HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-03-21, Page 8T . E X E T IG K '1. 1 M 1! S, MARCH 21st t907 ++++t+ .t-+++++ STEWART'3 N[W SRIN6 0000S Nearly all in and ready for your inspection. We are showing some exclusive styles in Dress Goocl Suitings and Waistings. 35c 50c 65c 65c 85 I.001.25 For Black and Right yard for a lovely new Grey Shadow Check. Swell for Skirts, Suits or Dresses. The yard for a lovely lot of New Grey Tweeds. Good clean stock and real serviceable. For a beautiful range of the veru newest Shadow Stripe Suitings, these are copied from the latest New York Ideas and are certainly going to make a hit.. For Panama Goods, Right. in Style, Right in Qua- lity Right in Value. For a Beautiful Lot of Black and White Check and Double Dog Tooth Check Dress Goods. These are very Special Values. Dresden Silks We are showing the choioest lot of new Dresden Silk Waist Inde that we have ever bad. White and Cream Grounds with very pretty Floral and Shadow Designs in Green, Pink, Blue and Mauve. Ask to See Them, They Are Beauties. House FurnishingsOne of our Strong Lines. Car- pets, Curtains, Linoleumns, Draperies and Wall Papers.: Special Values in new Wall Papers Borders same price per roll as papers 5,10, 121.2 15 20 25 The Roll for very rich Gilt Paper in new Floral and Combination Stripe Effects. Do you want a new Linoleumn or Carpet. Our stock is large and values will please you 190 Buys choice 4 -yard wide Eng- lish Linoleum. . It's a Snap. agents Remember or tie'Fa''ou� KING STIFF HAT The Hat that leads the world. The new shapes are very catchy. Come in, have a look at the new ONES. FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Granulated Sugar $4.35 per 100. T. A. STEW. RT +++++++4-1-141-4-++++++++444-14 +++4+ 1-4-1-1-444-4-34-4.444-1+++++++++444++++++++++++++4-4. +++++-1-+4+++++4+.1-+++4+-14++4++++++++444+++. + Our Reduction Sale Is on and in order to reduce our stock before Stock Taking we are offering greater Bargains in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to al- most cost during this sale. Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. ROWE & ATKINSON Th �U The Largest Home Furnishers in the County. FUndertaking in all its Branches- ++ 1 BRIGHTEN UP TIME VARNISH STAINS • Ladies are Delighted with CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN foe re -stat -raj sad 1iatabla4 Furniture, Wood- work and Floors SEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE a MODE TO ORDER Dressing well is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each garment Gni' • we make for you has that air of individuality to much sought after by the fashi• nab a man. You are sure of comfort care and elegance tf you wear our garments. You are sure too, of get - 14 ting the Meet possible value for your 7/rer money. We have 100 new Suitings way down in price. 6, W. W, TAMAN, Tailor Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected tip to March 21st. Wheat. 76 cents a bushel. Oats. 36 to 37 ants per bushel. Peas, 75 cents a bushel. Barley. 44 to 46 cents per boobs). Shorts. $22 per ton. Flour. 62.10 per cwt. Man, $20 a ton. Hay, $10, and 611 a ton. Feed Flour. $1.25 per cwt. Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed. 68 to $9 per bushel. Butter. 52:. per f=ound. Potatoes. 75c. to 90e. per bag. Dried Aps•'4s. 6c. per pound. Eggs, 18c. a dozen. Hogs, dressed, $8.50 per cwt. Hogs, livcwe.gbt. $8.50 per cwt. Coal, $7 a ton. Large onions. 600 a bushel. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• t LOCALS 1 • ......•• ......•. A week from tomorrow Is Good Friday. Good Friday. the next public holi- day, falls on March 29th. Rev. Fear took cliarl;e or the ner- vines at Lucknow last Sunday. Mrs. Ransom, who wee ill with Pneumonia, bus almost recovered Miss Lochrie, of Landon. ryas the tuest of Mrs. Poplestone last week. Mrs. E. W. Horne i° the guest of her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. John Far- mer. Dr. and Mrs'. Athos entertained a number of their friends lost Thurs- day evening• If any one now commits a milder illeanor it can be credited to n "brain storm". Rev. McDonough. of Stratford, a former pastor here spent a few days in town last week. Rev. Colin Fletcher took