HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-03-07, Page 7-110000000000000000000111011
Once three little maids bat round the
'nursery fire %ronin!! for nurse and their
bah, whits tho daylight was fading,
•ond the shadows wire creeping over the
Ono child was u 'cry, very small
fh.ng, with a so ind rosy fnco and big
-dimples; i ,
, I,r.
the second was a sic h, ► ,
f b
and as Ili n es lite oilier was fat, and
bile slnrtd ut the fire with grave deep
) es, beelug slrunge pictures in the red
ashes; w Rile the eldest, a timid -looking
girl, enol Ito' with longing.
"Tell us n tale \laud," she said, "one
4f those toles you ece In the Bret"
"Yeth, a big figthi:g tale!" echoed the
taby g rl, and Mot:d, still gazing into
the glowing nshes, and holding up n
trail tote-linis r, began in,a solemn
tone very el.wly-.
"1 see a Fear, a great, great bear, who
eat, all little children --"
She stepped, for Jessie. the elder,
gave a cry of ftig'it, and Baby Edith
'Not fat 'idle gaps 'ike me?"
Maud frowned, and shook the little
Oprighl finger, as els. leant towards the
"1 see -!we }ears! They come with a
'rush, and a spring -they leap up -they
open their mouths-"
So did Je,sio and Edith, with such s
tscre•am that rul•se tore into the room,
pop! el down a can of 'water, and
-snatched up the baby girl, and glared
at Maud.
fit,ca,� oltricks,
miss alelling
tales as'd curdle the very blood o' me,
much IC SS Ilio' babi y, an' your nervous
sister! I'll tell your pa, 1 will!"
Maud sighed, and pushed back her
long fair hair. "But i sew the bears,
tiuise, an' daddy loves my toles. Ile
calls me his 'l.11'ry girl,' an' t tell them
to him on Sunday, %Olen 1 sit on his
knee, an' curl his eyebrows."
Nurse sniffed.
'Oh, er couree, your pa's a t!t'ry gen-
tleman, but all l co.1 say is for nil the
tiresome scaring children, you're the
Tears shone in Maid's eyes.
"You told ale I said sweet things yes-
terday, nurse, when I preached m our
Sunday pulpit on the cushion on the
"An' bless the child, you didt There,
there, I sposo one o' these days you'll
to sendin' tales to the. papers, an' pleas-
ing an' scaring all the little folks as
read 'gin!"
And little Maud, turning her face to
the fire, said, "Oh, 1 do hope so!"
And now, after many years, little
folks say she dyes.
1t wag a wet afternoon, but little
cared the children for that, for Tom
had just made up a mist beautiful new
Ile caller' it "playing at tailor."
Ton was the tailor; he took off his
coat, end put on n pair of grannie's old
spectacles, which had no glass in them,
and n' rsa lent hire her pleasuring tape,
and then Toin was ready for his cus-
Jack came up, dressed in an old coat
and hat of father's, bite' were touch
too big for him, but That did not sig-
"Good -morning, sir," snid Tom the
tailor, very po'ilcly. "Whitt can I show
you to -day? Our new winter patterns
have just arrived.
"Please to rneraure me for a new
great -coat," saki Jack; "and melee it
bis+; the last on' was rather tighl,"
"Yes, s:r-certainly, sir," said Tom the
Niter. "Allow me, sir, lo pass the tape
round your _ssaist. Kindly raise your
nrrn n tt!tle Hunl! hum! T ven-
ty-six-teen:yseven inches," he said,
looking at the numbers on the tope.
"Nes, site you are quite two inches
bleeder round the waist than you were
lest year.
"Does not Tom do tailor well?" said
Lucy, with n bread smile on her fnce,
etc she sat nt the table and watched
Tom the tailor, a big pair of scissors
remaining open in her hand. That Is
lust the way Ile real foliar went cn
the clay father ordered his new waler-
"Mla.ter Tom keeps his cars and eyes
open.' said nurse as she reached up to
feed the canary with a hump of sugar.
"1 cannot help laughing niyeelf at the
way he Iat'es oft people."
"I'nilor! Tailor!' new called mit Lily.
who was turning nut the old toy chest,
"can von make a new suit for my po .r
Highlander doll? pie has loot bis kilt
and looks sn cold and miserable!"
"K:I1. madam? Yee, ma lam;" said
)'om quickly, limning to his new cua-
11oiner, "We have a largo :dock r f
Wiens. and shall 1 e nide to give am-
ts(' lien. I feel sur'."
