HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-03-14, Page 8OP, i•+++++++++++++++++++++++ • ++++++++++++4-++++++++++ STEWART'S MW SrRIN6000D Nearly all in and ready for your inspection. We are showing some exclusive styles in Dress Goode, Suitings and Waistings. 35c 50c 65c 65c The yard fora lovely new Grey Shadow Check. Swell for Skirts, Suite or Dresses. The yard for a lovely lot of New Grey Tweeds. Good clean stock and real serviceable. For a beautiful range of the veru newest Shadow Stripe Suitings, these are copied from the latest New York Ideas and are certainly going to make a hit. For Black Panama Goode, Right in Style, Right in Qua- lity and Right. in Value. 85 100 125 For a Beautiful Lot of Black and White Check • • and Double Dog Tooth Check Dress Goode, These are very Special Values. Dresden Silks We are showing the choioest lot of new Dresden Silk Waist Ends that we have ever had. White and Cream Grounds with very pretty Floral and Shadow Designs in Green, Pink, Blue and Mauve. Ask to See Them; They Are Beauties. House Furnishings One , our Strong Lines. Car- pets, Curtains, Linoleumns, Draperies and Wall Papers. , Special Values in new Wall Papers Borders sante price per roll as papers 5,10, 12 I=2 15 20 25 The Roll for very rich Gilt Paper in new Floral and Combination Stripe Effects. Do you want a new Linoleumn or Carpet. Our stock is large and values will please you Buys choice 4 -yard wide Eng- lish Linoleum. le DU It's a Snap. Rs in Exeter we aresolesellingmouKING STIFF HAT agents in Easter :or the Famous The Hat that leads the world. The new shapes are very catchy. erne in, ave a oo a e new . C h l k t th ONES S. A. STA EEWT ++ : •1•+4 ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++44++++++++4- ++++++++1•+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++•i•+++•r++•1•+1•+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lour Reduction Sale >. e Is ort and in order to reduce our stock before Stock Taking we are offering greater Bargains in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to al- most cost during this sale. Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. ROWE & ATKINSON The Largest Home Furnishers in the County. 'Undertaking in all its Branches. ++++++++++++H. - - _ - - . _ +++ t- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.14+++4 -H. 1 cAlv[pEEws Varnish Stain 1 The Original and only real Varnish Maio for only Varnish Stain Furniture, Floors. Woodwork and Doors. Dries Hard With Durable Gloss. Can be rubbed and polished if desired. Will stand hot or cold water. Suitable for Bath- rooms, Refrigerators, Linoleumns and all in- terior woodwork about the house. 350 tins of all colors in stock at 15c, 25c, 5Oc and 75c. Get a Color Card. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE +'!+++++++++++++++++++++++++;•++++++++++++++++++++++++ MODE TO ORDER Dressing well is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each gement that we make for you has that air of individuality to much sought after by the fet.hionable man. You are sure of comfort case and elegance if you wear our garment s You are sure too, of get- ting the beet possible value for your money. We have 100 new Suitiegs way down in price. W. W. TAMAN, Tailor 'i'!iE EXBIER 'i•LMES. MARCH11th 1907 Market Report. -The tollowlug Is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to March 14th. Wheat. 70 cents a bushel. Oats, 36 to 37 cents per bushel. Peas. 75 pmts a bushel. Marley. 44 to 48 cents per bushel. Shorts, $2.2 per tat. Flour, $2.10 per cwt. Bran, $20 a ton. flay, $10, and x;11 a ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Beans. 81.30 per bushel. Clover seed, $8 to $9 per bushel. Butter, 2:. per round. Potatoes. 75c. to 90e. iwr bag. Dried Apples. 6c. per pound. F:ggs, 18c. a dozen. Hogs, dressed, $8.50 po.: cwt. Hogs, liveweight, $6.50 per cwt. Coal. $7 a ton. Larne onions. 60o a bushel. •••••• •••••••••••••••••41111* 1 LOCALS eeeeeoee **Oh*** St. Patrick's day next Sunday. St. Anthony Social (.'lub aaaembly on the Viol. Several crows have already put in their appearance. Mts. Geo. Heaman entertained a few few friends Tuesday eveving. Mibe Judge. of Orangeville. has been engaged as milliner with Snell & Rowe. Mrs, Norman Lloyd is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, Stephenson at Lon- don. Messrs. Frank Fold and Geo. West- cort visited friends in Hensall on Sat- urday. Mr. E. 11. Fish. of London, is re- newing aquaintances in town thin wee k. Mr. Marchand moved this week into the house recently vacated by Mr. T. Hawking, Misses Sharpe and Jackson hive