Exeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 12e
an en -
n. Mr.
r, !;ave sev-
sail, sang acv-
. Garnet Frayno
organ -
of St.
3.e al•
bo Aber-
'the St.
Marys, ]toter Telcpliona
Company was held hero last Thurs-
day. The report of last year 1311ow,.
ed the company in a very satisfac-
tory condition. The officers of last
year were all re -cleated, 3.r. W. It.
het -
hey. of
th of
h std
day disle:At-
3. Dr. Camp -
attended to the
uth hes nearly
the effects of it.
Leboau 'returned on
a trip to Texas. Ile
the people were diegine
in that -country when
Quite a di(fercu'e bet icon
0 weather here. We under -
that Dir. Lebeau and his lath-
Lebeau, and their E tniiliee,
movie; to th.lt DIA 10 ill tbo
They eat something that disagrees
patch cold have cr. inps or culla. If
there is pain just apply Nerviline,-
It's :good to rub ore and for the in-
side it'H moil conlfortine. Effective
and pleasant you Taunt find a house-
hold ranger.► to equal 1'ulsoles Ncr-
viliny. Used with sati-fa't+vu for
half a century and in better de-
mand every day because it does ,top
pain, ease suffering and 'ure the
thousand and one ills that. constant-
ly arise in a family. Largo bottles
at all dealers for 25c.
Miss Diable Sparks spent Saturday
and Sunday at her home in Hensel!.
Mies 13ou111ron, of llen3:111, is the
guest of bliss 1tebecc,t Mclioy.
Miss Margaeet 1[andford i3 Visiting
her stator, Mrs, Will Foster, of Tor-
Mr. John Itussell, of Montana, 13
visiting Mr. Will Abbott.
Mr. 13yran clicks shipped a oar.
laid vt cattle on :lion(lay.
Mr. and Dire. Wes Kerr •returued
to their home in Crediton last '.reek,
after ependine a pleasant week at
the home of Mt'. and Mrs. harry
Mr. and ales. Jas. lhindford are
lnetraza al and violin,ole , , confined to their house through ill-
s. Guests were present from ,Carr, Pres.; Fico -Pres., David Ikeda,
taffa, Saaforth, Exeter, lleneill Secy, E. N. Shier; Treas., A. 13retls• Ween,
our ; Directors, J. G. Jones, James Prayer -sleeting on ]'airfield lino
>Chis<lLurst Mr.rad Buffalo. During the Bootle, \Ym. Johnston and J. W.
this Thursday evening i3 to be held
eveninl told Men. Rivers were Grattan" 'rho com Cul at the home of Mr. Wm. Anderson.
made to stand up and join hands, 1 y is inoreasine Mies E. Simpson sat; solo very
while 011`J of lie rg. gists read a :exc. its equipment as fast as potseible, and 1
acceptably L❑ the .Methodist church
Sunday night.
Miss Jounio ennui, of I.:clubeths
who has been visitin; eli33. Brownie
Andrews lair the past two weck3,
rot eruct' home on 'Monday.
Mr. and Dies. Harry Wilson euter-
tained a number of thrix friends on
Wednesday evening last.
Miss \Vebb, of London, i3 visiting
at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Jobe
mony tieing a little tighter the
nupti:li knot, which has remained
unruffled during the twenty years,
and expressed the 'hope that many
years would elapse before tri3 knot
would bo torn asunder. Mr. and
Mrs. Rivers were the resipicnt3 of
many presents, among which were a
'dinner set, carving set and :fruit
spoon. 'ruffy see:Ct to move to Exe-
ter in the near future.
A painful •accident happened last
\Vedieesday at t he home of Mr. '1•
Vote; Monteith. While Mr. Cita. _-h.-.
annual meeting of the Kirk-.
alollt nth sax :going iKh','il the stairs ton► Milling Company. was held on
the 24th of January, with a fait'
representation o[ the "tock1oldeis
being present. The old offi:ors were
as soon as 'favorable weather arrives
a number of rural phones will be put
Mr. Thomas era esti is on the wick
Mr. Alex Itoss, who 11113 been Fer-
jously ill with fever is •reported to
no doing nicely.