Then the ten -bell rang. and Tom the
hirer hastily port on his cont, and hot;
took off his till hat and cellar, and
seen both the !niter and his customers
nitre busy over tea and bread-and-butter.
- --,1,
When a Unmet is "All In" 1t Adopts an
AIM rite o1 Desotion.
Thrilgh n camel Is supposed to have
t'a•ri«1 Mohammed in four leaps from
9erusitlepl to \teem, seven mik's an hour
Is the latter day Carnet's limit. It rem -
not main'ain this .rate for over Iwo
hours either.
Rs usual speed Is five miles an hour
--a slow pace beyond which 11 Ls elan -
genius to urge 11, ns Asiatics say, 11
might break Its heart and die literally
M► or the spot.
When n camel Is pressed hevend this
speed. and is s; end, it kneels dawn, and
not all the wolves i•f Asia will make
it Nudge again., The camel remains
there it kneels. and where it knells it
dies. A fire under OS Rets: is useleitis.
iI► England. more. ihnn douhle ns hinny
deaths per nnl'ien of pt/pu:alion occrn
from accident as 111 Fraltee,
Pealtb and Strength Regained Through
Dr. WUUa,us Pink Pitts.
The after effects of la grippe are more
serious than the dise:, -e itself. Its vic-
tims are lett low spirted and depressed;
they are tortured with headuches 1111,1
backaches; fever and chills. It leaves
the sufferer an easy prey to bronchitis,
pneumonia, rheumatism and often that
most dreaded of all diseases, consump-
tion. For the after effects of la grippe
(here Is at -olutely no medicine can
evjuel lir. Williams' !'ink Piths. Every
do -e helps snake new, rich, red blood
that driven disease from the system.
mil makes scak despondent nen
women bright, cheerful and strong.
Miss Eugenie Dona!<son, of St. Jerome,
)re., found a cure through these pills
after other remedies had failed to help
her. Site says: 'I took la grippe and
slid net seem able to shake it off. It
developed into bronchitis; I coughed
day and night ond grew so weak that
i could hardly move ubout. 1 tried re-
n'edy after remedy, but as nnthing
seemed to help me 1 began to dread that
eottsumplion was developing and That
mg case was incurable. A friend urged
me to try Dr. Williams fink 1'ills and
following that adv:ce I got a supply.
For two months I took the pills faith-
fully, following the directions given ter
their use. 1 am thankful I did so for
they fully restored my strength and 1
have since enjoyed perfe<•t health. 1
will alw•ay,s advise sick and ailing peo-
ple to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a
trial for 1 firmly believe that they will
find great benefit from their use.."
Rich. red blood Is the one Thing need-
ed in maintain health and strength. Dr.
Williams' I'ink Pills actually snake rich,
ret blood. That is the rcnson of their
ever • country in the.
greatpopularity) y
wgeld. That is why the cure anaemia,
general wenliness, rheumatism, neural-
gia, inaig(siion, St. Vitus dance, parllnl
paralysis and tho ills of girlhood and
womanhood, with all its distressing
headaches, Wenches and backache::.
See that you get the genuine pills with
the hill name. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People" on the wrapper around
ench box. Sold by all medicine dealers
rr by mail at 50 cents n box or six
hoses for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Tremendous Growth of Tramway Traf-
fic in the United Kingdon!.
The remarkable growth of tramway
traffic in Great Britain is indicuted in
a return issued by the Board of Trade.
The following figures show the sx-
tent of the progress made since 1578:
1878. 1906.
Miles of roue .. 269 2,219
Passengers .. ,.146,000,000 2,236,000,000
Net receipts . , . £ 230,956 X 3,807,415
Capital expendi-
ture .. .. .. .. £ 230,956 £:8,177,8'12
The popularity of electric lractiun,
Loth overhead and conduit, may be
gauged from the fact that of the total
number of miles open only 216 are not
worked by eiectrcity.
Local authorities owning and work-
ing their tramway undertakings made
a net profit of £2,529,752 on last year's
:.t regard to the London ('aunty
Council tramways, the total length of
lin' omen to March 3Ist last year was
filly rniles on the northern system ond
flay th:er mites on the southern sys-
tem. The number of passengers car-
t ted was 185,524,649.
