HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-02-14, Page 5ossemselfmmismd '1'1:11.i EXETER TIME TOCK Ckaring Sahb! During the Month of Februar balance of our y w' interd to clear out the SPECIAL WINTER STOCK and WetReductions t Heavy Freize Overcoats regular $7 to $8.50 your choice for $3.75 Woolen Blankets, Men's and Ladies' heavy Underwear, Dress Goods, Flannels, Wrapperettes, Tweeds, Etc., greatly reduced. Many Remnants of Prints, Wrapperettes, Dress Goods, Cottonades, Flannels, Etc., on sale this week. WE ARE GIVING BARGAINS. Our Grocery Stock is complete. A Call Solicited. Highest Prices Paid C. Z\VICKER, or ProduceCrediton CRED1TON Flour Mills We have installed a NEW ROLLER PROCESS in our Mill for the rolling of Oats, and can now fill promptly any Or- der to roll Oats for Horses. We still have our Chopper and can also fill orders in this line promptly. H r Sw eitze Crediton. • �'�I�11tiI -19 'III•I 4ar�1 Your Spring Cleaning ___.DO YOU intend to paper your house or any part of it this spring ? if so, remember we have a complete stock Of the latest designs and pat. terns to choose from. Border, Ceilings and Sidings All at one price. Get our prices and I see our samples before you purchase elsewhere. Quite a number from here at- tended the wedding of Mr. Chas. Fanner to Miss Lydia Schroeder on I Tuesday afternoon. No (cahoot was held in the 2nd and I 3rd forms of the Public School ow - 1 ins to the 'teachers being ill. • Mr. Bean preached a series of sermons in the Garman language on Sunday last. Ilia text being Luke , 11., and the 13(h. verse. I CREDITON SCHOOL REPORT. i The following is the report for the month of January. In the contln- 1 nation classes the marks of alt pu- b pits who obtained over 40 per cent. I will be given. Honors 75 'per •cent. or over. In the other .classes honors mean 75 per cent. and pass !standing I 60 per cent. on all subjects of exam- ination. Names in order of merit. Div. IV — Con. Classes — Algebra Clsas 13.—G. Sweitzer 61, Roy Hill 51, M. Brown 49, G. Short 42, E. McMunray 42. Class A.—Honors — P. Gaisor 92, E. Hill 88, H. Meadd 83 F. Beaver 79, C. Finkboinor 77, E. Fanner 75. Pass—Wilbur Morlock 58 A. Coughlin 58. •S. Wuerth 49, R. Coughlin 48, R. Ke.inzle 45, 'W. Hill 40. Arithmetic — Class 13. — G. Sweitzer 62, Gortie Short 48, E. 'Mt- Murroy 48. Class A. — Pearl Geis- er 45, Arnold Coughlin 41. C. IILUETT, Teacher. Div. ill.—Class IV.—Honors — E. Wm. Oestreicluor, M. Ost reiohar. Pass—Almeds Finkbeiner, E. Apple ton. Class 1I1. Sr.—Honors — Lula Geiser. Paas—p. limits, A. Wuerth R. Andrews, H. Mangers, B. 'redden, G. Beaver C. Boltzmann. Class I11— Jr. pass, C. Hill, L. Brown; 11. Swoib ser, I. IIodgins, H. Helot, F. HiU W. Rau. MiSS ROBINSON. Teaches . Div. I1.—Class ILII—Ptiss — 8. Finkbeiner, I. Brown, M. Wenzel, lloltzrnann. Class li Sr. Pass— 11. Finkbeiner. Class 11. Jr. Pass— E. Bluett I1. Brown. fart II Jr. Patss— Irene Wolfe, flatlet Kin;. MISS GIRVIN, Teacher. Div. 1— Part II Sr. Honor,—Lillie Weiner. Pass Otto Walker, Ar• Hour Sambrook. A. IV. Pass—Loin to Heist, L. 