettl. keeping the ('art ll 55'115 soft, they rlpl5xltr(1 the he('. words of Ik►s• 13. 1 t : "Oh (1(•11111. "14'1 1' ,.g in and 'motwin ► the 4.1,4,•1. 1(1 run Then the0 nveng•;ed the 101111 n[ Iheu' are 1113' pit,g(ueS? a `heel. where is thy lion )-- '•sling 1,5 Iran) dill ► the life out of Par - destruction cul ill \511. if so Irouhlcd with lmarnu ! 1, deet . suet► ass calm, suilah!y )1rd� 11111 1t,pont tit(m n1111h1i111u. 56. The; power 01 sin is the .law --That atideO. fl would 1,c well to rluSf the hill '\hieh vi,es sin 118 ix,55cr is the tact tial * --- - "'ith a g '(1 lice px)wder lu Inllke . 1111 11 is the trensuression of the righteous that Ill• tittle fellrn5:( sill h1' tree. 'Illi; Ii %TIIEII. law of nn all-\\ i1.i' and ail -Ito('. (sl. s11oulO 1►.• repenlee) fre'clue11tly. 'i7. \ ?Immo,our Lard Jesus \\ h(th(r hal( he(1 iia 4 ,4 incul►alor 0 4 by f:hrisl•--'I•Irrouglt his life, death, mad amoral means, the shirk 11hw►rhs elan - resurrection. c,lu•rectiol. sinal t.,r,.4 before escaping from the egg !tapper "Nes; Oldgir1 keeps her lige \tell, do , ,ti't .11,• y" `topper : "\\ t•11. she', pretty cnreful :,1'i, \\ herefore - 11 view o1 the fact I , suelain it for 4R hours, so it is not nut to give 11 11""Y-, that It11oiigh rid in (:hr/81 JCvu$ tile• ilo.,•e'snry 'or ndwisnhle to feed for this 1.hristi:in disciple may lilt'(' '. weir). u5, l• 1 I, Iig111 (it tlffle. A little coarse sand 011 (death it is \\brlh while in This life to t • 11..• Ilam writ - ssist in wing; up Ibis f•wti rledf:4-t. 'immovable in the faith. always 1411,1 prepare )ttc c!liek sur its first roil in the work of the 1..0111.' moat. i'. 111 tchxe ticoui naelliuc)•1iotno orf le1a'1tif111:8s1l1rr'syunsl(l•Ii)dt h 111/1 ro felc1,:rs' c@1o11a1 tm1 e1a111l fi':lhlulneas in I:I,tistian service. tullt.'1 ig'h gcs.-d i,,'tfg. hid for ft••' small nmd Ih4' hirgte 1)10('(1* 1 ;11,11.1ine:111 t.eIr, v' (1! the prepar,'d (1!•y feds '\ ill 1 4 f•4i1nd111,8Id,, 'I(9'I,S. facet. as it 11ns n ten,lenry t.. -4 ur. 11)111 I h('c.1lning -o. 1\11 cause nu end •,f Ir.)u- 1 tole in the 1,1'.)•)41. Feet) (,nIr 41 Sexy I,tlle at a Buie, 1,111 often rind ,..5stemat11111) ; five lime. n (lay the First week, four the 1:1.1;1: rRtC POWItil FROM \VINO. There ii. 5('r has been n lime,when the h,r.ees of nature were s111,jeci,eJ go su.•h scarf -Web: serutiny to determine their ti'utlal•illts• for the 'e5elopnleet of ,ne- chnnical power ns they receive n1 p)re- rent. This nrises 1)1at11p from the p►ro- pres•i5e ua(' of electricity. Among rah•'r things i1 i4 be}lc'cd that the \rind can be utilized In tl far greater extent them In Iter !els(. e•8peciall5 for t He'll ic+ Itght- Ing. \\-illi this object in view. the aver- age !1111' (.1 the 5' 11)11 has lately leen Iii'. u ali;':'14 ,1 in En)lniul, 11 is f•ottnd Pal to • nplm*Si:nat*•ls 111111" the thee the niesrn 5\ it:et 5 .•levity ie 10 :nils- an hour. fated ir,r about ono -third of the. time 15 mites, In the a inter the averages are l•ig;t4, r. The gnat difficulty arises tram calm periods. 'wh!Ctt 111413 last tt,roe (lays. or even 8 week. 1)111 11 Int been alvtwn that CCarx►mieal li;:hting,► p)lnntm can be Lm'e(1 upon wind pr,wer vidingt gnsnline motors 10 lake tfp the work tvlumev• r !lie wind fzi!s. 800„11,1 end three f114141 then en, see teal fres': eater 1, r.n hand niter every Det.WOOD'S \fal,e the eh...liras work for Iheil exist and da led 1►5(:r•(.1 d. \14. (Mica ,; die ft'.:n u5'•rtl•'*fing than im111!'lalvrllinn. (115e arcus 1.) ldelty of fresh air. The 1114111. NORWAY PINE .. r Minister Speaks • to Mothers T.U. His Wifa's Esport.tttce for the Sale of Otlar Sosarers. The following letter ilas been sent to I)r. 1'. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub- lication. 