HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-02-21, Page 7•
00 0000 OO
The Lady Susan lay on a cellar dpor.
There was a smile on her face, but she
was lonely, nevertheless. No voice had
called her name the whole long morning,
and, except n venturesome white chichen
that pecked at the bullous on her shoes,
she had no company. Sho was quite
neglected, but the reason was not far l0
The hill? girls in whose arms she had
been petted and scolded and cuddled
through so many happy hours had a
new dell -a doll with a china head and
bhick china shoes and a soft place in her
body tied squeaked when you pressed 1t.
The Lady Susan had only a cloth head
with blue buttons for eyes, and cloth
teat--Ihouglr sho wort: real shoes -and
could ,nuke no noise at all except a
thump when she dropped on the floor.
for malty uuiy Jays she had been left on
the cellar door, quite forgotten. If her
dis ,t
i had been less street and her
ftvnlures painted on with poorer paint she
would have lost tier smile entirely. As
it was, she still !coked cheerful, and that
ups why somsthiug happened as it did,
Alien the chicken, succeeding at last
swallowing one of the loose buttons,
Had gone away, wondering why things
that looked good didn't always taste
goo'. the Lady Susan heard a welcome
The little girl, whose name was Paul-
ine, was corning. She had the other doll
o,► her urns and was talking to it.
"Yes," she said, "I am going to lake
you a long journey, 'way past the barn
end pasture to a big wood. You need
not be afraid, 1 know the way and 1.11
take care of you."
By This time sho had got mile rood
the house, and, when she seer the Lady
Susan stretched out on the cellar door
sh.. looked quickly in another direction.
"Let's pretend we don't see her," she
whispered, and hurried past.
But she only went a little way, and
then Menet back.
"I think 1'11 just say good-bye to her."
She stood still and called out loud :-
"Lady Susan, mother's got company
and I'm going to lance the Princess on a
journey. 5.tes at.alranger, and, besides -
well -besides 1 want to. Maybe if you're
good, next lisle I'll take you."
The Lady Susan smiled on and I\nul-
Inc. watching her, felt uneasy.
"Dear me." she said to the Princess,
"1 s"i")e she thinks she ought to go and
1 dem t want to lake her a bit. She's
dreadfully heavy \\'l%at would you do?"
But the Princess seemed- lo have no
opinion in the matter. She looked quite
"Well," concluded 'Pauline, slowly, "I
ann lake her; but it's a great bother, and
1 shouldn't think she'd want to come
where she isn't wanted."
She put the Princess more carefully on
one nrm and impatiently tucked the Lady
Susan under the other, and started again
down the path.
It look a long time to roach the big
wood; for the way lay through n garden
where currants were all ready to pick,
and by an o1(1 orchard where npples were
ripening, and past a cornfield where a
funny scarecrow danced on a pole.
The Princess was always carried care-
fully, but sometimes the Lady Susan was
held by one arra, sometimes by one foot,
and often had her head bumped on the
hubby ground; and when they had
crawled under the pasture -bars it was
to the Princess that everything was
pointed out.
The red pigeon plums were made Into
n necklace for her In wear, the crinkly
gray moss was piled up for her to sit
on. and tl was .she who was held over
the brook to look at herself.
After a while Pauline began to feel
hungry and decided it was time to go
bonne: but when she tried to think which
way was home, she couldn't tell. There
was no path and the woods looked the
some all around her.
Iler forehead began to wrinkle and
her mouth to quiver.
"Princess," she said, "i can't Think just
this minute how to go home."
The Princess looked past Pauline n.s if
it was no affair of hers, and she didn't
cat 0.
"But, Princess, 1 believe I'm going to
he afraid."
"Still the Princess looked untouched.
Pauline was rend to cry, and in het*
distress she turned to the other doll.
