Exeter Times, 1907-03-28, Page 4PURIFIER IND TONIC Perru's Blood Miller and £erre'$ sarsaparilla The most efficient and reliable remedies for impure or impoverished blood, gen- erat debility, Rheumatism, Eczema and all diseases of the skin and blood. Sold only at BROWNING'S litmaiblig Store The Exeter Times NOTE. AND COMMENT pastor here. visited 'with Mr. Will Hazelwood ouc day last week. Mr. Arthur Beattie, of Milwaukee is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beat tie. Mr. Jos. Kirk last Saturday night treated the members oY the[ 'Metho- dist church to a taffy party. The Ladies' Aid of tbo 'Methodist "'Lurch intend giving a tree tea on the evening of April Jrd. Everybody welcome. . Mr. John Sutherland fell on a stove the other day but was not ser- iously injured. Mr. James Garbutt is very low at the time of 'writing. Mr. Chas. Irwin entertained a number of his friends last Wednes. day night to an oyster supper. Afd ter the supper b pleasant 'evening [was spent, everyone departing with akits[ word for the host and hosts ess, i i Mr. Folly. who for the past two years has been 'working for Fergus Harrah left Saturday for England. Mr. Alt Burton commenced last week to work tor Amos Doupe. Mr. Robt. Davis will he employed w:tb the \Vinetielsea Creamery this Souring season• IIe will take -the route formerly held by Fawcott Stinson. Mr. Fletcher Sweitzer has bought two brick residences on Queen St. appointment of Mr. Alexander as License inspector for Marys. f The appo • l Creighton South Perth seems to meet with disapproval by some of the stalwarts of the Conservative party here. The position it is said was promised to a resident et Kirkton provided a certain roan did not avant it. This certain elan did not want it. and our ',esteemed resident didn't get it either. r Those colored eggs may look tetnp- ting, but don't take a chance. The Thaw- trial has been going on for the last two months and is still in progress. Had they the Canadian sway of dealing out justice on the other side, Thaw would either be sent to the dippy house or get .frees. dom or a sentence long 'ere thee The fellow who takes items, out of the two local papers and sends them to the Huron Expeditor as 'fresh trews says :—"It looks as it we were to hive a new station building after all. thanks in some measure to the %xpoeitor." We aright say to use :the words of our friend thc orreslwn John "By Gar,;dent'c< gone clean dippy." , For Catarrh, letsend you free dust to prove its merit, a Trial Box of Dr. Shoop'i Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white, creamy, healing anti,eptic balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop. Racine, IWIs• - Large jars 59c. Sold by W. ey. KI1tKTON - Douglas Wardlaw, who 'vas with Dr. Carr last Hummer, end during the past fete months bas been at- tending the Veterinary College at .Toronto is back bore again as assis- tant to the der. Mr. W. Moore last week purchas- =� De urn" driver down at London. ir. Fred Taylor expects to take possession of the Victoria House in a' couple of weeks. He will move iIda family over to the hotel, and his Parents will occupy the house he is {los' living in. - The next meeting of the Kirkton debating club will :be held on Mon- day night April 1st. As this will be the last meeting of the season it will be open to 'the public, and everyone to invited. A subject has not yet trees chosen and It is quite possible an impromptu subject mill be taken ••I'reverttics" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken at the sneeze stage. 1'reventics cure seated celds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis, will gladly mail you samples and a book on Colds free. if you will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early colds with l!reventics and stop pneumonia. Sold in 5c. and 25o. boxes by W. 8. Ilowey. BLACK BUSH • (Too late for last week.) Our roads are very muddy at pres- ent but we hope they will soon imd prove. Mr. Alex. Wilds had a successful wood bee one day last week. Mr. John Bannerman is at press ent visiting at the home of Mr. Alex Wild sr., for re few days. Mr. Wilbert Lafond had n wood bee last week and got a large eel- ount of wood cut. Mr. Edward Wild .wears a broad smile all over his face. This week his wife was presented with a bounc- ing baby girl. Joe Vincent from -Parry Sound one (l. y visited at the bonne of Sy- rtis y - rus his brother. Il" will soon re- turn to Parry Sound. Mr. William Brown Sr.. is at pres- ent very ill. We hope for n speedy recovery. up. Those of our sportsmen that can even bit the tilde of a barn are out mornings and evenings hunting , uuskrate. Several animals' have thorn killed. . 