HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 16• • '1'
Men's and
ace and long
up from
our choice for • 15
A clean up in the Cap depart-
tnent. Men's and Boys' cloth
euri and cordtuoys•. A
big lot to pick from Each • 25
A Cinch in Boys' Snits - all odd lines and
broken sizes -one and two suits of a kind, ►1l1 plac-
ed own. bargain table -come quickly if you want a
big deal -regular values $1.50 to $4,50 a suit
Our stock taking bargain price only 1.25
Farm Produce as good as Cash
1. • A. STEw.A-R,'
++4.4 i»j- },i• ,'••i•:}.;
is an eeyentiel with us. Every
thing iti the construction of our
Time Pieces is shaped with this
end in view. They aro made to
keep good time and give good sat-
or P
r Future Time
or MI Time
line of (locks is complete and
Get one of Marchand's
ks. They are the hest -at i
price. Call and inspect
Miss Ellen Brown entertained a
few friends on Monday evening.
Miss Louisa Sweet, .is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Glanville, of London.
Miss Alda Dinsdale, of Itippen, vis-
ited relatives in town a few days
of the past 1v('ek.
Mr. Jas. Buchanan and son.
Edwin, of Donegal, spent a few it iy:1
last week with Mr. Richard Terry.
Mr. M
. E.Hackney ex
e t0 move
into the (louse he recently purchas-
ed f:orn DLr. Mantle, about the fir:.:
of March.
Mr. and MLra. G. K. ileaman enter•
t repel a
friends r
rc 1ds
in honor of Mr. and lira. Thos.
Prior's twenty-sixth anniver,:lry rat
their wedding day.
fel, ma ita ger of t
Molsona' IIlankatHighgate accom-
panied by Mrs. Samuel, spent a few
days in town this week visiting rel-
atives and friends.
Sandy Iiawden and Fred Ifawk-
Rhaw• nttended the hockey match last
Thursday night at Ailsa Craig, be-
tweon Hensall and Adel Craig. '1'i
game resulted in the defeat of out
neighbors at the north by the acoro
of 6 to 2.
iteeve llobier 1:1st week our:ha::••d
of C. E. hackney a beautiful team
of colts, two and three years old.
The Reeve is devoting n •con:cidrr•
able portion of his time to break-
ing in his newly acquired lite
Mr. Riohard Terry has purclersed
the farce of Mr. Geo. 8mallacomoe,
lot 34, cenoessjon 4, Usborne, the
(rice being 83,920. Mr. Terry takes
poasevsij nt once. Mr. Bmallacombe
intends -going west in the spring.
The revival sora -es which have
been conducted in the James street
Methodist church by the pastor, Rev.
Rev, A. If. Going, for the past t lureo
weeks tame to a close on, Friday
evening last.
Mr. Ed, Djssett tot Winnipeg. is
visiting relatives in town. It is
several years singe Mr. Disselt went
hest, and if nppearancen count for
anything the rountry has agreed
with hire. Ile weighs about forty
pounds more than he did when he
left here.
On Saturday, the 2nd inst. Mrs. T.
Clarke bad the honor of entertaining
a number of her friends to celebrate
her eighty•11rst birthday. Amon},,t
those) cresent was Mrs. 'Win. Keough
from London, an old time trice!.
Music and amusements were ren -
red by Mr. Willis Powell. An en•
ble evening tt'n1 shot, all wish•
I:o..tea4 many happy return~
1y, and still to retain her
lth whi:h is very r
per cwt.
8.50 ler ctwl,
Pec a ba abet.
per lou,d.
tr 1 mind.
oontS leer 4gIIlud.
12 rens- Her pound.
Leer bound.
♦••♦• t•s!
Mrs. C. 11. Iforr:.'y is vhi:in„ jn
Ailsa Craig.
Dr. Harry ilrow'ning, 1rho has been
1,,racticiii4 at Blind peaces' for several
months, was in town 014 Saturday
aid ."lond:ly tl:•forc going; •lo Ca'Ie-
dovia, Minn. where lie will -commence
11:,1 pra.tice of niedicitte with Iles
bro.' 1 1)r. W. E. Browning.
