HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-01-17, Page 8J A N UA it 1' 17t1
eneral Clean up
all remnants, od
alt placed out for
insist on a profit with every
ingle article, never to sell ez-
a )l ofic. The result was
f old stale goods that nobody
We believe in keeping
oving and our idea of a good
something •more than a stor
house. It will pay you to bur,
ow For Next Winter
100 vd, feet Eugll,lh print light and
dark to or , choice i...t I. rn-, selling
at 10:.avd
per pound.
s per pound.
7c per pound.
12 od:y L •,tie, •1'.w. t d and bloc
cloth Brats all th . iateet stye., 12 i
long, regu'..a 'nee $13.00, your hoic
for ffel
0 only L:,dies Astra ;t.l jackets sig
'id. :et. 40, 41. 3:1 111.1(.•., 8'"'g, gnat
satin linin►', gear guerr(11 t.•ed, rela• price $3i 0N1• on tete, :.t .$2e
able Col -
r and 'Reveres less 20 per
,ent now $44.
per cent discount applies to
in the Big Store. Also re-
fty Fur Coats for
WE do the Fur Business.
Mrs. Alf I3owey is vi+iting friends
in d bed lfensall this week.
bfrs. with D. IagJoriphnspe. is cdnfined to her
Mr. Chas. Adams, of Calgary, is
visiting friends in Sown.
Mr. Fred Moore, of the northwest,
is the guest of his .zrandfather, Mr.
Thomas Dearing.
Miss L. Brimax,mbe, of \Vapella,
Man., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.
N. Howard, betare leaving for Tor-
Dr. Macdiarmid, of IIeneeiil, wwas in
Usborne ebo nc towvnsh(p on Tuesd oy assist-
ing Dr. Ilrownins wvith a seriotus
is. operation,
Of H
Mr, James awden ,has been ap-
pointed junior ;1crk at the Mol -
1(1 son's bank. Ilo eommencrd 'his do•
ties lust Thursday.
We aro pleased to state that the
wife of John Hunker, who has been
seriously ill of pneumonia, is
reauinl favorably.
t.m Dolbridifo, Jos -,
ter Donlan .h.: a
lit commis -
l y -
etre. Cordon Matins, of
are vise infriends in
John Southcott, of Grand
w•as itt town a couple days of
week on his way home from
don. where he epcnt 1 he past
w weeks.
Mr. I. 1). Bunter, of trsborne, de
livered a three -year-old h•tttw'
draw;ht gelding to Messrs. Reid
Hodicins. of Lucan, for which. he re
ceived the handsome sum of $315.
The skating party given by IL
Exeter hockey club at the skatin;
rink Tuesday ,night was a success[til
affair. After the skating u lune
fol Lowed by a hop wee zieen in i11
opera house block and was la.r;el
attended. Prof. Brown, Messrs. J
Mallett, Jarrot and Case furnished
the music.
Rev. A. B. elcldrurn, D. D., pastor
of "The Old Stone Church" Clevci-
land, Ohio.. was married on January
10th to Bliss Ella Hoyt Ilet•�riak of
that city. Tho Dr. is an old time
Huron boy, son of Mrs. Capt. Gib•
son, of Goderieb. Ile is also well-
known in Exeter. Congratulations
of his many Huron friends.
Owing to Rev. Martin being Iron.
bled with a cold, his pulpit was oc-
cupied by Rev. Fear last Sunday
morning. Mr. Thos. ilartnnll took
charge of the i,rvicen in the Main
street church. In the evening Rov.
:Marlin felt well enou;ta to occupy
his own pulpit.
Choice lot of ne. k r tiff, a menthe.
different styles in Anu'ricatt 8r
Alaska Fab'', Grey rex. Red fox,
I-Ab+lla Salve. with muff: to nralcl
s• Icing at cost. tees -..,
find that we have more furs
ver, conse(lue:'ttly will sell
1 order to make room for
be 2onvinced that what we
a Call.
Mr'. A. E. !Indeed!Indeedis in
Sound this %reek on business.
A team of Exeter junior h
players went to Ilensall last 8
)1, day afternoon to cross sticks
o the juniors of that village wit
Mr. A. T. Blind, a graduate of tee
Times office and now publisher of
the Stoughton, Sask. Times, i4 nt
present visiting friends around town.
Mr. Hind left Exeter sem..! seven-
teen years ago, and •had been very
successful in the northwest. He
notes many rhanges in Exeter Since
he left, but a number of the faces
are still familiar 'to him.
