HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-03-14, Page 6HEALTH 1 SLEEPING OUTDOORS. Many persons, with the best will in the world to live in obedience to Iho laws of health, make a failure of the open-air night, of which olio now hears so much, and, which is, ht fact, the chief depen- dence in the t'ca'nlent of tuberculosis. '!'Isere aro several reasons why the at- tempt to sleep outdoors, whether literally or in a wide-open room, results ill fail- ure. It is such a r'Idieal departure with so many persons that they do not huve the liest idea how to start it. A great many of them have at the back of their minds a sort of lingering impression that discomfort is a part of the treatment ; that to become hardened ono must be wretched, and that misery and virtue are born companions. As comfort is not ex- pected, (here aro no plans made to cap- ture 11. The would -bo disciple of health simply throws up all the windows, gets into bed with the usual coverings, per- haps lies all night with the uncovered ?head in a direct draft of air, shivers in semi-eakef')Iness for hours, and then, on rising in the morning chilled and de- vitalized, perhaps coughing and snes z - Ing, condemns the whole scheme as a snare:, returns. the next night to the closed -window plan, and launches him- self upon society as the prophet of stuffi- ness. SALT IUIEIt By Dr. Williams ' Doctors' 1'rlratnent Pills Alter d Failed. Skin trouble indicates that the bloat is in a poisoned state. 1t is the pxeis.m ill • the blood that a muse, bleaches, pimples, eczema, salt -ileum or had complexion. Ur. V. illianis' Pink Pills snake rich, red blood that banishes these troubles. Mrs. Osborne, wife of Andrew Osborne, clerk of the Toonship PI Kennebec, Frontenae County, Ont., writs:: "1 cannot speak too highly cf I)r. Williams' fink PiILs, fur they did for ole what doctors foiled to do. Some year, ago I was attacked by sell -rheum in the hands, caused by a rundown c( ndilion of my blood. I endured the tortures of this terrible disease 'sr seine Ume, and only thesso who have 1 cen similarly nfllicted can realize my suffering. At times my hands were so bad that 1 conld not comb my hair. I was helpless. I consulted a doctor but Ws treatment failed to !x'nefit me --my case seemed Incurable. While in this condition I read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to give them a trial. Soon I began to improve, and by the time I had taken about a dozen boxes 1 was completely cured, and 1 have not since had the slightest return of the trouble. 1 can heartily recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all similar suf- fereils," You can't cure eczemn, salt -rheum and skin eruptions with salves and out- ward applications. Theses (roubles tiro rooted in tux bl d 0o and can only to 'Phis is all wrong, and a little thought cured throug't the rich, red blood Dr. 'viii show why. If the night air is to be \Villlanns' Pink Pills actually rilake. This breathed as it comes shnight from out- simple medical fact shouid be known aide. as it should be, preparations must to everyone. Williams', ' ) Dr. \Williams Pink Pills not only cure skin diseases, hut all other troubles caused by bad blood, such as anaemia, with els headaches, side - aches and backaches, heart palpitation. iedigostioi, rheumatism, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and the special ailments that afflict so many women and grow- ing girls. You can get these pills from your medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for ee.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. be mode to welcome it, and a room in which the teniperllure is twenty degrees or thirty degrees Fahrenheit cailliot be occupied in the sane clothing as one kept at sixty degrees. Down coverlets aro invnlunble for these ,cold, fresh -air nights, for they are as light as they are waren. Many persons are averse to heavy bed -clothing, and they are right. Weight does not neces- sarily imply warmth, and it is foolish to r use up vital force in holding up heavy weights coning the hours consecrated to rest. The sleeping garment tlself should be of some light an I warm material, pre- ferably woollen. Special thought should bo given to the protection o1 the head. People. at any rale hi this part of the world. are not Accustomed to going bare- headed in the open air, and there is really 11/ reason why they should expect to do ro with impunity for