HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-03-21, Page 6GOLDEN RULE Altrl'IIJIE'II(. •'Phil;' witionie little Kenneth Brooks, I've x!61 o secret to tell you atter schouL• "Nice'.'" roee.1 flip:. "lees," tett, the unravel.; "inee for we.' "Oh;" :old 1'hi1, :did his eyebrows tell. 1Ie followed Kenneth around behind the es-ho.yll►ouse after school to (tear the bee rel. "My Uncle Ge,rg0;' said Kenneth, "has• given me a ticket le ge and see the feta Ihu1 makes canary birds do comical tri.•k . Ever eee 1hette' '•Xo," ,aid Phil hopelessly. "Well, its liIs1-rale, and my ti•eLet will lake nee in twice," said Kenneth, culling a little caper of delight. ' Srunc• ihing; both) livres? n,l:eei Phil. "No, sir -.e. new tricks every time. 1 Saye, Phil," Kenneth cuntnitied, struck will the (dhe's u,tr( 1 look, "won't n t your Uncle Georg.' give you one?" "1 uin't got any tinel.t George." "Thera a fact. How ulxeit your mo - !tier:'.' "Can't :;fiord i"," answered! Pllii, will' his roes on the ground. Kenneth took his ticket out of his pocket and looked at 1t. It certainly promised to admit the bearer into Mo- ine! Hall two ofternonns. 'Then he look- ed al Phi!, aid a secret wish stole Into his heart that lie Mallet said anything abeie his ticket; but after a few nlo- ot'iiI., struggle, "Phil," he cried, "I %tender if the man won't change this WEtK AND WORN OUT. Dr. Williams' Wick Pills Give New Strength to Otereorted Women. The life of a domestic is a hard one. She toils from early morning till late at. night; her we•rk Ls never done. Oftep she le t.,o busy to get eeut of door-., for a breath of fresh air. t'nless tier blood i- heft rich and pure this close coa- 1 flneuient weave on ter health. Her :strength will fei1; she may Ise her ap- ( elite. become pale and dyspeptic. In fact she is in danger of a general hreak- down. Such► was the eOraditiol► of \18,s Marie Anne Fleury, of Ste. Anne de 13 1'erade, Que., before she used Dr. \\ il- herns' Pink fills. She say.,: "For n number of years I have been a servant. Up to a year ago 1 always enjoyed tho hest of health, but suddenly 1 was seiz- ed with pains in my side, my appetite heft me, I became dyspeptic and lost all slre_ngth. 1 consulted a doctor who told 1110 1 was suffering front general debil- ity. 1 was forced 10 slop work and for three months 1 folk -Avert the doctor's treatment, but tyilllout benefit. I was advised l.. try- 1)r. William,' fink Pills, and as ! had often read of the cases they cured, 1 decided to do so. I only took eight boxes before I was cured. end to -day 1 and stronger than 'I ever vas. My digestion is god rind I can now go about my work without fa- tigue. I owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fur what they have done for me and 1 strongly advise other weak sickly girls to give then a Iiial." Miss Fleury:, case is one of many that Dr. Williams' Pink Piller have (tired atter doctors help had failed. The success of these pills lies in the fact that they strike right nt the roof of the trouble --the blood. Other medi- cines simply act on the symptoms of a trouble—and may relieve, but they do and give me two tickets that would take 1 not cure. Dr. \\ illianlcs' fink Pills bait and me in one lime!" 1make new. rich blool--that is why they Phil's eye's grew bright. and a happy fettle crept over his broad, little face. "Do you think he would?" he asked eagt rive . "Let's try." said Kenneth, and the two I.Iile boys started oft for the office win- dow. "Ilnt. Kenneth," said Phil, stopping, "i' isn't fair for me to take your ticket." "1l is, though." answered his friend ilou:ly, "'cause 1'11 get more fun from geeing once with you than twice with inyself." This settled the matter, and Pltil gave In. "Si you want two tinny'?" said the agent. "Yes, sir," said Kenneth, taking off his sailor hat; "one for flail, you know." "You du arithmetic by the Golden Pule down herr, don't you asked the ticket man. tickets for ono WIII:ItE