31r. 4leo. Fart1ipg bag engaged with Dr. Carr end Mr. Beattie to handle their horse this coming sum- mer. The St. Marys. Kirkton and Exe- ter telephone company last week re- ceived three carloads of poles for the extension of their lines. • Mr. Thos. Blake who has worked for Mr. W.111. Marshall for the past few years on his farm on the 12th. concession has resigned Isis position to go to the West. Mr. Blake ex- peels to leave Shortly. Mrs. Richard Ross underwent an operation la.•st Friday for the remov- al of a tumor. Drs. Campbell, of tiirktou, and Stanley and Smith. of Sit. Marys, were in attendance. eine Wes is getting Went; nicely. At the last meeting of the detest- ing club the subject was :—"That Ontario can offer greater induct.. tnents to the young man ellen the :cortheest.' As Dr. Campbell, the lodge was called away from the de - bat.., no decision twas given. Messrs. Ilugh Kirk and altos. Roadhouse were at Granton last Fri- day night attending n meeting of the. Send►y Nchool Association. It was decided to held the next tneetei session of the third Sunday in April The annual Convention will le. held at Eliutville liter on, announcements of w Irick will ls' nuele in due tints. It.•v. Anderson. of Blyth, a former THE EZEZ ER TlMEl3, MARCH28tb 1907. CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of 1 kigetatlle P_ c, arationtorAs- odandRegukt- tkill the ,S[Ql 5 ankpoweis of 111 FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS AWindow's SoothingG8yron has beeexs Hied to over sixtyears by millions of mothers for tee children while teething. with perfect 'meagre it soothes the child. softens the gums, allays as paln aures wind collo. and is the baso frame-! for Diarrhma. It is pleasant to the taste. now by dreggisti (never; part of the world. 116 Be erre aandutakeAMri is s sMSeotdini Syrapand ask Of no other kind. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs A3t, .Tune 30th, 1006. Serial Number 1098. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Win. elcody are vis - Ring a few days this week with Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, of Crom- arty. A grand concert will 1), given un• di'r the auspices of the choir in the Thames [load Presbyterian /church on Monday evening April iltslot Ill 7. when the following present. Albert. E. Greenlaw basso, Maurice retire, concert violinist, Mills Alma James header. Prof. \Vat- eon, of London, accompanicst. Con• cert 'tet 8. Admi si on 25 andciun . Come and enjoy with us. • (Too late for last weak.) Miss Annie 1'asstuorc has gone to Exeter to spend a season at dress• making in Miss 'l'otu's slop. Miss Flossie Coward is learning the millinery in Snell and Rowe's department. The Misses Nitta, Milli" attd Mary Monteith visited relatives in Nis - swirl over Sunday. A very enjoyable evening was spent in the home of M r. and Mrs. t - \1'm. Monteith last ids c aw even- ing. when the young people of our neighborhood and a few from Exe- ter gathered in their born' and spent the hours its tripping the light fan- tastic until early morning. Quite a number of farnn-ri in our neighborhood started sugar .making on Siturday and .\londay last. We are sorry to report that Mrs. l'1n.dell is :t t :present v: t y ill. A speedy recovery is hoped for. ( derich, M trch 2.3.— Fr, d \Vil- liiiii tee driver wl:, ons c%tried over an embankment with les • ngine and bad!v scald'"I, while emi,l,ye,l 011 const ruction e. rk on t Guelph and Gtderich 1! iilw•ay in August, *vas awarded at the Assize' $.8.500 (tantages against N1. A. Pigott & the slant rectors. The jury- found that the caner of the accident was the bad cenditian of the track and etrelesrness aft the part of the fore- man. Thew wrre ont tr' hours. The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking -cold habit. it strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about It. The bent hind of • testimonial �• Gold for over sixty years• trail, 871.0. syr 0e.. r ew}tt. W s. Alio aonAotarerb Yersnu MAIR VI002. Ws tens se .eerele t W. pnbile% tb. fbraalas of all oar ..dletses. the bowels^ Ist' with :141 Just ono .••h Promote s Digestion,Cheerful- nessandRest.Coatains neither Opluai.Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. r Mw rgGill.'SA10.112Af7rillg hasp, a �ImesJSao - nine Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. }11 b 'trend ' c.1(t jt)tilti-3jCI.r� EXACT COPY OP WRAPPER. 