Exeter Times, 1907-03-14, Page 5S (' EXr;+ER T1DtiE8t M Mr. Peter Mcisaac on piano and INTO 0 1IE or agentsold rhandeotnepianot,ET Mise Linda R ,hart Inst week which THE HABIT •of looking for sunshine and fragrance. You'll find it! The bee and the buzzard hover together;I one goes straight to the rose garden. the others \to a decaying carcase. Conte draw the honey from Our Clothes Garden And taste the sweetness of cloth satis- faction. Our Spring Importations are ready for your Inspection. New Designs, Beautiful Weaves and Colorings. NO WO HER right in Style. Close personal attention. J. H. HOLTZMANN Crediton, Ontario. Crediton Dlt E.j.McCUF., MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE PIIYSICI- ttimis end Surgeons. Successor to Dr. IL A. Ilaist. Oroditon. Ont. Mr. John Preeter and family, of Zurich were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown on Sunday. Mr. Chris Eilber and son. of Zurich, were visiting relatives in the village on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Wein, of Dash- wood, were visiting the for tuer's fath- er Mr. Lewis Wein on Sunday last. Mr. Frank Bassow, of Zurich paid the village a flying visit on Sunday. Dr. Orme and Miss Abbott, of Cen- tralia, were the guests of Miss Buelah Beever on Sunday. Mise Effinger. of Pigeon, Mich., visi- ted friends and relatives in the village the past week. Mr. M. Kestle was the guest of Mr, T. Trevethick on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Truemner, of Dash- wood, were the guests of Mrs. J. Fink- beiner. Mr. John Roesler entertained a num ber of friends from the village on We are pleased to state that the old stand occupied by R. Walker will be occupied by Mr. Stock, of Tavistock. Mr. Stock has had conbiderabe exper- ience in the butcher line, and we be- speak for him a iarge trade. W e Welcome him to our village. Mr. W. Kerr reports a very pleasant time at Brantford. where he attended the convention of the Maccabees. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Heist were visit ing in Zurich Sunday last.. A tramp doctor has been making bis rounds and has accomplished some wonderful cures. The timber is on the grounds for the new sheds to be built on the Evan- gelical chutch grounds, The commit- tee has decided to build the sheds 140 feet long and 50 feet wide. The side wails are to be of cement 9 feet high and the roof corrigated roofing. When finished it will cost in the vi- cinity of $1,200 and will be without ttltltib4 one Of the finest church sheds In the country. The many friends of Miss Lydia Swartz are sorry to hear that she is confined to her bed. Miss Colvin returned to the village oa Friday last and is again in charge • For Settlers I WESTERNONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached write rot -tree eo$lea of SETTLERS' GUIDE a gars of train l�a�ue- train service for settlers travelling with stock and effects to the North west tMa live o and April. with passenger and freight rates. WESTERN CANADA Up•todat.des- cription of the west and western conditions. 80 pages of information invaluable to setUens, Costal maps and statistics. TIME TABLES apasengerdouble tra n servicdaily s ).o Wlnufpeg and Calgary. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Toronto daily. Comfortable, rooms berths at moderate rates. bully equipped with bedding cooking range and every con- venience. Bertha should be reserved (through nearest C.P.R. Agent) at least two weeks before departure. Writs to -day for free books and anything you want to know about the west and how to reach it. Address C. B. FOSTER, Dist... Pass. Agt., C.Y.R., Tomato of Zwicker's millinery department. Rev. E. 11. Bean and J. H. Holtz- mrn were in i)ashwnod Tuesday at- tending a Meeting to arrange a pro- gram for the annual Y P. A. The busiest man in town -Dr. McCue Mre. Link returned on Friday last from the millinery openings in Toron• to and will again conduct Mr. Brown's millinery department. CitA.MIT etINIL TA. Be1rs the A1he Lind You glare Always 8oiig1lt iligiutnre of Dashwood she will use in teaching her pupils. I'or Catarrh. let me send you free jurst to prove its merit, a Trial Box of 1)r. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow w bite, creamy, healing antiseptic Latin that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address Lr. ,Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50c. Sold by W. S. Dew- ey. —4,— W — ,— W INCUR LSE A A meeting of the ,patrons of the \1'inchelsea Creamery teas held 011 the Oth of March. Mr. dtobt. Taylor was elected chairman for the meet- ing. A financial report by the audi- tors, Mr. Joshua Johns and LMr. S. J. Pym, was read .by Mr. Johns •ttld approves" by the meeting. The .101 - loving is a summary of the report— Total cream 475,163 lbs., Total fat 118,456 lbs.. Total butter 138,707 lbs., Total money received $3040$.14, (fe- tal money paid patrons $25373.49. Addresses were given by till: pro- prietor \V. J. Medd, Mr. George) 1I. Darr, chief Instructor for ,Western Ontario, and Mr. John 11. Soott, pro- prietor of the Exeter Creamery. Each speaker took up different litres of the dairy industry. 'The,ad- dresses were profitable and :were much appreciated by the patrons. - t — FOIL OVER SIXTY YEARS AN ULD AND %S 16L1.•114tX1• ItIMMIIDY.-11116 Winslow'a Boothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers tor mete children ile teething. witir perfexit suCCees It soothes the child, outlaws the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic. and is the best remedy Or pain, Itis pleasant to the taste. Bold 1 by druggisut In every part of the world. 7e cants a bottle. Its value is ncatculable, Be cure and take Mre Winslow's Boothine Byrupand ask for no other Mud. Guarantd under the Food and Ie.c Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. Serial Number 1098. CROM A RTY • Rev. 'titrti►t occupied the tnulpit in ' the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday last. Mr. Thomas Miller who has spent the winter at his house here, leaves Mr. Jonas Hartleib sold his driver Tuesday for Regina. to Mr. B Pilkey tor the sum of $150. Miss Rennie, of New hamburg vi11 Id. S. Hey was confined to hie sed a address the Ladies of the Women's few days ago with the grip. Foreign Missionary Society on I'ri- bliss S. Nadiger has -returned home day afternoon next. from Toronto where she hasteen at- • Mr. John McWraith, of .l)urham. tending the millinery openings. Miss visited friends in the village and the Nadiger has secured a position in surrounding neighborhood, last week Acton. Miss Davis, who has taught school Mrs. David Betschen spent a few for the past year leaves at Easter, days last week in Parkhill visiting having handed in her resignation. Mrs. John Hoffman who is on the sick Mrs. George Wilson is at present visiting freinds in Seaforth. The members of the LitaCIa Choir gave a surprise party at the home of Mr. Sandy Miller on friday eve_ of last tveek, and presented him and his sister with a handsome present, us a token of respect, prior to leav- ing theechurch, and their departure from the neighborhood. list. Mr. Richard Becker is wearing a smile this week—its a girl. Miss Ida Brill of Zurich is spending a few days in Dashwood. Mr. Silas Adams is confined to his bed with the grip. Mr. Henry Brenner of Zurich is moving his family to Dashwood and is moving into Mr. friends house. Mr. Peter Brenner is moving this week into Mr. Henry Treumner house The News—No Lure drug cough 8 ill work for Mr. Treumner in the summer. Cure laws would be