HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-02-21, Page 4s if tae! i dlca vy O years trisi r►;• 2 ;oat good d; 1 good d lfalvat- old, due e D 8 years old th; l cow ii • 1 cew.5 years rid bth; 1 cow Malt Sept. 3rd ; 1 due to calve Oct. tasting 3 years odd, teotel 1 *teens ricin; 2 yeairs old; !rising $ year's old; 15 drone 2 ntot'he to 10 omen t 11 s fat steer* loot sold before 'heifers, before f zingers, it L..bull calf 9 old, regitif. -1 sow due 4o -farrow March Igs 2 months old; 8 stock housend bushels of mane tity of hay ; A qutut. feed ensilage to ,be fed 1 75 bushels of gcad for seed, all red lite; shel of oats with a lit - wheat and peas for ;seed. IMPLEMENTS. -1 binder, Frost & Wood; 1 mower, Nlassey Harris; 1 horse rake, Massey Barris, Sharp ; 1 seed drill, Sylvester; 1 cultivator•, Sylvester harrow ;w • 1 .:et • v to• 1 disk liar 1 Y diamond harrow's; 1 plow No. • 21, Massey Harris, new ; 1 plow No. 8 Frost & Wool; 1 twin plow, Cock - shut Maple Leaf, new ; 1 ecuffler, Cockshut t ; t fanning mill ; 1 land roller ; ,t good wa;.oIl and box and spring Beet ; 1 peer trucks, wrou;)1t iron wheels, new 1 pair hob sleighs; 1 single buggy, 1 cutter; 2 Setts double hatless; 1 set single herneee ; 1 wagon rack, 1 pig rack, 1 gravel I)ox ; 1 hayfork, car, ropes and slings complete. new ; 1 water trough, 1 water tank ; hoes, forks, slsovels chains and o'.her articles. TERMS. -All sums of $5 and under cosh ; over t Int itmouut 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved 'joint notes Aar n (liseount of 4 per cent. off for cash. T. CAMERON, \VM. MOODIE, Auct. a'rop• Pride w Itou he townshi tletr., at the a tors. 1 month a ceased was born in Ind. where he event and early rnanlaeod ys. re he was married to Elizabeth nuer,•and .after fanning a few rs lie decided to comp to if::tn'tdn. ;' 1858. he and his wife, (with the hirers then born to them, crossed o Atlantic, and landed at Quebec. hey came 418 far as London by rail and !tired a colored man to !)ring tthem up to ('sborne, where they ex- tlected to meet friends. !Every -- thing ..went well until the township of Itiddulph was reached, where one of the wagon axles broke. blr. a - holo iy started out to secure assist- ance, and hearing 11.e Tin; of pow - belle 'followed to w•hrre the sound came from, and was greatly surprie- ted when he came to the home of an old equaiatitance, Mr. John Cor- nish. The wagon w•as repaired and ;Dir. Itoutly and leis fancily settled on She 4th concession -of ,1'3ltrarn. 1:1tat year. The next year they tuov- • .o the 10th. 'Concession rind a v afterwards ' was .ft �• erected. This . 3 shau.y ere t a replaced by a more modern struc- ture. Tfr. Routly continued to re- side in this locality until the day of bis death. About :l year ago the de - Ceased was entering the barn, when the door blew- against hien, kno:king him down and causing a fracture of •Lis lee. Owing to the extreme old age :he dislo:ated member would Hot knit, and he Was rompclled to remain in bed. About a week ago he V. VA taken ill with the grip. this leing the direet cause of itis death. Ills wife died about 9 years ago. Ile is survived by five children, !Samuel, Matthew, John, Mrs. James lloutly, 1\1'oodh:em, and Mrs. Adapt St. John, S1. Marys. In religion he was a !devout 'Methodist. and in politics, :was 1 supporter of the Liberal par- ty. The remains were interred in it}1Q Zion :cemetery on tiuttd'y, Feb.. ]7th. A nttntiaer of friends of Dav:d Dun- can 'gave !tint n surprise party last evening tat his l:onec on tine 12th concession. As Mr. Duncan intends shortly to leave 'far the sllrthw•eet, a f trs'wel1 gather in; was planned ped to show their appreciation .n( liim .,e a life long neighbor present- ed hire with a purse of tnoucy. \\'l1EN WOMEN SUFFER Look out for weakness or disease. See it 1 here Is Lot a eideacshe, head• ache. Iestlesenee3 and he "blues." Th:e. • symptoms indicate that you uc(d 'Use tent le :Issi41arl a of 1►r. 11•1Mil lon's fills. They ore woolen's ore Ovid relief, prevent function 11 dertneenlenls, renew the lift of tit' s Uloud, purify soulelven Llu .