11 For Ov Thirty Yea CASTORI COIPAMT. M.W TOaa C.T n,. taken sick on to see him out The Toad is again. • Mr. W. 0. Oliver was in Sarnia on Friday looking after timber for our breakwater. Harvey Bossenberry is expected home from Winnipeg in the course of a few days. Sucker fishing another year. Abner Mollard is laid up with a kind of deafness. but he says now, he can hear his boots squeak since ho was treated by Dr. lfotson, and as a consequence is feeling very happy. cured by Catarrhozone than any. On Wednesday March '0th there thing else. Two sizes. 25c. and $1.00 died at fort Blake, Edmund Wilson, at all dealers. son of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wil- Saturday. We hope j GOOD REASON'S FOR ITS SC'C-' soon again. I 1 CESS. moving on the cut The majority of Catarrh remedies are useless. But on that does cure is "Catarrhozone." It clears the head of all mucous discharge. Pu- trid matter in the nostrils. phlegm in the throat, and disease germs are completely swept away. The cause of the disease is destroyed and the system so thoroughly cleansed of catarrhal poison that the cure Is permanent. All types of ca- tarrh, throat and bronchial trouble colds and coughs are more certainly is about over for GRAND 111'.NI) e Thera is a great deal o[ sl'Ck A n s in this vicinity at present, it being o very (-amnion sight to See the i)r. driving by. r. Joseph 111011111W cel quite ser• lonely ill but under the care of Drs. Cirr reed \Wilson. We hope to see hire out before long. ' Heath ha: again visited Or. hemi of fir. and Mi.. Percy holler'[ and retraced their only renuining child having iest ane about five ?weeks ago. Preset. writhe. t the nil of n doctor neves not :l tail anything. i'eople to ill get their ryes opened sometimes no doubt. Mr. Fred I'aae Is under the care of 1)r%. ('irr end Wilson having Zam-Bak Saves a Ear FOR BALE.—Lot on East side Maio a street. north of .Grigg'' book -store. H. Lambrook. EGGB FOR HATCHING --Thorough- mer s Arm bred white wyandott eggs for sale. SOME SENSATIONAL PROOFS OF Apply to 8. Powell. ITS HEALING POWER. Several good men wanted to work on North West farms full seasons Every day brings interesting in- work and highest •wages. Apply to stances to light of the wonderful ' R. E. PICKARD. healing power of 'Lam-Iluk, the Ler•HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE:— bal balm. Mr. Wm. Snell.a Lang Clouse and 1-5 acre land East side enburg, (Sask.), farmer says: "Isnved Elisabeth Street. Francistown: Ap- my arm by using 'Lam -Duk. I had a l'1Y to Mrs. Edwin Jonea. Exeter. terrible scalding accident and :the DR. OVENS EYE AND EAIt SUR.i arra atter the injury took the wrong goon. will bo at the Commercial way. When I started to use Zam- hotel. v Hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.50 p. Buk it was all swollen up and dis- m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- colored, and 1 feared it would have eases of eye ear and nose treated. to ooluo off. In a few days Zorn - Duk killed the poison. reduced the swelling and filially healed the arm pletely." ECZEMA CURED. Mr. J. F. Cu- sick of 349 Wilson St.. Ilamilton) says—"Every winter I used to have eczema on the back of my hands. Last winter I was specially bad—so bad that I bad to he off work for three weeks. While suffering acute- ly I was advised to try Zamt•iluk and I did so. I could not have be- lieved anything oouid have healed so quickly 1 It just seemed to dry up and clear away the sores. and in n wonderfully short time my hands were quite cured." PILES .CURED. Mr. Neil Devon. of Webbwood. Ont. say :s—"For 8 years I tried all kinds of things for piles, but got nothing to do me any good until I struck 'Lam -Duk! that quickly worked a complete cure." Zara -41311k heals all skin diseases, cuts and bruises, eczema, scalp soreve ulcers chapped places. Spring pim- pies. scrofulous ailments, poisoned wounds. swollen glands, beefs. As nn embrocation it cures rheumatism, sciatica, [este. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. a box, or from Zam-Buk Co. Toronto. 