Exeter Times, 1907-02-07, Page 1THIR(TY-FOURTH YEAR—No 1742
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••N••••••••••••
Phone No. 32.
YES, SPRING GOODS, although spring exists as yet
only in the fashion books and the minds of the
dressmakers. Just as soon as possible we make it
a point of turning over the page and introducing a new
chapter. We haveiprought new goods into nearly all de-
partments. You will be keenly interested we know and
we'll be delighted to show you everything and discuss
pring tendencies, so try and come.
GREY TWEED effect suiting, light medium and Ox -
Porn shading, fine check and overchcck suitings in
light blue and green combination shades, white and
black checks, broken plaids, narrow stripes etc., latest de-
signs for early Prices from 40c to $1.50 yd.
spring wear.
Fine black goods for suits, dresses, all the newest.
weaves, chiffon amazon, cord•de-soie, wool taffetta, pan
ams, voile, eoileene, etc. Prices 50c to 1.25 yd.
A very complete range.
AS A STRONG inclination towards cream is felt this
season, we have stocked heavily in this shade from
light weights in crepe•de-chene, silk spot nun's veil-
ing, to heavier goods in serge and panama, there are none
NEW SILKS, Laces, Embroideries, Persian Lawns,
India Linens, and Lawn Blouses, just opened
PRINTS, about two hundred pieces all in since the
New Year about half came only this week.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods.
. P. 8.. Graduate Victoria Uni
Lavarsity. otMee and residenence. Dominion
boratory. 1'; tetw e
Associate Coroner of Huron.
clans and Surgorlb.. Snocessor to Dr. J. A.
Rollins. Office Main street. Residence, east
On first street north of Post Office. Exeter,
DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 394
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.
Telephone 1539. Long distance connection.
Special attention given diseases of women and
surgery. Oxford or C. P. It. street Cars to
Colborne street take you almost to the door.
No other city office. Special Hospital and
other arra'goment, for patients from a
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. A., D.
D. 8., Honor grad .ate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office 'n Fanson'a Block west of
.Main street-ExicrElt.
DR. 0. E. ROULSTON, L. D. 8.
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor!
Graduate et Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson At ('arling's;
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
We have a tame amountof private fonds to;
minim farm and village properties at townies
lilarris(ere Bollettore. Main S0. Exeter
Barrkrterlr Solloitor.. Notaries (onlvey!_an
Oomml•rd•'nee,. Sotlelton,' for the Mol.one
Bank. Rto.
Moa.y totem' at low..t ratty. of Interest.
L Oatat.nta a. A. 4 H. DIOR*O1.
ane"r, wills drawn, money to loan
a reel estAte, also I.Ieensed me tioneer for
11.eoentle. et Huron and Perth. ('harge.
.afOt.derate. Or.le:s left at the rzNIte arse my
• t aald.1e,, Farquharhar wall reeelve prompt. ntten
JN Ch 1 All i
Office roll receive prompt attention
AUCTIONEERD, 3. Piti!lip•, 1•toen.e•1Au'tioneer for the CountyAron. ante• mo erate, a rgntamcnt on.
nowt to 8. 11. Phillips, Henna, or enters left s ,
tt t
1�Olt\1 III
Jr. Teazle -ere -M. Jones 00, M
Murray 64, W. Triebner 62, 11. Stone
man 62, M. Coward 61, I. Armvtron
Jr. Mattrjeulation.-T. Carling 48.
No. on roll IS; daily avc•rr ge 17.
L. C. FLI':.tIING. TeacherTeacherFORM II
Sr. -Grace Thompson 73; Mau(
Johns 69, Ida Rowe 69, Vert \Vela!
67, Lt.th Itenllner 67, Erie Going f,4
floss's Foss 60. No. on roll 35, aver-
age attendance 32.3.
S. GREGORY, Teacher
Commercial Class Sr.- ►Saul McCoy 71, Maul MicTa;gart 70, Vol':
Rowe 68, Edith Maeny 65, Cl:
Fisher 60. Jr. -Ezra Oestreieher 72
Regular Claes. - Ilonora, John
Taylor 89, Lillian Snell, 89, Alv:
McMahon 82, Ida Marchand 78, lies
sio Munn 77, Douglas Stewart 76
Anna Dow 75, Edn.•t Luxton 75
Pass, Ruth Hooperoper 70, Flossie lIun-
er 67, Herbert Himself.Himself.67, Victor
Sweet 60.
