HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 6E.
est Vets: c. ; Cud•
riestown. V•tet
were 91 unli in
ne, in Fayette 1'uuilly,
explosion occurred on "Paas- 4. e..
Irrnoon. It is not believed any of ! :4
q will be taken out alive the : sIi .v. ,
' the explosion being so !cerin ns : filet. elf
k thef entire Inner werk,nts. do (1..'!• • .ii•
cage In the mine has been low- suets
0 feet, or wlthln 150 feet of the N fi4•• • •
Repairing will have to be done lin• ti 4 n
ho cage can be lel ent,rrly down. `toe •
uart Colliery Compile/ has al- t:,41Ce 41:
oeeived 60 coffins and has ordered
1. It Is thought that the mine is
but this cannot be de:ertn,ned
ter. The heat from the shaft is
and the men could not be
for a day or so even if the shall
working order.
io4, .S
y de -
hi the
ly n
• '.. t'.•r,•hant Had un
t , u inti Fuel ral.
.ccid,'nt in Shnolin(' Party at n
Castle in England.
palrh (rnen London says : Ludy
Cuthbert, the wife of C. !d.
Harold Cuthbert, of It, nu:•,rt
Northumberland, was nee,dent-
it %%tile pheasant shooting on
i•. She was standing Iwo yards
husband when his gun went
the charge of abut struck her in
.1. killing tier instantly. Laity
Cuthbert wns Ludy Dorothy
then she was married to Capt.
in 1903. Site was the Third
r of the Earl of Strafford.
- ---414'
.nr11h Tremors Felt Lasting Five
)atch from St. i,ouis says : Spo-
rt Ili,hlan(I and (hemline, 111.,
tee: re enrthgn:lLe shocks of
lock on Wednesday night. The
seemed to be M,nl east to
Untied ohout live seconds.
Months Over 64,000,-
n $531.571.
wn tsnys : The
O seven months
tee 10 $:t0.344.-
513. For the
total receipts
8531.5 I .
•; • •441 I.,,iolun says : Un-
-1 in lir• rugic death
e. wti. • .cola shot and
t: .1 e Intuit store,Jan.
o•I ea- h:uynor, was
,1: •I'e.toneral no. of the
le . el•emeity thou -
'.t': d about the
.'•i d tee! masses
eg to the church.
el • ,•a enc up and
•.t.i•r n iii' .1 ,_• to,r .. : showed the
har-t' I:• its , .•• s -oar of these
ws - tens. Accord -
1 Mr.
r videms-
eouet.• •. 1.,1. : e the ng.d and de-
serving .,:'r.
µager. ie .rl: %. .
ing s,. !ht•
IN%AUt•:D h1
(angary t\a 4- •:
"1''l li ES.
u i4.oh for Lasl(rn
I% . 11..
A d.. J.
gary Lae
yeata, tied
few month. a . •..
+:) say.. Ca! -
.n a 1I!O-t
!t. 'ria 'ass ft w
1 , K .he last
!emitter of
a)nsuinpts r- c:.. . .-v.• 11 •.in eustern
Canada. T;:t ,, can . u y with u
small amount of iu .: a ti, t ate unable
Int work. The re•, r1' .. !!int 'hey lire soon
en Ise hands 01 ; :s i if, y also the!
$real difficulty 11 $edeaµ ar(olunhoda-
lion. Many heater. nduig cases tire re-
ported eery day. AI a rn,.:.fig of the
Calgary Board of Trade un '1•ues.lny
night n revolution w- •- pa.<xrl calling
town the llunsti4i ,: • •n, rnii. nt 10 es-
Iulihah a .n'hilar.nr . ;. piece in the
mountains where a an be effected
In the (meet forte.
UP TO (:II1.11NF:is 1\ \(►\t.
Terrible Suffeilrrg. in Vette. Flirting!'
lack of Furl.
A despatch from Vienna any.: ('here
hove been immense 44e1 , of snow
throughout Aus:rirt. many peesens nee
suffering severe privrttietie. 'There is a
coal famine in s(4111e pine;•, owing to the
runways being blocked. The 8tl'cting of
tate (Jti11ci011 Diet at Lemberg had to be
I'usl1)oned owing 10 the lack of fuel to
Hent the Diet (alibiing. In some districts
in Galicia douses are snowed under to
the chimneys.
Revolutionists for Ill°
ing Prisoners.
street of the Island on \\'ednesday and
died almost Immediately.
