Exeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 151114• NK+4e'a4fifi^0444K'4041.00 I The people into Know
Cy Practical Expo, lame
XHavo Unanimously Pronounced
The tonsil; aro two collections :,t
le! arid -like structures at the buck part of
hie mouth, one on each side, between the
pillars of the palate. It is not known
what purpose they serve. Some have
Supposed that they arrest the germs et
d.sease which may be inhaled or taken
with the food; tut they evidently can
catch very few of the germs which rap-
idly pass them in the food or water, or
le the air which Is inhaled; and it is
well they cannot, for they are therneelva,
%cry susceptible to disease, as some suf-
ferers know to their sorrow. Others
have thought they serve an evil pur-
pose, 'acting as portals of entry for
many disease-gerius into the body.
The tonsils are very liable to become
Inflamed. This condition constitutes
lonallillie, or, when an abscess forms,
quinsy. Young persons, over fifteen
and under thirty, are most subject to
lnflammatien of the tonsils, although
Ohtldren and even those well along in
Wu may suffer. It occurs with specie' rre-
tueney In those whose tonsils are enlarg-
e! end usually In persons who are "run
down" in general health, or in whom
the power of resistance has Leon lowered
as a result of worry or overexertion.
The extra study In preparing for a
difficult eeareinal'on in school or col-
kge and the anxiety concerning the
result not uncommonly bring on an
attack of quinsy, especially In thoseota
se -called rt►euaotic tendency.
There are various kinds of tonsillitis,
.but the symptoms of all are quite similar
In the beginning. The patient feels ill,
bas chilly sensations, loss of appetite,
more or less headache, perhaps, consti-
pation, feverishness, and a feeling of
discomfort or actual pain In the throut.
Soon the fever becomes high, the throat
is dry, awallowing is painful, there is
often more or less earache, and the pa-
tient seems to be seriously 111.
Suppurhtion may or may not occur.
The pain and throbbing are most severe
whn it does.
Tho attack lasts usually from two sr
three days to a week, and is apt to ter-
minate quite suddenly, although if but
one tonsil has been affected, recovery
may be delayed by an extension of the
lnllanunntir'n to the other tonsil. In
that case the w•t:ole tiresome process
must be gone through with again.
The disease is almost always serious
enough to require the physician's care,
for the treatment calls for Internal re-
medies as well as local applications.
Whatever else is done, the bowels
should be kept open from the beginnlg
o: the attack. -Youth's Companion.
Dr. Knopf, the eminent authority on
luberculo;is announces it infectious,
-Communicable preventable, and cur-
d Iinfection,
floc Three methods o
abto. O
inhalation, inje(tion and inoculation,
1116 first Ls the most frequent. It is of
the utmost importance That the pulmon-
ary consumptive should know that no
hatter what stage of the disease he
may be In his expectoration may spread
the gears of tho disease, unless de-
stroyed before 1t becomes dry. Dr.
Knopf considers the popular notion that
censumption is hereditary tb bo abso-
lutely erroneous, and that the child who
develops consumption has been Infect-
ed by Its well-meaning, Mut Ignorant
consurnpt:ve parents after birth. it
Ls absolutely eesentlal that the cnn-
sumpeive mother should never kLss the
child, on the mouth, should never taste
the food with the s imo spoon or through
the same rubber nipple used by Iho
child, and should lake the utmost pains
{hat the child may not become infect-
ed through germs in dust about the
This same authority takes the most
optimistic view In regard to Iho cur-
ability of the disease. Ile maintains that
it Is nue of the most curable of all chro-
nic, Infectleu= diseases, and this simply
b; roe: ns• of judicious use of God's fresh,
pure air•, sunshlne, plenty of good water
Inside and out, good food, and all un-
der the gguidance of a physician.
Unquestionably, the hopelessness
which the patient so often encounters
in the attitude of friends and In the
daily environment lends to bring to
pass the dreaded fatnlily.
Salt occupies a prominent piece among
home remedies for common ailments.
Diseolved in water and used atm gar-
gle It will cure an ordinary sore throat.