Mr. John Charlton received word
last Thursday of litre death of his
brother Alfred at Port Haney, H. C.
on January Beth. No inferrni
tion has been received as to the
rause of the death. 'Mr. Chra.rlton
Was a former resident of Ailsa Craig
and about five years azo went to
the roast and started a tZencsal store
IIe leaves a wife sold two boys.
The last attraction of the sarins
of entertainments to be put on
by Mr. Beverley, will be given in rho
Opera House, Exeter. on Tuesday,
Jan. 29th. This attraction consists
of 8hungopavi, the ma;ician and
wondcrwvrker, and his company of
musicians. Shun;opavi is a de-
scendant of the "Cliff Dwellers" Inc.
historic en is noted for Isis e
l e n
ins.. humor, ww:t and maeioal irvxw.
ers. Itis every appearance in other
places has created w'i'ts -spread inter-
est. ion't miss this -the last and
the It' t. Se zircular, for further
The Exeter Gun Club. -Th'' annual
mooting of rthe Exeter Gun Club waves
held on Monday avenin: of this week
when a report of the y^ar's business
was presented, which showed rho
club to have a first-class meadia;.
Tho following officers were elected
for 1907: President, Fr;fnk Triebn.•.r,
Vioe-President, J. E. 8nel l ; Sec-
Treas., W. Johns; ,Chairmen, R. N.
Taylor : Field Captain, S. Fitton.
The annual shoot will be held on
Good Friday. During the past ye•t r
the Gun Club purchnsed .zrounds of
their own and have a small surplus
to their credit in the wank.
Lor0 AND WsLL-Tnisn nxr.soy.-Mr
ow'e 800t.htng Syrup has been used for
sixty.ears by mtUons of mothers for theirnwhlle teething, with perreltsaooese
es the child. softens the gams, allays all
*area wind colts. and is the beet remedy[
It 1+ pleasant to the taste. Bold
to In every pert of the world. 96
tie. Its valve is Inoalcnlahla. ile
tate Mrs Winslow's Soothing
est for no other kind.
tonsiP(•'s tnnsiiiti•
It s and itn-
,g- to that frost
r to cure
result that our boys went doe
defeat by the score of 7 to 0.
turn mat 'to ie .scheduled for
evening, and the Exeter boys aI
(ermined to redeem their lout
Every noun= lady, who is de
of fitting herself so that she
become independent so ear as
in; a livelihood is concerned a
judicious cnou;h to prepare n
a possible day of adversity, r
read the new advertisement o
Clinton \Vin;barn Business
The dainty, butterfly lady awh
the assurance of being spoon
through life, must not rear
Write us and ave will ;tell yo
secret of our success, which
the attendance of 'this year d
that of last.
1). D. G. 1f. J. G. Stanbury, in.
stalled the officers of the I. O. O. 1r.
lodges at Myth on Thursday nizht, !
Brucefield Friday nizht, Goderich on
g An Account
The Sovereign Bank.
1 t October, 1906.
to the Public
avings Department.
ole's Drug Store
Sick Room Supplies.
Monday ni;ht, and Exeter on Tues. --__
day night. At .Blyth he was accom- ' Mrs. 11. Statham, of Acton, is vis-
penicd by Bro. W. \V. Taman. .7. P. itin; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Iioward.
G. and at Goderich by Bro. W. J.
Ilcnman I'. G. Some twenty four
Mr W, W, Taman was in London
members of Exc.' r Lodge taccom- the fore part of the hti•eek elle 7husi-
ponied the D. D. 0. M. to Brumfield, n^ -es.
when the initi (tory degree was ex- Death of Mr.,Chas. Senior. -It is
"mplified by the Exeter Brothers. with feelin;s of deepest rci;ret that
A banquet wras tendered the visitors we announce the death of Mr. Chas.
ane a most enjoy -elite 'time ream. Senior, well and favorably known as
The ninny friends of '.1f.r. N. 1). ra former business men of the town,
llur(ion will he pleased to learn that which occurred at Blenheim on
he is rapidly pleis'<I 4 (ear his Saturday, January ,12th, Mr. Senior
recent illness. lir. Ii inion ie noes was 71 years of age ani had been
ailing for Same ,limo from w
able to sit up for n few hours each een a:i.
day, end it it exllerted h� 1111 be Jenerolly.supposcd to have been can.
able to resume tee duties in theof the stomach. The deceased
was barn in Lceds, Erl;land, and nt
bank in a short time. As the Exe-
ter A!reel!tura! Society intends the are inof Berlin,0 rto Canada,hefirst
boldin; n monster demons(raGen marscared i I where he '{w'•Ia
Victoria Day, Mr, llnrdon is more ehotoec or andlmade is Naught a
then anxious to get out. Ile is :o tredo his first appear-
factor in 'setting up such
celebrations, and it is almost neces-
sary Y o
� I
have c
rl..e al
I meet -
,s before aro-teeny can be dory.