Mrs. Jas. Leadstone is very low at
tho time of writing.
Jer. Carr, who had a very severe
attack 0' the grip, bee ucur1V re-
Into the stable carrying a bag of
corn, his :feet slipped and a3 ho fell,
pee of hi; limbs caught between 11c elected. The ; riudcr In the null
the steps. His ankle was dislocated is boos rc'. heeriii rill 1 new
end beth bones broken. Tee Ira'- set being
i re-1tes being put tiin apnew
tared 1luib is causing n good deal n.
The repairs will enable the company
to give entire satisfaction to the
1armin; romrntinity who desire to
patronize it. The company solicits a
trial Lrorn oti1Hide farmers. Careful
attention will be given to chopping
for the feeding of Hogs.
Messrs. Norman Balfour and Nel-
son Pletcher took elle junior Ep-
worth League Members out for a
alei;h ride on Saturday afternoon.
It has [leen stated on good author.
ity that the cat, which w•a 3 4111H3131g,
au account of which oppcc'red snide
time gaps has '.stunted to its usual
haunts. 1t was found on the door,
step of the church, whithor it lla(1
of pain at 'present, but is dome as
.well as can ;be expected. Ilia many
friends tcibn him a speedy recover)'.
Mr. an'l Mrs. Jag. Monteith entcr-
fttiued a Dumber of friends on Mon-
day. everting last.
A nuultior of our young people at-
tended the ball in Exeter on Thurs-
day, evening of last week. A good
time is reported,
.\Ve aro pleased to heads that M r.
Dort 1'asswor0 i3 .ro3overiu; from
Lis reacut illness.
Mr, end Mrs. Will Borlandrland !cave
hie week for their home in. .the
est. We wish them a Safe jour.
thy'. gorse Ln search of its ow'ilcu'.
tMiss Mary ;Monteith is a:endiug 1t Joseph Birk is hauling material
eve days with her comsat on die
i)ttncan line.
bliss Gerde miller, of \Wiucnctx'..
the guest of Jli3s else White
. Andrew Campbell delivcrel it
n; horse on 'Tuesday of. ties
gal Cottle has purchased
from Mr. Wm. Turnbull,
. Wm. Kydd entertain-
!! on 'Tuesday even•
+has been •received of the
vol of the Misses Lizzie .tui
assmore, in Vancouver, 11. C.
Many Lrlends wish t hem sac •
their new work in 11:3 \\'es-
*pendina a few weeks in
Seaforth, Mr. Wilfred
is again 'a visitor an
dache is u►Isery, "1111
tin Liver !'ills if thy
cure it f People '0 ha
speak frankly of
ate smell and
for Tho largo drive shed 11e intcnda
building in the spring. Mr. W.
Tufts will also build a drive shed 113
soon as the winter freaks up.
Mr. Fawcett Stinson has iresi;sed
hie position with the Winchelsea
Master George Kemp is very i11
with stomach trouble.
Mr. Hiram Copeland is l twin; his
Louse fixed up. What for, we are,
unable to Lind out, but it looks sus-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirk are on tlln
sick list.
Dr. Carr 1;3131 Friday disposed of .Ilia
find driving horse !toxic to Alvin
Arkeey of the boundary.
Boy ,Wanted. -Good reliable lily
wanted to learn blackemitlring• A\1' -
ply Thos. Roadhouse, Kirliton.
"ler Infants find Children.
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Etg'3 3.t fro of
�o1 w•ill.
Mr. ltobt Wilson has pureisased
a farm near Lobo and intends mov-
ing there in the near future. We
aro sorry to lose Mr. Wilson from
our midst.
Miss Flo E3s,e1'y is visiting her
brother at Palmerston.