re- turned to town after a visit with Lon- don friends. Mr. Jos. Best a rd, of London, and Mr. W. R. Bestard, of Milton, spent Monday in town. Miss Beatrice Howey entertained a number of her young friends last Friday evening. Mi58 Jennie Hogarth underwent an operation at the London hospital on Monday for appendicitis. Sandy llawden, who last .week un- derwent nn operation for a varicose vein, is able to be around. Warden John T. Currie was in town last Thursday, he guest of former warden, Hugh lipackman. Mrs. Al. Hastings entertained sever al friends last Thursday evening in honor of Mies Essery, of Chicago. A load of Exeter young people were entertained at the home of Wm. Es- ser!, Centralia on Monday night. Mr. Geo. R. Salter, a tormer resi- dent of Exeter, was recently married to Miss Lizzie Bishop, also of Totonto. Mies Lottie Hazlewood, of Kirkton, has taken a position as trimmer in the millinery department of Jones & Clark. .(Dr.) Ed. Hall, of Seven British Mixtures fame was last Saturday taken to the House of Refuge at Clinton. Iilrs, McMartin, of Hensel) who was here for a couple of weekly, taking treatments, returned to her home last Thursday greatly improved. Miss J. J. Allan, refracting opti- cian, of Elora, will .be at the Coma mcrcial hotel, t3aturdny, March 23. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 1'. M. Mr. Eli Snell, who was working for two months with the Sutherland -In- nes Co , at Forest returned home on Saturday. Messrs. Thos, Handford and R. Welsh have leased the old packing house from 8 M. Sanders and will convert, it, into a sales stable. Mr. C. B. Buell lost week disposed of a half interest in the electric lighting plant to C. Zuefle, the new partnership to take Affect on the first of April. Thee. Handford shipped two car- loads of horses to Winnipeg on 1ues- 1+y. Some of the aniusals were ex- cellent specimens for which Mr. Handford paid fancy figures. Miss Verna Essery, of Chicago, who has spent the past nine weeks visiting relatives and friends in rind around Exeter, Centralia and Credi- ton returned to her home on \Ved- nesdaY. Remember lh.' dale, Saturday Mar. 2.1 and consult with .Miss 3. J. Allan ill regard to any eye troubles or heartaches, and find the remedy. Miss Allen expects to make regular visits to Exeter. Campbell's Vnrnish Stains are the original Varnish Stnins. The manu- facturers offer $100 to any ono who can disprove that claim. These are better than other Varnisb Stains because the makers have improved there each year since they were first offered to bouaekcepers. Made in ten beautiful shades. For sale sty W. .1. lleaman, Exeter, Ontario. if all the companies asking for charters to build railways through this section carry out their intent. tions the future promisee something great for Exeter. With the G. T. R. already here, and a couple of contl'anies with Exeter on their route mip.s, and n promised Banat just west of here, it looks as though our village will amount to some pumpkins after all. With such a dream it seems too had to wake u.; up. Those who own Nva rehouaea on (1 G. '1'. It. lands at the station hat . received notices to remove the build- ings as soots as possiblei( ie ex- pected the Supt. wil' ! • in a kw days to decide v.. t.• they shall be looted. This is possibly the first move towards the building of a new station at this point. depot Agent .1. J. Knight states that it is t he intention of the Company to oontin. ue Victoria street across the tracke to the cattle pens, time making two approaches to the station grounds, and whieh will be greatly appre. elated by abippers, giving them a much shorter haul from downn. r BRIGHT SHOWING OF NEW SPIN6DRESS GOODS The Trost beautiful showing 11 I, Light and Dark Tweeds Plain Covert Cloth French Albatross All Wool Panamas Satin Cloths store has ever shown at- 60 75 1.00 1.25 in Navy, Brown, Green, Grey and Black full range of qualities at 60 75 I.00 In Navy, Brown and Black fine silky fiinIsh this cloth makes a very 75 rich costume at per yard In Green, Navy, Brown and Black, one of the most fashionable and seryicable 50 clothe in the store for the price. Only Warranted all Pure Wool, very rich finish in Navy tureen. Brown and Black at 0 50 75 1.0 Special showing of silk finished Lustr:s 39 50 per yd Lustres in Cream, Grey, Brown and Nayy at French Voiles All Over Lace In Brown. Navy, Fawn, and Black very fine even weaye big value at A big display of rich all over lace in White. Crease. Chatnpagne and Black epeci- 50 75 1.00 1.25 al qualities at 50 75 1.00 SNELL L ROWE Mrs. A. Q. Bobier is in London' DIER this week. CC