Exeter Times, 1907-03-28, Page 5M •1•H�: Xh3TER T1MB8, MARCH 28th 1907 Crediton DM Z. J. VOGUE. MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGg PHYSIC'- S/IS anti surgeons. Successor to Dr. S. A. Haiat. Ore Ilton. Ont. Mr. August hill and Mr. C. Stock Spent Sunday with friends at Zurich. 'Quite a number from our town at- tended the shooting snatch at John Plsnbals on Monday last. • The Jnanyy_ friends of Mr. Henry Silber M. P. I'. will bo pleased '4o Learn that he is recovering from his recent i11 neas. ; ' Mr. L. Umbaob, of Woodstock. vis• Hod Wedneeday with Mr. G. C. Brown. Mr. Tbomae Klumpp visited with friends at Dashwood on Sunday. 'Mr. Siam Brown who has been laid up ,with erysipelas tato past 'wheel: is able to be out again. • Mr. Otto Umbaek of Waterloo. spent al couple of days in tho vil- lage the past week. 'i Mr. Mose Faint is laid up with an attack of Muscular rheumatism. The fish pedlars aro again making rounds. The first of the season had a very unfortunate experience. 'A very successful sale was held at Mr. Matt Winer's. The property was bought back on a reserved bid. Mr, Fred Harris attended the fun- eral of his uncle In London on Thursday last. r Mr. John Geiser spent last .week in Goderioh serving as juryman. Mr. Otto Brown has been engaged with Mr. Albert Morlock as appren- tioe to blacksmithing. • !Miss Lydia Schwartz js rapidly reoovering from n recent illness. The funeral of tbs late Mrs. Henry Lamport took plaoe on Thursday last. l r at 10 a. m. and also on Sunday. Gen - mart in the morning and English at night. Special services will be held In the Evangelical Church on Friday next Mr. Levi Stahl has sold a• valu- able driver for a good figure to the Rev. C. 8. Fiukbeiner, of Campdon, Ontario. Rev. J. W. Andrew aid daughter Estella visited in Parkhill on Tues- day and Wedneaday. Miss Inez An- drew returned with them for the holidays. + Mrs. J. W. Boyce and little eon Af Ruasaeldale. who have been visit- ing their parents Mr. ahid Mrs. J. W. Boyce. returned home last week. Ur. McCue is 'suffering from a se- vere attack of Grippe. • Mrs. McMurray. who has been con- fined to her ,home through illneaas is slowly recovering. Mr. R. A. Amos of Grand Bend was a caller in Crediton on Monday. The Literary Society met on Fri- day evening of last week. This be- ing the last .meeting of the series held by the Society during the win- ter months. A good program was given and lunch served. A very en- joyable and profitable time was spent by the members present. Miss Ella Marshall. of Forest was visiting a• few days last week with Mrs. James Lawson. • Mr. Thos. Lawson is at present confined to his bed with pleurisy. There passed away in Crediton mt Wednesday last Mrs. Henry Lam- pert g years. at the age of 63 Dce ceased had a paralytic stroke some years ago from which she never re- covered and a few nveeks ago she had another stroke which caused her death. Some six weeks ago her hus- band. Mr. Henry Lamport died. The remains were interred in Fairfield cemetery on Friday last. BILEAxs ILIOU5NE55. Last Friday evening about forty- five or fifty of the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. •Jas. Walker. gathered ut their residence lot 11 con. fa Stephen upon the event of their removal to Lacombe. Alberta, to wish deem Cod -speed and to take a. parting hand shake, when all were on hated. Rev. G. W. Andrews, of Centralia. arose and asked Mr. burl Mrs. Walker to come forward and on behalf of the company the following presentation of two most handsome parlor chairs and the fol- lowing addresss. "To Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Family. Dear Friends— We a few of your neighbors and acquaintances have met here 'to- night to abow our esteem rind to express our regret that thetics that have bound us together for ew many years about to 4te severed. Wo have appreciated your friendship enjoyed your hospitality, been sharers in your joys and sorrows and stow with regret say "Good Bye" wo ask you to accept these chairs as a slight token of our regard. We trust that in your new horne in the Great Can- adian North West. the blessing of God will rest upon all your labors and that great prosperity will Dome to you and yours. And should we never meet again in the earthly home. we pray that we may meet in that heavenly bomo where they never say good-bye. Signed an be- half of the company. 