seven or eight hours in cold weather at nigral. A soft cop cut to rover the ears and to hang down the bock of the neck should always be worn. This shape doses the little space between the cap and the bedclothes, and inci- dentally prevents tinny a stiff neck. A hot-water bottle is a good friend en a bitter night, and is worth more than limey top spreads, for the bottle gener- ates heat wells the spread only retains ft. -Youth's Companion. THE i1O1' WATER BAG. A 111110 intelligent care given the hot water bag will make it last longer. In preparing it for use, the water should be below boiling point and do not fill the bag, half full being the right quantity. Place the bag on your lap and carefully press out the steam before putting in Hte stopper. This makes the bag softer, as 11 is relien'd of the pressure the steam snakes. When not using the bag drain out the water and hang 1 it bottom u) side up for a little while, until the last drops of troislure have dropped out, then lake it down and blow a little air Into it, just enough to kiep the inside from com- ing together as it will do if there is no air In the bag. This means destruction lo the rubber if it has to bo pulled apart. Never fold a rubber bag after it hue once been used. Rubber in any form Is not pleasant to the touch, so the rubber ling should ham a cover that Ls easily slipped on and off as required. The softness of fleecy eiderdown gathered into the neck by means of a ribbon makes a gratify - 'fug cover for the patient to come in contact 'with, or the cover may be crocheted with soft zephyr. IIEAI.TII IiINTS. A Good Fomentation. -A most effective fr•menlation is made of dried poppy head. Take four ounces, break into little bits, renes to the seeds and put them into four pints of water, and boil for fifteen minutes. Strain and keep the water for use in making Iho hot fomen- tation. Poultice for Chilblains, -.\n excellent poultice for chilblains is made by Benin Ing the pulp out of a baked white turnip nnd mixing it with n tablespoonful of ealnd oil, one of mustard and one of grated Itoiseradish. 'Noce tete mlxtw'e un n piece of snit rag and apply. Value of lied llatumocks.--When con- w►lescence has begun, n patient usually suffers much from the restlessness which is generally a syntptoni of this Mage of the sickness. A bed hammock will be found a wonderful relief in ea -es where the patient is tiro! of 0110 position. while 11 forms a good stepping stone to the • next period, when a couch is perniis- sitle. Sult Cures. - The curative effects of Enit have never been known as they should be. Sore and inflamed eyes are relieved by bathing with salt water. Sore throat yields to a gargle of the sane. The most obstinate cases of con- slipalk)n can be •absolutely enrol by the persistent use of half a teaspoonful of salt in a glass of water, taken just be- fore going to bed, or the Inst tieing in the meriting. A ItE\IARK.\RLE 'FENNEL. From the point of v;ew of the engin. ler, one .ef the need interesting nf all undo -losing.; in the way 01 Ismael -build• Mg is the new reiiw'ay tunnel just coin. .%[s�I bell tender the Hudson !fiver between Veel►awken and New York.‘ Ile; pecu- liar interest arises from the fact that the tunnel n.)1. only lind to pass through 4011 -Meowing river mud, or sill, Int 111:11 )hera was nn Item. Immovable belittle - Bon to work upon. Overhead was the Vrenter• river, with its tides and its it- nun1crahte shipping, andand 1 ninth. tint R Mil rocks to be penetrated, !cul e Fast deposit of soft mutt, too deep to enable the engineers to lay the tunnel en its bottom. Yet it has been coaplet- e tt within• contrnet time, in lose Than three years, and is believed to be mail- able ter the Meatiest kind of railway truffle. t A FALSE ALARM OF FIRE. Minister of the Gospel Attempted to Lower One of the goals. It was on board the Northern Llgnt, says Captain Osbon in "A Sailor of For- tune," that a false alarm of fire Was sounded and disaster prevented only by prompt action. A passenger looking down through the boiler hatch saw the red -painted boiler fronts, and seeing the Came -like color acrid a cloud of steam, shouted "Fite!" immediately the whole vessel was In an uproar and a danger- ous panic was imminent. t was ono c f the under -officers. The climax came when the quarter- master saw a minister of the gospel on the tail trying lower k)thebwo o f one Y g r f the ship's boats. i s bof Iran to him and ordered hire to corno down on deck. 