Exeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 13�! ^ r X
TOCK Clearing Sak
vuri;•g the Mont►, 01
balance of our •
and ()Ili 1.
we intend to c:car out t1 c
Heavy Freize Overcoats regular $7 to $8.50 your choice for $3,75
Woolen Blankets, Men's and Ladies' heavy Underwear, Dress Goods,
Flannels, Wrapperettes, Tweeds, Etc., greatly reduced.
Many Remnants of Prints, Wrapperettes, Dress Goods, Cottonades,
Flannels, Etc., on sale this week. WE ARE GIVIN'
Our Grocery Stock is complete. A Cali
ghestPrices Paid C. � l �
for Produce.
Flour Mills
We have installed a NEW
Mill for the rolling of Oats, and
can now fill pitimptly any Ol-
der to toll Oats for Horse's
We still have our Chopper
and can also till ceders in this
line promptly.
H. Sweitzer
Iground and lighting a match, shut
both ryes and fired under the Loos.•
• at where he supposed the rabbit was.
1Ile then secured a lantern and hunt-
s ed for two hours for the animal.
I taking dowel -all the 'bee house and
when ho had Rotten through wit h
his work, discovered it 'lying dead
! about ten feet away.
1 On Saturday last Mr. Thomas M:r-
whinoey sold a find te:lrn pf horses
to Mr. Bucharmn, of near Blake.
Master Milton Bedford, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bedford, is at pre-
sent quite ill a t the home of Mrs.
At the regular meeting of the
literary society held friday evenin;
last ;111 interesting debate took
place, the subject !leen;, resolved
"That the present system of 101 -
migration is unsatisfactory". The
' sides were taken by bleaw•e, II. Eil-
ger and Dan. Sweitzer and Mr. Ira
Brown and efrs. Bleat t. The format
aide were adjudged winners. Mr.
Eilber was called upon as the (nem- 1
ber from Morrison and Mr. drown
as the member from 'Toronto. Why !
Q .' these two places were designated by
Y�_ j�1 Mr. Bluett, the speaker of the mo:s
� -� parliament, we are unable to say.
__� , Mr. C. Zwickcr shipped a car -load
J :__ L' of red clover scell to Chica,o kis;
--a-ae- - , week.
=T, -:> - Mrs. C. '!.wicker, who has Iseen
'.k;, suffering froru an attack Of apps:n-
o•t OKi :"l ; dicitis, is greatly improved.
ewe A number from here attended lha
carnival in Exeter last Friday even-
Mr. It. E. \Valkor entendre Loldin4
an auction sale of his butcher bu,e-
ness and reel estate on \Vcd11asJ.ly
Feby. 13t h. At the some lime the•
• farm of IUU acres lot 11, son. 2, will
Your Spring Cleaning also be offered for sale.
Miss L. Robinette teacher in our
D0 ' Oi' intend to Asper your Lou '' public school, who was tick a few -
or any part of it this spring ' If days last week, is able to attend 1
SO, renuenllt r e e have u cemp,etl' to Ler duties again. !
Stock of the latest de'iges and pat- The sacrament of the Lord's sup -
terns to cheese foie. per was admires, ei tl in the \ielLoll- i
lieu. Andrews preached 011 appro•
Border, Ceilings prooriate Hermon•
If the Middlesex County Coun.1il
and Sidings will '25carries out its first intentions, it
this year (spend about $,000
Al at one price. (:et our prices and on r_ew bridges. siderah.e dans;e to 1114! boggy :111.1
glee our samples before you purchase A bridge to cost from $1,000 to borne: s.
elsewhere. $5,000 is to stns erected over the Aux ' Itcn:emb(r the conc.-:4 io he elven
} I c Sou
and Tasty
Are what every lady desires
served at her table. But unfortunat
often hap .e:i i that when prepared in
ordinary. way they lack nourishment
flavc __r such times •,
"3ov 11" is invaluairle
A it+l., " :ovril" added to a weak, taste -
l: �1 so_.f_, gives it richness, strength, and
a delightfully appetising flavour. The next
tient y::;t -. a! e soup try a liter ` PoYril"
in ic. You'll appreciate the
.sem' � ia}' ^.].Ya►-4='+�
The : '.•i sident, Vice -President, and Secy=Tress• of e Usborne
Ilibbe;•� Insurance Co,llpt €{v.
t're Setl•n+
Secy -Tress.
had gone ahead during the past ycitr re: the purpose of haven; a anmuth-
tnd that there wore prospects of a (,.1 of ivories pulled out. but alwayn
turt her advance durin; the pretetlt c un • 1 ons• without :ping through
The Secretary -Treasurer 11. W. F.