needed, if all Mr. Smith of Sehringville, and Miav • cough cures were like Dr. Shoop's Nicholson and Miss Best. of Zurich cough cure is -and has been for 20 visited at Mr. Jonas Hartleihs on Sun- years. The national low now re- day1 yuires that if any poisons enter into last. a cough mixture, it must b(1 print - r. Ezra Bender spent last Sunday ed on the label or package. For this visiting Henry Neighand of the 14th. reason mothers, and others, should Mr. hnuia Walper jr, left last Mon -insist on (laving 7)r. Shoop's cough day for Caviler N. D. cure. No poison -marks on Dr. F'ARRQUHAR ) "HINOt-STAYS" MAKS DILLON TWIGS AS STRONG Short, stiff. hard, stew) wire stays [nuke a"hinge-like'• Dint at every lateral wire on the trillion fence. These "Hinge -stays" give our fence a greater degree of elasticity -enable it to withstand greater strain. The)* act like, aid really are. binges -make our fence swing or spring back M shape o after `soring a1C►Y) blow, orie unusual pressure caused by a furious bull orother animal endeavoring to push his way through to freedom. Catalogue tells More about this -twice as strong•'fouos. The Owen Sowed Wire fame Co.. Limited, Owell $.e.d, Ont. tar mss. Shoop's labels—and none in the med- icine, else it must by law be on the label. And it's not only safe, but 1t is said to be by those who know; it hest a truly remarkable coo Jre n- edy. 'Fake no chance, particularly with your children. Insist on hav- ing 1)r. Shoop's cough cure. Com- pare carefully the Dr. Shoop pack- age t% its others and see. No poison (narks there! You call always be r D . . sidedemanding r the safe . 1 by da. l a on d6 Shoop's cough cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by W. S• Howey. ELIMVILLE A number of the members of the Eliutville Lodge C. O. 1'. F. had :11 twood bee at tho 11011n'e of Mr. W w. Ford ono day last week. Mr. ford has been in poor health during the Winter and enough wood ,teas cut to last hint a year. 'LltI1 jrz 'd r. and Mrs. 1l\\'. C.1I1t vson, of the O ���c11th eon, Ir•tt on'Tuesday ef lastst ` week for North Dakota, where they . intend to visit for a tirno and if the 'W. NEIL AGENT A SET OF' C TLERY FREE TO BEER 13UVERB Our 1907 Catalogue will tell you how to get, Absolutely Frei, a beautiful Carving Set of SHEFFIELD STEEL, with Celluloid Handles and Sterling Silver Mounts, enclosed in a handsome plush and silk lined case. The outside be- ing covered with leatherette. Our handsome Catalogue and )+nitre Hook is richly illustrated and is free to everyone who asks for it and contain♦ details of other special offers, etc., also gives full details of new and standard .tric:ics of Seeds, Irani.' anti Huns. Writ. to -day. DARCH Et HUNTER SEED CO.,Lhnited LONDON, Canada. country suits thein they may decide to remain there (.ernlanc'ntly. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of 3lr. and 31rs. Chas. Shoemaker, Goshen line north. on Wednesday, March 8111, when )heir daughter, 31iss Sadie, was united in marriage to James McClinchey, of Stanley township. 31r. N. M. Catltin. the founder of St. Joseph, is a resident of that city no inure. He has dispone(t of his fur• niter. and with his %vile and family left 1x31 week for Motttrt':tl, where till.). will reside in future, on Sunday. March 3rd. the death took place of Mrs. Catherine Koch, ens at the advanced agc of 93 years and 8 utonths, 'The deceased Sill- s fend no pain and passed peacefully •'t• away. the infirmities of old age be- ing the ctus0 of her iiviatb. )ler husband, J011i1 1'. Kochens, prede- ceased her about t%'e'nty scare ago. Although well up in the nineties she %c,ss :able (0 be up and around until some time before her depth. Three sous, Walentine and Fr:tnk of this village. and John of North Dakota, survive her. The funeral was held on Wednesday for,itt, n, interment takim; ',lac.' in 1lie Catholic rcntt'- tory-. 