CANE SUGAR GIIO\VS. Would you like to come with me to visit a sugar plantation in Hawaii to- day? Away we go on our ponies. There ere no side-saddle' here, but the ladies wear a long, (lowing drapery which falls over the feet and floats out like wings, when they ride. This is a great sugar plantation. it Is five miles square. Yes, it looks just like a field of tall corn, but break off a block and taste of it. Now you know 1t is sugar. Tho men aro cutting It es +near the ground as they can. for the Fart nearest the root contains the best sugar. On these sugar plantations the very best modern stearal ploughs, stearal har- rows and steam cultivators are used. i:yCtl strum engines,w•liid' draw wide- spreading caro in which the cone cnn be liken to the mill, are used. These en- gines and cars aro run over railways which can be taken up and moved from ane part of the field to another. They are made in smell parts which four men can lift, and are laid nn the top of the ground. Thee e portable railways help the men in send the cane to the still very quick- ly The cane will spoil if it Ls not ground very soon after it is cut. There is so ►nuch to be withered the trains ere run very fast over the rails. Some- times, the tracks get !unveil a little, then the next (rain of cal:; that conies speed- ing over them goes flying over the Melds and the cane 1s tossed in all dlreclions. The men only laugh at such nn ncei- dent, pick up the scattered cane. pad( It up again and go on as fast as ever. When the carte reaches the mill 11 Is ground and then lolled away until 11 La nettle into sugar. TIt.1cED Bel K. "I don't lot ;we' sited the old mono "where John g..l has titerary turn; 1 ain't literary. an' it., mighty plain that you ain't." "I've been thinkin' about that myself.' said the old lady, "an' I've 'botit traced it 1 tick to you." "To nae?" "Yes. Don't an' hill Jones had the fight in the el' tilling -room?" "Yes." "h:din't lie kook yer head sideways will, 1•t1instet e Die1lon8ry•." "Il have ho del!" "An' didn't he finish up grimes Progre,.i an' tete lesatins''" "Ah! that he did." "Well, Inkin' all That in considera- 1)11. it's as plain ns anything That John tome by his writing p ee.er net -rare "You'd make a pretty gond clerk,' Raid the employer, sarca,ticatlly. "if you only hail a lillle more conmton sense." "Indeed!" replied the clerk. "Rut dill II eve r occur In you that if 1 bind a little m01',' comitem settee 1 wouldn't be it clerk at alt?" you re. kelle.•t when yo with Til• 'Book of :1 well-known Colonial News. weea h an Irishmen. neently totil a wilnea, whn was somewhat viele.+e in his an- swers. to "told hie longue and give !— evidence clearly." i t amp --"lees, meilarll, i'r'e been n so - heifer Inc nigh► twenty years" Mrs. I'nrntyanl "A 8ntIeIhir?" Tramp - wl'c-111. 1 solicits bread an' meet." O. 'Johnnie, you eh • ihhet baser eaten blase pr eetle,1 ft They eele plate ell on the !nide :Lately iy 1., fill rep. "Well, fns, th$fe pot *Wt 1 um./ Irene los!•' cure dyspepsia, rheumatism, anaemia, heart palpitation, headache, backache and the ills nt women; all these are caused by bad blood --Dr. Williams' Pink Pills euro them all because they make new blood. For sale at druggists OI by mail at 50 cents a box orstx boxes foci 82.50, from The Dr'. Wdlliauts' eteditene Co., Brockville, Ont. TAKING PRECAUTIONS. "Save me! save me!" she cried, ns her head rose above the water, and slue grasped a plank floating by. "1 beg your pardon," he replied front the bank; "but really I want it under- stood that I'm a married man with sev- en children." "Yes, yes; save me!" she shrieked. "Then there'll be no falling into -my arms and calling me preserver, will there'." "Oh, no, no!!" "And you won't Insist on me for my heroic conduct!" "No, no; only save ne!" "All right, 1'11 tackle the job," here- a( onded. as he threw aside his coat. "You see," ,he explained, just before diving in, "1 was caught by one of these dodges once