An inspector of iho fire under, -
writers' as;oci:ltioll w11:► in town
Thursday .1110111in-4, ippon his arri-
val he went to the Reeve's office and
:('!ether ' 1:'y went to 1).' fir. b 111
and called out 1 h department. 1'hc Miss Cobbledick, of Parkhill, i4
alarm was quickly responded to ani visiting friends in town.
in a short time two streams of .hiss Kate Honthron visited friends;
water 140:0 being :thrown. in Hensall during the %week.
l'EI1ltU.►1tV 7111 19107
3,000 Worili C1oth.TflE OLD RELIABLE
To be sold at 11 holesale
Boys 0.1. Pants -Ho) r pant., made
of good et t•ng tweed. lined uuoogih-
out reg ,I•t p' ice 73e, wholes t'e prat e
42 cent -
Boys Cottonale Pants - Boy's t•ot-
tonade p,u,t- heed throughout, all
sizev. He,ul r price atM, wholesale
price :9 t •.
Boys 2 -Piece Suits -Ma le (.1 line
Canadian tweed biz. 22 to :in Nnrfo k
style. It"gular price z i 50, tt hoe -We
price $'I 23.
Bois 3•Piece Suits -Made of Rood
1 say.' tweed. of he's of line worsted.
Regular price $ 3 we. .1. sa'e pi ice $3 75.
One only Short Freize Coat -Size
.14 w•1h heavy twe,.(1 toning Iteaulaf
pi ice 81.85, wholesale price $3.73,
Pien's Tweed Sults-M.1de in latest
styles, beet linings, s'z•-3d to 41. Reg -
u :u' price x112. wholesale priers Ir9,50
Men's Worsted Suits -In hue, and
blacks g' od Italian lining. sizes 3d. 37.
:33.:•) Re titr;rice rI'
, tt•11n1e sale
In it. $9.30.
Mens Worsted Suits- In blues and
blacks, w,'1I made and trimmed, ling
alar price 87.50, wholesale twice $.1.511.
Mens Tweed Suits -Splendid a3-
soctulelt of Irtttrrns. grey and brown
mixture. Regular price $10, a hole -
sale price
Mens Overcoats -A very pretty
coat of gory tweed with lxtve over -
check , vs lyse collet., size 3d to:li) Reg-
ular price $111, wholesale price $7.50.
Mens Overcoats - in dark t.rown
tweed with wl.ite btripe, good heavy
warns coat. Regular price els, whole-
sale price $tt.
Boys Reefer Coats -Tweed fined in
Ideas and Il scion braes 111t1,,, is. size
22 to 24. R. velem' t•1'ce 42.75 whole-
aale price $1 Si.
Boys Overcoats -in I.laek.$, g:-r•)e
and Tv. ed:, sizes 27 to :13. itegular
price Yid, wholesale price $4:75.
••f ['NoelDc%'s4 (1 )al, in light lied d u•k 'rey.. a splen-
Specia1 'ale dal r l owing Rigida' price 50c to clear the 38c
••I1.p'e 1t1 mt. hi:vr►c(1t:crdto p •
11.,. .101114 J:,^'roll of l)ce er north
last week received word of the death
of ]ler brother-in'luw Hugh Smith
al McGregor, Man., on Jan. 18th.
The cause of death was paralysi,
of ti.: brain. Plr.Smith was a for•
nlor resident of 1111Isgreen au(1 mov-
ed !o the West about 2.1 years (go.
Ile leaves a wife and seven children.
Mr. Charles Montioth of the
Thames Road suffered n sovore ai-
ciders! . on Wednesday of 'east week,
which will keep Lain laid up dor u
few weeks. lie was .lrryin3 :l nag
of shorts down 'the tstajrw:,y :at ha4
barn when his foot blipped, his
foot ;giving between the steps. Ile
fell forward ,and the result of the
strait- caused a dislocation ani com-
pound fracture of the left ankle.
Either rum a town with n vine
or just all out :and loaf. Ono thin;
must he done - run the town fe r
nil it's worth, +get up steam rued keep
it up. Do you want trader Hid for
it. Do you want business to colo'
to your town? Encourage what you
have 1)o you want at prosper -oda
loan: Then never permit .the jeal-
ousies to rule your actions, but work
together for common prosperity and
spelt ua1 :)t'nefit.
