Exeter Times, 1907-03-21, Page 1•
$1.00 per year in advance
Phone No. 32.
Formal Opening
of Our Millinery
A magnificent array of New York and French Pat-
tern hats and a translation of the same developed in our
own work -room. This season again we will retain the
distinct leadership we have won in Millinery. A glance
at the elaborate display in our show room will confirm
this in the minds of the ladies of Exeter and surrounding
community. We shall be glad to have you enjoy the
Colored Muslin. will be very popular Ulla season. They will
be the height of fashion. You will find us well prepared for the
large demand.
Our stock is large and well selected. comprising all the new
dainty shades in Dresden effect so fashionable this season, The
prices ars to suit everyone.
We have a full line of White Muslin' in Persian Lawn, In-
dian Linen, Book Musico, Striped Muslin, plain and dotted Swiss
All new goods.
Wall Paper Talk
As we have in the past we will do in the future. keep up our
reputation as leaders in Wail Papers. We can show you the
largest range of New designs and colorings you have ever seen
is Exeter. The prices are so low they will surprise you. Haye
a look through our stock before house cleaning.
Call for one of our New Idea
Fashion Sheets
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods.
• T .......... 7•TTT7er'serire rYttt-ser-r-eieleFt-lel tt-1'�h•}-1"h�F-F•L•-1�•(-y
d' .1•}.}.}.1.+.1.+.,.++{,'
Arrived nn Monday one carload of CLEVELAND
Wire. Now is the time for you to get it home bs-
fore the sleighing is gone.•
Call and examine otrr TIMOTHY and CLOVER Seeds.
Having secured the services of a first-class man we
are still able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tin-
smith Work on the shortest notice. .}
Hardware and Seed Merchant :
++ ;•. t.++ -s•++++++++++4
•t-+ : -I• ++++4444++
Spring Term Begins April I
During January and February, the Clinton Business College had
twenty-five times as many calls for Stenographers, Telegraphers,
Bookkeepers, and College Teachers as we have graduates to send.
Attendance is always smallest during April, May and June, con -
sentiently each student gets more individual attention, This is the
best term of the year for the student.
Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a handsom
catalogue of the
Best Actual Business School In Ontario,
The •'hack ward" or "rusty" feel at home with us, as each stud-
ent is instructed at his own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic teach-
er. Graduates guaranteed situations. Enter any time.
imIlikiaert rich rrintthArn R:r.fn.,,(lolktn)
Cleo Spotton -- -- Principal
Larry Attinds Th'Coort
I wits rfhler thinkin' to tuemilf th'
other enact -noon whether .1 wits
beim thrubbled wid a "brain ahtorm"
or if it wux necessary` for me . to
ehtart diggin' th' ashes out iv th'
cellar, what had accumulated afhtcr
me harrd winther'M wurrk battle'
up will coal. whin 1 dceoided
would take n thrip up to th' coort
house, where some youngsters .wuz
bean' 1roid for rookie' too free wid
hen fruit that wusaent hatchable.,
or wusaent in fit condition to make
'a/decent dish oven at n hotel run
on th' European plan.
Some wan wuz afther tellin' mp
that th' Thaw trial in Noo York had
bano postphoned fer tlr' ocensioti an'
that Mr. J(.rorne and Mr. Delmas
would bo prisint, an' 1 wiaz wantin'
to sec if they looked hurnun afhtor
propoundiu' bypothetical questions
or somothin' bike that. for which
they wus gettiu' so tnuc(h per min -
nit. I diddent know whither th'
troil wuz to be proivato or not, ,but
masde up pre tnointl I would get a
peek, oven it tiro "Kapd Out" sign
wus !engin' out.
I wuz a little late in reaching
th' coort house. ex trolls aro river
supposed to shlerl mi toime., but
begorry whin 1 got there iverye
thing wuz in full runnin' ordthor.
and the "Kape Out" sign wits turn-
ed wid its 'face to th' .wall on th'
"Shtandin' ltooni Only" hung up in-
ahtead. There we: a large array iv
talent. includin' three joodges, wid-
out their black dreamin' gowns, an'
two or three ither gintlemin lookin'
serious an' iutelligint. '1'h' onl
serious ail' intclligiut. Thi' only
place 1 could foind a sate wan near
th' dure, wid rue bank eltuck agiust
th' whoitewashed walls, an' I talk
it, wid a determination to see Mr.
Delmas or Jerome or bust. There
wuz sivoral there that I diddent
know, an' more that 1 did know, an
perhaps th' ginllcrnin 1 wuz lookin'
ter wuz among those 1 diddent know
an' wuz waitiu' until their retain.
era wuz put up afore takin' a hand
in the game.
