HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-02-21, Page 81. M E S. FEBRUARY 21st 1907
oats, 1
atbral 4'
s Brush $
°OFF Ladies Sable Neck -1•
"Ruffs. Ladies Stone Mar-
ten Ruffs and Muffs, Ladies
Atrerican Sable Scarfs and.
Muffs. Ladies Fur -lined Capes
Ladies Fur Cape; Ladies Fur
Mitts, Girls Grey Lamb Dol-
lard and Caps.
:• + :-++++++- ++++++++++++++++•'•
How about a you getting all
'•'2l peuncls Coffee Cooking) 00 251
Sugar for • 0 pounds best Oatmeal for .L
+22 pounds best extra 100
, Granulated Sugar for - 1.006 6 bars Comfort Soap for..... 25*
•; pounds good Figs for. •25 4 pounds Mixawatta Tea ..I.00
:i.':1 potir.ds sweet biscuits ...25 N. P. Soap big bar .....12 I.2+
,eNfaple Leaf Salmon a can �'1 6 bottles ._. oster Sauce 7 ;
:. ti•+++++4•+•:•++++•3•+•1•+•1•+++•1•+•'••1•+•f••: +++++++++++4.4-4•.
Yes, we sell Groceries CHEAP all the Time.
$1.23 for Boys' Tweed Suits, Regular value $:i to $4.
-2E+ $'2,25 for Youth's Tweed Suits, regular value $3.50 to $4.50.
3 $5 for Mena Tweed Suits regular value $0.50 to $10.
The above lot of Suits are a clean up from our whole stook, the
-D• patterns may not be the latest but values are certainly very big.
Don't forget our Big Special 108 piece Dinner Sets. They are
J A. STEW'.A.RT 3:t
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ H•++++++++++++++++
is an essential with us. Every
thing in the construction of our
Time Pieces is shaped with this
end in view. They are made to
keep good time and give good sat-
For Present Time
For Future Time
For All Time
Our line of ('locks is complete and
up-to-date. Get one of Marchand's
.Alarm Clocks. They are the best -at
the usual low price. Call and inspect
our general stock.
fl. Mdr6hdnO.
You can get both
ERCOATED, in the
Latest. Style of cut
and Material at
lfr. Itobt. Kerslake is confined to
the house through illness,
Miss Katie Collins spent last week
with relatives in 'fensall.
bliss Clara Cudmore f3 confined to
the shouse through Dinette
Mrs. Liyinstonp of ,Illyth, t'i;itid
Miss Merle Gould over Sunday.
fir E. Flynn ,vas the guest of
friends in St. Ma.rye, on Sunday last
Afro. !fart Salter has been confined
to the louse for several days nein
The 'Iiuran Indians" will give a
grand shooting tournament on Good
Miss Mabel Piper, of London, is
I.V .
2 et 1K••
t 'home 0
m for a couple
of week a.
Dr. L. L. hl'ollick, of 8t. karya,
visited his parents There a dew days
this week.
Mr. and Mrs, frhomaa Barton, en-
tertained a few friends on (Mon-
day evening.4
Mr. Clarence Easterbroolr, of For-
est. is visiting hie parents here to
a few wrek5.
Mr. G:nrfiold Buchanan returned
to this 'Lorne In Jarvis on Qrriday
morning last.
Mts. Ben Wilson, of Chicago, Ill.,
spent :. few days lust week visiting
friends in town.
bliss \1 irjoric Ruston gave
ty to a ;number of her girl
on Tuesday evening.
fixe S:. Anthony Social Club's As-
sembly will be 110141 in the Opera
Friday i v r •r '
w nhng,
Mrs. .Ioseph Snell entertained n
number of Lidice to an afternoon
luncheon last Wednesday.
Miss Olive \Vrstcott left Iaet Fri-
day for Toronto, where she 'sill at-
tend the millinery openings.
It;.v. \l r. AlcTavirle of Grantors,
%wilt weepy the pulpit in t he .lames
Street Church on Sunday next.