Croute can positively be slopped in
twenty minutes. No 1'0111i1 ne-
,laothine to sicken o: distress your
child. A sweet pleasant and gat.:
Syrup, called Dr. Shoop's Coup C'%3
does 11" work and sees i1 liuickly.
Dr. Shoop'" Group Cure is for .croup
alone. remember. 1t does test claim
to co . a daze!' ailments. It's far
croup, 1Lat.'s all. Sold by \V. S.
Steals through the system like a
thief In the night. 'That'll how et -
v' With
• acts. Don't trifle '.sits w1:'t
DUO' 1, scour :se. 1 )e 11'1 0x3A' 1 11310;31
with a doubtful treatment. Time
and experience prove that catarrhs).
zone does cure, brit it •-Tivea quirk
relief and so lhorou.tlrly destroys thp•
disseise that it diva forever.
Get Cetarrhozone in the first
p1aee, and )•0,1r cur:: 13 :I1(Ure(i. In
25e. and $1.O0 at all dealers.
Our slel;hing has ,aboul ail dis-
nppeared again.
Everybody is busy Pullin; up n
stock of ice 131 pressed. From the
amount put up visitors next summer
will bo sure of a cool reception.
Mr. and Mss. Brenner were cell',1
to Shipka on Friday. owing to the
Illness of their little niece, Nola
Hannah. We hope to goon hear of
her recovery.
Our teacher, Miss Mills, sins not.
recovered sufficient yet to be allele
to resume bar duties but wo are glad
to say 311e 13 improving nicely, (end
no doubt will bo able ,to do Ao in a
few days.
I neo the correspondent of tiro
Parkhill Post is :oing after the
people that let their cows run out
these cold days. We hope th'•y will
,take the hint and keep them in the
Stable before anythin; serious hop -
There is a lot of wood len ed Dein frotn Klondyke nt the prc•s:'rlt
tiro. Anybody in need of a'.o,e1
should see Sam Gratton, he will
sell you !some 110 '.natter bow is:arce
Mr. henry Grcb is able to ;c't It is, or hard to get.
out again ;liter his rc:en! mevrr, If you want to hoar th.' l.etest
illness. news of nay part of the world, es -
Miss ]toxic Either 11:is •s'tre'et a I peeially the bad and good points of
ood position in the millinery dc- oaoli government (other than the
Intent of one of f he sol lie ell — -- _
and left for t hot ill ire last
prior of 1 he local br 111(11
ign bank will be are-
iurnishin. ii '.'.il1 t,•
up -to -elate iter'. Is a constitutional disease
tin; of t I e
originating in impure blood
Wen t he r , and requiring constitutional
'"•"" treatment acting through
and purifying the blood for
radical and permanent
Be sure to take
S Sarsaparila
Nasal and other local reieved forms by Cstasiises,
inti i n s. ; ON quickly
end had which allay klanaeadoe and doodads'
Sarsaparilla, :1.
Onr tlets. � ds.
sail for ow book es Cason* Maal4w
... . .air !y- afill Mama.
+'R TIMES, FEBRUARY ;th l:)(ti.
la AN Parts vi Canada Lydia B. Mailmen's
Vegetable Comroand Res Effected Similar
Dlanv wcr, l,criul cur, 3 of female ills
are continually coming to light 3411ic13
hese leen br' n'rht about 1.3. Lv,lia E.
l'inkIlalIi's \'egetahle C0111150uli,i, and
Ill//1 ji1111111111 X11\1�,�\.,
through the advice of Mrs. Pinkhatn,
of Lynn, :Mass., which is given to sick
women absolutely free of charge.
'1'13e present \ir.:. 1'iukh:un has for
twenty -live years :wade a study of the
ilis of her s('X : she Las cons11110d with
and advised tillns:utds of suffering
worsen, who to -,lay owe not only their
health but even life to her helpful advice.
