Exeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 4u
M t•.
avo sev-
sang lsev-
root Ifrayno
violin Bele.-
present front
Exeter, IIensail
Buffalo. During the
r. and hies. hivers sverc
stand up and join .liands,
of the guests read a eerc-
n; a little tighter the
tot, tvltielt has retrained
during 'the twenty years,
;sed the 'hope that many
Id elapse before the knot
torn asunder, Mr. and
re were the recipients of
cuts, amon; tvhich were a
, carvia; set and fruit
cy expect to utove to Lxc-
near future.
a] .accident happened last
• at the bomo of Mr,
While Mr. Chas.
a -as ,going down the stairs
table carrying a bag of
est blipped and as Into tell,
a ]:nips caught between
Itis ankle was dislocated
bones broken. The (ras-
a is causing a good deal
present, but is doing us
n be expected. Ills many
411 flim a .speedy recovery.
Mrs. Jas. Monteith enter -
umbel of friends on Mon-
t; last.
zr of our young people at -
ball in Exeter on Thurs-
te of Last week. A good
por ted,
p]eaaed to hear that Mr.
more 13 .rc uverin; trent
Mrs. Will Borland leave
for their home in tthc
wish thein a safe jour.
,Monteith i3 s [:mint; a
with slier cousin on the
Ode Miller, of \Winzuelsea
1, of Miss Mae White
Campbell delivered a
on Tucsd,y of th.s
s purabeaed :.
w. Turt.rull,
sday even -
of tits
Lizzie and
ver. 11.
them :u.: •
the Wes -
weeks in
toe in our
ry, w hat
lis if they
ple who
kly of
11 and
The •e
Marys, Iiirkt. ephone
Company was held here last Thurs-
day. Tho report of last year show,.
eel the zompany In a very satisfac-
tory condition. The officers ,of 1 tat
year were all re-elected, Dr. \V. 11.
Carr, fres.; Vice -Pres., ;)avid Norris,
Secy, E. N. Shier ; Treas., A. Meth -
our ;
our; Directors, J. G. Jones, James
Itoutly, Wm. Johnston and J. W.
Graham. The company is increasing
its equipment as fast as possible, and
as soon as favorable weather arrives
a number of rural phones will be put
Mr. Thomas Cra;o is on the si..lt
Mr. Alex Ross, who has been t•er-
jously ill with fever is reported to
j)o doing nicely.
Mrs. Jus. Leadslonc is very low :at
the time of writing.
Dr. Carr, who had a very ttevere
at tack of the .;rip, has nearly re-
Tho annual meeting of the Kirk,
ton Milling Company, was held on
the 24th of January, with a fair
representation of the stockholders
being present. The old officers wero
te-elected. The grinder in the mill
is bean; re -modelled, with a new
set of plates being put in position.
The repairs will enable the ecenpany
to i;ivo entire satisfaction to the
farming zornmuuity who desire to
patronize it. The company solicits a
trial from outside farmers. easeful
attention will be given to chopping
for the fecdin,; of logs.
Alessr3. Norman Balfour mud Net -
eon Pletcher took dhe junior Ep-
worth League nremoore out for u
sleigh ride on Saturday afternoon.
It has been stated on 'geed author•
sty that the cat, which w•au a niasin;,
an account of which appeared some
time a.,,o, has returned to its usual
haunts. 1l was found on the door,
step of the church, whither it had
gorse in search of its owner.
Joseph Kirk is hauling material
for the Ltrgc drive shed hu intends
building in the spring. Mr. W.
Tufts will also build a drive shed as
soot as rho %sinter tweaks up.
Mr. Fawcett Stinson hie uesi;net,
his position with. the \Vincl,eliea
Master George Kemp is very i11
with stomach trouble.
11r. Hiram Copeland in Levin; his
house fixed up. What for, we are
unable to find out, but it looks Sus-
Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Kirk are on the
sick list.
Dr. Carr last Friday disposed of his
fine driving horse Rorie to Alvan
Arkscy of the boundary.
Roy tVantesl.—Good reliable toy
wanted to learn blackamithin;. Ap•
ply Thos. Roadhouse, Kirkton.