D comis iNAiPhos. Se )don. uaf Ingersoll, visitedIonIt. Beldon this week. Mr. Frank Weekes returned .Tues- day night from the Cobalt. Misses Gertie Sheer° and Ituby Treble spent a few days in London last week. Miss Mabel \Valets returned Mon• day night from a visit with friends in London. Miss Rickbeil, of Zurich, has ae• cepted a position as milliner with ]hiss Morlock. J. G. Stanbury was in St. Marys last week for a couple of days en- gaged at court there. Miss Mary .Newcombe returned Saturday after a two weeks' visit with friends in Hensel!. Miss Lou Brimacombo who visited friends and relatives in town, lett to -night for Wapplla, Manitoba. Mr. T. bmallacombe, after a three months' visit with friends here, rb- turned to Crystal City Wednesday. Mr. Matthew Parkinson. of .Tor- onto was the guest of his sister Mrs. R. Elston a few days during the past week. Mime Grace Penhale, who visited friends in town is visiting in St. Thomas prior to leaving for her home in the Northwest. Mr. Jas. Walker of Crediton East intends having a sale of farm stock and Implements on Monday. Afarcli 25th. Everything will be sold ns Mr. Walker intends going ,west. The Exeter Gun Club on \Vednes• Clay gave a contract to. henry Gould for the erection •of n clubhouse at their shooting grounds. There is nothing too good for the Huron In- dians. Thomas Martin. DI. P. for N. Wellington died last Tue,+day morn- ing in the Hospital at Ottawa. Mr. Martin had been attending to his duties in the house until last week when he went into the hospital ,to undergo aft operation for gall trou- ble. He was n twin brother of the Rev. Mr. Martin, of this town, who left yesterday to attend the funer- al at Mount Forest. FOR SALE -Barred (tock eggs for incubation. L. C. FLEMING. FOR SALE. -Plymouth hocks the breed for broilers. Eggs 50c. per 15. 82.00 per 100. S. J. IIOGARTII Exeter. iDR. OVENS EYE AND EAIt SUlt-u goon, will be nt the Commercial Hotel. t )fours 9.30 a. m. to 4,3(1 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit, April Pith. i desire to announce to the public that 1 have moved my dental offices frons The McDonnell block to the suit(' of rooms over 1Glndmnn & Stnnbury's lay offices, second door south of Stewnrt'e .torr. -Dr. A. lt, Kinsman. FOlt BALE. -Great Bargain, that brick store on Main street, North of Town (tall, Exeter, occupied by Masssey Harris Co. Address J. Parkinson, 429 Pall Mall street, London, Ont. We take this opportunity of thanking our malty customers for their liberal patronage and support during the last five years and that we are prepared to supply any new customers who wish milk Our mot - TAKE_ Go16's Emulsiom 01 Cod Liver Oil with tiVpophosohltes No other remedy is more reliable in the cure of chronic coughs incipient consumption or debilated condition. Increases the Weight Enriches the Blood Builds up the System Sold In soc and $r Bottles. AT - W. S. Cole, Phm. B. Prescription Druggist. EXETER, ONT. THE OLD RELIABLE 8S I WAS SAYING those Silk Waists at Carling Bros. are the best we have ever seen for the price. It's the universal verdict. Every one who canudge value can see them sticking out of out stock in all directions. We can't subdue them. They Hy up and hit your hand wherey you least expect it. We know the Power of Prices and take advantage of it in marking our goods. Ladies Silk Waists in the latest and newest styles. Embroideried Linen and Lawn waist ends, lovely goods. A very choice line of Elbow Gloves in black and white Silk, Lace and Lisle thread Ladies Fancy Vestings in white and colored Fancy Ging- hams and Muslins. We have never shown a nicer assortment in Vals, Torchon Laces and Embroideries than we are show- ing at the present Gents' Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Fancy Pantings in plain and stripe. Gents' Hats, Piccadilly Brand, Thoroughbred Caps the latest out. Gents' Shirts in plain stripes Fancy Fronts also the Coat Shirt. Highest Price paid for Produce. CARLING BROS. FARM LABOURERS AND DOM- ESTICS. I have been appointed by the Dom- inion Governmont to pla a Immi• x I grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm labourers and dam- ; oetic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring sushi Atelp should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wantel and wagger offered. The numbers arriving .rnc:y not be sufficient to supply all ,requests but every effort will be made to provide ea?,h appli.. cant with the help required. DONALD Ma1NNIS Canadian Government Employment Agent, Exeter, Ont. