Exeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 8.1 •
Robes rub -
Galt 6.15
Spe' -` attunes
underskirt•tr newith! o0
frill and pleating .
t of Men's and A clean un in the Cap depatt-
y lace and long tient. Men's and Ilnys' cholla
clean up from 15 roti fuel cotdruoyi. A 25
our stock, your choice for • Lig lot to pick fr•r•in Eich .
A Cinch in Boys' Suits—all odd lines and
broken sizes—one and two suits of a kind, all plac-
ed on a bargain table—come quickly if you want a
big deal—regular values $11.:)0 to $4.50 a suit
()ur stock taking bargain price only x.25
Farm Produce as good as Cash
J". ' A. STEWA : r
+-;-+++++++++ +++++++1.+++++.: ;•.b ;•,p }-:-.-- .. :..
+++4.1 i,++++• ++++,I ;•+++++++++ M +-1 •r•.. ,see :...1 e
is an essential with us. Every
thing in the construction of our
Time Pieces is shaped with this
end in view. They are made to
keep gond time and give good sat-
re'.ent Time
ture Time
cks is complete and
,one of Marchand's
ey are the hest—at
ce. Call and inspect
Miss Ellen Brown entertained :t
Icw friends on Monday evening.
Meas Louisa Sweet, is visiting Iter
sister, Mrs. Glanville, of London.
Miss Aida Din;dalc, of Kipper, vitt•
Red relatives in town a few ,l :v
of the past week.
Mr. Jana. Buchanan and For:,
Edwin, of Donegal, spent a few d 1y ;
last week with Mr. Iti;hard Terry.
Mr. C. E. IIaakney expecte to nerve
into the house he recently purchaa-
cd f:orn Air. Man le, nitcn1- t1: f i • .:
Of March.
Mr. and
Mrs. s IC tic
Joan enter-
tained a few friends on Sitairday
in honor of Mr. and Mrf. 'float.
Prior's 1 veltly-sixth anniversary of
their wedding day.
Mr. R. JI. 8:tIII uel, m:itl.tr o1 Ilie
Molsons' Bank at Ilizhgato aJco,n-
panied by Mrs. Samuel, agent a few
(tape in town this week visiting rel-
atives and friends.
Sandy I3awelen and Fred IIawk-
sliaw attended the hockey match last
Thursday night at Ailaa Craig, be.
tweon Ilenaall and Ajlaa Craiz. T.
game resulted in the defeat of our
neighbors at the notth by the sore
of a to 2.
Reeve Mohler last stork iui.r'hlsrd
of C. E. Ilackney a beautiful tea
of colts, two and three years old.
The Reeve is devoting a consider
able portion of itis time to break-
in; in his newly nrquircd live stork.
Mr. Riohard Terry has purnkitt'd
the farm of Mr. Geo. Stnallaeomrse,
lot 34, ronocselon 4, Osborne, the
trice being $3,920. Mr. Terry tak,•e
Leese ,sion at once. Mr. Smallacornhe
intends .going %west in the spring.
The revival ,terviret whish laat•r
been ronducfed in tl:e J:uneft tercet
Met hornet church by the pastor, Rev.
Rev. A. 11. Goin z, for t fie past three
weeks canto to o clomp on Friday
ctcntn-4 last.
Mr. Ed. matfett ,of Winnipez, it
visiting relatives in town. ,It i4
several years ;ince Mr. Moog went
west, and if api*Laranccs count for
anything the country has ogre'd
with him. Ile %weighs about forty
pounds luot'c than ho did when he
left here.
On Saturday, the 2nd inat, Mrs. T.
Clarke had the honor of entertaining
umber of her friends to celebrate
eI3hty•fir.t birthday. Amongst
event wag Mrs. Wm. Kefou;ll
a, an old limo friend,
ueement4 were ren -
Olio Powell. An en •
nt, all wish-
py returns
CW t,
r :w:.
.50 per cwt.
a !melte!,
to' -ted.
a per Itouud.
cents ver found.
DICE. 7c ter 1,ounel.
♦•t torsos ossse* 4••••
Mrs. C. 11. Forney is visi:in.i its
Ailsa Craig.