Atther u Aeriolls consultation
which lusted mivcral rninuits, wan iv
th' joodges sex. sex her "Those that
are guilty ahtand up. an' those that
are not guilty will please 'attend too
ez two or three iv th' boys . has
ahplit on yez an' if ycr not ugilty
yez ought to be."
I kept on lookin' for Mr. Delmas, to
jump tip from somewhere in th' aud-
ience an' ask hex hopothetical quea-
tion, but it woo begiunin' to look es
if the ginticmin baddent bane paid
fez proicc, un' nary a Delmas ahtood
• Then some won set, I don't know
who it wits ez toe. eyeaoight issont
ez good ex it wuz, an' mo licarin's
a little lobsoided but he nes "Where
wuz yez shtandite whin yew thruno
th' teggsll' On th' eoido iv tbo
shtreet fornittst th' residence, " se:
hie. "Who wuz they." sea lie, '•I
don't reminibcr," sex he. "Why did
Yes do itt" I wuz trubbled wid a
brain shtorin," Inez he. "Begorry
then accordin' to tit' unwritten law
an' th' by-laws iv Exeter yes aro
guilty iv bustii' th' peace into
smithereens." W filo did yes do this
turrible deed/ "Whin th' Metric
loight on th' corner wits mhleepin't1"
aez he. Thin yez are liable to tli'
sante fuine only twict as much;' mez
los Then if that's th' came Oi'll
ahtand on me constitutional privil-
ege ria' projuce Ann Alibi to say I
wuz at home, an' it that isuent emit
Oi'll institute a holster corpse, wid-
out •t coffin, to prove I'm innocent
av th' charge.
There wits munte more said. but ez
t %vex mnyin' me hcarin' issent tunny
good, h cuddeat get th' drift iv th'
There wuz siverrtl iv th' halm gut
tired shtaudin' an' took their mate's,
ou' th' rist iv thitn wuz foined th'
costs iv th' Coort, nn' if they (lid
t1P enme thrick over twin, they
would be foined twice as touch and
be shpauked into th' Bargain.
I felt /forty fer th' boys, ex eggs
at this time iv tit' year es ,loo: ix-•
pinsivc to be thrune around widout
anus toga rd to their age or shrnell,
but I thought th' lesmori wuz u
good wan nn' will kapo thin' from
dein' th' same thrick fight, at tante
not till afther I.:anther whin egg's
will dhrop in proia', nn' will be a
little fresher. Accorditt' to th' tes-
timony some iv th' boys what had
been called to th' coort house win*.
sent guilty an' were towld to skidoo
home afore their daddies knew they
%ens out an' there wuz 8 gineral
rush fer the flute, glad that their
thrubbles were over.
I splayed at th' eoort houme a
whoile thryin' to see th' distinguish .
ed gintic'niin from Noe York, but
fore their fotygrafts i have seen in
'th' palters 1 guess they must have
missed their throne, ez sorra a wan
iv those prisi11t looked anything like
thirn, but es ni,' disappointmiula in
this w urrl(( hes bane manny 1
shoved this wanin amonif th' nist
an' let it go at that. There wux
some money changed hands. but ez
1' diddent know enough about th'
case 1 diddent bet nnnything ort th'
rasult an' wint home to finish up t h'
job iv el:titin' asht'et what seem. 10 tie
laid out fer me. but brjapers, error -
din' to th' piles L have noticed
around town I'm not th' only wan
what hez a jch nn les hands.
Moral. -Don't monkey wid rot ter
eggs whin ties cent is no convan-
ien t.
For Infants and Children,
The KIM Yoe Nan Always Ise&
Bears the
Signature of
Mrs. L. Clark. of Chilhurst is vie
Ring at Mrs. Btaleys.
Spring And Easter Millinery Open
ing Days. Friday end Saturday, 22nd
and 23rd. Everybody invited. A
Mr. David Duncan and family: ot
Uaborne, leave this work for Grand
Coolie Sask.. where they intend mak
ing their future home. Their house-
hold effects will go forward to -day.
At the recent convention of the
Ontario Branch of the Dominion Al-
liance which was attended by nearly
one thousand delegates, representing
all sections of the Province, many
important reaolutious were adaptled.
The convention by a unanimous vote
reaffirmed its position in regard to
Provincincial prohibition, and declar-
ed its nalterable stand by the posi-
tion. ant, in this Province, the li-
quor evil demands. and public opin-
ion is prepared to endorse such leg•
islation as will abolish the bar -room,
the treating system, and the% drink-
ing in clubs. and will impose on the
liquor traffic such further restric•
tion as will effectively curtail its
operation, and remedy its evil.