}stent J,roualx)ut. No Nonic ra petcnt, �to results t) unasked as follow the Also of 1)r. Hamilton's fills. 1',ri•�e ;.25c. per eros of all dealer/. 6 ST A FE A g Mr. \William henry Drake, of .-Btalt I, who was nnrnnged before Lis .Honor .fudge Barron at the Court hotIl.1. Fell. 11, on the charge of tcalinpt several head of ea 11 lc from neighbor mauled McVey. Hwa, WA to he nut guilty of the charge tit on the minor offence of having Stolen chile in iris posc.eet:ion rte Ives found guilty. The Judge let Drake off on 'suspended ieentcnce. Crown Attorney McI'hcrtson was pro3>?c11tor and Mr. J. C. Making, of Makins & Henley :1ppearod fol rho &lendatit. 1{s It Your Own Hair? A. - • -.lLgreastr «arms» Do you pin your hat to your o»: a hail'? Can't do if? laven't enough hair? it must 1-e you do not know Ayer's ilair Vigor! i-Icre's an intro- .:t„ti:tn ! hiay the acquaint - ...CC.' result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair -food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. The beat kind of a testis ental - "Bold ter over slaty years." qD� v Oo.L Lew n. Itsrs. -lOe mat1Y tlai�ra O� , SAReAPAIILiA. YerIS"L". GEM PECTOIAle CENTRALIA Mr. A. i). illergott, who for sev- eral was a ;trusted employe of A. Storlock, blacksmith, Crediton, has rented the blacksmitling cshop hero from Mr. Davis, .Hud intends carry- ing on a tgencral blacksnlithin bus- iness. Mr. llc.rgott conies well re- commended and u :liberal patronage Is assured 1Ht11. Miss Hodgins, of Jlirr, is the ,guest of her cousin, -l1,s3 Alla Hicks. Slims Birdie Boyle, of Exelor, was the 'guest of ,Miss Lydia Handford on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Walker is the guest of Miss Burney. of Exeter. hiss Quarry, of Parkhill, returned to her diorne pn .Monday after a ple'isent visit with liter .sister, •4irs. D. O'Brien. Mr. and burs. .Tilos. Boyle, of Exeter, visited the forrner's mother here on Steel ty, The Cenl rali t el. tl:olist •choir will assist at the anniversary ;services at Eden next Sunday also at the oyster supper on Tuesday (evening. 21rs. Vosper and ilau,;hter, Mao; Vesper of Fullerton nye guests at Mr. John Hepburn's. Dr. Orme has purchased .lir. ,Josh- ua lluxt:lblc's property on Main street. I guess the -Dr. will settle down in Centralia pet. • To get relief front indigestion, bit. iousness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels, take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver Pills they will pleese you. If your ere Conslipated, dull, or bilious or have a sallow complexion, try Lax-cts just once to see what they wjll do for you. Lac -els aro 11.1 le tooths0rrle Candy ,tablets -nice to e.at, nice in effect. No ;ripin;, no p'.in. .lust it ;mile laxative effect -411 is pleasirl;ly desirable. Mandy for the vest pocket or purse. L,tx- ets meet every desire. Lax; ets come ,a you in beautiful lithograph• ed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25o. Sold by W. S. llowey FA ItQI; IL11t ll r-. ,I,ente's it cries tecei%ed word on '•baser 1 int of the death of hie uncle Mr. S'ntuel ,Martis. NI r. 1). G•ladiner h Is hc4Nt supplyt- ing vslla;1: with wood for the e let week. On \Vcdnesd'y cvcuing, the friends of ler. Des id 1)unc:ln, In this cunt ntunily, g tee a ,lame 811 :prim,: pbrty nt residence, prior to hie ia►vin.: for leis new d:olne in the West, aC• ler which they preeenled him wills 1 t•urtts! of money. Aho wing 1l' res - pc; t Ind esteem in which they have eltw les been told, .he h-vin.r son; all lee Itfe here Ile will h gr(' of fv 'lessee. but .11 Jon in is