HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-03-14, Page 1vela HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT . . THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR -No 1747 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 14th 1907, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Now Is The Time FOR THE NEW WEARABLES 1 1 Spring is about here. It is time to spruce un and be ready for it. We are all prepared for the spring "Rush." Our stock is complete. All the new Dress Goods, Silks. Whitewenr, White Waists, Ladies Coats and Skirts, Prints and Mueline. It will be a pleasure to show you our large selection. if - PNEW SPRING COATS Our new Coate have arrived and are now open for inspec- • tion. They are the latest creation of fashion, made from the • newest cloths. Light Grey Tweed, plain and theck. Box coats • '.6 inches long, trimmed with Green cloth and blue Velvet collars • and cuffe. Also black, same style with silk braid trimmings. 2 The box coats are very catchy and will be popular.. Fawn ♦ • and Grey Covert Cloth 22 inches long, tight fitting with strapped seams. These are very neat fitters and will look very natty. Every coatis tailor made. OUR NEW SKIRTS Are better than ever and will just suit YOU to perfection. We have one to please every Lady. The styles are most becoming and the materials used in making them aee the newest dress fabrics of Black and Blue Panama Cloth, Venetian Cloth and Merges, also nice Greve of different patterna and checks. Do not forget to see them and have us keep one foryou. DO YOU WANT ONE OF Our Beautiful White Waists? We haye the nicest lot of White Waists ever shown in Exeter. Made of Lawn, Organdie, Book, Swiss and Mull Muslims and trimmed with Em- broidery and Lace Insertions in the latest designs. Also a full assortment of ,Silk Waists in different colors. Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • 1 1 • • • 4+++++4+4+++4-++++++++++++++++++4444+++4++4++++44++++ _ +4•4•44+++++++++++1•+++ %••i ÷-:+4444441•4•44•1444-1•1-14-1-14++++ T. HAWKINS & SON lit: Y ;r �, 111.11 WIRE Arrived on Monday one carload of CLEVELAND Wire. Now is the tune for you to get it home b, - fore the sleighing is gone. SEEDS .s. t Call and examine our TIMOTHY and CLOVER Seed'. 11 TINSM1'T'H1NG Having secured the services of a first-class man we are still able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tin- a- smith Work on the ehorteet notice. ,. T. HAWKINS & SON 4):: Hardware and Seed Merchant : :t: 3; 4 +++++++++-:--:--:--1-1---,:-H--:-.44++++++++++++++4-44 4-1-14+++++4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++•1- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sprin,gTerm IstIBegins During January and February, the Clinton Business College had twenty-five times se many calls for Mtenr,graphers, Telegraphers, Bookkeepers. and College Teachers as we have gnrdnates to send. Attendance is always smallest during April. May and June, con- sequently each student gets more individual attention, This is the best term of the year for the student. Learn of the enccees of our graduates by writing for a handeom catalogue of the Best Actual Business School In Ontario. The "backward" or "rush" feel at bome with as, as each stu:t- er. is raduacterl at his own desk by a painstaking, time.sympathetic teach- er. CASTOR ' A r. Graduates guaranteed sitnatione. inter any time. ' Larry Spends an Even- ing With Curlers. Iver since John Muir returned from Scotland, he hex bane afthcr tcllin' me that cur-rlin' w•uz a Scotch game, un ivory watt hex to wear tommy slanters whin playin' or be ruled off fer violatin' ,rule number twinty sivin, which sez nothin' but Scotch bonnits and kilts ez to 1st worn. Ez th' weather in Canady ez too oowld to wear twthire but Meeks an' yer bare legs the wur-rd kilts hez biane eliminated from th' rules. however instead iv It bein' a Scothcb game I found its votaries are found among all classes iv