before, and that's why i'nl married; it makes me a bit particular marrying now.. - HEALTHY RABIES. Healthy babies are good babies--il is only the siek child that cries all the lime. Mothers, if you want to see your little ones sibling and happy give them Baby's Own Tahlets—there is a smile in every dose. The Tablets cure all the little ailments of childhood arising out of a disordered condition of the stomach or bowels. They are good for all ha - Lies and are sold under the guarantee or a government nnnlyst to contain no opiates or harmful drugs. Mrs. F. D. Kirk. Dumfries. N. S., says:—"l alway; use Baby's Own Tablets for the ail- ment(' of my little ones and find them a splendid medicine. A few doses al- ways restores them to perfect health. 1 would not be without the Tnblete nl the house." The 'Tablets are sold by druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4,- A teacher of natural philosophy onee aoked the bright boy of the class how many kinds of force there were, and was nstoni.ihed to receive the follow- ing reply: "Three, ma'am. Mental force, ply sieal ince, and police force." it Re ncl:e.s the epol.--There are few remedies before the public to -day ae ef- ficacious in removing pain and in allay. ing and preventing pulmonary deordere as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It has demonstrated its powers In thnitsnrils of instances and a large number of tes- timonials ns to its great value es 8 me- dicine could be got were there occasion for it. 1t is for sale everywhere. STORY OF INGRATITUDE MARY LING SUFFilRED FOR FitTEfr N ye:ens. Is Now Cleared by Tardy (:onlesskto of Man Who,n Ilk Had Befriended Tears Before. After having had fifteen years of his lift: darkened by public suspicion that lie wee all embezzler and having neatly tiled hem grief because In was unable. to prove the suspicion (also', Henry Snelling, a former gas Cuntptuly loon - ager. of lit'a%teem!, Eiglutd, has loan Ci• ared by means of Il letter 1•,'eeived front Canada. Iii this leder, all orphan %Oven Snelling befriciidoi years ago, confesses That tie was lite real embez- zler. l'he story wh ch thus reaches its final chapter, Ls d rerunrhable illustration ret Ae.sop's fable of The ►mien Adder. When Snc11ing accepted the P sit1011 of manager of tete Northfleet & Gravesend Ga, Cu1Ian> more than twenty •ears ago. he exteudel n helping' hand 10 an orphan lad by giving hint work in his Ioflee. This lid preyed to le an unusu- ally bright, intelligent yuulll, and with - !VI a few years file synapalhetic 11181111 - 'ger stretched a point, perhaps, to pre - mote hint to a p' itica1 i! the company second to himself. A few years later. Sneliillg received a series of threaten- ing lclle:s and ue diaeovered That simi- lar biles were betngefoievarded to the chairman of the diree'ors and !lint state- ments had' been made that he had em- bezzled money and FALSIFIED ACCOUNTS. The accused manager asked that the fullest inquiry he made, but before this could be uiderlaken, the office was Motion into and some of the account books were stolen --this apparently strengthening suspicion against the ac- cused manager. A most thorough in- spection woe at once made of the fete books That remained, but they failed to show anything wrong with Snelling's accounts. Feeling, 1ww'ever, that sus- picion still rested upon hunt the n►an- hger resigned his past. Meanwhile, the young man. against %thorn not tho least suspicion semis to have been directed, was promoted to the managership. Ile did not hold the position long, however, for a year cr two afterwards, In 1893, he vanished from Gravesend 'altogether. Snelling, in the Interim, seems to have been driven almost demented by the be- lief that people regarded hire as a rogue. Ba(ore lung he hail acute congestion of the brain, end for seine tiine it was not bfb evcd he would live. upon recovery, nroraever. the burden of unjust suspi- cion weighed so heavily upon his spirit that he clever tried to obtain a good position, but lived A HAND-TO-MOUTH EXISTENCE. Now he Ls a happy plan, in conee- g11eice of the letter front Canada above referred to. Writing from Snskatche• wan, the befriended orphan says it was to cover his own faults that he alotty- mons'y accused Snelling, the best friend lie had in the world. "I write this ns n duty before God," he added, "and I am sorry for having been guilty of anything so mean, but the influence of Satan hnd fast hold of ale and l believe I would have done you all the Injury I could. 