For Iufa:its and Children.
fhe Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the
sig/:t.:oro of Ic.
r. henry Greb is able to set
in after his recent "'eve r0
to Felber lune recercd
in rho millinery de -
el the Bothwell
t hat plaice last
11 .breach
be ire -
1 be
• Camp-
i1 to the
hos nearly
tr of it.
)returned on
Texas. Ile
were diggin;
•:,ountry when
ference between
Mere. \\'e under.
u and his lath-
e, and their families,
to 'that stele in ,the
sounethine that disagrees
have cramps or colic. 1f
pain just apply Nervilina•,—
to rub on, and for the in -
's most coutfortine. Effective
asant you •cn't find a house -
panacea to equal I'el:ou'a Nc•r-
Used with satisfaction for
a century and in bettor dc -
every day because it doe:; stop
mosso suffering and cure the
sand and ono ills that constant -
arise in a family. Ler_e bottles
all dealers for 25c.
Miss Diable Sparks spent Saturday
and Sunday at her .home in Hensel!.
Mise Bonthron, of llensall, is the
guest of Miss Rebezca McKoy.
Miss Margaret Ilandford i3 visiting
her slater, Dir;, \\'ill Foslcr, of Tor-
M. John Russell, of Montana, is
visiting Mr. Will Abbott.
Mr. I3yran Hicks shipped a car-
load of cattle on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kerr returned
to their home in Creditor last w'euk,
after spending a pleasant week at
the ltotuc of Mr. and Mrs. llarry
\V11 Ain.
Dlr. and Mrs. Jas. 'landlord are
confined to their home through ill-
Prayer -media,; on 1'airfioid line
this 'Thursday evening is to be hold
at the Louse of 11r. \\'ut. Anderson.
Mins E. Simpson sang a solo very
acceptably in the Methodist church
Sunday night.
Mise Jounie Mann, of Lambeth[,
who has been v-isitiu; Miss Brownie
Andrews for the past two week',
roturncd home on Monday.
Mr. and DLrs. Harry Wilson enter-
tained a number of their friends on
Wednesday evening last.
bliss Webb, of London, is vis.itin;
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Robt Wilson has purchased
te farm near Lobo and intends mov-
ing there in the meat future. We
aro sorry to loco Mr. \Vil3on ifrorn
our midst.
Miss I'lo Ess ii'y is vibitina tier
brother at Palmerston.
Croup can positively be slopped in
twenty minutes. No vomit ine—
nothin, to sicken or distress your
child. A sweet pleasant and carr
Syrup, called Dr. Shoreea Croup (urr,
docs he work anti docs it :quickly.
Ur. Shoop's Croup Cure is for .croup
alone, rcmenthrr. 11 deer not. claim
to c1' e dozen ailments,. It's f•:rr
croup, 11131's :111. Sold by \\'. S.
Steele throu;h the ttystean like a
thief in a i. That's how t.
t 1the night. 'lh is }o c
tarri'. acts. Don't trifle with city:
such r. scourze. i)ort't exlx t merit
wit a doubtful treatment. Time
and experience prove that cal:srrtio-
zone does cute, that it Tives quick
relief anti so thoroughly destroys 1L•:
disease that it dies fors -ver.
Get Catarrhozone in the first
pias., and your cur i:+ ;5s,ured. In
25r. and $1.00 at all ee Iters.
Glt,\NU HEN!)
Our sleighing has (about all di; -
appeared n;ain.
Everybody is busy putting up n
stock of ice rat present. From the
amount put up vitlitora next summer
will bo sura of a cool reception.
Mr. and Dirs. Brenner were called
to SLipka on Friday, owins to 'the
Inoses of their little niece, Nola
Hannah. We Lope to goon hear of
her recovery.
Our tea:her, Bliss Mills, hes not
recovered sufficient yet to be able
to resume 'tor duties but we are telae
to say alio is improving nicely, end
no doubt will be able ,to do aro in a
few days.
