Exeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 9seller
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
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Rhone No. 32.
ES, SPRING GOODS, although spring exists as yet
only in the fashion books and the minds of the
dressmakers. Just as soon as possible we make it
a point of turning over the page and introducing a new
chapter. We have brought new goods into nearly all de-
partments. You will be keenly interested we know and
we'll be delighted to show you everything and discuss
pring tendencies, so try and come•
REY TWEED effect suiting, light medium and Ox -
torn shading, fine check and overcheck suitings in
light blue and green combination shades, white and
black checks, broken plaids, narrow stripes etc., latest de-
signs for early Prices from 40c to $1.50 yd.
spring wear.
Fine black goods for suits, dresses, all the newest_
weaves, chiffon amazon, cord-de-soie, wool taffetta, pan
ama, voile,oeplet a rage. prices 50c to 1.25 yd.
A verycomplete range.
S A STRONG inclination towards cream is felt this
season, we have stocked heavily in this shade from
light weights in crepe•de-chene, silk spot nun's veil.
ing, to heavier goods in serge and panama, there are none
NEW SILKS, Laces, Embroideries, Persian Lawns,
India Linens, and Lawn Blouses, just opened
PRINTS, about two hundred pieces all in since the
New Ycar about half came only this week.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods.
JANUARY SCIIOOh REPORT Thompson, Gordon Hunter. Vergie
Pincombc. 1'1. 1.- \Villin 'Thompson
FORM 1l1
2 Jr. '1'ea:hors.-M. JOIM•H 60, M. '
Murray 64, W. Triebner 62. 11. Stone-
man 62, M. Coward 61, 1. Armstrong
Jr. Malrisulation.-T. Carling 48.
No. on roll 18; dally river -age 17.
1,. C. FLEM1IN(, 'Poacher.
1 OR.If 11
Sr. -Grace 'Thompson 73; Maud
Johne 69, Ida Rowe: 69. Vert Welsh
67, Leah Remoter 67, Erie Going 64,
Flossie Foss 60. No. on roll 35, aver-
age attendance 32.3.
6. L. GREGORY-, 'reacher.
Commercial Class Sr.- ii:tin Mc -
Cay 71, Mabel McTaggart 70, Vera
Rowe 68, Edith MacKay 65. Clark
• • Fishier 60. Jr. -Ezra Oentreishcr 72.
•2 Regular Class. - Honors, John
• Taylor 89, Lillian Buell 89. Alva
• McMahon 82, Ida Marohand 78, Bes-
sie Munn 77, Douglas Stewart 76,
Anna Dow 75, Edna Luxton 75.
I Pass, Ruth Hooper 70, Flossie Hun-
ter 67, IIe•rbert Bissett 67, Victor
• Sweet 60.
No. on roll 46; Commercial class
2 10; Form 136. Average daily attend-
:: . awe
22,anco 44.
A. M. JOHNSTON. Teacher.
2 Sr. IV -Honors, Annie 13iisatt 79,
Olive Wood 77, Gladys ford 77. Pass,
IBirdie Boyle 74, harry Carling 73,
Russel May 71, Edith Heideman 70,
2 • Catherine Makins 69, Venetta John-
• son 69, Annie Jackson 63, Lela
':= Gould 60, Ella Wood 60, Thomas Bal-
.. man 69, Frank Johns 60. Jr. IV -
2• Honors, Hubert Jones 79. Pass, 1•Maurice Johnston 69, Harry nitro66, Pearl Johns 64, Ixltimer Grieve
63, Lillie Rowe 62, Elmo llowcy 61,
2• ]tarry Sweet 60. No. on roll 36;
2 2 Sr. TI. -Jean Beldon 99 1-2, Nelly
Jones 96, Agnes McKay b0, Linden
Harvey 88, Muriel Tones 88, Brure
Walker 87, Robbie Flem.inz 811, Ariel
Beverley 85, Blanch Quante 81, Lilly
Marahrarul 81; Willie Manson 78,
Russell Flynn 77. Ernest lfa.rvey 75.