"Lady Susan, I'm most sure we're
And now the Lady Susan had her
chance. The smile on her face was so
cheerful and the blue -button eyes looked
so comforting that Pauline hugged the
bap body to her and decided nut to cry
"Yeti nren't afraid, aro you, Lady
seism' :'" she asked. sitting down on a
fniten tree. "i won't be, either, The
['rine.'' is n stranger and does not know
these woods. but you and i ehren't a bit
afraid. We won't go any further for we
might g'. t more lost. We'll Just sit here
end somebody will come and find Its
11 ,seemed hours and hours before any-
one came; Luh always, when Pauline be -
Lnn to feel like crying. she looked at the
ady Susan and the tears did not come.
At last there was the sound of voices
and In another minute Pauline's father
end mother and the hired man and the
('011 pan) carne hurrying into the wood.
They Inlggetl her and kissed her and
sce)Id..l her all in a breath, and then her
father lifted her up in his arms
"T11 curry you and your mother can
curry the (1olls."
But Pauline hugged Lady Susan
"1 want to carry• her myself." she said.
remembering how she hod Lumped and
!teeth ete,I her (.Id pinyinnte on the way
In the woods, "1 want to."
So They went home. through the fields,
a lnppy procession; and the Lady Su-
san. fe.rgetling the long hours on the
c(ltnr door, was as happy as any one.
",\h, my love" said the anent lover,
you on►y knew how beautiful you
are "Yen mustn't say tial," prele.tefl
the dear girl. "I don't want to know it."
"\%h) no r' "11e'cau•e it would make me
ion clencritevl,"
Parisians cat :50 nlilhcns of eggs
ycu►• neighbors, no matter where you
I live, and you will learn of someone
who has been cured by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills after other medicines have
failed. it is on the unbiased evidence
of your neighbors that we ask you to
give these pills a fair trial if you are
sick or ailing. Mrs. Enema Doucet, St.
Wane, Que., say's: "Words can hardly
express my gratitude for what Dr. Wil -
bums' Pink Pills have done for nue. I
hail an
of In grippe
g PPe which -left
me 'a suffsrer from headaches and
pain in the stomach. 1 used several
medicines, but found nothing, to help
ale until 1 took 1)r. Williams' Pink
Pits. \\'hen I began them I was weak
anJ very much run down. The pills
t.f.ve not only fully restored my health,
but I gainer) in flesh while taking them.
1 recommend them to till sufferers."
You can gel these pills from any me-
dicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.50 from the
1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
f -
SfON1: B:\ItO\IETEB. •
There exists n stone which Is said to
unfnilhlgly foretell changes in the wea-
ther. This stone was found In Finland
many years ngo by an explorer, and has
sine° been watched by scientists with
great interest, it presents n white, mot-
tled appearance in sunshine, gradually
turning frorn grey to black ns a rain -
Morn) ()ppreaches. The shore is Com-
posed of clay, nitre and rock salt. In dry
weather the salt in the stone is promi-
nent, but when the air Ls filled w'illi
moisture the salt absorbs the moisture
and turns black, thus forming the baro-
Teacher : "Mary. cnnst act n sentence
with 'dogma' as subject." Mary (after
careful thought): "'The dogma has three
Windsor Rooknutkcr Makes an Attempt
to Shoot with the Kinn.
A sensational incident in connection
with one of the King's shooting excur-
dials in Windsor Forest has just conte
11 light.
A madman, armed with a gun, deter-
mined to go shooting, with his \lajesty
the other Saturday, and proceeded into
Pic forest, near High Standing Hill..He
actually shot al some birds after the
King and Prince of Wales had left the
forest utter tllo best day's sport in Wind-
sor Park ever enjoyed.
One of his Majesty's keepers was on
his way honne when lie heard n gun
fired. Ile itl►niediately went to the spot
from whence the sound had oome and
saw a man running away. Just then a
keeper all a nobleman's estate dote by
came up, having heard a shot. Ile saw
a man with a gun who was about to get
oter a fence. Ile went up,lo him, and
seeing he was a stranger, thought he had
better use caution.
The keeper said -"Can 1 hold your gun
while you get over the fence?" and the
Ulan thanked him and handed the keeper
r r
the r c•cc c
lit litsecuredthe r
Having this Il
6 6P
asked hien what he was doing there,
is nn n awe •e(I strangely.
tt m n 1
Producing a handful of gold from his
pocket, he asked the keeper if ho could
square" him.