The minder of miles run by all the
tramway cars In the Kingdom was
Every dny we get letters from mothers
telling of the benefit Baby's Own Tab-
lets have been to their little ones. Some
proise thele for constipation, stomach
and bowel troubles; others for break-
ing up colds and simple fevers; some
a- a great help to teething babies, while
others go so far as to say that the Tab-
letji have saved their little one's life.
We have thousands of letters -all
praising the Tablets. for they never do
harm - always good. Mrs. Robert
Plerce, Bell's Rapids, Ont., writes: ''1
would not 1e without Baby's Own Tale
lets in the house for a day. When
nnylliing nils my little one 1 give her
a Tablet and she Ls soon alright. 1
nm sure other withers will find them
quite ns satisfaelery." Sold by drug-
gists or by mail at 25 cents n box,
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Atrocities are But Slightly Ameliorated
Sutee t'i.il of the Inquiry
The London Chronicle publishes an
Interview with Mr. J. W. Black, a mis-
sioliary Captain 011 one of tho mission-
ary steamers that ply on the Cengo.
Mr. Clack is at present lying ill in n
London hospital.itaCons,IInns in the
he says, are but little nu,dior-
nted since lila 1'isil of King L(•opold's
1 inquiry commission. '1'1k' people are
ion theory tenants and ahees upon their
con lard, in 1 raclice miserable slaves
existing for the one purpose of rubber
gathering. Already they have leen
' more Than decimated by an uncontrol-
, le 1 depo!ism in the int, tests of private
plunder. All the land is the properly
of the State and its allied trusts, alt the
i 1 rodure of any economic value u1.eo be-
longs to the Sato and trusts.
Even food is still claimed as the pro-
! dirty of these corporations, the eery
fi.lt that swim in the rivers, and the
caesara grown in (heir
1'0.!1111• KEPT GARDENS.
1 This &Iso applies to the very animals
whielt roan] the forests, which, when
+(+ caueld, must also be brought to the
I while roan, s+° that riot only IS the pro -
I duce of the country the property of the
Slate, but also 111e very meate of sus•
tcnan ie. Consequently, in order to ob-
jInin 111:3 produce the State roust claim
!tie labor of the people, and in ord-r 10
twee t1 c Ih:nl
labor you have to- e .v
c ise-
the sante conditions that met King
Lcoevolti's conuuiesiou of inquiry. You
!,ate the Hostage pen, the chicotte and
the untied regular and irnegular soldi-
: eIy.
'l'hi; chicot:ing is a horrible sight.
1 Natives who fail to meet the large de -
mauls made on them for rubber are
1 thrown on the ground face downward
and widened with a hippopotamus -hide.
Jessie: "\\'hat did Jack mean when he
snid that Miss Olde told n beautiful
figure?" Alny : "Ile ons probably re-
facing to her bunking arcounl."
Ireland is the only European country
of which the population has been greatly
reduced during the past century.
"Yes," said Met young nun, pensive-
ly. "A dog f once had saved my life,"
"Tell me nbsut it." said the young Indy,
with eager interest. "I sold hint for
$t0," said the young mall, "when 1 was
nearly starving."
Too many people nsetime that they
have done their 'illy when they It'll you
%tial they think you ought to <k,.
''A1sienurm;' and "facetious" are the
only worts in English having the vowels
In their order.
la li about half an inch square. Two
men hold the victim by the feet, and
Iwo men at the head; the whipper
stands over and lashes the victim un-
lit the while roan thinks he has given
limn sufficient.
Py law it Is limited to h'enty--live
strokes, but if the culprit begins to
bled or faints the strokes roust cease.
In practice the tatter portion of the lute
is more often than not the limit to which
this flogging Is carried.
Mr. il'ack d -scribed what he called
a typical Congo scene:-
cene:"A few months ago we were just fin-
iebing our breakfast when w' saw our
torknmen running down to the river
Sank and calling out '01 Koi ' ('What
Is the matter?) \Ve learnt drat the na-
tive; were bringing in the ceerpse of en
cid chief who had been shot by the
"Thy had worked, every man of
Them, to satisfy the white Rin's de-
mand for glibber. This old chief, fear-
ing to go to the white plan himself (all
the chiefs fear the while rummer col -
teeters), had despnlched the rubber to
Ilan, as he thought con►pkte. ,The
whit, man. angry i el-ause the chief had
not 1 rought the rubber hi'uself. Imme-
diately sent his sentries with gums In
the old ehlel's vithige demnnding that
to should forthw lits bring in
and a considerable quantity of rods as
n fine fur not bringing the rubber per-
sonally. The solely rs went there, took
r 1
possession of the villap,�, ., demanded rill
sorts of things from the people, and
the upshot of it wile Ihnt they shot This
Ckl Hurn, who quickly bled to death.