Inhale,. it gives relief for a cold in the
head. Where heat applications are
needed a bag of II thoroughly heated is
excellent, for it holds the Pleat and docs
away with the moisture which is so our
jert'onable. A cloth wrung from hot
*ailed vinegar is a standard remedy for
sptaina and some put in the water in
ehich tired fret are bathed, will be very
helpful. \Vhen mixed eith soda it re -
levier tore slings, and nothing excels 11
f .r. n dentifrice. A week solution keeps
the Lair from falling out.
MARY \V:1S ftor11T.
The ala housekeeper menet the master
at the door on hie arrival home.
"11 yeti plea -r, sir," alto said, "the cat
hes had chickens,"
"Noesense, \buy!" laughed ho. "You
mean kittens. Cats don't lime chick-
"\Vas there chicken% nr kitten% ns
you brought Irene last night, sir," ask.
eel the cold woman.
"\Vey, they were chickens."
"Just so!" replied Mary, with a
twink'e. "Well, the ear's 'ad 'em."
' 1':n up a Iree," admitted the crating
f c:nn, "hut my back is to the wail,
ar,d 111 d:e in the last ditch, gamin„
down with flags flying, end from tho
mountaintop of Democracy, hurling
defiance at the foe, soar en the wings
of triumph, regnrdlecs of the party lush
that barks et my heels." Ile looked as
though he meant 1l, too.
The Qukkest
Tihr3at and Cough
Tho reason is It CURLS erverybod; who
lakes it. -young and old alete. The chil-
dren love it-ahnost like honey. 11. is
absolutely free from hurtlul ingredients.
It is the-greot.ait household remedy of
the ago. No home should bo without 1t.
It acts immediately upon the irritated
spot, stopping the cough, allaying in-
flammation, strengthening the throat,
vcice and chest, making hretithing easy,
and giving quick and permanent relief
b those having coughs, colds. croup,
whooping -cough, Bore throat. hr•onchtis,
&tuna aryl lung trouble. One fond
mother, who knows, says:
"1 hare no Writer or is ra000mendlog Coils.
hole Bipectoraat, which I have wed time and
again, sad eoasider it the beet remedy un es Ala
for coughs sad cold'. We keep it onnatanrly in
our home, sad It i, tLo best household remedy I
bare known, uttsfoote is like no other ouugh
remedy I bare aver used, it is so soothing mud
hashes. and I feel sure it L a purely ,aa.t tbl.
MRS. D. M•IiO"I1Y,
19f CeIbeart Sirsrt, Iluuil►on, Ont.
Nether 1 Father ! Do not let that hoy'e
or girl's Dough run on without atten-
tion, this; endangering their riven, when
a 25e bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant
will cure 1t. Get it from your dealer.
Keep it in the house &heaya.
A year ago a manufacturer hired a
toy. For months there was nothing
noticeable about hint except that he
never took his eyes off the machine he
was running. A tete weeks ago the
manufacturer looked up from his work
t� soe the boy standing beside* his desk.
"What do you wont?" he asked.
"\Vant my pay raised."
"What are you getting?"
"Three dollars a week."
"Well, how touch do you think you
are worth?"
"Four dollars."
"You think so, do you?"
"Yes, sir, an' I've been thlnkln' to
for three weeks, but I've been so blame
busy 1 haven't had Urne to speak to
you about it."
Ile was raised.