'fhe minister paid no attention, and 1 seized his coat tail to drag him down by force. Perhaps it win: an old coat, for the seams parted, and ti s'cand later I had the ministerial coat fail in my hands. He carte down then. Ile was angry, and was likewise a spectacle to look upon. Ile started - n to CRiTindignation h an In rrtnli0 meting, but most of the passengers had recovered from their frig) t by this time, and were inclined to re merry at the reverend gentlemans expense. He went raging to the captain, who summoned me to appear. 1 came, still carrying the coat Tail in my hand. "\1r. Osbon," he said, "what are your orders in ease of n false alarm of fire?" "My orders," I said, "are to stop i1 by any means necessary. 1 may knock a elan down, throttle hint, or split hint wide open." The captain turned to the irate min- ister. "Those are Mr. Osbon's orders," be said. "You are fortunate that it was only your cora that was split open." The danger front the false alarm of fire on ship -Load is second only to the real thing, and is always a peril to :a' met promptly. .1r --- SAVED BAi3Y:S LIFE. There aro nhany mothers throughout Canada who do not hesitate to say that Baby's Own Tablets have saved the lives of their little ones. One of these i • Mrs. John Shorlill, Georgetown, Ont., who says: "1 have no hesitation in say - fug that 1 believe that Baby's OwnTab- lets saved my little girls life. Froin the lime my little girl was three months Old she cried all the time with indiges- tion. She was frail nnd puny; her fond did her no good, and I wars literally worn out laking care of her. The doc- tor treated her for some time, and fin- ally told us he could do no more for her, and we did not expect she would bet better. 1t was then I learned ••.f Baby's Own Tablets and decided to try then. Before 1 had given her a box o! the 'Pastele there wits a great int• prosemenl. Iter dice -1 ion was much improved. nnd her bowel:. wheel had Leen terribly constipated, proved regi' Itarly. From that Into she began to thrive splendidly, nnd is new as iheal- Thy a child as you could wish to see. We are now never without a box of the Tablets in the house. Baby's Own Tab- lets will prmnplly cure all the minor nillnenls of babies and young children, and the loather hes a guarantee of n Government analyst that this medicine cen'ains nn opiate or harmful drug. Seed by all medicine denlees 01* by mail a: e:, cent: a bore fent 'lis' Dr. \\'il- lian+s' \bedle in Co., Brockville, Ont. SHADi:I) ROADS. The in!:hjurily 01 the highroads in Bel- gium are 111w Planted with Ir'es along 1110 wey, to the great plea -tire of Irawel• tors and t) stn ads:smog' of the country. 1.1 a total atlil;tlice et alined 1.::5 Utiles there nee nn tees than Vili.p.si of thea.- rnad.ihl0 lees. Ananug 111cnt are In- clude/1 ailn.000 elms. 1?I1.1111► oak , ;!n.nuit esere:wens, :G,O(q ash -111,0e and 1,1,111111 tiin des. _ - there are about thirty tunnels in England of a Mile or more in length. °THE CURSE OF LEGENDS* THERE IS PLENTY (W MATERIAL FOR IN%EST IG ATION. Siranue Fulfillment in Case of the Mon- tauue Fumfic- Instance From India. Ghosts have been made a subject of careful scientific inquiry ; we wonder that the Psychical Research Society does not enlarge its sphere and investigate the failure or fulfilment of prophecies and curses, hereditary or otherwise. Many fumities must line very curious legends to tell of this character, and in not a few cases, as the curse or pro- phecy has passed or been supposed to have passed from one generation► to another, there is plenty of material for investigation. Ono of the most singular recorded in- stances of ace apparent fulfilment of a curse, says the London Chronicle, is told of the Montague family, the original pos- sessors of the (A.wdray estate at Mid- hurst, now in the hands of the Earl of Egmont. The Cnwdray prulrvIy be- longed in the days of Henry VIII. to Lite Roman I:a'1E111C Church, being a & le•n- dence of I{rasebnur'1e 1'1401)', ,Cine por- tions of which are still to be seri. At the dissolution of the monasteries it was confiscated and presented 1 y the hung t� Viscount \lout:tgue, who,, 111 ieg11 hmt- NOT \VOR'1'll IL\\ Ix(;. Ile was employed by a city firm of dealers in bric-a-brac and old furniture Io scour rural districts in search of an- tiquities, and soddenly he espied an old- fashioned cottage nestling at the foot of a hill. Surely