The services in the Main Street
last Sunday were taken by tlev.
biillyard, of Lucknow, a former and
much beloved pastor. Moth the /ser-
mons delivered by Ibev. biillyard,
were instructive and full of good-
ness, and showed that the Rev. gen-
tleman had lost none of his old titre.
vigor. At the evening met -vice tiro
music was furnished by a male choir
of over twenty voices, and it is un-
necessary to state tire singing s%'as
greatly appreciated. The choir was
the outcome of hard work on the
part of the pastor, Rev. Fear, who
worked hard for anveral weeks, get-
ting the men to get up courage
enough to make the attempt. It, is
expected the married ladies of the
church will be called upon to fur-
nish the music at the services a
month hence.
The Stratford Herald has the fol-
lowing regarding Mr. E. W. Horne,
Mr. F. W. Horne, who has been
manager or the Stratford branch of
the Sovereign Bank of Canada. since
it opened has resigned from the ser.
vice of the Sovereign Bank of Canal.
da to accept the managership of the
Walkerville Tecumseh and Betio
River branches of the home ,Dank
of Canada, with headquarters at
Walkerville. While regretting his
departure and so forth, we under-
stand that the change will be a
profitable one` t:o Mr. Horse from a
salary point of view, and his many
friends will be pleased to hear of Lis
getting another step upward. Mr.
Llcrne has been specially successful
in building up a business for tho
Sovereign Dank of Canada here, and
has placed the bank on such a sure
footing here that its success is as-
sured. although it is only been
open here eight months.
Rev. Collins, of the Trivilt Mem-
orial Church last Sunday morning
gave a very interesting di/moil/lie on
the life of St. Patrick, Ireland's be-
loved Saint, the day being recogniz-
ed ns the one belonging to those of
the Emerald Isle. About two bun.
dred were present to hear the rec•
tor deliver his sermon. rind everyone
was pleased with the intelligent ilia -
Bourse. According to history St.
Patrick wns horn near the town of
Ihrnbarton, which in the early cen-
turies wus in the northern part of
(triton. but is now in Scotland. At
that time people were bought, sold
or captured as slaves. and St. Pat-
rick was captured and taken to Inc•
land, where he was put in the ser•
via; of an Irish King. Isere he dim -
himself. ns did Jose1ilu
who %vas sold by his blethers, and
people Ir
among the Irish people (lid won-
ders to%%•auda the advancement of
Christianity. In later years he re-
turned to the Lome of his birth, lint
duty called him again to the isle.
ueross the sear, %t•here he ronli11ued
itis good wolf:. establishing monas-
teries throughout the land. 11e be.
carne a great ruin among his peo•
pie and his name has gone down in
history as 1►elnrrd'm patron saint.
The Council eha0tbnr in the 'Town
1all was the . ene of twon trials.
last Salm day, the first being of one
p. m. ail the s(.enud al 7 p. tn. '1'1re
first case ,v:c, that of about a dozclt
I boys who weIe su11u11uned tr. appear
I before the magistrates charged with
disturb' g thei loamy c 1
levelling of Ias1. if eel.. 'three of 1ho
boy's pieadrd guilty, and then lire
rest did likewise. A(ter some dis-
cession it w:14 (101(1.11 to allow• ttte
buys off mt suspended s4'ntvnce on
payment 01 cosl4 w hick :uneitnted 10
to uinaly cents well 'tlie evening
08411 was 01111 in w•Iticll several boy's
were Ono foal with (blowing eggs at
the house of Mf. Nlenting. 'Three of
thein had goof. to h. bunting and
apologized to (,int for their actions,
brit as the relined had 014.1. 11 a re••
ward for in(01 re:Ilion untl conviction
Mt'. Fleming could do nothing in the
matter. 'I 11. 1111(.4' 110y4 1%1.1e sworn
and took the blame of 1luuwimg the
•eggs. 1)111• n( them, %% ho was o''i •
dently h (1 into the matter by the
older boys was I't tiff on suspend-
ed sentence, but tie! other loo, both
of whom were out stn susp,,,d (1
Mtntena' 011 another .1.uigo wore
fined a111 au(1 costa nr thirty days in
Goderich jail. They %fere given ten
clays in w hick to pay the fine. Sev-
eral ober lads %vole .uuunot od in
connection with the .,flue ease, but
as they had nothing to do with the
throwing of the eggs, were allrrwc(I
to go. Police justices banner. MP -
Wet nil Kay sat on the cines, while
Mi. 1.. II, Dickson represented Mr.