No. on roll 46; Coanmeroial clae9
10; Form I 36. Average daily attend-
A. M. JOHNSTON, Teacher.
Sr. IV-Hoors, Annie Bissett 79,
Olive Wood 77, Gladys Ford 77. Pass,
Birdie BooleBoole74, Merry Carling 73,
Russel 'May 71, Edith Ihsideman 70,
CatCatherineMakins 69, Venetta John-
son 69, Annie Jackson 63, Lela
Gould 60, Ella Wood 60, Thomas Bat-
man 60`Frank Johns G0. Jr. IV-
lonors, flub rt Jonas 79. l'a3s,
aurjco Johnston 69, Harry Fukc
Thompson, Gordon Hunter, Verniv
Pinromtre. Pt. I. -Willie ThompsonJ. W. llogarth, Tee: her.
8. 8. NO. 1, STEPHEN
The3 Tho following are e reports of
the Sr. and Jr. departments of S.
8. No. 1, Stephen for the month of
• Snr I)etiartment.-Class V. - Wil-
fred Hodgins, Enos. Windsor, Czar
1 Wilson,Willie Sims, Gladys E'.'.ary,
i frank Mitchell. Sr. IV -- .)o-eph
, White, Arelue Robinson, Nina Mc-
We base unlimited private funds for insets/
ent upon farm or village Troperty a0 !owes
stns of Interest..
Smilers. to...MUSICIANS, SOLAN11.
Organist of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter.
Piano, 'organ, Harmony and Theory of Music,
Terns on Application. Exeter, Ontario.
Curdy, Gifford Ilo;srth, Margery
Hepburn, Austin Dupl an, Mervin
F.iaton, Gordon Wilson, Eddie Sims,
Hazel Dicke, Lillian Robinson, Mur-
ray Elliott. Jr. JV -John Hogarth,
Malvan Collins, Maxwell Ilaynhn.rn,
Ira Easery. Sr. I1I•-Ilnrry Windsor
Elmer Wilson, Ella Baker and Jos-
eph Davis equal, Norman lleeman,
Flossie Davey. Earle C:illfaa, IIubert
White, Boy Callfan, Bessie Ander-
son, Edna Davey.
M. BOTTEItILL, Teacher.
Jr. Departtnent.-Jr. III - Fred
Fairhall, Anthony White, Alva
Brooks. Sr. 1I.- Mrideleino Haire,
Victor Ilo.garth, Otleelta elotz. .Tr.
II. -Mamie Ileanean, Mable Elliott,
Ethel Bowden, ITubert Neil. Pt. Ii
Oliver Davis, Irene McCurdy, Edii0
Alexander. Sr. Pi. I. -Carrie Davey
Arthur Robinson, Elymer \Nilson,
Jr. Pt. I.-Ila,rry Elston. I't. 1 -
Viola Niel. The test spellers were
Fred Fairhall, Ethel Ilowden, Vera
Mot z.
, Pearl Johns 64, Latimer Grieve Mrs. Fred J. Darsh and Miss Katie -
63, Lillie Rowe 62, Elano Ilowey 61, leen Da reit. of London, arc the
IIarry Sweet 60. No. on roll 36; guests Of Mrs. W. I). Clark and will
avera go 34. nssi=1 at her reception on Feb. 7th.
CHAS. TE1313UTT, 'Peas her.
Sr. JIL-Pass, Clair Wood and
Lillian Boyle 65, Wilfred Stewart
and Pearl Guhr, 66, Bella MisKay,
60, Bogie Bissett 62, Raymond Dear-
ing 74. Jr. III. - honors, .Taman
Walker 79, Willie Ferguson 79, R.
Wood 78, Madeline Carling 76. Papa,
Stella Southeott 09, hlorry Dinney
62, Ireno Hardy 61, Fred Shaido,k
61. No. on roll 52; avctrn;o 45.
II. E. WALRONI), Telpher.
Sr. II. -Jean Scidon 99 1-2, Nelly
Jones 98, Aznee McKay b0. linden
Harvey 88, Muriel .zones 88, Brute
Walker 87. Robbie Fleming ef,, Ariel
Beverley 85, Blanch Quance 81, Lilly
Marchand 81; Willie Manson 78.
Buswell Flynn 77, Ernest Hervey 75.
Mid II. -Grace Gaydincr 87, I'Tor-
enco Rowe 83, Ethel Day 81, Joe Fol -
lick 79. Annie Day 78. Jr. If -Alma
Mack 79, Wilfred Mack 78, Olive
McDonald 76. No. on roll 4 8, 'av-
erage 45.
ELSiE A. McCALLUM, Teacher.
Mid. iI-Joseph Craig 87, Willie
Kyd<1 81, May Smnllacombo 76, La-
belle Ilandford 71, Elsie Keyes 71,
Maurice Senior 68, Jessie llrickwootl
64, Mildred lite' wood 62, Norman
Hockey 02. Jr. II.- Marjorie HO.
don 85, Ina Delve 84, Florence Wood
Dora IIoulden 65. Sr. Pt. II. -Pearl
Jackson 88, Silas heed 80, Geor{o
Ortwcin 80, Bertha Iiorney 78, Stan-
ley Mcnalls 76, Archie Davis 70, E.