here, in this old-world spot, there would be something in his line. Ilo knocked sharply at the door, and a weury-looking w•awn answered : "Do you happen to have any antique ferniture, madam?" he inquired, "or any old oruanlents, such as heathen tdols, or such -like things?" The woman looked puzzled for moment. "1 think I've got one," she said length. Agog with expectation, he followed her itilo the house and to a room where lay a hulking fellow who was fust asleep on a couch. There it is," she replied, pointing to the couch. "Ile's Ihe'only idle Thing I've got in the place -hasn't done any work for years, he may do for you ; but he's certainly no ornament." the at THE GOVERNMENT `Oxomulsion AND ZAM-BUK SURVEY OUT 1110N FORT WILLIAM . TAKES A sI'l'1'LY OF THIS USEFI L BALM. 7.ant•Ruk. the (UR. SLOCUM'S GREAT SCIENTIFIC EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL.) is the greater, food and tissue builder known. It has no equal as a cure for all wasting diseases, and throat, chest and lung troubles. It Is a germ destroyer and strength predate et, nuuti.iting and restoring the vita organs. It is a perfect food and vale able medicine combined. It is pleasant to lake, It is predigested and easily borne by the most delicate stomach. Doctors Prescribe It Many of the most prominent medical men prescribe it in their regular prac- tice in preference to all others. Dr. Norman Alien, cf Toront-s says : " As • stimulant 1 . nutrition in wa.ting .14.e.vse, God Liver tail Emulsion i• the best tisane builder. Iu 1)r. tih.eum'a )xomut-ion an nsuseatin: taste and smell ace avoided, white retaining . 11 the tnedici• sal salve of the pure 411. Pr. Iiruce L ttiordon, Physician and Surgeon to 15.0 Tit., says: "Some of the col Liver Oils on the en trket are r;.luetes, on acc-uat of pro- cesses to shinier them t tsteless. Such proceedure remises the active principle of the nil. 1 look spun ,sh.cum's nxomulsbus as th.. hest. for the reason that it is made of the pure oil in the very highest .tate of emulsion. As an enaulal ,n 01 pure Cud Liver Oil 1 consider Oxomulsion perfect." Ar. T. Wylie, Orand Medical Examiner, Snits of Scotland, says ; '• It aao:tls me extreme pleasure to be in • position to be able to recommend Slt;.•um's Oxomuhion to Iliv;il{•1Y affected with favorite household balm cu nsumptiuu scrofula, or wae,tiux diseases of any Iki,.d. 1 ha ve prescribed Oxomulsion for years Self a i(n0111111 C11ltaudic, IWd Ile .-t .:111111 111 h 611:1 A4111'e, is 110W adopted as "Ilse Doe- 'with great leisure to ntvself as well as comfort _ t • p ren and the nrye.l r. 4th whom rho r et• t' digestiona The uc c d o n e 1 In protest a uu various parts ofhe lluminion 1 feeble and w 1 i n ss inn 1 1 fir•(1� is ta e m hat o conditions y) p I 6 ( p below nor mat." , my pat nuts. 1 Pne it almost universal) accepting it. ter" by leading parties engaged in sur -„d, ted In child against the spnlietion of the c;lurch, nnd finding protest vein she (oiliest the Mon- tague (entity with the "curse of lire and water" and FOIIEI'OLD ITS EXTINCTION. So long. however, as the Montagues continued CaU►olic the curso appeared inoperaliie, but in the eighleelih cen- tury the then Lord Montague married a daughter of the famous Countess of Ilun- lingdnn, who founded the Countess of Huntingdon's 10 eel ul and under her influence became a Peoteslent. Tates aro told of conventicles held in the famous Chestnut avenue in Cowdrey Park. but efforts to hold similar meet- ings in the chapel ale itVi failed, owing 11 the lights bring mysteriously extin- guished.cnsion to tryit. 1 have found it very The first Protestant Montague, how- fine for shin disease, and 1 can strong- etrr, reverted on his deathbed to the iy recommend it as a household balm." ancient faith; and perhaps this was the \Ir. Laseelles Scott, one of the lead - reason that in spite of the curse he died int; Government analysts, says: "1 have peacefully in his bed. His son did not no hesitation in certifying the entire live to enjoy the estate. Ile was drowned purity of %ani -Rule, which in my titan - in the Rhine trying to shoot the falls of ion is excellently adopted for skin in - Schaffhausen, and the story goes That it:ries and diseases," LaunBuk cures the messenger. coining post haste to cuts, scalds, burns, bruises, eczema, England with his evil tidings, was met scalp sores, ringworm, ulcers, abscess - a; Calais by another messenger with the es, chapped place. Spring pimples, blood news that cowdray )louse had been poison, chronic, abscesses, etc. As en burned to the ground.