31r. and hits. Daniel Bennett left last week for Ilanted,•n. N. 1), where tlr•v will %i+it for mono time. "I'reventics" t ittt promptly check a cold or tit.. Grippe when taken at the sneeze stage. 1'reventics cure seated colds as well. I'reventies aro little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, \\'is, will gladly nt.til you samples and a book on Colds free, if you will write hits. The samples prove their merit. Chee% early reeds ', ith I'reventics and stop pneumonia. Sold in 5c. and 25c. boxes by W. S. llowey. i:is:�•� A� YOUR x �.,1:t�i:./1i1. E .► ACRE t l4tb Ivtr7 STEPHEN COUNCIL if possible to obviate the necessity of rebuilding the said bridges and to see if one third of the cost of the contemplated work can be oollected from the Ontario Gov- ernment under By-law No. 580. Mr. Hawkins, the Reeve of the Township of Lisburne ,rtes ()resent and addressed the council avith re- gard to soave outstanding ex;endi- ture on the N. 11. in 1904-u. By-law No. 5 of 1900. regulaliig Tavern and shop licenses was te- pealed atilt the new act of 1906 takes its place. The following accounts were paid: C. Chapman, binding rolls and carriage charges, $1.75; M. !slake, rep. bridge Div. 4. $17.50; W. Davis, for stone and right of way, re Turner's bridge. $10.00; Jas. Isaao far right of way. do, $5.00; ,Ghee. McRoberts, bal. on gravel acc. $7.74; M. Culbert removing plank, ,$1.00. The council adjourned to -aneet again on Monday, April 1st, 1907, at 10 a. m. • W. 1). STANLEY, Clerk. MANY CHILDREN SICK. Get their feet wet, catch cold or cramps, and give mothers an :utx- ious time. With the first shiver or sneeze rub the lifts' ones chest with Nervilinc, gargIe the throat, and give ten drops in hot water at bed-' time. Next morning all is well. No cold, no time lost at schcsol. If 1'0l - son's Nerviline isn't in your hone )get it there at Once. 1k:tiers sell it in large 25e. bottles. CENTRALIA A. 1). llergott, our new bhtck.- smith announces that in future he will charge 25e. for a new sh(x, cash, or 30 cents if the work is ch:u•_ed. Mr. R. J. l'ollock intends leaving Friday for Saskatchewan. bliss 1.0011:1 \Wils011. of London, spent Saturday and Sunday at her borne here. bliss Dinah Wood, who .has been visiting the Misses Wilson for the past few weeks returned to )ser home in London last ,week. 111 r. Cecil Simpson, of Lucas. was the guest of his sister,, :\lily Evelyn Simpson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Neil, of near Lucas, visited at Mr. James• Handford's on Sunday. ' Miss Vesta Essery, who has been visiting friends here for the past two months. left for her hone in Chicago on Wednesday. Miss Maud Porter, of ,London, vis- ited at Mr. Rolsert iWlson's on Sun- iday, Miss Alla Hicks, %vim has been on the sick list for the past eek, we are pleased to learn is improving. The Council of the Tow !)ship of Stephen, convened at the, 'Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday. Ntarelf rtth. 1907, at 1 p• in. All atomisers were present. The minutes of flu plev- Lo119 meeting theta lead anu adopted. \W lief 11-4 'ebb—"That the '1'1015 urer's Bonds as filed with tlr•• c;erk 1s' :accepted"—Carried. s tide es- lie ll"rutann — •'That cl'a k is hereby instructed to a'nd a circu- lar letter to all th•3 supporters of S. S. No. 1 informing the resI.'etive ratepayers that a l.etitiott has .been filed with the Council asking that 5. S. No. 1 be divided into two tee. Hotta; and that the application and requests of the said 1•elitiouers will ire considered by this Council at the Town Hall Crediton, oil .April 1st, 1907, at 2 p. w. at which time aull place all parties interested will be !tea rd."