The King's keeper had now come on
the scene. From his actions the keepers
cc ncluded that the plan was insane, and
this proved to be the case. Ile had bor-
rowed a gun at Slough and had told
some of his friends that he was going
shooting with the ...ng.
Ile was subsequently conveyed to an
asylum. 11 appears that the roan is it
local bookmaker, who has suddenly lost
Iris reason.
Canada Again Being Ravished by an
Epidewle of This Disease.
Winter after winter Canada Is swept
from ocean to ocean by an epidemic of
In grippe, or influenza. it is ono of
the deadliest troubles known to our cli-
mate. it starts with a sneeze -and
ends with a complication. It lays the
strong man on his back; it tortures
hien with fever and chills; headaches
and backaches. It leaves the sufferer
eft easy prey to pneumonia, bronchitis,
consumption and other deadly diseases.
You can avoid In grippe by fortifying
your system with Dr. Williams' fink
Pills. You can cure les disastrous after
effects with this Mlle medicine. These
pills protect you; they cure you; they
up -build you; they banish all evil after
effects. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ward
elf all winter ailments. They cure all
1;ood and nerve disorders. They are
the greatest blood -building and nerve
tonic science has yet discovered. Ask
Is the grea'r'-t food and tissue
tinkles kncwrl. It has no equal as a
cure for all wasting diseases, and
throat, chest and lung troubles. It Is
a germ destroyer and strength produc-
er, nourishing and restoring the vital
organs. 11 Ls a perfect food and valu-
able medicine combined. It is pleasant
10 lake, it is predigested and easily
borne by the most delicate stomach.
Doctors Prescribe it
Many of Bic most pro'lainent medical
men prescribe it in their regular prac-
tice in preference to al; others.
Dr. Norman Allen, et Toronto .,sus: "As a
stimulant to nutrition in wasting ,iiseases Cod
Liner oil Emulsion is the best tissue builder. la
Dr. slocuta•a Oxoinulaun all nauseatin. taste and
smell are avoided. while retaining all the medici-
nal value of the pure oil.
r •o '1 Surgeon o
Dr. Bruce 1. Iii edea Physician and Sure t
the U.• r.R.,'Aye : "Sortie of the (',d Idser Oils
on the roarket are valueless on acoauut of ppru-
eeises to render them tasteless. such pruceedure
removes the active principle of the oil. I look
upon Slocum's uxotonu.ion as the best. for the
reason that it Is made of the pure oil in the very
n , on u
state f emulsion. As an emulsion f
pure Cud Liver oil 1 consider Oxnmulslon peufect.•'
Dr. T. Wylie. Grand Medical Examiner, Nora of
Scotland, says : " It affords me extreme pleasure
to be In a position to be este to recommend
Slocum's oxeunuision to invalids affected wltb
consumption, .scrofula, or wasting diseases of any
kind. I have prescribed Osumi -Igen for years
with great pleasure to myself as well as eotnfort ,
to my patients. 1 And it almost unlve„ally
adapted to children and the aged with whom the
digestion Is feeble and the lymphatic conditions
below nor mal."
1f you need Cal Liver OI1, or are weak
and run down use O\omulsion. At all
druggists at 35e and $1.00 per bottle.
Revelations of Gross frauds at Berlin,
Astonishing revelations are being
nettle of fraud committed by society wo-
rsen of B:rlin, Germony, who nuke a
practice of laking a prominent part in
bazaars and other charity functions.
It is shown that these "hyenas et
charily," as they are called here, have
riot only Victimized gatherings legiti-
mately organized, but that they have
Leen in the habit of engineering thea-
trical fetes, svlrere they sold cups of
coffee at 81.25 and 82.5'0 each, and other
articles of refreshment at equally extra-
vagant prices.
'1 hose who were shocked by these and
still more astonishing devices for ob-
taining money were told that everything
was justifiable in the cause of charily.
Unfortunately. further revelations
have made it clear that many of these
nominally charitable ladies appropriat-
ed large stuns of the money obtained
In this way. One society belle, a pro-
f ninent figure at all charitable fetes,
systematically appropriated all gold
,cents paid to her and only handed over
silver coins to the treasurer.