Oleng him end his family, health and prosperity in t brit• ri'ov d -oar•. Mr. John Tucker 11x.1e been on the pick list for 1Le p1(1 week, wills Ppe•• ll tiler i,Iloy41 ite.ts•(,rs,.n-lo visited here diving Ili:' past week loturn'•.1 to hi• home Thursday. Mos. N. C l In plied l is on t he siek :i•'. t.': eeei:. Grippe i+ the muse. Diet', forget the .Itis rimeert in the Hall. on Tuesday Feb. eat It under the alvei^••R of Sir I. O. F. Mr Jos. McCullough who hes been ill, is 'slowly re overin,r. . Mr. and Mrs. R. W. 1'. Ileaver( vielte'I Mr. It. Jleeeer + et \\'orelleon, on Send ty. C Ilige number front here attend- ed 4 b funertl of lt:tlthew ltoully, Ott _ StItede la At. Z 113 R T 1 M E 8, FEBRUARY '21st 1907. RT. a exist !'rot►• iaoroue rub - side with Ner- into the ti3stu:I seated, and give w minutes. No lin:- an, so strong, so 11ow.- sults guaranteed with 25e. 'bottle of l'oh)on's Nervi!• -Get it to -day. ELIMVILLE There w•88 a seasi:Il hop at a\1r. John Siphons, cute evening of last week, when a number of young foto pie danced the light fantastic until the "Wee Sine" hours of the 'morn- ing. btr. and Mrs. A. 1'enwarden at- tended a wedding pearly at the atoms of Mr. and Mrs. W. If. l'en\v trden on Monday evening last. Mr. John Whiteford ;s seriously ell with pneumonia. CLOT41EH To tett a !evader of fashion one must 'bo a follower. Tho man who stays the compliment is oot always the man who Joys 'for the gown. "United we startd but divided we get all sorts of mean things toed about us," otitis The Skirt. The moist aldornsdl woman is not always the most adored. As a man's 'salary gets higher bis wife's gowns ;et lower. A widow and 'Iter weeds aro soon patted. An old fashion Is old, but an 4an- cient fashion is aelw•ay3 modern - 'Waller Pulitzer, in ;March. Delinea- tor. EDEN 'rlie anniversary services of (he Eden ;Methodist Church twill be held on Sunday Feb. 24th. Rev. Fear, of of (Exeter, Will 'preach at 2.30 and Goo. Stanley. of Lucan at 7.00 p. an. On Tuesday an oyster 'supper will be served in the basement of the 'school house and ;will lite dol Lo wed by •a eroprant, ;consisting of !recitations, and music by foreign and Local tal- ent, 2Ir. Nolaon 'licks, of Central- ia will sing nt the entertainment and the neighboring ministers will deliver speeches. Admiesion, adults 30c. children 20c. A surprise party wee given at flu: home of 21r. and firs. John Essery on Friday night of last week. An enjoyable evening was A[CVtt by all present. FOR OVEIt SiXTY YEARS AN OLD AND WiiLL-TRIKD RRMiur.-Mrs Winelow's eoothtag Syrup has been need for over sixty years by mil -ion's of mothers for their children wnlle teething, with perfect Yucca-' It soothes the child, 'sot tens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic. and la the best remedy for pain, it 1- pleasant to the tante. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. ler value is incalculable. Ile sure and taste Mrs Wlnslow'e Eoothtu¢ Syrup and ask for no other kind. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30111, 1906. Serial Number 1098. 8. S. NO. 7, USIJORNE. The following is 11:c honor !loll for S. b. No. 7., t'sboirne (for January. V -Loftus Ilern, Arnold Taylor, Sr. IV-1•:rnest Penrice, Chester Gor vett, Garlic Jacques. Sr. and - Olive Batten, Chester Coulticc, Wel- lington Batten. Sr. II -Ida !'orrice Warren Brock. Jr. 2nd-C:e.rril Ste- phen, Wellington Brock, Willie Pen- rice. It. L. KIRK, Te.echer. -0- Croup can positively ire stopped in twenty minutes. No vomiting - nothing to sicken o: distress your child. A sweet pleasant and dile Syrup, called Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure, does the work and does it quickly. Dr. Sl'oop's Croup Cure is for croup alone, remember. It does not claim to ct1 .e .1 dozen ailment m. It'a for croup, thal'a rill. Sold by W. S. llowey. KIItKTON '''Ire deb:111 ug society held n very interesting meet in.