Mr. .1. Mill.r.r who Ma been visit"-
in,t friends in 1 eaforlh for 1111 past
few 1Leek5 ret rend liomc last week.
Mr. and Mrs. JlcCartly, of Cry --
I n1 ('ity Man., were visiting lir. and
Mrs. Wes. Harvey .1 few day. this
Mr. George Crawley last week pur-
chased the livery business of James
lladen's, of Luca n, and is now in
Visa Alice Howard end NI:try Mur-
ray look part in the program of
the Fat race's institute at iten3al1 ml
Tuesday evening.
The Ladies Aid of the Presbytort•
iin Church intend ]folding a par-
lor sort hl at the Alanee on (trod Fri•
day ' i r: h 29th.
3 par -
Take Ho mey's
Large Bottles 25 enta.
it ton.
and 811 a ton.
oes, 70e to 75o per bag.
Flour, $1.20 to $1.25 per cwt.
no. $1.30 per bushel.
Clover seed, $8 to $9 per bushel.
Butter, __:. per t:ound.
Eggs, 23c. a dozen.
Hobs, dressed. 86.50 per cwt.
!logs. livcweight, $6.50 per cw1.
Coal, 87 a ton.
Large ort ons, 60o a bushel.
Chicken, 8 ants pet pound.
Dens, 5 1-2 cents per pound.
Duck., loc. per bund.
Geese, 10 cents per pound.
Turkey 12 cents per Hound.
Dried Apple, 7c per pound.
r bushel.
a ger bushel.
•������• ,••••••••
Miss Smith, of Ingersoll, in the
guts: of Miss May Snell.
Mr. J. Atkinson, of Rowe & ,At-
kinson was laid up a fo'v day 3 1.1et
week with the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ilonlhron, of
liensal1 were the guests of Mrs. Col-
lins and Miss Itonthrott last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs ltobt. Afcl'alln !spent
a couple of (lays in Centralia last
week, visiting the Hatter's _slaughter
Mis. 'Thos. Willis.
Chas. E. Hackney will have a
clearing site of live stock and line
elements at lot 125 5. T. It. an Wedl-
nesday, Feb. 27111.
bliss Winona llohvard gave n
skating party and oyster 'supper to
a number of her friends Wednesday
evening of last 'week.
We. 3armainc, of London, who
was the guest of Mr. and Mr 3. F.
W. Gladutau for bevocal weeks, left
Saturday morning- for Ler home.
Buggies For Sale. -The celebrated
Borland buggies, the best in the
market. Brices to suit everybody.
Call and see dicta :it I'ym's 110. k'-
emil h stop.
Dr. kinsman and ltouleton will
attend tine dental convention at Tor-
onto, on the 2501 2611. and 27th of
Feb. and will close their offices for
those days.
Music. -Atter special Teachers' &
Artists' coarse at Toronto Conserva-
tory of music, bliss Amy Johns will
resume teaching piano, voice, theory
If you want the Times .and Toron-
to Weekly (:lobe end Canada Far-
mer for 81.35 subscribe slow. This
offer will ,rem:linopen only till
!!larch 1st
Rowe and Atkinson intend offering
some excellent bargains to 'spring
buyer,' and it will be of interest to
you to watch for their ad. in next
week's Times.
aeon, will be at the Commercial
Motel. lloure 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
In. Glasse ptoporJy fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and now treitted.
Next visit friday, March 801.
The sole, of peeve Bobier's office
effects on Saturday last wa3 !Welt
attended. Mr. Dobler has given up
his office and on Monday 'vas busy
removing the fixtures, that Iwero
not disposed of :It the ;ale.
\Ve are in 'receipt of a copy of
the Stoughton (Sask.) 'rimes, pub-
lished by Nile '1'hoinas hind, a grad-
uate of this office. The 'I'itnes is a
newsy sheet and luta a good adver-
tising patronage.
The liens,' of 1 he Marmite' douse
having been I reaL,fet'red from James
Shaddock to Thomas Cook, of Lon-
don, the latter took possession last
br. 801 d ak Jas E
fled !tie intention of going to the
Last Friday night while A. ,Day -
man was turning the corner at the
Trivitt Memorial Church, his cutter
upset, throwing luta to the 'ground.