If the good old folk lore of Cin•
dlcmas day holds 'good .and 11e grog•
nostioations of the ,around hog are
correct, winter has spent itself. Tha
groundhogs, the woodchucks and the
bears and the 'rest of the hiherna•-
ling animals did not see their who -
flows on the 2nd. According to the
schedule the burrowing animals
were due to rub their eyes, xtrotsli
their legs and 3neander into the
daylight without oven blinking :in
eye, after their 'period of darkness,
and if n spot of blue or a Tay of
sunlight were not to he seen, they
would march forth in a fine belief
in good 1%ealhcr coming. Tho
groundhog was unable to see his
shadow and we la=ve the rest le the
faith of e
, the u .
e .ratitio
u minds.
The Ministerial Association for
South Huron 'held its innugural
meeting in the Exeter Public Li-
brary on Monday afternoon at 2.30.
The following ministers were pre-
vent: Revs. A. I1. Going. C. Fletcher,
W. M. Martin, S. L. Toll. •D. W.
Collins, and E. A Fear. The organ -
was formed with the fol-
lowing officers being appointed, Rev.
Martin, fres., Rev. Fear, Vice -Pres.:
and Rev. Collins, Bogy-Treas. The
object of the association Is for the
discussion of local and ,moral rows.
tions. At the Monday meeting a
number of qucationa were discu•ned
among which was the question of
local ontinn and the reduction of
hotel licenses. The next meeting
will be )held in 111e Main street
Methodist ohurch the first Monday
in March at 10 o'clock 1. in.
The first masquerade and racing
carnival of the reason was 'held in
Datvden'e rink on Friday evening
last. There was a good attendfin-e
and each class was well reprceental.
Miss Lillian Anhos, ns Eskimo, receiv-
ed first prize for hest dresy.t lady.
Among others in thin event were
Miss Winnie Huston representing
Sunflower; Mins M:Lry Murray, as
folly, and Miss Nettie Walters and
Tillie Yngcrrepresenting the local
papers. For Remits coitutne Offa Mc-
Pherson. as an Indian :-.brief tt',4
awtarded first ilrize. This costurno
was one of the finest that bas r,p-
peared on I he rink for some time
It wan a buckskin colt trimmed
with mink fur and beasts and was of
very elaborate workmanship. The
buckskin ;gauntlets were fur -lined
and MAO trimmed with mink fur
and beads. Wellington lion as
cow'imy represented his part well.
Mr. Stoneman, of Ilcnsall was dries%.
cd as a jockey and Willie Amos •,a
an Indian boy. There were about In
.11w,sed for t he shove events but 1 -14
variety scone in the comic coalur -
which was represented by bete.. •11
20 and 25, mostly smaller boys.
Ed. Willis received the prise •,for
comic. Master '•Turk Stem irt
was n striking lige li:tie
old 1111n. i':d I)arr• a lres•.r(1
as down, and Ger.,ld Ilurion, ns
"Prince of i'atches". Tie tient of
the three rams to be won in Fumes -
was won by Wil be linizhl and
he hors' ra:c was won by Verne El-
iot. in all the carnival was one of
the host that has been held for nev-
al 3•earm. Moist- F. Rnizht, W.
Wilton, of llcneitl, and Mr. McFall;
esf Luc,n, :1c:cd as Jai gen
Arthur Lon; has been engaged os
hostler pt the Commercial • hotel
barns. -
Miss Mary bleak entertained a [ow'
of Lor friends last Thursday even -
'Mies Leah Returner entertained a
few of her friends on Tuesday even-
Mi Percy Wools, who has been
out West for some time returned
home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. D. Ilodgson. of Whalen. 1
spending a few drays visiting he
dater, Mrs. D. Iluweliffe.
Mr. 11. McKay, elle new book -keep
er engaged by W. II. Lovett, tumuts
ed his duties Monday morning,
Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Gardiner, of Illyt
spent Sunday and Monday in tow
the guest of the former's mother.
Mrs. Chas. Llndenfiold left ton
Friday for Goderiah owing 4o the
filmes of her father, 'Mr. Graham,
The Assembly ,given by the youn
people of the town on Tuesday, even
in, Was quite successful. Guests
were present from Seaforth, i.ondon,
Mitchell, St. Marys. Centralia, lien -
sail, and other pleres.