'they also shot nnolher num in 111' Sales
of his feel, and lie died of hleod-pois-
oning n few days afterwards."
The matter was repi,rte 1 to the staff
officer 111 charge of Iha distrirl and to
the Governor-General, but nothing was
den.'. The white roan who imposed Iho
fine an 1 the sentries who shot the chief
are still unpunished.
NEW Tn r i 'r0 TRICK M fsl.H: tN'i.
Ivgeniour London T;ii,•tes %lake Good
Tho sham funeral part' is the very
latest dodge for defraud°ng EnglLsh
Hotel keepers. An undertuker's conch
dr:t%vs up ou'sl,te the house at a time
when only one barmaid is in duly, Two
r,:en, lit frock coals, silk hats, awl
black kid gloves, enter Iho saloon bar
and call for whiskies -and -sodas.
They are, of course, served. Mean-
while, two other men, posing as assist-
ants, en'or the cedillary, or "four ale,'
bar and ot•der snel less expensive -
feeshInent. Theotbarmaid lenves trrhe
seloon bar to attend to Ih it wants, an 1
when she reluriu finds that het' custo-
mers there have 'tudshed, with what•
ever money happens to bo in the till.
So. too, has the mourning coach.
Flurried are) t12ar.n.,d, site (lies hack
14, the "four t e'' bar, but that idea is
empty; and it then d'e'ns aeon Iver that
►hes been the to im of it c•leverly-
p,l •nnetj r abllcry. Several l.m•don hied
h.cprrs have been victimized in the;
nterincr during the last week or Ileo.
et one hon -e, in Da's'on; the thieves
g-•► away with a cashbox containing
'lite sham "busking' party is a varia-
tion of the seine trick. A couple . f
lruve'hng musicians play a time or two
outside the saloon bar, and Pen go
round to the "four ale" mar and call
for refreshments, saying that the "gov-
ernor" has sent Ihcm-'t not unusual
proceeding amongst hotel keepers Wi-
der the cireunl,tances.
As Is the custom, the barmaid pro -
crests to Verify their statement from
cite o
veruors own lips before Ser5
mg them.
She i3 gene perhaps n min-
ute, or even lets; but mer.nwhite her
11" has been cleared, and the men have
Women ni ltlidday no Lonjer Dare
Wear Their Jewelry.
The reign of terror al Marseilles,
France, continues, and the bands of
inn igans. who do not even stop at
murder. grew more during every day.
Women in the streets, even nt
.tay. no longer dare to wear jewelry.
During the heel for!night six attacks
nave been made upon women wearing
r;.rrn„ c.
\I. Belem'. n en'hier at a large firm
of 1:Innen. was surprised on 'Thursday
to .ee four men. armed with revolvers.
era•'t• his cane. Ile was gelling really
the wipe; of his men. and when pre nt-
h-mnted to give an alarm the Mulches
16reatencd to shoot hint dead. 11e \vas
tercet! 65 give Ih'10 the 0111(111111 of the
singes -al met 557.5.
M. Meetly'. nnnther rach!,'r, who .5•ns
'n 11:e habit of taking home unit hilts
'he day's prneeeds of his firma, was
51101 lend al the door of his house.
Numbers of young hoeligrns nrr per-
mitted to parade the street= armed
with revolvers and knives, with the
result that ciilzen-0 In self-defence are
. h, Ig01 111 evnik amend. mien in the
r:nnin s'ree's, nrmeil to the teeth. Shots
ern exchanged with n freed ern tint is
rominiseenl of nn old -lisle mining camp
in the Far \\rent.
The local press entirely iOnores the
mnlnrity of the (on ensres flint nreur
e!a!ly. end nothing le 1110 nature of n
r •111 ntritalinn has gel been rni-e,1.
(111 \Ve.lne-day night n man was shat
Jen," !len" the railway__
Every day brings interosl:ng instances
to light of the wonderful healing power
of %un►-Buk, the herbal balm. Mr. \Vin.
Snell, n Langonhurg, (Sask.), farmer,
says: "1 s.o•ed my arm by using '/.nor
Buk, 1 had a terrible scalding occident
and the aril eller the injury 'took the
wrong way.' When 1 started to use
Zuni-lluk it was all swollen up and
discolored, and 1 feared it would hnt•e
In cone off. in a few days %ant-Buk
killed the ;unseen. reduced the swelling,
and Itnadl' healed the arm completely.'
