Exeter Times, 1907-03-07, Page 84 +++++ ++++++ STE WA SPRING GOODS ale corning in daily, stocks will soon be complete Our imported Dress Goods are here, kre you interested in what's new ? We will be leased to show you fashion's latest creations. "White and Black" checks and overbars are certainly the new- est effect m the trade. Greys will be shown in new pastel effects. Blues, Greens and Reds are all going to be worn, but if you want to be down to the minute in style buy the new White and Black check or bar effect. Age the yard for new Black 'd and White check dream goods, c'ean and clear cut ef- re-et, our own importing, the value is great, 1.15 The yard for 54•inch I3tsck and White check rJ,-c a goods the new double U,>g Tooth effect. A very Se ell Line. 85c the yard for a lovely white and blank check Dress goods, soft clean stock new medium. check. 1.35 bhaelcvcnd whit echeck dress Roods, pure clean stock with a perfect square clear check. It's Lovely. New Linoleumns are all in. We believe yards wide Linoleume ans that have the sgeverbeen est put n sale in ltxeter. New Floral effects. new Carpet patterns, new block and tile from the makers effects. e1 n the Old Land IThe values tuns come arre thebestwe have ever offered. Come and See. Whig About wR1L PIPERS ? Our new stock is all in and teady for yourapproval. The t intiugs are very fine. We would like to show YOU through. Our 5c and IOc pa- pers are winners, borders for these lines are sante price per roll as Papers. Yeo, we can care you money on your wall papers. 2 51 E L S F+ T x '1.1 $it B. MARCH 7tb 1907 Market Report. -The following is tho report of Exeter markets, cor- reeted up to March 7tb. Wheat, 70 to 71 cents a buahel. + Oats, 36 to 37 cents per bushel. Peas. 75 to 77 cents per bushel. Harley. 44 to 46 casts we bribes. Shorts. 820 per ton. Flour. 12.10 pe cwt. Bran. $20 a ton. .:1- Hay. $10. and $1I a ton. Feel !'lour. $1.20 to $1.25 per ewt, Beans. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed, $8 to $9 per buahel. Butter, 22;. pv. pound. Potatoes, 70c. to 110e. per bag. Dried Apples, Ge. per pound. Eggs, 20c. a dozen. Hoes, dressed, 88.50 per cwt. Boas, livewei;ht, $8.50 per cwt, Cull, $7 a ton. Lar a onione. 60o o bushel. 4. •N•.•NN•+NN••+•+NN+ 1 LOCALS 1 + 108 PIeCe lo`Ibe gel Some very swell new Din- ',1•` o. ner sets -each set 108 pied- •F semi -porcelain china, gold- -1- traced and striped, swell new + shapes. Ask to see the new Woodland Sets. Oantilly Ros- es and Greece Hamilton these '!' i• are the prettiest sets we have ever shown. i4- We Sell Groceries Cheap, all the Time +4 A. -STEWAR'r ~ 1 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++44+++++++-1- +++++++++++++++++.H+++++++ A+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++•1•++.++++++++•1•+++++++++++++++++£f++++++++++++++++ \ DIAMOND \ HALL WATCHES, CLOCKS, RINGS and S ILVERWARE WE LEAD in all the above Knee. WHY ? Simply because we buy from the very beet firms in Canada. SILVERWARE In all bur SILVERWARE we are Authorized to replace free of charge any piece of Silverware leaving this store that is not satisfactory. Diamonds always In Stock at very ' Low Prices. R. Mdr6Hdn, DO YOU WEAR CLOTHE IMM MAKES THEM You can get both SUITED and OV- ERCOATED, in the Latest Style of cut and Material at TAMAN'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM Mr. Frank Taylor intends leaving this week for Edmonton. The Lord's Day Act came into cf- on the first of this month. FOR SALE -Barred Rock eggs for incubation. ,t L. C. FLEMING. Mr. R. T. Johns, of Point Edward, visited friends in town a few days during the past week. Mr. William Ileaman, of London. was the guest of his son W. .1. Beaman over Sunday. Misses Ella eo;dMrdcl e Madeleine Bertrand. Link ae guests of Mrs. W. Kuntz this week. Drs. A. 11. Kinsman and 1G. 1F. ttended e ;Dental convention al who al Toronto,tltreturned home last week. James n at- urday for London, where c erehc willk left on vis- it for some time prior to leaving for the Northwest. Miss Jean Welker, of .Exeter North, who has been attending the school of