1 hope you will forgive ate." Fartblgiu ekes are rather more com- mon at full (noon than nt any other line. Overworked Pe either mentally ov physicatl , should try " FerrovIta," tho world r.nnwn* nerve and blood tonic sad they will Vicki, ranee*, strength and health IN NO 11UItll1'. "Permit me to offer my unlerella. mn• dame? "{'hank vote, sir, but I'll be at hemp in Iwo minutes." "Oh, we could walk a'•ow', you knew.' .\s` Ill 1)()W)I)S B. told • WO( I; NO. II G. 5 tee 'IF• SOME IIOWLER91 Entertaining Efforts of ('.allow Youth at Friends' Schools in i•:ngland. in the February nutnber of fast and Preeent, a journal for old and young scholars of Friends' Schools. of Eng- land, there el a long and "absolutely genuine" collection of "howlers." We quote a few specinIeus:-- A long time ago England was once It foreign (ornery. Becket put on a camel -hair shirt, and his life at once became dangerous. Saladin was a lizard in Egypt. The Ilritons painted themselves with wood, and senlelhnes came out green. Clive had to blew himself out in In- dia, but forinnotely for England, it didn't explode. in trial by ordeal H nlnn had to carry a reel -hot pie -e of iron for five years. The Anglo-Saxons had no drains, and .so used Io disperse their broken vitals min the middle of the road. The Spnrtnns bind to get their living nt the ago of the by shooting at it .n a piece of string. The Spartans lied Iwo kings to check (ne' another. 'rho telig'on of China occupies half the house. Southampton Is noted for exporting 1•00pte to South .\fries. England lies much Cnal beds. \\'hen the cont is ttnished we shell have to tee our blains for fuel, and it %ill he 5001 Ce'. The potato is noel only used for feed. Ing peasants. but g.e-z to mere import- ant things, such as whisky. Rese•celered spot. en the bntiss At ekrblres Ire tosetirne. mistaken tnr meael.e. The trouble mar be r••e.e,la. a Local disease of the skin: I'n,mptlr .•are.t "iib 11'esver'e Cerate. SI\iii\(; KI I"TI.ES. Tile emarteee who know so well how tea add little unexpected attractions to every -day life, manufacture. in a great variety of herrn;, iron leeketties w•Ilicil break int o'ong when ;he water boi14. The song may not I:e a very perfect melody, but it Is perhaps as agreeable HA the tote,1 produce) by bottle "f the insects which the Japanese nee) tree• sure for their music. The linrnloniou- sounds of the leaketllee are produced by steam bubbles escaping from beneath thin sheets of iron fastened close to- gether nearly nt the bettor) of the kel- Iles. To produe' the hest effects some skill in required in regulating the flre. 'TOP character of the sounds varies with the form of the kettle. 'i'hese sinning kettles have been used for many cen• turbot. A hive of 5,0(rl ly.'- prexhlcee N,nut SS emends t' Honey • ;.tar. . A. Mitohelt, dealer in general merchandise, Martin,Oa., writes: "My wife lost in weight from 130 to 88 pounds. We saw she could not livo long. tine was a skeleton, so we con- sulted an old physician. He told her to try Pernna. "She gradually commenced im- proving and getting s little strength. She now weighs 106 pounds. She le gaining every day, and dopa her own housework and cooking." BItD iNTIMAT1'S A FLOWER. A remarkable bird found in Mexico is the bee -marlin, µlabel has a trick t1 ruffling up the feathers on the top of its head into the exact semblance of u beautiful !lever, and when a bee comes along to