Mid II. -Grace Gardiner 87, Flor•
endo Rowe 83, Ethel Day 81, Joe Fol -
lick 79. Annie Day 76. Jr. II -Alma
Mack 79, Wilfred Mack 78, Olive
McDonald 76. No. on roll 4 8, ...ov-
erage 45.
Mid. II -Joseph Cram; 87, Willie
Iiydd 81, May Smnllacombo 76, La-
belle IIandford 71, Elsie Keyes 71,
Maurice Senior 68, Jessie Brickwon<1
64, Mildred 1Icywood 62, No,rnan
Hockey 62. Jr. 11.- Marjorie Set.
don 85, Inn Delve 84, Florenc,, \Vooct
Dora Moulden 65. Sr. Pt. II. -Pearl
Jackson 88, Silas (teed 80, George
Ortwein 80, Bertha Itorncy 78, Stan -
average '.14.
Sr. III, -Pass, Clair Wood and
Lillian Boyle 65, Wilfred Stewart
and Pear] Guhr, 66, Bella McKay,
60, Rosie Bissett 62, Raymond Dear
in; 74. Jr. IIi. - Honors, James
Walker 79, Willie Fergusson 70. 11.
Wood 78, Madeline Carling 76. Pala,
Stella 13outhcott 69, fi'lorry Dinney
62, Irene Hardy 61, Fred Stii•ldo.k
61. No. on roll 52; average 45.
II. E. \VALRON1), Teacher.
BRO WNINO, M. D., M. (• We have unlimited Meats/ fonds for Invest
W . . P. 8., (Graduate Victoria Uni rut upon farm or village tteport7 ab lows,
Ter+lty. oftr co and resideuonco. Dominion "TM of urn
Laboratory. Koster.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
Wean and Surgeons. Snore. or to Dr. J. A.
Rollins. Office Main street. Residence, east
OO first street north of Po'.t OMee, Exeter,
DRS. Y. ANn II. M. COWAN, a91
Piccadilly Street., London, Ont.
Telephone ISSS. Long distance connection.
Special attention given disea. o. of woolen and
grrggeerry. Oxford or l'. IS It. streetcars to
Claiborne street take you almost to the door.
No other city office. Special Hospital and
other arra'gcrnents for patients from a
y M,Falls 7f,, Archie I)asie 70, E.
Dinney 68. Jr. Pt. II. -Amy Johns
85, Dorothy Kuntz 84. Gerald Fitton
82, Gordon Ford 80, Willie Davis 73,
Wilbur Jones 74. i't. 1. - Walter
(Harness 82, Irene leasterbrok 80,
May Neil 79, Cecil ltaskcr illy 76,
DICKSON& CARLINO Mary Morlock 75. No. on roll 41),
Exeter average: attendance 32.
WILLiAM BROWN, limn:. Dn'-
nr,;ant•t of Trhitt Memorial Church, E•ct.•r.
Piano, (trtran, illrmnnand Theory of Mucic.
Tenn. on Application. Exeter, Ontario.
M. V. MAIt'I IN, '1'ear1i r,
Sr. II. -Maggie Case 93, Wilbur
DTitrLcll 88, Beatrice Ilodzort 84,
Anna Bell 82, Maud ((irks 79. Jr. 1I
Marjorie Huston 91, Lily Collins -
wood 91, Mud Elliott 89, Flossie
Neil 86, Joey Ferguson 83. Total en-
rollment 41, average attendance 134.
11U\VAItU, 1'eachet.
• Civil Engineer & Architect
(Late Department n1 1'.1,11: Work., Canada.)
l'on.uttinx Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railrna,I,, Sewerage and Waterworkv
distance. System Whines, Itrid,res and lie -enforced Com tete.
Phone 2220 London Ontario
DD. 8., Honor grad'.ate of Toronto Licensed auctioneer for Counties
University. of Huron and Porth,
Dental Surgeon Special attention given to faun
Office 'n Faneon's Block crest of stock notes. Town and village pro•
perty sold by auotion on moderate
Blain street -Ex wren. commissions.