The Tri -Weekly Shoot for dhe
medal •camo of; on- the Gun Club
grounds last 'Thursday owing to un-
pleasant weather the attendance lovas
small. Following Is the score out.
of a possible 20, P. Treibrr.r 17, Ie.
Kerr 17, W. E. Sanders 18, J. Treib-
ner 20, 8. Fitton 19.
1V i ;e Farmers Feed
Goie's ouIIry Uoou
Because it snakes the bens ley
sed its a a sure cure for chick-
en Chn'ers, (:roup, (;}apes and
all Puuitry Diseases.
11 Double Your Egg ' Produclioo
-1 Cole's Poultry Fond is at Ionic, good
- 1 health prod in er, make., pon:try strong
land vigorous and thus increases the
h ;supply of eggs. One extra egg a day
n I will more than pay the cost of using
this tonic.
While Mr, Thomas Fisher of the
3rd conoeeasion, Usborne, was feed-
ing his horses Saturday 'morning, ono
of the animals kiakcd him in the
arm, fracturing a small bone above
the wrist. Tihe injury wan a pain -
f ulon o and
Mr. Fisher [ had to con-
sult n doctor and have the injures
member bound up with 3plinte.
Ash Wednesday, Ile beginning of
Lent Will fall
Feb. 1311,
. ; ,iL1r
24th. w111 to Palm fnrad1J. \,r -
29th. Good Friday, and nag 711 31st.,
Easter Sunday. There will are 1 two
eelipees of the sun and two
of the moon. The first
eclipse of the ane on January 14th.,
Wnp invisible in Nor11, Ameri.za.
There twill 1e ante her eclipse of 111e
sun annular on .1uly 10111.. :111(1 •this
also will ho invisible its North Amer-
ica. The last eclipse of I he moon
will take place on tl:o nicht of July
24 and will he visible throughout
North Amcric t,
The 410a114 of Mrs. Margaret Hus-
ton,- tee iloyd, on Sunday sit the
Nene of her daughter, Mrs. .1. 11.
Esaery, Crediton, removed from Ste-
phen one of ills earliest pionorr3 aged
79 years. The dere.:tsed ryas born in
Lachutc, Que, in 1828 and was mar-
ried in 1848 to the late Thos. iiulton.
Shortly after mintage they Inovenl
1o Stephen (
bse nc
Ir Centralia, where
111cy 'Ijve(1 happily 'together until 18
years ago, 44'1en Mr. 'listen 44:x4
allcd to his east reward. The de-
ceased %%:Is h4414 respected ane a
consistent member of the Methodist
church. 8Ise leaves four sons and
one slaughter to mourn their loss.
II. E. of Exeter, Geo. 8. Rushy, N.
1)., Alfred 1t. Wyoming. and W. C.
Morningside, Alberta, and Mrs. J. Il.
Fssery. The remnjns were interred
In the Fairfield Oerneteary Tt1,-sday
ri f l e r nooJ).
15 Cents a Pound.
128o Feeds for 25 Cents
60:6'8 Drug sora
Supplementaru Meetings of
South Huron Farmers' In-
stitute for 1907.
Will lte held as follows, viz:
hLiMVILLE,'j'own,h:p 11111,
Thili sday. l''( h. 141)1
f t crn..nn 4:1-4-4 ing: Major Sheppard of queen stows
will speak on ' I'ropa'ganag fret' grafting. building.
etc." and 1)r. H. J. (teed of tlevrgetown will speak
on •'Prineiplcs andr ctiee in stock tock img." Ad-
dlrner ah, -)be It, n• McLean, happenippts, amt F.
O'Brien. Cht.clhun.t. E% ening meeting: Major
Sheppanl, "Three historic da}. "n sugar, Inter';
lir. 11. J. Iteerl "Breeding !forms for profit,"
F'rirl.lt . .