I see the correspondent o[ the
Parkhill fort in zoing altr,r the
people that let their cows run out
these cold days. We bite they will
lake the hint and keep them in tha
*table irefore anything serious hap-
There is a lot of woad 13111e l,.ed-
rod from Klontlyko at the present
time. Anybody in need of avoid
should see Sam Gratton, ho will
roll you some no matter how 13:arce
it is, or hard to tget.
If you want to hoar the latest
news of any part of the world, es-
pecially the bad and good points of
each government (oilier (bun the
Is a constitutional disease
O tin : in impure blood
g constitutional
acting thro
g the blood or
of catarrh
relieved Colonist%
ilrssleaden sad dsodolis•
R TIME S, FEBRUARY 7th 1017.
b AN Parts of Canada Lydia e. Ptakhats's
Vegetable Compound Haa Effected Sledge
.Many wonderful runes of female ills
aro continually conning to light which
have been far/:slit alaiut by Lydia E.
1'iukhaut's Vegetable. Compound, and
through the the a ivire of Mrs. Pinkham,
of Lynn, Mass., which is given to sick
women absolutely free of charge.
The present fits. l'iukhain has for
twenty-five year.' male a study of the
ills of her sex ; she has consulted with
and advised thousands of suffering
women who to -.lay owe not only their
health but even life to her helpful advice.
Miss Annie E. ea./et—aim, of 3e6 Spa-
dina Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes:
Dear Mrs. I'inkhain :--
"i have found Lydia E. 1'iml:hare a Vege-
table Compound a s )sense i ,r tamale weak -
with which I hale b.•.•tt troubled for
years. I also had irregular and l:uinful
periotic which alhetet my general health
until last spring. 1 ttas only a wreck of
my former self. In my affliction I was ad-
vleall to 51:u your Compound, and am so
glad that I slid so. 1 found that in a few
short monthe there was no tr; ce of female
weakntss, my strength gradually returned
and in n very short time I considered
myself a perfectly well woman. I appro.
elute toy good health and beg to assure you
that I am most grateful to you far discover- ,
lee seal! e tvon•l.•rfitl remelt' fat ,ifferina
The t'cstiwlnttia`s which wo are con -1
stately publishing front grateful women
establish beyond a doubt the power of
Lydia E. 1'inkliann's Vegetable Com-
pound to conquer female disease?.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakn•�ss aro invited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. She asks nothing in return
for her advice. It is abs'tlutely free, and
to thousands of women has proved to be
more precious thou gold.
latest school act 'which you mover
(tear mentioned) just call at the
blacksmith shop of Dir. Joo Disjar-
dirte any timo when school is in.
Mr. and Mrs. Bostenberry, visited
at Zurich on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nilson visited
A[ Mra. Wilson's parents here over
Mr. Harman GUI visited at Port
Frank Monday.
As OLD avo tVaL'.•(tc n Aeu nT.--Jirs
.1 rlt•I...'s tso uthot.. 4.t•r.•eMa been a., 1 ft r
ter -,c-1 y, -.r. s. oull•ons of touchers for their
; ...,,f,•,... w.'II eer(eetaCCCes-
it + ,•.t.:•ts • I t. •, Id, ,lofted, the gums, allays all
pate.. -nn•_ ,. in.t colic. and Is the beat remedy
for I)i:trrl•,tns. 1111 pleasant to the taste. Bora
birth-um/Ws in every part of the world. 46
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winsiow's Soothing
Syrup sad ,uk for no other kind.
Ascertain ire cause and t he cure
isn't hard to find. Look to the
stomach anti hoods. Arc'nt you
constipated, isn't your liver sluggish
isn't the stomaoh failin; in it 3 tide -
Mont \V)tat you nocd is the ciean-
sin; tonic influence of Dr. Hamil-
ton's t ills. Their effect is lasting
breettee they aid all the ailing or-
gans, flush out ejl un130111hy mat-
ter, and tone up the stomach. With
Dr. Ilantilton's fills your stomach
.stats a chanoo to recuperate, end it
dans so quickly. For real buoyant
use Dr. liamilton's ''ills regularly.
25c. ;,or 'box at all dealers.
Misses Altnen•t and Lilt' Heywood
returned home Sunday after emend-
ing ;t few days with their cousin,
alisa Myrtle Frattoss.