6 boxes for $;'2.50. Send lc. stamp for dainty trial box• RICKS' FORECASTS A reactionary storm period is cen- tral from the 1st to Ito the ,third with probabilities that disturbances of the last storm period in March will be prolonged into this opening period in April. The month wilt oome in with unsettled. threatening potpditions. These conditions will re- sult itt quickened storms of raid, wind and snow on and touching the 2nd. Snow of course, is more prob- able over Northern parts of -the country but late squall] are entirely possible in central to southern parts. Change to higher barometer westerly winds and cool enough for frosts in many sections northward may be expected from the I:nd to 5th beginning in the northwest and tndvancing eastward—southeastward. ELIMVILLE The home of Mr. John hind, Elim- ville was the scene of a pretty wed- ding on Wednesday afternoon, March 27th, when his daughter. Nel- lie was married to Mr. Louis Fletch- er, a promising young farmer of Usborne. The ceremony was per- formed at 5 p. m. by Rev. Fair in the presence of a number of friends and relatives. The bride's gown a •aa of w hito point d' sprit, and her go. ing away gown of dark red venetian. After a dainty wedding dinner and the usual congratulations were ten- dered the young couple they heft for their new home on the farm former- ly owned by Mr. David Duncan. 1)1E1) DiET NOT T1IE WHOLE TILING. Your table is loaded with food—di- gestible and wholesome, yet you never gain strength. What's the trouble/ Look within and what do you find/ A lazy liver. stomach is overloaded with work—useless work because the bowels and liver arc not sufficiently active. itelief is quickly s►.pelicd by l)r. Hamilton's I'ills. No better medicine for the sick or well. They stake weak folks strong by re- moving the cause of the weiknwAs. Digestion improves constipation leaves. liver takes new life, kidneys wake up,—the whole system it en- livened iy 1)r. 1lasnilton'A i'ills. 25e at all deniers. IBREWSTER Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mollard have the sympathy of their many friend's in the death of their infant son. who died on Friday last, aged 2 years. The remains were interred in the Grand Bend cemetery on Monday. SALE REGISTER • Next visit, April bth. FOR SALE—Great Bargain. that brick store on Main street, North of Town Hall, Exeter. ooeupied by Maguey Harris Co. Address J. Parkinson, 429 fall Mall street. London. Ont. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE:— On East side of Andrew St.. good oomfortable frame cottage. one stor- ey high, containing 9 rooms. good well 1-3 acro of garden. For the particulars apply to C. E. Hackney. Exeter Ontario. PASTURE TO LET—Tenders will bo received by the undersigned for the renting of the Agricultureal grounds for postural"; A odors Tip to April 13th. Highest or any ten• ders not necessarily accepted. A. G, Dyer. Secy. We take this opportunity of thanking our many customers for their liberal patronage and support during the last five years and that we are prepared to supply any new customers who wish milk. Our mot- to, pure milk and regular delivery. LOUIS DAY. Milkman. O.bSss331Rt.X.e`. Bea the , The Kind Yoe Hare Aiwa Bough Signature of STOP LIMPING, CURE THE CORN. Quickly done by I'utnam's painless Corn Extractor. Acts in one day, causes no pain. removes every trace of soreness. Fifty years of success proves L'utnam's is the -best. ltc' fuse substitutes. • The News—No pure drug cough Cure laws would be needed, if all cough cures were like Dr. Shoop'' cough cure is—and has been for 20 years. The national law now re- quires that if any poisons enter into re cough mixture, it must be print- ed on the label or package. For tide reason. mothers and others should insist on having Dr. Sheep's[ cough Thurs. March 28th. Auction sale of Farm Stock and Implements .on W. 1-2 Lot 21, Concession 13, Ste- phen, at one o'clock sharp. Joe. Ziler, Prop.: E. Bo.scnberry, Auct. Saturday March 30th, 5907, auo• tion sale of farm stack and imple- ments en Lot 11, Con. A, Stephen. Crediton Road. Jos. 8. Mote, Pro- prietor, Thos. Camerons, Auctioneer. Thursday, March 28th, 1907 auc- tion sale of farm atook' on Lot J2. Conceesion 10, ilsborne. J. F. Crcery Prop. Joseph White Auct. Monday April 8t1t, 1907, ,•lcictioti sale of the estate of tin: late Robt. Black well. in the Township of Bid. dulph. in the County of Middlesex nt one o'clock sharp. Richard Black- well Administrator, Mooresville Jas. Stanley, Auctioneer, Lucas, tlladman & Stanbury. Solicitors for Adminis- trator, Exeter, Ontario. On Tuesday April 2, 1907, at one. o'clock p. m., auction sale of farm stock on Lot 29, Cori. 6, tisborne, I''red. EIlerington Prop., Thee. Cam- eron. Auctioneer. LAMPOItT—ln Stephen, on March 20 1907. Elizabeth Luker, relict .of the late Henry Lamport. aged 83 years, -1 months and 17 clays. DELBRiIGE—in Exeter. on tiatur- thy, March 23rd, 1907, Elizabeth Andrew. (beloved wife of Richard ilelbridge, aged 60 veary 10 months and 10 days. LINDF.NFIELI).