Miss Annie E. Schwalm, of 326 Spa-
ding Ave., Toronto, Out., writes:
Dear \fry. 1'inkl::un:-
"1 have found Lydia E. 1'inkliamb 'ergo -
table C'ompounll a s xcitic for 111115le'weak-
11e53 WWI which 1 have leen troubled for
ycar3. 1 also Lad irregular and painful
periods which selectee my general health
until last spring. I '.3.333 only a wreck of
my former self. 131 my atf!iction I was ad-
vised to use your ('on,po:uel, and am so
glad that I did so. 1 found that in a few
short months there wa3 no trace of female
weakness, 111) strength gradually returned
and in a very short time I considered
myself a t.er;ectly well "mien. I appre-
ciate my good health and beg to assure you
that 1 am most grateful to you for discover-
ing such a wonderful ro,,u.Iy for suffering
In repot tin! the marriage last
week of Dlr. Gcoree Joynt to Mies 1
Caldwell, an error was made giving
the name as Mr. Gcor;e Jarrott,
instead of Mr. George Joynt.
Rev. Dr. Medd. of Fores;, will
preaoh tho Epworth League :miniver -
nary sermons at the 1lenstt1l Dfotta-
odist church next Sunday. On nc- ,
count of theme services the ',service
at Itetehlcadu will bo withdrawn. On
Monday evening ltev. Dr. Daniel, of
London, will ;give his celebrated lec-
ture on "l'narowned Kings" in the
Bears the , lM Kind You Hale Always Bought
1T IM1'Alt'1'S STItl':NG'1'lf. •
Just think of 111,' enormous
strengthening power 1errozone tem-
sesses,-consider what it did for 11.
Potter, well-known in Kin1H-
ton, "I was subject to 3leils of
dizziness. For eight menthe I had
intense pain in my right side be-
tween the shoulders. I X3.53 almost
incurable with weakness and lock of
visor, Often I scarcely ate any
breakfast and felt miserable all d:ty.
Nervous, easily excited, troubled
heart weakness, I was in bad shape.
Ferrozouc restored and nourish, d
use bck to 110511h in short order."
Whatever your weakness allay be
Fcrrozone will cure. Prise 60c. per
box at all dealers.
Mts. llodeenn, of Granton, is vis -
Hine her daughter, Mrs. R. Skinner.
Dlr. S. Andrew attended the ealu
of A. Miller at Cromarty on Friday
last and pur:betted a fine cow to add
to his herd.
Our blacksmith has a gang of
men working for him ousting wood
and loge on the property, ho :pur-
ehased from Quinton Tiros.
Mr. Richard Coultis has purchased
woman."! 0 new driver.
Tl. �ustintoniuls ,lti,•h we tiro con- T11oso having sold Squared timber
to the buyers who visited tine •:om-
munity p short time ago, took ad-
vantage of the recent few days oG
sleighing, iu taking it to tiro ehip,-
ping pla.es,
Dlr. Itobt. slicks continues very
Mrs. \\'m. Coullls Spent last e eek
with friend" in London.
to thousands of women has proved to be Mr. John Andrew, 6r., is on the
mora precious than gold. sink list the result of an attack of
latest sohool act 'which you never I Mr. Geo. Andrew is busy gett;ng
hear mentioned) just pall at the but the material for the addition to
blacksmith shop of Mr. Joe Di3jar- his barn to be built this :online
dine any time when school is in. spring.
Dir. and Mrs. Boseenberry yisited
at Zurich on Saturday.
Mr. and DLrs. Jas. Wilson visited ip
al Mrs. Wilson's parents here over
Mr. Harman Gill visited at fort
Frank Monday.