A Severe Case Cured by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Fierce darling pains -pains like rel
hot needles being driven through the
flesh -in the thigh; perhaps down the
legs to the ankles -that's. scin:ticae
None but the victim can realize the tor-
ture. But the sufferer need not grow
diecour'aged for there is a cure -a sure
cure in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These
pills make new blood, this new blood
feeds and strengthens the nerves and
frees therm from pain. The pain is ban-
ished to stay banished -the cure is com-
plete. Mr. Chat. B. Maclean, a pros-
perous fanner near Brockville, Ont.,
has been cured of a severe case of sci-
atica and wishes other sufferers to hear
of his cure that they may benefit by Ills
experience. He says: -"For upwards of
five years 1 wos a periodical sufferer
from :Malice. in the morning while
getting up I would be seized with ag-
onizing pains in my hips. Sometimes
these pains extended down one leg,
sometimes down the other; often down
both. The pain was terrible. imagine
the agony caused by a red hot spike
being driven through the flesh. That
was just my feeling when the sciatica
was ut its wriest. Often while carrying
water to the horses the pain became so
acute 1 had to drop the pail in tho mid-
dle of the yard. 1 followed doctor's
lrenlrm'nt but with slight relief. i then
tried rheumatic piasters and liniments,
but these did not help ale et all. 'Then
1 decided to give Dr. Williams' I'ink
1' ills a trial. At first they did not seem
to (help me but as they lied been so
lt:ghly recommended 1 persisted in .1110
treatment and gradually noticed n
change in my cendltion. The pain be-
come less severe, 1 felt stronger and
my appetite hnproved. 1 think I used
the pills about four or five months be-
fore I was completely cured, but though
1Lnl was two years ago i have not since
bad the slightest return of sciatica. I
think Or. Williams' fink fills are a
rem -venous medicine and so does my
wife who need ttlenn as a blond builder.
She says they have no equal and never
wearies of praising them to her friends."
Gael blood is the secret of henith-
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills the secret ( 1
good blood That is why they Cure
sclalicn, rheumnli4m, Sl. Vines dan.'e,
Wert palpitation, incdigestion and Ilio
ailments common to women and grow --
Ing girl!. Sold by neelleine dealers -r
by mail at 50 cents a box or six bates
fur 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Moreli.111e, Ont.
- -- -d'-------.
I.I M iT,
The elderly mon has evidently lov.
cd and lost out.
"1 suppose," he saki, "that my gray
hnire do not appeal In eon."
"Oh. I respect the few gray !mire you
have," r,' nine,l she of leo refrigerator
heart, "hut se,recld'.w 1 am unable to
generate any reepect for your bald
ANOTiIt:R Tl101'R1.E.
Mr. Rolls --"1 think, my dear, 1 haw'
et last found the key to su'eess,"
Mre. Doll. --"Well, jest as litao es not
you'll not be able to find the key hole."
Record al a minute Year In
Beasts Kill 2,054.
the number of genius kilted in India
in 1:tu5 L, wild beasts was 2,0554, es
ainst 2,157 to OW previous year, and
1111u►irt r of 41...111., reported from
,n• k, tette `n:lea) is also u little smaller
-111'. hut of ol.1.
t !tenure of the I'iu5 returns is the
,_14.l't' in the number of deaths, bulb
of Meilen Lenge erre cattle, ult•tbuk•d
It is su;a:eSted by a writer
et Isnl.y Magazine that these beasts
deur i•re✓ mere readily than they
.1 to do in the neiell 1 Meet of
ti; The fuel nun !nee licenses to
itrearie, were 'l..•4 n It''u5 than
1 e4 foes year may toe noticed;
long been re cognized that it
to dh-. u.rr any relation
onnti•'•n ,:i firearms in n -
i,. a: .l the t.uurlier of deaths
Dui heal 1:0 mere dangerous w:Id
w r: killed than In 1904. The
ofileen lieures are: Tigers. 1.355; leo-
1r d. OA! 1. hetes, 2 .lilt wolves. 2.01G;
and hyena_;. 5:14. Well-known man-eat-
ing tigers were killed in several dis-
tricts. .\ regu:e r crueat e eguinst wolves
has teen carrexi on in parts of the Cen-
tral t'roviiicee where these brutes are
most numerous and most troublesome.
To the su';cess of the campaign no
doubt may be attributed the great de-
crease in the number of persons killed
by wolves -in 19(it, 244; in 1905, only
153. Before dismissing This subject it
Is worth noting that the Bengal Govern-
ment in September last offered a special
reward of Rs. 200 for a man-eating tiger
which kilted seven persons text year in
Goilkera Forest, Singbhunl district. The
ordinary reward for a tiger is lis. 40,
d'--- ---
9founted Messengers Parry News With
great Rapidity.
Dr. Zug: ay.r, who has recently con-
cluded u notable expedition in Thibet,
cxpres: es his astonishment at the spies).
del system of news -currying which he
Lound in Thibet, even In ports of the
country which were only populated by
nomads. Ile says: "As soon as I came
into context with these people mount -
el nneoengers were despatched at full
speed to the next nomad chief or vil-
lage, and as niy caravan could neces-
sarily only advance very slowly, the
Thibetan authorities had ample time to
gather troops and prepare themselves
for serious resistance in case 1 should
try to force my way through."