Ile managed to keep control of Zito
lora°. The only damage sustained
was a broken shaft.
Willie Knight is now t he owner of
the medal given by the propr,ictore
of ,the Exeter Skating Mink for tho
fastest toile skater in town, three
races to be won in succession, Mr.
Knight was 11e winner on the night
of tho carnival and last week won
two more rcres.
A meeting of the: dile-tors of the
Exeter Agricultural Society will be
held on Saturday to fort, •:.otnptittees
for 1ite coming Victoria Day cele-
bration. It is noires -army that all the
directors be present as matters of
importance will be brought before
the ►neeting. it is the intention
to make the coming celebration one
of the beet in 1 he history of Exetor.
in large variety. A lot water bott'o
open prevents a sorioun ;Items. It
costs only a Rrnall a+l, many .a
time eaves a big d ....1 .lootor's
to tell you to haven hot water bottle
handy )so you can use it at midnight
if it's ncede41. Look over our drug-
gists' sundrin% and buy what you
need while our stock is Iredh rind
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Your Cottons
and Linens
where ¢e[
Your cottons THE OLD ELIABLE
and Linens Here
where you get
New Stock of Pillow Cottons, Sheetings and
e Linens
Unbleached Pillow Cotton
40 inches wide. 14c.
Bleached Pillow Cotton
4.2 and 44 inches wide. fine quality
Price 18c•
Circular Pillow Cotton
42, 41, 40 inches wide, full bleached,
tine quelity Price:' 1c.
Plain Bleached Sheeting
72 inches wide, fine even thread ....
Price 35c.
Twilled Bleached Sheeting
72 inches wide. nicest quality we
have ever shown Price 35c.
Bleached Table Lin en
6,4 inches wide. The finest and best
quality we have ever shown
Price 750 and $1.110 a yd.
Twilled Unbleached Sheeting
72 inchee wide, heavy weight, worth
30c. a yard Price 'Eric.
Plain Unbleached Sheeting
72 inches wide, beautiful wake, con-
sidered big value at 25c
Big value at 10 cts.
Big value at 14 cts.
Big value at 15 cts.
B:g value at In ole.
Bleached Towels
The best that's made .... ...... 50c.
Unbleached Table Linen
Heavy table linen 00 in. wide for
every day wear. This is the quality
you should buy Price 50c
Wanted -A •competealt dre.unnakar.
Apply at once 4J.V mail to V. Treble.
Mrs. 'Manche Rooke 'spent Tuesday II�MUNU
with her sinter Mrs. F. Switzer near
' Kirkton.
Mrs. .Jo11n Ilaw•ksletw, who has
been very 111 ,for some tiule poet, i3
able 10 be out again.
• Itev. Going was In London Tee,{s
day, al tending a (meeting of the
General Confe.rcn:.e Special Commit-
Mr. and Nies. McTavish and ,:ons,
who have been visiting Mr. and Mea.
3. N. Ifoward, returned to 'their
borne in Galt,Tuesday morning.
Airs. E. II. Follick is 'suffering fce-
vercly from t he attacks of La
Grippe. This seems to be a etande
inn sickness among :the people of our
town about this rtime.
Mr. A. C. Waring who has been
clerking for the firm of Jones and
Clark for the apart year, left for Are
konrh, Wednesday morning. whc"re he
will lake charge ,of a store.
Messrs. \Villitun and STlrors. Laing
of Winnipeg, were :t he i;ueats, last
week, of their ibro.her.tn-law, Mr.
David Mack. They are on i imir re-
turn home from :i trip! ,to Scotland.
Owing to the absence of Mr. L.
C. Fleming, who .is confined 4o 'the
house with grippe, Alin scholars of
his department in it he 11igh School
have had a scoupte of holidays dur-
ing the past Itwo weeks.