sip honey from the supposed flower it is snapped up by the bird. DIFFICULT FE.11'. Mrs. Gasser—"1 was outspoken in my sentiments at the club• this after- noon." Mr. Gaster—"I can't believe it1 Wlio outspoke you, my dear?" MOTHER'S GRATITUDE TO ZAM-BUK I'1' CURED 11ER. BOY OF RtINFII., t4OIWS. Nothing L: more unpleasant to the eye end more painful to the sufferer than boil. 011d ulcers. At this period of the year many adults suffer Acutely from these painful outbreaks. \Viten boils, ulcers, etc., occur on children it is piti- ful In see the little once softer. Mrs. E. Holmes. of :t0 Guise St., Ham- ilton. is grateful for what %am -Rue did for tier little hey when in this pitiful plight. She says: --"I wish to express my gratitude for the benefit my child reeeit el from your famous %ant-iluk Balm. Ile suffered from Spring erup- tions and Then boils broke nut on his neck. 1 tried blood purifying remedien. salves and ointments of all kinds, but n.,thing Teemed to du him the desired gond. The b.eils got worse and bee•ame :o loathsome and unsightly That 1 could not send hint to school, as some of the Foils rind id( ers 0011 hi not conveniently le covered. .About IMa.s lime A sample box ref Zane -Rik was given to hint and el tried il. 'i'I►e small sample did hen a little good. so 1 bought a 50 cent box. The result was really amazing. in- side a week's flute the boils hnd begun to dry up. and in a very shall titne indeed etery One of thein was herded." 7,aln-Iluk is a sure cure also for ecze- ma, sealp sores, ringworm, poisnnei wounds, chronic ulcers• chapped hands, cuts. cold sores, crack;, festering sores, 4! upt:ons and pustules due to blood poison. ole. It stops bleeding and cures piles, fistula. etc. is nntis'!,tie; an ex- cellent "first aid." Every home and farm -teed ahnuld hate its bas of Zant- tlul:. All druggists And stores at F0 cents a box, or from 7.nni-Ruk Co., Toronto. Inc price. 6 ts,xes for $2,50. Send lc. stamp for trial lox. --T Lecturer (with a gond opinion of him. w 1fi—"Ila, my nunn. I rother 111ink my twice will fill Iles hall." 1hnllkecper ".1indielly) "It s'rikes ate. sir, it's touch more likely tee empty it." if n cough male' your nights sleep- less and weary, it will worry you F good dent. nnil with gond can?e. To (Lepel the worry and cite yourself rest , ., try ihckac s Anil -Consumptive Syrup. 1t exerts a soothing influence on the air passages amt allays the irritation that lead` to inflammation. iI will subdue the most stubborn cough or cold. and eventually eradicate it from the systetn, an Trial of it will prate to you. The Ma:k That Tells Tsads ricked dear is %liar el srl.s, f abrin owl pnceair wises, sea sad DeArea. Fors Fpied. alers .r. autbada.d so replace isteady sad at as east. say Pea -Auto ear sant faulty is s.tcrrl se waking. tare Pen -Angle trade- mark (in red) on every Pen -Angle garment, tells you it will fit and won't shrink, --your own dealer so guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is softer. warmer, more flexible, better wearing, SEfir TER+ UNDERWEAR ATE a UEt* 4 "Queen City" a I,ettet than a pure Manitoba flour --it is better than • pule Ontario tluur—beim Wended it combines the best qualities of both. 'Queen Cityis an all lurpwes awe. D..kr. Ereq.ber. s,s a es )Out your grocer for The Campbell Campbell's Milling Co. eeeo ,'orante jeu;euon. lit. Queen City A N A .IRRIGATED`) �ARMS sire . ,7':4- fes . SUNNYAL ERTA Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, 2t6 COKISTINE BUILDING, MONTRP,AL. Mise, Robinson (to stranger at recep- tion)—"Do you see that plain-leolci11g girl over there? She has just got mar- ried. I'm sure i wonder what her hus- band married her for." "I have no doubt he married her for her money:' replied the stranger. "Oh, I wouldn't think so badly of him as that." said Miss Robinson. "But I ought to know," replied the stranger; "you see, 1 am to man who married her." Suffer no More.