As a remedy for all the ills of child-
hood arising from derangements of the
stomach or bowels Baby's Own Tab-
lets have no equal. You do not have
tr coax or threaten your little ones to
take thetn-children like them. The
ease with which they can be given es
compared with liquid medicines will
appeal to every mother. None Is spilled
or wasted -you know just how big a
dose has reached the little stomach.
And above all mothers have an abso-
lute guarantee that the Tablets contain
no opiate cr poisonous soothing stuff.
They always do good, they cannot pos-
sibly do harm. Mrs. Edward Donovan,
Sl. Agatha, Que., says: -"I atn delighted
with Baby's Own Tablets. 1 know ret
no medicine that can equal them in
curing the Ills of yotmg children." You
can get the Tablets from any druggist,
or by mail at 25 cents a box by writ-
ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Hiding aln does not heal 1t
Things are without what they are
Only veneer virtues fear bad weather.
There is little love in long distance
Orthodoxy ts apt to be conformity to
my habits.
Losing the temper lakes the edge off
the ability.
A roan never believes in honesty until
he has some of 11.
No favoring wind canes to hire who
will not pull on his oars.
The more of a truth a man knows the
larger liberty he finds in it.
The easiest way to foil out of the
Christian path is to sit down in it.
Religion may have many forms, but
they all have one taco of love.
The plan who brags of being speedy
doesn't figure on the grade ho is on.
The only man whore poverty can
crush Ls he who lacks the riches of char-
To make a child profess a man's re-
e.ligion is to put hint to school to hype.
Ito who has many thoughts to hide
never has any that men are glad to cir-
litany a man lilinks that the important
Thing is the size of Iho airs instead of its
When your chnrncter is gold you will
not need any coinuge stamp to make it
flower strikes root more readily or
hloms with greater blessing than kind-
Lola of people never lock the door en
a templeti.m until they get it safely in-
side the 'muse.
When a man is determined to go
blindfolded the ncr'uracy of his eyes will
not help him much.
Undue consciousness of the intellect
usually rises from an unrecognized sense
of an aching void.
No mailer how hungry a men ►nay be
14'e is sure to choke on the Arend of
charily without the butler of kindness.
It is a goad thing In stick to whet you
say, but remember that what you say
is very likely to stick to you for a long
1'It., nun whn enc his heart in his own
pocket Ls quite likely to gel his hand lit
hos neighbors.
—arid all stomach
e, and bowel disorders.
Makes r.(•ny baLiea
plump sad r,,ry. Proved
by 50 y ar.' successful
use. Ask your chewer
for it -
Nurse.,' Ott of hers' Treasure
—ISe.—h bot.Iea 11.25.
Nr:e-bal fhva & r1„ n„al C, . Limited
44 h1.•nnr.l. jr
U Et*
/0 Au�� \ �!
"Queen City"
s better tIeo a lure Matilde flour—rte Letter
than a pie Ondu,o tuw—Leu,= blended a cos.L.nca
the tx..1 gwltees of bo.h.
'Quern Cry' is as all t.uposc: &our.
0.,J.,, 1•.. nth...
,)fad you grout for
The Campbell Campbell's
Milling Co. t.......
Toronto junctura CtrlaQueen City
"It's a sad fact," remarked the moo
e ther, "that nowt -clays ne.rly every
t:ieu ntia! man hits his price." "And
w ider still,' replied Senator Badger,
"to think that halt the time ho cunt
get it."
Dear Mother
Your little ones are a constant ears Is
Fail and Witter weather. They will
catch cold Do you know about S 'loh's
Cos ulaption Case, the Lug Tonic, and
what it has done for so many ? his said
to be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air paws:sea 1n children.
It is absolutely harraleas and pleasant to
take. his awreett..d to cure ex your mosey
is returned. liho price is 25c. per bottle,
and all dealers is medicine soli 3'4
This remedy should t>r is every household;
Conscientious Practitioner Refuses Offer
of a Brilliant Fee.