„embrocation it relieves rheumatism, The tragic fulfilment of the doublneuralgia and scialicn. All druggists curse of "lire and waler" was such it and stores sell at 50c. a box, or from severe (e blow that no effort aPPeors to /an -Risk Co. Toronto, for r Price. 6 have b t half been made to peesery o the I n f Lcxes sent. for 82.50. Send ]c. stamp ruined mansion from further dating° or end we will Mail you free sample box. to restore it in any way. The family re- moved to a lodge in the park, which has --•Ib' since been much enlarged and become the present Cow•dray (louse. The estate passed to the sister of the drowned heir, and not many years later the curse of water was again fulfilled : her two sons were drowned by the cap- sizing of a boat before the very eyes of their parents. The title went to the next male Montague in lite succession, who died without heir, and TIIE FA\ILLI' iIECA\IE EXTINCT. lards. \I. Henry Ilan, writing from Fort William, sat.: "Having proved haw benelleial %nal -Bok is in cases of cuts, skin injuries and diseases, i determined to keep a supply handy. Being engaged to go on a survey, 1 It it Wouid be it most useful thing. to take along. 1 obtained a_ supply in Fort William and very well it was 1 did so. I may say Thal pretty' nearly every day it was called into requisition by one or other oft e party for cuts, bruises, burns, or some injury or other. It Is wonderful Clow quickly 'lent -Bok takes the sore- ness out of cut_, burns, bruises and in- juries; and on our survey it earned golden opinion; from all who had oc- It Is certainly a story f111 of strange coincidences. A somewhat similar story of a curse coining true was related to the writer by 1t gentleman wino was per- sonally acquainted with alt lite people concerned. Three young officers belonging to a reginl,vit at That lime stationed in the Punjab decided to build Themselves a house on n hill overlooking the Sullej river, and in doing this They trespassed on the sacred ground surrounding the Intuit of some half-forgotten saint. An old Mol,amme(lan who had charge of the tomb endeavored to persuade linen to move the site of their house, but finding Mem obdurate, cursed them with Orien- t !I !tomes. declaring that not one of the three should die in his bed and that the house would never stand. The curse was disregarded. 'Phe house was built. Shortly after one Mll- eel• wn. killed 0111 tiger shooting, while another met his death ).laying polo. The third fell so dange•ousiy ill Ihut it seem- ed as if he• would break the prophecy by dying in his bed. Ile was sent home, lo.weser, recovered, and returning to India b.'oayenrs later, wits drowned go- ing uptite Ganges in a boat. On • The dune day, so it is told, the River Sullej overflowed its blinks and washed ;may the house. SWEDISH 11_‘ NntcR %EIS. Ilonae 11adr Arlfl'Ii's Outnumber the Factory -made. Swetkn i% the home of the handl- crn(1%, In ad:Ill:on to manual training aught ht schools. the most exquisite tandwriiiug, lace -ranking, brass work, .5011 po:lery. 1s done by the pensonls. Encl1 district. lists its own pnllerns. \vlich the pea -ants stake and wear, deeming it uuptItriutic to hate aught e do with patterns its other localities. Beeatse of the handicrafts. Sweden 1111% tot malty textile factories, says the Crafisnann, ants -nigh there ore some \%here conditions of work are. for the most p:11 t. g. 01. The people. however, re en -o::rlge 1 to cnalllue lined-wease ng and In held to their lime -honored ndustrial customs rattler than to take lie risk of a diasr be l economic MAN' tie 1,4 :t market ulul!.sl with shoddy rest, In all Sw'ed'n there a'e to -day all nbuul 10.0 0 telex ire of alt kinds, niploying in all n 11111e more than 2195; % I '.v- r:nlell- nal n great number out '1 n total to 1 4I!alyua of more than 5,. K)),1101) \ n L 1111: 111. \l. •1111\i;. tatt,flw : "1'►tt tdeensid W01 tied. }•'know•. ly &sant* rays I'm suffering (wont swain fag.' .lore : "feel soil of cloudy In your Mot 1 ' 4:11011) • "I'5\ ecicely." Jock : "/:herr tip, old chap. That's not lain fog- ile only brain fog." Slie (after breaking the wish -bone) : 1f you need Cod liver Oil, or are weak and run down use Oxomulsion. At all druggists at 35c and 81.00 per bottle. 