HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 7[IEALIII.:..) 00•:- 40040004400.6.)00 '1ONsll.l.rl la. The to:.ses ar two collections .1 sand -like st. uc•uro•s at the 1 a •k 1 art ,.l lite nt<,u h. ,one on ouch side, la Inst'.•=e the pit ars of the palate. It is nut known what purpose they >;crve. Some have suppos J th:.I hey arrest the germs 1 d.sea-e weed) may be inineed or taken t) with tho f•x.1; I u► tie y teeth ally can cutch sere rens of the g rine w::ick rup- idly lees, olein in tee food or water, .;r 1-s the air ,. h'^_h Is inhaled; and it is well th• y c• unci, for they •re til eei elves %cry susceptible to disease, as ,orae si.f- (erers know to their sorrow. CYhers have thought they serve an evil pur- pose, act ng us por:els of , ntry for many d.sea-e-gernis into the body. The tmasils are very liable to become Inflamed. This condition constitutes loran Itis, er, when an abscess forms, quinsy. Young persons, over fifteen and aider thirty, are most subject to Inflan.mati. n of the tuner's, although children tired even those well along lu life may suffer. It occurs with specialfre- quenc•y :n those whose tonsils are enlarg- e! trod usually In persons who are "run down" in general health, or in whore the power of resistance has bee'i lowered •s a result of %every or overexertion. The extra study in preparing for u dttflcult exarninal'on in achoot or col- lege and the anxiety concerning the result not uncommonly bring on an attack of quinsy, especially In thoseor a so-called rheumatic tendency. There are various kinds of tonsillitis, but the symptoms of alt are quite similar In the beginning. The patient feels ill, has chilly sersations, loss of appetite, more or less headache, perhaps, consti- pation, feverishness, and a feeling of discornfert or actual pain in the throat. Soon the fever becomes high, the throat 1s dry, swallowing Is palrfui, there is often more or less earache, end the pa- tient stems to be seriously ill. Suppuration may or may not occur. The pain and throbbing are most severe when it does. The attack lasts usually from two r r three days to a week, and is apt to ter- minate quite suddenly, although If but one tonsil has been affected, recovery may be delayed by an extension of the Inflammation to the other tonsil. In that case the wtole tiresome process must be gone through with again. The disease Is nlmoet always serious enough to require the physician's care, kr the treatment calls for Internal re- medies as well as local applications. Whatever else is done, tho bowels should he kept open from the beginnig of the attack. -Youth's Companion. A Ve0I1D OF CHEER. Dr. Knopf, the eminent authority on tuberculosis announces it infectious, Ise ecommnuleahte, preventable, and cur- able. Of the three menu -ids of infectein, inhalation, InJce lien and inoculation, iho first is the mast frequent. 11 is et the Wiriest importance that the pululon• my consumptive should know that no matter what stage of the disease he may ho in his expectca•ation may i:prend the germs of the disease, unless die Ltroyel before 11becomes dry. Dr. Knopf considers the popular notion that ccnsun1ption Ls hercdaary le to abso- lutely erroneous, and that the child who develops consumption hes been infect- ed by 113 welt -meaning, but lgnoranl coneumpt'.ve parents rifler birth. It Is al=oh:'ely essential that the cen- sumptive mother should lever kiss 1!.e child, ren the mouth, should never taste the feed with the same spoon or through the same rubber nipple used by the chid, nrd should lake the utnost pains that the child may nut become infect- ed through germs in dust about the house. Th some autlority lakes the most opl'mi be view In regent to the cur- ability of the disease. lie maintains Mel it Is one r,f the most curable of all chre Mc, int cll,u- d sea=r+, and this simply b; nleens of judieleus use of (rod's :erste pure air, eunstrine, plenty of good eater Inside and out, good food, and ail un- der the guidance of a physician. Unquestiennbly, the hopelessness which the patient So c•flen encounters fu the attitude of friends and in the daily