Mr. Josiah Creory had rho tnisfor-
tuno one day hist week while in tIse
act of chopping wood in the woede
to get his finger %crushed between
two logs.
Coward & Cku k's lar;e sale 13 Mill
going on making room for the ore
spring stock, That's the place to
jet bargains.
A sow friends assembled tit the
home of Mr. \Vm. Creery on 'flue s•
day el last week to spend the even-
ing. An oyster supper w•a, prepaied,
and the night passed away very sap
idly aief they all enjoyed themselves
until the "woe ulna tours" in 111e
morning had needy 'tone.
\Vc•tlding belle are still ringie; in
(ha neighborhood,
Bean td.The Kind You have Alwa s e;4111Bign'are
sf '
To stat a ;old with •'I'reventics"
is safer than to let it run and sure
it afterwards. Taken at the ste'zs.
sta;e" l'reventics will head off all
collo and Grippe, and perhaps R IVO
you '.sow prlt'1111101111 or brot,chitit.
i'reveuti.s are little toothvton..
candy cold cure tablets selling in 5c
and 25c boxes. if yon are chilly, if
you be{in to reneers, Icy l'revenli,s.
They will surely cheek the cote and
plrano you. Sold by W. S. Howey.
:suction Sale of
the Metropolitan Hotel
Exeter on Feb. 8th
tit O:1• fit set's:
—This hotel is well built.
is Itrge, with number of rmma. Ilan
license also gas .1 barn in connection,
and will positively be sold to
5 )rise .,n c•rtett'.
her terms And particulars apply to
aesran. isrnnbar_
1l l•:NSAL1.
Im reporting the marriage last
week of Mr. George Joynt to .\1iss
Caldwell, an error was made giving
the name as Mr. George Jarrett,
instead of Mr. Geier ..To Joy nt.
Itev. Dr. Medd, of Forest, ' will
preach the Epworth League anniver-
sary eermons at the Irensttll Meth- I
odist church next Sunday. On ac-
count of these sorvicee the rrirvicc
at Betohceda will be withdrawn. On t
Monday evening Itev. Dr. Daniel, of
London. will give his ctelebra(ed lec-
ture on "Uncrowned Kings" in the
.11. R=A .
Bear, the the Kind You Have Always Bougtd
Just think of the enormous
strengthening power Fen—ozone pes-
seseas,--consider what it did for 11.
—V, Potter, well-known in Kings-
ton, "I was subject to spells of
dizziness. For night month; I had
intense paint in my right side be-
tween the shoulders. 1 was almost
incurable with weakness and lack of
vigor. Often I satrcely site any
breakfast and felt miserable all day.
Nervous, easily excited, troubled
hurt weakness, I ryas in bad shape.
Ferrozorto restored and nearislled
me lack to health in short arder."
Whatever your weakness away be
Fenrozorto will cure. l'rioe 50c. per
box at all (heelers.
Dirs. Hodgson. of Granton, is tis
fling her daughter, Mrs. 11. Skinner.
Mr. S. Andrew attended the Halo
of A. Miller al Cromarty on friday
last and purchased a (Inc cow to atld
to his herd.
Our blacksmith has a ;aro of
men working for him •nutting wood
and loge on tho property, he eiur-
chased Irons Quinton pros.
Mr. Richard Coultis has purchased
a new driver.
Those having sold 'squared timber
to the buyers who visited thie com-
munity a short time ago, took ad-
vantage of the recent few days of
sleighing. in taking it to the snipe
pin; planets.
Mr. Robt. Hicks continues vory
Mrs. \Vm. Coultls [spent last week
with friends in London.
Mr. John Andrew, Sr., is oat the
sick list the result of an attack of
Mr. Geo. Andrew la busy teettiI_4
but 1 ho material for the addition to
his barn to bo built this Corrine
For the lioliday Tied* we are show-
ing some superior 1 Ill's in
of the very hest \lakes, also
in Piesis and 1 ibite•t Stands. Our
Stock of
Stationery, Bibles, and
Hymn Books,
tied small
Musical I nstruments
is very attractive,
Prices one 'Terris nn all the above
are moat t.;heral.