0 • "Queen City" r bettrr than a pure Manitoba flout -It o better than a bene Organo flour -being Llendcd it combines it.c best qualms e>1 both. glom Cry' it an all purposes Eau. D' LleZ:gr.h`" k your grocer for The Campbell Campbell's Milting C O. [mood Toronto junction, Oat Queen City ANTED Two or Three good Tumors. APPLY STANDARD BEARINGS. Limited, Niagara Falls, Unt "What did you wish ?" Ile : • "i wi-lied Dyeing I 1Inc het that you would Ice In , kiss you. u Cleaning ! slid you wish?' She'. "1 wished fled Per theses, Met seed rest work so the whet you wished would come true.- .a NgITI/N AMERICAN STRING OS.* Leek ter assist le twat tows, et seed dkeaa. Mslatrsal,Toroato, Ottawa, Qusb•R, Mother : "Why did you let him kiss you?' Maud : "Well, he was so nice about it. Ile asked--" "The idea! haven't I told you you must learn to say 'No "That's what i did snv. Ile asked ace if 1'd be very angry if he hissed mei" A Benefactor to All. -The soldier, the sailor, the fisherman, the miner, the farmer. the mechanic, and all who live fives of loll and • spend their existence in the dull routine of tedious tasks and who are exposed to Injuries and ail - 1)10; Is that those who Inil not do not kno.v, will find in Ur. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil on excellent friend and bene- factor in every lime of need. Teacher : "is (here any connecting link between the animal and the vege- table kingdoms?" (bright Pupil : "Yes, moon ; "there's (lash." Spots sista blotches on the face and neck act often merely signs of foul Wood. Apply w'eaver's Conte to obtain immediate relief and take Wearer's Syrup to rid the blood of pollution. Fortune Teller : "1 see by your hand you'll die when you're twenty-seven." \\ i11ie : "Bol, my dear woman, I'm twenty-nine now." Fortune '!'eller "Why, my good man, you should have been (lend two years. You're living under false pretences 1" Rickles Anti -Cons nlplive Syrup is nn unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs. influenza nnd diseases of the throat and lung-. The fame of the me- dicine Inc.r,:sls upon yeate of successful tl,e in eradicating these affections. nnd Its protesting nnuikind from the fatal leo-ages of consumption. rind ns n neg- lecite cold brads to eonsuntplion, one cannot he too careful to fight it In Its early s'agrs. Rickle't< syrup is the woe - tom, use it. `-- I'.\11ILV WILLING. Maiden Lady (scooted from drowning--• to Iter re'euer) : "How an 1 ever thank you, noble young man :' :\1.0 3.011 shed ," Veung Man : "No ; have you got a !wetly (laughter?" THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Nimrod was n mighty hunter, but had he hunted in lh„ "Teinagand" region he would have been a mightier one. Nim- rod homes for glory, but 'I'ernngamians hunt for grime. Those Indians who trade the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were our greatest benefactors. The children of these ndions know lite canoe. and they know how to use it, and if yotl go to 'I'emagami this sun- nier they will paddle your 'canoe in their own superb way. They will be the best g'ii 'e. you ever land. Students who (*snip in the summer along the Temagn- uli lakes are able to do two years' work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of access by the Grand 'trunk itailvuy SYskin. For information and beautiful descriptive publication Rent free apply to J. D. McDonald, U. 1'. A., 'Grond Trunk Iny. System, Toronto. -----rte "Now, then,' said the leacher of arith- metic, "what i.. 'above par "?" "i think i know," ventured a small boy. "\Nell''" asked the teacher. "It's run." The superiority of Mother Graves' \\'ortn Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a Trial. The largest winged insect In the world is the Atlas cloth of Central Brazil. Its wings extend fourteen Inches from lip to lip. When You Here • Cold, the sir cells are Slogged with mucous or phlegm. Allen's Lung balsam. In curing a cold, clears the tiny ale pommel and heats the bronchial tubes. "Slop playing that trombone, sir. The man next door says he can't read." "Never head of such ignorance. Tell him 1 could rend when I was five years old." Corns cause Intolerable pain. alar- way's Cern Cure removers the Try i1, and see what amount :s saved. Mrs. De 1 ashion (lo her new Chinese ISstF. W. It -00. 