Ili4.etl, the constable, nen C. 11. San-
ders acted as clerk, taking down
the testimony. The sentence was a
stiff note and should be n lesson to
the young lad+ of the town that
rowdyism will not be tolerated.
FOR SALE -Barred Rock eggs tor
incubation. t L. C. FLEMING.
For ten days only. granulated sug-
ar $4.35 per cwt. J. A. Steward.
FOR BALE. -Lot on East side Maiu
street, north of ,Grigg'$ book -store.
11. Lambrook.
bred white wyandott eggs for sale.
Apply to S. Powell.
FOR BALE, -Plymouth flocks the
breed for broilers. Eggs 50c...per
15. $2.08 per 100.• 8. J. IIOGARTII
Several good men 'wanted to .work
on North West terms full seasons
work and highest wages. Apply to
FCJUND.-On Friday, Match 15th,
on Main Street, a oold plated cuff
button. Owner can Lave same by
calling at Times office and paying
for this ad.
Been, will bo at the Commercial
Hotel. 'Hours 9.30 a. m. 'to 4.3U p.
m. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Next visit, April 5th.
FOR BALE. -Great Bargain, that
brink store on Main street, North of
Town Hall, Exeter, occupied by
Masssey Harris Co. Address J.
Parkinson, 429 Pall Mall street,
London, Ont.
We take this opportunity of
thanking our many cue-tomer/. for
their liberal patronage and support
during the last five years and that
we aro prepared to supply any new
customers who wish milk. Our mot-
to, pure milk and regular delivery.
LOUIS DAY. Milkman.
Mr. Thomas Cameron intends
holding sales in Exeter the first
Friday of every month, and it will
be necessary for parties wishing to
have stock entered at these sales .to
leave a list of them at the Mimes
office or with Mr. Cameron at Far-
quhar during the first two weeks
of the month so that they can be
properly advertised.
A woman who Is weak nervous and
sleepless, and who has cold hands
and feet, cannot feel and net like a
well person. Carter's Iron Pills
equalize the circulation. remove ner-
vousness, and give strength and
Novelties and Notions
Perfumes, Soaps. Tooth Paste,
Skin Food and Creams, Hair
Tonics, Flavoring Ex-
tracts, Cold Remedies
Phonographs. Records & Supplies
'Come in and see use
A Wonderful Medicine
-TRIC MACf1INE fust (f Lift VICTOR.
NEARLY All Tit'- Itis
LIK[- ht1ST BtrOA;
TOE burr
P,?1CC iP??r�.rinrka,1c
4 c nl-'r�ost Frcc b y 1;ti;;-.
�>cl e.
People who have tried it
would not take $to oo for
the benefit they have re-
ceived from a dollar box.
It's different to Anything
you ever saw before. It
touches the right
t spot
makes you feel well ALL
Six boxes for $(i.(10. Poet free
RiNGS and
WE LEAD in all the above lines.
WHY ? Simply because we buy from
the very best firms in Canada.
In all lour SILVERWARE we are
authorised to replace free of charge
any piece of Silverware leaving this
Ktore that is not satisfactory.
Diamonds always In Steck at very
Lew Prices.
. 1
During the past three years I have travelled over all of
the wheat raising districts of the West, and in that time have
sold many thousands of acres of wheat lands. And ..on ac-
count of lay connections with the great railway land compan-
ies, I have had access to valuable information in advance of
the public and the ordinary agent. which has been of great
advantage to me in making selections of lands with a view
to their being near good railway facilities.
Below I give a list of gilt edge propositions all of which I have
carefully selected myself. having gone over each parcel carefully, and
all have been selected with a view to the quality of the soil, nearness
to town and shipping facilities, desirability of class of settlers in
districts in which the various lands are located. The nearness; of sup-
ply of coal or wood for fuel, etc., etc., and all the lands given in list
below aro ao situated that they will be quite near towns on two or
more lines of competing railways, which fact will ensure a plentiful
supply of cars for shipping grain, for it is a well known fact that all
the railways supply competing points with cars, while places where
there is only one line near, have to wait indefinately. And the freight
rate on wheat which would be raised on any of the undermentione4
lands would not exceed 10 cts. per bushel from shipping station to Fort
William or Port Arthur, and in some cases the rate would be much
less. This is a most important point, and before you purchs c land it
would be wise for you to ascertian what the freight rate would be
from shipping point to Fort William, for the freight on your crop haft
to be paid every year, the land has to be paid for only once. If you
have any idea of purchasing Western lands it will be to your interest
to see me at once. A number of persons who have purchased land
from me have more than doubled their money, and some of thoso who
have cropped their land has -s+ paid for their land with two crops. All
information regarding the various lands and locations cheerfully given.
