Exeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 14of not g tele - e C•n- ation is Ily de - In the ly a • Virginia rleslown, West were 91 men in art Mine,Fayette County, an explosion occurred on Twa- y after -no nit. It Ls not believed any of 3 men will be taken out alive, the -ce of the explosion being so terrific as wreck the entire inner workings. So • the cage In the mine has been low - :d 300 feet, or within 150 feet of the (torn. nepairing will have to be done fore the cage can be let entirely down. e Stuart Colliery Company has al- ldy received 00 coffin; and has ordered more. It is thought that the mine is • fire, but this cannot be determined til later. Tho heat from the shaft Is ense and the men could not be ached for a day or so even 1f the shaft s in working order. SIIOT TITLED WIFE DEAD. !al Accident In Shooting Party at a Castle in England. despatch from London says : Lady roll'y Cuthbert, the wife of Capt. Iles Harold Cuthbert, of Beaufort die. Norlhumberinnd, was accident- ( shot while pheasant shooting on rrsday. She was standing two yards n her husband when his gun went and the charge of shot struck her in head. killing her instantly. Lady o by Cuthbert was I.ady Dorolhy •g when she was married to (:apt. hbert in 1903. She was the third glhler of the Earl of Strafford. SHOCKS IN ILLINOIS. ere Earth Tremors Fcll Lasting Five Seconds. despatch ;rom SI. Louis tint's : Spe- d frront Ilii;tland and Grenville, 111., n led set, re earthquake shocks at 11 o'clock on Wednesday night. Thu aliens seemed to be from Past to I turd continued about flvo seconds. TOMS RI i:NCI: HI'OVANT. .. Seven Months (her SLAW,. ry's Gain :35:11.571. O'Inwa says: The r the seven months anlonited to 830.3t4, - of 31.052.513. For the wiry only the total recclpts ,!"til, n gain of 5331.571. Murdered London,Merehant Had an Imposing Funeral. A despatch from London says : Un• usual public interest In the tragic death of William Whiteley, who was shot and kilted in his great department store, Jan. 24, by Horace George Raynor, was shown by the scenes at the funeral of the merchant an \Vcdnesduy morning. Long before the hour for the ceremony thou- sands of persons gathered about the Whiteley residence and dense masses lined the streets leading to the church. Most of the shops in the Westbourne Grove distu•ict kept their shutters up end over a hundred cnrriuges followed the hearse Willa cemetery. Four of these were laden with Iteral wreaths. Accord- ing to the newspapers, Mr. Whiteley be- queathed $5,000,i,j0 10 provide alms- houses and homes for the aged and de- serving poor. INVADED BV CONSUMPTIVES. Calgary Wants a Sanitarium for Eastern Insalids. A despatch from Calgary says ; Cal- gary has been burdened in a most alarming manner during tho last few years, and particularly during the last few months, with a Targe number of consumptives conning hero from eastern Canada. They come here usually with a small amount of money and are unable to work. The result is that they are soon on the hands of the city. They also find great difficulty in getting accommoda- tion. Many heartrending cases are re- ported every day. At a meeting of the Calgary Board of Trade on Tuesday night a resolution was passed calling upon the Dominion Government to es- tablish a :;anitarimn some place in the mountains where a cure can bo effected le tho best form. -4 UP TO CHIMNEYS IN SNOW. Terrible Sufferings in Austria Through Lack of Fuel. A despatch from Vienne says : There have been immense falls of snow throughout Austria. Many persons are suffering severe privations. There Is a coal famine in sumo places owing lo the raihwnys being blocked. Tho meeting of