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ONE WAY SECOND CLASS COLO- NIST TICKETS On sale daily until April 0th topoints in British Columbia, California, Wash- ington, Oregon, Colorado, Montana. SPECIAL TRAIN TO NORTHWEST Will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April, (at 9 p. m. with coloniet Bleeper) for accommod- ation of settlers travelling with live stock. Passengers travelling without live stock should take train leaving Toronto daily 1:15 p. in. or 11:01 p. m. For full information ns to rates and routes, call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent J. D. McDONALD. -District Passenger Agent, l fronto douse Dc6ortor Plumber (Iter and e'o1d water) to, pure milk and regular delivery. LOUIS 1)AY, Milkman. FOR SALE -25,000 brick ti il. 1'. steam engine and boiler. 20 ft. of line shaft. platform scale, McLaugh- lin Mikado, and five ,pieces of tim her 11X11 in., 31 ft. long. Wanted, Tenders to deliver 8 or more cords clean cenrent gravel to the packing house before the 10th. of April. Tenders by Saturday. Will remove cosi napes free of charge until null. plied where not less than a load at one place, by snaking the enrnie known to the undersigned. 8. M. SANDERS. WANTED - CARETAKER FOR CEMETERY. Applications will ix• received by the undersigned utt to ,%fonday even• ing next 18th. Inst., for the position of caretaker for the .Exeter cemc_ tery. F. W. GLADMAN, Secretary of Committee. REWARD The Exeter Council offers n ward of twenty five dollars for apprehension and conviction of party or parties, who threw eggs at Mr. Flemings, house. A. Q. iLOBiER, Reeve. re- tire the the sign Writing and Gralnlau With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence, corner James and An- drew Street. THE TiMES AND WEEKLY GLOBE AND CANADA FAR- MER, $1.36. The offer of of the Exeter Times and the Toronto Weekly Globe and Csn- ada Farmer for $1.36 is extended to June 1. Over 150 of our euhieribers have taken advantage of this liberal offer and we are anxious to increase the nua.lter to 260 before the first of June. Any one who is now taking the Times can get the Globe by pay• leg us 35 cente. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office, Toronto. RANDOLPH MACDONALD, President A. A. ALLAN, Vice:President D. M. STEWART, General Manager Capital Subscribed $1,998,000 Capital fully paid 4,000;000 Reserve Fund 1,255,300 Assets over 25,000,000 General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL Manager. MADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitor SuI%dWc Uurolturc 01 HII Gradcs Spring is Coming. Now is the time to make your sel- ection. Remember this is the place to get a nice job of upholst- ering done. Jas. Beverley Furniture Dealer. Undertaker. NO - -TIME like the present to make our acquaintance. We are showing an excel- lent assortment of exclusive fabrics, that are well worth your attention. Our clothes are cut "right" and tailored "right" and our prices will fit your purse, as well as our clothes fit you. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor A Few Diections for Baking Harveys' Star Flour 1. -Me sure that the flour ii warm before mixing. if thctoughly warmed twenty-four houi i before mixing it will make better bread. 2 -Set the sponge very thin with good yeast or if yeast cakes are used be sure they are fresh. 3. -When ready to knead ndd as little flour ns possible only a suffi- cient quantity to prevent Sticking to the board when thoroughly kneaded. 4. -Let it rise in a pan then knead in small loaves and let it rise again. (lake in a mrderately heated oven and do not let it stand in oven after it im done. 5. -We recommend a short system during the cold weather as it is dif- ficult to protect the sponge from changes of temperature nud drafts. The choicest Ontario and Manitoba Wheat, in equal proportion, is used in the manufacture of Star flour It is *harper and stronger than most brands of Family Floor and never fails to produce good re• sults %%hell toed under proper eon• tiitiens. Corn! -AT- Exeter and Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grai if desired. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye Flour, Feed -AND-- Gr06BPU storo Everything kept for the housewife in the line of Groceries We have SiX different kinds of Flour to choose from Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. All orders left at the Store or at the Times Office will receive prompt ate tention. Agent for tine Huron Weather insur. ance Company S. Hardy& 8on ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Acceuats Ce11.ctal My o to v loan at Ioe+t sten, earth West lands for sale. Office. Mala Stmt. Motor