M. Pesmazoglos) a well-known rich
banker, of Athens, recently became ser-
iously i11 with what Is known to the
medical profession as leuoocythemda, a
disease In which the white corpuscles of
the blood are greatly increased in num-
ber, while the red cells aro much dimi-
nished. The local physicians failed to
cure him, and ultimately gave no hop(
of recovery. The patient's relatives
thereupon telegraphed full particulars of
the case to the world-famous Dr. Noor -
den, of Vienna, asking him to come at
once to Athens, and offering the sunt of
811,250 es his fee. The meesago itself
cost 4210. Dr. Noorden replied that
from the details given he Judged that the
patient's life could not be saved, and
that, therefore, he oould not conscien-
tiously accept the brilliant offer. Tho
bankers family then telegraphed to a
celebrated Paris specialist, but_ ho also.
declined, for the same reason. As a last:
resort • telegraphic appeal was made to;
another eminent French savant, of
Lyon, and the latter consented to go to
Athens and do hie utmost to savo rho
sick man's life. The delighted relatives'
have chartered a special steamer to
await the doctor's arrival at liriudLsi,
whence he will be conveyed with all
speed to the Piraeus.
Mr, Wm. C. Edwards, P.1).C.R.A.O.-
F., P.G.M.1.0.0.F. and P.P.O.A. Shep-
herds one of the must widely known
men in friendly society circles it Is pos-
sible to meet, Is the subject and herr,
Is his expertenr•e. Interviewed at his
borne in Peter St., Toronto, he hot(t:-
"in January of last year 1 cut tho
dic finger of my left hand severely and
blood poison set 1n. The wound was
so very painful that I could not use
the whole hand, which began to swell
and inflame. 1 consulted ono of the
leading doctors of Toronto and for two
nronths I was under his care. The
wound got no better, end one day the
doctor said. 'Edwards, the only thing i
can do with tills finger is, lake 1l off.
it can never be cured,' A friend
advised me to 'fry Znm•Duk before
you have ft taken Ole 1 did eo,
bathed the wound and applied some
cf the balm, and that night 1 got a lit-
tle sleep. Next morning the wound he-
ifers to bleed, whereas, before 1t had
only discharged pits. Within n
few days 1 could do awny with the
sling in which 1 had carried the hand,
and in a few weeks' time there was not
a trace of the wound to he seen. To-
day my linger is as sound as a bell,
whereas, had 1 not used Zam-Bek, 1
should have been a finger less. I pai.I
over 420 In (lectors' fees, and when I
think of the trilling cost nl Zain-Bok
1 8111 rammed at Its wonderful value.
Zan -flak is a cure for eczema, itch,
srnlp sores, rinp orms. blotches on the
face and body, chapped places, cold
sores, piles and enlarged veins. As an
embr(,cation it cures rheumatism and
sciatica, and rubbed over the chest re-
lieves the I;,;htnees dire to severe colds.
All stores and druggists gen at 50
rents a b ix, or post free (rem the Zam-
Buk Co., Toronto. k boxes for 12.50.
IN THE flAllNl'.1RD.
"01 please," the young hen plend(.1
nr r'venlsly, "e liar's the proper %% ay to
alt on a nest?'
"Ilnteh-way r replied the old ecu, with
n silly cackle.
\Ir. Pini 'wfio is fond of (lee•',) ^
d n 1 you think 1', a right 1., %e
hie.' an in'elegcnl rein :it :1.'u1 1!, :
:•0 11 211 wotl'el pr toe v •:r r rad -- f,.
' 1 e: white ; "(.4. \Ir. i'I:o:t ! 'Thee is
r ut141011 !"
children. For
Dealers are
So replace in.taslly _•
at our cost any Pur::'
Angle eminent faulty
in material or making.
"Health and Vigor depend
quality and quantity of floe
Dr. Carson's Tonic
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
A Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood;
Purifier. Price 30 cents per Bottle.