Sable !River between llaron and Mid. this ('Thursday) evenin; in Zinurler's )
dlesex, near Crediton, but the cost • hall by the 701111; people of 11:e 1111-'
of this work will bo borne equally thcran Chur: h.
I'uit,ter and Paper Hanger by j ho two counties interested. The 1111111 T•ra or 11. • 1).t-.11tto:,d
Crediton t'ntario,edThe
by the\postmaster fromIrNorth- "bearlimImill
Sutton, N. Il. U. ti. Grand Bend. 'l'ja<' liiuh^r \sill he
Dec. 1st, 19041 cut at 1! unilton's mill, Gland Bend.
Postmaster, Crediton, Ont. At the annual 111eetina 1,0111 on the
Dit E. .1, McCI3E, s1E61BE11 ON- Dear Bir. -Will you kindly assist 24th of Jan. 11.e busint•ns (11
TA Rio COLLEGE PIIYSIC1- me in locating ono Jaoob F'landere, past year was 40110 over and ever)
sib and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. alias John Flanders, fetianerly of thin; was found in first alas,. elope
7. A. Ilai•rt. t)reditott, Ont. your town, or his heirs if he, i; and a dividend will b^ paid.
Farmers' Attention, -We offer for not living. Ile should be out six- Mr. ,longs Il it -their has sold Lew
week Govt. Standard Ited Clo- • ty years old. He left this pl;aac hardware business l0 Mr. Tiernan, of
Wel' at $8.25 per bus and Govt. Stan- when a youth to enlist. in the li. Dashwood, who toad( p t e - ion on
idard Clear of Bucklorn for $9.00 , S. army for the civil war. and never Saturday. Mr. 111 itt to is 113(11
per bus. Also a stock of alaike, tint-' returned, but has hence been btxare known here, 1:,vin ; 1„•011 a„oci fled
Illt1ty &o. at right prices. A call ! frotu in C'nada. 1 ant told that •):e teeth him brother in the butcher Men -
.elicited. -C. 'Lwicke.r. I had ,.../ „B ly and 33.39 living in ness for the past nine ye1r,.. Mr.
bliss Annio Yearly tapent Sunday Crediton about len years ciao. Tiernan is h-ighly respected, 1 Ulan of
at Mr. and Mrs .James Law•son's. i Whether he has moved away or diel busirx's4. and 11nre I. 1:0 •butt, 1 t
Mrs. Iluston died at the reiiJence I do not know. His mune was will make a success of ITIS new erl-
of Mr. Itobt. Emery on Sunday. Jacob but I am told he changed it terprise.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, ttf upon I;oing to Cana(k1, i have some All t'totec indebted l0 Mr. .Incas
IRilmarxt;h, Mich., were here to at- property in trust for him and 11111 ilartleib are requested to settle their
tend .4the funeral of Mrs. Treitz. anxious to fine him or his heirs. if account at once by cash or Hato on
Mrs. !leavers who hat been mak- you do not know his whereabout; or before Feb. 15t11.
In; her home at Mrs. Chas. Eilber'.e , will you kindly give these facts to Mr. Auzust li my seal I)Iti•I It -ii -
Is at present very W. your local press, or hand this letter der, of %urian. \fere in the villa;,
l •.
Mr. Fred Richter, of Lia10\\'cl, at-. to your clic[ of Pollee or other rd • on .1011 )
tended the funeral of the late Mts. [tout who might assist in Wetting Mr. Jacob Wadi -trey, of the '1'otcn
Treitz. him. Thanking you in advance (or Line, had a bee 11,1 week to draw
Mr. Wesley Finkbeiner relates a your kindness, t remain respectfully timber front near Crediton for his
thrilling experience while away. yours
new barn. whic:ll I:r, ri11tc+111111 0rect-
Ilo and hist a;ed mother narrowly Mrs. Mary A. Davis. In; in the spring.
escaped dearth by (ire, while stop- --____.0-______ 1i r. F. Kibler, from 'near 1.'.a;er-
pin; at the hotel Irwin, 11 elate. tl )our ate ('onstilia ted, dull. or tt'tMr.e v9114 Lrs.imited tl\V. ds )Ik'o.nrueore t enter•
The hotel by some unknown cause ; hilluue ur h 1ve :1 sallow complexion, tamed i number 01 l Itrir your 1
Was burnt to the :round. About 50 , ..y 1,,x.0(, jnat enc, It (414''what fri,ndy un 'Tuesday 0ceniat; to a
they 33111 do for you. Lae -els are dance.