Mr. 8. }lardy dean secured an auc-
tioneer's license for the County of
Iluron. Mr. Hardy ie ,well quali-
fied for such ,work, leaving for L'0
yeir,l dealt with "stock and as .ire
is a good "talker, will no doubt scsi
caro a good plbore of th.° business
givin -at isf:icl ion.
Several of Exeter's yout1; sten
arranges' last Friday evening for a
surprise party on some friends liv-
ing in the 'southern part of the
toawnship of Itst,orne, and :1 few
gallons of oysters were taken :slung
for the feast that was to ;follow
their arrit''1 ifowever before ren:h-
ing their destination, a mishap oc-
curred in which I lie entire party
was dumped 1ruo a snow bank an,1
the oysters performing a likewise
acrobatic stunt. The parties were
going along merrily in a sleigh nod
os the night [was !lark. a huge
drift in the centre of the roadway
was not not ired emit 1110 !iorses
commenced 10 plunge, and before the
occupants could get untangled they
were dunrpo d out. In t he excitement
which followed one of 'the young
tura st ark Iii.[ foot in the oyster pail
scattering the bivalves broadcttit.l
The sleigh w:18 111(11441 ri;ht hide up
and 11e ,terry seekers filed b:l.k to
their seats again. The surprise sante
off ler schedule, except for else oys-
ters, but it 1115 neceesery :for the
host 10 deplete his ;tock of "spring-
ers" to feed the party.
Accordirg:o the Stratford Tier -.i3
the people of Stratford are negoti-
ating to secure ithe plant of G. 1'.
Kurtz' & Co. of fit. Williams. who
manufacture acetyl.tle ,las 111.11114.
It is understood Mlle city will be asks
est to pass a by-law gunranteein;
the routpauy's bonds to 1t;e anu,nnt
of $10,000, with tin exemption for
ten ycals, except ♦school laze;', the
city retaining a eno.rl gage on the
whole property and (plant as security
against loess to rise csty. The ant" th-
lira is to ala rt on a ,modest scale
and develop ae 'rapidly as possible.
ilesides neetyline gas ,plants, which
has been 11e nnain part of their huge
ins.sa they propose «,y degrees 4o act
into the slaking of auto -delivery
vans, drays, light sbu+inees runabouts
end buss•+. According to othe iinr.-
ald one of alis latter made by them
[nen has been nn t )m route test ween
London 311.1 Lunn. Mr. Kw'. re will
be rrrnemtmnd as 11110 rZ( ittic111a9,
a Ito wart here .koe. mummer exhibit-
ing the lar to carry -all )1^ built foe
Mr. ISobicr and ,which was later tak-
en back to 8t. Williams, to be oyer.
haultd, T)hn herald 01 evidently
mistaken about the nude. [which ran
between Luca, and London last sum-
mer as !ming ,buil( by 1b a firm, as
•ueh w38 not ,11e o:tsr. The only
large rnlchine built by this com-
pany teas in .Exeter nearly all sum-
mer and filed tto mitt" 'satisfaction.
iiowever Mr. Kurt zo is a skil)r.1
mechanic, and t here is (.n doubt be
will make a eticeest to Oho manu-
facture of acetylene )las plants. Mr.
W. J. 'McLean of Kiptlen, in Inters•'
Red with Mr. Kurtsc.
The Popular
101 Me To'1E1
FOR SALE -Jersey COW. Sive years
old, will calve ,in a couple of weeks.
During Febl uary there will bo an Honest
Clearing Sale of Winter Goods
No Humbug about this sale, what we say we mean
and what we mean we say. Winter Goods to Clear.
FURS in Ladies and Mons Coats; also a lot of Men's
Tweed and Melton Overcoats, Wool Blankets, Ladies'
Golf Jackets. A few Men's Working Coats, Underwear,
Etc. Every article marked in plain figures. No Deception.
Makes the face
and hands as soft
as velvet, cures rough -
nese and any irritation of
the ekin and prevents "Chapping."
Nothing more Satisfactory(
Price a5 Cents
--x'repared by --
W. S. Cole, Phm. B.
Prescription Druggist.