1)r. Harry ry 1 to'. ti ti , who has been
r:.cf lei's; fit Blind ltive.:' for several
u:ontlu. was in town on S,iturdty
n•) Mood ,V Ii• lot ;;tine; •t(‘
Jonj where he will commence
t I, , fret: tied of medicine with Iiia
t o 1, , 1)' W,'. E. Ittotettinz.
An inewrr"or of t he [ire under-
writers' ;,tt oci:t[tott Bets 10 town
Thursday morning. 1?poti hie arri.•
vat he went to the Reeve's offi:c :Intl
!t:e.;t r t„y went to tle fie-. hill
and called outthe deportment. The
al:trtn sots quickly responded to ant
in a short lime Iwo 'streems of
t, atter were iteilie:brown.
John .1.trtot 1 of Estee:- tu,i 1I,
last week received sword of the death
of her brother-in'lawt• lIu.h Smith
at McGregor, lean., on Jan. 18t1).
'1'h• cause of death was paraly=jt
of 11 brain. Mr. Stu; h w:'rt a for-
iner re,idcnt of Ilillagr'orn :and ..uv-
ea :o the \West about 21 years ego.
Ile leaven n %vile and seven children.
Mr. Chariest Montietit of the
Thames (toad suffered a severe a7-
aident on Wednesday of last week,
which will keep hint laid up for ti
few weeks. 110 was rar.rying :t hal;
of shorts down 4,he itt:tirw ty .tt 11
barn when his fool slipped, his
font :;loin( bet ween 1 he steps. Ile
fell forward and 't he reaul t of the
strait. caused :t ditlora1ion aha com-
pound fracture of the left ankle.
Either run a town tvilh a via:
or jun` tell out. and loaf. One Iltitt;
must Ira done — run the town fe-
all it'S worth, sot up ate titi and kee,1
it up. Do you want trade? Bid for
it. Do you want business to coot -
to your town? 1?nrour:ige what you
have 11(4 you want :t prnepc,rott;
to••vti? Then never wood[ the jeal-
ousies to rule your actions, but wot k
1oether for common prosperity and
mutons :,crcfil.
If the good old folk lore of Ctn.
dlomas day holds ttiond and the prng•
nostications of the ground hr•g
correct, winter los spent itself. The
groundhogs, tl.e woodrltucka and the
bear; and lite rest of the 1liberne•
tin; animal's did not ;re their oleo
down on the 2nd. According to the
schedule Ilse burrowing nni•ntaIs
were due to rub their eyes, stretch
their lege :and meander into 11.
daylight without even blinking :tn
eye, after their period of darkness,
and if a spot of tune or a .ray of
sunlight were not to he Fevre they
would march fortlt in a fine belief
in good weather coming. Tho
Groundhog wee unable to see 11i
shadow and we leve the resit to tete
faith of the int'•rstitious minds.
The Ministerial Association for
South Huron 'held its innu;ural
meeting in the Exeter Futili: i,i-
brary on Monday afternoon nt 2.30.
The following ministers were pre-
sent : Revs. A. Ii. Going, C. Flet:her,
W. M. Dfartin, 8. L. Toll, 1). W.
Collins, and E. A Fear. The or,;an-
izttion w -as formed with the fol-
lowinz officers being appointed. Rev.
Marlin, I'ree.. [tet•. 1'c,r. Vice -Pres.:
end Rev. Collins, Secy-Treoe. 'I'h
object of the association i; for the
discussion of local and inoral qno':-
tions. At that Monday meeting a
number of question's mere rlitcuv.srd
among which it -in Ilse question yr
local option and the reduction of
hotel liccnees. The next 'sleeting
will 1,0 held in Ilse Main stre•.!
bicthodist church the first ?ilond,ty
in March at 10 o'clock a. itt.
The first masquerade and t:;'in.t
carnival of the season wa4 held ;n
Itawdcn's rink on Friday evening
last. There wag a good nitendftn'e
and each clans w.at %yell repre<ent^d.
Miss Lillian Amo4, al Eskimo, re;civ•
cd first prize for best illc44•1 lady.