environment tends to trine to pass tier dreaded fatality. SAI,T IN MEDICAL CSE. Salt occupies a prominent place among home remedies for common ailments. Dlesehc'el in enter and used as a gar- gle it ell , are an culinary sore throat. Intnrcl. it gives re;eef for a cold In the head. \\ het a heat applications are needed a nag of it thoroughly heated is excci:tot. fie it holds the heat and does awny with the moisture Which is so obi Ject enable. A cloth wrung from hot ended vinegar is a standard remedy for smiting and Tonle put in the water in *•:lie h !,tett fret nre bathed, will to very );rlpfu!. \\ lien mixed with soda it re- lieves be.' Ming!. and nothing excel' it tor. a !emits ice. A weak solulkn keeps the huh r from inning out. es_ IAflY WAS 11161 IT. The old housekeeper mit the master at the doer on his arrival home. "If you please. sir," she said, "tiro cat has hall chickens." "Nonsense, Mary!" laughed he. "You me an kittens. Gats dots t have chick- ens." "\\'acs them chickens fir kitlene as you brought hntr.e last night, sir," ask - tet the old woman. ti .'y were chickens." "Jut eo!" replied Mary, with a twinkle. "Well, rho cat's 'ad 'em." "I'm up n tree," admitted the 'orating po'ilieian, "but my back Is In tho wall, end 111 die in the Inst dile!), );sin); 116kdown with flags flying, and from the mountaintop of Democracy, hurling defiance at the foe, soar < n the wings o' triumph, regardless of the party Irish Met larks at my heels." He looked as though ho meant 1t, too, rte people who KNOW By t'raotloal Experience Have Unanimously Pronounced COITSFOOTE E :'ECTORANT The Quickest Sale. t Surest Thr3at and Cough CURE IN THE WORLD Th.+ rooeon is it CURES everybody who (ekes it- young end old alike. The chil- dren love it-- almost like honey. It ie absolutely frc'o from hurtful ingredients. It is the greatest household remedy of the ago. No home should be withotil it. It acts immediately upon the irritated spot, stopping the cough, allaying in- f.arnnraUo,t, strengthening the throat, voice and chest, making breathing easy, and giving quick and pern►araent relief t.) those having coughs, colds, croup, whooping -cough, sore throat, bronchitic, asthma and lung trouble. One fond mother, who knows, says : et have nu he"nate in seeemreendia Colts- 1o.•te Nspeotor•.et, which I have used time and •lain. and consider it the boat remedy on earth for veered and colds. We keep it constantly In our home, and it t. the beat household remedy 1 have known. Colt.fente is like no other cough remedy I have ever used, it Is so soothing and beating. mad feel sere it is • purely vegetable prepersito- MR.9. I). MAHONEY, 137 Catbeart *Street, Hamilton, )fit. Monter I Father i Do not let that boy's or girl's oough run on without atten- tion, than endangering their liver', when a 25c bottle of C.oltsfoote Expectorant will cure it. Get it from your dealer. Keep 1t hl the house always. REWARD FOR HARD THINKING. A year ago a manufacturer hired n toy. For months there was nothing noticeatlo about him except that he never took his eyes off the machine he was running. A few weeks ago the manufacturer looked up from his work t' see the boy standing beside his desk. "What do you want''' he asked. "Want my pay raised." "What nre you getting?" "Three dollars a week." "Well, how much do you think you are worth?" "Four dollars." "You think ao. do you?" "Yes, sir, an' Fee been thinkin' to for three works, but I've been so blame bury I haven't had lime to speak to you about it." Ile was raised. TORTURING SCIATiCA. A Severe Case Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Fierce darting pains -pains like red Lot needles being driven through the flesh -in the thigh; pillar:; down the legs to the ankles--that:s sciatica:4 None but the victim can realize the tor- ture. But the sufferer need not grow discouraged for there is a cure -a sure cure in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills stake new blood, this new blocd feeds and strengthens the nerves end fires them from pain. The pain is Lan- ish'd t; May banislied-the cure is com- plete. Mr. Chas. B. Maclean. a