If yon are not able to obtain it let your
a.1gtburhoud, we will mead to any ad-
dress two bottles upon reoulyt of ONK
DOLLAR (DOc. per bottle) carriage
pawtpMst mot FRIG ern appliestton,
The Careen Medicine Company]
17 Wellington St. West, - Toronto,
otma.0g iewey.wt salL K5IS Q.i.Ild;Lis k♦
11010SSAA to
Shc--"I'm surprised to see you after
the letter 1 wrote explaining why I
could not be your wife. Didn't you get
"Oh, yes, and that is why 1 call-
. l wished to ask if you would not
kindly explain your explanation."
Now Ile has Dyspepsia No More.
Strange why people should not try
the very thing which would do thein
good until last) Mr. Geo. La Portwin,
o' 36 St. Paul St., Toronto; tried six
different remedies for dyspepsia, head-
ache, and heartburn before he tried
Irdeans. The six did him no good.
?Weans have cured hurl Ile says:-
ays:' 1 had heartburn, dyspepsia and wind
after food. Tho nourishment I took
seemed to do me no good, and the pain
1 suffered was very acute. I tried six
different remedies before Dlleana, but
they did me no good. With !Means 1t
was quite different. 1 found they re-
lieved the flatulence and the pain with -
1n a few hours and a short course re-
sulted in a complete cure."
In every country where they have
teen introduced, Bileans have quickly
taken first place because of their ra-
pid and lasting cures of Indigestion,
liver end kidney complaints, anemia,
headache, debility, oonstipntlon, piles,
female ailments end irregularities, rheu-
matism, liver chill, etc. Purely herbal
and eonntelning no alcohol they are an
idled family medicine. All stores and
dniggiets sell at 50c a box, or from the
lit;, -on Co., Toronto, for price. a boxes
sent for 4.2.50.
Beggs-„ Poplelgtt seems proud of the
tact that his boy is unusually large for
his age.”
Diggs --"Yes, except when ho is try-
ing to convince a railway conductor
that the kid is entitled to ride for half.
"Papa snys ho will never consent to
cur marriage," sighs the maiden, "lien
lel us elope," boldly urges the man.
"There, now," chirped the delighted
damsel. "Papa was wrong. Ile said
you hadn't the least business ability,
and hero the very first thing you do
is to ,cave hien the expense of a stylish
There to wo turning a windmill with a pair of
bellows ant there N tin turning iu your elalr if
yea have lumbago or lame biek, brat it w,11141 be
quite easy if you bad "The D •L" 1lentbol
}gaster es your hark -
"flow do pm like our new well -paper,
dear?" Inquired n ledy of her next-door
neighbor. "Well, dear," ons the latter's
envious reply, "I'm afraid it's -en -rather
loud.'' "Yes, dear, it is." w•ns the re-
join(lcr; "that's why we selected it. We
thought it right drown the sound of
your daughters pinno-playing
I iolloway :s Corn Cure is the medicine
to remove all kinds of corns and warts,
and only costs the small sum of twenty.
five cents.
Angry Wife ;after a quarrel): "It
seems to TIM that we've leen !needed
recut n hundred ycnrs. 1 can't even re-
member r when of whero we first met."
Husl:end (erephalically): "1 can. it was
et a dinner -party, and there were thir-
teen a1 table!"
o •i,
• inR
veal -
ca -•
fore, -
(,f three
two inches'
tiie water,
ie them,
thirty of
of botto
They a `
being sev
rano '
Tho ho
pearls Is very targe, bu ortunately
these are only little • than half -
pearls, for although lar e, lustrous and
of fine quality, they are flat on one side.
This the farmer hopes to remedy in
time; but the market for half -pearls is
always very large.
Ile has an additional source of income
is the natural pearls which his oysters
produce, for there is not lacking among
them the usual proportion of perfect
germs to be found among oysters of tnLs
A Cure for Fever and Ague.-Parme-
lees Vegetable Pills are compounded
for use in any climate, and they will
be found to preserve their powers in
any latitude. In fever and ague they
net upon the secretions and neutralize
the poison which has found Its way in-
t(' the blood. They correct fie impuri-
ties which find entrance into the system
through drinking water or food and if
used as a preventive fevers aro avoided.