the Gala:Ian Diet at Lemberg had to be i•ostponed owing to the hick of fuel to heat the Diet huil,ling. hi some districts to Galicia houses are snowed under to the chimneys. ON GOVERNOR KILLED the Revolutionists for 111- ating Prisoners. it1SM. u, street of the island on \Vedneeday and died almost immedintety. The nsstee in, who was a ,;011111 of 18, dressed as a workman, emerged from a len house as M. Guidenra was passing on his way home. and shot him twice in the nisch. The Theorist also shot and IIy wounded n prison wnrden who nied \I. Guelenia, and who pur- ssin. The latter disappeared have been unable to fluid as the population of sympathize with (kat prison e time. litcal W - Ontario quoted ut sacks outside patents. $4.50; d strong bakers', nitoba t:ard L, !tome rts; No. 1 northern at northern at 81c. 1 is nominal at 51c out - 3 extra al 4111; outside. 0. 3 American yellow nominal track, Toronto. Canadian corn at 43 to 41e, Chathem. r lots of bran outside in bulk bominal at $18.50 to $10, and shorts 19.50 to $20. Wheat -No. 2 white offered at Tic Ida, with 70%c bid. No. 2 red win- , 71c bid ou'side, without sellers. No. 2 mixed offered lit 70%c outside, with 70c bid. Barley -No. 3 extra offered at 50c out- side, and 49c bid for 5,000 bushels. Pees- No. 2 offered al 810 outside, wllhout bids. Oats No. 2 white offered at 38c out- side, with 37c bid. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples-Gool to choice winter stock, $2.25 to 83.25 per bbl. Beans -Hand-picked selling at $1.53 to $i.60, and primes at $1.t0. Honey-Sirained quoted at 11 to 12c per lb, and combs at 12 to $2.50 per dozen. (lops -New quoted at 18 to 21c. Hay -No. 1 timothy is quoted at 111.50 to 313.50 on track here, and No. 2 quoted at $8.50 to 89. Straw -Steady at $6.50 to $7 a ton on track here. Potatoes -Ontario, 65 per bag on track, and New Brunswick, 75 to 80c per bag. Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, 12 to 14c; chickens, dressed, 9 to 10c; alive, 7 to 8c per lb; fowl, alive, 5 to 6c; ducks, dressed, 0 to IOc; alive, 7 to 8c per lb; geese, 10 to 110 per Ib. TIIE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound rolls are quoted at 22 t > 23c; tubs, 20 to 22'; large rolls, 20 to 22o. Creamery prints sell at 26 to 27c. and solids at 23 to 21'. Eggs --Storage, 23 to 24o per dozen; selections, 25 to 27c; lined, 22c; new laid, nominal, 28 to 20c. Cheese --Large cheese, 13 to 1354e, and twins, 14 to 14%e. 11OG PRODUCE. Dressed hogs in car lots are un- changed, with prices quoted at 88.40 to $8.65 here. Bacon, long clear, 11 t5 11%c per !b in case lots; niess pork, 821; short cut, $23 to $23.30. Hams -Light to medium, 15Xc; do, heavy, 14 to 14%c; rolls, 11%c; shoulders, 11c; backs, 16 to 16%c; breakfast bacon, 15 to 15Xc. Lard -Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12Xc; palls, 12X,c. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal. Feb. 5. -Grain -The tone of lite market for spot supplies of oats is tlrrn, with sales of Ontario No. 2 while at 423;c; Nu. 3 at 413.'c, and No. 4 at 40) c per bushel, ex store. Flour - Spring and winter wheat grades for local country and export account at flan prices. Choice spring wheal patents, 11.50 to 81.60; seconds, 84; winter wheat patents, $t to 84.15; straight rollers, 8.1.55 to $3.65; do, in bage, $1.4.0 10 $1.70; extras, $1.15 to 61.55. Feed -Manitoba bran, in bags, 321; shorts, $22 per ton; -Ontario bran, in bags, 121 to 321.50; shorts, 822 to 322.50; milled mouillie, 821 lo 8.25 per ton, and straight grain, $28 to 330. Provisions-RarreL' short cut mess, 822 to $23.50; half -barrels, 811.75 to $12.50; clear fat backs, $21 to $24.50; long cut heavy mess. 820.50 to $22; half - barrels do, 810.75 to 811.50; dry salt long clear bacon, 12 to 12%c; barrels plate beef, 311 to 312.50; half -barrels do, $6 to 30.50; barrels heavy mess beef, $8.50; half -barrels do, 8175; compound lard, see to 10c; pure lard, 11% to 13c; kettle - rendered, 13 to 13j1,c; harps, 13 to 1•Sy<,c: breakfast bacon, 15 to 16e; fresh -!tilled abattoir dressed hugs, 810; alive, 87 to 87.25. Eggs --Selects. 