th' com• munity 'sept th' inhabitants iv the place beyant th' sea they call Divon• shire an' th' rason they're after givin as to th' unpopularity iv th' game among th' latther people, is that sauce in th' days iv long ngo, they aided th' cies by n liberal potation iv Divonshir-re creme an' sorra th' wail iv tit' contestants, hut- 8:1W stars in th' middle of the day. Their discindints carried their pre- judices an' obiections down to th' fifth and sixth ginerations ,which immigrated to Americy 60 years ago. an' though they forgot inanity mis- takes, they river forgot th' tradi- tion iv their progenators an' to this day they have nothin' to (lo wid th' deciptive intoicemiuts iv th' treach- erous oiee. It wuz not till two decent Citi= zens iv Exeter wint to Ilinsall an' borried four or foive net iv shtones that were brung out iv th' ark, an' which thesis gintlmin had not th' face to return, that tit' grand ould game wuz inshtalled in New bivon. As minny av yez may not know what cur -din is. I may be nfther tcllin' sez that a Atone about the size nn' shape iv a tay kittle, wid- out th' shpout th' cur-rlers, thim- sllves supply this defect) is thruno down th' oice, ,whin n gintlentin down beyant gives a lovin' invita- tion to dome to tay, an' to be Willow though fer that matther 1 niver a5v th' refrishmints. Thin :thither gintlemin walks up an' occupies the place iv honor an' he sex, sez he, "I want yea to break nn egg on th' face iv th' granite. I'm afther thinkin' hez instructions must be disregar-rded, ez T nicer sow anny Iv th shells about. But ,wheat th' breakin' of th' egg has to do with th' game is a mystery to me, though subsequent divilopmints 'htruck wan wid th' significance iv th' ord- ther. Then 'George Anderson, Will hez tommy s)tanter an' a rooster feath- er shtiekin' on th' wrong eoide steps up an sez, "I ;want auard," but begorry I could see no 1Rnfringemint iv th' pace an' no rasun why .he should call for protixion from th' polacc. Then Scotty called nut "could sez foind th' face iv that wid an out, just ez though they traded n lookin' glass, an be up up sez he. Up an out sea I iv course only co- gitatin'. Afther a long pause anither player, who by th' way is a coups thryman iv me own, an' proud I am to own him, an' .he's alive nt th' cur-rlin rink whin he isn't dispensin' justice at so much per dispense, an' he thruno hez shtone, whin I thought th' ragions below had broke out, ahweep, shwcep, what house- claners thirn cur -eters would stake though their manner iv work wuz hardly orthodox. T diddent go down to Ree, but if Pete Bowden t d(tt f• (.eget to chute up r ' ut th' mornin' he must hey had hez dirt put in furrows a fute dape fer hint. George Anderson wuz nftlier tellin' me that they call the shtone "site's" because they requite considerable coaxin', an' thin go tl' opperite way. Then anither placer shteps up nn' takes howld iv th' handle iv hex sitton,' nn' th' gintlemin beyant sex „Draw that pourt wid nn inn." 1 not let this opporchunity pass int., ividout cnntntentie' on tit' selfishness iv th' players. They had nit "inn" some place on th' premiscs.1 ut river en invitation did 1 raoave to anther, hotvver 1 dismissed th' evil thoughts fer me attention Was dr'ttvn to the Harry Huston wuz waitin' to clave off lit' flure iv th' oioe wid Iltez broom, whin sotue wan calls out "draw this port, an' then fill th' ruts, an' then lay in port." An most utystcrious iv all wuz "just git over th' hog, we'll shtvape yez up. 1 did - dent ask annybody. but I concluded th' hog wuz a fictitious annimal used in th initiation, an' W11 21 to th' cur-rlers what th' goat ez to th' Free Masons. 