The a<sa.,an, who wits a youth of 18.
reseal as n workman, emerged from a
ouse as AI. Guidenha was passing on
home, end shot him twice In the
The Terrorist also shot and
ed a prison woolen who
Uldenia, and who pilr-
laller disappeared
noble to find
ulalion of
ted at
tents, $4.50;
ng bakers',
hard is non
o. 1 northern a
rn at 81e.
ominnl at 51c out -
a at 49e outside.
erican yellow nonina
oronto. Canadian coil
lo 44e, Chatham.
is of bran outside in hulk
at 318.50 to $19, and shorts
0. 2 white offered at 72c
th 70%c bid. No. 2 red win
f• bid outside, without sellers. No
ed offered at 70%c outside, with
ley -No. 3 extra offered at. 50c out-
, and 49c bid for 5,000 bushels.
eas--No. 2 offered at 810 outside
hout bids.
is --No. 2 white offered at 38c out-
, with 37c bid.
Apples -Goof to choice winter stock
82.25 to 83.25 per bbl.
Beans -Hand-picked selling at $1.55 to
81.60, and primes at 81.40.
Holey -Strained quoted at 11 to 12e
per tb, and combs at $2 to 82.50 per
Hops -New quoted at 18 to 21c.
Hay -No. 1 timothy le quoted at 811.50
to $13.50 on track here, and No. 2
quoted at 88.50 to 89.
Straw -Steady at 86.50 to 87 a ton on
track here.
Potatoes -Ontario. 65 per bag on track
and New Itrunswick, 75 to 80e per bag
Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, 12 to
14e; chickens, dressed, 9 to 10c; alive. 7
to 8c per 1b; fowl, alive, 5 to Gc; ducks
dressed, 9 to 10c; alive, 7 to 8c per lb
geese, 10 to itc per lb.
Butter -Pound rolls are quoted at 22
t i 23c; tubs, 20 to 22c; large rolls, 20 to
22e. Creamery prints sell at 26 to 27c,
and solids at 23 to 24c.
Eggs -Storage, 23 to 24,e per dozen;
selections, 25 to 27c; limed, 22c; new
laid, nominal, 28 to 29c.
Cheese -Large cheese, 133 to 13%e,
and twins, 14 to 14Xc.
Dressed hogs in car lots are un-
changed, with prices quoted at 88.40 to
$S.GS he►•e. flacon, long clear, 11 tt5 113.,'c
per lb in case lots; mess pork, 821; short
cut. 823 to 823.50.
Ilams-Ljght to medium, 15%c; do,
heave, 14 to 14Xc; rolls, 11%e; shoulders,
Ilc; backs, 16 to 16%c; breakfast bacon,
15 to 15%c.
Lard -Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12> c; pails,
Montreal, Feb. 5. -Grain The tone of
the market for spot supplies of oats is
firm, with sales of Ontitrlo No. 2 white
at 4210; No. 3 at 411/,c, and No. 4 at
40yc per bushel, ex More. Flour -
Spring and winter wheat grades for
local country 0111 export account at firm
prices. Choice spring wheat patents,
54.511 10 81.60; seconds, 84; winter wheat
patents, ;•3 10 8..15; strnlght rollers,
$3.55 to $.t.e5; do, in hags. 81.4'0 to 31.70;
extras, 81.15 l0 31.55. Feed -Manitoba
bran. in bags, 821; shorts, 322 per ton;
Ontario bran. in hogs, 821 to *21.50;
shorts, 822 to 822.50; milled mouillie, 821
1.1 $25 per ton, and straight grain, 828 to
i:30. Provis.ons-lttiriels •'.l ort cut mess.
$:2 to 823.50; half -barrels, 811.75 to
312.50; clear fat backs, 321 to 824.50;
king cut heavy mess. 820.50 to 822; half -
barrels do. $10.75 to S 11.50; dry salt long
clear bacon, 12 to 12jic; harrels plate
beef, 811 to 812.50; half -barrels do, 86 to
80.50; barrels heavy mess beef, 88.50;
half -barrels do, 84.75; compound lard,
`:y, to lOc; pure land, 11% to 13c; kettle -
rendered, 13 to 13yc; hems, 13 to 14Xc;
breakfast bacon, 15 to 16c; fresh -killed
abattoir dressed hogs, 310; alive. 8T to
5'7.25. Eggs --Selects. 27c; No. 1 candled,
'! to 22e. Cheese -October -made. while,
1:3yc; colored, 13%c. Butter -Choicest
creamery, ?SX to 25X; medium grades,
?3y to 24,4c.