No. 1. -Half section beautiful land being heavy black lo;tni on clay
subsoil, and1
b rl situated onlyoneand half miles
from station and eleva-
tors in thriving town on new branch C. P. R. The above section is
within easy distance of a government timber reserve, and is a very
desirable property. Price $16.00 per acre, 84.00 per acre cash, balance
arranged to suit purchaser with interest at 6 per ecnt. per annum.
No. 2 -Quarter Section of fine land of A. 1. quality, heavy blaok
loam on clay subsoil. This place only two miles from goon town with
elevators, stores. blacksmith shops etc. and is a snap at the price, $15
per acre, $4.00 per acre cash. balance arranged to shit purchaser
with interest at 6 per cent. per annum.
No. 3. -Hal[ section of splendid land, heavy black loom on clay sub-
soil, and splendidly suited for rall%day privileges, being only one mile
from good town on branch of C. P. R. with elevators and all other
conveniences, and a great buy at $17.00 per acre, $4.00 per acre down,
balance arranged to suit purchaser with intreest at 6 per cent per
No. 4 -Three quarter section only three miles from splendid town
on C. I'. R. This is a splendid farm for mixed farming, wood soil and
some splendid grass sloughs. A great investment at S14.00 ler acre,
$3 per acre cash, ,balance to suit ,purchaser.
No. 5. -Whole section of excellent land, fine soil, I.-avy black loans
on clay subsoil, and being only two miles from a thriving town on C.
I'. R. Elevators, stores. churches, and all other conveniences right at
your doer. A splendid investment for you at $16.00 per acre, $1.00 per
acro cash, balance to .be arranged.
No. 6. -Whole section of splendid land, land heavy black loam, and
clay subsoil. This im a most desirable property being situated just
one mile from a good town with elevators, stores, etc. etc. This is a
most desirable property and at $17.00 per acre, is a sure bargain. $4.50
Per acre cash, balance to suit purchaser.
No. 7. -Three-quarter section of beautiful lana brine situated only
three miles from a splendid town on new branch (7. 1'. 11.. The soil
is of splendid quality, and there is money in it at $ 15.00 per acre, $,x4.00
per acre cash, balance to suit purchaser.
No. R. -HA e t
1[ K coon splendid land, !cavy rich loam on clay subsoil.
This is a lovely half section, and would make a grand farm. Price
$16.00 per acre, quarter cash, balance arranged.
No. 9. -Whole section of good land only three mils• from new
town on branch C. 1'. 11., Elevators and all other conveniences. If you
want n good investment, this is a stoney maker at $11.511 per acre,
$3.50 cash per acre, balance arranged.
No. 111, -\\'hole section of good land only four utiles from thriving
town on new railway. All oonreniences such as elevators, stores, etc.,
etc. Excellent buying at $14.00 ler acre, $3.50 per acro cash, balance
No. 11. -Whole section of good land. Some fine hay sloughs on this
section. A splendid farm for mixed farming, and great Laying at $13.00
Per acre, $.1.00 per acre rash, balance arranged to suit purchaser.
No. 12. -Whole
corner, on section
your wheat : grand
sure at $15.110 per
suit purchaser.
section of splendid land. railway suns just across
adjoining town site. Lusa than a mile to draw
coil: splendid section of the countty. A bargain
acre: $1.00 ver acre cash, balance arranged to
No. 13.-%V hole section, grand moil, only one ruffle from town site on
C. I', 12, A fine section of land and splendid Init•i11p at $15,00 [ter acre,
$4.00 per acre cash, balance to suit purchaser.
No. 1L -Whole section good soil, Kerne good haw slc,ugiis, and some
useful lands on this section. Splendid for mixed fanning. Oniv three
tniles from new town on C. I', R. Price only $10.00 per acre, puartcr
cosh, balance to suit purchaser.
No. 15. -half section of beautiful land. only two miles from good
town. This is a splendid half section in , vers desirable location,
and at the pries is a genuine bargain. ('rice $17.00 per acre, $4.00
per acre down balance to suit purchaser.
A Special Snap for immediate Sale
Hai( section of beautiful Innd splendidly- located. new. line
of railway bei.ding to immediate vicinity. Rsilwn)• lends of in-
ferior quality in township in which this half rection k situ-
ated cannot M• purchased for less than $17.00 pet acre. \'e
have a pries en thim half section of $12 50 per acre. Particulars
to be arranged.
Several good men wanted to work of We -tern firms,
good wege3 end full heason's work
Mdr6hao.(OFFICE General Sellinsr Agent,
fi.lAT RE I;jE1N . .
1.:, et . r, Ont.