EC%EM % CURED. Mr. J. E. Cusick,
o: 319 Wilson St.. ilamilton, says: -
"Every winter 1 used to" have eezenln
en the hack of my hands. Last winter
1 was especially bad -so bad that I had
to lie off work for three weeks. While
suffering acutely I was advised to try
'tam -Butt and did so. 1 could not have
believe,1 anything could have healed so
q' ickly! 1t just seemed to dry up and
clear away the sores, and in a wonder•
fully shirt time my hands were guile
PILES CURED. Mr. Neill Devon, ref
\VebUwood (Ont.), says: -"Far eight
years 1 tried all kinds of things for
pile.;, but get nothing to do me any
gored until 1 struck 7anrlbuk! That
quirky worked a complete cure,"
Zait -Bute heels all skin diseases, cols
and bruises. eczema. sollp sores, ulcers,
chapped places, Spring pimples, scro-
fulous ailments, poisoned wounds, swol-
len glum's, boils. As an embrocation
it cures rheumatism. setalica, etc. All
druggists and stores sell at 500. n box,
ne from %nal-Buk Co., 'Toronto. 6 bnxes
for 82.50. Send lc. stamp tor dainty
trial box.
Bridget: "01 can't slay, rnn'am, on -
les ye gives nue more wages." Mrs.
1lirem Often : "\\'hal ! Why you don'1
know how to cook or do housework nt
all '" Bridget : "That's just it, ma'am,
an' not kiosvin' how, sure the work is
a'1 the harder fur int',, ma'am."
Do Your
Cough in
the Night ?
\\'hut mother's or lather's heart has
not leaped Mei their throat when they
have been sisidcnly awakened in the
night by that hard and prolonged, er
that smothering, eh k ng, croupy cough
that helokens the most serious results
unless relieved at once? \\'hut shall 1
is the first Ih"ught. and wi'hoilt In
effe•live aid reliable remedy al hand
the child ma y suffer or die beforeIe relief
cun bo given.
is a quick and absolutely safe, reliable
and cerliin cue f .r all forms of trough,
Cn d. sour T roar, I.ngrippe, Croup,
5 tioo,img Cool h, liro'±eh tis, Asthma
and ell titillated and intlailed conditions
Cl' the throat or chest. 1l will savo
every mother many u sleepless, anxi-
ous night, and the children ns well es
enells many an hours suffering and
1 hail Leen .,uttering for over two mooths with
en oh -ghost* c. ulh, u, h a.l rue, u,y ,itt o10.
we tried -crural eau:e.11u+ d .10 n'' 1 to any ,drug
It ere with .111 oht011113 any a pp.r.,out ro.ief, is
rut we wore itr•wtag worse. 1 g t :a batt a u(
r.It,f.wte h,pert "nut L••oor iny.lru,gi,t and in-
side .•f two d .y : the cough we, eu.e 1, and rho re.
.ults so perruau3ut ,,nd rapid that we decided to
Seep Cuadoute i;zpu.:torrut to our hone con•
kaual ly.-
(LA.B Sttloa, (Aiwa
No home should be without 11. It is
thereatest family dicine ter these
s r me
troubles the world has produced. Keep
tit on hand. II Ls a never -failing frilled.
t5c. at your dealer.
First Stranger :„ Exeuse Rte, slr. hilt
notice tint you are leeking 01 me closely.
i' there anything about me Ihal is
familiar?" Second Stranger : "Yes,
there is. My umbrella."
Mere leen Needed In the bloat of ;We, rut
down put it the... At all Terrains,"
' stores and Druggists.
"Mly 1 blt1 there Must be sometidie
nw•fuI the menet wig the ;liouse' said
the ehamberinai;i; "consumption. may.
hap." "Why do ye say that ?" drinand,st
the conk. "1 instil heard 1Ite doctor 14.11111'
her Ilu,t her lunge is 'normal.' Don't
that sound lurril,le e •
in ISO people died of the plague al
Coi;tan'inople at the rule of over 11,O60
u week. In all, 'SLOW perished.
iA Cure for Ilhruma'ism.--The intru-
ilon of uric acid Into the blood vessels
J 1, a flu t ul cause of rheumatic pains.
IR his irregularity is owing to a deranged
1 and unhealthy condition of the liver.