elocution art the London Conservatory. last week.awes eweeeae+. ful in pots/tint; her examinations. It was a toss up on the first of t his month as to whether the lion or the lamb opening of the monte beat of the h. but on the 2nd the lion showed its Aupremncy. The day was blustery. lit-. Kinsmen has moved into his new offices over (Heldman and Stan- bure's last' offices. The rooms are "pec' It• suited for his ti•ork, and ll Dr. •ntaloff offices in9NVrstern Ontarioe best t� "lr. W. J. Beaman line just re- ceived n freed stock of Campbell's Varnish Stains. These Stains are easy to apply and are very use- ful for staining and varnishing fur- niture, floors and interior woo& worl:. Metter ask for color card. The supper 1 and entertainment given the children of the Caren 'resbyterian • Church last Friday welting was ancree9(ul. The Hey enjoyed the littlere- Hem for theca. n d,dthehcprogrgn eam elicit followed was highly nppreci- Itev. Fear trill conduct the ser- ies nt Ailsa Craig next tiunday• e•t•. itaker of Ailsa Craig µ•i11 certt'y time pulpit of the Main street Church tinting the day. On Sunday fter next, Rev. Millyard, n. former star hero, is expected ;Ind will eke charge of the services. Mr. Richard Welsh this .week. osrd of his residence and property Jlaitr street, oppc►site the Main rent �iethndlst church to Mr. T. nndford• Mr. 1Velsh has purchased ir. llandford's farm on c London ad south, and will take possession moon as the present lease expire.. K I e 0 P I Al a Iv it 0 .t 11, t, P 01t II ro A9 DON'. MONKEY WITH THAT COUGH Take Honey's CHERRY GORDMMI Large Bottle. 25 gots. •••••••• .••••••• Mr. Joseph Davis spent a few of last week in London. Mr. Shirley llobier is the relieving agent at the Hyde Park station. Mr. Garfield Shcere returned to his home in Brantford on Saturday last. Miss Macfarland, of J'ort Elgin. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mar- chand. Mr. Luther Penbale has taken n position %t•ith Harvey pros. at the Flour mill. Mrs. Geo. Hawkins, who visited her sister at the Whitby College has returned home. Miss Edna Dow entertained n number of her young friends last Tuesday evening. Miss Emma Hall, of London. visi- ed her mother, Mrs. Hall. on Sat- urday and Sundry. e Mrs. Thos. Elliot returned home last Thursday from a visit with friends at Marlette, Mich. Mrs. Geo. Rook last week perches cd the house of Mrs. Charles l'er -gins on William street. Miss Ann Taylor, of the Nort End, is confined to the house wit a slight attack of pneumonia. Capt. and Mrs. Willoughby an son. of Windsor are the guests •o Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindenfieid. Miss Vine Fisher entertained number of her young friends at th home of her mother Monday night Mr. James Sanders of • s.ondott spent Saturday and Sunday with his father Samuel Sanders, of Huron Street. Mr. Chas. Cann is snaking prepara- tions for the removal of hie family to the northwest in n couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cruikshank arrived in town Monday night and have taken up their residence on William Street. Garfield Sheers left Saturday for Brantford, where he will resume his position with the Verity noteworks ns a moulder. h f n e • Mr. Win. Tapp resumed his duties ns hostler at the Central on Mona day after being laid up several weeks through illness. Sandy Ilawden last Thursday un- derwent an operation for enlarged 'veins in one of his limbs. Ile is con- fined to the house in oonse:lucnce. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cardno of Dar-, lingford, Man. who have spent the winter with relatives in Seafortb, were the guests of Mrs. John Muir last week. Miss Olive Quaver. has accepted a position as head trimmer in the millinery department of a Napanee store and will leave Its soon as the Aeasott opens. Mr. Ernie Davis, of Exeter North, who has been working in Harvey Bros. mill for some time, left for London Tuesday night. Ile has been engaged to work in a sash and door factory. We would direct the attention of our readers to the iiew advertise, ment of the Clinton ltusincss Col- lege, which