Among others in this event were
Miss Winnie Huston representing
Sunflower; ;Misr; Mary Murray, as
folly, and Miss Nettie Walter; and
Tillie Y
la n ger represent
t in he al
t Jc ,
ppapers, l'or gent's costume Offa Mc-
Pherson, as un Indi,n :,h'a't
awarded first prize. Thin costume
was one of IIv. finest Ihaf I,t: rtp-
pearcd on the rink for some time
It was a let ;kakin roti Iri(nnted
with tnittk fur :and brads and wwos of
very elaborate workmanship. The
buckskin ,gauntlet's were fur -lined
and also 1rintrncd wit It tuirlk fur
and bead;. \Wellington, Berra Aft
cowi,ny represented his part hell
Mr. Stoneman, of Huns all w fs deco
(41 as n jockey Anil Willie Amos
an Indian boy. There wore about 111
dressed fo• 11:1' shove events but 1' e
variety ;aloe itt Ile comic costuit:'s
which was represented by beta' •n
20 and 25, mostly smaller boys.
1•:.l. Willie received t he prize for
comic. Master •'Ttrk'," Stewart
was a ntrikin; fig, i little
d man. T d Harrs irets+r'd
wn, and Gerald Harlon, as
of Patchett". The firs( of
rases to be won in snrr..-
%von by Willa Knight led
race wan won by Herm El
the rarniv.ul was one of
hes leen held for eev-
sora. F. Knight, \W,
• s•►11, and Mr. McFaallI
attain. acted .as Judges.
-; EllitUARt i Ih 19u7
3,000 Worth C1oth-TflE OLD RELIABLE
To be sold at NLdcsale
boys' ` Pants—Boys pants made
of goo 1 -f it r.a1 . ), lived listuild:-
out reit rf.t p• ice 73r, uvii tl:a tae pro e
42 cent
Boys Co: c na le Pants -Boys cot-
ttnaade p : .; . r l.t tl thnlu,lhout, all
sizer. lie_ ul r 'nice 3(k, wholesale
,lice 9 r
Boys t -Piece Suits -Jia •••• r t fiat
(aunt :,n IP'etd size tit 3') Nor to 1,
sayer, Regular !Tice • 41, o ho•e-a'e
Rios 3 -Piece Suits—Maude of good
1 eay. 1 1. ntl.e•.- of line w•vtsted.
Legit! :, p, t%,. $5 e.•, .. sut• in ict' $3 73.
One only Short Frcize Coat —Size
41 tv 11) heavy two (1 !it:ing Iteeelar
p! ice $1.83, wholes,: u' price $ 475.
Alens Worsted Suits- In Ifluei4 ai.d
blacks, ttt•11 nr.:.le :cute trtunwed. Reg
ltlat' pr c4• $7.",l) tt eole,tale price $-1.a11,
ens Tweed Suits—Spl:•r:,lid ol—
eo/nee-et of plat nits. grey :::.d brown
mixt toe, (regular p: ice $111, tthole-
sale hrtre $7,56.
Mena Overcoats —A veto pretty
coat of Ices. tweed with 1tti.e over -
cheek, velvet collar, sizes' 30 t••:1) Reg-
ular fee. o $10, wholesale pt:re $7,50.
Algins Overcoats - In dark browu
tared with Bt ite stripe, good heavy
warm coact, Hegtllar mire $'4, 1vhr11e-
sale price $0.
,Rett's Tweed Suits --Made itI lattsl Boys Reefer Coats—Ttteo•( lined in
hlnl•s aiu1 11 tck hr iss 1 rpt' ••: s, sj%Hi
s•y!e , b:•-t'it,iul s:, oz- 3dto-11. Rog -22 to'?t. i1 oar to. cc .S'.73 whole-
() et Isere :Fi'�, tilt.l'esa1e prig sr!►.5'). sale price $ :•:.