thee( sem vices at the Presbyterian. Church last Sunday evening. The first robin, tho peekaboo waist the decollete shoes. the Gold lunch and the carpet hater. Mr. Cline. Knight, of St. Thomas spent the Sunday with his parents Mr. atul Mrs. Cline. Knight. Miss Luella Fear returned home last week after n month's visit with friends at Whitby and other places. Mrs. E. Jones is ,Maple Lodge where she will remain for some time with her son-in-law Mr. John Ovens. Frank Hawdeu has secured a posi- tion with u drug firth in London. and left for the Forest city on •Mon- day. Mr. A. E. Bradwin. former editor of the Blyth Standard, has been ap- pointed manager of the Galt Daily Standard. Mr. Esti Heywood, recently co- signed hin position at the Harvey Brom. mill and intends going West later on. The spring asaizes are being beld at Goderich this week. Thera aro nine jury. and ono non jury cases. Justice Magee is presiding. Mr. Alex. B. Creighton. of Dian - shard. has been appointed License inspector for South Perth, to nue, peed the late William White. Messrs. A. Robinson and Murrny Miller. former residents of Exeter recently bought the hotel belonging to Jamul Flannigan at Saskktoon. for $85.000. The W. II. Willie Shoe Company. of Seaforth. hats made nn a8signment. It in thought 1114• creditors will It/i411 Iittit! if anything, but In W. 11. Wil- lis, it cleans the lose of everything. Mr. J. W. Broderick Last weelc purchased the old building north of Levctt's afore from Mr. J. Ilalkwill, of Chicago. It is Mr. liroderick's in- tention to have 11re building fixed up. Mr. Frank .Delbridgee, a former clerk in the Sovereign (lank hero and lately with the. same Ilatik at Amheratburg, has leen appointed manager of the Fanners' Bank nt Cheltenham. Itev. C. W. Ilrown, a former pars• tor of the James Street Church, and now _ (d hack to ne for the third ye tease in his salary of $500. He .1 now getting *2,000. Houaekeclnerl will find Canlphell'n Varnish Htainm mon) excellent for staining and varnishing floors stud interior woodwork. Theme Htaina dry Lord over nightend never be. cense tar.ky. Mr. W..I. Woman car- ries a full lime of all colors. Mr. Neil Bellwood •who for e ontbs lute been emplo ' • • n the o the Tirncs left last Mon ay to take a position with the Advertiser at London. Mr. Bellwood is a good printer and our best wishes go with him in his new position. We are sorry to hear that Rev. Mr. Cranston, of Cromarty. who had almost recovered from a long siege of typhoid fever Las suffered se r-ei. lapse and is again confined to his bed. Rev. Cranston recently acccp• ted a call to btu* Palmerston Prey. byterian Church. The Guts Club shoot will be held ar week from tomorrow, t;ood Fri- day. This prntnis;es to die the best shooting event Exeter has ever had. The shooting will commence in the morning and .continue all day. The prize trophy is on exhibition. in 5. Fitton's window and in n beauty. Mr. John Mallett )amt week dis- posed of his property on William St. to the Rose. Taylor Company and in turn purchased the property he now occupies on Huron St. from C. Dor- wood, of Chicago. The property pur• chased by the itoan, Taylor Company adjoins+ their mill property and will be used for the atoring of lum • ber. Toronto World says "s•-• humor of Will White wee all . ...,, nee- canary to the oomph. 41emm eif the evening, and he rounded oft the pro- gram with great 'success. in his character sketches of "Farmer Giles and iia Never Stopped Running," be took the audience by atorm. and was encored a number oT times. )lis make -ups convulsed the audience. and his monologues stere fully equal to his beat effort'. The part iuf eonattdian fits Will J. White liko •• kid glove." ' MILLINERY OPENING Ole I`IARCH 22 AND 23 You are cordially invited to attend a grand display of New Spring and Summer Millinery after investigat• ing the Millinery Centre of Fashion. MISS JUDGE of Orangeville, is well equipped to display the most exquisite spring and summer Millinery at prices sur- prising in reasonableness. The exhibit is worthy of your in- spection. SNEL[. & ROWE 'THE OLD RELIABL Mica May Wood visited in Leu'" I ,don this week. n Case of an Accident Mrs. R. Davis, Sr., is cotifit►ed to ARE YOU PREPARED? her