Aa OLD syn N"ar.r.• rs'an Rte.:nr.---\i,N
•1 1,,,iu..'• rtr>,thin.; c:y:-nt has been use,' f, r
,1 or +,x• y ►•N7..,. e: mu. one ut mothers for their
•l.ilnr-o. white. 1--e,11110. i''h perfectsuccei
It o. es the id. salons the gnms,allaysa11
path. elve.. ,. h,•1 rnli.. and Is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. It 14 pleasant to the taste. Bold
by druggists la every part of the world. 26
cents a oottle. Its value Is Incalculable, Be
etre and take Mrs Winslow'" Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
etatltly publishing from grateful women
establish beyond a doubt the power of
Lydia E. Pinkhanl's Vegetable Com-
pound to conquer female diseases.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invite,[ to promptly
communicate with J[re i'inkharn, at
Lynn, 31as3. She asks netiiing in return
fur her advice. It is al,: ,lately free, and
Ascertain its Cause rind t he cure
isn't hard to find. Look to the
stomach and bowels. Arc'nt you
constipated, isn't your liver sluggish
•1'in s mis-
hos stomach f, 1Ln It
1 - �
What you reed is the clean -
sin; tonic influence of Dr. Hamil-
ton's A ills, Their effect is lastitez
boaause they aid all the :actin; or-
gans, flush out a)I unIl( 3)1 h)' mat-
ter, and tone up the stomach. With
Dr. Hamilton's fills your stem tch
gots a chanoe to recuperate, and it
dotes so quickly. For real buoyant
Svc' Dr. Ilemilton'H Pi113 rezularly.
25c. ;ser box at all dealers.
Slissea Almena and Lith Heywood
returned home Sunday after epeni-
ing z; few days with their cousin.
.hiss Myrtle Frances.
Mr. Josiah Creery had the misfor-
tune one day last week while in the
oat of c)wppine wood in the wo ds
to eget hie finger ,crushed between
two lo;D.
Coward & Clark's large sale is still
going on making room for the new
sp1ID; stock. That'd the place to
get bargains.
A few fricndM as3cnrbled at 11:e
home of Mr. Wm. Creery on '1•hur3-
day eat last week to spend the even-
ing. A -n oyster supper was lorcp:eie.l,
er:d ilio night palmed away very rap
Idly and they ,111 enjoyed 3hem a.lvcs
until the "woe oma }:ours" in the
morning llnd nec,rly gone.
Wedding !yells are still ringing in
(loo neielborhood..
f011LES'Z`cDWk. T.—•
Cnd Y.0 hale A!wa s 13;,41tt
Beare the
iaiiios &
Oro -ails
For the Holiday 'Trade ee are show-
ing 1101110 !superior blies in
of the very Best Makes, also
in Plain and (' 'tenet Stands. Our
Stock of
To stop a ;old with "1'revcntica"
is safer than to let it run and :are
it afterwards. Taken at the 'emcees
seize" Preventics will lead off al;
colds and Grippe, and IMr1(1pa
you '.sem pnet)Iloni1 ,.r lint,1•hili+.
l'reve:eise are little tootlaonie
candy cold cure tablets selling in f,c
an41 25c boxes. If yon are chilly. if
you begin to sneeze, try 1'reventia.
They will surely check the cold 1133(1
pleas(' you. Sold by W. S. Ilowey.
Stationery, Bibles, and
Hyinn Books,
avid 1:31
Musical Instruments
is very at tractive,
Price+ a..•! Te, ins on all the above
are most f,il,eral.
We will he tee teed to
about it if yell will call.
':lection Sale of
the Metropolitan Hotel
Exeter on Feb. 8th
tell y0t1 all
Highest Price Cash
lot tfio ,)1.13'('h
-This hotel is well bni;t.
11 1.Irgc, 33.1;h nt:mber of rmres. Ha.
license play gees tern in connec can
and will posil i\'l'ly be sold to
i' +r.'•+' '.1' t'•tit t•a'.
For (ertna and particulars apply lo
I Thomas oamerten. Yarnahar. — --_
Illi kiufls old i►on., Cop-
I•('t' brass Ie;Ui %til(', pew-
ter, rnl)i)('r, rags, wool
1)iekiI1Lrg, 11(41se llttll'.