0. W. Kit- drews, Pastor, Wm. Anderson." Mr. Walker who was greatly taken by sur r' replieda short but p ase. in s for suitable manner thanking all pres- ent for their handsome present and invited them to stye him in his new home in the West. Speeches were then given by Jtev. Andrews, Wm. Anderson, Wm. Walker, 8. J. Ho- garth and others, mentioning their esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Walk - were held held rand all expressing their sorrow and regret fort his re- moval from their midst. Mr. \Valk- er came to Stephen with his parents when but a child and settled in the 21rd 0311. of Stephen and from where his removal will be felt both by his neighbors and himself. the remain- der of the evening w•as spent in sing- ing instrumental music, general con- .versation, etc, until about twelve !o'clock. when lunch .was served. Af- ter singing together "\\-hien the Roll is Called ftp Vendor" "God he ohampagoe. Tuscan. (moss green. brown and pearl. with the lighter sbadiis predominating for the sunk= raker trade• Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pillet They are a poitivs care for sick headache and all the ills pro- duced by disordered ilvcr. Only one pill a dose. RHEUMAT18 11LMST KILLED For Years Mre. 8. titablschmidt. of Humberstone Ont.. was a martyr to rbeuwatisuet "1 was so stiff and lame 1 could scarcely walk." she writes. "Aft attack striking my iim(i., made walking impressible. My friends and doctors gave prescrip- tions but 1 only got relief from Fer- roaone. 1 took twelve boxes and gained from the first. Today I am well, feel v+tronger. weigh heavier and look the . [Picture of health." Whether muscular or inflammatory chronic or otherwise. Forrozone does cure rheumatism and sciatica. 50c. per box at all dealers. Dashwood Mr. A. Harding. of Zurich, was in the village 011 Sunday. Miss Pearl Nicholson, of Zurich, was in the village visiting friends on Saturday. ' Mr. Lewis Roeder and Arthur Weber. have returned home from London, where they have been work- ing for the past few; months. Mr. Wrn. Ehlers, has this !week purchased the interest of Mr. Fidt, in the flour snit', and the mill will now be known as the dihler's Flour Mill. Since commencing business here. Mr. Ehlers has by bis pleasant ways and close attention to business made many friends who wish him success. Mr. Merman Eidt has been engaged as ]read miller, and although at young man is in every way fitted for the position both by experience in the making of good flour. etc.. and being well known in this part of the country. Mr. J. K. Goetz this week corns utenced operations itt his naw' -mill. The Planing Mill svhich has been closed for some Limo commenced work again this week, with the out- look for a very busy aeaaon. Mr. David Iletscheu is confined to With you Till ave gleet Again" and his bed with the pleurisy. shaking of hands all went to their Mr. Chas. Schroeder. of Daahwoal, homes. moved his wife end family into Mr. Master Victor Keatlr, son of Mr. ]tarry Guenther's farm. 1 1-4 miles south of the town. M. Keetle, had e misfortune of ?th having his leg ,broken in n peculiar way. It appears lie was walking through under the rear end of a Popular Goods forNow load of sraw which w'a( Standitg andetraw sidewalk. At the sae time otic of osame the men alighting from the load and not nottct ing little the Best of the Season ���.