SL Louis, Feb. 5. -Wheat -Cash, 76c;
May. 77%C; July, 76%c.
Minneapolis, Feb. 5.- Wheat -May,
. r a Sep-
to tin/c, July, 8Iy l0 81,�c, . cp
!ember, 78% to 79c; No. 1 herd. 85c: No.
I northern, 83X0: No. 2 northern, 81 to
eI ye; No. 3 northern. 79 l0 79ye.
Flour -First pn'ents, $4.30 In 81.40;
second 'intents, 84.15 to 84.20; first
clears, 83.25 10 $3.35: secnnrl clears,
82.50 In $2110. Bran -816 to $16.73,
\til.c1! k c, Feb. 5. -Wheal -No. 1
nor'hern, 1.2 to 83c; No. 2 northern. 78
l') S1,•: \I '$4 lo 78%c bid. ltye--No.
Gs ' • :e. Barley -No. 2, 53e; sam-
ple, 4: 1 • :.7e, Corn -No. 3 cash, 42 ;c;
May. 46% to 46%c asked.
Duluth, Feb. 5. -Wheat -No. 1 hnrd,
$3o; No. 1 northern, 8I/c, No. 2 north-
ern, 80S;c: May, 81Xc; July, 8IXc; Sep-
tember, i tyc.
Toronto, Feb. 5.-Despilo the renter
Ir avy supply, prices held their own
f„irly well.
Export cattle were in good demand
.et generally firm prices; the exporters
offered were not of top quality.
Butchers' cattle were steady 10 flrm
fcr gond stock. but common stuff ons
off. Choice collie were hard to get and
anything extra was bought up early.
Stockers and feeders were compare -
quiet. but gmkt!nt+ons tiro flrrn.
11 of choice feeders sold al
this was practically all the
was doing In this grade.
e firmer for choice stock,
Con)mun ni,lkcrs show
Very steady noel
cep a . - early, with nn
gee In price:, but lanes aro en -y
slightly kieer.
-Pricee are line/tinged, but ILe
1 hes a firmer tone.
rL• MN S 1'1tO\I ALL OVER TI11
Telegraphs". ilrlefe from Our Own sea
U14er Countries of (keens
Ex -Mayor Ellis has been appointee'
City 'Treasurer of Ottawa.
Senator John Dobson, of Lindsay, died
et. Saturday after a long illness.
The C.P.U. have purchased the St
Lawrence Hall property at Montreal.
The C.P.R. will be double -trucked be-
tween Smith's fulls and Montreal
titlllamilton's share of the militia bill for
e strike ries totals 83,048,
The County Council of Wentworth
have decided to build a (rouse of refuge.
New car works are to bo built at
Montreal that will be the largest in
The Montreal Board of Trade will peti-
tion for the removal of the tax on Chi-
The Toronto City Council voted 85.000
for the relief of the Kingston, Jamaica,
earthquake sufferers.
It is stated all C.P.R. Atlantic liners
will be equipped with wireless telegraph
Winnipeg carpenters are demanding a
nine -tour day and a minimum wage of
45 cents an hour. to tako effect June lirst.
Tho main thoroughfares of Kingston,
Jamaica, have been cleared of debris,
but at least a year will be requited before
a!1 1s cleared up.
Debenture bonds of the city of Toronto
that matured in 1888 and had never been
presented for redemption, turned up in
the City Treasurer's office on Friday.
The Government have decided to make
a grant of 850,000 towards the erection
of a hygienlo institute in the city of
Julien Cormier, stableman, and a
Loy named Douglas lost their lives in
a fire that destroyed a sluble at West -
mount, on Saturday.
The time for receiving designs In com-
petition for the new department block al
Ottawa has been further extended from
March 15 until July 1.
Mr. J. O. Bury is to be appointed As-
sistant General Manager of the C.P.R.'s
western lines, with headquarters at
Harry Ballet, aged fifteen years, was
killed at St. Catharines, on Saturday,
by a heavy box falling off a load that his
father was driving up a hill.
The late Col. Plnault, Deputy Minister
of Militia, left an elate valued at $31,966,
all of which goes to his widow; save
$3,000, which consists of bequests.