Recently one woman detected in the
act of stealing money, was publicly as-
saulled at a charitable fete by a wo-
man whose indignation carried her
away. The sight of one fashionably -
dressed lady whipping another gorge-
ously arrayed dame at an assembly at-
tended by 2,000 persons created great
excitement, and led to persistent en-
quiries as to the cause of the encounter.
Another "hyena of charity" was de-
tected in the net of pocketing money
and was cotnpelled to disgorge her
spoils on the spot, in full view of 40 er
50 c-tnll7Ilptuous spectators. She was
searched there and then, and gold coins
were extracted from her pockets, from
the folds of her dress, and even flare
her dainty shoes. Then she was driver
from the building amid loud hisses and
Ilene are two powerful instances vet
the Varies., ways in which %ntn-Ituk the
great herbal balm, is doing gond
throughout the Dominion. have you
yet enjoyed lis. Lrnelil:'
Trodden on by n Horse -Bad Bniises,
Mr., D. Cumming, of Springruount
Ont.), say.;: "I have proved that Zn; -
Duk hiss extraordinary merit. 1 was
trampled on by a horse and my fool
was all black and swollen. 1 could
scarcely move it, the pain was so bad.
.\ few applications of Rani -Rik curer)
the pain and removed the discoloration.
The foot was soon all right again. It
is a wonderful balm,"
Running Sore Healed.
Mrs. S. J. Holden. of Hannah SI. \V.,
Hamilton, says: "Sly little girl had a
running sore on her leg which defied
all manner of treatment. Within a few
days of trying Znn1-11uk ihere was a
distinct improvement and the wound is.
I.nw• completely healed. I have since
ti -e.1 /.8n1 -Bok for other .skill diseases,
etc:, and find it excellent."
7.nm-lhlk Is an all -annul household
1 ann. It le compounded from purely
herbal essences. and cures eczema. ul-
cers, sores. chapped hands, bruisers.
cuts, burn'. etc. 11 also cures rheuma•
hem, srtnlicn, neurntgia. and rubbed
well in neer the (-hesl in earee of • old
ramose. the tightness and aching. All
.h uggt•l' an.I stores sell 0t 51h0. a tax.
ver pest flee from the Zorn -silk Co.. To-
rr.ntn. upon re, e.pt of price. • boxes
fur 11.50.
Babies who are given an occasional
dose of Baby's Own 'tablets always
steep soundly at night, and it is not
the drygged sleep produced by sleep-
ing drops or "soothing" syrups either -
the steep is natural, healthy and rest-
ful, and tinily wakes up in the morn-
ing bright and cheerful. The 'I'nblels
are the best medicine in the. \voted for
the cure of all the minor ailments f
little ones. Mrs. L. Gunge, Edmund-
slon, N. 1(., says: "My baby was cross
end fretful and 1 hardly ever got n
gout night's rest until 1 began giving
L'aby's Own Tablets. 'Phase 'Tablets re-
moval the cause of the !mettle and
now baby sleeps well at night." The
Tablets are sold by druggists or by snail
at 25 cents n box from '1'1►e Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Tho doctor shook his heed and looked
"Hum," he snid, after feeling lite pn-
lir•nt's pulse and taking his temperature,
"You're very ill indeed."
"Y -you don't say so, doctor," gasped
the elan, as he turned pale. "Am 1
going to hnve some serious illness?"
"You are liable to, sir, unless you fol-
low out my directions to the letter. Let's
sec. Do you go to Scragg, the butcher?"
"Yes, doctor,"
"You must buy your rtlent after this at
some either shop. It will be somewhat
of n change. I think. Does Gritz, the
grocer, get your custom?"
"Ile does, doctor -all of it in tient line."
"Just so. 1 must caution you to change
grocers for a while. Even that will be a
little change in your diet. Who's your
"\Why. Dn,ty. at ilia corner,"
"'Then lily your hrend somewhere else,
s) as to have a complete change In food
all round. Thnl's all. 1 believe. Follow
those directions Inilhhlly, lake this pre-
scription and have it made up. and you'll
be n different man in a neck."