home by illness. Mr. Ed. Crocker. of Toronto, is visiting his parents. .Mise Pearl Ford has returned home from London. Miss Annie Mill visited in London a few days this week. Mrs. Beattie, of Varna, is the . ugest of Mr. and Mra. T. M. Kay. Mr. James Walter in on a puh- chasing trip to Toronto and Hamil- ton. Mrs. Etherington. of Brown City, Mich., is visiting her brothers in Us - borne. Tbe St. Anthony's Club assembly will be held in the Opera House on Friday night. Mrs. Norman Lloyd. who visited in London for three weeks. has re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cann and daughter lett Monday for Crystal City. Man.. where they will make their new home. Toronto Star says:- "Will J. White. the comic entertainer, ;wide merry and pleased very much, show- ing special ability In a musical mow clog ue." Rev. Wm. Martin, returned home Saturday from Mount Forest. after attending the funeral of his brother the late Thomas Martin, M. P.. for North Wellington. Sandy BAwdeaa left Monday for British Columbia. Ile was accom- panied as far as London by Fred Bawden, who spent the day with his brother there. Mims Nettie Fulton, of U allace- burg, who visited friend° in town for the past three or four months. left Saturday for London, where she has secured a aituation. Mr. W. II. Harvey left Monday for the Northwest. where he intends taking up land. Mrs. Iiarvey is vim - Ring her father for a few weeks, Prior to leaving for the West. Mail and Empire, of Toronto, snye "Will J. White put the crowd in thorough good humor with his comic aongs. "Buying a House." "Farmer Giles," "I Never Stopped Running" and "The Lecturer" were enthusiast. tiredly received. Ile was a star hit. En•ores were numerous." Mr. Garry Hoskin. of etrathroy. a former resident of Exeter, spent Sunday in town renewing old aqu- eintaneea. Some twenty years ago . Hoskin wan a valued member of the ain Street Choir and assisted the t le choir at the Sunday even- ing se vice. He also bang an offer- tory hieh he gave in good voice. Th regclnr military camp of in. at Minn will lin held in London thim ar from .111114' 4 to 15. The camp will iurlude the Twenty.Second (10x - ford Itiflem), 'Twenty -Sixth 6\tiddle- sex). Twenty -Seventh (7.ambton). 28th, (Perth). 'i'u•enty-Niiit11 (Wa1.. orlon), 'Thirtieth •Wellington), Thir• ty-streon)nn l (,Ilrnrr) end 'Thirty -Third /In Regiments!. The foto: strength will be about 2.000 offi- cera and men. ••••••• 4. a••... TALK ABOUT Parrots, nay whit you like, they often tell the truth. You know that personally we don't like to ex- tol our gond' too much. Our pony though isn't that way. 1t talks the live long day about our SARSAPARILLA and its virtues. Result is. people keep on buying it in spring time and save doetor'F hills and keep their blood pure. Try it, 50e. and $1.00 bottle'. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. 1. Chemist and Optician Fx13rEs - ONTARIO Every household should be pre- pared for emergencies and have ready for use. a good liniment. WINER'S LINIMENT is a household necessity. Used externally for all laches and pains and a safe reliable medicine for internal use. Ask your neighbor about it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AND SELLS ON ITS MERITS FOR 25 CENTS A BOTTLE WE do not hide our face to deoeive the public, neither do we mark our goods so you can't tell the price. All goods marked in plain figures. All stock the best the market affords. All primas reasonable at the OLD RELIABLE. ' OUR SPRING STOCK Is all right and up-to-date. Prints, Ducks and Ginb hams, Plain and Fancy Muslins, Point de Sprit in white and black. Black and white kid belts 25c each. Embroidered wash Belts white, 15, 20 and 25o. Embroidered wash turn- over oollar9, fancy collars 50 and 25o. A very choice line of silks suitable for full suits or waists. Prepared by W. S. Cole, Phm. B. -at- Gob's EXETER, Drug Storc ONT. See our fine display of Wall Paper. 