—Ca rMed. \\'uertllJ\'ebb — "That Ezra 'l'io- ulau's application to build 't slaugit- ter house, on lest J Con. L. 1t. W., be granted, provided that the .same is placed 75 yards front the l'ublic Highway, and 200 yards .from any dwelling."—Carried. \Webb -V ucrth — .'That the resig- nations of William Anderson ABA William Yearley as members of the Township Board of Health be a ccep-. .ted."—Carried. Resolved that the Board •of health for 1907 he composed of the follows iug members—Stephen Webb, Fred- erick Wuerth and W. 1). Sanders. Resolved that the comununicatiot of Thos. S. Clark, re -drain be filed. Also that the pathntasters, pound - keepers and fcno;-viewers ab -a ap- pointed at the April meeting. The following orders wore passer) Sun Insurance Co., Insurance of Town hall, $11.50; Jlrown • Bros. .Treasurer's book and express $.a5; Municipal World rolls and supplies $17.36; 'Ep-Treasurer, Tp. benefit to Mud Creek Drain 8109.19: zfp. treas- urer, McGillivray's portion to M. C. Drain $7.39; Treasurer of Ontario Mud Creek Drain Debenture No. 1 $1373.37; John Smith, wood .$14.10; Henry Doyle, Auditing $10.00; John lirokenshire Auditing $10.00; George Hepburn, repairing culvert $1.50; F.d llrokettshire, Inspector, re -Schroe- der, hoard of Health $9.75. Tt1111111Uouncil adjourned , tea )meet again in the 'Town Ball, Crediton, on Monday, april 1st. 1907. IIENRY F.ILIIEII. Tp. -Clerk, GOOD CORN SHELLER FOR 25c. A marvel of efficacy and prompt- ness, a remedy that does cure corns and warts. Its name is 1'utnam's Corn Extractor. Contains no acids, never pains, gives lasting tatisfacs. Hon. Insist on "1'utnaw's" only. it's lite best. J3IDD1'LI'1l COUNCIL The council met on March 4th 1907 persuant to adjournment, the Reeve and all the members being present. Mr. A. Gulls-, contractor sl: the Eliwville drain asked permission to remove the superstructure of the two most Northern bridges over the River Sauble on Cotoessiots 4 and 51 to enable him to use his steam dredge in the river to complete the outlet for said drain. Permission was granted on condition that he furnishes the council with It good and sufficient bond to indemnify the corporation for any dautagv that might he done to the bridges or the travelling public while the road is impassible, or otherwise ; and to re- place t he bridges in as good order Pa they are itt at present. The Clerk was instructed to re- quest the Twp. and the County En- gineers to meet the Council t the above bridges, with a view of clutug- ,iug the course of the river Ito as CATARRH To prove tine nestlonahlr. and beyond any doeb/ that Catarrh of the n•,ae and Throat can beOared. I am famishingtetlt•tus through dmgylsts, [1m�11 free Trial ik,res of i'r. tOt p's Catarrh Ido this 1,0(11use 1 sun so ts•rttttn, that Dr. Shoo 11 ssearrh cure will bring a,tuel substantial yy.. Nothit g ccrhtiaie. est, convincing as a pbysltal testof any article of Neal. genuine merit. Buttliall article relict possess flint merit, else the tot will condemn. rather than adyanm 11. llr, Shoop's Catarrh (lin• is la snow white, lisaling sertseesta balm, put up In beautiful nt:knl mess) glass at 50c. Seca !totalling alto its as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, ate., un+ Incorporate' into a velvet)•, ertetn like I'• trolatnro, lmp,rted by Dr. Shoop from Europe. if (htarrlt of the none and throat has,xt.lded to the stomach. then by all moans also frnt•mally, Dr. Shoop's EastoraUve, Stomach disuse+, is lnes+ I ark ntof 1lttosapp. bloating. belching. surely call tar fir Shts,ifs )t,.t(7irt'tive. For unompllcvt d catarrh only of the noseand Throat nothing ekes, however. need bu used bat r. Shoop's atarrh Curos. Costs a little more at the start but saves in the long run, because vastly su- perior 1'1 construction -- exterior and interior --a piano that lasts. That's what people say of the HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANO 1'lade to \'c Olde Finite of llolntztuan fit ('u., Limited) And the people speak knowingly and wisely. ass S. MARTIN & SON WIIALE';N In the death of Lydia iluxtable, relict of the lute Daniel Jones on the 7th., another old antler itas gone to her last reward. The de- ceased was born in Devonshire, Eng. in 1826. She and her husband came to Canada in 1852 and settled on the farm where they both died. She was a member of the English Church, and leaves to mount their loss one son, Richard. on the old. homestead and 'Mrs. John dt. Ogden The deceased was in her Slst year and was beld itt the highest esteem. The funeral took place ion Sunday, interment being in tho Kirkton cern, etery, and although tito roads were in bad shape, there iw•as 11'1lnrgo turnout to follow her to her last resting place. 1T ACTUALLY DESTROYS THE CAUSE That's why Catarrh is invariably cured by inhaling "Catarrhozone." The healing t6 •lI or al reads to every part of the breathing •organs. Germs infecting the tissues of the nose, throat and lungs are killed. Nothing is left to case inflaunma-, tion. Spots that are sore are healed. Discharge is cleated away and ca- tarrh blCO[Ps something ofthe ► est Use "Ca(1rrhozoue" and your recov- ery is guaranteed. Two sizes, e5c. and $1.00 at all dealers. 8. S. NO. 1, STEPHEN The following is the report of S. S. No. 1, Stephen for the month of February. Senior Department —C1. V., Willie `situs, Wilfred Hodgins, Frank :Mitchell. Enos Windsor, Gladys Esseey, Czar Wilson. Sr. V, Gifford llogarth, Margery Hepburn, Joseph \White, Newt JlcCurdy and !',ddie Sims (l•itual) Hazel Hicks, Ar- chie Robinson, Mervin Elston. Aus- tin 1)uplan, hillier Robinson,. 'Dors don Wilson, Murray Elliott. Jr. IV. John Itogarth, Mazw•ell Baynham, iva Essery, Malvait Callfast, kir. IiI, Flossie Davey, Edna Davey, Massie Anderson. Ilarry \Windsor, Ella Baker, Roy Call fas, sloe Davis, Norman hear):ut, Earle U►Ilfas, 1111- ix,rt White.. Junior ieittt1men t — .1 r. III 1'. I'airhall, Anthony \White, ,Alva !!rooks. Sr. I1.,Stella Neil. :Victor Itogarth, Morvau C:allfas, • Othello Motz. Jr. Ii,—Mamie Beaman, Ma- bel Elliott, Hubert Neil, Ethel Bowe Sf 00pIS 011110 C00o11100 NO1111 WOSI HOMESTEAD HEfiPLATION$, ANY e.en numbered section of Dominion lands in uaniloba, 'asI*th09 an ani Altsrni, exeeptiet( t mei le, not reserved, may he hrnnestea,le.l to- any yany per+,o wbo is the head of a Limn) *or any nixie ort IN )e•n of age, to the extent of one quarter section of itis acres, more or less. Entry must be maie personally at the lural land office for the district i11 which the land is situate. The hnme.:tea(1er ft ratuind 101a•rlorm the eon• ditions lc -inflected 1hen•%Its under ane of the 1 Mow- ing plans: - (11 At feast six mono( residence upon and tniti- rati.! o1 the land in each year for three years. (2) 1f the father for mntlice i1 the fatly` is de• (ease.1) of the homest,ader resider upon a fans ill the vicinity of tee land enteral for, the regiuremenr. ee le resider, e may lie .ati+fled b) .n. -h Immo residing with the father or mother. I:(t If the settler has his I,ermanent residers,• twee farming land owned 1,y hint in the st,inity of his homestead, the requirements as to residence may be satisfied I.) residence upon the Kai•) Laos. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Commtesioi,t e1 Dominion lands at tquwa of it:trnt;on to apply for latent, w'. W. CYIRY, •Deputy of the.Ministcr of the interior. R.