R. G. F. KOUL.S'rON, L. U. S. Orders may be lett at the Times
Dnt re
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of Char armoderntemidenoe• Elimville•
R. C. I). 8.. of Ontario and honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
Orrzcx:-Over Dickson & Carling's t
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
We have a large amonnt of private funds bo
*so no farm and village properties et lowrate
Barristers Solicitors. Main 8b. teeter
Illarrteters, Solicitor*, Notable. (soveraneses •
�y-�^•,.•.mlestener•, Solicitors fonr the oa•ons
Wow to Loan at lowest rates of htereate
O. 04011.11110 6 a1. 4 S. 010‘ 00/1
*neer, wills drawn, money to loan
n rest est22.t•i. also Licensed Auctioneer for
the counties of Huron ani Perth. ('h‘rge.
moderate. Orders left et the ayes x st my
restdsace, Farquhar will re<'el2. a prompt etten
ton - -- --- -
iB. S. Phillipe, Licensed A•ie tioneer Mr the County
Wareirt. eh(r a•,nn.terare. Ali •wn nnaistion•
rimed Ie 8. y. Phillips, Itenull, nr mien, left •
00311 • II revive prompt attention.
(.earn French, Qerman, or
Spanish Re*Jing, Writing or
Speaking at your home with
Perfect Case.
Ily no other systc 111 of private
c',►ssrvnin, or correspondence in.
struction are these requirements
so sufficiently diet as by
file I. C. S. tome System
With Edison Repeating i'liono •
graph. Write nr call and
get particulars.
N•, other tacking machine ns
tf.,oti as the ••E,)iSi)N". There
Is ping(.
('tn:titian Expiass Boil/hew
The following is a correct re,'ort
or ten Hlanidin3 of 11.c pupils: of 14.
5 .;0. 4, ;Stephen, for the ,moot h of
January. N•aunes are in order of
S • I V,-Gladvs 1C(1t 14, $y Bella
11oriocle, ,\111rnie Nestle, Nettie Aniy,
Etta' Kest le, II. !bort \Wein, e.1 1 .
I:• - I:ilber. Jr. iV,-Beulah Smith,
!son 1.1 ti'1,:.,•,I •r, ('IaIenr(' I:ilh.•r,
((:arty Srliwartz, Aryl Iirokcnsllire,
Lorne Morinrk, 111.1 herr Kraft, A
vin Cornish. Edwin Wein, Oscar ('lir•
ninh. Sr. Iif.-Clinton Brown, Dlil-
drrd Kltunpp, \Vit1i.' S ttsvartz,
is'1 Cox wort 11, 01111 1)rown, Mervyn
: Broke::shire, Gordon Cornish, Erncr•
s.ot• :44'111;0. . •Ir. III. --1,11111 I'' 1
le, A.tio:i \Vein. Kr, 1T, -- Erncr•
Hon ltoeszlcr, 11a Either,
Smith, Ldna Amy, Clara \Vein. Jr.
11. -Clinton Mollusk, Joseph Broken-
' st ir• . 1 •1 win ('.' 1,-.!1. Merritt ('ox •
Ito::h, Joseph Srhwartr!, Emerson
\W •it:, Annie Aubin. 1•t. I. -Olive
Cot ••i . Nunth• : on rail( :B, Ave -
a;e ,.tttool Ince :35.
M. C. •k ut,ison, Teacher.
N. 14. NO. 1, t!SBOitNE.
T.,4 follow, it 2 repo:'1 of N. ti
4, 1'shornc for 11s• .month of .1,n',
is 1•,«t'd 11pn•:i relit!.r,1 v of ,1•••n -
dance and ssorkly,exaniinations. The
names appear in eager of merit.
TV Vint Kerslake., Fs ink Rooke,
Willi.( Eseery, Arthur 1C r=like,
Frank Handfed. Cecil 51111,a •r, Itirli•
le (ticks, Willie \V(•bher, Bella Das •
is. '.r. 111. -Annie McCcrdv, Cir•
rte May, Medley May, Ava Skinner,
( Thos. Co itcs, G('0rge Davis, Willie
Walker. ,ir. 111.-1,r:,., Coit(- \1 Iry
:McCurdy, Attie Hunter, hdw•ar(1 lel-
let. Sr 1L-Vnr111 Cell l('s, iA11.1
111r.tin s, 1'^'.(•rich \:'.l,b'r, \Vcs-
1 ley Colts,/t. .1 r. 11.-\1i:ante M -•y,
Thelma Skinner, Samuel 'I1 Curdy,
Frank Cortes. Sr. 1't. III - Roy
LWebber, Roy Thnmpnon,Verna Maks
Jr. Pt. 11.-1iarold Monter, Carrie
J. \\. 1Io,artlt, I.a-Let.
8. B. NO. 1, STEPHEN
The following are the reports of
1he Sr. and Jr, departments of 14.