Anil, as the sick man walked out, the
if, ! r rubbed his hands and chuckled to
)t- ,•if
"1 hie Is the fifth patient ! have given
the sante advice lei in the Inst. Three
days. Site me for their lisle bills. will
they 1 \\'elle it's my opinion Ihnl, by the
. n11 of the manta, Scragg, Gritz. nnJ
utisly nal Le sorry they worried enc,"
Don't be tarn sur.` of the nom who
hna,ts "f being sure of himself.
Many g7ouel-lot king people are not as
good as they look.
Does fit
Pen -
has the soft
94 warm feel -
the skin enjoys.
Doesn't itch.
Made for men, wo-
men and little folks,
in a variety of styles,
fabrics and prices.
Weauthortu every dale e,a Pen -Angle
Underwear to replace, at cur cod, any
Ifiwmeat faulty s material or saki%
"Queen City"
r better than a pure Manitoba !lour -it n better
than a pure Ontario four -bong blended a combines
the best. qualities d both.
. Queee City' is ea all-purpows flour.
D.eu.r. Fre n
s.aptisd ,jfzk year ,rewfor
The Campbell Campbell's
Milling Co. Liam.'
Toronto Junction, Only Queen City
Nagg-by-''The Rev. Dr, Fourthly has
quit•l.eltirfg the Bible with his fist since
the congregation protested so vigorous-
ly against it.
\Vaggsby-"Yes? I s'pose tint's why
he's called an ex -pounder of the Scrip-
ittleans End These Symptoms,
Dow? Beeauso when . food -returns
with that sour taste, when you have
"heartburn," wind after food, or any •.f
these unpleasant "feelings of fulness,"
is is because your digestive system has
given way for the time. Tho "food tax"
upon its energies has been too heavy.
Bileans just enter the stomach, and,
dissolving there, they liberate certain
herbal essences which at once correct
the gastric glands- ')'hese essences also
pass into the blood and are carried to
the liver. There they operate on the
bite -secreting cells, and are carried to
the delicate vessels of the intestines.
Ah along, these herbal essenoes act
beneficially, so that digestive disorders
fire corrected, the bowels are gently
opened -not violently purged -the acid
end fermenting substances are removed
from the body, the blood is cleared of
pcisons and a feeling of lightness and
restored vigor, with return of healthy
appetite and freedom from all digestive
troubles is the result. !Means also cure
constipation. debility, female ailments,
piles, headache, and all liver, kidney
and stomach disorders. Of all store
and druggists at 50 cents a box, or post
free from the Bilean Co., 'i'oronto, h,r
price. 6 boxes sent for 82.50.
Tonnage for 1906 Was 27 Millions, the
Earnest on Record.
Lord Desborodg,h, who was re•cleclyd
chairman of the Thames Conservancy
the other day, gave some interesting
figures in reviewing the work of the
The registered tonnnge of ships en-
tering and leaving the fort of London
for the year 1900, he snid, was 27,145,-
(00, which was not only n record for
the lister Thames, hut was greatly in
excess of That of any ether port in the
world. The flgnres for the previous
year were 25,867,000 tons,
Ile was pleased to say that the num-
ber of Targe vessels entering the port
had also greatly increased. By' large
vessels he meant those of 5,000 Ions
Lad upwards. Of such vessels 262 en-
tered the port during the year 1901, as
against 64 in the year 1900.
"That is what 1 call downright impu-
dence," said Mrs. Biggins,
"What Inas occurred?" inquired her
"The neighbors who recently mos 0.1
next door are going..to hove company,
s I they sent in to iorrow nor (treeing.
room rug. 1 1.•t them hose it, and in a
11(1le while they came back and said they
dkht't think it wmt hands.e1710 enough to
go with their fuuriitmrts and cold 1 lend
them the money to buy a new one."
in the tenth century a cat was held
equal in value '10 two hen,.