Hamilton Street Railway Employes'
Union refuse to interfere in the case of
two members dismissed by the company
because they were seen in a saloon.
"Three hundred and fifty miles of rail-
way will be built in the west next season
by the C.P.U.," sad William \\'heto at
Montreal, after a conference with Sir
Thos. Shaughnessy.
11. C. McMullen, of Calgary, live stock
agent of the C.P.R., has visited Medicine
Ilat, Maple Creek. Crane Lake, Gull
Luke and Swift Current, and reports that
the cattle losses are exaggerated.
Donald Walker, the bellboy of the
Windsor Hotel at Regina. who risked his
life in arousing the guests during the
fire, Is dead from InjUries received in
jumping from a window. He was a
son of Angus Walker of Orillla.
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain expects to be
back in Parliament next session,
The injuries to H.M.S. Dominion aro
so serious That silo will never be fll for
active service again.
Governor Sw'ettenham has been cen-
sured for not organizing relief and re-
construction work at Kingston.
Tho flight lion. Augustine Birrell will
succeed Mr. Bryce as Irish Secretary.
Mr. Reginald McKenna will become
('resident of the Board of Education.
K:ng Edward will re -open the British
Parliament In slate on Feb. 121h.
The British Labor Congress, in ses-
sion at Belfast, on Saturday [Hissed a
resolution In favor of woman suffrage.
It 1s reported that Mr. G. B. Girdle-
stone of Bristol, England, will be ap-
pointed engineer of the Montreal harbor.
Four boys were burned to death on
Saturday 1n a (ire in a cotton mill at
Dover, N. Ii.
Genova! Russel A. Alger, former
United Slnles Secretary of War, is deed.
Three distinct earthquake shocks were
felt near Ulicnh, N.Y., on Thursday.
A number of United States nrmy tents
from Cuba have been forwarded to
W. C. Ashwell, once a partner of
Cecil Rhodes, was killed by a street car
in New York the other day.
President ltoehevell has stated that he
intends to pay no heed to the Sw•etten-
ham-Davis incident.
The United Slates Joint Postal Com-
mission has recommended that all per-
lodicals consisting wholly or substanti-
ally of fiction be denied second-class
The French Government has approved
of the constitution of a new National
Governor Swellenham has told the
people of Kingston that no tax will be
levied on them for fifteen months.
Ice lacks drifting over the Newfound-
land Grand Banks threaten to obstruct
the pas,nge of the great ocean liners.
An unknown vessel has foundered In
the Rlnck Sea, carr, ing down her crew
anti sixty passenger:e.
Italy, Brilnin 0:NI tho United Slates
will support a n ol'i::4 nt the approach-
ing fence Cnnfe,ence to limit the size
of future battleships to 16.000 tons.
Negroes to Jamaica repel the digester
eA a "white roan's earthquake," anti re-
fuse 1n interfere with the acts of Provi-
dence by working.
A company with a capital of ten mil -
liens has been organized to carry on a
g.gantic meatpacking business In Mcx•
The fetal horse•p twer of the werkl's
stenrn engines is re kouetl at about 75
The Queen of Spain Is In have her
own deir'nr. wtin will receive lri3Oilu n
year, an aims: nr•' for rn!. 15 for ea••ts
rise, end the right to a pritole pea.•
Verdict of Coroner's Jury for Death
of Golspie Sailor.
A despatch trnrn Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.,
says : "\\'e find that Sydney Neal came
to Ills death from frost, caused by expo-
sure. This exposure was due directly to
(:apt. Boult, who drove the said Sydney
Neal from shelter when do might have
protected him. \\'e also think that Mate
McLeod should bo severely censured for
not sending prompt assistance on his
arrival at the mission."
Such was the verdict given on Wed-
nesday night by the coroner's jury on the
death of Sydney Neal, one of the sailors
of the steamer Golspie, which was
wrecked early in December at Brute
Harbor, and who died at the "Soo" hos-
pital from the effects of the subsequent
hardships which he, with several others,
Captains Joseph Gantry and W. C.
Burr, of the "Soo" and William Kimball
and Joseph Andrews, of Michipicoten,
Weise examined. The captains gave evi-
dence regarding the negotiation that
had been carried on between them and
the MacKnys for the sending of relief to
the Golspie after the wreck. '1 hey etre
that had tugs been sent up earlier .fue
was the case it would not have pr.aet,4, ..
lite (nen from being frozen as They fiver,
\veltoom nsIllbull, of Mlchipiceten, : •.
that he saw Mate McLeod al Cr 11e
rived at Michipicoten, 111e evening
uuiertun:te sulfur, who had tete wils
him earlier were left out in the c.,:o.