'McMurray. A. III Pass G. Lamport, A. Gainer. L. Bean. A. I—V. Kestic, R. Wolfe. A. I— R. Hill. BERT. CLARK Painter and Paper Hanger Crediton (' ntario Crediton Dit E. .1. McCUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE I'HYBICI. nos and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. E. A. Haim. Orediton. Ont. s very dis- agreeable 2.i been ►. t, %wc.lti.2r has t1c The -r the in this section [o past week. A severe ?now storm ha pass_41 over tis. Mr. Wes Finkbeiner our genial aro'ery elan has put in his supply of toe. Its o[ good quality and Wes promises ice ore:tua in abundance this summer. Messrs. Jacob Noah and $ani Moist of Kilivanagh, Miene aro spending a ircek in the village renewing ar- cuaielan:es and also attended the 80th anniversary of -their father Mr. Ja:ob Moist, on Saturday last. Quite a► number. of the relatives from 'the village were present and a very en- joyable time was spent. Mr. John Mcisaac put in his sup - /ply of ice in the past week. We are glad to report that Mr. t�\'illi:un Lewis is able to be out and around ager. The many friends of Mir. Cl.as. Kerr ate pteised to (tear that she has recovered from her recent ill- oess- Mc-•,ra. Amo: and llarris who have lbeen p.irtners in painting for the pas: ye -;r have wit lid rvttw0 their partnership. The former left -Fri- day last for Grand Bend where ,he baa secured a position as clerk with his brother and Mr. Harris will con- tinue the business and Fred is pre- pared to tcitinfy the wants of the Deviate in the line of painting, tlnper- ttai..:ing and picture' -naming. Par - 11'+ hawing anything to do in the above lilies will do %well by raking at Fred's shop in lioltzmann's J3Io k. Mr. John Wind has I►een laid up with a severe cold the past week. ' Rev. Mr. Klntntlp 1'. E. of Mich., eonferencc of the Evangelical Asso• gave our village a flying Vis;t on \Vednentlay East. The many friends of Mr. A. W. Finkbeiner who lead been workin,p with Mr. Eli Kin; tip till fall tett who has been engaged with a turn - !tura firm in London for tiro past tow months, will be pleased to learn ha: he 1►13 been re-enga;cd with Aft . Kir•,;. A very Infer-taiing prb,rram wan rendered in connection with the Y. 1'. A. o'1 Wednesday fast. MI5a KIENZLE, Teac}ier. • Dashwood The entertainment given by the young people of the Lutheran church was a success being largely attend- ed. Quite a number of young people from here spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Alex Ronnie, on the Babylon line. Mr. Ezra Tiernan i m n has been busy taking in his ire at tow Mend. Mr. Tiernan says he has taken a much larger quantity this year than last. Ho surely must he looking for a hot summer. A number of young people from Dashwood .and Zurich enjoyed them- eelves last Friday night in Zimmer's hall, ►vhero the time w•.as spent in card playing. Mr. Danl. McIsaac, of Zurich, won first prize and Mr. Thos. Warm, second. After the party a supper was --given al the hotel. Mr. John Eidt was this • Wei* pre- sented w)t a baby boy. bliss Katie Stiree who spent the last few weeks with friends here re- turned 1101110 taut Saturday. Mr. Wm. Shrunun i:1 busy this week taking stock. Several young people from hero spent Tuesday night at the '.onto of 31r. Chas. Deterich, where they en- joyed themselves, the evenin; being taken up with dancer;. Mr. henry Sl au bus returned home last week, utter sl►oriding the last few months in South River. AIr. Rudolph Stade, of l'arkhilt, was an attendant at the concert here last Thuraday night. • Mr. Geo. Wambold, who has a po- sition in Illytli is nt hit home hero spending a few day8. Mr. Cllas. Keller, of the 16tH, is quite friendly, as a baby boy seas brought to lain home last week. Both mother and child :ere doing .