���'��, the Favored Worsteds These worsteds are in blues and fancy mixttrres,excel in gnality,beanty and finish anything of their kind we have ever shown. We are offering some beautiful one Summer Suits for Sic at TROUSERS AND USN VESTS FOR SUM NER and upwards. If a pant hunter penitents , Is panting for pants Ile panteth pantless Until he implants himself into of those fashionable pants ordered J. H. HOLTZMSNN'S A beautiful assortment to choose from . If there is a taste we can- not suit, we have yet to know of it. ) 9 9JiYxhxNO7Th te R • ktki -ls0 •prtraeI ss,w0 '%then'93 riven *JAM P '$1034[0 iN11 'aanol„loons es sole[[„ Irmo tnogs oaore trim anSolsrt1D •taopaetp of esnonn&IP t 11t3 rend of 8ap1oevapue pitman tagtolo tluq elope; • Aq pa1nwaamissud tvnsnunagtau'rolq.taveq w lol.rtoow acne odium 07113 spavg P03ads ao Pupas sow); trio a>ieut—to8alg 'e.1 Anew pile 'ands 331 Aagy Meats envies puwtsgl!e os It %9vae--.(ti3itavta jo Oa/MT aa7,ot8 1 oaaol 1110 OATS e(s7*ePn3A„ osag •00053 1101111(1 bye a0 envE�vstaosv1 /Llama11 sufot .,etwallum„1espetnstetsartat s3s'pmt'D11s'tsog8 ONOMI$ Lir 111OIM.L NO111O Ti)1YN ••SAVIS-ION1M,. W. NEIL. AGENT A SET OF C TLERY FREE TO 01960,0 13UVBRl9 Our 1007 Catalogue will tell you how to get, Absolutely Free, a beautiful Carving Set of SHEFFIELD STEEL, with Celluloid handles and Sterling Silver Aisah, enclosed in a handsome Plush and silk lined case. The outside be- ing covered with leatherette. Our handsome Catalogue and Geistc• book i+ richly illustrated and is free to everyone who asks for it and contain+ details of other special effete, etc., sl.o gives full details of new and standard variet ie. of Seeds, Plants and BuU». Weita to -day. DARCH St HUNTER SEED CO.,LImlted L.ONOON. Canada. l JR^ PLR SI .lad lit on !him, causing a break of his leg just above the knee. Mr. Francis Clark our genial har- ness maker, is rapidly recovering from his recent illness. Millinery . openings were largely attended tlris week. The Royal hotel changes hands this week. The many friends of Mr. Mclsaao will be very sorry to sec him leave. Mr. and Mrs. Mcisaac during their stay ,lure have won many warm friends. Mr. Stock, our new butcher, has opened up business hero and is ready to supply the wants of the people. He has a choice lot of eau - sages of every description for over the 1►aliday season. The sprint: millinery openings at S. Brown's under the management of birs. Link short's that nine tenths of the hats have drooping brines. Em- pire styles certainly have arrived in millinery lines, and the poke, airship :uad mud:room effects have impress- ed themselves deeply in the -new models. Chip is the leading straws. I'yrox seine, Leghorn, Tuscan, Crin and Point de sprit are others used extensive}y. Regarding trim- mings, roees are shown in all sizes, from the large Tose to the button rose. Hats fire simply loaded with flowers or fruit. Ferns and grasses are the favorite foliage effect:+. Mechlin:{ acrd ribbons of all descrip- tions, comprising velvet ribbons of all shades, plain ribbons, taffetas, satin, duchess in all colors ,and shades, gorgeous Dresdens, warp prints and brilliant plaids aro used in profusion. globins is slluoh use([• and Ulu maline and lace hat promises jo be n summer development. Very fancy hat pins Are a novelty thin season. For the exclusive trade. Ostrich, paradise and ti host of other waving and expensive plums effects are tite.1. The leading shades are the burnt shades, banana, leach. er Shades. oopenhagcn end apricot. In fact all ehndes are shown. in Children's tette a large variety is shown and is suitable for ell ages. The room was nic:4y decorated one has a very inviting appearance'. The millinery opweninea at C. %wicker:+ teas a (t'cided success. The show room was tastefully dec- orated in banging baskets of Amer- ican beauty and Jack of roses with dainty Uniting vales. Miss Colvin show4el a Isetutiful display of trine- tned bats in milan straws. bighorns hood+ and flops the two, latter may be crustiest in in diversity of whap'cs. Another popular shape is the mush- room. which ens NhoWtl in a 1101111 gray strew trimtned 'in pink and wine Jack of rases mixed nvith dain- ty ferns atal •caught with a bows of steel grey taffetta ribbon. this ban- deau was Ii►nsned in with sax blue malice. A pretty hat in the \Vei I li- tneril shape Was mad' in vnloncien• ace lace with tam crown and faced in rewcda green mohair braid, trim• :n -d in dresden chiftonetti ribbon with white 11lumes 1333! rhinocerous buckles, the bandeau trimmed in small Bink resew. Among the dis• play was n child's bonnet made of Milk mohair braid trimmed in white chiffon and pink .taffetta ribbon. The sailor shape is still 111 vogue. A very pretty one was tatown in the burnt shade. in :which the moss Mr. David Iietschen moved his wife and family to Dashwood in Mr. Chas. 8chroeder's house. Mr. henry Brenner, of Zurich, who is interested in tho planing )[till here moved his family to Dash- wood. We give our new residents tat hearty welcome. ;Hiss Ida Brill has returned to her ]tome in Zurich otter having a piens.