She: "\\ hy, it wasp't two minutes be-
fore lie repealed it."
toThe approKrtve
Victoria Crostce
representatives 9f
uflicers and men who
mance of ails of valor,
(lien to whom it was will
ous dales in the Loudon G
they would have been recoln
to her late \hije-;Ay for the Vic
Cross had they surtited. The acts t
bravery are recounted in in a recent
!ssuo of the London Gazette, and, brief-
!). were as follows:
Private Edward Spence,-1.2►nt Regi-
Trent, at attack of the Fort of Iluhy:l,
April 15, 1S5R, volunteered with Lance -
Corporal Thompson to assist in rescu-
ing the body of an officer. Pritat.
Spence dauntless;y placed himself in
an exposed position so as to cover the
party blaring away the body.
Ensigns Everard Aloyslus Lisle Phi! -
taps, of the 11 th Regiment Bengal Na -
live lefanlry, performed many gallant
(.reds during the siege of Delhi; wuund-
eo three times; killed in streets, Sep-
tember 1R, 1859.
I-ieutenaht- T. :Whitt, 24th Fool; ef-
forts to save the Queen's Coeur at Is-
andlwanha, 1879.
Lieutenant N. J. A. Coghill, 24111 Foot;
efforts to save a brother officer's life,
Islandlwanha, 1879.
Trooper F. W. Boxier, Bulawayo
Field Force; dismounted and gave his
torso to wounded comrade when close-
ly pursued, April 22, 1890.
Lieutenant I1. L. S. !MacLean, Indian
Staff Cairns; heroism m rescuing com-
rade at Vama Kill, Upper Surat, 1897.
A bottle of Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup, taken according to directions,
will subdue a cough in a short (tine.
This assertion can be verified by hun-
dreds who have tried it and are pleased
to bear testimony to its merits, so That
all may know what a splendid mail
cine it is. It costs you only 25 cent
to join the ranks of the many wit
have been benefited by its use.
A woman doesn't greatly object t
confessing her ago if she dog r-n't look it
Effective Medicine for La Crlppo.
Rost. L. Madison, A.M., Principal of
0 Cullowliee high School, Painter, N. C.,
writes "Peruna is Lilo most effeetive
medicine that I have ever tried for 1a
n grippe. It also cured my wife of nasal
catarrh. Iler condition at one time was
such that sho could not at night breathe
through her nostrils."
A Nagging Cough drives eleep.and comfort
away. Allen's sung Balsam, relieves hard breath
ing, pain 1n the cheat and irritation of the throat
titre it freely to the childrea,
\lice have twenty teeth ; rabbits,
sheep and oxen, 32.
• La Cripps and Systemic Catarrh.
• Mra. Jennie W. Gilmore, Box 44, White
Oak, Ind. Ter., writes :
"Nix years ago 1 had la grippe, followed
28; by systemic catarrh. The only thing I
used was Penins and Manalin, and I have
been in better health the last three years
than for years before."
Mrs. Jano Gift, Athens, Ohio. writes :
"Six years ago I had la grippe very bad.
My husband bought me a bottle of Pcru-
na. I was soon able to do my work."
eA Sound Stomnch Means a Clear
Ileal. The high pressure of a nervous
life which business men of the present
day • aro constrained to live make
draughts upon their vitality highly del-
rincntnl to their health. 1t is only by
the most careful treatment that they
are abbe to keep themselves alert and
active in their various callings, many
of thele know the value of Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills in regulating the sto-
mach and consequently keeping the
head clear.
"May I kiss you-?'' he asked.
"Yes, on the forehead," she answered,
"Nothing doing," he rejoined, "The
Inst time 1 kissed a girl on the forehead
1 got a bang on the mouth."
Poets aro born, but good husbands are
The Wretched Condition of thousands is due
to the fact that they neglect the simplest care of
their health. When in this condition "Berrovim"
will build you up and give you strength.
Unless a man Inas money ho can't af-
ford to be eccentric.
Known to Thousands, - Parmelee's
'Vegetable Pills regulate •Ihe action of
II o secretions, purify -the blood and
keep the stomach and bowels free from
deleterious matter. 'Taken according to
direction they will overcome dyspepsin,
eradicate biliousness, and leave the di-
gestive organs healthy and strong to
perform (heir functions. 'Their )merits
are well-known to thousands who know
by experience how beneficial they are
In giving tone to the system.