Iealh on Monday relieved 1)11.11
.iacque.e of the sufferings he had en-
ter; el for some time. •i l " dezeased
lwav 67 years of a;.; tel had been
n resident of Exeter or vi -laity
nearly all his life. For .a number
of years he was n;ent for esvera1
insurance companies, but owing to
illness was rontpa1lcd to -liv•• (ellen)
up some months azo. Sams time a o
he had a 1.ualyti: stroke and at
taken to the London lrntlrital for
rea1merit. He r,- O'"red sufficiently
to be lerou.ht Track home, bet his
CDrn gradually beoime '`worse.
Itis vital organs bean.me r)crrtlially
Paralyzed, a senora! disint:';ration
of the entire system resulting. He
is survived by ,a sistor, Mrs. Georg.•.
Fisher. The funeral was )w•ld .from
the residence of M r. TI►otnas Fisher
once in Exeter on Dominion day 1860
that being the first time the day
was observed as a holiday. The
following March he 'moved to Exeter
opened up a studio and for n
number of years carried on the busi-
ness successfully. Twenty years ago
he sold out 1the business to his eon
Joseph :end mores( 10 Toronto. From
Toronto be went to fort Dover and
it year latter went to Blenheim.
aw•hcrs loo slill mistimed in the
photoernpltic business. in Blen-
heim Mr. Senior took an a, lire in-
terest in municipal matter,, rcpie-
senting the town ns councillor and
Eater ns mayor, \Vhile a resident
of Exeter he was vete teor and sole
lector, and for some time a member
of the school board, In July 11419
his wife who bad shared with him
the early vicissitudes of life we;
called to her last home and the re-
trains wvcre interred in the family
plot in the Exeter stenete.ry. in
1903 Mr. Senior wart nlan'.•ti :e gin
Wednesday Jan. 16th, internient , to nn imalafief
y who surestvives ble Lim. dy tic isf alioIllenh sitir.,
being in the Exeter .-'met c
•r .
four cren by
The death of Sarah ifewkshaw wife,( William► rind cCl arles, lof Tpr-
telict of Atte late John See. took onto, Joseph, of Exeter, and Jig's.
place in Laeknoww, nn Monday, .1 into W. Appleton!, of Leaminelon. Tho
my 14th. Mrs. 80)1 was born In remains wore brought to Exeter
Queens -ounty, Ireland, son April Monday ni;ht, the funeral !.akin;
22n.1, 1831 rend was .married on April place from the teisidence of his non
2nd, 1851, her husband having pre. Joseph, Tuesday last.
dereased her some eight years ago.
During the earlier years of 'their
married life, she with her husband
resided in Exeter ref terwards ro•
morin; to St., Marys. in 1875 she
moved to Lucknow rind exeeptinz
a'j gilt years spent in Brussels she has
continued to reside there near her, k,
daughter, Mrs. iiryan. For tee
past ye.er she Iris been in poor
health an.l for She last three ,monttle
confined to bed. her illu'ss elle; due i e's-Y-
to a :eters! breaking up of ill the ! •"':'.%.„:"y-- ,.r• N
vital forces. A4 all times through _ �e s ..-
vital c� Z
her lonz illness etre w•aq eversub- •
by _ .,i//' �t:+�
missive to her lot and }erre d was ��4 if�`4r.�
pence. .\ short service wit •ltt'id nt ••,,_;`-.-e'
the home of Ler d,11titt.•r Mts. Dry- 4i-'' ;',-,•�.
an, Lueknoww, nn Tuesday ewenin;• i`y ���-' �1;/ }* r -:f .