is recognized to be one of the most progressive, neodern netual Business Schools in the pro- vince. I desire to announce to the public that I have tnoved my dental offices from The McDonnell block to the suite of rooms over !!Madman & Stanbury's lay offices, second door south of Stewart's store. -Ur, A. 1t, Kinsman. The Epworth League of the Main street church plensantly entertained the League of the James %street church Monday evening. The topic of the evening was taken by Rev. Going and was very 'interesting. Mies May Snell gave a very pleasing solo. After the order of butimeot was finished the ladies served a light supper. ++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ 1 11101ff Al + Probably you havent had any trouble for several months, but you may have now. Cool nights and snappy morn- ings may bring unpleasant re- minders of a delicate throat. if you grew hoarse without ,p any a parant reason, if an ugly little hack arises, you need HOWEV'.c SYRUP OF WHITE PING At once It soothes and Best of all it pi -este these severe spasms of coughing which are so likely to produce soreness of the lungs. Price a$ Cents W.S.Howcu, Phm.B. Chemist and Optician, ++++++11-14+44+++++++ +++++++ 5 Buy Your Cottons and Linens Here p where you get V Quality New Stock of Pillow Cottons, Sheetings and Table Linens estTIIE OLD RELIABLE Unbleached Pillow Cotton 40 inches wide 124c. Bleached Pillow Cotton 42 and 44 inches wide. fine quality. Price lfk• Circular Pillow Cotton 42. 44, 46 inches wide, full • bleached, fine quality Price 20c. Plain Bleached Sheeting 72 inches wide, fine even thread ,... .. , .. Price 35c. Twilled Bleached Sheeting 72 inches wide. nicest quality we have ever shown Price 35c. Bleached Table Lin en 68 inches wide. The finest and beat quality we have ever shown Price 75c and $1.00 a yd. Twilled Unbleached Sheeting 72 inches wide, heavy weight, worth 30c. a yard Price 25e. Plain Unbleached Sheeting 72 inches wide, beautiful make. con- sidered big value at 25c Towels Big value at 10 cls. Big value at 124 eta Big value nt 18 cls. Bis vain.+ at 2i5 cts. Bleached Towels The best that's made .......... 50c. Unbleached Table Linen Heavy table linen 60 in. wide for every day wear. This is the quality you should buy Price 50c SNELL !c ROWE Snow on the heel of her shoe. ekes caused Mrs. Kennedy. who m her homo with Mr. and Mrs. Ant drew Gibson to fall, Last Sunday, on the linoleum on the floor, causing a fracture of the left limb just above the ankle. Mr. V. E. hackney .will this week move into the residence he recently Purchased from Mr. George Mantle Mr. Hackney has been for some an extensive purchaser of horses, and has had many successful sales Ile will continue buying horses and will always have a number on hand at bit stables in Exeter. Mr. Hack- neyofEtwiasllterbe. welcomed as a resident The annual tournament of the "Huron Indians," the Exeter Gun Club will bo held in Exeter on Good Friday, March 20th, and the mem i bers aro using the utmost endeavors to make this the best shooting event is Western Ontario. The program. for the day's events bac been issued and letters from a number of shooters of prominence signifyi their intention to bo present, h been received. The shooting commence at 0 o'clock, a. m., the tournament is open to mate only. however experts are welt to shoot for targets. Tho refer decision will be final. Two sets traps will bo used and lunch will served on the grounds . ng ave will and REASONS wily Cole's Bk1oO PowOcr is The Best. Because -It contains no alum phos- phates or adulterants, Because -It is uniform in strength and thus never fails to give pleasing results. Ilecause-It is a Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder wholesome and nutritious. Because -It makes the lightest whit- est and most delicious tea biscuits and cakes producing results that cannot be ob- tained by using any other powder. 