A woman is seldom interested in what
a man says unlass she appears to be
Llorming, stubborn old .ores are erased from
w�o•J•e( by
ng ice. completed with w'Syran
ao� work
Lady : "I do so like It when you
preach, Mr. Lorterne." Mr. Lecterne
(much pleaeed): "So glad you appreciate
my sermons." Lary : "Yes, you see,
when you preach 1 always got such a
good seat."
Blckle'e Anti -Consumptive Syrup is the
result of expert chemical experiments,
undertaken to discover a preventive of
inflammation of the lungs and con-
sumption, by destroying the germs that
develop these diseases, and f111 the
world with pitiable subjects hopelessly
stricken. The use of this Syrup will
prevent the dire conequences of neglect-
er Colds. A trial, which costs only 25
cents, will convince you that this Is
Love Ls blind -and a lot of trouble
would be avoided it •marriage didn't act
ae an oyc-opener.
Children who are Pale and pelvis's want smoo-
thie' that will make god n eh blood ; titan 11
Sousing to equal ' Ferrvrim ler Oils purpose.
blethers, he sure 50 p1 a bottle.
Young Medico : What is the secret of
your success 1" Experienced One: "1
make It a rule to find out what the pa-
tient wants to do, then 1 order hien to
do it."
'Tis a Marvellous Thing. -When the
cures efiecte 1 by Dr. Moines' Fclectric
Oil are considered, the speedy and per-
manent relief it has brought to the suf-
fering wherever it has been used, it
trust be regarded as a marvellous thing
that so potent a medicine should result
from the six simple Ingredients which
steer into its composition. A trial will
entwine° the most skeptical of its heal -
lug virtues.
1l is r.o new principle that Doctor
Fere of the i:icetre Ilropttal in I'aris
has made known In a recent article en
"\\'esrk and ilepose." but It Is not the
less worth repealing. Ile has monde
ninny special experiments, and an-
nouncer as the`r general result Ihnt the
supposed ix. er of various alcoholic and
other steeidants to Increase physic
and mental energy. and postpone
ligue, or a v o:d the effects of fall
Ills:o:). There 13 only one to
f live, recreative repose
s;•e p, in order to exe
p(- er, mut: be nature
task% '
inilwn u.
Ask Your
Almanac Isr 111•7.
IstoesaWoa furnished re we es a„iNI$je•1
E. P. uwwE, m. t,a.
Plume O COBALT. ON11
Agents Make Money
easily sal quickly •eti M.ar representatives
sod takinsord•ra for SA11$SR•Lasa rimenSS.
This is tiertg .. sir�dat, sit .•e, most snyie
fume e os th
• market f•scl to sell,
Meanie s sooperis+a with others inlaid"
rhos.. shrewd farmers hew mash better K i..
Well advertised in lesd1ag term paper.—mid
that mates it star meter u sett. Wargo& shed
proposition to atter you. IF:elusive ts.-wt.ry
and a Itboral c.rata4.ka. {i rlt• M-aar.
C•eip•ay. Llralt.d, London, Oat.
Two cats were about to engage in a
duel. "Let us have an understanding err
we login," staid the one. "As to what
queried the other. "Is it to be a duel to
the death," continued the one, "or shall
we make 1t lbe best three lives out of
Just the Thing That's \\'anted• -A MU
that acts upon the stomach and yet 1e
s: compounded that certain ingredients
of it preserve their power to act upo0
the intestinal canals, so 13 to cleat
them of excreta the retention of whicft
cannot but be hurtful, was long look
for by the medlcal profession.
was found in Parmelee's Vegetab
Pills, which ere the rceult of muck
pert study, and aro sctentlfleally
pared as a laxative and an interne
Ire one.
Jenn'e-"Did you henr of the a
fright Jack got on his wedding
Olive -"Yes, indeed. 1 w
saw her."
A Few People eau " wear
t• about the most daneoroua
able. The other Oeti of w w
tea. Allan's Lung riale•te at
etsfs side.
There Is nothing more u
to ordinary HMI then the op
There is nolltingh equal
Graver' Worm Exterminator
stroytng worms. No article
has given such satisfaction.
Roo, the exclamation
children, u a corrupt
narnn of a famous (lo
been used for a torso
Says Iles
(''•ari:y r" •
:'1 .ern
1 •
,� wJ .d•,:e t