Anyone subject to this painful affection
will find a remedy in Perntelee's Vege-
table Pills. Their action upon the kid-
t,eys is pronounced and most beneficial.
an I by restoring healthy action, they
correct impurities in the blood.
Pains, Like the Poor. nee Alwwnvs
With l's. --That portion of man's life
which is not rondo tip of pleasure :s
largely colnp0.ccd of pain, and l0 14' free
from pain is n pleasrr'. Simple reme-
den are always the best in treating
bodily pain. n :1 o eats, sure nil simple
remedy is !':. -r".:'1rna;' Eclectric 1111.
Yon cannot do wr ,ng in giving it a
trial when Irtplired.�
"I ere that some lecturer says teat the
average women talks so cnrcle,ay that
it's dine -till 10 understand her." "1 wish
that lecturer could be iiroui•l when ray
wife spent::: her ening to me."
Famous humorist pas a Diff at Anteri-
can Weakness for ('ash and
'filo Coning Ameri,•an ?tonarchy" is
the Lite of Mark Twu.tl's reminiscences
:n the Nu►Ih Aulerieall Review. In them
II.' ; ents his huu:ur on the American's
well-known worshi , of titles and money.
"„union nature being what it is," he
say "I suppose we must expect to
dile► into tuonurchy bye -and -byre. 11 Is
n eadde ning thought, but wo cannot
eft nge our r:a:ure• we are alt alike, we
are htnnrut 1tin s; and in our blood and
bane, etrl :nadericahle we carry the
seeds out of which monarchies and aris-
tocracies are grown; worship 01 guilds,
BIS s, distiuetions, power.
"\V' have to worship these things
and Mile possessions; we are all born
so, and we cannot help it.
\\o !rive to bo despised by some-
body whout we regard as a)oto us, Cr
WC are 1101 happy; we have to have
so e!'.ody to worship and envy, or we
causal be content.
`In America we manifest this in all
the ancient and customary ways. In pub-
I'.s: we scoff at titles and hereditary pri-
si:ege, but privately we hanker after
teem, and when we get a chance we
, buy them fur cash and a daughter.
t "S enletimes we get a good man and
worth the price, but we are ready to
lake hire anyway, whether he be ripe
e I h be clean and d
or rotten,whether cr c s-
c•.ul, or merely a basket of noble and
sa•rcd and long -descended offal.
"And when we get him filo whale
Irayon pu!-licly chaffs and scoffs - and
privately envies; and also is proud of the
honor which has Leen conferred upon
Admirers of great, rich, or famous
t,t�c►;le o.te:n best() s, their 5venllli upon
the obje its of their regard. The Ger-
man Fin eror heads the list of lucky
ones so favored. Ills receipts in money
and real e•ta'e during the last ten
yc•Irs would, it is said, make a rnil-
'lionnire envious. Following n precsc-
dent, a flail burg nnereliont prince left
1nor' than $' OIY),OiY) to the l -a0eror'e
Chancellor, whom Kaiser William inl-
lnedeite:y create I "Prince" Brek)sv.
'Withal! Jennings ilryan recently came
ley wealth in the eau,e we!. In Eng -
'len 1 I.o..1 AI'e. to l has receive] $100,-
(11)1 from an a,hntree of his public ea-
ts r, and lir. Jan esW1 inherits in stun
one-fifth lorrer under the will of Air.
Ale 1 (u( -en Victoria was very fortu-
'nnle In her rule:leers, of wheat) Ute
\veaa!►iesl was Nield, who bcgeathed to
her the su:n of $1,2:;0,000.
Like a had habit a skin dl rags grows Serofu•
lour humors, eczema and all eruptions rust' be
cured with N'oasor'e Corals, assisted internally
by w ' Syrup. All Urugalst.
ei•;11'I\G 1111) OF 11151.
Eva : "Percy squanders money some-
thing nwhil. Ills father says no is no.
thing 1111 a debt Lt tiro."
Jack : "Then why is his falter going
to send Lint away o1) n yaehl
Era: "1 suppose he wails him to be a
floating debt,..
ile found fault with her cooking,
ilio temper oft displayed.
Arid never got through Iniking
Of "the kind Thal :metier made."
At last, her patience wavered,
To try there sviis no use,
And so -well. she got e'cti-
Sho simply cooked his goose.
"A Crave yard Guth" 1s the cry of teetered
Sang. for are cy. (live Usual 5 ,, ,'. huu>< aai wm•
which is u 0.1 with good 'sheet even is columnp.
tiuu's gaily .t.ages.