( un ..Monday evening, tete subject under discussion being "Our Caned:l.' 11 r. John O'Brien opened up it he topic wail remarks (feeling on 'I he northwest and the f:ufel itice ,for handling \h^a 1. W. M. Leigh Ili:lndled the matter of immigration and the proper kind f people to encourage 'lu Canada. Mr. Thos. itoadhouse Icrok up the (We+ t1011 of customs, 110 rem:lrk% heing chiefly on tariff rind duly on man- ufa111ured goodie. ,elr.- lirethour'M talk w:Is on I he manufactures of Catcad:e, umaining his reworks prin- cipally to farm .Machinery. Jainism Moore spoke on 11 hr prcal11015 ,of On- tario :end of experimental alone and \V. R. ('irr on !lies Militi:e and the (lefens,'s of our 'country. The w et- inl( was instructive and interohne' and a ill be ,continued on March 41 h under new subjects. A drill nitvrn d ence is requested, '4VAN'1'ED- Hustlers, cilher sex to sell toilet',r•p.lr'ations :end dlavorit ext r into Dig stoney. \Vriie for particulars. The Purity M'f'g. Co. 1 Exeter, Ontario. Mrs. Wm. Atkinson returned on \\'eeeeed Iy of lest week from :e vis- it wit Is f rie'nd.e in St tett ford. Several from here attended the sueprige party given Devitt Duncan 11%t evehillff• Those w•10 use ice during she sum- mer. last week touted 14rcir supply (corn Copelan(1'4 pond. ood's Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis- tinction eve medicine the world has ever known. It. Is an ial•rotmd medidne.ep dtaCil►g its nn- Wanedt1 �bY parityn vitalising enriching blood on which the health and strength of every or, bone and thins duo CaAccept.no sobs& for Hood's, bat. IIM slit. on having Hood's AND ONLY HOOD'S. A TRULY IDEAL WIFE ut.:v.ing to Alberta shortly and a for 11u ►r no HER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER Vigorous Health Is the Great Source of Power to inspire and Encourage -AU Women Should Seek It. • One of the most noted, enceee+eful and richest men of this century, in a recent article, has said, "Whatever I Hut and whatever stieee e 1 have attained in this world I owe all to my wife. From the day I first knew her ehe has been an inspiration, and the greatest helpmate of my life." To be such a /successful wife, to retain tho love and admiration of her husband, to inspire hint to snake the most of him- self, should bo a woman's constant study. 1f a woman finds that her energies are flagging, that elle gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes,, she has backache, headache's, bearing -down pains, nervousness, irregularities or the blues, she should start at once to build up her system by a tonic with specific powers, such as Ly- dia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound. Following wo publish by request a letter from a young wife: Dear Mrs. 1'iakhani : "Ever since my child was born I have suf- fered, as I hope few women ever have, with inflammation feznale weakness, bearing down pains, backache and wretched head- aches. It affected my stomach so I could not enjoy my meals, and half lay time was spent in bed.. E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound made me a Well woman, and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought neo health, new life and vitality." -Mrs. Bessie Ainsley, 611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash. What Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Comlwund did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. if you have symptoms you don't un- derstand write to MetPinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mays. Her ad•rice is free and always helpful. Mr. \\'m. Kirk entertained a :num- her of friends to a fowl supper hast Friday evening. The supplementary meeting of the South Perth Farmer's Institute was told here on the afternoon and even- ing of