I have been appointed by the Dom-
inion Government to place Immil-
i grants from the United Kingdom in
posit lone 33 farm labourers and dom-
estic servants in thin vicinity. Any
person requiring 811311 !help should
notify me by letter statin; fully the
kind of Leh) required, when wante3
and ware offered. The numbers
arriving; .uta) not be suffioient to
supply all requc8t3 but every effort
will be made to provide each appli.
cant with the help required.
Canadian Government Employment
Agent, Exeter, Ont.
For Sale
150 acro farm Township of Stanley,
County of Iluron, half mile from
Kipper nrarket;2 acres orchard
well watered, good frame house, fine
and full
' ulars on application (4931).
50 acres, township of Stephen,
county of Iluron, 3 miles to Dash-
wood, 10 tniles to 'Exeter, n4 clay
loom, 1-2 acro orchard, 1 1-2 story
framo house, outbuildings In fair re-
pair, trice $2000.
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited.
78 Dundas St., London
San Francisco :tad Los Angeles
$42.80; Mexico City $11.10; Ogden
and Salt Lake, Utah, Helena 'tnd
But te, Mont. $39.35; Nelson, 11. C.,
next Spokkeare Wash.. 839.85 Vie -
ori 1, Vancouver and New Westmin-
ster, B. C., 8.12.35.
Rates to other 1'0111t9 in propor-
tion. Tickets on sale daily frorn
Match 1st to April :10th.
1'or full information 11a to rates
led routes, o•ill 00
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent
J. 1). McDONALD,
District Passenger Agent, 1•.ronto
FOn SALE. - House and threes.
fifths acre of land, four rooms,
two bed rooms, front room and kit-
chen, wool shed and good °ellnr,
rill kind of fruit trcee, elimcoe streat
Exeter. .Apply on premises, -John A.
The annual meeting of the patrons
of the w'ineelsea Creamery will be
held in 1 he township (ill, Etimvill.
on Wednesday March ilih at 1.10
o'clock, p. m. Ladies specially in-
vitt•d to attend.
SIIOBTIIOltN 111'1,1.8
For Service.
',King of Westside.
Following is '.art of his ped-
I,troe,:-Sire Prince of 1lanff, imp.
i)'1111, nose. !11 \rents'•!,'.
"NIia1i•' Motel r:h.
Sire ;leotlish Hero, Dam,
Roin !!seek.
For terms and virlleulare apply to
Our Spring Goods are fast coining to hand and in a few
days we will have one of the biggest, nattiest stocks in town.
Highest Price paid for Produce.
The Sovereign
BanK of Canada
has 1195 Shareholders and over 50,000
The public are confidently referred to any of
these for information regarding the Bank's
facilities, methods and attention to business.
Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings
1 SuItdbIc rurllIturC of SII OrdO6S
Spring is Coming. Now is
the time to make your sel-
Remember this is the place
to get a nice job of upholst-
ering done.
Jas. Beverley
Furniture Dealer.
NO - ( Corn!'
like the present to make our
We are showing an excel-
lent assortment of exclusive
fabrics, that are well worth
your attention.
Our clothes are cut "right"
and tailored "right" and our
prices will fit your purse, as
well as our clothes fit you.
Merchant Tailor
Flou r
is the
Never was it as popular as
at present If you prefer a
Pure Manitoba Flour try our
new brand
"White Seal" -
We have just received an-
other car of American Corn
which we will sell or ex-
change, on reasonable terms.
Harvey Bros.
Exeter and Centralia
Will exchange for other grain
if desired.
Richard Seldon
Exeter, Centralia
and Clandeboye
Flour, Feed
Groceru store
Everything kept for the housewife in
the line of Groceries
We have SiX different kinds of Flour
to choose from
Licensed Auctioneer
for the County of Huron.
All orders left at the Store or at (he
Times Office will receive prompt at-
Agent for the
Huron Weather Insur- .
ance Company
S. Hardy& Son
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY n ken at rowe.t rates.
North went Clad. fat• 3a1..
Office, Main Street. Exeter