1lolln- trouble. of pain cook): "Julmn, why do the Chinese bind the feel of their women'.)'' John : "So They not Irotee 'round kitchen and both• erce cook." THIS BEST' STOI11'. After an unsatisfactory banquet the guest of the evening was introduced by the toastmaster as follows: - men. we hove with us to -night Professor Long -Bowe. who will tell us elle et his best and biggest after-dinner biopics." Am:d loud applause Pmtc. ser Long it eve riot. "Mr. 'toastmaster and gentlemen.' Le said; 'Io begin wah my biggest elm') lel me tell you how Thoroughly 1 have enjoyed your banquet." A kangaroo consumes as much grecs as four to ata sheep. 'DID GOOD WORN IN NORTH ANNEAL REPORT OF TIIE NORTH- WEST MOUNTED POLICE. Nothing Vet itoreised for Capture of Train Rubbintl Gaitu in British Columbia. The annual report of the Department t 1 the Royal North-West Mounted folie" x°;as preSentid to l'ai•liantenl the other (!ay by Ss* Wilfrid Laurier. The total strength of the force on Dec. 1st last was 648 men. 57,i horses, and 55 dugs. Comuaissicner Perry says Inspector Ilowar.l and the detachment under his teminand, consisting of six men, have performed excellent service in the Arctic regions. Five whaling ships. with crews numbering 23c) men Win- tered at Herschell I• :1utd lest Winter. Tho presence of Inspector Howard and Ms constables at that point was_ both for the 0nfoitinate new.; and for til_` preservation of law t_nd order. The crewe of the live whal- ers were evidently a bad Int, and some. thrilling stori:s are evi'le sly beyond the matter of fact details continued in h.spector Howard's pr:wheal report. 'I Its captain of the American ship Olga phut nut k l engineer. An in- vestigation �iled his testigation was held by Inspector flow - mil, but it Ls a question whether the murder was committed in Canadian wa tens. CAP'T'URE OF TRAIN ROBBERS. Attention is called in Commissioner Perry's report to the capture of train robbers in British Columbia. Itew•ards of 85,0:10 were offered by the Dominion Government, and t110 Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and 31,500 by the British Colnrnbia Government, in .111 SI1,510, for tho capture of the robbers. On behalf of the members of the force who effected the capture the co►nnhis- slmter applie.1 for the rewards, but 1 e had not reaeis•c an • portion, n • had d y vol n, n l Ile, ben informed whether they would b" paid. The convictions in the two provinces of Alberta rind Saskatchewan had grown from L250 in 1901 to 4.25G :n 19 Ai. During the year 34 members of the force were dismissed for bad con- duct. drunkenness being the cause in nearly every case. Sixty-four leen pur- chased their discharge for the purpose r:; bettering his conditions. There wns n marked falling oft in Iho number of n;'plicnnLs for engagement. Na special effort was made to recruit. (ROSS RIFLE SIIOWED DEFECTS. The commissioner Boys the foss rifle was put to a severe test at the annual target practice, and serious defects were discovered. As soon as they had .:c•veloped the practice was susPcnded, as it was thought some serious acci- dent might happen. The Clo1revolver, v. hic11 was issued to the men at the sono t:nne as Ric foss rifle, had proved to 'e an adnu rable weapon, aril there was n nharke.t improvement in revolver spooling. •Sixlyone remounts were pur- chased during tete year at an average prico of 1113. I:VOLUT1ON. "Don't you believe ine\oleli n . ask- ed s -eethe scientific man. "Certainly," answered Miss Cayenne. "No change that centuries bring about in natural (history can be more remark- able than that which a woman under- goes in a single day as she progresses from curl papers to evening gowns." They Wake the Torpid Energies. - Machinery not properly supervised and left to run itiself, very soon shows fault in its working. It is the sante with the digestive organs. Unregulated from time to time they are likely to become torpid and throw Iho whole system out o! gear. Parnlelee'a Vegetable Pills were made to meet such cases. They restore to the full the flagging facui- lave nnd bring into order all pnrls of the mechanism. lila : "George Is so poetical. ile sny* my ears are like shells." Ilene : "1)1(1 he say whether he meant cessninul or oyster shells?" Chemists Have Troufsle in ge*Hnd iron int• such t *tate that the system will af.,.rh. benetl1 by it. In •' Ferro, 1m." the hetet tonic) perfe.