Pros- perous farmer near Brockville, Ont., has bean cured of a severe case of ecce Mica ural wishes other sufferers to hear of his cure that they rimy benefit by his (• ller:mess. Ile says: -"For upwarilc of five years I was a periodical sufferer teen s, iatira. in the mining while vetting up I would to £curd with ag- onizing peens 10 my hip,:• Sometimes these pains extended down one kg. sr.metimcs down the other; often down b Iho 'rho pain was terrible. Imagine the sirens caused by n red hot spike trier; driven Utreugh the flesh. That was ju-t my feeling when the srlaliea v.as (tt ;t- wird. Often while carrying waler to ►he horses the pain became so Wrote 1 lad to drop the pail in the mid- dle of the y nrd. I followed doctor. treatment but with slight relief. 1 then Intel rheumatic plasters and liniments. tut these did not hep me rt all. Tien 1 decided to give I)r. Williams' *'ink fills a Iriat. At first they del not seem lo help Ina but as they had been so highly recommended I persated in the treatment and gradually noticed a change in my eendifinn. The pain le - crime, lest severe. 1 felt stronger and my appetite Improved. 1 think 1 used the pills aL •ut four or five months Le - fere 1 wee completely enr,'d. but though tl,nt ons two years ago 1 have not since had the slightest return of sciatica. I thin,( Dr. Williams' *'ink Pills are a marvellous medicine and an does my wife who `reed Ihcm ns a blood builder. She say's they have no equal and never wearies of praising them to her friends." Good blood is the secret of henith- Dr. \\'illinm•t' Pink Pilis the secret ( gond blood That is why they cure seinlicn. rheumatism, SI. Vitus dance, heart palpitation, indigestion and the ailments common to women and grat- ing girls. Sold by medicine dealers -r by mall at 59 cents a hoc or six bnees for Se.50 from The Dr. \e litiams' Miele eine iel - cine Co.. Breckcltle, Ont. LI\n'r. The eld r1y Inan hPs eviden!Iy lov- ed and to -t cut. "1 'oppose," he said, "(hal my gray heirs do not appeal to you." "Oh. 1 respect the kw grey hairs yeti have," rejoined Fee of the refrig'i iter heart. "lett srontch. w 1 ata unnWe to generale t;ny resptct for your bald pate." ANOTIIF.R TROtTDI.E. Mr. Botts "1 think, my deer, t have at last totted the key to success." Mrs. Botts -"Well. jest ns like ns Pet well not be able to had tho key hole." 21.717 DIE 01' SNAKE RITC. Record of a Shiule %ear In India %Vint Beaus Kin 2,8.►I. The number of I•erscohs killed in India in 1905 by wird beasts was 2.u51, tie ogainst 2.157 in the previous year, and tie number of deaths reported frau) sneer Lite ielet►7) is also a little smaller than that of 1904. A [rehire of tine 1965 returns Ls the increase in the number of dcutlu, Loth u( iaulllall Lcings and cattle, att'.buted l , leopards. It is suggests 1 by a writer in Itaily's Magarele that these beasts seek their prey more readily than they used to de in the neighborhood of loges. The fact that more licenses to possess fireeruri were held in lte05 than in the previous year may be noticed; but i1 has long been recognized that it is impossible to discover any relation between !lie number of Meanie; eanie; iu na- tive hands and the uurnier of deaths brae vtil<1 be(is's. During 19(5 acme dangerous wild beasts wore killed than in 1904. Tho official figures are: Tigers, 1,355; teo- farrts, eel 1; tears, 2,2311; wolves, 2,016; and hyenas, 551. Weil -known man-eat- ing tiger, were killed In several dls- i•icts. A regular cn,sa e against wellies has been curried on in parts of the Cen- tral Provinces where these brutes are most numerous and most troubles=ome. To the su' cess of the campaign no doubt may be attributed the great de- crease in the number of persons killed by wolves -in 1001, 214; in 1905, only 153. Before dismissing this subject it is worth noting that the Bengal Govern- ' went in September last offered a special reward o1 Rs. 200 for a mon-eating tiger ! which killed seven persons last year in Goilkera Forest, Singbhuni district. The ordinary reward for a tiger is Hs. W. NEWS IN THIBET. Mounted Messengers Corry News With Great