—In Exeter. et the residence of her son Charles, Mrs. Linden field, aged 70 ,yeera. on Tuesdey, March 26th. t TO CUi1E A COLD LN ONE VAN Take Laxative liromo QulnlnvTah- 1ets. All druggists refund the mon- Pr if 1t falls tr' earn. E. W. '3•nve•s •ign•tttire is o.e sae). box. lbs. Loss of Appetite Spring Term Opens Is common when the blood needs puri- Tuesday, April 2nd tying and enriching, for then the blood fails to give the digestive organs the stimulus necessary for the proper per- formance of their function.. Hood's Sarsaparilla is pre-eminently the medicine to take. It snakes the blood pure and rich, and strengthens all the digestive organs. "I have used Hood's Sarsaparilla as a aprtng medicine and find it excellent. My brother -In-law used It for blotches on his face and was perfectly cured. He has not been troubled since?' HAROLD PARRIS, Peterborough. Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla It the world's great blood purifier and tonic. 100 doses ono dollar. I I eitifli $TRAT,ORD, ONT. i i joys tic reputation of (e0ir1,1 .j. the best work in business edu• + • c.ttion in Conaria. Our grade- e- ;ties are in demand as Com'. 1' mercial teaehei A and office as - 4'' si+tint+. Write for our free is catalogue and you will get frill infarmation o -inserting our retool. i EI,LIOT & MCLACiILAN. Principals. CENTRAL 'Illi+ school, elects is list: Iarge't and most progressive Commercial and Shorthand school in \\''stern Ontario, en• HURON The Molaon's Bank of Clinton has purchased the private banking buss. nese of Mr. J. I'. Tindall. The committee recently appointed to oonsider the question of at aye. - tem of waterworks for Clinton had M mooting last week. What is re. - girded as a feasible and sa'tisfao. tory system. to be owned and opera. ted by the town. will shortly be submitted to the council. • NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the business heretofore carried on by me at }Chive has been taken over by J. RatZ & Sons. by 'whom it will be conducted from the 9th inst. All accounts up to that date will bo payable to me personally and . all debts due by the will be settled promptly upon presentation of Ac, count. JOHN RAZ,. Stephen, Tpt., March 15th. '07. For Sale Part .of Park lot E original lot 18. consisting of 2 acres of Hand with orchard, a two storey brick house, all newly finished is the lat. est style. good well. good furnao0 ooncealed wiring, etc. This is a choice property and must bo sold as the proprietor is going West. Farm for sale consisting of lot Township of Hay. consisting of 10() acres all seeded down. well adapted for grazing purposes. If -these two properties aro not sold privately on or before April 16th. they twill be sold by public auction on May t3rds For particulars apply • tto (Thoma) Cameron. Auctioneer, Farquhar. TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for tbo carpenter work of the Exeter Canning & Pre serving Co's. Factory. General di- mensions :—Main Building 40X170, two stories, with open addition 14X60 and abed extension 24X46. cure. No poison marks on Dr. For particulars and plans and spec- Shoop's labels—arid nolle in the meds ifications apply at S. Martin's store coin. else itmust by law leer at the Exeter. label. And it's not only safe but it is said to be by those who know- le best a truly remarkable cough remi edy take no chance, ,articularly with your children. Insist on hav- ing Dr. Shoop's cough cure. Com- pare carefully the De. Shoop' pack'. ago with others and see. No poison marks there! You can always be on the safe 'side by demanding Dr. Shoop's cough cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by W. S• Howey • •NDiamollosN•••NN••••NNN•N• ••1 We have them Prem $8 up end an immense stock to • choose from. We are having • for 1 UISThR t Special Bargains IN Hand Painted China CROSSES PENDANTS WATCHES NECKLACES CUT GLASS, ETC. If you are not in London write us. It will pay you. C. H. WARD & CO. 1 J. G. Jones, Secy-Treas. 