Rev. It. Millyird of the Methodist lee �lt;`! '+ x.-' •,
churoh, Bev. fir. Saunders of the a`.s.L 1.' i;
Anglican elu.-ch. and Bev. tor. 4c. .. LiFI'' Pit Eel '.11' 4.It
Kerrol. of flee I'1^sbyteri in church, like• a '•(u jend io nerd' rs u.•oted when
taking (,art. The sena-,ins were von fe. "err 0. Th.•
brought to Exeter on \Veda •sellas 1t neo In reser
morning. the funeral (:)kin; plaza CIIEH1' I lt(►('I'r.l'(tlt` ANI... AM
at 2.30 p. m, front thenn'
esidee of ()IS SKIN (iAlt1i. 1'i
of Canada.
JOSEPH SNELL a i szer. LADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors
I am paying this week
Wheat a 67c
Oats a 34c
Barley 43 to 45c
Full stock of Lime and
Cement always on
Richard Seldom
Exeter, Centralia
and Clandeboye
is the
Never was it as popular as
at present. If you prefer a
Pure Manitoba Flour try our
new brand
"White Seal"
We have just received an-
n C
change, onreasomableterms.which we will sell cr ex -
=T I M
like the present to slake our
We arc showing an excel-
lent assortment of exclusive
fabrics, that arc well worth
your attention.
Our clothes arc cut "right"
and tailored "rigi.t" and our
prices will fit your purse, as
well as our clothes fit you.
Merchant Tailor
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MOxr:y to l.,a, at lo,eat
Lx North ww,•.t Land+ for Kale.
Office. Main Street, Exeter
For Sale
150 acre f:trrn Township of Stanley,
County Of Huron, half mile from t F
Kipper) market ; 2 acre; orchard
I well watered, good frame house, fine ELLIOTT
, outbuilding+, Price and full panic. //��
Were acres,
application (1(.11). 97ELr.IOrr
//� // (,,,,./:--(4{
50 acres, tow►tship of Stephen, i , 1
county of IIuron, 3 miles to U:Ish• r+^ z CI:
T. 10 n)iles to F..xetcr, soil clay I •u2,021Tn, CI:T. --/
loam, 1-2 core orchard, 1 1-2 story I And he
frame house, outbuildings in (sir re• 1 Y holiness; properly Prepared for
pair, Price (;2000. positions. We deal
only in High Grade Business
Western Etlncation, _ - the kind every
Real Estate + young man and woman should
• r have. Olu• Pt Imo] has now the 1
her brother. \i r. John 11•rwkshaww•, i, In the welter :trod not
wa he•n ' net Cxchange, Limited.
�• largest attendance in ice history
interment bring n1,dr in the F:ger seek the steely side of the-t►•rei in'78 Dundas•h Commence now. Prepare well
e•r St., London ! Anel snreess is certain. No
cemetery. Revs. Hilly 1rv1, of Luck• strdsm: n t r. 1V., haw.' a lee lot of . trouble for our (irartrt:at.ee to gel
rreww rind Peer, of F:xeter, offi•itt(n;.Ithe►n and give you flu.' nntece that ; DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR St'I{ positions ,}
Among fhoa' from , distant le -^,ant Ith#q're chetlter than rlor!or h!Is.' goon, twill be at t1. Commerci11'�: •(-
were !tor syn Mr. Thotn:)s S' lt, of They're made , f hrtth f••Ir .and chem '18 Hotel the first Friday oft eon}, month - ('NI aleRue Frce.
Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Bryn n, of skit,:try!
Con crap r oke yo:1r l .. ir•. Ilotrsp,30 i, m. to (.30 p. m. (,last. W. .1, 'LLlOTi', F rix:eiPal.
Lurknoww : Mrs. .1 Is. Sell. Diem; (� ) )
Mrs. Fred efci)rc)n:)!d. Ifcnsall, and W S.Howey Phm.B les prol�'rly.fit led and.( wetees of eye'' ('or. 1'ongeand Alexander Sta.
J. Wilbur Bryon, of London. ' .. 1 B. ear and nose treated. Next visit
1 Frill ty, ,i;tnuary 111 h, 1007, +++44+++f++++++++++++4+1;
Harvey Bros.
Do You Wish to Visit
California, Mexico,
Florida. or the
"Sunny Souther
Are you anxious to escape the cold
weather and snow and spend the win-
ter in the "Land of Fruit and Flow-
ers?" Winter tourist tickets are on
sale daily and if you are contemplat-
ing a trip see that your tickets are
routed via the (.rand Trunk,
For tickets and full information all
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent
J. 1). McDONALD.
District Passenger Agent. 1 •►ronto
o the rant ! Attend the Famous