Rapidity. Dr. Zigenaycr, who has recently con- cluded a notable expedition in TIuLce expresses his ustonlshment at the splen- did systein of news -carrying which he hound in 'I'hibet, even in partes of the country which were only populated by nomads. Ile says: "As soon us 1 came into a)ntnel with these people mount - el messengers were despatched at fall spied to the next nomad chief or vil- lage, and as my caravan could neces- sarily only advance very slowly, the I'hiletan authorities had ample time to gather troops and prepare themselves for serious resistance in case 1 should try to force my way through." CHILDI100D4'—AILMENTS. As a remedy for all the ills of child- hood arising from derangements of the stomach or bowels Baby's Own Tub- !ets have no equal. You do not have V coax or threaten your little ones to take item ---children like them. The ease with which they can be given e!- compered scompared with liquid medicines will appeal to every mother. None is spilled or wasted -you know just how big a (lest) has reached the little stomach. And above a!1 mothers have an abso- lute guarantee that the Tablets contain no opiate er poisonous soothing stuff. They always do good, they cannot pos- sibly do harm. Mrs. Edward Donovan, S1. Agatha, Que., snys:-"1 am delighted will) Baby's Own Tablets. 1 know r1 re, medicine that can equal them in curing the ills of young children." l'ou can get the 'Tablets from any druggist, er by mail at 25 cents a box by writ- ing The Dr. W)Iliatna' Medicino Go., Brockville, Ont. SENTENCE SERMONS. Hiding sin does not heal it. Things are without what they are within. Only veneer virtues fear bad weather. There is little love in long distance chari Orlhty.ndroxy is apt to be center:rely to my habits. Losing ibe temper takes the edge off Iho abihly. A rear avis believes in honesty until he has sihie of it. No favoring wind Males to hint who will net pull on his oars. The more of n truth a )Han kno,ss the larger liberty he rinds in it. The eusiest way to fall out of the t.1u'istinn path Ls to sit down in it. Religion may have many forms, but they all have one face of love. The man who brags ut teeing Fpee<ly doesn't figure on the grade he is en. The. only elan whore povcrly can crush is he who lacks the riches of Char- acter. '1'o make a child prefe\a_s a man's re- ligion is to put hire to school to hypo - 110 who las ninny thoughts to hide never has any that iuen are glad to air• culale. Many a filen thanks that the important thing Ls the size of the tern instead cf its l .'ighL \\then your character is gold you will not need any coinage stoop to nuke 1t 'current. No flower strikes root more really or blooms with greater blessing than kind- ness. Lots of people never lock the door on n temptation until they get it £ttfely in- side the house. \\'ten a man is determined to go blind -folded the nccurncy of ItLs eyes will not help him much. Undue consciousness of the intellect usually rises from an unrecognized sena of an aching void. - - No mailer how hungry a mein may tea he ii sure to citn;;e on the trend of charily without 11:r huller of kindness. i1 is a g.:otl ding In slur to what you say. but renumber that whet you say is very likely to stick to you for a long lime. Thee non who has his heart in his own pocket is quite likely to get his hand in his neighbor's. ft --and all stomach• , end I.owel discrden. k1 d.V � Malys T:. • rubies ti [.lump z-.. y.C6111,1 Prc:e l y )U ):ahs' sacrad.:! me. Ask)oa )'out drugist cessLI for it-- Nllrsfs'i'e41ot:crs' Treasure -: (• Lrte $1.I3. 'a:'.