Kunball volunteered to go out and b,
theta, but the elute told him he had mese
the arrangements.
Joseph Andrews, nn Indian, told of i ..-
ing engaged by the Elate to go out for .
men leo next day, of fending tl.:,n. ant.
o! their being taken to lee lee -peal e.
,1111NARC.JS AS t i_A
1111"111/1101.,.. 1'.• 1 , •smear
Ial:-i-. i. .
.:4:i4, nt
11 ut -
(:apt. Boull and Engineer A,:drt �..�.
who had been summoned at i,,,..,.t•.,,i
and Collingwood, did not appear '4u ear
evidence. Crown Attorney Alcl'ateeei
acoordingly decidcx1 to give the case to
the jury without hearing th,nil.
The Awful Condition of FanlinteStrick-
en Chinese.
Washington, Jan. 30. -Further seri-
ous consequences are expected in the
Chinese famine districts unless immedi-
ate aid is forthcoming, according to
State Department advices. Outbreaks
are of daily occurrence, and an epidemic
it, feared by relief workers. Great
concentration camps have been formed
in the south of China, where thousands
of refugees live under awful conditions.
Estimates have Leen made that 11 will
cost 820,000 daily to teed the 4,000,000
persons who are starving. A story is
told of ono family -the mother, father
and two children. The mother left
home on a search for food, and the fa-
ther, despairing of aid, threw bolts
children into the river. The mother re•
turned, and, learning what had hap-
pened, drowned herself. The gri. f-
rlricken father followed. The Govern-
ment is selling grain and salt, where it
can. In Hsu Chou Fu in December
three or four women wero crushed to
death In the mad rush for food. The
price of vegetables has doubled, and
coal and coke cost more than ever be -
Colin Campbell, the Florist, Compelled
to Assign.
A despatch from Montreal says: The
Attorney -General of the Province has
Leen asked to intervene in the cnso of
William J. McGee of the People's Mutual
Building Society, and see that a strid
and far-reaching investigation takes
place. Tho new features in the case
are these: McGee will not be sentenced
op the mere plea of guilty of theft.
Every dotoll of this remarkable series of
crimes will be Investigated by the kt-
torney-General's representative. l'roh-
nbly a score of warrants will be issued
ngalnst McGee. Four men alone ere
known to have lost 315,000 each. Colin
Campbell, the florist, will lose $16.4100,
and as a result of the losses has been
compelled to assign. Twenty other men
will lose about 84,000 each. Two lime
dud people will lose sums ranging
from 8161) to 81,500. McGee docs not
even know, in ninny cos•'s, which sig-
natures ore forgeries and which are
genuine. it is believed that his losses
will total a quarter of n million dollars.
The investigation shows Mtge only a
small part of the money has been spent.
The question now is, Where is the
money? .
Parks of Hungry Wolves Follow ttic
Herds of Nornoul Animals.
A despatch from Medicine Hat, Alta.,
says: The cattle situation Is desperate.
Many have died in the streets of the
clty after drifting In along the trails
from the prairie.
A despatch from MacLeod says: The
outlook on the ranges Is becoming daily
more desperate and the cattle ore dying
thick and inst. The nnimals nre skin
poor, and if the cold weather continues
the majority of them will be food for
the pecks of wolves and coyotes now
eagerly haunting (ho (rails of the fame
fished and tired out herds. The great
drove of cattle which invaded the town
this week Came from Little Bow, and
other norUheen points.
Proposed to Establish Bakeries as a
Popular Trust.
A despatch from Madrid. Spain, says:
The propose! is unoflieially mode and
influentially supported in the press find
elsewhere, to eliminate the everlasting
bread trouble by establishing the baker-
ies tie a popular must. with tndividunl
partielpation at as low n price as a peseta
monthly, the bread being sold nt cost
price. 11 is claimed That this would pro-
tect the consumer from constant squeez-
ing by the middleman, and stop the per-
petual quarrels he Been the empinyers
and employed.
OTT %AV \ NI 711: GII.I.1:1).
Wee Margaret (:aean Falls Penns Win-
dow at Water Street Melded.