Men's Worsted Suit:; - 1 n 1• t o and
blacks g, od 1joiiian lining. siz".; 8:3. 37. Bovis Overcoats —hi h'n. k t y s
3�.:49 IteguTir I•tic•• $12. 'i l.ulrb it KA '1'•c. e4-. sizesRegular
fent $O5,), price
2 7 to .,a. I{ gn ar
ter " *11, wholesale price $1:75,
Spccl• •'f ['• 1 D:,•:: (3 h el-, it; ILO'. ,ter[ •1 trk tzrcy,t, a splen-
: ale dnl t owing R. gulat , i ire 30: iv dear
it.: 0 a lea t'e 11 tlCl•/ el to 38C.
Miss Cobb1edick, of Parkhill, i4
visiting friends in town,
Miss Kate Ilontitron visited friend~ OIOIN IENSLAY-'?
in lIensill during the week.
Arthur Long has been engaged ae ,
hostler at the Commercial .]tote[ �� 1 -t' Farmers Feed
Miss Diary Meek enlort:uned a few
of her friends last Thursday even-
Dfiss Leah ltomuter entertained a
few of iter friends on Tuesday even
Ing. Became it makes the hero ley
rued its a a sure c'ur'e for chick -
Mr. Peery Woods, who lets been en (Ilio°1•t•a, Croup, (.apes and
out Weed for some time returned a!1 Pau:Uv Discuses,
home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. D. Ilodgson. of Whalen,
spnding a few days v,trg heir Will 001j 1)I0 1011f [fig
sister, Mrs. D. Itoweliffe.
51r, 11. McKay, the new took -keep- ( ode's Pt Wiry Food iso Ionic, good
er . Ji;aged by W. 1I. Lovett, assum- ;health (.rodut er, make., pou'tey strong
ed his duties Monday morning. land vigorous and thus itleteases the
Mr. and Mrs. P. Gardiner, of Illyth ;supply of eget-. One t xtra egg a day
spent. Sunday and Monday in town 1 will mote than pay the eubt of using
the :guest of the fonmor's mother. I this tonic.
Mrs. Ceras. Lindenfield left on
Fiiday for Godoriah owing to rbo
filmes of her I: Wier, Mr. Graham.
The Assembly given by the youth;
people of t he' town on Tuesday even- ---- AT
ing wait quite auceersfu1. Guest's
were present from Seeforth, London,
fIlitcholl, 81. Marys, Centralia, Iten-
sall, nod other plle_s.
The Tri-Weekty Shoat for • 110
medal came o'. on the Gun Club
;rounds last 'ihitr'tcl:ty owing to un-
pleasant weather the attendance wa..
small. Following is the 'score out
of a possible 20. 1'. Trcihnr:r 17. E.
Kerr 17, W. E. Sandcrfa 18, J. Troth-
ner 20, S. Fitton 19.
15 Cents a Pound.
1280 Feed, for 25 Cents
Whito Mr. Thomas Fisher of the
3rd eonceession, Usbarne, w'.1`: feed-
ing his }formes Saturday 'morning, ono
of the ;him tis kinked hint in the
arm, fracturing a small bora' above
the wrist. The i,sjt•ry wan a pain-
ful one and Mr. Fisher had to con-
sult a doctor and have the injureel
member bound up with 3plinte.
Ash \Vednesd.ty, i let beginning of
Lent Will fall on 1 :•h. 13' It. ;dare!'
241t. will IxPalm Sunday ,r.
29th. Good J'rtday, end 11 i,.-[, 310.,
Easter Sunday. There will he 1 two
eclipses of (tie sun and two
of tele moon. 'rl.•' first
eclipse of Ili' sun nn .latitt:u'y 141h.,
W111. invisible in Nor: h Antr.ri'n.
will lee ;tete her 1'rlipsc of 1111'
sun annular on .1uly 1111 h.. :utd thit
vino will b^ inyiSih:1. in Nar:II r.tit t'-
jca. The last telipt:c of 11t4, moon
will lake place oat the night of lily
24 and will b' visible throughout
North Amet ie,.
The doll it of M Margaret ltus-
ton, nee. noy'd. on Sunday :t1 the
home of her slaughter, Mrs. J. It.