•trm hal been acht•red. 11 builds awl strengthens Mrs. Henpeck (who insists on buying her husband's clothes): "1 want some- thing nice in trousers." Assistant (with a merry twinkle): "Yes'nr. Would 1 come anywhere near your ideal, ►uunl ?" Sora Regulators. -- Mandrake and Danlelihn are known to exert n pow - 4 Ifni ow•'•iltd in11u"ncc nn the liver and kidneys, 1. star ng them to n healthful action, in- ducing a regular flow of the Accretions and imparting to the orgnns complete power to perform their functions. These valuable Ingredients enter into the com- position of fhunielee's \'cgeltible fills, and serve lo render them the agreeable nnd ealulary medicine they nre. There are few pills so effective as they in their action. Gladys : "1 refused Fred Iwo weeks ago, and he inns been drinking heavily since." Ethel : "Isn't it about time he slopped celebrating t'' Put up In Si Yard Rolls. The famous "The P A 1." Menthol 1'1x.1 -r.4 which cure lumbago, backache. ..bit'.•a. neuralgia, etc ., are also pis tut in one )apt r ,lis for physicians and family use 1.1,14 de Lawrence Co., Montreal. "Ile :s n good friend of yours. isn't het" "Oh, only medium." "\3 lull do you mean by medium ?" "Orr, Ito listens while 1 tell mien all of my troubles ; but h'• also wants ole to listen while he tells inc all of hie." BROOKS' NEW CURE Drools' App:lanee New iOR el.cosary. Wornierfel. No eboniten. springs or pads. Auuxostic Alt ('orbi,me. Riede •M [rows 1he breheei ports timothy M you would t broken KaM Nn eels e.. No Iytuphot. No Iles lone• able cher*. Pat.ae t. 10 •M. SE • ON T IAL. 41 e. SNGOK&. s;. •n+ia' ills. S•Ms•Yo sits PEN A-NcL oa Atmos In • verity of styles, fabrics and prices, foe women, mea and chit leen. 1 0.m -fitted. Deals• arc authorind to replace instantly and you can't strut Li at our co:4 any Pen. Lot to Loy by the Angle garment faulty trademark (ia i• material of making. red). t*Jb UNDERWAB MAKING 1'1' \\lilt�l:, Recently, in a case at one of 111e Lon - (bin police -courts, one of the wilco: -sea evinced some disinclination le state: her age. "Is -is it really necessary?" she asked, Coyly. "It is absolutely necessary, madam:** the tuagislrttbe assured her. Pen -Angle Under• wear is form -knit so it can't help fitting your figure, - it's made of long - fibred wool so it won't shrink - and it's guarana teed besides. 'Us vholo idea is to halo it so good "\\'oil," sighed the maiden, "if 1 must,. ( supp o.se I must. I don't see how it could possibly affect the Case, for you - see " ou.see-" "Alndnrn," observeet the magistrate, renter tartly, "I must ask you not to fur- ther waste the time cif this (- Dort. Kindly state your age without further (tetlty'." "1 ant, that is. 1 was----" she stain - leered, unable to proceed. "\tadnnt, I must beg you to hurry 1" implored Ike magistrate. i "livery ' minute - makes it worse, you know !" 10:1 Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no9 ues habout on that, - why go to all the trouble le and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of havinghiaprescript ion filled, when you can step into any drug store m Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? Why not do as hundreds of thousands Of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have • Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH SHAWA HINGLES The cheapestg ood1 They do shingle is t h e cost leas "Oshawa. " Good for a century's weather -wear. Guaranteed for 25 years without your even painting-- "Oshawa " double -galvanized shingics need no paint to outlast any roofing there is. Make roofs fire -proof, too, -guaranteed in every way you want. Cheap in first coot as com- mon wood shingles, yet more durable than elate. Sold under a written guar- antee that really means something to the buyer. With a hammer, Ilse') to a snips, and horse- p t oa sense anybody .eau roof buildings right with 'Oshawa " Gal- vanized Steel Shingles. They need no cleats, They lock on all FO U It sides. Made in only one grade - of 28-guage semi -hardened sheet steal in the pat- ented "Oshawa " way „ Oshawa " Shingles are an invest- ment, rot an expense. tee, ✓.Q.et-•. More than 100 farm Lightning buildings were proof, too damaged in On- tario alone last year by lightning. Not one of thorn would have been I -.1-.1",d it they'd been"Oahawr.' .,,efed. These shingles insulate a build- ing -make itsat oagainst every °lenient. Let us tell you what it will coot you to roof the "Oshawa' way. Get our free book 'Roof- ing Right' before y o u Roof a ming FernarFeopi i.T'he Of Oshawa a Montreal Toronto Lordoa 011.1 Craw W. 11 ('olhorns Ills 1ur.e1•• Ottawa Winalpeg Vancouver o d's st s*x fon stool f.15 1'. n.lrr