This Is the glorious season when a
scent's worth of flowers cost a Collar.
What Is the Best Thing to strengthen week
backs' "'rhe U A I." Menthol Plante& it will
sore lumbago and rbeumatism. 31 rolls makes
Berea 2'.c piasters. Darts et Lawrence Cn.
Asparagus is the oldest known plant
That has been used for fund.
Great -- Tenni, one of the
pinneera of French Sammie, lost a hand
and were an iron hook as a substihle.
II" wits in the habil of boxing the enrs
e't refractory Indians with tit, iron
hand. and they have remarked that it
ons "great. medicine." I)r. Thomas'
Lcleetrie Oil is great medicine; it lakes
hold of pain with en it .n hand and
knocks it out of the cyst• In.
A elan who nets small nwk.. a Lig
lit :dales.
\\'omen can always sec the point et n
pointless juke.
A camel eon carry Iwiee Iho burden of
an Oa, or Wine
Nurses' & Mothers' Treasure
-mat reliable medicine for baby.
Used over 50 years. Died compotmded
by Dr. P. L Pica►k in 1855.
Makes Baby Strong
Restores the little organs to perfect
heekk. Gives sound sleep, without
resort to opium or ether inll'urtass deur.
44 Ai rlrkej.e', 25e. 61.,el. III 25,
Nelms) Dorsa (awe eksI Co. Lsd., Maass)
Sperlsmnn--"I wander what's bcenme
• f \l ke? 1 InW him to meet me here."
7)r•iter-",\eh, 'h5 ver) ii -Le Icllin' hitn any,
tt:ingI Sure, soar. tit just gees in itt
v.an nor and nett at the other, like tt it•
Cher off a ducks bock'."
Ladies to do plain and light sewing at
home, whet* or spare time. geed pay.
Work sent any distance, rharges paid
Pond stamp for full particulars. Nateoaal
Silaslecturing Coneptway. postrenal.
Suffered Twelve Years Front Alter Effeotl
of La Cripple.
Mr. Victor Patneaude, 323 Madison 8t„
Topeka, Kan., writes :
"Twelve years ago I had a severe at-
tack of la grippe, aed I never really r•
covered my health until two years ago,
I began using Peruna and it built up m/
strength, so that in a couple of months 1
was able to go to work again."
Psnumonia Followed La Grippe.
Mr. T. Barnecott, West Aylmer, Ontario)
can., writes :
"Last winter I was ill with pneumonia
after having la grippe. 1 took Pe: un•
for two months, when I became quits
Fs-ru•na--A Tonle After La Cripps.
Mrs. Chap. E. wells, Sr., Delaware,
Ohio, writes : After a eeicre attack o
la grippe, I took Peruaa and found it r
very good tonic."
Glalys : "What an unhappy disposi-
tion Gwendolen has?"
Esmeralda: "She? Nothing of the Splendid 56 acre Farm, County of login
sort. She merely has a disposition for 2 miles from Duart, good soil, fruit and
making other people unhappy." buitdiugs. price 31,500. Apply at once.
Western Real Estate Exchange, Liruited,
--- London, Ont.
Brooks' Apppllance. N ew FOR
discovery. Lyccderful. No
obnoxious spring' or pads.
automatic Air Cushiors.
Binds and draws the broken
parts together as you would
a broken limb- No sakes.
No iymphol. Nn Iles. IAir-
able,rheap. Pat.Sept. lull
C. E. BROOKS. 3•;t) ereok. ands.,
llattsat/2•. SIC*.
"Suppose, doctor, this operation does-
n't succeed?"
"My dear fellow, if it dccsn't you'll
never know it."
Holloway's Corn Cure is a specific
for the removal of corns and warts,
we have never (Heard of its failing to
remove even the worst kind,
Wife: "i came across a bundle of
your old love letters to -day."
Husband: "Did you rend them over?"