1•:ssery. Crediton, removed from Ste-
phen one of its earliest pionctrs aged
19 years. 'file de -fettled was born in
Jrachute, Quc, in 1828 and was mar-
ried in 1848 to ttie late Thos. Huston. 'fnesdey Floe 11:11 i lift ll
h1 or(1y :t 1111%' Irtnrt'ia;o 41aey :tto ve!11 Anrntoou tt .tii : ttajor S't, p,nl "Boge illage
fur fr•rtiltty and mwist„r• hr. Heed "Ilor.c bn•tdtnit
Io Stephen near Centr.alin, wheel' andtnrcinrrlaninn ra disra•es" Addresses In T
6o's Drug store
Suppiementarij wallies at
South Huron Farm ;res' In
stitut6 Tor 1907.
Will ;.c held 3.4 fnllnty4 4i¢:
Town- 11:1) fl,Jl,
Tittose :ty. V. It. 1 II h
Afternoon mteting:lfajnr Sheppard of tlueehstor.o
ndlal•eakml'I'roprsy,.atirt knit Kr:thinl;, bindle;;
tie." and lb% If. 1. Ittcd of CrorYetoa,i will speak
n '1'rin,•ip 1. and pr trice iu .ttt1•k breeding.- Ad•
drv,rc* al.o be It, It, Mclean, Killen, not Ie.
11 iiricn, 1'hi.tlltur.1. Fveuit.g •meting: Major
She , . br-e
and 'Tatn,o
.I1 t t rildays on Niagara 1:i% et";
11. J. Bet d "lirctrlit, Ilord•, for profit."
('11 E 11 I'1'O N, 'f 0 \V N HALL,
I'til.xw' •eb
Aflen,r'n,t Ibl•11 ing: Afldrepece 1.3 major f-tl1 pane,
"1'ropw.gating fruit ¢rafter_, budding: e1e.' Itr, ff.
.1. Item • itiseascan1 diire,tiwesy,trnl rf Vat Also
: d forests by M. Y. igclenn, ficalorlr,, I1. It. reLean,
1t1pp111. ISettit; meet nig: major m1.ep►(i 1 -Thor
historic days on Stators' !liver": lir, 11..1 "eel to
"hors+ brerrlit t abler er.r' in n•, at ion 1n d:•. err.'•
ORANI) L'A:Nil I'i'BLII' H:►i,1,
Sif t olds y. It -4.1410.7v I ttt it
Af: ,t. ro: meeting. st.tior Stt1,anl "Thr imp's,.r-
n'ent of t•onntry road."; Dr. 11. .1, ifeed "h(Irse
l itt.Itn: for 1, 11'': andaddrt'eas: 1.3 11, it tu•Lean,
1':,::I radye, Thames H�,arl F.vrnin;l
loser tint L,�llajor Sheppard "uppnrtuniiies an(':.na-
d:an farm.": !tr. 11, .1, lithe "Principles and prat,
lire of sto,•k breeding"
%1'K1 11 '1Y)\VN BALi,
Dlnnday Fehr tufty lRth
,Vternatn'sleeting: eajnrSherpvd "Planting and
tate of fruit tr. es": Ila Reed, "Ilor.e brie ling for
profit"; and :uldrrssc,by It. It, r,•1.4,11. and 1'. ra,rtte,
1:i ening meeting: major Sheplcol, •three historic
day a nn Niatara rover": Ur. Heed "111,14.4 of di-
gest ire )-Jest's of rat 11,••"
111ey 'lived happily 'to;ether until 10 Fr:mer, Bnurneld and %.+n..tar1. Itnttencld. l'ie's
yea re ti;(1, 1Ylten DT�r. Illtalon B•o 4 im.• met ting: major Shrpy:11.1•'tlpptnlwtitte,onl'an-
v.ill.'.1 to hte tate rewau'd. Thef dr. alien farm,.'•:Itr tte.•.I' 1 -Jelin -wet mare arid foal".
ccs 4txt twos highlyrespected d aha ;1 1 UUK i uli •t l I'll. ~'''heal %- i HALL,
f'n IA (dr e•d,tt'. Ft•hrnnty 311 it
,ons•tinl utentlrcr o[ tem' Meth 1•
H iltsist on a profit with every
Bingle article, never to sell eS-
e'ept at :t plait, The result was
plenty of old stale goods that nobody
wanted. We believe ill keepingthings moving and our idea of a goo
otol'e i8 somethingmore than ;l stor_ 1,
age warehouse. It will payyouto buy
Furs Now For Next Winter
\1't' {Ira now taking stock and find that we have more furs
than we care to carry over, consequently will sell
at rock bottom prices in ordri to Blake roomfor
our spring goods. To be 36iivinced that what we
we Slywe do
We Solicit a Call,
99 Stands for Safely and Stability
as well as for Sovereign.