%►•ell. The young boys and girls of our town spent Tuesday night at the home of Jos. Wambold, the event being a surprise party. ANNUAL MEETING Thee first a. nual meeting of the Huron Weather Insurance Co. was held at the Town Hall Zurich1� on Tuesday of last week. The atfOnd- enco numbered about sixty, menia- bers being present from all the sur- rounding Townships. After the dis- posal of the directors and auditors report, 'the following were nominar ated ns directors—Jacob Kellern4an Charles Monteith Roger Northcott, and Wendel Smith. The first three were the :retiring directors and they were again ohonen. Mr. Northcott was the president of •the Company for 1906, and vory ably presided over the affairs of the mew Company. He also acted as chairman of the an- nual meeting and did so with great cteedit to himself. Messrs. B. 8. Phillips and Alexander Itannio were reappointed auditors for the year. The 'finances of the Company aro in Mood annpc, nithough .the losses of Jan. 19th and 20th this year will make a big hole in the balance on hand. After the meeting the direc- tors held a short session 'and the following officers elected for the year—W. T. Caldwell, President, A. G, Smillie Vice -fres. E. Zeller /Sec- Treas; G. Iloltzmann General Agent Thco Company made good progress since its start and n short nccount of the business done may pot be out of place. From the 13t1► of Juno to too 31st of December 518 iolici is weere issued covering nn insuranoo of $50.3.890.00. Looses p;lid $108.10. Is so bracing, and invigorating that it often tends to over exertion, without our being aware of it. Most of us lead such sedentary lives that when we take much exercise we of- ten feel fatigued and depressed instead of refreshed. At such times a cup of • will supply the nourishment, and stimul- ation required, sending a glow through the entire system. For a change, try it some time with a dash of cold milli. Add milli to suit your taste w re preparing a cup of to Cash on hand $486.49 residue of premium notes $23818.55 Farmers generally (recognizing the necessity this form of insurance, rind in a very few years it will become as gen- eral as fire inanranos h now. The Company has spleddid prospects ahead and the now I3oard will make every legitimate effort to at least double the business during the yair, GREAT SPECIALISTS IN STOMACH CATARRH. Though often they fail to give even temporary relief, Mr. W. Sey- mour of Iluntaville, Ont., cured himself with Ferrozone. "My troub- le" he says "was ohronic catarrh of the stomach. There was constant bad taste in my mouth, I was cos- tive and usually nauseated 'before and after meals, I also uycd Catarrh- ' ozone which is :good for catar rh. Al. though it took a number of boxes . of Fenrozone, I got back my health and to -day am quite well." For stomach enteral, indigestion and kindred disorders nothing excels Ferrozone. In a thousand tacos it has proved a w•)nilerful success. Try it yourself, 5o:. per box nt nit dealers. B. 8. NO. 3. USBORNE The following is a report of the perrenta,ge obtained hyt he pupils in Section No. 3 Usborno for the month of January. sena! •. Those marked with a rt were not present for all the exams. V.—Gilbert Duncan 92, Earl Gard finer 63, Willie Roach 50. Sr. IV.—Alberta Doupc 70, Mil McCurdy 72 Ray Francis 68 Bortie Docile 62 Laura Clarke 55 *Carrie Le„ "Any 'Maple !gear Rubbers and k, ep your ubbfer feel dry and war111-••— wireless freta "rho old woman %vho lived fa • shoe." Made of the best Para guru, cut to fit snugly an tl accurately, "Maple Leaf Rubbers" present a thoroughly waterproof surface. Iieep your feet dry and warm in tho wettest kind of weather. Rubber boot illustrated is thoroughly waterproof and doubly strengthened at points whore wear is greatest. foot SALE 111' t;Enitt:E NIA ,'4f)\. Copeland 44 Wilfred Doupc 44 *John 1 Ballantyne 40 *,Ada McCurdy 34, I•Myrtle Stinson 20. Jr. IV.