\\'e will he pie !red to tell you all
ahurt it if you will cull.
Highest Price Cash
till kinds old iron., cop -
1,('r brass lead zinc, pew-
ter. rubber, rags, wool
picking_*a, noise hair.
Steel stony l3nllt8, Louie -
yarding, iron ports.
Sell.or exchange for the
above goods.
M. Jii6Kson &Son
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
1'he Oi to
Cure a Cold:
Ol ly '�a e1114
a Box
Tho Ilind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne tho signatnre of
and has been trade under his per.
• � ,a—Jl- sonal supervision since its infancy.
�G4 Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeit,, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Iulaiits and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 1s Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic,
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays I'everisllltess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tito Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You llao Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
When Children Cough
give them that old reliable remedy that never fails to care
Friar's Cough Balsam
It stops coughs—breaks up colds—and heals inflamma-
tion in throat and bronchial tubes. Absolutely pure and
safe for children. '25c a bottle. At druggists or front
jn. $540 Per Yedr
STRATFORD., ONT. lMiss Snell, formerly of Bluevale, is
receiving 515 per month from the Cal -
The Leading Commercial gary Dulling Co., Caigary. rhis es.
School in Western
Our courses are thorough and
practical while the teaching is
done by able instructors. The
ambitious voting men and young
women who desire to get the
• best possible commercial train-
ing patronize this school while
business men are in search of
our graduates to fill responsible
positions. The best time to en-
* ter our classes is NOW. Beau- „•
tiful catalogue free. t
1 Principale,
Great Possibilities
are within easy reach of
Graduates of the
The Western Business
god Snoi!ilond College
110 Dundas Street London
iSveryone who completes either
a Regular Commercial or Short-
hand and Typewriting Course is
placed in a position.
Catalogues, beautiful specimens
of Penwork, and all pat ticulars are
mailed upon application. Don't
delay. Golden opportunities are
W. C. Coo. C. S. R.
timable young lady had only acom-
mon school education, and in a few
months with us prepared for the above
situation. With a few years' experi-
ence Miss Snell will receive at least-
eash$75 per month.
is better than
What we have done for others we
can do for you. Enter any time. In.
dividual instruction.
Write for catalogue.
Clinton Business Goliepe
(affiliated with Winghant Business
e... Spotton Principal.
Tne Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Vice-Pree.:—J, L. Itt'BHELf.,
Wile, Roy, &mamOL)e P. 0'
WM. 11Ret'K VINCIIN.LRJ-A 1', 0.
A (4 ENTS.
JOHN ESSElIY, Exeter, agent for
Usborne acid Iliddulph.
OL[VEI1 f1Altitl8, Munro, agent
for Hibteirt, Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.Treaa. Farquhar..
J ULADMAN & FITANnriRY. Solicitor*
••••••••N•••••••••••••••1 ••••••••••••••N•••••••••w
(incorporated by Act of Pat 'lenient ISM)
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • • • • S3.000.000.00
RESERVE FUND ••• erre ••• S3.000,000.00
eP Branches In Ontario. Quobee. Alberta britt..sh C'olun,bta and M n,ltoba
Open &very Lawful nay from 10 A. M. to 3 r. at. excel t Matinees It A. ti. to 1 p. Y.
Part nerve' Plinio f0 oteM cashed or reelected. Forme supplied
On application. I)Iteves on all point,. In the 11"minton, (treat itritalu and the
Iced StAtCA. bought and *old at lowest rates of earhsnge,
Deposit. of *1.00 anti upwards received. interest, com-
pounded brtf peachy, an -1 added to principal June 3Oth and Pp. -ember 31.1. Ire•
po41Gt lte.Cipts also a.ued and htghcat current rat.. of intere,t allowed.
Advestncew made to farmers stock deniers and haat
lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dom. OoYeneemen(,
Dickson & Carling, E1nlicitnr«. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
N•••N•••••N••erre••••• erre•••••N��•••••••••• ti••.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tee Laxative Bromo Quinine Wats.,
//tllrm lel............ a,. iv
24- o.� _ rV