The Safety and Stability of The Sovereign Bank are amply proven
by these figures :—Over 25 millions of assets accumulated is
Ora years.
Assets exceed liabilities to the public by over 5 millions.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
Interest paid 4 tithes a year on Savings Deposits. $1.00 opens
an account. 28
JOSEPH SNELL \'auager, GLADMAN k STANB17RY, Solicitors
Exeter and Centralia
Will exchange for other grain
if desired.
Richard Seldon
Exeter, Centralia
and Clandeboye
NO —
like the present to make our
We are showing an exc.1-
lent assortment of exclusive
fabrics, that aro wellworthyour attention.
Our clothes are cut "right"
and tailored "right" and our
prices will fit your purse, as
well as our clothes fit you.
W. JOAN 't
Merchant Tailor
sftcrnor1 int win:::M ij .r Shipp: n1' Snit tillage for MONEY to Inas at love... not,
church. She leaves four Hon; cool tecottru• and ft nility"; lir, It.ea '•II.,rw• breedint North tweet lan.1. for Fale.
t"e 11:t1141114n in mourn I loss. itr'learri'1 relation to dira•ea" addres-e. by ft Office. Main Street, Exeter
Accounts Collected
II. E. or 1':xete•1', ('(•o. te, 1{11211)•. �. uter. IIimtille: J. T. tllt.orr, Than.rs I:n,•ttl and
' 11, Ilnrtnn, ilvnsall. I;crninz mttiing: wq,nr she .•
D., Alft(v1 11. Wyoming, and W. (,, 1
Morningside, Alborta, and Mrs. 3. 1:. 141h�eneileils.'e,nttirratNn ita,tt'.1 i, lin: '•,I,r. It -1
Eesery. The tcm:aint were interred 11Al'1'II:LD 1'1'Iif,IC 11A LL
1n 1Io Iatr[icl (knctvY Tl�ti1,Y
1lIt. 1.11
Fells 1t
try 2Ist
n na fa •.
n(Icl't:onn, •eft 1.. v•1"t Khrl•anl ..Soil tilLtre
' for 1 rtilil) and nn•a.ture": hr. teed •'Principles of
---....-- rtn,•I brecdin,t." satires..tit 1.3' H. 11. 11rl.cao, Kip-
1,:1st,—On Tut•.d•v .tan, ir,f ta, ;, ten and A. 0. Soule, Ilcnsall. I:t ening ttlretia,g:
For Sale
150 acre far Township
is the
Never was it as popular as
at present If you prefer a
Pure Manitoba Flour try our
new liras c1
"White Seal"
‘V e
have just
ureceived an-
other car of American Corn
which we will sell or ex-
change, on reasonable terms.
Harvey Bros.
Do You Wish to Visit
Florida Or the
"Stniny South,"
Are y tilt l nodous to t•scape Ole cold
wrap }WI' and snow 14114 ,p1 m1 the win-
ter in the ' lot 41 of Fr [tit atu.l Flow-
er's?" Wirtt, l' tt•ttrist tickets are OD
sale daily'ind if )ou tate c'oetenl(:lat-
ing a trip tee that your tickets arra
routed via the (rand Tt fink,
For tickets and full inf)rrnation call
J. J. KNiGi1T, Depot Ticket Agent
District Passenger Agent. 7 aronte
Auction Sale
County o[ Ifuron• half enilo from Mr. floe. Cameron has received in-
market ; acres °rehnrd 81rwtions to 44.11 by Public Auction
well watered trefoil frame hone fine at the
c.on skin ...online. Finder kindly vaI shepp.nl 'Three historic• days on Niagara outbuildin 3,, Price and full tar tie- METROPOi.ITA.
kilo pr I:e.+1 Hare• l,r profit". R 1 'Y lIOT1:i.
leave ai Times office. snuetingofthe directors (4 Iheln,titute wilts uiars on application (41131). EXETER ON
r, id'ttt the forenoon of the meeting at Ifen.all Feb.