.tai hsatile (:Indy tablets--iri-f S1r. and Slam. G. Nadiger rcturne.1
io ••,1, nice in effect. No .(IHall1, n° borne lent week from llichizan,
von. Just a ;endo laxative effect ' where I hey spent the last .two
it at is p!eal'in;1y desirable. 11 and) , weeks visiting friends.
for i tie vel pocket or pit ova I,ax-
Hiss Mary 1Viukrm3adcr, who
eta meet i•very *14•14110. Lax -ett
t(P:ne i you in beautiful lithograph• aPent buena 1: itOe 1I:ft avw Ino'tn `t(f< at \acv
,,d n•:lal loxes at 5 i.,4.1,0.8 .end ''=;,c ew
waere she has •secured a po-
Suld by W. S. hooey siliort in a dress nuikin z shop.
--T- Mr. D. lr:articili, of Exeter, way in
(▪ ) iSii4(t stud the vinare list week assiltting his
. father J. lla.rtleib, stock taking.
Mi. Kilu'r, of liranlford, spent a111. John Kuntz. of tl.• 14,11. • n
(civ days East week gusting will, tertalned a number of the youn.
friends in Dashwood. , people 0f this vicinity on Tl itss117
Mr. Geiger 11'1a the job of IigL: - evenin; last. The evening 351. :13111
M0 -x Ally Johns, of Lie! or, in- in; the street I,,uipv in I)Idie ood. In various ;.
ten•114 rotten. to our village to or- - Mr. and Mrs. John lloffniit, of Mr. N. Howie, of %ori 11, %s,04 in
�ltanize :a class (0r I110 -'tidy of 1 Parkhill were vision 111( ods in the villa re enc da lost walk.
rntlsic.Dashwood, on `lund.ay.
Rev. J. W. Andrews splen( Sand tyI Mrs. and Mrs. Nur,ir hove le-1'AItQI 11AIt
in 1',:kh lt. turned home formtheir visit in Ile- I The thirty -firer item 11 meeting of
Mt s. ilt+•v.) .1. W. ,\n•1 .•Is i� as:.troit. the t'shorne and !libber( Mutual
sting ler d ltghtcr, air, .1. W. Hoy -e. Mr. Ticnian :and 11r. \Vtui,botd aia Eire lrlserance Co. was held in the
at lilt seld:alc. putting away their int for Cue sum• 1 I'ublic Hall, Farquhar on Monday.
Mr. G. E. Either hid in inlercxt. mer season. Feb. 4t h. The hall was filled with
In; esen'ne of it ow. night las On Monday of Ita week, while Policy holders. stowing they have an
week. As he was entetin; het Lou+' (1r. ,Vex. %tinnier was MI011414 Ilia interest in the welfare of the ro:n•
he u•tw 3 rabbit .run underneath brother in Letting ice, 110 tied his pang. Mr. J. A. Norris opened the
also bac house. 011(1 secured n Allot- Iorts3 to a {est. 'I he animal •slipped 1neelini with a few well chosen re-
gan. llo came out and laid on the es bridle and ran away doing eon -i marks 5pwjr. .4.o;v the-xmpany
guests were assembled in the hotel
at the time. All however 3cnr.•
saved by means of ladders through
the windows.
Miss Addie Siorlock, of Exeter, .•
spending a few slips in the village
the .nest of Itis Beulah heaver.
Mr. Alex Mo:lock, of Detroit, who
is vi14itiva 11.: luol1.er at Exeter gave
our town a fly in{ visit oti Sttutd ly
The Hisses Sill het 1in-l. of 'fo•un-
10. It IV.' IC1111 u(•d 10 11•('11 liontc, af-
ter a ph, Its t visit w ill ,\214 M.
• atorloe k.
The 11i14,,'• Kuhn en',•1; 1iitt 1 •r+
number of t l' it friends oil SIonJ,1L
evenin a.
w _
Heavers gave the financial state-
ment sl:ow'in; the total "as- is of
the company were $112,500,8.1 with i
cash balance on Land of $i1,0I5.s1
There aiso is on increa34' ,111 Ill•
amount of insurance of over $150,000
Heave l:,t. year.
'11 a Auditor's report was given
by \V. A. Turnbull verifying the
correct ness of the Secy-Trea4. re-
port. W. 11. Passmore :end ltobt.
Nor is w•'r(1 elected directors for
the ensuing three years and W.