27c; No. 1 candled, 21. to 23e. Cheese--October-made, white, 13Xc; colored, 13';e. Rutter ---Choicest creamery. 25y., to 25%c; medium grades, 23X, to Mc. l'NiTI:D SPATES MAIIKI:'rS. Sl. Louis, Feb. 5.--Wheal-Cash, 76c ; May. 77;;c; July, 76•/.c. Minneapolis, Feb. 5.- Wheat -May. WIN to $0 c; July, 813 to 81',e; Sep- tember, 781; to 79e; No. 1 hard. 8:,c: No. 1 northern, 83 4c; No. 2 northern. Al lo s1%c; No. 3 northern, 79 to 79'/,c. Flour -First patents, 8130 to 1140; second patents, 81.15 to 84.20; first clears, 33.25 to 83.35; second cleave, 82.50 to $2.40. Bran -816 to 816.75. Milwaukee. Feb. 5. -Wheat -No. 1 nnrlhern. 82 to 83e; No. 2 northern, 78 to 81e; May. 781; to 78%c bid. itye-No. 1, 68 to Co t5,;t5. hurley -No. 2, 58c; sam- ple. 47 1.1 57c. Corn -No. 3 cash, 42%c; May. 40% lo 46%c asked. Duluth, Feb. 5. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, (tic; No. i. northern, 82%c, No. 2 north- ern. 80;;e; May, 8I%c; July, 81X0; Sep- tember, i Xc. LIVE STOCK MARKET, Toronto, Feb. 5. -Despite the rather heavy supply, prices held their own f;,irly well. Export cattle were in gond demand ,d generally firm prices; the exporters offered were not of top quality. llntchers' cattle were steady in firm foe gond stork, but conlmnn sluff was off. Choke cattle were herd to get and anything extra was bought up early. Stockers and feeders Wert' mullets - lively quid. but qut:tat,ions ere firm. One bunch of choice feeders sold el 84.15, but This was praclicnlly all the iness there was doing In t1►is grade. Cows ore firmer for choice stock, scarce; common milkers show e. The market is very Meetly and unchanged. • are very steady. with no chanit,.+ In prices. but lambs tare en.y and slightly tower. Russ --Pries are unchange.!, but mil nrerket has a firmer lone. tENINGS 1'ItO11 ALL 011:11 'I Hu GI.oftX. T1•legrsphte. Briefs Front Our Oats and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Ex -Mayor EIILa has been City 'Treasurer of Ottawa. Senator John Dobson, of Lindsay, died at, Saturday after a lung illness. 'The C.l'.lt. hate purchuso1 the Sl. Lawrence !full properly at Montreal. The C.P.Il. will be double -tracked bo' tween Smith's Falls and Montreal. Hamilton's share of the militia bill fur the strike riots totals 13,048. The County Council of Wentworth have decided to build a house of refuge. Now cur works are to be built at Montreal that will be the targost lir Canada. The \Lintreat Board of Trade will peU- tiun for the removal of the tax on Chi - The Toronto City Council voted 55,000 for the i•ellet of the Kingston, Jamaioe, earthquake sufferers. It is stated all C.P.B. Atlantic liner* will be equipped with wireless telegraph apparatus. Winnipeg carpmlers are demanding a nino-hour day and a minimum wage of 15 cents an hour. to take effect June lust. Tho main thoroughfares of Kintyston, Jamaica, have been cicartel of debris, but at least's year will be required before ail is cleared up. Debenture bonds of tho city of Toronto that matured In 1888 and had never been presented for redemption, turned up in the City Treasurer's office on Friday. The Government have decided to make a grant of 650,000 towards the erection of a hygienio institute in Ute city of London. Julien Cormier, stableman, and