191h. at 110'001'k.
The afternoon mecting. w i11 continence at 2 o'clock
.harp and et eldrittuictiiiira at 7.3.1.
an ett•rllent prngrani entildsting of r,ut►ir and liter-
!oriel eta le.—We will love a
special sale every afte.rtoon clun-
mencinz to -day, Thursday, at our
store at Exeter North until my
stork of Dry Gecel,v. iteady•.ntcaio
Clothift.%. Boots & 81,ret and Gro: -
cries its. disposed of. -1,. M:Taggart
EXPt1 r North.
We ire; to announce we have re-
cently enraged the scrvio:a of a
miller \titIt 25 years cxp,rien and
have overhauled our mill. \\'e well
our mixed family flour, .guaranteed
best finality. at $1.85 per cwt. We
also a"11 '[iwe It•- ni.,1 ' harvest
Queen" brands of port' 'Manitoba
flour, We have Agileri,.an l'rllow
corn, ground or whole, and all other
kinds of feet. Chnppin2, five ants
per bt;. Iligltese prim paid for
wheat, -1T, Cook Se 8011, llcnsall
Flour Mills. . .
50 acres, township of Stephen, FI1ID Y, I'EIIIL IAltl' Rlh. 1907,
county of Huron,
3 miles cu Dastt- Commcn;in; at Ono o'clock sharp
wood, 10 tulles to Exeter, not slay
the following property:
loam, 1.2 acro orchard, 1 1-2 story 2 brood melees 5 year; ped tvjtb
•.hot;nnsr itTi girenaictciintgitc tirtr' frame house, outbuildings in fair re -
2 three year old (illir, with
ell intere,tt l in 1 inttni Instil ntc meennK• are pair, price $2000, fel 3 2 two year old til Iles wet h (011 j
rnrr /11%1[4.1 to ..tt.irl. 4 draw bt
1V ANDEIN R. GARDINER ; Bcldin.•a 4 yearn oil; 4
Pit ES. `iltl', Western Real Estate
geldings )yearn old ; 3 geldings 2
I years old ; 4 'cldingm 1 year old ; .f
fillies 1 yccr old ; 4 ;ood 1raa;tit
i�xchange, [,invited. foaltt.
78 Uundals St.. London Tho above are at► cora : holed lot
of bermes.
'1'EIt!S S OI' SALT:
DR. OVENS EVE ANI) EAR SU11-, Stx months' cre,lit wtll t,o given on
t @ ori11 flsso6Iatton ,iron, will t•' at the Curnrnrrci 11 j furnishing o,n1 approved d, joint uteri oor
Hotel the first Erid.ty of e.1'1 month a di4count o[ i per cent per nnnertp
ilours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.39 ,t. tn, Glaris- t off for e fah,
ca prol,r''rly .01 ter[ and di'eaw s of eye I T• CA,\TI:ICON (t, 1':. IfACKti RY,
car and no,t' rre'atcd. Next visit I Aue Prop.
Friday, Febru , ry Rt h, -•-
('ilea tet quick relief from Dr.
--ON-- '-.. Shoop'• Mt;i! Ointment.
If you moo try Carter's Little ber it's made alone for pilcs_and it
Monday, Feb. 11 107Liver ('itis for sick heartache, hie• works vijtlt certainty and Fttisfco•
1 ioneneee or ronstipafi0n, yen' Bait tion, It chine, painful, protruding•
never le without ther•1. They ate or blind pile's disappo-tr like nta;ia
For election of Officers and other hush purely vegetable, ,small and easy to by its use, Try it and Nee. For
nese. All Liberals are invited. take. Don't forret this. nail' ly W. 8. Mowry,
Annual Meeting
Of South Ifuron will be held in
1)IxoN':, IIA1,1., lil{t'CF:F'iFLD