(frock was elected director for 1 he
\Vensuing two years. I3 W. A. Turnbull wan first notnin it- r:leo 1 f), t lith.•:.,,..; et
f,l ay Auditor but declined to cid,
saying he had 'held the position for The followinx pipet was i tat n 'Ity'
thirteen years and thought ther; Miss W. Howard at a meet inz of 11. •
should be a change and oonaequcul- Epworth Let1ue in the 111111 street
ly Le g(oa)d retire. John Kay :Ind Methodist church on 'Tuesday even, -
Joshua Johns were elected auditors in; of last week.
for 1111)7,"Our topic lo-ni;l:' is Ontario. A
The Directors met after the an. subject s0 331(10 that if we attempted
111,1 tut•etinz for organization, \V, to enlarge upon it, would Lake more
II. 1' Issmore was ciccted I'rttsidcnt time than we have at our Jispos:l1
and J. L. Ituasell, Vice -President. However ave shall I t y to limit our-
\Vhcn it (ernes to Lavin; nerve selves to those thins which will be
when etc lime f0111('9 fur Lavin; loth intcrestin; and profitable.
r (f
t 1
' or 110 extent n ,d t e
nu•.:u14, eye and an11eh I•v•;i1 awl First let us co ;
o1 her grinders extracted, Billy Mc- our fair province. \Vo see by the
Laughlin has than' all beat. !tiny map that Ontario has for its north-
li td .,• an out to Exeter several time!, ern boundary. English river, Rainy
- _ __ river, Rainy lake, Lonely I tl:e, lake
Joseph, Albany river and .1 ones lily,
and that her southern I,oun<11ry en
• determined by the treat chain of
lakes and rivers, which not only a f -
the rpetalion, until last Saturday,
when he event t h^o•I;h the (,' 410:11,
without taker.,; eats, I'ot air. or any-
tl:i1114 ••l:e to reilove tl:n pain. lie
says Iles jaws ar• a little eore, but
his laerve Ct 34 -•011 :114 t'Vei•,
1 ' THEY A1,1. 1':\i1.Eit.
Many have t r•i1.•s to drt•i 4• , .0:n
cure equal to I'utcant's, I'•1: :after
of alt
at t
any pi
tell us
deuce that t `""` ,fond fields, •ii-e:ta t
In this newly opened country, that away Kok
the rocks as 0x unlined by a 3 xtcialisl t1.'1and clot
-0111(,1( the Lalm,
vicep. Next nn;
bicc,l, w-hcre sa, i,t• it + - only
pm.. 'Pint was n 1 .(11 : •1. an I wet
the''/,:un-Ituk. li seem 1 to soothe it
1 ((1 'ON' fl-,comtlllriv .any. \\-111
,Illy; 1 , (1111.1 +1,1 ,tW.1, •.r:u t 11 1 aline
correspond in every way to the rock
from which the famous South Af-
rican diamonds aro taken. Thcso
are only -a few o[ the minerals but
They are sufficient to show to - otuo
extent the mineral wealth of On-
tatio. And these aro not all her 1 +,:td ,arr:c,l the lean:. ,t.r1 to a f1
resources. Think of I he -million of ti:oo :h• r( wn; t'o ata. of the wo1
acres of ine spruce, lila )i0 :end :::::::Ina: tayr1,, r i+'aamullP . l htltall:•ll% tn-auk15ec hin the immense forests of tfl.•;ter :s•.[�v'lidoOntario, .a wealth of standing tint- ant1+rhea1:hickof uger, and we in southern Ontario aro ulink 1 .1-a atnaz^d at it.;
3alno. M)' c"a'.i. 1we x.wvhl helpw
fairly well supplied with timber and era, s, 1,,011.111.11 30)alatingthe
W11.11 wood. bottle provinces, not rtu What L tm' uk Can
fortunate 41a we :bre, :fro 03(111 ((0w
pressed for fuel and people are being For 1111 plia4n,a1 3,•,..,i -I dirt),
l I ' I clear; :.n.1 agars•;' n :•: ru-Ituk is
frozen to death on a"count of ilea' , !abb'bccanae07 i(4 it-JianItei1t
scarcity of it, and even the trains if t•.n have a 33:' :11 oc -•uo which
be:trin; their 'loads of foal to some 11:t (t0 iiia t scat -a ; --. it i:aea9e for
'Lala-. uk ala : , .0-. . r•zemn, i
point farther east aro held up by a ' amra, rine.worans, 1,1„lei,••; on the
gang 9f 111011 who deliberately take 1 ts,y. ch imbed ;.lieu,. • sore;,
the coal from them, so pressing it, r,• .‘• ' 41 3ci1t'. A: 't•, .' ,Ihr(1cntill
1 ,. .••'-m coal , i r.,, and rubbc
the ;meed. 'Then there aro the c;:..'•r.-iiuse'tie•i_,•,-dnetosc
resources 3vhech tome from Ontario's. l .1,:-torea ant: th.i ,::- •e11at.50c
farms, her a;ri:tiltural (resources. or 1.3-3 (ecu (rota it c ..,:D-!ruk ea
Every year millions of bushels of ei s'''''' r°`' 15°'
grain ono taken from the fertile FREE BOX-ti.a,,' ,leo cent
land, not to speak o[ the fruit and BOX Dull••' and dst
['c paper ,and dainty Fan+i•::• box will
iho ve,ezetables. Her stock roi1III 311.