1 wuz bewildered be- yant measure intoirely. Now me prejoodice ez pretty sbtrong aginst anny game not claim•' in' th' Imerald aisle for its flirty home, but 1 intend to bury me• pre- joodices an' git into th' game if I'm aloivo to see another winther, nu' ez th' boys hez had harrud luck this The IIuron Indians have received from the Standard Silverware Com. patty thin trophy for the gun shoot on Good Friday. It is a large lov- ing cup. silver plated, nvith ebony handles and ebony 'Pedestal. the whole being twenty inches high. On ono side is inscribed the follow-/ ing. "Donated by the Standard Sil- ver Company, for ,Amateur Blue Rock Championship of \Vesterrt On- tario, to bo competed for annually at the tournament oT the dluron In- diana, of Exeter, until won by the same competitor for throe consecu- tive years, w•lren the trophy becomes his personal property." On the re- verse side is a place for the names of those who are successful in win- ning it each year. The cup is beau - season, we're goin' to thry nn' land 1 tifulie limed. with gold plate. The th cup at th' bun-spiller, whatever !cost of it is estimated at about $50 that is, which the boys are talkin' and the successful winner evill have of havin' whin th' new rink is corn- a trophy second to none in Canada. plated forninst th mill. '1 tinder-. The cup will be on exhibition in one shtand th' council iv Exeter is will- of 8. Fitton's windows along with in, to give thin three or four thou4 other prizes offered for the differ - sand dollars, just to shtart th' in- ent events. terpr Oise an' a few iv th' ,(n,hlie A special meeting of the school spiritcvl cur -eters will subscribe lib- board w,13 called on Monday even, eraliy [er tit balance. ing at the request of Mr. Tebbutt, Th' cur eters are cz foinc a lookin' teacher in the Public school depirt4 an' decent a set iv boys ez are, to mont, against whom some tteeusai be found in th' community, an . 1 tions were made, and several par -i wish tbim success nn' Prosperity, ants whose children had refused to Scotch or ,to Scotch, hog or no !tog. attend school on account of alleged -T-- ill treatment by the teacher. The meeting was not open to the public . and only the board, tt couple of EGGS FOR IIATCIIING --Thorough- closing and a few parents over bred white wyandott eggs for sale. p't1( fort' over two lthours,556u`lcarried Apply to S. Powell. closing an agreement was reaciiied before Several young lads of the town which was satisfactory to both who were acting in u bolstcrou t sides and the matter wart allowed to manner on the streets to nday night drop. 1t had itc�n circulated around have been summoned to appear be'. town that Mr. Tebbutt had made an fore the police justices on Saturday uncalled for remark during ono df mote to the classes in his room on.Wednes-' The teams of the Manson Camp day of last week. This lir. Tebbutt troll Co., of Chatham, are in town emphatically denied. As it would are this week with their celebrated fan- uecessar y to Hing mills, incubators, brooders and take tilt this mlatter ther end 1d nee- fling and are making a specialty oscitate the calling of all the pup_, of a kitchen cabinet. Get an illus its of the room before -the boded, it (rated circular about the cabinet wan thought best in the interests of Mr. Aldridge at the I(lomtnercial ]Io- the school to accept 'lir. Tebbute 44 tel. Exeter. •denial and allow that ,matter to The council have decided to offer drop. a reward of $25 for the npprchei+P s be aion and conviction of the party or A man's wife should nitva parties, who on Monday night show the same especially to her huebao , ed themselves to be despicable. tort- but if she Is soak and nervous, and temptible and low lived ignoramuses used Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot by throwing eggs at the home of be, for they make her "[eel like a Dir. Fleming. A stiff fine wotf7d be different person," so they all say a good lesson- and their husbands say so too. Mr. Thomas Cameron intends holding sales in Exeter the first SALE REGISTER Friday of every month, and it will Thursday, March 2l, 1907. Clear• be necessary for parties wishing to ing sale of Farm Stock, Implements have stock entered at three sales to and 1[ousahold Furniture one .half leave a list of them nt the (Fin mile south of St. Joseph at office or with Mr. Cameron at Far- quhar I ane quhar during the first two weeks of the month so that they can be properly advertised. On Tuesday evening at the Ep- 5vorth League meeting of the James Street church, a debate was held, "Resolved that the West is prefer- ttble to the East." The affirmative side was taken by Messrs. W. S, Cole end S. M. Sanders and the negative by Dr. Roulston and E. 1(uswell. The decision was in favor of the East. Both sides handled their mub- lects well. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford. Woodland Farre, 4th Con. Ps - borne was the scene of a very pret- ty and interesting %vending on Wed. Afar. 13, when their eldest daugh- ter Agnes \Vinnifred was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Thos. Brook Usborne. The ceremony was Performed nt five o'clock by •,the Hey. 'tr. Fair, of Elintville, in the presence of about seventy five in- vited • vited guests. The bride, who wee gives away by her father was hand- somely gowned in grey milk trintnt. ed with embroidered chiffon and ruching. The duties of ring bearer were performed by little Irene, sis- ter of the bride, .who looker) very whitesilk trimmed with dainty in tit t { , val insertion and lace. Mendel- snolin's wedding instep w',18 played by Miss 1\tlle Wood. Miss Blanche I Locals. o'clock sharp, 'David Gnringer, Pro- prietor ; Ed. Bossenherry, Auct. Monday, March 25th. 1907. Auc- tion sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture on Lot 11, Concession 2. Stephen, at on o'clock sharp, Jas. Walker. Prop.; Jas. Stanley, Artist. Thurs. Murch 28th. Auction sale of Farm Stook and Implements on W. 1-2 ,Lot 21, Concession I. Ste- phen, at one o'clock sharp. Joe. %iter, Prop.; $. llossenlrerry, Anet. A Wonderful Medicine ew NUTRiOLA THE FUIII'ITAIi*" LIPt: RESTORC TO AWN *AD WOMEN F M Y R THE VITALITY 0 1-U B Ot! UP P16 ALL DIE SLUGGISH BATTERIES OP Bit BODY, MAKING IT VIISRATt 1l$. CN C(fC- -TRIC MACHINE f Uil Ca LIf c Yt�UR. NEARLY ALL re W t 3 CF leer, VA:Il',N LIKE- Mt1T efForr TN$ .5Ut1 HUTPIOLA 't PRICE lid e -..r esecie Rooke sang "Beloved it is Morn''. The favor of the groom to the bride 11 as a handsome check and to the ring bearer a little tea11 ring. Mr. and girttlern(n beyant c:lllin' th' , Mrs. liro.li were the recipients of poor many beautiful and useful presents Player indaeint n:rnev, },,,t t h' on1y � 10 601 showed the high «steam lin wan that i could distinguish 5van I which they "'Pie "'Pieheld .Ly their many "hog, hog." 1 came to tie conclusion 1 t,' ,, that th' player had bane too free ttith th' "inn" are took not rally hex share but had drunk to th' heal(1 iv th' it her Players in polceu. Afther the three 111111 had thruno their .shlortes, 1 slitept up art' sex i "is th' game enneluded" sez 1 "No" sez be, "1 h' silkier; have tc play" T11' tthatt sez I. Th' shkipt sez he. %Veil begorry. hez sicca( altirnpt at allucidalinn wuz no bet• Cher nor th' first, an' not wishin' to show me ignorance, iv it Lich 01 hav a liberal supply, 1 derided to awn; rli t•ilopmints. 1 Ia vin' read I)icke,t' "Pick -Wick" papers I ixpicted t see a performance conlpar-d t hich th' ithr•r part iv Ib' npor wuz tame. Mit begorry 11hin tw• setter herd patriarchal look girt tlemin rnarehed ii i Iv horn 1 recog sized ez th' 111111 employed in th' cal lin' off beyant, ale ixpictation4 icer disillusioned t5 hill they dirt precise ly th' sante ez th' it11'rn did. Afther they thruno (heir slit owe T heard a felln55 call out two up a1 anit her tiro dot+'n. 1 c,anclurl',d would foind out from •wan iv rel (rinds, elm kttotts th' gam' art' as fer a dictionary iv 1h' ter 1719 belong in' to th' pias. 411. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. For Infants and Children. Geos Spotton - - - Princi eI1,TY Kind Yon Novo Always Beglit ; p �', , Bears the ++++4"I'++++++'+++4++++++++4 I +++++++++++++++++++++++i++ , Signature of i'.mlista) w;th p'ingAa n Ru.in(w ('olle;e) re authorized to replan' free of charge TION'r MONKEY WITN any pip(e of Silverware leaving thin THAT COt'(iiI terra that itt not. satittfnetory, Take Ifoa'ey's GBERRY GORDIflL Lsrge Bottles 254 ents. en)fbetF�te-t l_ W. S. i1OW EY DRUGGIST. EXETER :*" People who have tried it would not take $1000 for the benefit they have re- ceived from a dollar box. • -Ws different to anything you ever saw before, It touches the ri ;ht spot and t makes you feel well ALL 4 OVER . Six foxes for $•o 00, Post free 4 + + DiAMONDHALL. WATCHES, CLOCKS, RiNGS and SI LVERWARE WE LEAD in all the above lines. WHY i' Simply Iteeattee WO buy from the very heat firma in '7anada. SILVERWARE in all torr S11 VPRWARI' we a Diamonds always In Stock et very Low Prices. $1.00 per year in advance ROBERT E. PICKARD ExE�„"�,.� GENERAL SELLING AGENT FOR WESTERN RAILWAY LANDS During the past three years I ha v,' travelled over all of the wheat raising districts of the \Vest, and in that time have sold many thousands of acres of wheat lands. And on account of my connections with the great railway land companies. 1 have hall access to valuable information in advance of the public, and the ordinary agent, which has been of great advantage to me in making selections of lands with a view to their being near good railway facilities. Below 1 give a list of gilt edge propositions ail of which I have carefully selected. myself, having gone over each Parcel carefully, and all have been selectee with a view to the quality of the soil, nearness to town and shipping facilities, desirability of class of settlers in distriets in which the various lands are located. The nearness of sew - Ply of coal or wood for fuel, etc., etc., and all the Iandv given in list below are so situated that they will be quite near towns on two or more lines of competing railways, which fact will ensure a plentiful supply of cars for shipping grain, for It is a well known fact that all thea' r 115+•ays supply competing points with cars, while places where there itt only one line near, have to wait in(Sefinately. And the freight rate on wheat which would be raised on any of the undermentioned! lands would not exceed 10 cts. per bushel from shipping station to Fort William or Port Arthur, and in come cases the rate would be much less. This is a most important point. and before you purchase land it would be wise for you to ascertian what the freight rate would be from shipping point to Fort William, for the freight on your crop Inas to be paid every year, the land has to he paid for only once. If yon have any idea of purchasing Western lands it will be to your intereslt to see me at once. A number of Persons who lave purchased nand from me have more tftan doubled their money, and some of those who have cropped their land have paid for their land with two crops. All information regarding the various lands and locations che('rftlly given. No. 1. -Half section beautiful land being heavy black loam on clay subsoil, and situated only one and half miles from station and eleva- tors in thriving town on new branch C. 1'. R. The above section is within easy distance of a government timber reserve, and is a very desirable property. Prioe $16.00 per acre, scot) per acre cash, balance arranged to suit purchaser with interest at 6 lier eent. per annum. No. 2 -Quarter Section of fine land of A. 1. quality, heavy black loam on clay subsoil. This place only two miles from good town with elevators, stores, blacksmith shops etc. and is a strap :it the price, $15 per acre, $IMO per acre cash. balance arranged to shit purchaser with interest at 6 per cent. per antrum. No. 3.