Dinney 68. Jr, Pt. II. -Amy Johns
85, Dorothy Kuntz 84, Gerald Fitton
82, Gordon Fool 80, Willie Davie 73,
Wilbur Jor:es 74. Pt. I. - Walter
Harness 82, Irene Easterbrook 80,
May Neil 79, Cecil Baskerville 76,
Mary ,Morlock 75. No. on roll 40,
aver tee! altemlan.-e 32.
M. V. MAR'1'IN, 're.irb.rr.
Sr. I1.-Mlazgio Case 91, Wilbur
Mitchell 86, Itentriee Ifodeert 84,
Ant Bell 82, Maud Hicks 79. Jr. iI
Marjorie Huston 94, Lily Collings-
wood 91, Maud Elliott 89, Flossie
Neil 86, Joey Ferguson 83. Total en-
rollment 41, avernge attendance 04.
F. W. HOWARD, Teacher.
8. 8. No. 4, STEI'Iii':N.
' Civil Engineer & Architect -- f
(fate Department of Public 11•orks, Canada.)
The following is a correct. retort
('oneniting Engineer for Municipal and fount, 0' 11 a ht ;uadin{ of 11:e pupils of 8.
Work, Ele,•tric railro.ls, Sewerage and Wateraorl,. F ;o. 4, ctic•f.11<'n, for 1 is' anon/ 11 of
System 1a•han es, Ilridgcs and Ile enforced ('onerete, .
Phone 2220 January. N;lmes ere order of
London lin ario � merit.
c • 1 V. -Gladys Kest lc, Sybel la
FRANK I3ALLANTYNE f Mlortotk, Minnie Kestle, Nellie Amy,
Licensed auctioneer for Counitce h.chie Kest h•, Ile r h,•rt 11"r•i n %1‘ ,.
of Huron and Pertb. ; tt 1.111,( r. .1 r. IV.-Ileulah Smith,
Special attention given to farm dare 1 Sel.:0-aler. Clarence Eiltee,
stock sales. Town and village pro Lorne Schwartz, eArv.t Ile raft, i Al.perty sold by auction on moderate
Miorlork, Herbert Kraft, I.
Coe -
vin Cornish, Elsa in Nein, Os: •i r Coe-
Ordore may be lett at the Times j nish. Sr. III. -Clinton Brown, Mil -
office or mat residence, he Ti lie, i dre<I IClutnpp' \\'illk' tiahwartz, Ma-
moderate, i tx't Coxwerth, Otto flrown, Mervyn
Broke:;ehire, Gordon Cornish, l;rner•
for idchr0'4' . .11. 111.-I,111•.i Keel
le, Aston \Vin. Sr. iI. - Emcr•
son ltoeszlcr, III Either, Lavin a
Smith, Edna Amy, Clare Wein. Jr.
Ii. -Colson 1Iorluck, Joseph Broken.
lele,n t'<. neat, Mervin ('os -
worth, Joseph Schwartz, Emerson
\V^it., Annie Aubin, 1'1. i. -Olive
Cor•,is11. \'emir'- on roll 10. :\t.. • t
11 ;e at fetal 1 nee 35.
M. C. Jennison, Tea zher.
Learn French, German, or
Spanish Reading, Writing or
Speaking at your home with
Perfect lease.
Ity no other system of private
classroom, or correspondence in-
struction are these requirements
so snfllciently stet sa by
ire 1. C. S. Mae System
With Edison Repeating Phono •
graph. Write or eel! and
get particulars.
No other talking machine lie
Rand as ! ):e ' E. ►iSON". Tin re
Is Ira old.
Canadian Express Iluilding•
\1i1 1 b e found an excellent re -
needy for sick headache, Carter's
Little Liver fills. Thousands of
letters from people who have used
them prove this fact. Try them;
Mrs. II. Statham, who was visit -
In Seafort tt for at few days last
week, returned to Exeter dor a
'abort lime before leaving for Jter
home in Acton.
It is understood 'that steps will be
taken by the temperance people of
Exeter to have the list of hotel ii-
ceriees reduced from four to two.
Add to Hemel).
In connection with the recital in
the Trivitt Memorial ohurch this
Thursday evening it has been dca13-
ed not to resorve any of the sleets,
the 25c. ticket admitting to all parts.
Buggies For Sale. -The celebrated
Borland buggies, the best in the
market. Prices to suit everybody.