- ant visit with friends in Dashwood. Mr. Louis Shumaker is oontitled to his bed with pleurisy. - Confirmation services were held in the Lutheran Church on Sunday and were largely attended. There being some 10 oonfirmed. Mr. Jos. Eidt is building nn adili• tion to his stable this week. Mr. Wm. Shrumrn, our genial neer- chant, has rented n house from Mr. Geo. Kock and intend+ moving into it soon. It there ever was a specific for any ono complaint tl)en Carter's Little Liver Pills ate a specific for sick headache and every woman should know this. O fly one pill a dose. Try them. CENTIRALiA At a farewell party in the church last Wednesday evening the gentle- men who're names appear at the head of the following address, were pr e- senteci with a beautiful chair, each, and the following address. Suitable replies were made by each and speeches by \V. Anderson, 11. Ificks, Williatn Elliot, Thos. Veal, George Esrtery. John Easery and -others. The choir sang and the Ladies fur- nished lunch. "To Jlessrs. Robert Wilson, Joshua 'Instable and George Windier. Dear Friends We the members and adherents of Centralia Methodist Church, deep- ly regret the circumstances which compel yon to sever your connection with our church, believing eve pre losing active workers and faithful brethren. For many years well have taken an active wart in the temporal and spiritual work of the church and we will miss you in all our en- terprises. We therefore beg that you will accept 'these choirs ns a small token of our friendship, and brotherly love. in a small way. emblematic of the esteem in which you aro held. We sincerely hope you will meet with great success ill your future homes and wish you and your Liinit- ies. to carry hence, ourbeat wishes for your future 'and eternal welfare. Attd we will ever pray that the Father above may watch over and guide you in that straight and nar- Indigestion Noumea trouble is bet a "repent of, and not Is itself s true disease. We think of Dyssepsts, Meattburn. and Indigestion as real dtseemed. yet they are symptoms only of a cortain speelee Nerve sickness—nothing else. It was this fad that erst correctly led Dr. Shoos M tbe creation of that now very popular Stomach ■emedy—Dr. 8hoop's Restnrstive. Going dime the stomach nerves, alone brought that somas sad favor to In. Shoop and his Restorative. Wit& out that original and hlshlr vital principle. no ,etch lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. Tor stomach distress. bloating• blll000ees, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Sbooys aesSotstive—T beets or Lhiuld—nod ase err your• ss11 what ft an and will do. we salt sad obese. green. wood and golden brown Searseomaseoa • sleeker predominate. This is n dis• tinotively flower and ribbon season Iwith (lowers of all kinds in ribDr. Shoop's protusion and a rtids lenge off rib• bon in all ,width and colors, flowers on everything including roses. liop- • pies and small wild flowers end grasses in a variety of colors. Tic most fashionable aefor this II.storative Season. apricot shades similar to wcdgewood and ether favoritea, I 1 SPRING STO6K� Is Now Complete in all Lines. We have received recent shipments of Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, &c. in addition to large Con- signments received last week. See Our Carpets and Linoleums New Patters' We are offering special values this season. Om stock was never so large• our vaines never better. Just to head a large shiptuent of the W E. SANFORD READY-MADE CLOTHING in all lines. youths', child- ren's and men's suite. Nice up-to-date goods. well made and trimmed and at prices which are very close. The Sanford clothing is the leading line in Canada. OUR MILLINERY STOCK this season will excel anything w• have ever shown: Miss Colvin if again in charge of this department. (&UR OPENINGS sis next week. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY and fol - owing days. We invite your laape*. tion. We have some New and Exquisite Patterns in Dinnerware and Toilet Betts. You should see these before you purchase. New and pretty patterns for spring. We have a stock of Timothy Seed, Alsike and Red Clover for sale. Also about loo bus. of Seed Peals. Our Grocery Stock is Complete in all Lines. .A Call Solicited Highest Prices paid for Produce. C. ZWICKER, Crediton row way that leads to life everlast- ing. Signed on behalf of Congregation. G. W. Andrews, Pastor, R. Hicks Leade r.” Derangement of the liver with constipation. injures the complexion induce pimples. sallow skin. Re- move the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. Ono a dose. try them. O -EL la5i3'CIO FL2 . gas the iht Kind You Halt Always Bought Signature of WHEN ILLNESS COMES. Have you near at hand a remedy that si11 alleviate pain and help till the doctor comes? A wise thing is to have right in your home a bottle of "Nerviline" which gives instant relief, and prevents dievease from spreading. Nothing known for the stomach and bowels that compare withNerviline. For cramps, indiges- tion. heartburn and headache, its in- dispensable. For fifty years Pole non's Nerviline in 25c. bottles has been a family stand-iby. Get it 'to- day. FAIIQUHAIR Mr. Robt. Gardiner was in Toron- to on business ,from Friday until Monday. 1. Miss Nettie Harris loft on Mon- day for Seaforth, for a two weeks visit with friends. Mr. David Duncan and sort ,Ken- neth 1e'ft on Thursday last for Re- gina. A number of the young people from here attended the dance in Exeter last Friday -night. While Mr. J. E. Campbell was re- turning from Exeter last ,Friday night the harness (gave way allow- ing the horse .to extricate himself! from the buggy. A pair of broken shafts was the extent of the damage. Master T. Biggs. who disappeared rather suddenly last winter has re- turned. Mr. Thos. Rundle moved last week to his farm on the boundary. Mrs. D. Duncan is spending a few days with Mrs. T. Cameron. prior to going \Vest. Mr. Win. McKay who has been confined to her bed for the past two weeks, is able to be out again. • SEAi.V.I) TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Completion of (lode. rich Breakwater" will he received .t this office until Thursday, Apel 18, 1907, Inctnslvely. for the corn• pletion of Breakwater at (loderic•h, Ilaror' County Ontario, according to a plan and specification to be seen at the races of J. el, Sing. Esq., Resident Engi- neer, ('onfe)erstion Life itinkling, Toronto, Ont., A. J. Ianb, Erg., Resident Engineer. London, Ont., on .pplieation to the Postmaster at Ooderich, and at tbe Department of Public works. Ottawa. Menden will not to consideree unless made on the printed form suppplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. An aoceptel cheque on a chartered tank, payable to the order of the idonourable the Minister of Public Works. for seven thousand ave hundred dollars (7,1500.tel, must accompany each tender. The cheque will be forfeited if the party tendering decline the contract or fail to c,miplete the work contracted for, and w i11 be returned in Cass of non-acceptance of tender, The Department does not bin 1 itself to scree the lowest or any tender. By Order, ruen OEI-INAS, Secretary-. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Lamp 1s, 1907. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement If they insert it without authority from the Depart meat. Sy0o Is 0f Ibe C000dio0 Nona Wog HO)1FMTEAn REGULATIONS. A�Y even numbered section of Dominion lands in �waniton.a, ,ukatchewan and Alberta. ex. -e +ting ti and art, not reserved, maybe homesteaded by any person who is the head of a family, or any [nate over 19 ye.reof age. to the extent of ons -quarter section of ifII acres, more or tow. Entry must 1.e made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land 1s situate. The homesteader is required to perforn, tM con- clitiona connected therewith under one of the follow• leg plans:— (13 At least six months res!denoe upon amt eulti• cation of the land In each year for three )ear,. (2) if the father tor mother, it the father Is de- ceased) of the hometteader residsc u3r.0 a farm in the vicinity of the land enterad for, the regiuronen's as to residence may he eatisael by such person rew.Iing with the father or mother. (4t if the settler has his permanent residence upon farmini; lanae owned by hint in the tk-inity of his hornets( ad, the requirements as to residence may he satisfied by residence npon the said land, Hix months' notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa cf Intention to 53.3.3y for patent. R. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. R.—t'nauthorired pnblewtion of this wheetiae- mert will not he paid for. New Dress Goods Some of the newest and nattiest patterns of the season in Dress lengths. No two alike. Call and see them before they all go. i We also have another car of Cedar Posts cowing 111is week. Leave your orders with us and we will attend t -t them. Call and see our new line of Wall Papers. Many pretty designs to choose from. 1 COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea aroid Roofing I have just received a large shipment of Paroid Roofing, and as the time is drawing near when you will want roofing work done, I would advise you to call and select what you will want. Have on hand a number of mitts and gloves, which I am selling at wholesale prices. Come in and get a pair. All kinds of tinware on hand. W. Moore Kirktoni The Wall Paper Season is Hers Let us advise you adout the interior decorarion of your home. We Can assist you in seeuring the best results. Our stock is most complete and sty- lish. We will hang the paper for you. Now is the Time to buy Boots, Shoes & Rnbbers We have a large stock and bought before the price went up. We cap save you from ?oto 50 cents per pais. Our shoes are reliable and each p ! stands on its own merits. Fresh Oranges, Bananas and Lemons on Thursday B. W. F. BEAVERS, >= Farquhar. The Only Perfect Emulsff3i Any well made emulsion of good Cod Liver Oil is good as far as it goes, but if it lacks Iron it is not a perfect emulsion, because Iron is even more necessary and more valuable than the oil. Ferrol is not only made of the best Cod Liver Oil, but it combines with the oil Iron and Phospbori ll and is the only emulsion that contains Iron at a11. Moreover FERR OL is finer, more palatable and easier to digest than any other preparation of Cod Liver Oil. Anyone can take Ferrol ; few can take Cod Liver Oil in any other way. Every intelligent person knows that three of the greatest remedial agents known to science are Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus. To get them in combination and in proper proportion you must have Ferrol. There is no other way. Sufferers from Ana:mia, Bronchitis, Chronic Coughs and Colds. Lung Troubles of any kind, Nervous Prostration, Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, General Debility, Loss of Weight, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ia Grippe or any of the ailments known as wasting diseases, can take Ferrol with the confident assurance that it will cure them if a cure is possible. REMEMBER Each dose of Ferrol contains a full medicinal dose of Iron and in no other way can Iron be properly administered. Ferrol holds the record for increasing the Ferrol contains neither alcohol, " dope" nor gerous drugs of any kind. Ferrol is the Ideal Infant Food. If your baby Is not thriving, give it Ferrol and watch it grow. I. Is nota teat mystery. The formals is freely published. It 1s deter >Arstd.na. It is ,adorned by the most eminent Medical Joaitalst gt le ISM ttosFitalse Ssorit rtsara, eta W. S. COLE Druggist, Exeter, Ontario