Wednesday of last -'.eek. Mho meetings were held in Aberdeen hall and the attepdauce was large. Ad- dresses \wclrc given 'by Major Shep- pard and Dr. (teed. In thenfternoon Dr. Reed gave an interesting. demon/. titration on the judgin; of a draught horse. Ile secured two fink 3p.ccirnens from the eleightxrrlrood, and asked the audience which of the tw•o Alorses they would in their judgment pro - for. Then he undertook to explain the different points in the two horses, saow'ing whore one was de- fective and the other was not. IIe illustrated the 'good points to be looked for in judging animals, also the bad ones. The demonstration was interesting and the tango galla ering ,. the the Dr. close attention. Major 8ltepperd gave a lecture on "Three days in Niegarra river," a recital of the weir of 1812. Mr. Fred A. Taylor, WWI in London last week on business. Mr. and 2Irs. Philip Madge visited Mr. Arthur Loupe last Friday. Mr. ,lolln panne last week sold to Jaynes Robinson of idle )3rd fine of 131anshord, a fine specimen of a scuba Mr. and Mrs. Hoover and family, of Michigan, hive been the ,;ueata of Dr. anti Mrs. Carr for Several days. The hoover family • (intend made visit woe here tx:fo o leaving rf liwest home. A Mishap befell a young luau from Exeter a couple of Sundays also while 'ret ruing tomo from .1 he Kirkton chore -It with oto of tour fair young ladies, with wneno ho had been spending the day. They had left the church and were driving lonittward, w•lten the young ucan's hat was 'softly lifted by the gentle zephyr tiroduced by a uoi'westcr, and blown into a field of a meiahborin; farmer. The young nutn continued the rest of bis journey haus, tho ardour of his attentions being rude- ly interrupted by the 1oc3s of ties sky pioce. Thct lust lens found the next day and returned to the pro- per owner. ---,en-- Piles :set quick relief from Dr. Shoop'', btu=io Ointment. Remem- ber it's mado Gleno for piles -and it works with certainty, and satiisfao• tion. Itching. painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like ma;ie by its use. Try It and tree. For sale by W. S. Howdy. --t- ZURICII Sirs. Scltilix; who trcven1ly under- went an operation to the hospital in London. hats returned house and is greatly imjtrovut. A 510 NV 'toerdor !hue arrived at .the Commercial Hotel and 'the chances are mine Lost J. 1'. Rau, will not uderlakc 'lo collect for his lodgings for some time. It's a gitrl. The supplementary ,meeting of the South Huron Fturrner's Institute was t held here Monday. There eves a largo 't LATI1OUt. Mr. John Deielsar1 Jr. deft dist Friday dor a few \reeks visit with relatives its Detroit and New Ifaven Mich. Mr. David Bender, who has spent the (winter with friends here, has : returned to i1ooedale, Ills., gvhere les is enga_ned In farm work. • 1r. 1" Lamont left on Tuesday of last ;reek with l.'= shire horse Tongo, for C:arsonvillo 'Miele, where he expecte to dispose of •liiin iso a [syndicate of farmers in that section. Tongo is a splendid specimen of his breed and fete should encount- er very tittle trouble in disposing of 'the bores nt a Hood figure. The death rate in Zurich in 1908, was two in tt population of about 500. )'Lis would average four in 1000 population. The average death rate in proportion to population w'as about 9 in every 1000 in Ontario, so Zurich must be ten exceptionally hoalthy spot to live in. The treasury of the Township of Hay vas enriched last week by the sun t of bc' n l the • hhnro t} g of IA railway It ,e t a t x levied v d fY Ie and I'. collected /clef by the I'rovinciai Government from the railways operating in 'Ontario. No one knows better than those who have used Carter's Little Liver Tills what relief they have given when ''ken for dyspepsia, dizziness, pain in the side, constipation, and t/''. CENTRAL ee" STRATFORD., ONT. The Leading Commercial School in Western Ontario. - Our courses are thorough and practical while the teaching is ▪ done by able instructors. The -- ambitious voting amen and young T women who desire to get the best pOAAible commercial train- ing patronize this reboot while business then are in search of ,1. our graduates to fill responsible Y positions. The best time to en• • ter sur classes is NOW. lleau- a, l ilii catalogue fr.