"I'oor woman ! She w•orl;s hard nil
dny, rind then die's up nearly all night
with the babies," "\Vial's the mutter
with tier Imeband ? \\'hy &leen'I he help
her?" "Oi, ie put.; 111 all his lime age
lilting for nn eight-hour day for the
Msny patent medic nes hn'e conte and
g ate, but Ilicklc:s Anti-(:on3101'I ive
Syrup continues to necupy a for.'most
pines, among remedies tar coughs nod
cold., e11c1 0. a prt•ventive of decoy of
the lungs. It is a standard medicine
that welees It, slrlirre of usefulness
year by year. 1f you are 111 need r f
something to rd s(lirelf of n cough
n; cold, you canwl .Jo 'fetter than try
pickle's Syrup.
"is your husband keeping his promise
I , abistain from drinking?" asked Mrs.
•'01i. yes,
"Are you sure? ilia pretty hard for n
man to resist the temptation."
"Yes, but he tells me hers found a
sillrstitute which he ends whenever ile
feels tempted to tnke a drink ; and what
410 you suppose it is? (ao5 es !"
faithfully," replied 11irs.
itrnntty Appll ee N • w P011
discovery. Wonderful. So
otrooslous spring@ nr pa4s.
Antntnatic Alt l.ushl•xia.
Minds end draws 11,0 Mallen
$Mikes limb. No saor se pre l e
No lylnphnl. No Ile.. Par
gb` til apeA01*-se t. s1.o�O
Otal•e.LS 7It
C t. CROOKS.. Maks* NM.
"We run over our list of titled pur-
cha-es every now and then, in ttie
newspapers, and discuss them and ca-
rats Them, and aro thankful and happy.
"Like all other nations, wo worship
money. and the possessors of Il- they
being our aristocracy, and we have to
have 011e.
"1 suppose we must expect that un-
nvo dable and irresistible circumstances
will gradually take away the powers of
the States and concentrate them in the
central government, and that the Re-
public will then repeat tho history of
all time and become a monarchy."
Humors and Impurities in the blood
force their way to the surface in the
Springtime and cause eruptions and un-
sightly soles. Nature has provided a
remedy In Ibileans, which nro pleasant
to lake, not unpleasant in op ration, and
aro purely vegetable in composition.
Women with skin blotches and erup-
tions shmild prove how speedily Bilenus
remove them. One or two !Means Ink -
en just before retiring for the night -
that Ls all! Morning sickness. debility,
indigestion, biliousness, heartburn, head -
oche, constipation, piles, and female
n:hent:; all disappear before n short
course of Bileans. All druggists end
stores at fel cents a box, or from Bib
enn Co., Torento, for price. 6 boxes
sent for $l.50. Send lc. slump for free
Where 100 to 150 persons live In the
square mile, the death -rate averages 16
the square toile, the death -rule increase
to 24 per 1,000.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminntor
has the Inrgest sale of any similar pre-
paration sold t;t Canada. It always
gives Satisfaction by restoring health to
the little folks.
Dr. Shnrpe : "I sny, Mr. Donley, you're
n long lime pnying me your account:.
Mr. Dooley : "And it's n' long toinle ) e
look to cure nlee, be jabbers I"
What should be Forgotten T Everythingthsl
mars. 511„0 .b .1114 not be 1 .rgutter t •• lu 11
11.:,th•tl 1'1a,ters ; a p tstive cure for mum*
lar rhsum.,Uam and neuron/de:
tie shriek
is take
Pen -
keeps you cora*
fy as well as
warm,because the
short fibres that
make some under-
wear itch are taken
out of Pen -
Angie wool.'
We lent
1 a ltruiety c'f fabtiu► aty es •
alt •ileo. for women. sten ••
childrak end guaranteed by pat owe desLiy
Teething Babie
Alistress : "Norah, you don't seem to
try to learn anything. Haven't you any
ambition in life?" Kitchen 5111141 : "No,
mum; but i've saved something, an' I'm
gots' In have a gr -rand funeral whits 1
doe, 11110."
hnpurit!es In the Itlnnd.-When the
nett 11 of the kidneys Loonies impaired,
impurities in the blood are almost sure
1., follow. and general derangement 1.1
the system ensues. l'nrinelee:s Vege-
table Pills will regulate the kidneys, so
that they will maintain h. nllhy section
and prevent the cnnrplicationc which
certainly (Ylnte when there Is derange -
trent of these delimit() organs. As n
restorative these I'ills are in the best
Thlg is the record of Australian sta-
tistical fuels In 111111, ns compared with
111111. with n population, be it remetn-
tiered, of only 4.t100,I5)0. and after a'wr-
ic'd of unprecedented d."uught and dies•
aster :
Volume of (rade (increase),..