A d --patch from O'Inwa says: Steeple -
et Cavan, nerd 21. a nurse in 11.,' \ander
Street hospital. fell from n wi'..1 •w of
that hospitnl al 5.30 on 'Phnrs.!•,. even-
ing an.l was Inken Irian the e 1 w•nik
de:41. 1l wog n hen h window Ihtuu:l!o
w•Li •li elle de -wended. see led I.• ,•n 4'I
with gripe for n day (.r to .. Int the-
w,!a hn41 net Wheelie' her. Ni .1 4 avn
was a native of Thurso, (;Ji:e,
Interesting Gossip About Some Prom-
inent People.
Save when he is entertaining visitors.
the Sultan of Turkey takes his meals
alone. His food consists principally 01
vegetables, which are brought to the
Royal table in silver saucepans. The
saucepans are sealed by the heed chie`
before they leave the kitchen, in ordery
that, In the event of their contents les
e -
ing tampered with on the journey, the
fact will be discovered by the high of-
fbeat whose duly it Is 10 see that when
the dishes are placed before Abdul Hu-
mid they are as they should be.
Ian Maclaren tells an ansusing story
with regard tc bogus degrees. A sweep
prosecuted a resident In the suburbs of
Edinburgh for debt. The presiding
;edge called the sweep to give evidence.
and the first question he asked him was.
"What is your name " "Jamie Gre-
gory, LL.D., sir." "What! Doctor of
Laws? And wvli're on earth did you gel
(hat distinction?" "Teets a fellow fra'
an American university, an' I swce;it
his chimney three times. 'i canna pay
ye cash, Jamie Gregory, he says, but
I'll make ye an LL.D., an' we'll ca' 't
quits.' And he did!"
Mr. Lewis -James, the leading bari-
tone in the Moody -Manners Opera
Cornpany, has had an interesting his-
tory. He was born In Aberdare, South
\Vales, and went to work in a coal -pit
when he was twelve years old. lie
sang in local concerts and the compe-
titions which are popular among the
Welsh, and eventually achieved such
prestige in his home neighborhood that
he was urged to study music seriously.
This he did fer two years, while con-
tinuing his work as a coal -miner. Than
the Carl Rosa Company vLsiled Cardiff,
and Mr. James sang privately for the
director, who engaged him at once for
three years, and afterwards he joined
the Moody -Manners Company.
Caused the Great Explosion in Saar-
brucken Mine.
A despatch from Saarbrucken, Rhein-
ish i'russia, says : The search of Ilse gal-
leries of the Iteden mine at SI. Johann-
-on -Saar, where an explosion occurred
Jnnuary 28, still continues. More bodies
were brought up on Wednesday, and
identified as being among the list of
those already given up for dead. Tho
fire has been extinguished, and the en-
gineers affirm that (hero is no danger of
any further explosion. Therefore the
work of clearing the enemnbered gnller-
ii.,s is proceeding. Prince Frederick
Leopold of Prussia on Wednesday look
part In the funerals of Iho victims. Alin-
isler of Commerce Delbrueck says 62
bodies and 26 injured men have been re-
moved from the aline, and 86 others aro
missing. The explosion probably re-
sulted from carelessness by a pipe
Delaware i.egielslure Refuses to Abolish
It --(fwd Effect on Crooks.
A despatch from Dover, Del., says :
The Delaware Legislature on Tuesday
voted to continue the whipping poet and
public floggings fur prisoners convicted
of theft, felonious assault, house -break-
ing and mny'hem. The Senate cornniitice
reporting on the bill abolishing the
whipping Bost sold :-"We (10 not say
that the public whipping post is not an
extreme punishment, particulnrle in
winter lime, I,ut we do say that the
whipping post ►s a fearful Thing to
gentleman crooks, robbers, and safe-
blowers, for they pass Delaware by so
long ns she lays the cat upon the cul-
prits' backs."
1'111: X11:N KILLED.
Ponder Csplodrd 10 an Illinois Goal
A despatch from Marian. 111., rays :
I( an explosion of powder in the Jelin -
sell City and Itig Muddy coal mine at
J(,luison City on 'I'ues(Iae live men were
killed and eleven Burl.
I'L \l:I l: IN \1 5111t1.1%.
Blesels (:lees of Bubonic Scourge al
S) dnee .
A de.pntch from Sydney. N. S. \V..
says : 'There is n recrudescence thele of
lee bul•onie pingue, which broke out
fire! .n I'.hruary. Wei. and reappeared
in \(nodi. 10110. Cle%eth cages. Iwa of
al4ieh werr- fetal. Ise.. been repotted
single Jahuery Sir.