—lettere are thousaruls wile live miserable lives because dys- pepsia dulls the faculties and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapors that be- set the victims of this disorder is to order them a course of Parmelee:s Ve- getoble Pills, which are among the best vegetable pills known, teeing easy In take and are twist cflicnci"us in their Felton. A trial of them will prove this. Smithson—"We had a sensational case of kidnapping in our home late- ly." Wilson --"Really! How did it hap- pen?" Smithson—"The baby slept the whole night." ----- Towle' --Tow le`` Dews Signals does not delay stores. Op1ns•Iadaa 'meddlers" do not curs, Whoa ne bogie to rough take Altos's Lung Balsam. from opium, fall of tussling power. TEi.I PIIONES FORETOLD IN SChbh'l'UIlE. Some genius Ilan found 53 passages in the Bible, which he claims as pro- phecies of the telephone, because, for- sooth, the language seems to fit Into h lephone wernaeular. Ilere are sane "The line has gone out into all the earth." "The land shall be divided by linos." no right against this great ..we have company." "Charge the people." "I understand the number." "i said in my haste, I oar cut off." A Etecegnizeb Itegntaior.--Tey bring the digestive organ.. into syluuetrical working is the aim of physicians when they find a lateen, suffering from see 108,11 1rregulnriliee. ant fir this intro p1111ec,-e they can prescribe nothing bet- ter (Ilan 1'armele0s Vegetable Which will be found a pheasant notili• cine of surprising virtue in bringing the refractory organs Into subjection anti restoring them le normal ai•ti e. in which condition only can they perforin their dillies les properly. Enplli,h copper ore averages only 7 per cent. of the pure metal. FACING A WOUNDED TIGEII. Eapetience ea iih a Wounded Tiver in an Indian Jungle. The courage and good nature of ele- phants when engaged in tiger -hunting are the subject c.1 c"nunent by Gen. Thomas Gurdon in has book, "A 1'arled Life." Ile gives an account of the pur- suit 61 a wounded tiger in the Indian jungle. The tiger fail tinned back in hotting fury looking fur a t'io:lirn. He first made for Davison, but calele mg sight of my head as my elephant tl,•s'•t•u,lcd into a dry itatereourse, he (tempeal and crutyled in the grass, and tried to sprang "n nye in the howdah. Ile was on Ike right side of the ele- phant's head in a moniont, and in Trying to reach toe. broke the front part 01 the howdah %villi a Mow of Itis powerful fore paw. The elephant was badly bitten and clawed on the trunk and !tend, and her right eye was blinded by the eyebrow tome torn down over it. She gave vcice lo suppressed screams of pain and rage, and made the most violent efforts to shake the tiger off. flty 111111 gun -beater behind me in the tiewit the regar,ling Ike situation as des- parole,slid down n Ute elephant's hind r, (limiters and locale refuge in a Ira'. All 1 could do wits to wait an opp)rtunily to Ore without injuring the courageous elephant. At last I had a safe 'dinner ! to put the muzzle against the tiger's shoulder. One shot. ---11 was an expand- ing bullet.- and with a great growl of agony from the tiger and 0 trumpet yeti of ruse faun the elephant, the whole of c,, were struggling loose in the high busbies. The elephant was coaxed to corse for. ward to the demi tiger, and after feel - int; cautiously with her outstretched trunk, she gave the body a kick of con- tempt and allowed it to be tied on her back, to be carried back to our crimp. No lime was lost In attending to the elephant's hurts, but preparatory to bungling Rival she was fed with a stiff mixture of coarse molasses and flour, wi!h opium and brandy thrown in lib- erally, after which she took an intelli- gent and good tempered interest in the P roceedings. \Vitt► 1110 tent -pitchers' repairing nred!es and .stout thread, and the hell) of the mahouts and their assistants, her cuts and wounds were stitched and salved, and many yards of dative cot- ton cloth used in swathing her