a troy named Douglas lost their In a flre that destroyed a stable at West - mount, on Saturday. Tire time for receiving designs in com- petition for the new department block at Ottawa has been further extended from March 15 until July 1. Mr. J. 0. Bury is to be appointed As• blatant General Manager of the C.I'.R.'s western lines, with headquarters at Winnipeg. Harry wallet, aged fifteen years, was killed at St. Catharines, on Saturday, by a heavy box fulling off a load That his father was driving up a hill. •1 -he, late Col. Pinault, Deputy Minister of Militia. left an ertato valued at 8,11,966, alt of which goes to his widow save which consists of b boasts. Hamilton Street Railway Employes' Union refuse to interfere In the case of two members dismissed by the company because they were ;,en 11 a s moon "Three hundred andII y n iihn o tt rail- way r ai 1 way will be built lin the west next season by the C.P.11.," sed William Whyte at Montreal, atter a conference with Sir Thos. Shaughnessy. II. C. McMullen, of Calgary, live stock agent of the C.P.U., hos visited Medicine Hat, Maple Creek, Crane Lake, Gull Luke and Swift Currant, and reports that the cattle masts are exaggerated. Donald Walker, the bellboy of the Windsor Hotel at Itegina. who rished his life in arousing the guests during the fire, Is dead from Injuries received h jumping from a window. Ile was a son of Angus Walker of Orillla. GREAT BRITAIN. appointed • 11.11b11: 11111TE 111.1\NIFP Verd:ct o Co.•r d t; _,•'s .Jury for Death v:- (uL pie A dtmo'ch fr • bass : '•N.• .. ,. to his Heath it ... sure. ibis . , 1:u0t. huu.t, N':o `eel (1`.:111 �u-.t.•t-. proIecb:d I:. n, • .nlcLeed not s•.;:du,i. . tli'1•leal 0. tie- ,I, Boal 1"!. 1,,,• rtesuay 111„n1 ::,• death 01 ui toe sit Ariel wrecked ea11y ;it Harbor, 0110 tt 1. pilin 1.'0011 in: 11111'.1,01, 44 Wil c„ 1'. . ., 0110' count. r:ap.urns Jo-.,.:. Burr, of the . • urid Joseph tYa1.0 ...se... 0.. dill i.l;u,. .1„ had wen ce.'..t ., .,. ILIAD file It e 1 h The Awful Coad:a U. o ; (1) Ellin. -,r. Washington. Jo (WS •:. Ilse+; .t one... ale Chinese Moen • di t it - ale aid is .01.1h.. Stale 1)e u:hu : ., • ere of daily cc , W 1ea,-ed by le 4 oonccntrat oe ca. , in the :outs of 1 h:u ,, of refugees live - Estimates haw.• . to • .1 • cost 120,000 did y f • persons wh., a:0 .:r ,... told of one fain y--.;. •,.. and two ch.ldle u. home on it ricer&:. fie I.-. e cher, ttespairin chi dren iota Le t • r. I', turne1, and, :001 ne, w . pened, drowned 11 met. r slrtcken father 1.1 uwtxl. 7' 1' 41 .. merit is se.l;ng gia:•e and sa.t. 0-: • can. In I isu 1 hoe Fu n three or four wor'•en w.•e.• .• death In lh-• me : r•u• t •- price of vegetal es .ass coal and coke cost mere ri,<1,• f(re. McGEE'S !VINs V11"; IS? C.olln Campbell, the F'nrl.i. see lee •:I to Assign. A despatch fro.. Mo..lree. -...., i Attorney-Gentrat at the 1 r••... • ,, Leen asked to bitervcli William J. McGee of 11,, i •e . ', \i,1: ..1 ..y- for the sending of relief to liner the we're. They said : tilos overt sent up earlier than u.,,• it would nut have prevented n1 Icing frozen as they were. . 1 ru.•uh, of M;chtpicolan, said t.r•, McLeod af.er tie or- a.w....c, ;cu, the evening the su.lon, who Tied !Axil with Wert' left out in the cold. . .uiu:livered to go out and get ,:.;u .1e mate loud trim ho had made •01:41,8. 11144114. eieli.ws. an Indian, told of be - ,:.0 . y tna runic lu go out for the z, euy . lit iuhuuhg thein, and e:j tui, ►( 10 the hospital at :,uua olid Engineer Andrews, ,N•t h auuwiuued at Huuallon . „bee ::i, u..l out appear to give 1.iewe Attorney McFadden uec.dul to give the case to .v,uluul hearing their. PEl1- )NAL POINTERS. .1 e• In Oiesip About Some Prom- inent People. ..e :., entertaining visitors, l ul er..