1)r. T. A. Slocum, Limited :—Dear • 8Irs: Within the last two years wr wife tabu is ut a delicate cu,lstitutioo) has had two severe attacks of la grippe. both of which have t•eeu speedily c.'rrc.•ttd by the use of 1'.eychine. We hate such faith In the ctilcienc ofyour remedies that as • familywe use no N other. ior toning up a debiiitat(d s�stem, however run duan, ru.turing to htslthy anion the heart and lungs. and as a specific for all wast- ing diwasea. your I•sychine and Orcomnl,lon aro &imply peerlea•. Yours sincerely, Rev. JAI. (tits. 51 Walker Avenue, Toronto. I'SYCII I NE, Pronounced Si -keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. (?RosouNcw JNE _AUK) 4' ---- NO USE. :\ 1)AI\"I.1 s\\ 1::\'I 1•:it. •The '5,11)all who kilos 80o1"r or Inter wakes heloeit, or 80111e friend. 11 s\v('aler. II ;) trdions task, undeuhledly. but 1110 r4 -.not- 1111' 11OsI gr•tllif' int-' •\ hand. In,' ie• fn knitting, \iter 4111, rho 111'mg In do 11 1r, sele(•t a a.,IP. r plain, ill nlnpll(!atrd style, itis m fel ''i.hei1 pouted directions and fOl- 14.1%..,1111,4‘.:11;,,'11\ • \' 114.10. \:), n)'. True. 0' 4u ''.111 1►e s. )me% hal of a t,arr( I . s:.ul friends, as your lc cmnv.rsn- 11.111 1,r "eyes to come ' I be 4' nr►no- 11.nnt, murmur of "knitkl►ne, purl Iwo,.' orl,i '-4 on. BY the 5510. who \\ IiI \t(.nmen e:m 15 their knitting \\ 111, them ilii., company. where 1he) are e'p,e(;le.l 10 iv i)gl•c.•ill.li• 7 11 i• 1,111 :),'.,)I)I1lISIl. d )•,'I "(414 5511.can 5• tI :*1141 141111 'tell rat 1he s:.nl) r' liln,e,knit (14.4)5)111' 111 (411' h•'ar4 to the ('nl)iI *Iy. S1)1e, i1 sweater- vary Wm* season to season as 1)11101* 11, Orly rather woma11 s garment. "r, the knitter hoe more er less !mils(1ti in her choice. A pretty new BB AT THE TOP Burdock � Blood Bitters OEM s1) le that would be (•(4rnparn11Vt't)• easy. tsnlds a position unrivalled by any otbee e51•11 for a beginner, is n .-wester in p111in blood metii(isrc a' a (ore for kuitling. The 11111111 part of the .%wearer s� w sive 1" ht n soft. light gaol, \51111 (t yohe. 1)'11' BILIOUSNESS, chi 1,` n.w',I 11 ns much as (''al (trail a a- Cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, emiff; and . 0111,r .)f light 1111•'. ,DYSPEPSIA IEADA lel. \1•e,5,' all, keel Ihy C1,1► lej WWIIgt The yak( HEADACHE, i 1� HOARSENESS and all THROAT AND i- • l,l i1•,., or. rattler. a Ui►leh neck CONSTIPATION, ,,,nte, s nl,r.►lute I3' clean. Thr. "tiler LUNG TROUBLES. Mike Florence E. ,•, and the stitch runs horizrpnlrtlly . SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA :tlnilman, N'rt\ (;1'rma ns , N.S.. \\ ritf $ F- t . 11)01 in the moldy of the sweater is HBARTBURl1, SOUR ST0MAOM, I hail A . 1*1 shish left tnc \ �y \.1 .11, Ali open heading beIweriu ff10 brill re ug lis I was afraid I s'c:nz DIZZINBSS DROPSY, Into consumption. 1 f was anti • .: :I try : \ 1 to' msII`I colter 01)41 al Ihe waist line R11IU$ATISY, $OILS, DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. I)(('� 011 nl.•h•"'itie oil. -ribbon run I had little faith in it, but b�oteo t had Ihruug Il 11, mile!, fasten, in pretty 1),,..N: PNPLll, RINGWORM, or any dI.euS1 taken one bottle I began to reit 1be(tet', I in front. arlsisa fres a disordered state of tbtl ant: after the •eeorol 1 fel' as well as -------- Stimuli, Ltm, $ wela or Steed. W�1 ever. My ce')11)h has completely thew peered. \I0111ERS Sirori I) K\O\\', re /*Ors a blood ',AWN) `. PLICE ss CENT3. 'That a cut net is VI useful to W HQfDOCZ $1,Oop BITrsa f. tuition--hnulot also he kept Try clean and -i►e41',t 14' '. *t,h (1 fi- il)ICIiiIY IO ilm• Rtt,� portly, its ',I -* i dug :tele r(rli s Al the above and the addition of n i1111e counn)n 5.1•e, 1 ha5e 141"ays had 5ntis- fnctory reaui'. N0Il.". toenhnu(. to cropping without return - nig it) 11,.' spit lira fetlilizing elements