•cal Due & Lee• -d yder_••resi. i Ise Ur - 4'. , et �. , �D ►UEEI‘1Tk, aR� 1 r t)\tJ `'Queen City" e better Ihaa a pure Mane A m Iota —%! is better than a pure Ontario dour—bane blended it combine the bee qualities of tee. ' Qee• Giyis se all purposes dour. ,rut your reser for The Campbell Campbell's Millin Co. m..,.. Tes000 f actio.. oot�Queen City SADDEST OF ALI.. "it's a sad fact," remarked the mor• ether, "drat nowir-cloys nearly every Liiluential man has his pri. e." "And eadider still," replied Senator Badger, "lo, think that half the trine ho can't get It." Dear Mother Your tittle saes aro a constant rasa k Fall sad Willer weather. They will catch cold. Deyou know about S iloh'e Caarrspdon Care. the Leas Teak. Lad stmt it Fns dose for so easy ? k is Haid tab the °sly reliable remedy for all daaa.a of the alr passages in children. his absolutely harmless sad pleasant to fake. Itis guaranteed to cure re your mosey is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle. aad all dealers is m.dicaao sell 1<4 SHILOH Ilia remedy should be ie every household. DOCTOR'S HUGE FEE. Conscientious Practitioner Refuses Offer of a Brilliant Fee. M. Pesmazoglos, a well-known rich banker, of Athens, recently because ser- iou,ly ill with what Ls known to the medical profession as leucocytheinia, a disease In which the white corpuscles of the blood are greatly increased in num- ber, while the red cells are much dimi- nished. Tho local phy.ictans failed to cure him, and ultimately gave no hop( of recovery. The patient's relative thereupon telegraphed full particulars of the case to the world-famous Dr. Noor - den, of Vienna, asking him to come et erre to Athens, and offering the sum of 5:11,250 as ills fee. The message itself cost $210. Dr. Noorden replied that from the details given lie Judged that the patient's life could not be saved, and that, therefore, he oould not conscien- tlously accept the brilliant offer. The banker's family then telegraphed to a celebrated Paris specialist, but he also declined, for the sante reason. As a last resort a telegraphic appeal was made to another eminent French savant, of I.yons, and the latter consented to go to Athens and do Itis utmost to save the sick man's life. The delighted relatives have chartered a special steamer lo await the doctor's arrival at Brindisi, whence he will be conveyed with all speed to the Piraeus. IAM -811 SAVES A FAMOUS 000 -FELLOWS FINGER Mr. \Vm. C. Edwards, P.T).C.B.A.O.- E., P.G.M.I.O.O.F. and i'.P.O.:1. Sti p- herd.s one of the heist widely known men in friend!), society circles it is pos- sible to meet, i; the suhje ;t and hero Is his eepericn'e. Intery dewed at his Immo o in Peter St., Torontn, he snid:- "In January of last year 1 rut the mid- dle finger of my left hand seventy end Wood poistn set 1;r. The wound yule so very painful that I could not use the whole hand. which began to swell and fnilame. 1 consulted ono of the leading doctors of Toronto and for two months 1 was tarter his care. The 1 is s vane kbrics sad women. lase children. Form - Dealers are ' Se replace instantly atour cost aayPea- Angle garment faulty it material or atakiog. UNDER "Health end Vigor depe quality and quantity of the Humanitarian. Dr. Carson's Ton Stomach and Constipation Bitt A Purely Vegetable Tonlc and filo Purifier. Price 30 cents per Bottle. Ifon aro not able to obtain It in your Y�ghb,rboud, we will send to any ad• drive awe bottles upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR (sac. per bottle) earring* pn•epa(rf. Ppatat seat FR:A ow eppliatias, The Careen Medicine Company $7 Wellington St. West. - Toronto, FEATHER DYEING Al.a.taa as• O�r)1•g sed lgil 01..ea elsesN IsTba ea. b wt a* lace, M M ea 1f . trot ales. 11111Tiw'1 AMEIIQAN DYEING C$. : �Mla=aL WHY IE CALLED. • She -"I'm surprised to see you after the leiter I wrote expinining why 1 could not be your wife. Didn't you get Ile -"Oh, yes, and that is why I call - cd. 1 wished to ask if you would not kindly explain your explanation." WHEN 6 REMEDIES HAD FAILED HE TRIED BILEANS. Now ile has Dyspepsia No More. Strange why people should not try the very thing which would do them good until last! Mr. Geo. I.a Portwin, o' 36 St. Paul St., Toronto, tried s;x different remedies for dyspepsia, hetet- ache, nr.d heartburn before. lie tried Bileans. The six did him no good. !Means have cured Lim! Ile says: 'I had heartburn, dyspep.sla and wind after food. Tho nourishment 1 took seemed to do me no good, and the pain i suffered was very acute. I tried six different remedies before Blicens, but they did me no greed. With Bileans It was quite different. 