. rt -II
1hernrou nleetin •
"Propagating frnit grafting, hrt�ibling,aetc. ;or to. d,
.1, Rent' Iiseaseao►digestive system of cattle.` Also
(.1 Incase. by )p. V nelA:1r,, Seaforth, It, 1t, melean,
kipl'(n. E4(ning meeting: major Sheppard. "Three
historic days on Nias era River"; Hr. 11. J, heed on
"Horse breading and rare in relation to diseases",
Sal orally. Feb, hath
Afternoon meeting. major Shepputd "The impress•
meet of (-' 111 try roarb."; Ur. 11. .1, Ree,' "horse
breeding ti •rq '
Rippe!) :( f r n I Sl ': and addresses by 11. It, r,•Lcan,
awl 1'.:r:1 Madge. Thanes Road, 1:. ening
meeting, Major Sheppard "opportunities nn Cana-
dian isms'; 1'r. iI. J. Reed "Principles Ind erne.
lice of sea k breeding"
Monday February 18th
care of Iruit'trees";
p . Reed, ppard "none 1lantiog and
!meating for
profit"; and addresses by it. 13, mep.ea,, and 1', ralge.
4.4111114( meeting: major Shrpp•art, 'Three histnrle
da)s on Niagara after"; Dr. stmt 'l), '-441 s of.ti-
gestive *potent nl tattle."
Tuesday }eta mit v 1th h
Afternoon meeting: major Sheppard "Soil tillage
for fertility
•; Dr.
•• t
r. keel Lone breeding
and Bare air relation to diseases". Addresses IT T.
Fraser, Itn,eeneld and A,mustar•t, Rn,',fcld. Eten-
it(g westing: major Sheppard '•opportlaahvs on can.
(dine /,114,4": Or. itervl'•The1104,1mare and foal",
'L'I'CK Fit 1 PH. M'1'ItONG'y HALL
\\ ('(I'•t'.ds4'. February 211th
Afternoon meeting: major Sheppmnt"Snit linage for
mo's:ure and ferti:it* "; hr. heed "Horse breeding
A11411'411. in elation to di.ea-ra", Addresses by R.
:ruin F.linwille: J, T. A!li•.'n, Thum* It.nd and
Horton, Ilensall. 1?tcnirr: meeting: major Shep•
pant "Opportunities On Canadian fauna' : 114 Reed
' Principles and practice in stock (.reeding,"
Thural(tS. Fel., unr y 21st
Afternoon meeting: mad, r steep/int "S.il tillage
.r fertility and moisture": Dr. heed "Principles of
tock breeding." addresses by a, 11. r0Lcan. kip -
ten and A. O. Sndlie, Ilensall. 1-1‘ ening meeting:
jar Sheppard 'Three historic ;1.4” On Niagara
Iyer"; lir Reed Horses for pmfit"
A mcttiug of the directors of the institute will be
rid on the forenoon of the Meeting at Delimit Feb.
nth. at 11 n Mork.
The afternoon moiling,. will .•nnu
r,erne at 2 o'clock
tarp and evening meetings at 7..f1,
(n eteellent program consisting of music and liter.
y selections w ill Is• gill n at (%ening meetings.
All Interested in Fanners' Insatate meetings are
nlially Invited to attend.W, 1), 8AN()f{HJ R. GARDiNKR
PICKS. Flim'.
Lost. -On � a
ost.-On 'Tues=day, .inn. 15t1, kip-
ec.on skin gauntlet. hinder kindly R
leave ai Tirnea office.
Music, -After special Teachers' &
Artiste' course at Toronto Conserva-
tory of musia. Mies Amy Johns will 91
resume teaching piano, voice, theory ar
Special Hale,_ -We will hive a °o
spezial sale every afternoon cam-
tncncit►g to -day. Thursday, at our
More at Exeter North until my
stork of 1)ry Ganda, Ready -minae
Clothing, lions & .Slhrxs and Gro --
pries are disposed of. -L. M:')'a gg'1 rt
Exets r North.
We beg to nnnounae Ave have re-
cently engaged the aerviots of n
miller with 25 yealrs ext/ericn-e and
have overhauled our mill. We sell
our mixed family flour, guaranteed
beat quality, nt $1.85 per cwt. Wo
also tell -rive Ro'e ' at:d ' Harvest
Queen" brands of pure Manitoba
flour. We have A,pieri'an Yellow
corn, ground or whole, and all other
kinds of feed. Chopping. five r: -rift'
per bag. Highest edge p;1i•l for
wheat, -1f. Cook & lion/:, iie/1.111
Flour Mills.