-IIalf section of splendid land, heavy black loam on clay rude nod, enol ttplendidly suited for railuhay privileges, being only one mile from good town on branch of C. P. R, with elevators and all other conveniences, and a great buy at $17.00 per acre, $4.00 per sere down, balance arranged to suit purchaser with intreest at 0 per cent per annum. No. 4-1hree quarter section only three utiles from splendid then on C. P. It. This is a splendid farm for mixed farming, good soil and some splendid grass sloughs. A great investment at $14.00 per acrd, $3 per acre cash, ,balance, to suit .purchaser. No. 5. -Whole section of excellent land. fine soil, heavy black loam on clay subsoil, and being only two miles front a thriving towel on C. I'. R. Elevators, stores, churches, and all other con5•eni•'ncea right at your door. A splendid investment for you at $11.00 per ;;c re. $4.00 per acre cash, balance to .be arranged. No. 6. -Whole section of splendid land, laud heavy black In un. and clay subsoil. This is a most desirable property being situate,( just Otto mile from a good town with elevators, stores, etc. sae. Ttliv is ,t most desirable property and at $17.00 per acre, is 0 sure bareiin. $1.50 per acre cash, balance to suit purchaser. No. 7. -Three-quarter section of beautiful land being situ,tI d only three miles from a splendid town on new branch C. 1'. il.. The soil is of splendid quality, and there is stoney in it at $15.00 per .ere, :;1.00 per acre cash, balance to suit purchaser. No. 8. -Half section splendid land, heavy rich loans on clay subsoil. This is a lovely half section, and tt cold make a grand farm. Trico $16.00 per acre, quarter cash, balance arranged. 0. -Whole N o. section of good 1a only three , miles front new town on branch C. P. It., Elevators and all other (•enr(•;,iencu+. If you want a good investtnettt, this is a money maker 'It s1 1.10 per acro, $3.50 cash per acre, balance arranged. No. 10. -Whole section of good land only four miles from thriving town on new railway. All oonveni,'nces such as elevators, 'tore:', etc., etc. Excellent buying at $1 1.00 (ser acre, $3.50 per acre cash, balance arranged. No. 11.-\Vhole section of good land. Some fines her sloughs on this section. A splendid' farm for mixed farming, and (treat buying at $1.1.00 per acre, $3.00 per acre cash, balancer arranged to suit Purchaser. No. l2. -\\'hole °action of spl''ndirl la,l(1, railway entity j11Nt across corner, on section adjoining tonin site. L,es'y (ittn :, 1,1)10 to draw your wheat ; grand soil ; splendid section of the c try. A bargain sure et $15.00 ler acre: $LOU per acre cash, b:,lance arrang('d to suit Purchaser, No. 1: 1. -Whole section, ;ganef 'oil, only ane mile from town site on 0. 1', R. A fine section of laud ant spl' n,lid b -,sing at ?15110 per acre, $4.00 ler core cash, balance to suitpurchasers No, 14. -Whole section good roil, some good hay sloughs, and some useful lands on this ,:eetion. Splendid for mixed farts ing. Only three stiles from new town on C. I', 11. Price only $10.00 per Here, quarter cash, balance to suit purchaser. No. l5. -Half section of beautiful land, on:y too niil^& from gond town. Thls Is n splendid half section in 9 rery (I,'airabh' location. and at the pile • is n genuin'. bargain. I'ric, 417.00 neer acre, $4.00 Per acre rtottn balance to suit purchaser. No. I6. -Whole section beintifill land lilac;:' loam on clay .abseil. Only six miles from market now, and another line building at present Which iv111 put this section much nearer a new (owl', po+t-offic.' anti school on adjoining section. A great investment it *16.00 Per ver.', quarter cashe balance to be arranged. A Special Snap for immediate Sale Half section of beautiful land splenetidlt• lncnted, nee link of rail5rny budding to immediate vicinity. itriltt.ty Is,ndy of in- ferior qualityqualityin to+vnelti;i in 5thich thi• h'lil section ie situ - ed cannot lepurchased for less than $1 7.110 per nen'. Wehave a (silo, on this half section of $12.'i0 per acre. I'nrtiaulars to be arranged. Several good men wanted to work on \'Vi',,tern ruin". gond Wa11'4 and full season's work ROBT. E. PICKARD, Mdr6hdod.ATOFICEGeneralfl.R:(:l'a•:N Ont r+