1 found they re- lieved the flatulence and the pain with- in a few (hours and a short course re- sulted in a complete cure." In every country where they have been intro( iced, Bileans have quickly taken first place because of their ra- pid and lasting cures of indigestion, liver and kidney complaints, anemia, headache, debility, constipation, piles, female ailments end lrregularitka, theu- matLsn', liver chill, etc. Purely herbal and containing no alcohol they aro an !deal family medicine. All stores and druggists sell at 50c a bux, or from the Rikean Co.. Toronto, for price. 8 boxes sent for 52.50. - E\(:EPTiON. Biggs-"Popleigh seems proud of the fact that his boy is untmsually largo for his age." Diggs --"Yes, except when he is try- ing to convince a railway conductor that the kid is entitled to ride for half - tore." -- "Papa says he will never consent to cur marriage," sighs the maiden. 1ricn let tis elope,' boldly urges the ratan. "There, mins," chirped the delighteel damsel. "i'apa was wrong. He said wound got :._i better, and one day the you hadn't the east eusin.''.s ahilily, doctor said, 'Edwards, the only thing 1 and hero the very first thing yeti -rig can do with lh1s finger is, take It off. is to Faye him the expense of a stylish i, can never be cured.' A friend wedding.:' ndvisN me to 'Try /.arn-illhk before, you have 1t laken (Aft 1 did so 1 battled the w•„and and npphrol sortie if the balm, and that night I gout a lit- tle sleep. N,'xt morning the wound be- gr,n to bleed. whereas, before ft hail only dL-charged pas. Within a few 'lays I could do away with Be in whic11'1 had carried Ilse hand, grid in a few v.eels' tirne there woe not a (race of the wound to be seen. To- day my linger Ls as sound as a bell. whereas, had i not used Zarn-link, 1 should lave been a linger lees. i paid over $20 In dieters' fees, and when 1 think of the triging cost of Zattt•I;uk 1 am nniazed at its wonderful value. Zara -Bak is a rare for eczcrna, (tete, cretin sores_ rinvttnrznc- hlntrhnc.mr ihn There 1* no termer • windmill with a pair of bellows and there iv no turnln; Iu your chair If you have lumbago or lame back, bat It would tut quite eery V yen had "The UAL” Menthol Planter ea your back - "flow do you like our new wall -paper, dear 7" impel -el a !rely of her next-door neighbor. "Well, dear," was tho latter's envious reply, "Ian afraid it's -or -rather loud." "Yes, dear. it is," wins the re - Joinder : "ictal :s w lis we selected i1. We thought, it might drown the sound of your daughter's piano -playing 1' -- Holloway's Corn Ceire is the me trine to remove all kinds of corns and wart=, and only costs the small sum of twenty - Ode cents. Angry Wife (after a quarrel): "It seems In mo that we've been married nbout a hundred years. 1 can't even re- _ rnentlt'r when or where wo first suet." Husband (emphatically): "1 can. It was al a dinner -party, and there wev'o thir- teen at table!" All store, end druggists sell it 50 rents a box, er post free frim the /1(1• Buk Co., 'Toronto. 6 boxes for $2.50. IN TIIE RAIINY.\Bn. "0 1 please," the young hen plendr 1 nerreedy, "what's the proper way to sit on a nrstg1 "Hatch -way!" replied the old hen, with n silly cackle. \\"Il.1T ' IiE. Ni I ! l;t). Mr. Paint who is fnr:•1 :,f do, Mise \\bins, don't you thine yier ,;:it to Lave inn intelligent nn;in ,! l the 1. •'Ise Piet world nlo".try:l t \'lite : "(Jh, \Ir. Peel! ! 'Iles is •ellen r rt,nrity often me, rs ferci sing sour • , :b on file water; f"kecping a t,trr;iler eye Fir un anL`•1 1 food cake 10 carne floating In. a for cann, tore, water tempe of three. two ince the wales iv there, thirty of of bottom. They are l • '. - en. bring seven and a years old, they are removed and searched for penrls. The harvest of artiliclel or "culture" pearls is very large. but unfortunately these are only little more than half - pearls, for although large, lustrous and of fine quality, they are fiat on one side. This the darner hopes to remedy in time; but the market for half -pearls is always very large. Ile *las an additional source of income in the natural pearls which his oysters produce, for there Is not lacking among thein the usual pnipnrtiun of perfect gems to be found among oysters of tnis variety. A Cure for Fever and Ague.-Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are cornp„und<d for use in uny climate, and they will ba found to preserve their powers in any latitude. in fever and ague they act upon the secretions nal neutralize the poLson which has found its way in - L' the blood. They cursed. the impuri- ties which•. find entrance into the system through drinking water or food and If used as a preventive fevers wo avoided. A woman Is seldom interested) in what a man says unless sho appears to Le. otherwise. I.Iuresisg. stubborn odd sores are erased tram chassis by Weever's Ciera*.. The good work of bysed-.ieasstua is completed with w'eaver',Syrup. Lady : "1 do so like it when you preach, Mr. I.orternm." Mr. Lectern.) (much plecaeed): "So glad you appreciate my sermons." Lary : "Yee, you see, when you preach 1 always got such a good seat." Blckle'a Anti -Consumptive Syrup Ls the result of expert chemical experiments. undertaken to discover a presenllve c.f inflammation of the lungs and ceen- sumption, by destroying the germs that develop these disease, and fill the world with pitintle subjects hopelessly stricken. The use el Iles Syrup will prevent the dire eonequences of neglect - to (olds. A trial, which costs only 25 cents, will oonvince you that this is correct. Love Is Wind --ant a lot of Imutle would be avoided it marriage didn't act ao an eye-opener. Children who are Pate and pelvtah want woe - thing that will snake g•.od nch blood; there is nothing to equal "Ferrovim•' for this purpose. Mothers, loser* to get • Lotti - Young \isl:co : "\\'hal is the secret of your suece:ss ?" Esperie'rted One : "1 shake It n rule to fuel out w tint the pa- tient wunts lu do, then 1 order him to de it.' Tis n \inrvellous Tterlg.-When the cures cf:e tail by Dr. Themes' Eck elric 0.1 are cuneidered, the speedy and per- netne•nt relief it has brought to the Fet- tering wherever it hos been usde ll must be regarded ns n marvellous thing that so potent. a medicine should result from the six simple ingredients wtiieh I it er inti its composition. A trial will c• evince the most skeptical of its heal- Ilhb virtues. WOi1K AND SLEEP. It is no new principle that nrecfnr Fere of the Beeetre IIo-mint in l'ar Imus made known in a resent nrt:cte tr "Work and itepese," but It is not less worth repenting. Ile h many special experimenls no:'n'es as the'r general supposed power of va ether Menu:anis and mental e I Fu.', or a llluso: tech cat A dose advisable In tacks, la Influenza. Ask g Tour Drwthifst for Free Pin Altnsosc for 1010. MINING STOCKS and CLAYS BOUGHT AND BOLD ON 00M3111I5I1 luforssUon furnished re am* on apple, COBA E. P. ROWE, r B. Ocx 135. PY.se a CODAI.T, Agents Make Mon e Welly sal quickly actin/Liss our represents tel taking orders for 111 au+ -Lalli Peril this is the strongest, etleet soot swyfe fence on the market. lastest teaches to because • eompart.es with ottere qv ,,bows shrewd farmers hew mothiwitter Well advertised i.adi•g t•ra paper. makes it easter t hat IoM eve a proeeeltioa to er you. Lzcla.ive tart ands liberal cem'ntesion. Write to -day. DENNIS WIRE AND IRON WORKS Compass, Limited, Louden, Two cats were about In engage duel. "Let us have an understondlr wo begin," said the ecru. "As to queried the other. "Is It to be a d the death," continued the one, "or we make it Ilse best three lives c fiver -- Just the Thing That's Wanted - that acts upon the stomach and s . compounded that certain ingre of it preserve their power to act the Intestinal Canals, so as to them of excreta the retention of cannot but be hurtful, was long i for by the medical profession. was found in I'arunelee's Pills, which are the result pert study, end are note pared as a laxative and ir, one. Jenn'e-"Dld you fright Jack got On 01.ve--"Yes, indeed. saw her." A Pew Peopfe osis to about the reoet able. The other WY, take Alieaty Lung .ale sale. There is nothin tri ordinary men t Expert. There Is not 01 nars' \\'errt etroyine wor has gofer s Bro. the children, name of been