\1.• ,: 1 '.
" k11 1' ht -r
'I have
hit- r4 .
.s. seine •
• a Inct
it we- ...•
silliile ••'
noblemen e
rifled the.
hands on 414
.'n the h4:
n Ole ..
table ne•
i rint :11 .
wait h:• .
See e ,.i •..
mei 1. .,
nouneent e..
ons nln 1;
the firs•' .. 'h'
able Queen .
Never .4111 a
reel for :
archsw:r. -eh •
menial u. !. 44 -
Majesty e.ct•.:ne,; ! .
rucnts w•. , ::1 ., -
Life (;11n1s15•
n rlleaalr•e lir'' • ..
our Queen ; • !
Once site started s.
Tennyson al hie '.
\\'ighl uCCottt:•mice
lendnnts. Hour niter
' • 11"..-
..i. 410
•1 ' 1.44.44
,.. l: 415 !.ort•
`,t all
still Lord Tennyson 04.1., o., o, -<
of his rival guest. for ellen ee bac.
At last, when Irn,,e li:td I'.vl •4•• 1 the
hands of the clock pointed !•. 111,• .•
ing hour of night. the Queen .nrrn•• s
weary and bedrs..glcd. 4111..1 n • 4 4.i+
attendant and without a scrap el 1441
gage. She had lost their, all on Ih.
Mr. Frills. the velerl•n lir ,e ea
amusing story of the Kti:,• r s lit
to England. '1.10 :our .r
Prince, then a neschievnus i oy 111 1 '
oras vastly interested in the picture
his uncle's. the Prince of \Vnles's. we
ding, which Mr. Fri:.. was then peint44
at Windsor, and nothing would plea:
him but that he too should have it het
In it. To gratify the child the ar•tisl ere
him n brush and some colors and
lowed him to daub away at will n1 i1
bottom of the canvas..
After the juvenile netts( hnd been
work a few minutes Air. Frith discover -3
to Ids horror that touch of the pads
which should have been on the creme
had found its way to the young Prince':
face, which exhibited most of_ the cuter -
of the rainbow. Seizing a rag end dip
ping it in turpentine, Mr. Frith begun to
scrub nwny nt the bedaubed Ines. while
tl3 owner, resenting lite process. set to
work on Ills cleaner with fret and fists.
howling the while nt the lop of his
voice. At this critical stage the door
was opened and In walked lite Crown
Prince and Princess, at sight of whom
the boy darted under a table, from
which refuge neither threats nor entrea-
ties could draw horn.
But certainly the most remarkaLle of
all our royal visitors was Peter the
Great of {tussle, who spent some months
in England about two centuries ago.
Never. surely, was iI►ere a monarch
quite so nnconventionnl as this "Czar of
Muscovy'," of whom Evelyn tells us.
At Snyes Court, where a residence ons
found for him near the dock -yards. he
led the most unrnyal of lives. "Ile
dines at 10 o'clocic and 6 n1 night,'
Evelyn records, "is very seldom at home
n•whole day, very often 1n the Ku.e's
yard, or by water, dressed in ac)eral
A favorite cxerelre was to Inmate a
wheelbarrow in the greends of Soyes
Court; he spent couch of Isis lime work-
ing in filo (leek -yard er rowing on the
Thames in a dock -yard boot. and when
the days work wag done he and his
cronies used to resort to a public Melee
in Great Tower Street to smoke their
pipes and drink their beer and brandy.
On one occasion hie Mnj(sly forsook the
snug her pnrlor and. dressed as a Pia
cher, attended a masked ball hi Ilse
In the Island of l;anguey, which Iles
in the China Son. Ilse natives tit rforat
a very curious marriage ceremony. Thi
bride and bridegroom are led quietly
away into the forest, and (here, in the
presence of the two families, are matte
one. 7 he process Is simplicity itself. A
Cut Is made in the fleshy part of the
wou'd-he busbnnds log with the help (1
a wooden knife, and a drop of his blo:d
is transferred to a similar Incision 'n
the woman's leg. Then Ilse rile is coin.
piete. 1t Is a quiet, unostentatious per.
mirnbly. After the marriage the couple
proceed to the brides him*, where Ito
honeymoon Is spent, end where, Sr a
fins, they maks their fixed skids, a