torn trunk. She was fed by hand for sev- eral days, and seemed quite to under - shied that this was clone to keep the bandages on the damaged trunk -front being displaced by her use of it in feed- ing herself. THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but had he hunte;l in the "l'enlagnrni" region he would have been a mightier one. Nim- rod hunted for glory, but 1'emagamians Inuit for game. '!'hose Indians who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were, our greatest benefactors. The children of these Indinns know the canoe, and they know how to use il, and it you go to 'i'etnagami this sum- mer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb %vibe They will be the best guiles you ever had. Students who Fsnlp in the summer niong the 1'enlaga• mi lakes are able to do two years' wort: in one. Finest of tLshing and hunting. 1•:nsy of access by the Grand 'Trunk lnilway System. For information and leantiful descriptive publication sent free apply to J. D. McDonald, 1). P. A., Grand Trunk Ry. System, 'Toronto. Plumduff—"Itis that charming widow any properly?" Ketchum—"Yeas. con- siderable." I'imndu(f--"(teal estate or personal?" Ketchum -"Personal. She hos six children." Parents buy M•,Ilrer Graves' Worm Grlerntinnten cwenuse they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. "They Any That Shifter is ten years Owed of his time." "Well, Itis not true. I'm his Innd10r(1, and 1 know' hers jn.l six months behind." "The D & L " Menthol Plasters aro marvel nus In their quick action when appne4 to rims beeks or stiR rh.uwatio suscian or Huts. Tim give iautdiatt nlieL — "If 'leer," said the slit wed -looking man, "li ewe ninny feet of gas 410PS it lake to kill n ratan?" "That, rather n queer question," replied Ilio deetor. "\\'hy do you w sh I., know?" "(lite of the guests at my hole) teed enough of 11 1•e lull t,imself, and I want in semi in 0 peeper hill In has exc, utors." Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure —safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting—gives healthful rest —cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drup. se. Cures Mc. —at drug -stores. ?rational Drug at Chem• Ica! Ce., I,t�ltsd Diarrhoea ,nitro.,. , RIV:\LiNG TIIE Nt1.E D\V. The government of New South \\'ales is nlm0ul to began the con,truelion of a dans at Herren Jack. on the efurrumbid• gee iliver. whii h writ form a reservoir 10 !neer In length, and containing mare than 3e. 0 tl II!.thlr) cuhir feet of waier. or en •per cent. more than Sydney her - tor e~,maul;. This immense artificial lake. whi •lt will be but 11111e anterior 'n rap e. ily to that created by the great new dam on the river Nile. i, in be used fit irrigation. The dam will he Metaled in a gorge dull by 1114' ricer through '1 granite ridge, and iia height will be ?($) feel. 1 woman may be afraid of the conk. ton a num isn't --unless she's his wife. DOCTORS USING PATENT MEDICINES The Honest Physician is Anxious to • Cure and Uses the Beat Avail- able Remedies. The discussion of the bIU now before the Dominion Parliament for rho re- gulatlest of the manufacture and bale of patent or proprietary medicines is one of the utmost importance, and 1s receiving s great deal of attention, riot only by tiro proprietary nredlein.e mane• facturers, but giro by the retail sod wholesale druggists. Every manufac- turer of reliable and high class re- medies welcomes the bill as a step in the right direction. The discuaston(has brought out the tact that the best physkclane In Canada and on the con- tinent approve of and proscribe Pay - chine in cases of ths most dimoult character. In a rk•ent instance of very serious throat and lung trouble inn patient had been using Psy:•bine. Two loading United. States apeckl.l1st a wore consulted. In addition to sten elnlnent Canadian physic -tans. Upon learning what the patient was using. a sample of Psyehtne was taken and, analyzed, with the result that the physicians