•. y lakes his meals tau :• co•islsls principally of are brought to the n i s l'. r saucepans. The -:rule 1 by the head chief +• ••1%.• Ghee kitchen, in order er ill of their contents he- ,: r •: .wit . tri the journey, the .wered by the high of- . d y .1 is to see thnl when - • lir h.. c..d before Abdul Ha- y are as hey should be. %hie rel. lel., an arousing story • ••. 0 t. 1 ng a degrees. A sweep i n resi.1 of in lite suburbs ct for debt. The presiding I d :he swcen to give evidence, firs: q•testion he asked him was, ; 1- your name " "Jamie Gtr• . v. I.:. 1) , see' "What! Doctor of i.:. :' •\lid •vt. re on earth did you get .) .• n tient" "Twos a fellow fru' •t:: A .•i i tui university, an' 1 sweopt 'hr,.e hers. '1 cunna pay %e cast. 1u.nie Gregory, he says, but 1 u isek:' ye en i L.D., an' we'll ca' . u q \r l he did!' •.r. Lewes-Janles, the leading bari- tone u. the Moody -Manners Opera (--nee, y, ens had an intereeling fes- ter,. II • wa- been in Aberdare, South ee+„r, and wen: to work in a coal -pit : 11 11• t. a: twelve years old. Ile sire 1n I•.. -al concerts and the compe- t:lto,'s Wit ell are popular among the %eel 11 end eve•htually achieved such 1e .1 11 his house neighl.urhood that • to ::- u, ge•1 to s•udy music seriously. 1 :1 'u• d d fcr Ivo years, while eon- n; on- n . b s work as a coal -miner. Then he far. Ito a 1:1.epany vLsited Cardiff, d Mr. James sang privately for the eeee . who en .i. ea him at once for ye^r,, u:.d afterwards he joined \l..n .y -Manners Company. Bu1Idm Sot. ely and s t.,:1 and tar -reach ng in., s l)1 I •,n •11 „ , I place. 1'11e tt •t' terror. - 4. , n are (lies;': M •Gee will not 1.,. s n ,- r or the m re peen of , Every detail of lhls rime le -tri , . f crimes will be inve sl 1;a e • ;:i flue xi- torney-General's repr.sen:a' v.-. r•-•h- obly a score of warrants w I1 1.r• i>st• .1 agninst McGee. Four men a:•vne •rt known to have lost $15,.41) each. Cohn Campbell, the florist, will lose $1U.II10. and as a result of the losses has been compelled to assign. Twenty other men will lose about 81.0(x) each. Twn hun- dred people will lose Monts ranging from 8100 to 1I,50u. Hence due: crit even know, in many cases, which sig- natures are forgeries and which al genuine. It is believed OW his 1, _s,.' will total n quer'er of n milli.,, dollar-. The investigation shows thr1 only 1e stroll part of the money has been spent, 7'ho question now is, Where Is the money? Mr. Joseph Chamberlain expects to be back In Parliament next session. The injuries to H.M.S. Dominion aro so serious that she will never be fit for active service again, Governor Sw•ettenham has been cen- sured for not organizing relief and re- construction wark at Kingston. The iligtlt Hon. Augustine Barrell will succeed Mr. Bryce es Irish Secretary. Mr. Ileginald McKenna will become President of the Board of Education. King Edward will re -open the !British Parliament In stale on Feb. 121h. The British Labor Congress, in ses- sion at Belfast, on Saturday passed a resolution in favor of woman suffrage. it is reported that Mr. G. B. Girdle- stone of llristol, Luglapd, will be ap- pointed engineer of the Montreal harbor. UNITED STATES. .Four boys were burned In death on Saturday In a fire 111 a cotton mill at Dover, N. II. Geneva' Russel A. Alger, former United Singe, Secrettiry of War, is dead. Three distinct enrlhquake shocks were felt near Utica, N.Y., on Tl'i sdny. A number of United Slates army tents from Cuba have been forwarded to Jamaica. W. C. Ashwelf, once a partner of Cecil ithodes. was kilted by a street car in New fork the olher