Stf'el stone limits, uollle-
varding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
M. J6IS011&SOfl
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
The Kind You IIavo Always Bought, and which has been
it, use for over :10 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
t, '4' sonttl supervision since its infancy.
Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" aro but
Experiments that tribe with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
toric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains ,ci[h(r Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
anal allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kiud You gate Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
When Children Cough
give them that old reliable remedy that never fails to cure
Friar's Cough Balsam
It stops coughs -breaks up colds -and heals inflamuta-
tion in throat and bronchial tubes. Absolutely pure and
safe for cliildrell. 25c a bottle. At druggists or from
X540 Per Year
STRATFORD., ONT. Miss Snell, formerly of Iiluevale, is
receiving $-til per month from the Cal -
The Leading Commercial Bary Milting Co., Calgary. Phis es-
timable young lady had only a com-
mon school education, and in a fete
months with us prepared for the above
situation. NVith a few years' expert.
ence Miss Snell will receive at least
$75 per month.
is better than
f.Vhat we have done for others we
can do for you. Enter any time. In-
dividual instruction.
Write for catalogue.
School in Western
i- Our courses are thorough and
practical while the teaching is
done by able instructors. The
ambitious voung men and young
women who desire to get the
best possible commercial train-
ing patronize this school while
business men are in search of
our graduates to fill responsible
positions. The Hest, time to en-
ter our classes is NOW. Beau-
tiful catalogue free.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++•r+ 6so• S potton
Gunton Business GolleQe
(affiliated with Winghan► Business
1'beo;' '• to
Cute a Cold:
('A 1'11' 1,1':S
014 ale encs
e Box
Great Possibilities Tie Usborne and Hibbert
within easy reach of Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur -
Graduates ,,f the
The Western Businessance Gompanu
Off] S110011001 College
110 Dundas Street London
Everyone who completes either
a Regular Commercial or Short-
hand and Typewriting Course is
placed in a position.
('atalogues, heentiful specimens
of Penwork, and all pat ticulare are
mailed upon application. Don't
delay. Golden opportunities are
W. C. Coo. C. S. R.
Head Offlee, Farquhar, Ont.
i Pree.:-1. A. NORRIS, CRoMAw'rY P.0
Vice-Pres.:—J. L. RUSSELL,
Itussetaiesee. I'. 0.
W. Roy. BoRNBOL)t P. 0'
WM. )ift0(•K V1N(•TIKL$EA P. 0.
JOHN ESSF.RY, Exeter, agent for
Uaborne and )iiddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. anent
for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar..
(MADMAN & BTANI3CTRY. Solioiter*
•N+sss•s•ss•s000sb..bs.od •soso(►s•t)NN•N••s.Aso.N
• THE 1'101 SONS B.A.NK
• (incorporated by Act of Parliament 'KZ)
i CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • S3.000.000.00
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •-• • S3.000,000 00
(3 Branches In l)ntario. Quebec. Alberta Brine) (' earneia sed N u,Itoba
Open tvery Lawful Day from 10 A. D. tc 3 e. M. exert t /Words, 10 A. M. 10 1 P. D.
Fore -nerve Sole Moters cashed or ((inert ed. Forms enflplied
On appltcetlon. DRAFTS on 3411 points In the Dominion, (ren( mean, and un.
lied Hiatus. bought al .t Feld at lowest rates of exihsngo,
Depoo' ltrs of f•1.00 ani upwards received, interest. corn
pounded half )(Arley, and added to principal June er.th and Dn ember list. De-
posits iterelp'.I also Issued and highest current rates of interest allowed.
Adviserecen made to farmers stock dealers and business men et
lowest rates and on most fa.nrable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dom. liovernment,
Dickson ac Carling, Folic;tora. N. Q. HURDON, SIAnager��,
To Cure a Cold in One Day =yet,
T. Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. else Cry
Moe Moss said k sot 13 ussilis. TYt alemosalaa