S. No. 1. Stephen for the nu tt1It of
8r. Department. -Class V. - Wil-
fred lzo3zinn, Enos. Windsor, Czar
Nilson. Willie Sims, Gladys Es -env,
Frank Mitchell. Sr. 1V --Jo-"i 1i
White, Archie Robinson, Nina Mc-
Curdy. Gifford ITo;nrtle Margery
Hepburn, Austin Dupla n, Mervin
Elston, Gordon Wilson, Eddie Sign 5,
Hazel (licks, Lillian Robinson, Mur•
ray Elliott. Jr. 1V-Jolon Hogarth,
Mahan Oallfas, Maxwell Il:tynharn,
Iva Emery. Sr. III.-H:trry \Wind<or
Elmer Wilson, Ella Baker and Jos-
eph Davislual, Norman ((.roman,
Flossie Dai Earle Callfae. Hubert
White, Itoy Callfns, Bessie Ander-
son, Edna Davey.
M. BO'TTERILL, Tea cher.
Jr. Department. -Jr. III - Foal
Fairhall, Anthony White, Alva
Brooks. Sr, II.- Madeleine Ilaist,
Victor Hogarth, Othello Mot z. .Tr.
IL -blonde 1Tcaman, Mable F.Iliol t,
Ethel Bowden, Hubert Neil. Pt. II
Oliver Davis, Irene. McCurdy, Edlie
Alexander. Sr. I'1. 1. -Carrie D tvey
Arthur Robinson, Elymer Wilson,
Jr. Pt. I. -Harry Elston. I't. 1 -
Viola Niel. Tho 'hest spellers were
"Larry" see I
afhtcrnoon, whin
"are yez afhter
assinillly to be held
nisi Thursday tloirht
"Noe Bob." sez I, "
annytlting that I'm not
but bogorry, what's city
•'Acoordin' to Webster's
ed, an assinlbly mesons tw'e'et
an' tlu•ee',1 a arotwd, but nc
Hoyle, it means an' old fa
dance, ,10' if yez haven't army
to do, l'd loike yez to come nn'
show yez how th' highland fli
aft' other fljn3s ez done. Whin
taint to th' postoffi e0 that eveniT'
there wuz ;1 Ictlher addressed to me,
An' whin I opened it be,gorry It
lead soan)t)iin' like this "take two
tablecpoonsful ivory 'two (tours be-
fore breakfast, an' wash down wi
castor ile, an' then yez'Il be 'Toady
fer tar' dance what we wish yez 40
at 1 iud. 'i'h' w•ritin' looked some-
thing loike Doc Randy's, an' IiV
corse 1 accipted th' ittvit+anion.
Bob wuz shtill in town whin 1
racaved th' note an' 1 promised to
wad )tire, but ez he hell .to: go
out 1iosno an' c1innge fer his Sunday
go-lo-mcetin's 1 cuddent wait fer
Fred Fairhall, Ethel Bowden, \'era hint an' wint alone, ez I nivcr :are
I1dtz. to change me clothes in cowld• w'ca.•
MABLE SPARKS, Teacher. tiler, an' then I wuddent bo afhter
--�- li ivin' to look afhter anny wan epee.
'Twos long afhter moonlight whin
Locals. I arrove nt lb' 'hall an' t,bejapers
ivery wan wuz there,, ahead iv one,
Mrs. bred J. Dorch and Hies lialh- an' all th' good lookin' young wins -
min filled up their sc.hore carruds
leen Darch, of London. are t.ho whin they saw Inc roman. I
gueets of Mrs. W. D. Clark' and will Ivor afhter tlinkin' I should have
rissist at her reception on 1'eb. 7th. made me Dill -anon through t 6' back
windy, an' then 0 II2 that way iv en-
thcrin" wuddent be so 'Vxpinsive.