( e. '}; E1,lIOT & MCLACiILAN, Principals, Z +++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ F Which ? I T SEEMS awaste ofwordstoargue that a hilliness education is necessary for the success in life of f voting men and women. No res- nnable person doubts it. It is a fixed a ('t. The only question- the vital title stion --h. ll ti : .NN hiih college :•' Shall it be n school where common Aen4o. practical methods are followed? Shall it he the hest college or next best. it toots nothing to get our new cata- logue. Simply ask ns tet send it to your addreea. It tells about the most tiar•tical Business (`allege in Ontario. pi believe it to he the very hest. Enter any time. lndividnel in- cl 1 act ire. Gllnton Business College (affiliated with Winghant Business College) Prinelpal. • CASTOR S R O IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Nave Always Bought Bears the Signature of To atop a cold with "Preventics" Is safer than Ito let it run and cure it afterwards. Taken nt the "sneeze stage" Preventics will head off all colds and Grippe, and perhaps Hive you trom pneumonia or bronchitis, Preventics a -re 9ittle toothsome dandy cold cure tablets Selling in 5c and 25o boxes, If you aro chilly, if you begin to sneeze, try I'reventiss. They will sorely check the cold and please you. Bold by W. 8. Ifowey. WOODIIAM The two worsen evangelists ere bark in Woodham. - Frenk Carr is visi,ing his parents. Mrs. Frazer, of Indican !lead. who was c:llled to Mitchell to attend a funeral watt lest week visiting IMr. and Mrs. !toy. Mr. Mills watt in London Iasi week a business t rip. Highest Price Cash FOR tt11 kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zII1C, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hair. Steel stone boats, uouie- yarding, iron posts. St.il or exchange for the ;lhim C goods. M. Jd6Ks0A&Son Clear the old market Main St. Exetl'r l'heOhl se to Cute a Cold: 11HE NEW WAY fake Howeu's Cu[e•0•0011 Only 2.e tette a Box The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnro of and has been rade under his per. 1• .e- r sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeit., Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants! and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORCASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TN! CA NTAUN COMPANY. 77 MURRAY .TR![T. NEW 7095 CITY. The Lodge room Of l he L. O. L. was the eceno bf an interesting de- bate on Thursday evening of last week when the • aubjoat "Itessolved that manried life is more preferable than single blessedness" was discus- sed, The subject was unique, and the debaters worn well warmed up. The night was bold but a Liberal supply of fuel to 'tree fire added a warmth :to the Groom that was •quite In keeping with tate debaters and their enthusiastic hearers. Tho af- firmative side 'was paptained by Michael Brethour, while the inter- ests of those who are yet to enter the army of benedicts was looked after by tier eral under tho 'captaincy of Dave Goulding, of Sunshine. It is re:dices to ,state that Mr. Brethour m tde :1 decided hit with his elc.