—Victor McCurdy 72 Nor i man Francis 60 Jessie McCurdy 52 *Louise Martin 31 `Ethel Shier 30 I •Chris McLoughlin 30. I Sr. Ill.—Howard McCurdy 80 Oliv•, i er McCurdy 74 Jofin Francis 74 Itoy ! McClocklin 63, Isabel Turn'►ull 58, •Rita Shier 0 `A•rlow Copeland 0. Br. II.—Leonard Harris 73 glean or Doupc 60. Tr. II.—Janie McCullagh 75 Reg ;ie loupe 50 Ida Irvine 40 Oscar Copeland 45. I't. If.—Grant Duncan Fern Fran cis. Pi. 1.—dcnntc McCurdy Lester Mo Curdy John McClocklin George Har row Gordon Copeland. ISABELLE M. GARDINEIt, Teacher THF. PIJBLIC 18 OFTEN FAKEi). Unscrupulous dealers actuated by large profits often recommend Corn Cures "asgood ui Putnarn's." There is only ono genuine Corn Extractor and (trot is I'utnam's Painless whiz'. a is :t miracle of efficiency and promptness. Use no other. 1'SIIORNE COI1NCNE Council root Feb. 2nd. all the !menll- ters worn present. The minutes of last meeting were (read and approv- ed. By-law No. 9,1906,—Local ) OIt'on 1 1 By-law was finally passed si;trod by the Clerk and Reeve and tha Corpor- ate seal attached. ley -law No. 1, 1907 .confirming the appointment of Municipal Officers and fixing salaries %r:ts rimed sign- ets and sealed. The auditors report was adopted and 100 copies of report ordered to be printed for distribution. The tender of the Exeter Times 4o do the municipal printing /or 1907 for $55.00 was accepted. The Reeve and Treasurer were authorized to borrow $880.90 on i:limville Drain account, Account amounting to $2020.90 w•ecre passed and orders netted in paynlenr. (.curtci1 then adjourned to meet March 2nd. at one o'clock. E. MOIBLE\ • ('lark. • TiHEYGiCF. \\'ONUI:lthUl. HEALTH. None are so healthy, so buoyant and full of life as those %%•1:o re;t-- late with Dr. llurnilton'e I'ills.s Even in one fright they work won- ders. Fur and coaling they take from ,tongue, headaches they relegate to the pest, biliousness and stomach disorders they prevent and absolutely cure. Think what it menus to have the system cleansed and purified by Dr. llamillon's fills! A true laxative, a peerfcct tonic, harmless and wholly ve;eglablc in composition, they will do you ,roots. To Peril and look your toast use Ur. Ilan►ilton's I'ill% 25c. at any dealers. WINCIiELSEA Milt Oak and Quint Il1'rryhill were in London lint week on bu4- i !less. Mr. John Vern list week sold a colt to Mr. Fred Ellerin;ion (or a good figure. Mrs. John here is ill with the grip Mr. George Powell, of F:xi•trr, MAC a Visit nt the home of Mrs. Isaac Clemons a few days last week. !This was Mr. Powell's first visit to ' Winchelsea since lr left here fen ! yearn '-4isiitwu.-.r.w tie ed, not bi Rei: ton, r Dara, Btrat Kir 'try. Duffield,; Class 1V wood, Ilazelw1 G. B Ito,as. Dou Ilan lloski on. CIa shall, C. Mr. Jo el bee on he purposes with which for t ;:table. Mr. Geo. 8, die on Friday warning. Ho mill for his g returning ho Miss Effi' Tre spending wee in This ; illa;e visiting hi. sir lir Ii Io kin. The cool • ninth. e our vil- lage :Ire IS week 'tag their supply of i• for ti, immcr, which is of good qualy The ..cold stormy weather in the i►vcst is quite a detriment to our local horse buyers, who are load- ed up ►vita horses for .shipment to that country. WIIERE DOES CONSUMPTION BEGIN. That first little 'tickle becomes a j cough, else cough grows severe,J�js; ne;tested and travels down to tfl$'i' lungs. Treat throat trouble bet,. it ,gots severe. Catarrliozonc wit ch heals, ays infla, „crier, •urci 111 throw and oro )'• marvel zo which anrh nsumpl tors, pr Ca Carr and $ al troub orkcr is Catar:rho vents thousands 11118 from court n . Recommended dor- cd by 'time to b 'n!aiiin4 7• 14 what ygerneed. ,r 0, s n..very►y41ere•• t� k- DIDDULI'II Ta\VNSIiIP COUN FEB. 4TH. 1907. 