Annyhow I paid .me int rinse fee.
an' would have been a wall bokay if
Jack KnigTht haddent coma: to rue
an' took ole ;around inthroducin' mo
to siveral good lookin' young ladies
from somewhere, I don't )snow
where they lived and noyther did
Jack, ez clone iv theta axed tis to
It is understood that steps will ix take thin home, but es we .Illus
taken by the temperance people of .get overlooked whin such good look -
Exeter to have the list of hotel ti- In ;intlemin cz Bob an' Billy- Mon -
censers reduced from tour to two. tieth is around, we wussent tlrrub-
Add to Hensall. bled much, an' then a,;in' walkin'
In connection with the recital in out in' th' counthry in th' winter
the Trivitt Memorial ohurch this toimo assent in our Wile. •
Thuteday evening it has been deaid- Just ez I wuz ;ettin' me . feet
ed not to reserve any of the seats, feet warmed up fan n sotillion,
the 25c. ticket admitting to all parts. Billy F,ri;land from Crediton East,
Buggies For Sale. -The celebrated whispered to ole that dinner wuz
Borland buggies, the best in the ready, blit (not' to ate too un u.lt os
market. Prices to suit everybody. (very Ivan what comes into hes
Call and neo them at A. E. Py nee poetoffire Fez indigestion from over -
Blacksmith shop. workin' their stummicks, whoilo nt-
Mr. Beverley has secured the foam• ti°din' dancin' parties.:Cow j3illy
ous Jessie Maclachlan as ' an at• ou;}rt to know• ez 1:9's a good 1144.
traction at the opera house Tuesday feeler, but ez�T diddcnt know' th'
evening next. Mr. Beverley is al. , difference at Wirt Ili• 1!tolsays it
ways *securing something rood in ' Iidinbur r an' th' concession circle, I
lho lino of entertainment for Exe- stoned it•e,ryllung but what wee
ter. around, ez me slumrfl-k wus-
\Wil 1 b e found an excellent re-
medy for sick headache, Carter's
Little Liver ('ills. Thousands of
letters from people who have used
them prove this fact. Try them: Se
Mrs. Ii. Statham, who was visit -
In aforth for a few days last
Iveek, returned to Exeter for a
short tune before leaving for her
home in Acton.
er, sent concentrated from over catin'.
Division Court was held here Tues- Afhler I6' meal was ended :In'
day, Judge holt presiding. The only lb' fiddle player an' th' van what
[...IRO W:114 that of Bell vs. Cameron. played th' (lo; house hod gck: J l their
y Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Et
I have just received a large shipment of Pfil'oid
Roofing, and as the time is drawing near when you
will want roofing work done, I would advise you to
etill and select what you will want.
IIave on hand a number of mitts and gloves,
-which I !un selling at wholesale prices. Coale in
and get a pair.
All kinds of tinware on hand.
W. Moore Kirkton.
The plaintiff hod bored a well tor Ilnstrunitnts =o's they'd hit th' same
Cameron, and was suing for bal. note, th' dancin' stttartcd.
ante alleged 10 1x1 due on contract. i Billy Simmons )tad b^en imported
Judgment was given for pLlinl 1(1 from Lumley lo do I6' 'alljn' +off es
for S85 and -oyes. Robert 4011 e` Doc. Ramrsay's piles wuz rusty art'
Coughlin, Stratford for Boll, 'all" ! wanted to make up fer th' (ohne he
(Dickson & Carling for Cameron. lost at til' last (lance. Now Billy es
We would remind our readers of ;Rome pumpkins whin it come; to
the sacred recital this (Thursday) fhrotvin' out poen chief an' atllin',
evening' in the Trivitt Memorial
bcrorry T cudderit undershtand
church. Tile program is full of the a warred he wuz sayin', an' I Ivus-
ti(sl of m11810, Mr. Ds'i;h1-E.dward-s' sent three feet from h,•z Iliro+t.
un -
songs tieing euro to plen�tl ;Ill (agtes (very wan else, I think, could in music. Anson -ed then( ore -u0)1 derslllrtnd him, 'cep( ,lack Knight nn'
ne "Jerusalem", twos('lrctions fme ell' Jack w•usscnl li='•('ni11', so
"Elijah", "(Honor and Arms," "Tt►eront
. he diddent care.