37I Richmond St. London Ont. ••NN••NN•N•NN•NN♦ Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, poise hair. Steel stonib boats, Louie - yarding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the above goods. Clearing Auction Sale Groceries and Confectionery M. Jd6kSOD& Son near the old tnarket Main St. Exeter We have juhat put in a 'stook of Fresh t roceries. Fruits. Candies and Canned Goods. BREAD We also make first class bread. Give us a call. Levi S. Hamacher —ot— FARM STOCK • Mr. Thomas Cameron has becti instructed to sell by Publio Auction 011 'LOT 29, CON. 0, USBORNE —on— TUESDAY. APRIL Cad. 1907 At One o'clock sharp the following property: HORSES 1 carriage marc, rising 6 years old in foal to Golden Case; L carriage horse rising four years old, sired by Texas Jack; 3 geldings rising two years old aired by Glasnock; I filly rising 1 year .old sired by McElroy. CATTLE 1 choice cow 4 years old duo to • calve at time of sale, 1 cow 7 years old due to valve 1st. of Aug., 1. cow' 6 years old duo to calve lst of May 1 farrow cow coming ►3 years old. 2. farrow cows coming t years old. 5 fat heifers Doming 13 years old. 3 steers rising 3 years .old. 3 steers - rising 2 years old. 3 heifers' rising 2 years old good beef ringer. calves ranging in age from 4 months; to 11 months old. 1 1'_IGS 1 sow due to farrow 15th of April, 2 fat (hogs 6 months old. 9 story pigs 43 months old. SIIEE1' 10 good grade ewes supposed to be ill lamb, 1 Lincoln ram ;vest reg. Shropshire ram. !' Also a quantity of tu't'iti$s. 50 bus. of Rural 'New Yorker potatoes. TERMS.—$10 and under, cash over that amount 7 month's credit will be given or discount of 5 per cent. for cash. Fred Ellerington Prop. Auct.' Baker and Confectioner. I)ASIIWOOI) — ONT. Thu 116516111 BusincSS oed StioE!boad Celle 110 Dundas Street London oomprises complete Commercial, Shorthand end Academic Departments. The teacher in charge of each department. not only peeresses broad educational qualifications and ,business exper- Iience. but is a specialist in his own particular lime. Students who com- plete a full course in either depart - s wont,ndexamspass a satisfactory exams ination, are granted Diplomas. Our courses of study .are so comprebenb• sive and complete, our teaching act practical, and .our examinations toat101L9 no thorough. that our graduates are preferred and sought after by busi- ness men. Full information mailed to anyone upon npplication. W. C. Coo. C. S. R. President. •['hos. Cameron, ver t3 years old. 1 driver ...$$ Years old. 1 driver 10 years old, 1 buggy. 1-2 dos. steel bog troughs) a number of pure bred Yorkshire/ sows supposed to be in pig. et cowa due to calve ono in April and 13 int May. 1 mower. fanning mill, aced drill. double plow. &Ingle plow, sulky rake Ooeksbutt snuffler now, Empire Cream Separator. Massey Harris oul- tivator, 2 filrrovv. Fleury plow, 2. furrowWilkinson gang plow, Cocker Shutt riding plow. Also part lot 19, known as the old Pickard mill property, consisting, of about 12 sores of land, good brick dwelling, with 8 rooms. good cellar cellar. frame kitchen, good well of water, etable and small barn Iant& the old mill or power house. To be sold in one lot or separately to suit purchaser. This .property must bo tt.e nroorlotor is going W.eatt FRANK BALLANTYNE Licenced auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Perth. Special attention given to farm stock sales. Town and village pro. party sold by auction on moderate oommimions. Orders may be left at the Timeg, office or at .residence, Ellmville,. Charzes moderate. F,,1t..1 FOR SALE—Mr. W. H. Jones has placed in our hands for 'ale his farm lot "W' Con. 7.. Usborne Tpt. containing 100 acres. Title guaranteed. For particulars apply to GLADMAN ANI) BTA! BURY Barristers etc. Exeter Ont. •N•••••••••••••NN•••••• •N••NN••N••••••••••••• THE 1'1OLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856) CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• •••• S3,000.000.00 `RESERVE FUND ••• ••.• ••• ••• $3.000.00000 ik Rraocbes to Osterto, Quebec. Alberta British Oolon,bls and hl 'ameba EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. ss. to 3 P. M. except Saturday 10e. ta. to 1 P. sr. Formers' Axle Noteiet cashed or collected. Forms supplied On ayelesilos. DRAFTS on all points' In the Dominion. (treat Britain ane Ca- lled aIled States. bought and sold at lowest rates of esohange, /SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of 01.00 and upwards received. Intereet com- pounded bail yearley, and added to princtysi June t*)I and December st.1. CIM podia Receipts' also tanned and highest current rates of interest'Uowed. Advances made to farmers stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and oa most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dom. Uovernnleet. Dickson & Carting, solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. •N•••••• ••w• ToCureaColdinOneD.y , [Tim 8�oIr10 1b�iMtla a w7► *Pm M 1 Ness NM Is pit 13 sesolst. i'Yg mss, C' . t�isol. Cow Grip Ds"