and dairyin; are also very important
neat bring in probably more than the
grain itself.
i From a ;poli;ious standpoint On-
tario is also progressing. Statistics
toll us that there are now ovor 390,-
000 Methodist's in Ontario, •an in -
limas() of over 10,000 within the last
. 10 years. There oro also tnany ,
other denominations in Ontario, hut
all aro on all equal footing, all en-
joy (ho same reli;iotis liberty. No\ country
man can s y in our day and sent''So cannot be any(
and in our country that the light of proud of the fact. We em,
the hostel was denied him.
may worship :tit they please and no by being true and loyal sn
inquisition hangs over slice to (oro ; his Gracious lila sty. and tl
1110111 to believe anytlt:n; against ins beyond the a ei 1
their will. The tome o:tn bo said shall with (grateful bear
about our civil liberties. Each ono praise and 'service to our Mi
may, have ideas and °p(11ions of has favored us a little ID
his own. No cruel tyrant rulers over others and has given us
us. grinding us under the heel of • more than others and has
oppression and refusing ue 'f reedom the priveloge at living in Oil
Although we belong to the mother : fol Ontario.
All protection and shall always
fifty yeas no`hin:( liar upon -
11.e market t1,. t :o I,;i ovate
corns and w ;s. Icor,'. c,l•re111.
use the iyest, ens that'' -Put nleen
ford us an excellent means of tr 1n.-
portation, but �I ul an f which
ord us, n a e
Nis;ora, scenery upon winch 1111 the
world might gaze with owe.
Ontario, roughly speaking. cavern
Weak Kidney+. surely point to treat klttne) an are't of 222,1)00 agnate tnilea. Cotn-
pate it with En;land. England 1:114
Nen es. The Kidneys,like the Heal..and the an area of only 50,000 squire mile:,
Stomach. final their wenkr.,r:, not i1 the "rgnn Iain; at els widest extreme {loinsa
peen. but In the nerve► that eontr0l and (nide only 300 miles wide. Yet into thin
and strengthen them. Dr. ih•r,,.'a Tl^atorattre IS epnce she has crowded heir 25 'mil.,
s medicine spectO city i r -tor. •1 1.) reach these lions of people. We wit It 2 million!,
contm111ngnerve.. Todeetorth,.eahoy saerne, would think t)►at were
Is (cute. 11 Is a tryst( of (Inc, and of money M •
beat 1tin; room.
well• Ontario is just waking up to the
If rnur hart srh s or ty 111111t. 1f the Ilene mens( of lier areal nett and to 11.4-
P Ids,orisdarkanAstron¢.If;onh.avesrmptmmf
extent of 1,01 iesrlurces. l?nt11 quit -
of Releaser other distre,,shor or dansren)tis kid. recently the ;real stretch of lures•
nes disease. try pr. Shnop's it.Ktorativc a ins ,tlth-
TabletaorLiquid-and we w'1nt it can 504 will tory to the north of us, now known
n l � 4..I n ••�
bo for you. Druggist nio
romcne and sell a e New n a rte. --- -• _ "
plored. Now this part of the
try is being opened up, and'
settled and populaled with
Dr. fol rapidity. 'l his is ow
groat extent to the we
Orals found ()eve. For
I,i kr ,t rd, 110W 0153 of t
portant towns in Now On i
111t1\ • sprung up, it would sem, out
ro:hin;. At first their pi eco of
worship )gas a rude frame building
and t t.rir membership lest than at
WIS. HOWEY. handsohundred. !ley re now buildin.e a
me •church wit a %old
Add PHOSPHORUS and you have
For many, years it has been recognized by
cians everywhere that Cod Liver Oil and Iron
be given itt combination if possible, as where
required the other is in all probability need
each enhancing the value of the other.
Stalthough many attcm
Strange t o say, altho
l 1
been made, no one ever succeeded in com
oil and iron until, quite recently, a Can
cian, after some year; of study and ex
aged to solve the problem He t
little phosphorus ; the result is
which contains in
digested cmuls
rus, the
✓ 1