T'salms" and "0, Divine Itedeerner." • I managed to get a part liner ter
Dir. Brown's hart of the programme
concession circle. I don't know
h s also been arranged In suit ail
if ivery wan undcrslitands IVho1
classes of music lovers. selections concession circle ex, nn' hrjapnrs 1
will he ziven from Mcndelssohn, can't afhter popple' yez ayth•.r,
—IN THE --
C'utsist,ng of
JESSIE MACLACHLAN, well-known and always apprecip+ted pt
everybody as the best Scotch singer in America. She leis delighted nu
lienees in every English .speaking country in the world. She is "THE
QUEEN OF SCOTTISiI SONG." With her aro Douglas Young, Tenor;`
Murray raham, Pianist ; ,Robert Iluch.ln.in, accompanist : John Mc Lin
deo, CellistG,
PKIGES 25G, 35c. and 506.
F,OIt SALE. - (louse and threes. ,
fifths acre of land, four roosts,
two bed rooms, front ronin end kit-.
I Chen. sews! sited :old and copper, --of
ally .al t1105C ;01 n, to be there.ycrsllf on fit' other, an' then ehtn
early. Tho::e who have not already
obtained tickets; can do PO nt the nround 16' room kcopin' toirne wad
int; Stores or at ttae school :rlc!,oNI ill' music ❑n' knpin' thrack iv yer
h fore he recital. partner when yer dein' it. I got
samucl White, son of Mrs. ;Ta( I along pretty docent until 111' se-
\Vltite Mensal(, died on the train I coed town, whin me lady fried
wuz w..
s tnzut wit' some (can else, an'
near Centralia on Saturday morn- I I wuz zrabbin' at Bob so's not to
Dor last. The desensed hod been i miss roc: iter. Afhtcr a :outdo of
lit ins in Detroit for a number of 'laps. 1 asu;ht up to me partne
yearn, end some tune 41'•10 21.11' That ez I thought 1t wuz, but be -
or account of lung trouble.1 ja1,ers it wuz some wan else what 1
1,•tst fall he was taken to the home hidden1 bane inthrodoo-ed to an'
of his mother at Ilenitill, but it W01 she u►ide lhraeked ane. Whin we
tl:ou,rht bast to have hint sent to the I shtruck th' fifth concission .1 ilis-
horspitnl at London, with tate' hop) covered hI(r on Lh' other Heide iv 46'
ofkprolon.iing Fielife, aodlll: Icu;t i
room, an' whin i wine over to -.-
1 deep w'id 111' lady on wan aside ;ro' j all kind of fruit 1.rccy, Simzoc sheat ,
Exeter, Apply on oremises,-.John A.
11cy' wood.
FARM F01t SALE.—'Thal excellent
i d 1 1 If f
farm, I.ot 17, an swots w o
lot 18, concession 5, Stephen, is o(•
feted for sale. 'Ihisfarm ie -sit V. EDNi•:SDAW, FIs
3 miles froin Exeter, ❑nd is .oat ( cot.: cin; 01
rich clay login and routains 150 notes the following pro
1'I ere iv a franc ho:t se of 9 re•e1119 (3111 1t(r alive and'
and sunto,er 1411011011 and woodshed. frontage; One vaea
L;rge'bauk bath, 50 by 61, with ce• frontage; lot cont
wont floors. There arc driving house ; 1 storey
sheds 1,1:41 other out beildinzs. The frame house and
f,trni ie well fenced and well Braine 8 roosts arid g
ed. About 6 ncl'CH of good bard- and drive Hl►e
taken to t hit institution. Hoe ever ''(sod bush. Price $'•,1100. 'I') ' river( 1 filly ri
he ..zradtinlly t.'rx•w• .`, and 2 or. lame lt)r; th' music shtupl✓d, fh Bauble runs through the farm. Age (1ra*t;ht ; 1 -
d epee c I d ' I ' ply en the premises to Abraham old draught
cin r, syr. Nordine ; 1
Havant ; .1
Th' ahnoke danrc wuz n zoo•( Ilan, : land : 1
hut there wuz only n few who could Jack ; i
*Mond it, but when it came to x11' li'1!t
Scotch reel, it wuz to t6' tall tile- i f<'cldl
berm ler mine, while Bob an' Jaok
an' III1Iy tvi11t tlirough it nidout a
eltkip. Then there wuz 0 quadrille
where yez sal:one yer partners,
then ivery wan ;cls tang'i!d
lotke n ball iv ,shl ring. T
balanoe ell nn' they 10
oan't kick yer iteels d
afore' blain' th' fiu
111' box ors
Mr. .las. Stanley 'haft
struclions to sell by,
his way to Items -ill when death 'aver• nee -n wuz out in th
took him. Mr. White was the Fon 5 cowld grin.