\Vifo: "Yea,"
Husband : "And what was the effect
of that perusal?"
wife: "I wondered which was the
bigger fool -you for writing there or 1
for marrying you after receiving them."
'To o what (10 you attribute your Fuc-
ee',S?" risked the plain citizen,
"Td the abuse 1 have received," an-
swered the political t,oss.
Comfort by day and sound sleep 57' night sol -
low the use er Weaver's Terata, for skin troubles,
no matter how tormenting they be. '151s olet•
went soothes and cleanses
1t nukes 40) km; of Leelrocl to give
from 26 to 30 tons of sugar.
Pale, sick children should use Mother
(!raves' \Worm Exterminator. Worms
are one of the principal cnu(es of suf-
fering in children and should be ex-
pelled from the system.
\ doctor who ons recounting some of
le;, experiences of hypnolisin, related the
fullrssing story
"1 once had n patient -who was Ill with
consunmption, and who ought to hast
gene to n warmer climate, but whose
means were incntiflie•ient, so I resolved
to try what hypnotism would do for
hire. I hail a huge sun chalked en the
ceiling of his room. and 1.y suggestion
induced him to think it was the sem,
which would cure him. The ruse sue-
eerdcd, and gee was gelling daily better,
\viten rine (lay on my arrival 1 found he
551)5 dead."
"I)i.I i1 fail. nfler all, then?" asked the
phtslcinn's hearers.
"No," replied the doctor, "lie dad of
sun stroke."
The Cnkne l at young Addle Pale's
examination for military sera ices "Is
ibere any Jenson why you show( not
se'rte vnnr Mice )errs 1 Have you any
infirmity ?"
Voting Addle Pate : "Yes, Cok.nel, 1
rim nent's.g:hfrd.,'
"Prove It :"
"Will. do you 51C
41 the wall,'
"Yes •. •
"V/NI, 1 don l."
glint nail over there
sea (.ilea Sults would look Fetter dyed If ■e arra
Irf sun In your town, write direct Uontr.al, Hos 1111
BRIT1$114 AlheartlOAN altralMO 00.
Farms, 3700 to 325,000: splendid bargains;
free catalogue. (IIIAN. M. IIAMMONI).
Real Estate Broke:, Milford, Let
Non : "I wonder if that's a real dia-
mond that Kitty's wearing on her fin-
ger. Do you know who the young Haan
Fan : "I don't know of any young
nlnn, but 1 know it's a real diamond. 1
happened in when she was buying 11."
Dear Mother
Your little ones are a constant ears is
Fail and Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about S iloh's
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic. and
what it has done for so many ? It is said
to be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in children.
It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to cure w your money
is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle,
and all dealers is medicare sell 3,4
This remedy ,houki be in every io,u,eholdt
Creditor (arigrilyl: "Say. when are you
going to pay the 850 you owe me?„
Debtor calnnly): "Thal qu°ry reminds
meI:reens thelor old 11118,"
li: "V\ hitt1/0old adage?"
Debtor : "TJ:e one about a tool's ability
to ask questions that a wise man is un.
able to answer."
Phyelcinn Said She \ligght Drop Dead
ail Any Time,
"The Doctor In!!
Hie I had hea(•t ins -
prise and was liable
In .Trop on the street
at tiny true," say!
Mrs. Hotel t Falun,
of l)uf1•rin, (Int.
"I wOS Skald to
draw my breath, :1
i nanrd we so. 1 was
nervous, short 1
breulh, had dine-
Mrc, Robert lint( n. nes', loss t:f nppe-
1 e, Niii4•ttn ran/ anJ sinking spells, unci
1 could not sleep.
"Sornetim•'s 1 would hnve In lie down
to keep front falling. My hands and
girt would warm to go In slop and !1
cult of numbness would come all over
"I began using t)r. I.eonhareit's Anti-
! 71. Tran the start i Improvnl. 1
R+l much slrriger, look tetter, am' aI-
1, grlhrr Anti -Pill has made a mw wo"
man of me.
"I amu entirely cured."
All 11salerc or The \Verson -Fyfe Co.,
Limiter. Naagsrn Fall', Oat,
LssLf: NO. 7- 17.
I* .