day. President Rocievelt hes slated that he Intends to pay no hoed to the Swetten- ham-Davis incident. The United Slates Joint Postal Com- mission has recommended that all per- iodicals consisting wholly or subslnnli- ally of fiction be denied second-class rates. GENERAL. The French Government has approved of the constitution of a new National Church. Governor Swettcnham has told the people of Kingston lhnt no tax will be levied on Ihetn for fifteen months. Ice racks drilling over the Newfound- land Grand Brinks threnten to obstruct the pas -age of the great ocean liners. An unknown vessel has foundered In the Illnck Sea, carrying down her crew and sixty pnssengers, linty, Britain :.:1 the united Stales will support a 11:011:0 nl the npproach- ing Pence Conference In limit the size of future battleships to 16.000 tons. Negroes In Immo' regard the disaster as a "white man's earthquake," and re- fuse to interfere with the acts of 1'rovi- dence by working. A company with a enpilnl of len mil- lions has been organized to carry on n g:ganlic meatpacking business In Mex• Ica. The f..Inl h.irse-power of the world's steanh engines Ls reck.une.l at about 75 The Queen of Spain Is to hate her ewe doe'e•r. will will rereits R1.mlru n sear, an nl yewenee• for r.nt. Re for ca"Ir els-t, end the 'lye' le • private prec- ut,, o j. C.VITLE DYING FAST. Packs of Ilunfgry Wolves Follow the Ilerds of Wornout Animals. A despntch from Medicine Hat, Alta., says: The cattle sihuilion Is desperate. Stany have diet( in the streets of the city after drifting In along the trails from the prairie. A despatch from MacLeod says: Tee outlook on the range.e Is becoming daily more desperate and the cattle are dying thick and fast. The animals are skin poor, and if the cold writhe!' continues the mnjorlty of them will be food for the packs of wolves and coyotes now engerly haunting the trails of the flan. (shed and fired out herds. The great drove of cattle which invaded the town this week carne from Little Bow, and other northern points. d• SPANISH Itn1:.1D TROUBLE.. Proposed to Establish bakeries as It Popular Tnist. A despatch from Madrid, Spain. says : The propose! is unofficially made and influentially eupporled 111 the press nn.l elsewhere, to eliminate tho everlasting breed trouble by establishing the baker - lee ns a popular (rust, with Individual pnrlicipation at lis low n price as a peseta monthly, the bread being Fold at Col price. It is claimed That Ilils would pre - 'eel the consumer from constn•It Fleece Ing by the middleman, and slop the per- petual quarrels ie:tween the employers and employed. OTTA1W 1 NI Inst: KILLED, Miss \inrg:tret (ratan fells From Nin - dont al Water Street Hospital. A d'spat, h from O:lawa : ,. -- e! ('nvnn, rigid 21. n nurse in the. V.tiler Street ilnsp.tal, fen from n window of lt;at )uiipilal al 5.30 on Thursday even• Mg and was taken from the slol^walti (!diol. 11 was a Fren. h window Ihr.,ugh w'hieh she deseel'letl. She hail b..-, i'I with gripe.' ler it .lav or Iwo. 1.:11 .I ler., had net e'len.le,I her. \I'-. 104 n was, a native of Thurso, Q1.o, 1 SMOKER'S MATCH. Cruscit the Great Explosion in Saar - bracken aline. •ie,putch (runt Saar•brucken, Rhein- ,. ish Prussia, says : 'I he search of the gal- ' Imes of the Iteden mine al SI. Johann- -un -Saar. where an explosion occurred 1rm,lur•v 28, s ill continues. More bodies were broug:hl up on Wednesday, and identified 1u being among the list of those already go -en up for dead. The fire has been extinguished, end the en- glee:rs affirm that !hero is no danger of tiny further explosion. 'Therefore the work of clearing the encumbered galler- ies is proceeding. Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia on \Vcdnesduy look purl in the funerals of the victims. Min- ister of Commerce 1►elbrveck says 62 !Kid es and 26 injured mere have been re- moved Irvin the nine, and 86 others aro eds.-dile The explosion probably ro• stilled from carelessness by a pipe smoker. WILT, RET .11N 11IIIPPING POST. Delaware I.ejisl Mire (trfuses In Abolish 11 --Good Effect on Crooks. A despatch (runt Dever, Del., says: •the Delaware Is.g.slalure on 'Tuesday voted to continue the whipping post and public floggings fur prisoners convicted of theft, felonious assault, house -break- ing and mayhem. The Senate committee reporting on lite bill abolishing the whipping post said :-"\\'e do nut say that the public whipping post is not an extreme punishment, particularly in winter time, but we do say !tint the whipping poet is it fearful thing to gentleman crooks, robbers, and hake blowers, for they puss Delaware by so long as she lay, the cat upun the cul- prits' backs." -----4 FIWt: NIEN KII.i.I:D. fonder Exploded In an Illinois Goal Mine. A despatch from Mr:rion. 111., s0ys It: nn esph.,:on of pe:vder in the John• s•.n (City and Ilig; Muddy coal mine at ioluis,n (11y on Tutselay five men were killed and eleven hurt. PL1G1 t: IN 11:& rlt11.11. Eleven (tars of (tullonir Scourge at S)dirir'y. A despatch from Si dney. N. S. W., mos : 'I hero is a rei l u t, :mace here of pie Loin".tee plague. which broke out firet in I ;.emery, 1'4•5. and reeppenred 11 March. 191,17. Lletrn cases, Iwo of 1114'l+ 14 ,ti, fa'ni, 1.,‘r been reported aitiCe Januar) 2J, -4 MONARCHS AS VISITORS 111lMOROl ti 1\( IDI:\"IS OF FOREIGN GI.LS1S IN ENGLAND. Shah of i'ersia "i'ut Ills foot In 11"-• Queen of Sandtilt•h Islands 0t Diamond Jubilee. Among the many foreign monarchs who have visited our shores within .im- peratively recent )Cars,' says London 'fit -flits, one of the most amiable and popular was Go lute King of I'oi tugal, of whom the following stcvy is told : His Majesty, like his successor, was an enlh«siastic lover of art, and one of his chief pleasures during his visit to Eng- land '.vas to snake the acquaintance of our great painters. milli whose names and tame he was familiar. When Sir Edwin (then Mr.) Landscer was intro- duced to him lits delight was unbounded. "Ali! Mr. Ldndseer," he exclaimed, as he advanced to greet the famous animal painter, "1 am charmed to slake your acquaintance. 1 ala so very fond of beasts." Equally well meaning and unfortunate was the late Shah of Persia, who, in spite of his gnat amiability, rarely "opened his mouth without pulling his foot in IL" Once, when the Duchess of Westminster was presented to hire, he greeted hor 1110 AN OLD AND DEAR FRIEND. "Ah 1" he said, with a charming how, "I have often beard of you. Your fame has reached even 'Teheran." "Good gracious 1" exclaimed the lady, aside, L) a friend, "the man thinks 1 am West- minster Abbey." And so he did. I1 was this same monarch who, when sitting at a table one day, between a nobleman and a lady of high rank, hor- rified them both by first wiping his hands on the nobleman's coat and then on the ludy's skirts, as if heir mission in life was to play the role of animated table napkins. If ho was unconven- tional. at least no fault could be found with his piety, for he would suddenly break off an interview, or vanish in the middle of a garden party, with the an- nouncement, "Now I urn going to pray," Another interesting sovereign who was among our many royal guests al the lime of the Diamond Jubilee was the sable Queen of the Sandwich Islands. Never did a queen exact more rigid re- gard for her dignity. While other mon- archs were