Of the late las. \Matte, nn(1 was 'born
The Happy (poli; 111 dank wuz a
at lto.rervillc. For some }'ears It. good wan, an' just es aisy for me
was a travelling salesman, rafter 10 dance ez th' ronrls:eon.
which he was employes, by Sporting j :pool" ens theory O'\(acre .•nay fast-�
& Co., of lk•troit, whore he cortin -ler :an' win! sonrethin' loike 1his,;
tied to reside until illness nna,'nsi- lady rowel th' ;int an' th' ].:1y al -
10041 (tis going south for lois ly,,!l 11. SO, I,i-dutn-a-did,lle Anna -'sum •o:
1'he remains were interned in t,Ir.' ehwin.; yer huckleberry don't ye
Rorcrville oemet(u•y on Tw-s.t.y. know, hi dem a-did411^ dum-,loot-'!a,
lady to 11;e left, (Len to .511' fro, Its
tt► (1':i1'. .a ' .,. to 1 •• • s1'. ,'A i dum-a diddle .ilii-•Itirn-'o, !here Bob
1.ik• L s' 1.• r••nio •tuL:i'. • s nn' lorry don't go shlow, Li -dune -is
I. ,aa assist* i elund the nioo• diddle dont-rlum- oto.
ry 1+ 1. 1 .1,s +t• ,i.• . h:, NY . .,w t'• D1(•e Dew, .1 ark, Billy, 34,1111'1
•...11 , ••• e • • • •"•, 2''1I 1 Mallett, itob s111' mesilf 2.41571 1,1 'I:
FAltyl t0!: SALE.---'i'hat excellent
(-rm .. .•!15tin* of 1211 :.!..4
lot 5. S. I:. 110015(1 , 1 t, 1 slay n
north of Kirkton. 'Ther • is •
goal trine. 1•o•l'-", b a,i yarn,
bog shed sh"d and p'g Inn, ::nJ las o'
water. 1'k ' f:tr111 is 2.2(•11 I ''d,
with 18 acres 01 fa11 ss i!. 1; ,•
1e abaul 15 sorer of isardwe►ei(1 I•at;h.
llalf a nide from Hr,blo,l and .1 mile
from tie church art! jostoffice. The
faro( is in geo1 c•nili:101 an•i 1.1:s
everything (hot po aids to an up
te•-date farm. For riiaolars ap-
ply on (he premises, 1103 h:I,LiOT,
Kirkton. P. 0. 31.
some set, an' ez Bob Fed forgot to
change Lea boots, we got mixed up
several tnimee al! to on: t, but we
kept our simpers until .1)0c, els,
wttz r Olin' this evict off, slt,andii
on lit' ups,oidc end iv 0 box,
-premier: Lite iwc:y 2.2. in aro*
hall, th' Dutch, th' Scotch. 1 It
gars an' all. Now be jivers'
wit?! :alright 2.'.hin he wuz la
40'n" 2.2.•nn whet ,lroddh'nl
g('1 in, but me an' 1
Mb' 11141 to bn atlhd net
(verve I'Ols' in our hide is
ee (Ley m.lkc e1n. Afhtcr cxpl.inin•
(here wuz ro of(inee intinded as
want on wit' t to' Tlooligan.
an :hen
which es
until 1