Call and see then at A. E. Pym's
Illacksmith shop:
Mr. Beverley has secured the fam-
ous Jessie Maclachlan as 'an at•
traction at the opera house Tuesday
evening next. Mr. Beverley is al-
ways securing something rood in
the line of entertainment for Exe-
Division Court was held here Tues-
day, Judge Holt presiding. The only
case was that of Bell vs. C:tute1(11.
The plait:1 iff hod bored a well for
Cameron, and was suing for tial•
once a1lceed to be duo on contract.
Judgment was given for tileintiff
for 885 ,rod costs. Ito bee t son &
Coughlin, Stratford for Bell, sand
Dickson & Carling for Cameron.
We would remind our renders of
the sacred recital this (Thursday)
evcnint in the Trivitt Memorial
church. The program is full of 1lie
beet of maser, Mir. Dwight -Edwards'
sones being sure to please all tastes
in music. Amonest them are molt
as ",Jerusalem", two "selection% frote!
"Elijah", "Ilonor and Arms," "The
Psalms" and "0, Divine itedeenter."
Mr. Brown's part of the programme
has :11so b^en arranzed to slip all
classe< of music lovers. Selections
will b" liven from Mendelssohn,
Bach, Itinck, i1 ateiste, e;r. \Ce wo 1;e
n,lvi.r' all those izoing to be there
early. 'rlsone who have net already
obelined tickets oan do so at tlw
Druz Stores or at the school room
before 1 he recital.
Samuel White, eon of Mrs. Jas.
White Hensall, died on the train
near Centralia on Saturday morn-
ing last. The decenstrl )teal been
lit in; in Detroit for a number of
ycart. and rome time a 'Yo went
Swett or account of lung trouble.
Last fall he was taken to t1,t home
of his mother at Herald], but it w•a�
t1:ou.rht Ix+st to have hint sent to 't he
hospital at Lot.don, with the hoe
Of pro)oneing Itis life. and
taken to that institution. However
ho gradually grew i;`orae, at.d wa: r r
itis way to Hensall when dearth over•
took hits. Mr. White was the son
of the late Jo.. White, and was 'born
at Ito{eraillc. I•'or some years he
was a travelling salesman, after
vhich he was employed by Sperling
& Co., of Detroit, vJssre ho co=t;in
red 10 resells unlit il111014 noayscsi-
ated itis going Louth for hit Ir+.tilt
1'Ite ronl.1tnV were interred in the
tozervi1le Aunut)ry on Tue.oxlay.
11, • 1 • k „ t• ,• t , 11, I•A1
Tee fo'loeine refer! of 8. et. Ni•. 1k L a, 1. a wo t/ut.•1 r.•
4, Uslx)rno for the anent11 of ,tan., " 1r or refund the mon
Is 1',w -d upon rezatlarity of atter- 'y • 1 1,1.• •e ,u.., h.. .c• a, ere..
' dance 0Ml weekly examinations. The •'• " ' ' ' •.o•• tin.
names aplseer in driller of merit.
T\' Vin:( Kerslake. Feanl: Rooke, 141 •It`.l I Oil S:\LF.. -'That exeellent
\Villin iawY•ry, Arthur Nei Ike, f ,rot :- woes: ;n r of 121) acres
Frank 1i:In<1lo'll, (A•cil Fki::n^r, Mirth. 101 5, 8. E. 1!oand try, 1'sborn one
ie flicks, Willie Webber, Della Das mile north o: Kirk;on. There is a
is. ',r. 111. -Annie MtrCnrdv, Car. good frame Louie. beak ;eon, driv-
rie May. Hadley Miay, Ave (4ki►uler•, in; shed :and 1'4 into, ;:11.1 1 s of
Tho.. Coe tes, Georze 1)t<ii, Will ie water. elle f isi weLr.r.NI,
' Walker. Jr. 111.-1,•., Ceeta : ',1 tr with IS era s
:te'.ft0 f !1 wIi1letf. 'ilrc'c•
MirCur1v, Allis Huffier,1;dward Kel. 15 about 15 ;'cr.'s of Iterdwood bush.
let. 8r 11. -Verna (epees, isd, llalf a mile from miser! at;d :a mile
1!,rvlin_. Irrd'•rick\'•'ehh.•r, \\'eN from tee church and lostoffic<'. The
ley Colter). .Tr, f1.--\1i•tn• ', v, f:rill 1:4 in t o-1 rondi;it/al :and Itis
Thelma Skinner, Santu'-t Mee'nrdy, everything !hot is rtaine to en 1111•
• Frank Colles. Sr. Pt. 111 - Roy at^ farmPo l.,rti^nl.trs lip.
Webber, Roy Thampron,Verna Iiiaks ply on the prn.
miot s, Tilos 1:I.T,IOT,
`Jr. Pt. iL--J1irold Hunter, Carrie liirk!on, P. 0• ' t.