-('nanthnrind pn' dleation of this alt ertist• meet will not be pall for. 8 al SalL.0_, r�Of JAPAN BLEND GREEN T We did not by the cheap tea \1'e did not buy it because it not good. We bought it and paid the same price as any other mer- chant and we wish to give a bargain. It is good and we know it. Try it and you will know it. Regular 25c tea for 19c; 3oc for 24e. We also have a carload of Cedar posts coming in next week. COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea flamina aroid Roofing4 I have just received a largo shipment of Paroid Roofing, and as the time is drawing near when you \vi11 want roofing work done, I would advise you to call and select what you will want. Have which I and get on hand a number of mitts and gloves, am selling at wholesale prices. Coale in a pair. All kinds of tinware on hand. W. Moore Kirkton. THE WALL PAPER SEASON IS HERE Lit us advise you about the interior de.oration of your ham). We stet tt t Ali - fled by experience taste and training to assist in securing the best results. Our stock is most complete and stylish. Better consult us. We will hang the paper for you B. W. F. B[fiVLRS Farquhar Ont. den. Pt. II.—Irene McCurdy, Oliver Davis, Eddie Alexander. I't, I.—Sr. Carrie Davey, Arthur Robinson,, 1 l- ymor Wilson. Pt. I.—Jr.11arry El- ston. Best spellers—E. Ilowden and A. White. b1IS'S MABEL SPARKS, Teacher. S. S. No. 2, USBORNE Tho following is the report of the examination held in 8. O. No. 2 Us - borne during the past • aveek—V.— Almer Stewart 98, Foster Bray Willie Kay 63. Sr. IV—WI11Ie 1Moali teith115, Annie Allison 112. Flame Passmore 81, Bert Brown 86. Jr. Ethel punkin 126, Garnet Pasamo 123 May Darch 104. Sr. UL—Mery Snell 130, Teressa Coward ]14 e J III,—Annie Turnbull 90, Charles at lison 83, Coursey Brown 80, Viol/ Ilunkin 79, Willie Jeffrey S0, Mau ton Ilodgert 63. Jr. III, No. C—J� Allison 147, Joanna Monteith Sr. Ii—Jessie Hedger 75, LleVeabe. land Stewart 71. tJESSIE: A. HAMILTON, 'Tea:hare Can Consumption be Cured? There is plenty of indisputable evidence to prove that Consumption has been cured even after the symptoms were well defined and the lungs actually involved. On the other hand, there has always been a point beyond which the disease has been considered incur- able. eur- able. Until a comparatively recent date this point had a place at a very early stage of the malady, but modern scientific discovery and common-sense methods of treatment have gradually moved the hopeless point further and further back, until now the Consumptive is not "given up" until the very last stage of the disease is reached. Nothing in recent years has done so much to im- prove the chances of Consumptives as the advent of In fact, it is claimed that, with plenty of fresh air, sun- light and comfortable surroundings, FERROL has pushed the hopeless point to the limit, that is to say, where these fail the chances of cure are very slim indeed. FERROL docs not kill the germs of Consumption (anything that will do that will kill the patient), but FERROL du. the work by repairing the waste tissue, enriching tie blood, toning the nerves, in Apo rt, by building up the whole system and thus enablini* nature to expel the disease. The only possible chance of curing Consurnon is by proper nutrition, and FERROI. is the Only perfecptit nutrient, because it combines in palatable and easily digested form the very essentials of lif—Gil, Iron and Phosphorus. We feel some diflence in claiming that FERROL will cure Consumption, Icst we be misunderstood, but. we have not the slightest hesitation in stating that it Is an infallible cure for BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC COUGHS, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, CIIRONiC Rf1EUMATISMs • NEURALGIA, NERVOUS EXHAUSTION, SCROFULA and all wasting diseases. For restoring lost weight and building up the run. down system FERROL Is absolutely without aa opals W. S. COLE Druggist, Exeter, Ontario