Annual Meeting
-OF THI-:-
Of South Huron will be held in
1)lx()N''3 1IA1,1,, l;l:l'CF:F'if:LD
Mondayr, Feb. 11, '07
F'1,r el( t t on of Officers nisi] other busi-
ness. All Liberals are invited.
fir OLDist On STOItaI': NNoOTIOfitwithit was to
Bingle article, never to sell ex-
cept at a )lofic The result was
plenty of o1(1 stale goods that nobody
Wanted. We believe in keeping
things moving and our idea of a good
&ore is something more than a stor_
age warehouse. It will pay you to bas
Furs Now For Next Winter
\Ve rare now taking stock and find that we have more furs
than we care to carry over, consequently will sell
at rock bottom prices in order to make room for
our spring goods. To be 3onvinced that what we
we say we do
We Solicit a Call
ft 9! Stands for Safely and Stability
as well as for Sovereign.
The Safety and Stability of The Sovereign Bank are amply proven
by these figures :-Over 25 millions of assets accumulated in
454 yea
Assets exceed liabilities to the public by over 5 millions.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings Deposits. $ 1.00 opens
an account. 28
Exeter and Centralia
Will exchange for other grain
if desired.
Richard Seldon
Exeter, Centralia
and Clandeboye
like the present to make our
We are showing an excel-
lent assortment of exclusive
fabrics, that are well worth
your attention.
Our clothes are cut "right"
and tailored "right" and our
prices will fit your purse, as
well as our clothes fit you.
Merchant Tailor
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to ken at lowest rates.
North West (ands for Sale.
Office, Main Street. Exeter
For Sale
150 acre farm Township of Stanley,
County of Huron, half mild from
Kippen market ;.2 acres orchard
well watered, good frame house, fine
outbuildings. ('rice and full partic-
ulars on application (49.31).
50 acres, township of Rtephen,
county of Huron, .3 miles] to Datil).
wood, 10 tnilee to Exeter, eon slay
loom, 1-2 note orchard, 1 1-2 story
frame house, outbuildings in far re-
pair, price $2000.
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited•
78 Dundas St.. London
is the
Never was it as popular as
at present If you prefer a
I'ure Manitoba Flour try our
new brand
"White Seal"
We have just received an-
other car of American Corn
which we will sell or ex-
change, on reasonable terms.
Harvey Bros.
Do You Wish to Visit
fM1 Mexico,
Florida. or the
"Sunny South,'
Are you r,nxicu t to escape the cold
tteatherand snow and spend the win-
ter in the 9.and of Fruit and Flow-
ers?" «'Intl 1. tourist tickets aro on
sale daily and if t mel ate contemplat-
ing a trip see that your tickets ars
routed via the Grand Trunk,
For tickets and full inbrmition aU
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent
District Passenger Agent. 1'wonts
Auction Sale
Mr. Thos. Cameron has received in-
structions to sell by Public Auction
at the
EXETER Ai(YI 81h, 1007.
Commencing at Ono o'clock sharp
the following property:
2 brood mares 5 yeara old• with
fool ; 2 three year old fillies wit h
foal; 2 two year old finks with /oil;
4 draught geldin;e 4 years oil; 4
igeldinge 3 years old; .3 gcldinzs 2
Tears old ; 4 geldings 1 year old : 3
fillies 1 goer old ; 4 good draught
The above are 'an extra choice Jot
of horses.
Timms OF
Six menthe'credit will he
urnisbing approved given ontes r
discount of 5 per cent 1er (mourn
ff for crash.
Piles ;let q'tiek relief from
hoot. ' Magic flint men 1. Rome.Dr.
r i, 't made alone for piles --a droit
orks with certainty and salisfao•
1tthing, painful, protruding,
r blind piles disappear like to 1 413
sale tby lrW, 8. iHow y.e. Try it nrl(1 E'or
, 00fl, will he It the Commerci
Hotel the first Friday of each month a
Hoorn 9,30 e. tn. to 4.30 p. m, Grass. I 0
es properly ,tit ted and diseases (d eye T
ear and nose treated. Next visit
Frilly. February 8th.
if you once try Carter's l.ittle,
Liver i'illa for tick headache, bit.
intranet., er conolipation, ym) Will Il
newer Le without them, They are o
purely v.'C'otahlo. small and easy to! Is
take. Don't lnrget this,