only too glad to escape cere- monial as far as possible, her dusky Majesty declined to leave her npnrt- teen's without a sovereign's escort of Life Guards; while she declined to tread n measure unless she had at least one of our Queen's sons for partner. Once she started to pay a visit to Lord C n ' T n son at his home in the Isle of Wight accompanied by a retinue nt at- tendants. (lour after hour passed and still Lord Tennyson caught no glimpse of his royal guest, for whom he had prepared A SUMPTUOUS THRONE. At last, when hope had fled and the hands of the clock pointed to the witch• ing hour of night, the Queen arrived, weary and bedraggled, without a single attendant and without n scrap of lug- gage. She had lost ttlern all on the way! Mr. Frith. the v'elernn artist, tells el amusing story of the Kaiser's first visit to England. Tho young Prussian Prince, then a mischievous boy of four, was vastly Interested in the picture of his uncle's, the Prince of Wales's, wed- ding, which Mr. Fritu was then painting at \Windsor, and nothing would please him but that he too should have a hand In U. To gratify the child the artist gave him n brush and some colors and el - lowed him to daub away at will at the bottom of the canvas. After the juvenile artist had been rg work a few minutes Mr. Frith discover to his horror that Hauch of the pnlnl which should have been on the canvas hnd found its way to the young Prince's face, which exhibited must of the colors of the rainbow. Seizing n rug and dip- ping it In turpentine, Mr. Frith began to scrub nwny at the bednubed face, while ,� owner, resenting the process,set to Ila � g work on his cleaner with feel and fists, howling the while al the top of his voice. At this critical stage the door was opened end in walked the Crown Prince and Princess. at sight of whom the boy darted under a table, from which refuge neither threats nor entrea- ties could draw him. I'LTER THE GREAT OF 11USSiA. But certainly the most remarkable of all our royal visitors was l'eler the Great of Russia, who spent sonic months in England about two centuries ago. Newer. surely, was there n monarch quite so unconventional os this "Czar of Muscovy," of whom Evelyn tells lis, At Snyes Court, where n residence was found for him near the dock -yards, ho led the most unroyal of lives. "Ise dines at 10 o'clock and 0 et night;' Evelyn records, "is very seldom at horse it whole day, very bftcn In the King's yard, or by water, dressed 111 several dresses." A favorite exercise was to trundle a wheelbarrow in the grounds of Soyes Court; he spent much of his lime work- ing in the dock -yard or rowing on the Thames in o dock -yard boat, and when the day's work was done he and his cronies used to reseal to a public hoarse In Great Tower Street to smoke their pipes and drink their bier end brnndy. On one occasion hie Majesty forsook the snug bar parlor and. dressed as a but- cher. attended a masked ball in the Temple. ---d' NO MARRIAGE SI:RVI:i•:S TIIERE, in the Island of Banguey, which Ilei in the China Sell, the 11atit es pt rfur:n a very curious marriage ceremony. The • bride and bridegroom are led quietly may into the forest, an.1 there, in the presence of the two fa'nilies. are trade one. 7 the process 1+ simplicity tlsell. A cut Ls made In the fle,hy part of the wou'd-he husbands leg with the help (f a woo len knife, nn.l n drop of his blo;d is traruferre•t to a similar incision 'n the women's leg. Then the rile is cute. plcte. It is n quart, uno,lentatiuus per. m:rab'y. Al.er the n:anlage the couple proceed to the bride's Iv.me, where Ibe h(•n►yrnoon is spent, end where, sl i rule, they make their fixed abode. ese I I