00Ce lo Use NHS Ill favor are �5 Cents a Pound. Ask ome en's for Sample. of be The Exeter Gun Club is in rece of several letters congratulat therm on the attractive progr gotten out for the Good Fri Shoot. One of them is from the pont Smokeless Powder Co., and says :-"Wc aro in receipt of y 1907 annual program. and we w to congratulate you on the neat and attractive appearance and excellent taste in the arrangement. We aro sure you are justly proud of your printers' good work Tbis program should induce a largo gathering of sharpshooters, and we trust you µ'ill have weather conditions per- feet." The program was printed by the Times job department. Mr. orest 1t. Conover, one of Can- da's beat professional shooters has written that he will be present for his event. The many friends here were as- onished and deeply grieved at tho ews of the death of Mrs. John yens of Maple Lodge, Last Sunday arch 3rd. The deceased watts Miss enter) .Jones formerly of this place. k seemed to be its apparently good ealth up to about ten days a6e, hen she was taken sick with def ' were cold, which immediately de - eloped into pneumonia. Medical d and careful nursing overcame etningly, for a short time, the dim - Me, And on Sunday morning sho erred to feel that litre would soon ipt ing am day I 1)u - it our ish 1 a t t n 0 M J It a sl V( n! se OA se be able to get up, but a hemorrhag took place, when death came and he spirit had gone to God, who gave it She was converted eariy in 1if and continued a faithful me/nbe of the Methodist Church. Shee twn a good wife and learemmother d nicnt+re.s of loving herufi( upon her family, who will revere her memory. She, was married el- even years Ago and in stir vived by her husband and five little children, also three brothers and a loving mother to mourn . sympathy is felt herefor t her moth- er, Mrs. E. Jones. NTED-3 young men, to learn good.'. Imminent; or with some ex- ience prefertrd. !lest wngcs to ht men. MARAB, 134 Dundas St. Off Market Lane. RM HAND 1VANTED-A good t class man wanted to Bork on term, either for the summer or r. i'rotestnnt preferred. Good 05. Apply at Times Office. Olt SALT,, -_Great Bargain, that k store on Alain street, North of , n hall, Exeter, occupied by sere Barris Co. Address .1.1 k insole 429 Pell Mall street.! don, Ont. e take this opportunity of king our many customers for liberal patronage and support ng the last five years and that re prepared to supply any new omern who twist, milk. Our mot-' urc milk and regular deliv--y. LORIS DXY, Milkman. TED -A good girl for general ework, or n young girl about n to nssiat wijlt homework. tnmily. No washing. Good s and iermanent place to suit - person. Apply personally or by r to Mrs. J. J. Callaghan, 613 ington street, London, or at a Ofti.c. ----Prepared by -- W. S. Cole, Ph m. B. Prescription Druggist. EXETER, UNT. FARM LABOURERS AND DOM- ESTICS. i I have been appointed by the Dem - inion Government to pineo Jamie grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm labourers and dom- oatie servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring suLh help should notify me by letter stating fully the i kind of help required, when wantel i and wave offered. The numbers irrivin+, .cats not be euffieient to I supply all requests but every effort Will be made 4o provide oast► applb. cant with the help required. DONALD M.INNIS Canadian Govornme,nt Employment Arent, Exeter, Ont. GRAND TRUNK SYiSEM ONE WAY SECOND CLASS COLO- NIST BATES TO San Francisco and Los Angeles $42.80; Mexico City $f1.0; Ogden and Salt Lake, iJtah. Helena land Butte. Mont. $39.35; Nelson, 11. C., and Spokkeu►, Wash., $39.85 Vic- toria, Vancouver and New Westmin.