5c per roll up to 25c. Nothing shoddy about us. Everything we do and say is above board. FARM LABOURERS AND DOM- ESTIdB. I have been appointed by the Dom- inion Government to plaao Immix grants from the United Kingdom an portitiona as farm labourers and dom- estic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such- help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required. when wanted and waxes offered. The 'numbers arrivin' may not be sufficient to supply all requests but every effort will be made to provide eaah appli. cant with the help required. DONALD MANNIS Canadian Government Employment Agent, • Exeter. Ont. GRAND TRUNK iSYSTEM EASTER HOLIDAY RATS 'LOWEST ONRWAY FARE FOR (ROUND TRIP Between all ntatioua in Canada; alma to Detroit. fort Huron, Susp. Nridre, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. GOOD GOiNG March 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st sand April 1st. RET111RNiNG Until Tuesday, April 2nd. For full information ne to rates and routes. cell on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Tioket Agent J. D. McDONALD, District Passenger Agent, 7 pronto House DC6OtdOt Plumber (Hot .a,l Cold water) Sign Writing and Graining With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence. corner lames and An• drew Street. THE TiMES AND 'WEEK LY GLOBE AND CANADA FAR- MER, $1.35. The offer of of the Exeter Times and the Toronto Weekly Glnhn and 04n- ada Farmer for $1.3.1 is extended to June 1. Over 150 of our subscribers have taken advantage of this liberal offer and we are anxious to increase the nu,t.her to 2.50 before the first of June. Any one who is now taking the Tames can get the Globe by pay Ing tis 35 cents. ERNFST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONRY to loan at lowe.t ratios.. Nath West Lun& for sale. Office, Mala Street, Easter CARLINC BROS. The Sovereign 3anK of Canada Head Office, Toronto. RANDOLPH MACDONALD, President A. A. ALLAN, Vice:President D. M. STEWART, General Manager Capital Subscribed $3,998,000 Capital fully paid 4,000;000 Reserve Fund 1,255,300 Assets over 25,000,000 General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly. CRBDITON, D.ASHWOOD, ZURICH. HBNSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURT • Solicito Sultablc furolturc oi 1111 6raos. - Spring is Coming. Now is the time to make your sel- ection. Remember this is the place to get a nice job of upholst- ering done. Jas. Beverley Furniture Dealer. Undertaker. NO - -TIME like the present to make our acquaintance. We are showing an excel- lent assortment of exclusive fabrics, that are well worth your attention. Our clothes are cut "right" and tailored "right" and our prices will fit your purse, as well as our clothes fit you. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Why You Should Use BLENDED FLOUR Spring wheat flour and winter wheat flour each possess r:parato and distinct toed virtues. In 1 STflK FLOUR 1115. r1-. You get the finest spring and win• ter wheat flour blended in proper Proportions. Bread, rolls, bineuits, cakes and pantries made .ot •'STAit FLOUR" are perfect food9 unequal- ed in purity deliciousness and health giving properties. Can you conni,tently use other than Star Flourt Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. EXETER Corn! -AT- Exeter and. Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grafi if desired. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye Great Glearing Sale 01 GroGeru StoGK . Everythi ng must be sold inside of 15 days as we are quitting business. BARGAINS .r Reg. 25c. Black tea for 21e per Ib. Iteg. 40c. Mack tea for Idle per ib. Forest City Baking Powder in' 1 114 Ib. reales 23e. In jar° 0e. linking powder in 1 lb tins generally Bold for 25c. now 15e. Currants nib. for 25c., needed rai- sins 10c. a. package -sr 3 for 25e. Sunlight Comfort, (.rand mogul and Surprise Soap 8 harm for 25e.. Happy 'Lorne 71 bars for 25c. CANNED GOODS Corti Pc. or .1 for.., •..250. 1'eaa 8e. or 4 for 300. Tomatoes iDe. We alas give 1 can of each for 225 Hnlmon, Moss hose brand. were Fold nt 15x.. now i.Ie or 9 for Me. Mnple heal Reg 17 now 15e. fork nod trans Reg. 10e. now 9e. or L_ for 25e. Canned pineapple 140. EXTRACTS -Vanilla ee. a bottle; Lemon Pc. Now is the time to get your fruit Jars as ee ere Felling' them nt cost. 1 Pint .)ars 65e. per dos. 1 Qusrt Jars 70c. ler doz. 1-2 gallon jar" 90 per dos. We nl'o have a large stook of farm and garden Feed{ which we will sell at reduced rates. Don't fail to call. S. HARDY & SON