advised its continuance. They prescribed no other medicine but Psyehlno, ttlth the result Ilia, the pa- tient has fully recovered and is a splendid walking and tatktng adver- tisement for the wonderful curative power of a remedy that will "stand up" before the keenest profenatona2 criticism and analyale. As a builder up of the system and restoring alt wasted conditions. I'sychine leas lin equal. and the beat and most earnest physicians recognise this fact. " At the age of 26 my lungs were In a terrible stat.). I had la grtpre the) year before; 1t settled on my lungs and I kept steadily growing worse 1111 I got down so low I was In bed for six weeks. I had a consultation of doctors, and they said they could Eo nothing more for me. Then I start- ed to use Psychine. I took the medicine for more than a year. it certainly .114 wonders for inst. I am now as strong as I was before re:- astcicness. "Sllt-S. 11. HOPE. • •'Bier eche Ont." Piyc itne, pronounced 8t -keen. is thn greatest of torkas. budding up the sys- tem, tnorosities the appetite, purify- ing the blood. skis digestion. and acts directly upon the throat and lungs. giving tone and vlgor to the entire system. • At all druggists, 60c and $1. or Dr. T. A. Slocum. l.tmlted, 1:0 King Street wort. Toronto. l)RINTER WANTED -3 year. ezperl. 11 once, handy at ad.-eettia good chalice for Improving, steady city lob. Apply. NORTH ENDER OFFICE, 110 Hail Building, Toronto. FOR SALE. 60 -acre farm. seven titles from Landon, brick house, two frame barns. Roil. clay loam : on the gravel road. one half -mit,' from school. Price, 54.500.00. For further particulars apply to THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EX - CHANCE, Limited. Phone, 695. 75 Dundee Street. • London, Ont. FEATHER DYEING Closolow sea Carola! sad gid (Awes deemed Thom sea be teat by peal. 1. air se. the Mit alae. le SI ST$$N AMERICAN DYEING CO. STAMMERERS The ARNOTT METHOD Is the only logi- cal seabed for Ike core of Steno !ring. It Waite th.CAUSE, sot serolyye oke HABIT. nod lasarts natural *parch. Pamphlet, par- %kslan and references sent on request. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE l/I R,UM. ONT, CAN. EASTER LILY • FON EASTER UNDAV Send IO Cents Will serf yettTutor Lily gnlb,I Teberes.,1 stand'., 1 Clausal" ♦I r.,1 O a a1M dad 1011 dif- ferent isferent kialodheak, Ansa (roe* awls, Isd.11ag Tae ales, Pesetas, flier, Ames., et.eky tweet Peso, ca.a.s, ae►asa', tlaseenlama,tternlnI0i " OsV.rloesa Poe.la•a. This /ae c loess, of pods sad II albs forted. V - 'first .,1e. atsaipe. 1pU1111lJl & N N. CIL nas Melted butter Ls a very good sulstitula for olive oil in salad dressing. \lady prefer the butter to the nil. \Vhere con i get sine. of 11(111 lw•ny'.5 Corn Eire? 1 we., entirely cured of my eorns by this rented) 811d I wish „onto more of II for Ivy friends. So writes \A•. J. W. Brown. Cheerio. \Ira. .1.—"The doclers hive just din - covered an extranr linary thing strait P1'ofpssnr elute; they say his heart is on the wrung side.' \ids. 11.- -" li, ha Always was an 111111.1) 111011:' Dear Mother Year little ow -1 all a coeelwtt ewe k Fail and Winter weather. -Uhl wi catch cold. Do you know about S ilob'0 Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has dant lac so many ? It is ►aid to be the only rBahl- rrrn'xly for .!I donne; of the air patsagrs is children. u absolutely harm!r t and pleasant to take. it is guaranteed lo r tr.! or your money is retursed. 'rhe rake i, tic, p -r b,,;tte, sad all dealer. is medicine sell )y I s H OH z. This should be in every h weel►a AGE FENCES „i WEAR BE ST" Staged !ewe Carbon WiK; well prove it to ton COMM net erlmnwt. Th's ► .' .� ''ns_,,t.nrrret. Ter+erlweeddeslarytn t L iwdlall�n Stakes 1t l stronger is ,.deice. la stays teat. Painted WHIT!: eter teal/ `� � :nee • t• I.. ,:e_rt . Get ICu.trt►tei booklet GM IOW pion Woo.VMS PAGi _WtR S , 1MCt COMPANY. ILI1M1TeD. ►/J `11►alkcMllee Toronto. NDtateelgio DS. /*w. Ila. 1