• , ster, II. C., $42.35. Rates to other points in propor- e i tion. Tickets on wale daily from ✓ + Match 1st to April 30th. • ? For full information ns to rates and routes. call on i J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent J. D. McDONALD, District Passenger Agent, 1 •,,roots IR1CKB' FORECASTS A Reactionary Storm Period falls ,centrally on the 0th, 10th. and lith. ; We have often explained that an :metal crisis 111 magnetic and elec- t March itlth,reembrneingcfour or five days before and after that central pay. reset tlnmonthrnlmiis second nntestlonl period t1ti I and marked perturbations in the earth end atmosphere will show themselves on and nhout this date. Perth currents, nnrorel lights, es• pecially far to viciouselectrical storms northward, tormsbit the south are among the things natur- ally to h,- expected. Mardi bliz- zards in the northwest, covering the northern side of the country and eastward to the Atlantic are prob- able. WA dry per rig FA firs e yea rung brio Tow Matt 1'a r Lon W than their duel we a eluAt to, p WAN hone fiftee small µage able tette Well Time THR TIMES AND WR[RKLY GLOBI ANI) CA NA I)A FA R. MBR, $1.35. S I WAS SAVING those Silk Waists at Carling Bros. are the best we have ever seen for the price. It's the universal verdict. Every one who canudge Value can see them sticking nut of out stock in all directions. We can't subdue them. They Hy up and hit your hand where you least expect it. We know the Power of Prices and take advantage of it in marking our goods. Ladies Silk Waists in the latest and newest styles. 'mbroideried Linen and Law,n waist ends, lovely goods. A very choice line of Elbow Gloves in black and white Silk, Lace and Lisle thread Ladies Fancy Vestings in white and colored Fancy Ging- hams and Muslins. We have never shown a nicer assortment in Vals, Torchon Laces and Embroideries than we are show- ing at the present. Gents' Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Fanny Pautings in plain and stripe. Gents' Hats, Piccadilly Brand, Thoroughbred Caps the latest out. Gents' Shirts in plain stripes Fancy Fronts also the Coat Shirt. Highest Price paid for Produce. CARLINC BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canarin Head Office, Toronto. RANDOLPH rIACDONALD, President A. A. ALLAN, Vice:President D. M. STEWART, General Manager Capital Subscribed $3,998,000 Capital fully paid 4,000;000 Reserve Fund 1,255,300 Assets over 25,000,000 General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly. cReoiroN, DISHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN k STANBURy, Solicitor Sffltiilflc FHruJuirB_o? SII Grades Spring is Coming. Now is the time to make your sel- ection, Remember this is the place to get a nice job of upholst- ering done. Jas. Beverley Furniture Dealer. Undertaker. NO --L. I Corn! Tr wn -AT- xeter and Centralia like the present to [Hake our Warehouses acquaintance. Will exchange for other We are showing an cxcdl- d grain lent assortment of CXCiusive if desired. fabrics, that are well worth your attention. Our clothes are cut "right" ! Exeter, Richard Seldon Centralia and Clandeboye and tailored right and our prices will fit your purse, as well as our clothes fit you. Ws JOHNS Merchant Tailor A Hew Die aloes for Baking Harveys' Star Flour 1. -He sure that the flour it warm before mixing. If thoroughly warmed twenty-four hours before mixing it will make better bread. 2 -Set the sponge very thin with good yenst or if yeast etkes are used be sure they arc fresh. 3.. -When ready to knead ndd as little flour as possible only a suffi- cient quantity to prevent sticking to the board when thoroughly kneaded. 4. -Let it rise in A pan then knead in small loaves and let it rise again. Hake In a moderately heated oven and do not let it stand ill oven aft,or it is done. 5. -We recommend n short system during the cold weather as it is dif- ficult to Prot^et the sponge from changes of temperature end drafty The choirest Ontario all( !Manitoba Wheat, in ream) proportion, iv us,.( in the manufacture of Heir flour t It is sharper and stronger than most brands of Family nom - and and never fails to produce good re.} sults wile►' used under proper eon. ditions. IOffice. Maim Street. Bat« Flour, Feed ti66ru� genre Everything kept for the housewife hi the line of Groceries We have SIX different kinds of Flour to choose from Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Ail orders left at the Store or at the Timed Office will receive prompt at- tention. ----�---. Agent for the Huron Weather Insur- ance Company . 8.11ardy&Son ERNEST ELLiOT Conveyancer Accounts C PIec N Mr,\Fy to to..► at fewest vomit .vest Lands to. sale, .I