- quent homily, on the (beauties and happiness of the life of a ;bencvi'►st. Ile stated his transition !from the lonely existen:e of the forlorn rind those who are 'wont to ibe Lovesick, had olcunred but a -few weeks prey: ions and during that time Ids peace of mind. and happiness had been so beneficial to him 'that the scales de. noted an inereaac 4n his weight of len pounds. Mr. Goulding had to mind the beauties and the happiness which prevails among the unmarried) in his part of the country. How the swains and t.he'1aeses enjoy the free- dom of life without the cares that are essential to those who follow the lines laid down by Mr. Roosevelt; against race suicide, and how by tho installation of telephones systems la oa31t house, an engagement to meet half way can bo made, nitnotst any; time, without the kallant lover hay-' ing to have Lis efforts at love ,makes making forestalled, by the plectra clock proclaiming that the hour hale arrived, when the lonely walk aerodef the field must be undertaken. Thel affirmative side was basked up with the strong arguments of W. Stowl- art, )[ugh I3erry rend .1. McElrea; while W. Sinclair, 'Alex. Creigtttou and Toin Smith assisted the negative. Mr. John Stewart was the solo judge giving his decision entirely on t1 point's brought out nail rendered, in" favor of the single life debaters. Keep It In The House Coughs end colds develop like wild -ere. At alight there may be a sneeze -a slight tickling in the throat. Next morning -a bad cold. At the lint signs, take Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam It breaks up colds -.tops the cough -heels the throat and lungs, never falls to sur, chronic bronchitis. Largest and best 2s cent cough remedy to the world. used in Canada for over too years. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed by as NATIONAL DNUO • CHEMICAL CO., LaNITCD - LONDON, ONv. Great Possibilities are within easy reach of Graduates of the The WOMAN] BUsIll ss 0111 Sno0lli0111 College 110 Dundas Street London Everyone who completes either a Regular Commercial or Short- hand and Typewriting Course is placed in a position. Catalogues, beautiful specimens of Pen work. and all particulars are mailed upon application. Don't delay. ()olden opportunities are passing. W. C. Coo. C. S. R. Principal The Usborne and Hibbert farmer's Farm e Mutual fire Incur anew Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. !'res. W. if. 1'ABSMORE, Farquhar. Vice-Pree.:- J. L. I1t:88ELL, RV88$LLDALE, 1'. 0. DIRECTORS. WM, Roy, BORNHOL.M P. 0", Wm. Bao('K WINCHNI.SEA P. 0.- T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0 ROBEiRT NORIt1S, Steffe. AGENTS, JOHN EMERY. F,xeter, agent for Usborno and liiddulph. OLiVEIt HARRIS, Munro. agent for Ribbert, Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secv•Treas. Farquhar.• t1I.ADMAN & W ANIiI'RY. Solicitors •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••H • '1'H E 11O1.SONS BANK • • (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856) CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• •••• S3,000.000.00 RESERVE FUND ••• •••• ••• •••• $ 0 Branches to Ontario Quebec. Alberta British Columbia and M snitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every lawful nay from 10 A. M. to 3 r. M. except 5aturd5l to A. rs, to 1 e. Ix. Forteier,t' Bele Notes cashed or collected. Prams supplied On appplieatton. 1)ItAels on all points In the Dominion, Great Britain and tee iced Staten, fought and sold at lowest rateaof exchange, RAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of .1.00 ani upwards received. interest com- pounded halt yearley, and added to principal June ;nth and December 31st. De. posits iteoetpae also Issued and highest current rates of interest allowed. Advsnces made to farmers stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on moo fee arable term.. Agents at Exeter for Dom. Oovernmeet. • Dickson & Carling, solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• To Cure a Cold in .one Day ritirot" Tiles Laxative Brow Clithaine Tows. ow every ltl+�wt 11i e. atlll■tlls Kis r p.S Is .e.lfe. -Mit _ � /91 f lost. 33o.