4gricultural, pastoral, miner-
al (incrense)
(tank deposits (Increase) ,..,
Savings bank deposits (in -
C relse)
Shipping tonnage (Iry reuse)
Private wealth (per inhabi-
Hallways ;increase In miles)
are saved suffering -and mothers
given rest -when one uses
Nurses'and Mothers' Treasare
Quickly relieves -regulates the
bowels - prevents convulsions.
Used 5o years. Absolutely safe.
At drug -atm ta, 2Se. s bottles. Ft In.
National Drug Cheml:al Co., I,Isolted,
0.1e Proprietors, Montreal. 41
£17 272,189
"Queen City"
o letter than a pure Man,toba Ro,r--it is better
than • pure Oalar,o Roo -being blended it cambia*.
the best quel,ties .f both.
'Queen City' is an ad -purposes Rout
o"13 a"' Alt yew Inter Jee
The Campbell Campbell's
Milling Co. tr..t.d
Toronto j,mcbos% Onto Queen City
Why will you poison your systems with fake nor
trua.s when female trouble should be treated
as you would treat a sore finger.
The "Emancipator" is a local remedy easily
applied byyourself, costs but two cents a day sa
Is guarantsod absolutely aotla.ptio. It Is color-
less and odorless, and is relieving thousands of
women who did not drum of help without the
old of a surgeaa. Price f1.10 per battle, Nus
prepaid to any &ddroes to Canada.
112 Yung* st., Toronto, Canada.
Moots Wanted to [eery Tram.
daily easy for workers handling our phot
pinow tops : semi at ones for particulars before.
somer.ne else set. your territory. (*entre! Rupp],
Co., Dept. 3, 307 Richmond street, London, Out,
maw weds of boos, Hanel apo else 1
Kn N1A PIp'
Write tow about yours
iMRIM 11011111AN OMNI et, Rea cgs. Mentrssi
From fres to Ott. Few
pr>gramme, writs
Rev. Dr. Withrow
Tie ARN)TT 11ETHOD Is the only loll"
cal method for the core of Stamen ming. It
,.ata th.C5050, �o1 merely the HABIT.
and la soiree ustreral speech. Pam Moist pan.
ticalare and references seat ea regtaest.
Kind Lndy : "Aller 1 gave you that nice
dinner, you didn't saw that wood." Hee
lough : "Pardon tae, lady. Yer gram.
Isar is bad. Yeuse s1ou111 ,ny 'you didn't
sea that wood; and flim you're wrong.
1 saw it when 1 came h1."
It Is only necessary to real the tees
tunonials to be convinced that I 1011
trays Corn Cure Is unequr.11ed for the
removal of corns. wends, etc. it LS &
complete extinguisher.
Pearl : "1 am awfully jenlous of that
pretty trained nurse. 1 wish they had
engaged a homely one to attend George."
Itllhy : "13u1 she is only taking hIS
Pearl: "Vol. but what guarantee have
I that she might not take his heart 1"
Dear Mother
Yea We sees ars a eesdas1 ewe h
Fall and Wilmer weather. They wit
clib cold. Do you know abort Shiloh**
Coosumptios Cure, the bag Toole, aad
what it has dose for so many) h is said
M be the only reliable remedy lot al
imams el the air p•ssases in c68dres.
til w absolutely harmless and rimers to
take. It isgwranleedto cure or your mosey
h retested. 'Ilse price is 25c. per botllsr
gad all dealers in medicine sell )t4
Zia remedy should b s in every househoid%
ttfaA. of Tftrrh Carbon Wtre.-well prove 11 to yea COT TD -not rtirtp•A. Tet.
makes 1t .1111 stronger 1a senlce. 11 stay@ taut. Painted 1VHITF. over heavy
Tun p*GL_W11Rs tslrCL CoNPAIVT. IL111d1TsD.
rdranittne-rast mei trawtssaM1 taster. 11mit It. Lo•AeeiJ in cafes
flee --as in merit. OeI illearstee booklet sea turf prbeee WISP berme
Wslpitera811s. Immo. Illosstvss3. S. 11011014 Whis►ttrl%