'floe council met pursuant to ad- journment the reeve and the ,mem- bers present. Mr. M. Breen took and subscribed the Statutory Declar- ation of office and Qualification and took his seat. Mr. Geo. Fanson was unanimous- ly appointed assessor. The auditors submitteed their re- port and the Clerk was instructed ho get 100 copies printed. Mr. \Vm. Davis' claim dor dam- ages for right of way while Turner's Bridge was building and for stone, was referred to the reeve. The fol- lowing accounts were ordered paid— II. M. Falls drawing tile and work re Colwell's drnin in 1900 Div. 2 $3.00. A. Isaac, ditching in 1903, Div. 2, $2.00 .1. If. Lewis overseeing and letting contracts in 1906, Div. 2 $8.50. S. C. Chowen, spikes for 1t uli table 10g week anti alien r. box of IIIL,tn<, low : teas) used I . y is liver cht11 anate n " caro+ 1!03111 t d ii t h 1 .iI0. ring). 1: •! : e 1 e " . 1 x or 1ltlrans wall dune 1 't.t- 3'1.4411) lin plan•u.1. and a few b •i,•. ' ,:high 1 t: ,• r..ua,I eoutp;e;c)v. i :saw nett and -trial.; ::g in ire i • • ideuin:,t- i+m.-twn'lc:l r: -.I.,:, t • 1'le 1✓.her .fmf.tuu,9 tit iii 3 4,1 :. . 1 ge ltdt•. 41 7 dc',lily 4 « 54.i•.•!4 0' people lir•: 1'34 n 31•,:3 dA11110'1114 frn•nliterchil ,ontkw•.1- i:1, ah..t na•11e 1',;t:4 t.1 . 1 raltnt••II:. 11 lit* f.4r1 cul . an 1 +11:, 1 '. At 1.1u. Inv ...kit( feet. lie :tad ' y • at utast tl1144-.»td and t•. teeny. 114'. (daces, c- 1.- stlpalion—:to•rc31.11,•. p'lc', and 11114 ,11+ fu ti.s ar 1udi,tc<I.ou a:.o a.la)3i ',n) 11311 xta10 I"or Ur,- h- re la nuthing °u 1l ! %rotld of in- iiciu.l equal to 1;•tea e act directly en Ilvcr and .n;leh.and strt•a..C1.1 3: 1.1 lnvig, rate. .e: c. arg11114 n 3'• 11 •'l•y call fuial thet f::netiotta ,., :1, i:r,• ilitt alnt 0,1 cure .:., y. ;!y. i nd igont ion, ,L• uw:%ti•nt. re1IY11U:4 "1••nt«and irreq uta$ Nes, cal.!+. c§iI -. I, ::u l intjntriu3•-. -1: in .ores 811:•1 i.in:, ; •. 1 10 la/ ha.! 1,111:,11. he ,1:, `,e 43,. t'''''. I'elchi:,, t•le. 'fits bete o A'ruhnl. .%'1 d1 ct i,1 t•,•e: -.•i Itilearnt at ,4 r1 nl • r. or ,;i. c. 1 • an the Ildclin 4'r.r•1 •I,,. 1!' •,•1 • ..pl llr prt.•c. r, Cir °t. l .'• }' i s s.y:st Clandeboyo sidewalk $1.25. W. a4 Ilueston Bal. for gravel Div. 2, 1906, $4.18. J. Park, lead pencils for els cation Jan. 1906 47c. N. Sovereign balance in full for printing to date $23.25 P. Breen auditor $14.00. J. if, Coursey auditor • $14.00 Jas. Ms - Geo rip road 1906 Div. 3 and 4 $2.004 J. M. Stanley timber foie bridge in 1906 $116.00. W. R. ' RcvingtOgl ditching Div. 2 1903 $2.50. Tho Council then adjourned 't4 meet again Monday Marcs 4th 1907 at 10 a. m. W. D. STANLEY, 'CLERK A FOOD AND A TONIC What the leading Medical Journal of the world has to say about FERROL. After making a thorough test of FERROL in its own laboratory thc London (England) Lancet published an article from \vhich the following is taken : FERRO "This is a successful combination of the known valuable remedies, Cod Liver Oil, I Phosphorus. The formula is no secret, analysis showed thc presence and amount tuents as described. The preparation is and of distinct therapeutic value. The an easily assimilable oil, in a fine with a phosphatic salt of iron the digestive functions and determines its success diseases." What the Lond and a tonic in special qualities. No higher end following the use have proved that 4 1 FERROL is not a patent m the but Physicians. It is end pimpliest ZiospiWs, Sanitari :IV. B. Cn